
SENV 3303

Environmental Pollution

We will work in the field and the lab exploring the sources, transport, fate, and remediation of specific environmental pollutants. Our specific focus will be on metal pollution, including analysis of Lake Champlain sediments collected from Middlebury’s research vessel, the RV Folger, and of water and soil samples collected during EPA-guided explorations of the Superfund Elizabeth Mine and Ely Mine sites. Each student will pose a research question; conduct an in-depth investigation of their study site in light of that question; and weave environmental justice, economics, and politics into their scientific findings.
School of the Environment
School of the Environment
School of the Environment
Requirements Fulfilled:

Sections in Summer 2015 Sch of Environment, School of Environment Vermont

Summer 2015 Sch of Environment, School of Environment Vermont

SENV3303A-L15 Lecture (Peterson)