DANC 1011
Experiential Anatomy & Yoga
Experiential Anatomy and Yoga
Experiential anatomy involves learning about the body through the body. In this anatomy and kinesiology course, we will study the skeletal system, plus aspects of the neuro-muscular, endocrine, organ, and circulatory systems. Yoga labs and a final creative project will extend the coursework into movement. Required texts will include The Anatomy Coloring Book; Bodystories; Yoga: Body, Mind, Spirit, and Light on Life. (This course is not open to students who have taken DANC 0376.) Each student will be expected to purchase a yoga mat, costing approximately $25.00.
Experiential anatomy involves learning about the body through the body. In this anatomy and kinesiology course, we will study the skeletal system, plus aspects of the neuro-muscular, endocrine, organ, and circulatory systems. Yoga labs and a final creative project will extend the coursework into movement. Required texts will include The Anatomy Coloring Book; Bodystories; Yoga: Body, Mind, Spirit, and Light on Life. (This course is not open to students who have taken DANC 0376.) Each student will be expected to purchase a yoga mat, costing approximately $25.00.