
RUSS 6665

Russian Reform & Reformers

Analysis of the most significant reforms in Russian history helps to penetrate into the logic of modern Russian modernization. The starting point of the course is Peter the Great and his reforms, which resulted in the creation of a new type of state, new mode of life, new world outlook and relations with other countries. Peter’s reforms brought Russia to a different quality of existence and history but at the same time highlighted the limitations of such modernization.

The history of the 18th century is marked by a set of reforms undertaken by Catherine the Second. A special place in the course is reserved for analyses of the reforms aimed at the abolition of serfdom – starting with the first timid attempts to “modernize” it up to the decision for complete abolition. Given the importance of the “peasant issue” in Russia, Stolipin’s reforms, which proved to be way ahead of their time, are of great interest and importance. The Soviet epoch is to be explored through analysis of Stalin’s modernization, Khrushchev’s reforms and various attempts to make the Soviet economy more efficient in the 1960’s. The closing theme of the course is the analysis of the modern attempts to modernize Russia. Together with reforms themselves the course is focused on the most prominent Russian reformers as well as the feedback on their policy coming from the grass-roots level.
Language School
Requirements Fulfilled:

Sections in Summer 2010

Summer 2010, LS 6 Week Session

RUSS6665A-L10 Lecture (Logunov)