Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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MUSC 1066

American Negro Spiritual

The History of The American Negro Spiritual and Its Influence On Western Civilization
In this course we will survey in broad terms the gathering of indigenous African peoples from numerous tribes and countries for the New World 'slave trade' and its impact on the burgeoning economies. We will discuss the role of religion and music in controlling and focusing the slave population in the agrarian economy. Influences, changes, and trends will be discussed and compared to modern technologies. The role of universities and churches will be discussed (specifically the Fisk Jubilee Singers and other university choirs). Further development will center on how gospel music emerged from this tradition, and how the two are interwoven in today's church. The lives of abolitionists and their legacy will be reviewed. In addition, we will explore the uniqueness of the Harlem Renaissance, its writers, artists, and musicians, and the role of the American Negro Spirituals in their lives and work. Singers and non-singers will be welcome. During the month of January, participants will be required to attend 4 regular Tuesday and Thursday evening chorus rehearsals from 4:30-6:30 p.m. in Mead Chapel to put our classroom theory into practice. As a bonus, the combined ‘ad hoc chorus’ will be asked to sing 3 or 4 Negro Spirituals at the traditional Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration. This course counts as a performance elective or as an elective for courses at the 0200-level and above.
Requirements Fulfilled:
Equivalent Courses:


Winter 2013

MUSC1066A-W13 Lecture (Clemmons)

Winter 2012

MUSC1066A-W12 Lecture (Clemmons)

Winter 2011

MUSC1066A-W11 Lecture (Clemmons)

Winter 2010

MUSC1066A-W10 Lecture (Clemmons)

Winter 2009

MUSC1066A-W09 Lecture (Clemmons)

Winter 2008

MUSC1066A-W08 Lecture (Clemmons)

Winter 2007

MUSC1066A-W07 Lecture (Clemmons)

Winter 2006

MUSC1066A-W06 Lecture (Clemmons)

Winter 2005

MUSC1066A-W05 Lecture (Clemmons)

Winter 2004

MUSC1066A-W04 Lecture (Clemmons)