Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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TIJA 8521

Intrm Written Trans to English

Builds on the theoretical and practical foundation laid in Introduction to Translation and introduces the translation of specialized subject matter. Depending upon the language program in which they are enrolled, students will be expected to acquire and demonstrate basic proficiency in the sight and written translation of either commercial and economic texts, legal texts, or scientific and technical texts. The amount of emphasis accorded to a particular topic will depend on the specific professional requirements of each language program. Course assignments will include readings, research, presentations, practice and graded exercises in sight translation, and practice and graded written translation assignments, including exercises in speed translation. Students will also be expected to take at least one midterm and one final exam. The frequency, nature, and structure of course assignments and examinations are largely at the discretion of the instructor(s) of record.

Prerequisite: Introduction to Translation or equivalent background.

TI - Japanese
Translation & Interpretation
Transltn, Interpret & Lang Edu
Requirements Fulfilled:


Spring 2025 - MIIS

TIJA8521A-S25 Lecture (Mori)

Spring 2024 - MIIS

TIJA8521A-S24 Lecture (Mori)

Spring 2023 - MIIS

TIJA8521A-S23 Lecture (Horowitz)

Spring 2022 - MIIS

TIJA8521A-S22 Lecture (Anderson)

Spring 2021 - MIIS

TIJA8521A-S21 Lecture (Williams)

Spring 2020 - MIIS

TIJA8521A-S20 Lecture (Williams)

Spring 2019 - MIIS

TIJA8521A-S19 Lecture (Williams)

Spring 2018 - MIIS

TIJA8521A-S18 Lecture (Williams)

Spring 2017 - MIIS

TIJA8521A-S17 Lecture (Williams)

Spring 2016 - MIIS

TIJA8521A-S16 Lecture (Williams)

Spring 2015 - MIIS

TIJA8521A-S15 Lecture (Williams)

Spring 2014 - MIIS

TIJA8521A-S14 Lecture (Williams)

Spring 2013 - MIIS

TIJA8521A-S13 Lecture (Williams)