
SPAN 6794

Teaching Technology

Depending on how it is implemented, technology can enhance or detract from foreign language teaching and learning. Therefore, to ensure that technology will benefit learners, teachers must have sufficient knowledge about technology to make principled decisions about its use. In this course students will become familiar with a range of technologies that can be or are currently used to teach Spanish. Based on a review of research on technology-enhanced language learning, students will critically evaluate the capabilities, advantages, and disadvantages of those technologies for use in foreign language teaching and learning, and develop a plan for appropriately integrating technology into their own instructional approaches. (1 unit)

Required text : Materials in electronic form, to be available upon arrival.
Spanish (& Portuguese UG)
Language School
Requirements Fulfilled:


Summer 2008, LS 6 Week Session

SPAN6794A-L08 Lecture (Barrette)