
ITDG 8515

Intro TradePolcy &Institutions

Introduction to International Trade Policy and Institutions

This course provides a multidimensional introduction to international trade policy. The course is structured to provide students with a thorough understanding of the political economy of trade and the ever-evolving nature of policy issues that are confronted by those engaged in international trade. Its purpose is to provide students with an understanding of international trade economics, rules, politics and institutions, and the major policy issues facing the global trading system. The course begins with an exploration of the theories of international political economy, the rationales for free trade & protection, the distributional impact of trade, and the challenges presented by deeper international economic integration. The course then considers the World Trade Organization (WTO). It explores negotiation mechanisms and principles, and the rules relating to market access, dispute settlement, fair trade, safeguards and trade-related intellectual property (TRIPs). The final section considers major issues facing the global trading system. These include regional trading arrangements, foreign investment, labor standards, trade and environment and the implication of the current global financial crisis on international trade.

Intl Trade& Economic Diplomacy
Intl Trade& Economic Diplomacy
Intl Policy & Management
Requirements Fulfilled:
Equivalent Courses:
INTG 8515
IPOL 8515 *
IPSG 8515


Fall 2025 - MIIS

ITDG8515A-F25 Lecture

Fall 2024 - MIIS

ITDG8515A-F24 Lecture (Liang)

Fall 2023 - MIIS

ITDG8515A-F23 Lecture (Liang)

Fall 2022 - MIIS

ITDG8515A-F22 Lecture (Liang)

Fall 2021 - MIIS

ITDG8515A-F21 Lecture (Liang)

Fall 2020 - MIIS

ITDG8515A-F20 Lecture (Beleny)

Fall 2019 - MIIS

ITDG8515A-F19 Lecture (Liang)

Fall 2018 - MIIS

ITDG8515A-F18 Lecture (Liang)

Fall 2017 - MIIS

ITDG8515A-F17 Lecture (Liang)

Fall 2016 - MIIS

ITDG8515A-F16 Lecture (Liang)

Fall 2015 - MIIS

ITDG8515A-F15 Lecture (Liang)