Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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FYSE 1082

Urban Nature

Urban Nature: The Ecology of Cities
Over half of the world's population now lives in urban areas, and this proportion is only expected to grow in the coming decades. Cities are incredibly heterogeneous both within and among urban centers due to variation in both historical and contemporary policies. In this course we will explore how the historical and ongoing structures of urban areas affect the human and non-human occupants of cities through the lens of urban ecology, a growing discipline which explicitly links the physical and social sciences. To develop our understanding of this topic, we will use a combination of field trips, discussions with practitioners whose work touches on aspects of urban ecology, and discussion of primary scientific literature and media materials.
First Year Seminar
First-Year Seminar Program
Requirements Fulfilled:

Sections in Fall 2004, PE - Session I

Fall 2004

FYSE1082A-F04 Seminar (Bleich)