
DPPG 8518

Women's Human Rights:Xcultural

This course will focus on the global women’s human rights norms as embodied in legal instruments such as CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women) and the Beijing Platform for Action. We will explore the process of their formulation, how women’s rights were placed on the global agenda, and the level of acceptance of international policy and global norms by state parties. We will then move to women’s human rights policies and their implementation in national and local contexts. We will investigate how cultural and religious norms complement and/or contradict global norms on women’s rights. We will explore different rights, such and the right to be free from violence of all forms, and the role of men. We will also explore different areas of Development such as Refugees and Migration, Sex Trafficking, Political Participation and Democratization. Finally, we will learn and apply advocacy tools to advance women’s rights. Thus, this course will investigate the policy process from agenda setting to implementation at global and local levels.
Development Practice & Policy
Development Practice & Policy
Intl Policy & Management
Requirements Fulfilled:
Equivalent Courses:
MPAG 8518
IPOL 8518 *

Sections in Fall 2016 - MIIS, MIIS Waiver "Courses"

Fall 2016 - MIIS

DPPG8518A-F16 Lecture (Kardam)