
SPAN 0351

Science & Latin Am Lit

Science and Latin American Literature
In 1959, British novelist and scientist C.P. Snow argued that the breakdown in communication between the sciences and the humanities was a major obstacle to solving the world's problems. In this course we will explore the intersections of Snow's “two cultures,” science and literature, in Latin American narrative. We will examine how works of literature are informed by scientific thinking, how they reflect attitudes toward science and technology, and how the discourse of science functions within their discursive fields. By looking at narratives that engage evolutionary theory, mathematics, chaos theory, quantum physics, medicine, and cybertext, this course will explore the relations of culture, literature, the sciences, and technology in Latin America. Readings will include works by Sigüenza y Góngora, Borges, Cortázar, Bioy Casares, García Márquez, Giardinelli, Paz Soldán, and Iparraguirre. This course satisfies the IS advanced language requirement in Spanish. (At least two Spanish courses at the 0300 level or above, or by waiver) 3 hrs. lect./disc.
Spanish (& Portuguese UG)
Requirements Fulfilled:

Sections in Spring 2011, School Abroad Germany (Berlin)

Spring 2011

SPAN0351A-S11 Lecture (Fernandez)