Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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BIOL 0225

Human Genetics

Human Genetics
In this course we will incorporate both classical and molecular approaches to study the structure and inheritance of the human genome, chromosomes, and genes; gene function; effects of changes in genes and chromosomes; and analysis of the genetic structure of pedigrees and populations. Through lecture, discussion, case studies, and writing projects, we will explore topics including, but not limited to, classical genetics; stem cells and cloning; the Human Genome Project; human origins, and the future of human genetics. In this course we will also illustrate the consequences of mutation by studying human genetic disease and explore some of the societal, ethical, and legal aspects of human genetics.
(BIOL 0140 and 0145 or waiver)
Natural Sciences
Requirements Fulfilled:
Equivalent Courses:
NSCI 0325
BIOL 0425
NSCI 0225


Winter 2026

BIOL0225A-W26 Lecture

Spring 2022

BIOL0225A-S22 Lecture (Christie)

Winter 2013

BIOL0225A-W13 Lecture (Ward)

Spring 2011

BIOL0225A-S11 Lecture (Ward)

Spring 2010

BIOL0225A-S10 Lecture (Ward)

Spring 2009

BIOL0225A-S09 Lecture (Ward)

Spring 2007

BIOL0225A-S07 Lecture (Ward)

Spring 2006

BIOL0225A-S06 Lecture (Ward)

Spring 2005

BIOL0225A-S05 Lecture (Ward)

Spring 2004

BIOL0225A-S04 Lecture (Ward)