
MIIS 8510

Educational Research Methods

Educational Research Methods
Introduces social science research design, descriptive and analytic procedures, basic statistics, and their application to research on language learning and teaching. The dates of this course are SEPTEMBER 6 through DECEMBER 16. Registering for this course signals your interest in taking the course. You will be notified via email on August 21 whether you can officially enroll in the course.
Middlebury Institute
Language Education
Transltn, Interpret & Lang Edu
Requirements Fulfilled:


Fall 2023, MIIS courses in College Term

MIIS8510B-F23 Lecture (Jourdenais)

Fall 2022, MIIS courses in College Term

MIIS8510B-F22 Lecture (Jourdenais)

Fall 2021, MIIS courses in College Term

MIIS8510A-F21 Lecture (Martel)

Fall 2020

MIIS8510A-F20 Lecture (Ortactepe)
MIIS8510B-F20 Lecture (Ortactepe)