
INTD 1102

Hospice and End of Life Care

Hospice and End-of-Life Care
In this course we will explore psychological, sociological, and cultural experiences involving death, learn about the modern hospice movement, palliative care, community services for patients, spirituality and dying, as well as after-death rituals and grief issues. Guest presenters will include members of the local hospice team (nurses, social worker, chaplain, volunteer coordinator, local palliative care physicians), and specialists in bereavement and dementia. We will examine variables that impact the end of life and ways to create a meaningful dying experience. Each student will select a specific interest to explore in depth. This course will include all the elements required to become a certified hospice volunteer for those wishing to work with hospice patients in the community. (Pass/Fail)
Requirements Fulfilled:
non-standard grade SOC WTR


Winter 2017

INTD1102A-W17 Seminar (Unknown)

Winter 2016

INTD1102A-W16 Seminar (Unknown)

Winter 2015

INTD1102A-W15 Seminar (Unknown)

Winter 2014

INTD1102A-W14 Seminar (Unknown)

Winter 2013

INTD1102A-W13 Seminar (Unknown)

Winter 2011

INTD1102A-W11 Seminar (Unknown)