
SPAN 6560

Literary & Film Analysis

Literary and Film Analysis
This course will introduce the graduate student to the techniques of literary and film analysis, critical thinking, reading, and interpreting Hispanic literary texts. It is divided into four segments, each of which is devoted to the analytic strategies pertinent to one major genre: narrative, poetry, drama, and cinema. Each student will write several papers and actively participate in class discussions. (1 unit)
Required texts: Antonio Sobejano-Morán. Tornasol. Guía para la interpretación de textos literarios y cine. 3rd. ed. Panda Publicatons/ Wilkes Barre: Pennsylvania, 2021. ISBN: 978-0-981-8392-9-5
Mariana Enríquez/ Laura Datolli. Chicos que vuelven. La María: Eduvim, 2015. ISBN: 978-987-699-304-3
Spanish (& Portuguese UG)
Language School
Requirements Fulfilled:
Equivalent Courses:

Sections in Summer 2005, LS 7 Week Session

Summer 2005, LS 6 Week Session

SPAN6560A-L05 Lecture (Valko)
SPAN6560B-L05 Lecture (Daneri)
SPAN6560C-L05 Lecture (Ramos-Tremolada)
SPAN6560D-L05 Lecture (Evangelista de Gonzalez)
SPAN6560E-L05 Lecture (Opere)
SPAN6560F-L05 Lecture (Murphy)
SPAN6560G-L05 Lecture (Roses-Lozano)
SPAN6560H-L05 Lecture (Henseler)
SPAN6560I-L05 Lecture (Schulman)