Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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WRPR 0201

Writing for Social Change

Writing for Social Change
This course explores the many choices we face as speakers and writers when communicating across race, gender, sexuality, religion, culture, class and ability. Drawing on works by W. E. B. Dubois, James Baldwin, Beverly Tatum, Paulo Freire, Dorothy Allison, Arundhati Roy, Amy Tan, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Desmund Tutu, and others, the class explores a range of genres and voices and examines patterns of domination and subordination in diverse cultural contexts. Students will learn strategies for both creative and critical writing and respond to formal and informal writing assignments. The class will hold occasional writing workshops, and final projects will provide opportunities for collaboration.
Writing and Rhetoric Program
Writing and Rhetoric Program
Requirements Fulfilled:
Equivalent Courses:
WAGS 0201


Spring 2013

WRPR0201A-S13 Lecture (Wright)

Fall 2011

WRPR0201A-F11 Lecture (Wright)

Spring 2011

WRPR0201A-S11 Lecture (Wright)

Winter 2010

WRPR0201A-W10 Lecture (Wright)

Spring 2009

WRPR0201A-S09 Lecture (Wright)

Spring 2008

WRPR0201A-S08 Lecture (Wright)

Winter 2007

WRPR0201A-W07 Lecture (Wright)

Winter 2006

WRPR0201A-W06 Lecture (Wright)

Spring 2005

WRPR0201A-S05 Lecture (Wright)