
PHYS 0255

Intro to Astrophysics

An Introduction to Astrophysics
In this course students will learn the fundamental concepts and techniques used by astronomers to understand the universe and its contents. These include the physics of light (which conveys the properties of astrophysical phenomena) and gravity (the fundamental force that drives orbits). We will apply these techniques to learn about the physics of stars including stellar interiors and stellar atmospheres as well as their nuclear energy generation processes. We will use real astrophysical data to explore the wide-ranging properties of stars and stellar evolution from birth to death. Students will engage with the literature and learn to use data analysis tools, including Python programming, to analyze real data. No prior experience with programming is required. 3 hrs. lect. 1 hour discussion (PHYS 0110 OR PHYS 0111 OR PHYS 0114) AND (PHYS 0212 OR PHYS 0214 OR PHYS 0216 OR MATH 0223)
Natural Sciences
Requirements Fulfilled:


Fall 2025

PHYS0255A-F25 Lecture
PHYS0255Z-F25 Discussion

Spring 2025

PHYS0255A-S25 Lecture (Dunham)
PHYS0255Z-S25 Discussion (Dunham)

Spring 2024

PHYS0255A-S24 Lecture (Glikman)
PHYS0255Z-S24 Discussion (Glikman)

Fall 2022

PHYS0255A-F22 Lecture (Glikman)

Fall 2021

PHYS0255A-F21 Lecture (Glikman)

Spring 2021

PHYS0255A-S21 Lecture (Glikman)