BIOL 0420
Nature versus nurture? Genes or environment? Age-old questions of those seeking to understand behavior. If genes can encode hair color, eye color, why can't genes encode aspects of behavior? This seminar will explore the evidence that genes do indeed influence animal behavior by examining three biological processes common across diverse taxa: circadian rhythms, mating behavior, and learning. We will read the primary literature, critically evaluate the data, and design new experiments to address open questions. (BIOL 145, BIOL 140 recommended; Open to Juniors and Seniors). 3 hrs. sem.
Nature versus nurture? Genes or environment? Age-old questions of those seeking to understand behavior. If genes can encode hair color, eye color, why can't genes encode aspects of behavior? This seminar will explore the evidence that genes do indeed influence animal behavior by examining three biological processes common across diverse taxa: circadian rhythms, mating behavior, and learning. We will read the primary literature, critically evaluate the data, and design new experiments to address open questions. (BIOL 145, BIOL 140 recommended; Open to Juniors and Seniors). 3 hrs. sem.