
NPTG 8574

Intro to WMD Nonproliferation

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the issues surrounding the proliferation of nuclear, biological, chemical, and radiological (NBCR) weapons and their means of delivery, the consequences of proliferation, and means to stem it or ameliorate its dangers, including:

• Nuclear, biological, chemical, and radiological weapons technologies

• Means of delivery, including ballistic and cruise missile technology

• Alternative perspectives on the dangers of proliferation and the utility of the term “weapons of mass destruction” (WMD)

• Factors affecting why states do or don’t pursue and obtain nuclear, biological, chemical, and radiological weapons and their means of delivery

• Potential and actual non-state actor pursuit, acquisition, and use of NBCR weapons

• Profiles of key countries and their NBCR programs and policies

• Deterrence vis-à-vis states and non-state actors

• Counterproliferation, including the possible use of force

• The nuclear nonproliferation regime, including the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards system

• The Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC)

• The Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)

• Missile control regimes and other export control arrangements

• Cooperative threat reduction and various post-9/11 initiatives

• Alternative futures, including new nuclear abolition debates

Nonproliferatn&Terrorsm Stdies
Nonproliferatn&Terrorsm Stdies
Intl Policy & Management
Requirements Fulfilled:
Equivalent Courses:
IPOL 8574 *


Spring 2025 - MIIS

NPTG8574A-S25 Lecture

Fall 2024 - MIIS

NPTG8574A-F24 Lecture (Bleek)

Spring 2024 - MIIS

NPTG8574A-S24 Lecture (Bleek)

Fall 2023 - MIIS

NPTG8574A-F23 Lecture (Bleek)

Spring 2023 - MIIS

NPTG8574A-S23 Lecture (Bleek)

Fall 2022 - MIIS

NPTG8574A-F22 Lecture (Bleek)

Spring 2022 - MIIS

NPTG8574A-S22 Lecture (Bleek)

Fall 2021 - MIIS

NPTG8574A-F21 Lecture (Bleek)

Spring 2021 - MIIS

NPTG8574A-S21 Lecture (Bleek)

Fall 2020 - MIIS

NPTG8574A-F20 Lecture (Bleek)
NPTG8574B-F20 Lecture (Bleek)

Fall 2019 - MIIS

NPTG8574A-F19 Lecture (Knopf)
NPTG8574B-F19 Lecture (Knopf)

Spring 2019 - MIIS

NPTG8574A-S19 Lecture (Bleek)

Fall 2018 - MIIS

NPTG8574A-F18 Lecture (Bleek)
NPTG8574B-F18 Lecture (Bleek)

Spring 2018 - MIIS

NPTG8574A-S18 Lecture (Bleek)

Fall 2017 - MIIS

NPTG8574A-F17 Lecture (Bleek)
NPTG8574B-F17 Lecture (Knopf)

Spring 2017 - MIIS

NPTG8574A-S17 Lecture (Bleek)

Fall 2016 - MIIS

NPTG8574A-F16 Lecture (Bleek)
NPTG8574B-F16 Lecture (Knopf)

Spring 2016 - MIIS

NPTG8574A-S16 Lecture (Bleek)

Fall 2015 - MIIS

NPTG8574A-F15 Lecture (Bleek)
NPTG8574B-F15 Lecture (Bleek)

Fall 2014 - MIIS

NPTG8574A-F14 Lecture (Bleek)

Fall 2013 - MIIS

NPTG8574A-F13 Lecture (Bleek)
NPTG8574B-F13 Lecture (Knopf)