Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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HARC 0235

History of Archit Structure

A History of Architectural Structure
In this course we explore the development of structural form in architecture from the Neolithic to the present. Emphasis is placed on the invention of structural devices (arch, rib vault, dome, truss, space truss, shell, tensile and pneumatic structures) and new building materials (concrete, reinforced concrete, steel). Case studies include the Pyramids, Mycenaean beehive tombs, Greek temples, the Pont- du-Gard near Nîmes, the Pantheon in Rome, Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Gothic cathedrals, Renaissance domes, the bridges, greenhouses and railroad architecture of the Industrial Revolution, Gaudí's catenary structures in Barcelona, Frei Otto's tensile constructions, and the development of the skyscraper in America. 3 hrs lect./3 hrs. lab.
History of Art & Architecture
History of Art & Architecture
Requirements Fulfilled:

Sections in Fall 2003

Fall 2003

HARC0235A-F03 Lecture (Broucke)
HARC0235X-F03 Lab (Broucke)