Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

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ART 1030

Art, Craft, & Problem Solving

A Box of Know-How: Art, Craft, and Problem Solving
Creative problem solving. Abstract thinking. Risk taking. Strategic thinking. Adaptability. Are these buzzwords? Perhaps, but they are also skills sought by employers in the 21st century. In this course we will engage sculptural materials and methodologies intended to awaken creative relationship with your hands. Visual assignments using hand and power tools, basic fabrication methods, and mold making skills will develop a wide range of know-how to engage physical and mental problem solving abilities. The kinetic and cerebral skills acquired in this course can be applied to any area of intellectual interest.
Studio Art
Program in Studio Art
Requirements Fulfilled:

Sections in Winter 2017

Winter 2017

ART1030A-W17 Lecture (Ransom)