Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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CHLA 8431


This course examines and analyzes Chinese stratagems / strategies manifested in historical and modern case studies, be it in the context of national policies and defense, trading and economic growth, public security, human rights, environmental issues, education and contemporary society culture, life, etc. Selected multimedia materials from the Chinese press, films, television, articles, and book chapters are used in this course. Requirements include story-telling narration tasks, guided presentations, review tests, class discussions and final term project. All lectures and discussions are in Chinese.
Language & Intercultural Study
Transltn, Interpret & Lang Edu
Requirements Fulfilled:

Sections in Spring 2024 - MIIS

Spring 2024 - MIIS

CHLA8431A-S24 Lecture (Dai)