
GIPD 8607

Sem: Qualitative Data Analysis

This hands-on course focuses on analysis of qualitative data. “Qualitative data”, refers to interview, focus group, written reports and visual records; hundreds of pages of them. Qualitative data sets will be provided, as there is no time in this short course to engage in primary data collection. Our entire focus will be on a) deciding how to interrogate the data (what is it you wish to know, demonstrate, reveal, test?), b) developing code books and coding, c) inter-coder reliability, and d) a wide variety of analytical approaches you can use, once you have qualitative data reduced and organized.

This course emphasizes the importance of learning-through-doing, making mistakes, and collaborative analysis (qualitative inquiry is almost always improved through collaboration). Your final product will be a written analysis that summarizes your findings.

Intl Policy and Development
Development Practice & Policy
Intl Policy & Management
Requirements Fulfilled:
Equivalent Courses:
DPPG 8607 *
GMPA 8607 *

Sections in Fall 2024 - MIIS, MIIS Second Half of Term

Fall 2024 - MIIS

GIPD8607A-F24 Seminar (Glenzer)