
EDUC 9490

Chinese Grammar Pedagogy

Chinese Grammar Pedagogy is an introduction to Chinese grammar pedagogy that focuses on structured grammar input, pedagogical methods in instructing Chinese grammar, discourse-based approach, types of grammar elicitation designs, and interaction among grammar, context, and pragmatics. It is designed to integrate theories into hands-on practice. The primary goals of this course include gaining insights from readings of books, Chinese pedagogical grammar articles, discussing grammar teachability issues from elementary to advanced levels, writing reaction journals and reflection, training grammar elicitation techniques, and compiling Chinese grammar from authentic content-based materials. The course will also integrate technology, be it Moodle, AdobeConnect, blogging, etc., into the classroom and invite K-16 Chinese linguists and pedagogues in this field through virtual Elluminate web-conferencing tool and recorded presentation, e.g. Professor Jianhua Bai 白建華, Professor Paul Jia, etc. The course will embrace the Monterey Way, be conducted using content-based instruction, be taught in Chinese and use reading materials in English and Chinese. All the assignments except grammar explanation should be written in Chinese. Students have to choose textbooks or authentic materials for their semester project, and are expected to write reaction journals (one article of your choice from the week’s reading), reflection entries (based on what you have learned with your teacher, peers, and online lecturers, etc.), and conduct a 15-20 min rehearsal and real-class teaching demos. The class is a 3+1 combo, which means three-hour classroom time plus one-hour online portion. Meetings during every Thursday evenings 6-8:50 p.m. and make-up classes on some Friday evenings 5:00-7:50 p.m. before Week 8, and you start to choose or develop your own approach to design your lesson plan during week 8 to week 10. We will meet online again in week 11, and resume our classes during week 13. Our teaching demos in week 13, final presentation is in week 15, and your semester project is due on December 10th, 2:00 p.m. (Submit both Paper and e-copy).
Language Education
Transltn, Interpret & Lang Edu
Requirements Fulfilled:

Sections in Fall 2022 - MIIS, MIIS Workshop

Fall 2022 - MIIS

EDUC9490A-F22 Lecture (Dai)