Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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GEOG 0210

Geopolitics & Intl Development

Geopolitics and International Development
This course critically examines theories and practices of development in the “global-South,” where in many cases development has been inextricably related to foreign interests of donor countries in the West and of Brazil, India, and China. We will emphasize the importance of territory, security, statehood, and sovereignty in the development process and highlight the evolving nexus between geopolitics and development, with a special emphasis on Africa. We will probe the connections between "development" and "underdevelopment," and ask questions about the possible impact of South-South vs. the historical North-South development. We will focus on the contribution of development to progress, on the one hand, and to its stagnation, on the other, and focus on specific issues like food, population dynamics, resources, and rural- urban relationship. 3 hrs. lect.
Social Sciences
Requirements Fulfilled:
Equivalent Courses:


Fall 2022

GEOG0210A-F22 Lecture (Mayer)

Fall 2021

GEOG0210A-F21 Lecture (Mayer)

Fall 2019

GEOG0210A-F19 Lecture (Mayer)

Fall 2015

GEOG0210A-F15 Lecture (McKinney)

Fall 2014

GEOG0210A-F14 Lecture (Mayer)

Fall 2013

GEOG0210A-F13 Lecture (McKinney)

Fall 2012

GEOG0210A-F12 Lecture (McKinney)

Spring 2012

GEOG0210A-S12 Lecture (Mayer)

Spring 2011

GEOG0210A-S11 Lecture (Mayer)

Spring 2010

GEOG0210A-S10 Lecture (Mayer)

Spring 2006

GEOG0210A-S06 Lecture (Mayer)

Spring 2005

GEOG0210A-S05 Lecture (Mayer)

Spring 2004

GEOG0210A-S04 Lecture (Mayer)