Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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DANC 0284

Modern Dance History in U.S.

Modern Dance History in the United States: Early Influences to Postmodern Transformations
In this seminar we will focus on the emergence and development of 20th century American concert dance--especially modern and postmodern dance forms--from the confluence of European folk and court dance, African and Caribbean influences, and other American cultural dynamics. We will look at ways in which dance reflects, responds to, and creates its cultural milieu, with special attention to issues of gender, race/ethnicity, and class. Readings, video, and live performance illuminate the artistic products and processes of choreographers whose works mark particular periods or turning points in this unfolding story. Our study is intended to support informed critical articulations and an understanding of the complexity of dance as art. 3 hrs. lect./2 hrs. screen.
Requirements Fulfilled:
Equivalent Courses:
GSFS 0284
WAGS 0284


Spring 2026

DANC0284A-S26 Lecture

Spring 2025

DANC0284A-S25 Lecture (Borni)

Fall 2023

DANC0284A-F23 Lecture (Borni)

Fall 2021

DANC0284A-F21 Lecture (Borni)

Fall 2020

DANC0284A-F20 Lecture (Borni)

Fall 2018

DANC0284A-F18 Lecture (Borni)

Fall 2017

DANC0284A-F17 Lecture (Borni)

Fall 2016

DANC0284A-F16 Lecture (Miranda)

Spring 2016

DANC0284A-S16 Lecture (Hardwig)

Fall 2014

DANC0284A-F14 Lecture (Pollard)

Fall 2012

DANC0284A-F12 Lecture (Campbell)

Fall 2010

DANC0284A-F10 Lecture (Campbell)
DANC0284B-F10 Lecture (Campbell)

Spring 2009

DANC0284A-S09 Lecture (Campbell)
DANC0284Z-S09 Screening (Campbell)

Fall 2006

DANC0284A-F06 Lecture (Campbell)
DANC0284B-F06 Lecture (Campbell)
DANC0284Z-F06 Screening (Campbell)