
FREN 6512

Applied Stylistics II

Applied Stylistics II
Textual Cohesion and Coherence

This course will help students become familiar with certain linguistics mechanisms that build coherence/cohesion within a text: lexical and grammatical substitutes, alternating “thème/rhème”, modal qualifiers and argumentative connectors. We will analyze these linguistic and textual processes. Students will write various short texts: descriptive, explicative, and argumentative. The purpose of the course is to reach clarity and to express nuances using textual analysis and producing written texts.

No Required Texts.
Language School
Requirements Fulfilled:
Language & Stylistics


Summer 2024 Language Schools, LS 6 Week Session

FREN6512A-L24 Lecture (Some)
FREN6512B-L24 Lecture (Some)

Summer 2023 Language Schools, LS 6 Week Session

FREN6512A-L23 Lecture (Some)

Summer 2022 Language Schools, LS 6 Week Session

FREN6512A-L22 Lecture (Some)

Summer 2021 Language Schools, LS 6 Week Session

FREN6512A-L21 Lecture (Bremond)

Summer 2020 Language Schools, LS 7 Week Session

FREN6512A-L20 Lecture (Bremond)