
NPTG 8548


The Chemical Weapons Convention is the first global international disarmament treaty, which deals with chemical weapons as one category of weapons of mass destruction, and entered into force on 29 April 1997. This treaty prohibits development, production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons, and is dealing with their destruction.

The Convention has four pillars – Destruction of chemical weapons and existing stockpiles, Non-proliferation, Assistance and protection and International cooperation. The assistance and protection issues are addressed under Article X. The Convention‟s provisions on assistance and protection have become more significant in terms of the security of Member States. Each Member State has the right to ask for assistance in case of the use or threat of use of chemical weapons, or feels threatened by activities prohibited by Article I of the Convention. The OPCW has the obligation to deliver assistance to a country in need. This assistance may consist of equipment of different types, military or civilian units and expert advice. The enhancement of the Member States‟ protective capacities against CW and the effective functioning of the Convention‟s mechanism for the provision of assistance are indispensable safeguards.

Nonproliferatn&Terrorsm Stdies
Nonproliferatn&Terrorsm Stdies
Intl Policy & Management
Requirements Fulfilled:
Equivalent Courses:
WKSH 8548 *

Sections in Fall 2016 - MIIS, MIIS Waiver "Courses"

Fall 2016 - MIIS, MIIS Workshop

NPTG8548A-F16 Workshop (Farkas)