
BIOL 0365

Molecular Microbial Ecology

Molecular Microbial Ecology
Molecular microbial ecology (MME) uses leading-edge molecular tools to study the interactions and diversity of microorganisms in the natural environment. MME covers topics ranging from ancient polar microbes, the human microbiome, and possibly life beyond Earth. This course will discuss papers that highlight modern technical approaches and form the current theoretical framework in microbial ecology. The laboratory will examine the structure (who is there) and function (what are they doing) of microbial communities in environmental samples. We will cultivate novel microorganisms and analyze nucleic acids via community fingerprinting, functional gene analysis, and the computational exploration of metagenomic datasets.  (BIOL 0140, BIOL 0145 and CHEM 0103 or 0104 or waiver) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab
Natural Sciences
Requirements Fulfilled:


Spring 2025

BIOL0365A-S25 Lecture (Eggleston)
BIOL0365Z-S25 Lab (Eggleston)

Fall 2022

BIOL0365A-F22 Lecture (Eggleston)
BIOL0365Z-F22 Lab (Eggleston)

Fall 2020

BIOL0365A-F20 Lecture (Eggleston)
BIOL0365Z-F20 Lab (Eggleston)

Spring 2020

BIOL0365A-S20 Lecture (Eggleston)
BIOL0365Z-S20 Lab (Eggleston)

Spring 2019

BIOL0365A-S19 Lecture (Eggleston)
BIOL0365Z-S19 Lab (Eggleston)

Spring 2018

BIOL0365A-S18 Lecture (Eggleston)
BIOL0365Z-S18 Lab (Eggleston)

Fall 2015

BIOL0365A-F15 Lecture (Mikucki)
BIOL0365Z-F15 Lab (Mikucki)