
ART 0700

Senior Independent Study I

Advanced Studio I
This course is designed for dedicated students who have taken full advantage of the many different modes of creation offered by the Program in Studio Art. Demonstrated visual literacy is essential before entering this course where you will begin developing an individual voice and practice as a young artist.
Designed to help develop a cohesive body of work with a personal point of view, this course provides the basic tools needed to express artistic intentions visually, verbally, and in writing. Weekly group critiques, class discussions about contemporary art theory/art criticism, and regular one-on-one studio visits with the Studio Art faculty and visiting artists provide a broader context for your artwork. This class culminates with a public exhibition curated and promoted by the class as a whole.
In addition, students are guided in the creation of a professional portfolio, including extensive documentation of the artwork produced and multiple versions of an artist statement, both suitable for submission to artist internships, residencies, or graduate schools.
Graduating seniors enrolled in ART 700 will curate, mount and promote a solo thesis exhibition. They will also create and submit a digital portfolio to be archived by the Program in Studio Art.
Interested students should contact the professor a minimum of one (1) week prior to online registration. Provide a transcript of all completed Studio Art courses, images of work created, and a brief, 1-2 page description of the media you intend to use and the subject matter you wish to further investigate. Students are expected to have completed two Studio Art classes in the medium they wish to explore before applying for ART 700. Approval required. 4 hrs sem./lab.
Studio Art
Program in Studio Art
Requirements Fulfilled:


Spring 2025

ART0700A-S25 Senior Work-disc. or workshop (Schrader)
ART0700Z-S25 Seminar (Schrader)

Fall 2024

ART0700A-F24 Senior Work-disc. or workshop (White)
ART0700Z-F24 Lab (White)

Spring 2024

ART0700A-S24 Senior Work-disc. or workshop (Schrader)
ART0700Z-S24 Seminar (Schrader)

Spring 2023

ART0700A-S23 Senior Work-disc. or workshop (Schrader)
ART0700Z-S23 Seminar (Schrader)

Spring 2022

ART0700A-S22 Senior Work-disc. or workshop (Schrader)
ART0700Z-S22 Seminar (Schrader)

Fall 2021

ART0700A-F21 Senior Work-disc. or workshop (Wallner)
ART0700Z-F21 Discussion (Wallner)

Spring 2021

ART0700A-S21 Senior Work-disc. or workshop (Puerta)
ART0700Z-S21 Seminar (Puerta)

Fall 2020

ART0700A-F20 Senior Work-disc. or workshop (White)
ART0700Z-F20 Discussion (White)

Spring 2020

ART0700A-S20 Senior Work-disc. or workshop (White)

Fall 2019

ART0700A-F19 Senior Work-disc. or workshop (Puerta)
ART0700Z-F19 Discussion (Puerta)

Spring 2019

ART0700A-S19 Senior Work-disc. or workshop (Mirling)
ART0700Z-S19 Discussion (Mirling)

Fall 2018

ART0700A-F18 Senior Work-disc. or workshop (Mirling)
ART0700Z-F18 Discussion (Mirling)

Spring 2018

ART0700A-S18 Senior Work-disc. or workshop (Mirling)
ART0700Z-S18 Discussion (Mirling)

Fall 2017

ART0700A-F17 Senior Work-disc. or workshop (Mirling)
ART0700Z-F17 Discussion (Mirling)

Spring 2017

ART0700A-S17 Seminar (Ransom)
ART0700X-S17 Lab (Ransom)
ART0700Y-S17 Lab (Ransom)
ART0700Z-S17 Lab (Ransom)

Fall 2016

ART0700A-F16 Seminar (Ransom)
ART0700X-F16 Discussion (Ransom)
ART0700Y-F16 Discussion (Ransom)
ART0700Z-F16 Discussion (Ransom)

Spring 2016

ART0700A-S16 Seminar (Mirling)
ART0700Y-S16 Lab (Mirling)
ART0700Z-S16 Lab (Mirling)

Fall 2015

ART0700A-F15 Seminar (Mirling)
ART0700X-F15 Discussion (Mirling)
ART0700Y-F15 Discussion (Mirling)
ART0700Z-F15 Discussion (Mirling)

Spring 2015

ART0700A-S15 Seminar (Mirling)
ART0700X-S15 Lab (Mirling)
ART0700Y-S15 Lab (Mirling)
ART0700Z-S15 Lab (Mirling)

Fall 2014

ART0700A-F14 Seminar (Mirling)
ART0700X-F14 Discussion (Mirling)
ART0700Y-F14 Discussion (Mirling)
ART0700Z-F14 Discussion (Mirling)

Spring 2014

ART0700A-S14 Seminar (Mirling)
ART0700X-S14 Lab (Mirling)
ART0700Y-S14 Lab (Mirling)
ART0700Z-S14 Lab (Mirling)

Fall 2013

ART0700A-F13 Seminar (Mirling)
ART0700B-F13 Seminar (Mirling)
ART0700X-F13 Discussion (Mirling)
ART0700Y-F13 Discussion (Mirling)
ART0700Z-F13 Discussion (Mirling)