
KOR 3102

Beginning Korean I

An intensive introduction to the Korean language. The course covers most basic grammatical structures and everyday vocabulary items, and introduces Hangul, the writing system. Practices are conducted to develop all four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) in meaningful communicative exercises.

Target OPI rating at the end of the session: Novice High
Textbook: Sogang Korean Compact Series !
Sogang University Korean Language Education
Center Press , Hawoo Publishing/Sogang University
ISBN 978-89-92491-70-9
Korean (LS)
Language School
Requirements Fulfilled:


Summer 2024 Language Schools

KOR3102A-L24 Lecture (Lee, Kim)

Summer 2023 Language Schools

KOR3102A-L23 Lecture (Kim, Gye, Kim)

Summer 2022 Language Schools

KOR3102A-L22 Lecture (Gye, Kim)

Summer 2021 Language Schools

KOR3102A-L21 Lecture (Jang, Cho, Kim, Oh)

Summer 2020 Language Schools

KOR3102A-L20 Lecture (Park, Kim, Oh)

Summer 2019 Language Schools, Mills 8 Week Session

KOR3102A-L19 Lecture (Park, Kim, Kim)

Summer 2018 Language Schools, Mills 8 Week Session

KOR3102A-L18 Lecture (Ha, Kim)

Summer 2017 Language Schools, Mills 8 Week Session

KOR3102A-L17 Lecture (Cho, Eum)

Summer 2016 Language Schools, Mills 8 Week Session

KOR3102A-L16 Lecture (Kim, Kim, Lee)

Summer 2015 Language Schools, Mills 8 Week Session

KOR3102A-L15 Lecture (Cho)