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Course Catalog - Middlebury College - Fall 2021, Spring 2022

Course Catalog - Middlebury College - Fall 2021, Spring 2022

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African American Studies Minor

Professors: William Nash (American studies and English and American literature) Ellen Oxfeld (sociology/anthropology), James Ralph (history); Associate Professors: William Hart (history); Jessyka Finley (American Studies); Program Coordinator: Diane Burnham

This program offers a minor in African American studies to students who complete the following requirements:
(1) The following core courses, designed to offer theoretical perspectives and broad background:
* HIST 0225 African American History
* AMST 0224 Race and Ethnicity in the US
 (2) Two of the following courses, which are more focused explorations of a part of the African American experience:
* AMST 0310 Livin for the City
* ENAM/AMST 0252 African American Literature
* HIST/AMST 0226 The Civil Rights Revolution
*AMST 0107 Intro to African American Culture
*AMST/GSFS 0204 Black Comic Cultures
*AMST/GSFS 0208 Unruly Bodies: Black Womanhood in Popular Culture
*AMST 0345 Black Lives Matter
*AMST/SOCI 0348 Black Ethnography
AMST 0259 Re-Presenting Slavery
(3) One advanced, relevant 0400 level course or an independent 0500-level project.
Other appropriate courses offered during the fall and spring semesters, or during the winter term, may be substituted for courses in category 2 at the discretion of the program director. The director or minor advisor will also approve courses to count in category 3.

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African Studies Minor

Professors: Armelle Crouzieres-Ingenthron (French), Jacob Tropp (History), Michael Sheridan (Anthropology); Associate Professors: Nadia Horning (Political Science), Damascus Kafumbe (Music); Assistant Professors: Obie Porteous (Economics), Natasha Ngaiza (Film and Media Culture); GIS Teaching Fellow: Niwaeli Kimambo (Geography)

This program offers a minor in African Studies to students who complete the following requirements:

Students who plan to minor in African Studies must take five courses on Africa (as determined by the director of the African Studies minor, in consultation with the African Studies faculty), three of which must be taken at Middlebury

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Program in American Studies

Requirements: A minimum of eleven courses including AMST 0209, AMST 0210, AMST 0400, three AMST electives, four courses in a concentration designed in consultation with a faculty advisor, and AMST 0701 or one additional elective numbered 0200 or higher.   
Electives: Three AMST electives, two of which must be numbered 0200 or higher.  These courses must be listed or cross-listed as AMST courses in the course catalog.  Courses may not count toward both the elective and concentration requirements.
Junior Seminar (AMST 0400): Students should normally take this seminar in the Fall of their Junior year.  Where compelling circumstances make doing this impossible, arrangements to take the course as a senior may be made with the director of the American Studies program.

Senior Project (AMST 0701):  AMST majors may enroll in AMST 0701, where they will complete a substantial research project in consultation with an AMST faculty adviser. Research projects are subject to approval by the AMST faculty, who will pair each approved project with an appropriate faculty adviser. Students who envision an AMST 701 project requiring collaboration must be granted departmental approval.  Normally, AMST senior projects will be completed in one semester. The senior project may take the form of a formal written document, a multi-media project such as a video, a web project, a creative activity such as a performance, or an installation project. An oral defense is part of senior work. Senior work is one of the requirements for departmental honors (see Honors section of AMST major requirements).

Honors:  Honors will be based on a student's cumulative AMST record and the quality of their AMST 0701 project.

Concentrations: Concentrations must bring together coherent clusters of four courses that address particular themes, periods, movements, or modes of thought and expression. In consultation with an advisor and with approval of the program, students will develop an interdisciplinary concentration in one of these areas: 
Popular Culture: Students will study popular cultural forms, their reception, and the history of their production in the United States.  Courses will especially focus on the conflicts between popular culture as a site of creativity and democratic empowerment on the one hand, and as a product of dominant commercialized cultural industries on the other.
Race and Ethnicity: Students will examine specific groups in depth and in comparison, exploring racial and ethnic history, political struggles, creative and cultural practices, and individual and collective modes of identity formation.  By studying how and why racial and ethnic identities have evolved in the United States, students will understand their central place in the formation of the American nation.
Artistic and Intellectual Traditions: Students will focus on literary, religious, philosophical, and social thought and its expression in the United States.  They will be encouraged to examine particular currents of thought (e. g. evangelicalism, liberalism, romanticism, modernism, progressivism) or modes of expression (e.g. literature, visual art, or film) that have been important to American culture. 
Space and Place: Students will explore the importance of landscape and place in American culture.  Course work may include the study of American regional geography, the historical and aesthetic dimensions of the built environment, the impacts of urban growth, suburbanization, or the imagining of utopian spaces. 
Cultural Politics: Students will explore the relationship between culture, ideology, and the political system.  People create meaning about their personal and public lives through cultural practices, but those practices take place within institutional and ideological structures.  Relevant courses might explore ethics and religion; political parties and social movements; feminism and gender studies; and representation and visual culture.
Self-Designed Concentration: Self-designed concentrations must be built in close consultation with a faculty advisor and should focus on a cultural theme or interdisciplinary area of inquiry.  Potential topics might include: Gender & American Culture; American Environmentalism; Visual Culture; Industrialization of America; and Immigration and Cultural Exchanges.
Joint Major Requirements: Students may major in AMST jointly with another discipline or program. Students must discuss their rationale for doing so with their advisor in AMST and joint majors must be approved by the faculty in AMST. Required courses for a joint major in AMST are: AMST 0209, AMST 0210, AMST 0400, and 3 AMST electives.
Minor Requirements: Students may complete a minor in American Studies by taking the following courses: AMST 0210, AMST 0209, AMST 0400, three AMST electives.
Study Abroad for American Studies Majors: The faculty members of the Program in American Studies recognize the benefits of cross-cultural learning and encourage majors to take advantage of study abroad opportunities. Often students returning from study abroad undertake senior work that responds to their cultural learning while abroad. We encourage students to take courses in their study abroad program that focus on the host culture and thereby allow the best opportunity for cultural comparison.
American Studies majors normally take AMST 0400, a required seminar, in the fall semester of their junior year. Under compelling circumstances that leave only the fall available as an option for study abroad, majors may be able to take AMST 0400 in the fall semester of their senior year. Such arrangements must be discussed in advance with, and approved by, the director of the American Studies program. The American Studies program enjoys being host to exchange students from the American studies programs at the Universities of East Anglia and Nottingham in Great Britain.



AMST 0101 Intro to American Studies: (Spring 2022)

Topic is determined by the instructor - refer to section for the course description.

AMST 0104 Television and American Culture (Fall 2021)

This course explores American life in the last seven decades through an analysis of our central medium: television. Spanning a history of television from its origins in radio to today’s digital convergence via YouTube and Netflix, we will consider television's role in both representing and constituting American society through a variety of approaches, including: the economics of the television industry, television's role within American democracy, the formal attributes of various television genres, television as a site of gender and racial identity formation, television's role in everyday life, the medium's technological transformations, and television as a site of global cultural exchange. 3 hrs. lect./disc. / 3 hrs. screen AMR, NOR, SOC (J. Mittell)
Cross-listed as: FMMC 0104 *

AMST 0175 Immigrant America (Fall 2021)

In this course we will trace American immigration history from the late 19th to the turn of the 21st century, and examine the essential place immigration has occupied in the making of modern America and American culture. The central themes of this course will be industrialization and labor migrations, aftermaths of wars and refugees, constructions of racial categories and ethnic community identities, legal defining of "aliens" and citizenship, and diversity in immigrant experiences. To explore these themes, we will engage a range of sources including memoirs, novels, oral histories, and films. AMR, HIS, NOR (R. Joo)

AMST 0203 Media, Sports, & Identity (Fall 2021)

In this course we will examine the relationship between media, sports, and the formulation of one’s identity. We will examine issues pertaining to gender identification, violence, and hero worship. Reading critical essays on the subject, studying media coverage of sporting events, and writing short analytical essays will enable us to determine key elements concerning how sports are contextualized in American culture. Student essays will form the basis of a more in-depth inquiry that each student will then present, using media, at the end of the course. (Not open to students who have taken WRPR 1002) AMR, CW, NOR, SOC (H. Vila)
Cross-listed as: WRPR 0203 *

AMST 0206 Nineteenth-Century American Literature (Fall 2021)

This course will examine major developments in the literary world of 19th century America. Specific topics to be addressed might include the transition from Romanticism to Regionalism and Realism, the origins and evolution of the novel in the United States, and the tensions arising from the emergence of a commercial marketplace for literature. Attention will also be paid to the rise of women as literary professionals in America and the persistent problematizing of race and slavery. Among others, authors may include J. F. Cooper, Emerson, Melville, Douglass, Chopin, Whitman, Dickinson, Twain, Hawthorne, Stowe, Alcott, Wharton, and James. 3 hrs. lect./disc. AMR, LIT, NOR (B. Millier)
Cross-listed as: ENAM 0206 *

AMST 0209 American Literature and Culture: Origins-1830 (Fall 2021)

A study of literary and other cultural forms in early America, including gravestones, architecture, furniture and visual art. We will consider how writing and these other forms gave life to ideas about religion, diversity, civic obligation and individual rights that dominated not only colonial life but that continue to influence notions of "Americanness" into the present day. Required for all majors and minors.3 hrs. lect./disc. AMR, LIT, NOR (E. Foutch)
Cross-listed as: ENAM 0209

AMST 0210 Formation of Modern American Culture I: 1830-1919 (Spring 2022)

An introduction to the study of American culture from 1830 through World War I with an emphasis on the changing shape of popular, mass, and elite cultural forms. We will explore a widely-accepted scholarly notion that a new, distinctively national and modern culture emerged during this period and that particular ideas of social formation (race, class, gender, sexuality, etc.) came with it. We will practice the interdisciplinary interpretation of American culture by exploring a wide range of subjects and media: economic change, social class, biography and autobiography, politics, photo-journalism, novels, architecture, painting, and photography. Required of all American studies majors and minors. 3 hrs. lect./disc. AMR, HIS, NOR

AMST 0215 Football and Higher Education (Fall 2021)

Football originated on US campuses, and its 150-year history reflects the vibrant, uneasy relation between sports and higher education. The first "big time" college sport in the United States, football became a media spectacle in the 1890s, and since then critics have debated the game's violence, educational merits, commercial trappings, and bearing on college admissions policies. The course will move from the 19th century to the present, tracing the sport's cultural meanings, its relation to class identity and gender roles, and its educational mission, including the sport's regulation by the NCAA. We will take an interdisciplinary approach to these issues, and readings may include literary and secondary works by Steve Almond, Owen Johnson, Dave Meggyesy, and Michael Oriard. 3 hrs. lect. AMR, HIS, NOR, SOC (T. Spears)

AMST 0234 American Consumer Culture (Fall 2021)

For many Americans in the 20th century, consumer goods came to embody the promise of the "good life." Yet mass consumption also fostered economic, political, and social inequalities and engendered anti-consumerist activism. In this course we will pursue an interdisciplinary approach to American consumer culture, focusing on the rise of commercialized leisure and advertising; the role of radio, television, and film in shaping consumer practices; and the relationship of consumerism to social inequality and democratic citizenship. Readings will include works by Veblen, Marcuse, Bordieu, Marchand, Cohen, and Schor. 3 hrs. lect. AMR, HIS, NOR (H. Allen)

AMST 0240 Captivity Narratives (Spring 2022)

Captivity narratives—first-person accounts of people's experiences of being forcibly taken and held against their will by an "other"—were immensely popular and important in early America; the captivity motif has been perpetuated and transformed throughout later American literature and film. In this course we will explore what these types of tales reveal about how Americans have handled the issues of race and racism, religion, gender, violence and sexuality that experiences of captivity entail. Beginning with classic Puritan narratives (Mary Rowlandson) and moving forward through the 19th and 20th centuries, we will consider the ways that novels (The Last of the Mohicans), autobiographies (Patty Hearst, Iraqi captivity of Pvt. Jessica Lynch) and films (The Searchers, Little Big Man, Dances with Wolves) do cultural work in shaping and challenging images of American national identity. 3 hrs. lect. (Diversity) AMR, ART, LIT, NOR

AMST 0252 African American Literature (Fall 2021)

This course surveys developments in African American fiction, drama, poetry, and essays during the 20th century. Reading texts in their social, historical, and cultural contexts—and often in conjunction with other African American art forms like music and visual art—we will explore the evolution and deployment of various visions of black being and black artistry, from the Harlem Renaissance through social realism and the Black Arts Movement, to the contemporary post-soul aesthetic. Authors may include Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Gwendolyn Brooks, Ralph Ellison, Lorraine Hansberry, Amiri Baraka, Ishmael Reed, Toni Morrison, Charles Johnson, and Octavia Butler. This course may also be counted as a general elective or REC elective for the ENAM major. 3 hrs lect./disc. (Diversity)/ AMR, LIT, NOR (W. Nash)
Cross-listed as: BLST 0252

AMST 0259 Re-Presenting Slavery (Spring 2022)

In this course we will examine 20th century American portrayals of chattel slavery through creative works and situate them in their historical contexts. Working primarily with fiction (Oxherding Tale, Kindred, The Underground Railroad), film (Mandingo, Django Unchained, Twelve Years a Slave), television (Roots, Africans in America, Underground), and visual art (works by Jacob Lawrence, Romare Bearden, and Kara Walker), we will evaluate how those various representations of the “Peculiar Institution” have changed, and/or have been changed, by the cultural moments in which they appeared. This course may also be counted as a general elective or REC elective for the ENAM major. 3 hrs lect. AMR, ART, HIS, NOR
Cross-listed as: BLST 0259

AMST 0260 American Disability Studies: History, Meanings, and Cultures (Fall 2021)

In this course we will examine the history, meanings, and realities of disability in the United States. We will analyze the social, political, economic, environmental, and material factors that shape the meanings of "disability," examining changes and continuities over time. Students will draw critical attention to the connections between disability, race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, socioeconomic status, and age in American and transnational contexts. Diverse sources, including films and television shows, music, advertising, fiction, memoirs, and material objects, encourage inter and multi-disciplinary approaches to disability. Central themes we consider include language, privilege, community, citizenship, education, medicine and technology, and representation. AMR, HIS, NOR, SOC (S. Burch)

AMST 0262 Class, Culture, and Representation (Fall 2021)

In this course we will examine the contested meanings of social class in U.S. culture from 1930 to the present. We will ask the following: How have workers, the workplace, and economic inequality been imagined in U.S. film, art, and popular culture? How have categories such as race, gender, and sexuality informed ideas about class? And how do the realities of economic inequality mesh with civic narratives of meritocracy and the “American Dream”? Readings will include works by Barbara Ehrenreich, Studs Terkel, Tillie Olsen, and Helena Maria Vilamontes. Films, music, and other media will supplement written materials. 3 hrs. lect. AMR, HIS, NOR (H. Allen)

AMST 0264 Chicagoland (Spring 2022)

In this course we will explore Chicago’s significance by focusing on its physical and spatial character. Moving from the 19th to the 21st century, we will examine the 1871 fire; the 1893 World’s Fair; the settlement house movement; the rise of modern architecture; the emergence of Black Chicago and development of a multi-ethnic, multi-class metropolis spread across various neighborhoods and suburbs; and recent planning efforts to revitalize the city as a space for all Chicagoans. Interdisciplinary in scope, the course will draw on a range of texts and theoretical perspectives to show the generative importance of Chicago’s rich and varied landscape. 3 hrs. lect. AMR, HIS, NOR
Cross-listed as: HIST 0264

AMST 0272 Mastodons, Mermaids, and Dioramas: Capturing Nature in America (Fall 2021)

Why did 18th-century museums stuff and mount exotic and domestic animals? Why does the American Museum of Natural History still house dioramas of so-called native peoples hunting? How has the study and staging of nature transferred into various kinds of artistic expression? In this course we will examine the intertwining of art, science, and ecology in the United States from the 1700s to the present day. Objects of study will include museum dioramas, scientific models, artifacts and artworks collected during scientific expeditions, and the work of Walton Ford and Christy Rupp, contemporary artists whose work engages ecological issues. (not open to students who have taken FYSE 1447) (formerly AMST 0214) 3 hrs. lect. AMR, ART, CW, NOR (E. Foutch)
Cross-listed as: HARC 0272

AMST 0273 Art&Material Culture Am Home (Spring 2022)

Art and Material Culture of American (US) Middle-class home
In this course we will consider the effects of technology and mechanical reproduction on the United States home, from prints to posters, houseplants to aquariums, mass-produced decorations to home-made crafts. We will also study the culture of at-home visual entertainments, from early “magic lanterns” and optical toys to the effects of televisions and computers on perception and social life. How do race, class, gender, and issues of labor and leisure inflect the middle-class domestic sphere and relate to social concerns outside the home? We will also examine the work of contemporary artists inspired by the aesthetics and social relationships of the United States middle-class home, including Martha Rosler, Mona Hatoum, and Laurie Simmons. 3 hrs. lect. AMR, ART, NOR

AMST 0281 Viewer Discretion Advised: Controversies in American Art & Museums, 1876-Present (Spring 2022)

What are the “culture wars,” and why do they matter? What ideas are considered too “obscene” for American audiences? In this course we will explore controversies and scandals sparked by public displays of art in the U.S. including: Eakins’s Gross Clinic (1876), seen as too “bloody” for an art exhibition; the U.S. Navy’s objections to Paul Cadmus’s painting of sailors (1934); censorship and NEA budget cuts (Mapplethorpe & Serrano, 1989); backlash to The West as America’s deconstruction of myths of the frontier (1991); tensions surrounding Colonial Williamsburg’s “slave auction” reenactment (1994); debates over the continued display (and occasional defacement) of Confederate monuments in the era of the Black Lives Matter Movement. (open to AMST, HARC and ART majors only, other by approval) 3 hrs. lect./disc. AMR, ART, HIS, NOR

AMST 0282 Reconstructing Literature: Realism, Regionalism, and the American scene, 1870-1919 (Pre-1900 AL) (Fall 2021)

American literature evolved in the late 1800s as a new generation of writers portrayed a rapidly changing culture, transformed by urbanization, industrial growth, immigration, class tensions, new roles for women, shifting race relations, and demographic transformations that seemed to split the nation into city and country. While realism was an effort to describe “life as it is” and regionalism focused on the distinctive features of specific places, both modes of representation stemmed from historical forces that were reshaping the nation. Works to be covered may include fiction by William Dean Howells, Charles Chesnutt, Sarah Orne Jewett, Kate Chopin, and Theodore Dreiser. 3 hrs. lect. AMR, HIS, LIT, NOR (T. Spears)
Cross-listed as: ENAM 0282 *

AMST 0291 Portraits of the Lady: The New Woman in American Literature & Culture (Fall 2021)

At the end of the 19th century, women fought against restrictions limiting their sphere of influence. As they sought to exercise more control over their lives personally, socially, and economically, this “New Woman,” and the way she was changing the face of society, became a popular subject in literature and art. In this course we will consider portraits of women by well-known American authors (such as James, Chopin, Wharton, Sui Sin Far, Cather, Larsen, Hurston) alongside those by prominent painters, sculptors, photographers, illustrators, and filmmakers. We will consider how representations of women through the early twentieth century embodied the values of the nation and codified both the fears and aspirations of its citizens. 3 hrs. lect. AMR, ART, LIT, NOR (D. Evans)
Cross-listed as: ENAM 0291

AMST 0302 Love, Sex, Race, and Disability (Spring 2022)

In this course we will explore the connections between gender and sexuality, race, and disability. Culture and representation, understandings of diversity and difference, and contexts (political, social, and historical) will provide central areas of study. Comparing and integrating topics and perspectives, we will critically analyze the constructions and politics of identity (and multiple identities) and historical perspectives on gender and sexuality, race, and disability. We also will consider the impact of education and activism, as well as the meanings of intimate relationships across and between genders and sexualities, races, and disabilities. Our work will foster a fundamental reexamination of American life and history through its study of bodies and minds, identities, languages, cultures, citizenship and rights, power and authority, what is a "natural" and "unnatural." This course will draw on diverse sources, including documentary and Hollywood films, poetry and short fiction, academic texts, such as Freakery, Gendering Disability and Disability and the Teaching of Writing, and memoirs, such as Eli Clare's Exile and Pride. AMR, NOR, SOC

AMST 0307 Issues in Critical Disability Studies: U.S. and the World (Fall 2021)

Disability as a category and as lived experience plays an important but often overlooked role in national, transnational, and global contexts. In this course we will explore disability’s changing meanings in the United States and around the World. Comparative and transnational approaches will draw our attention to disability’s many meanings across wide-ranging historical, cultural, and geographical settings. Foundational concepts and principles, including ableism and Universal Design, shape our critical inquiry. Key themes frame the course: access, language, power, violence, normalcy, identity, community, institutions, and rights and justice. We will engage with diverse primary sources, from memoirs and documentary films to advertisements, material objects, and oral histories. 3 hrs. lect. AMR, CMP, HIS, NOR, SOC (S. Burch)

AMST 0325 American Misogyny (Spring 2022)

In this course we will explore the place of misogyny in U.S. media and politics. Early topics will include film noir, Cold War gender scapegoating, and lesbian pulp fiction. Subsequent topics will include the backlash against second-wave feminism, the rise of “post-feminism,” and the impact of reality TV and social media on feminist and antifeminist expression. We will conclude by examining how misogyny informs U.S. culture and politics in the Trump era. Throughout the course, we will consider how discourses of misogyny are inflected by white, cisgender, ableist, ageist, and class privilege. 3 hrs. lect. AMR, HIS, NOR

AMST 0358 Reading, Slavery, and Abolition (Fall 2021)

In this course we will study both black and white writers' psychological responses to, and their verbal onslaughts on, the "peculiar institution" of chattel slavery. We will work chronologically and across genres to understand how and by whom the written word was deployed in pursuit of physical and mental freedom and racial and socioeconomic justice. As the course progresses, we will deepen our study of historical context drawing on the substantial resources of Middlebury's special collections, students will have the opportunity to engage in archival work if they wish. Authors will include Emerson, Douglass, Jacobs, Thoreau, Stowe, Walker, and Garrison. This course may also be counted as a general elective or REC elective for the ENAM major 3 hrs. sem. (Diversity)/ This course is part of the Public Humanities Labs Initiative administered by the Axinn Center for the Humanities.* AMR, HIS, LIT, NOR (W. Nash)
Cross-listed as: BLST 0358

AMST 0400 Theory and Method in American Studies (Junior Year) (Fall 2021)

A reading of influential secondary texts that have defined the field of American Studies during the past fifty years. Particular attention will be paid to the methodologies adopted by American Studies scholars, and the relevance these approaches have for the writing of senior essays and theses. (Open to junior American studies majors only.) 3 hrs. lect./disc. (R. Joo)

AMST 0500 Independent Study (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Select project advisor prior to registration.

AMST 0701 Senior Work (Fall 2021)

(Approval required)
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Department of Anthropology

Major Requirements: A minimum of ten courses will constitute the major; at least eight of these courses (and all the core courses listed in the tracks below) must be fall and spring courses taught at Middlebury (e.g., not winter term courses or transfer credits). For a degree in anthropology, the major must complete the following requirements:

1) Introduction and Exploration:

a. Any two (2) of the following introductory courses: ANTH 103, 107, 109,  and 159 (students may take the courses in any order or concurrently);

b. Any two (2) of the 200-level courses offered by the department;

2) Foundations:

a. History of Anthropological Thought: ANTH 306 (or SOCI 305 with approval from the Department Chair)

b. Any one (1) of the following Research Methods courses: ANTH 302, 396, and 392

3) Application and Synthesis:

a. One 400-level seminar.

b. Three electives (no more than one at 100-level; anthropology courses from other departments can count as electives with approval from the Department Chair). Note: students pursuing senior projects (see below) may only count one semester toward their elective requirement.

Optional Senior Project in Anthropology: To be eligible for departmental honors, students must complete an independent research project of at least one semester. This typically consists of either a one-semester senior project (ANTH 0700, one credit, usually 25-40 pages) or a two-semester senior project (ANTH 0710, two credits, usually 60-100 pages). Students who wish to work on a project for more than one semester must present their progress for review by two professors who will decide whether the project qualifies for extended study. A one-semester project can be either in the fall or spring semesters; a two- semester project is usually in the fall and winter semesters or in the winter and spring semesters. Variation from these patterns is possible by permission from the department. Senior project requirements for joint majors and other special circumstances will be approved in consultation with both departments.

An ANTH 0700 project requires a project advisor. If the advisor thinks that the project may deserve an A- or A, a second reader must evaluate the project. An ANTH 0710 project requires a committee including the project advisor and a second reader from within the Anthropology Department. It may also include an optional, third reader from another part of the College or the local community. Upon completion of the ANTH 0710 project, there will be an oral defense.

Departmental Honors: Students who earn an A- or higher on a 0700 or 0710 project and average an A- or higher in all Anthropology courses receive departmental honors.

Anthropology Minor Requirements: ANTH 0103 and four elective courses, no more than one of which can be at the 0100-level and no more than one of which can be a SOCI course. No courses may be taken outside of the regular fall and spring semesters at Middlebury (e.g., no winter term courses or transfer credits).

Applied Anthropology Minor RequirementsAny 0100-level course; ANTH 302, ANTH 396, or ANTH 492; and three elective courses from the list below. Other anthropology courses and anthropology courses in other departments can count with approval from the Anthropology Chair. No courses may be taken outside of the regular fall and spring semesters at Middlebury (e.g., no winter term courses or transfer credits).

ANTH 211 Environmental Anthropology (Sheridan)
ANTH 270 Anthropology of Global Corporations (Stoll/Nguyen)
ANTH 287 Medical Anthropology (Bright)
ANTH 329 Refugees or Labor Migrants? (Stoll)
ANTH 340 The Traveling Tonic (Bright)
ANTH 345 Anthropology of Food (Oxfeld)
ANTH 235 City and its People (Tran)
ANTH 274 Global Migration (Tran)
ANTH 351 Education and Social Policy (Tran)
ANTH 395 Environmental Communication (Nevins)
ANTH 450 Anthropology of Development (Sheridan)
SOAN 215 Sociology of Education (Tran)

Joint Majors in Anthropology:  Joint majors consist of seven courses in Anthropology. Students must take one (1) course at the 100-level, two 200-level courses, 302 or 392 or 396, 306, one 400-level seminar, and one elective. No more than one course may be taken outside of the regular fall and spring semesters at Middlebury (e.g., as a winter term course or transfer credit).

Joint Major in Anthropology and Sociology: The joint major in Anthropology and Sociology consists of twelve classes. The core courses are ANTH 103, SOCI 105, SOCI 301 or ANTH 302 or ANTH 396, and SOC 305 or ANTH 306. Students must also take one 400-level SOCI course, one 400-level ANTH course, and six electives. A 700-level course in ANTH or SOCI can replace one of the 400-level courses. No more than two electives may be taken outside of the regular fall and spring semesters at Middlebury (e.g., as winter term or transfer credit courses).

SOAN Requirements (applies only to SOAN majors who declared prior to Fall 2019)

Sociology and Anthropology once existed as a combined department.  They are now separate departments, but they have retained the same course numbers (e.g., SOAN 0103 is now ANTH 0103, whereas SOAN 0105 is now SOCI 0105).  Students who became SOAN majors or minors prior to Fall 2019 may follow the original requirements, reproduced below.  They may also apply current ANTH or SOCI courses to fulfill those requirements, in consultation with the chair(s) of Anthropology and/or Sociology.  The original major and minor descriptions are as follows:

Required for the Major in Sociology/Anthropology: A minimum of 10 courses will constitute the major; at least eight of these courses (and all the core courses listed in the tracks below) must be fall and spring courses taught at Middlebury (e.g., not winter term courses or transfer credits).  No more than two electives may be introductory 0100-level courses.

There are three tracks within the department a student may choose from:

Track 1: Sociology/Anthropology consists of SOAN 0103, SOAN 0105, SOAN 0301 or SOAN 0302, and SOAN 0305 or SOAN 0306. Students must also take a 0400-level seminar. In addition, each sociology/anthropology track major will take five electives in the department, of which at least one must be at the 0300-level. 

Track 2: Anthropology consists of SOAN 0103, either SOAN 0301 or 0302, SOAN 0306, a 300-level anthropology class, and a 0400-level anthropology seminar. In addition, anthropology track majors will take five electives, of which at least four must be anthropology, and of which at least one must be in archaeology or linguistic anthropology.

Track 3: Sociology consists of SOAN 0105, either SOAN 0301 or 0302, SOAN 0305, and a 0400-level sociology seminar. In addition, sociology track majors will take six electives, of which at least five must be sociology, and of which at least one must be a sociology course at the 300-level.

Joint Majors in Sociology/Anthropology
Joint majors can pursue a combined Sociology/Anthropology track, or they may specialize in the disciplines of Sociology or Anthropology. No more than one elective may be taken outside of the regular fall and spring semesters at Middlebury (e.g., as a winter term course or transfer credit). Any departures from this program must be approved by the department chair.

Joint track 1: Sociology/Anthropology consists of seven courses: SOAN 0103, SOAN 0105, SOAN 0301 or SOAN 0302, SOAN 0305 or SOAN 0306, a 400-level senior seminar, and two electives.

Joint track 2: Anthropology consists of seven courses: SOAN 0103, SOAN 0301 or SOAN 0302, SOAN 0306, a 400-level senior seminar in Anthropology, and three electives, of which at least two must be in Anthropology.

Joint track 3: Sociology consists of seven courses: SOAN 0105, SOAN 0301 or SOAN 0302, SOAN 0305, a 400-level senior seminar in Sociology, and three electives, of which at least two must be in Sociology.

Anthropology Minor: SOAN 0103 and four elective courses in SOAN, no more than one of which can be at the 0100-level and no more than one of which can be a sociology course. No courses may be taken outside of the regular fall and spring semesters at Middlebury (e.g., no winter term courses or transfer credits).

Sociology Minor: SOAN 0105 and four elective courses in SOAN, no more than one of which can be at the 0100-level and no more than one of which can be an anthropology course. No courses may be taken outside of the regular fall and spring semesters at Middlebury (e.g., no winter term courses or transfer credits).

Optional Senior Project in Sociology/Anthropology: To be eligible for departmental honors, students must complete an independent research project of at least one semester. This typically consists of either a one-semester senior project (SOAN 0700, one credit, usually 25-40 pages) or a two-semester senior project (SOAN 0710, two credits, usually 60-100 pages). Students who wish to work on a project for more than one semester must present their progress for review by two professors who will decide whether the project qualifies for extended study. A one-semester project can be either in the fall or spring semesters; a two-semester project is usually in the fall and winter semesters or in the winter and spring semesters. Variation from these patterns is possible by permission from the department. Senior project requirements for joint majors and other special circumstances will be approved in consultation with both departments.

A SOAN 0700 project requires a project advisor. If the advisor thinks that the project may deserve an A- or A, a second reader must evaluate the project. A SOAN 0710 project requires a committee including the project advisor and a second reader from within the Sociology/Anthropology department. It may also include an optional, third reader from another part of the College or the local community. Upon completion of the SOAN 0710 project, there will be an oral defense.

Departmental Honors: Students who earn an A- or higher on a 0700 or 0710 project and average an A- or higher in all Sociology/Anthropology courses receive departmental honors.

ANTH 0103 Diversity and Human Nature: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course introduces students to the varieties of human experience in social life and to the differing approaches and levels of analysis used by anthropologists to explain it. Topics include: culture and race, rituals and symbolism, kinship and gender roles, social evolution, political economy, and sociolinguistics. Ethnographic examples are drawn chiefly from non-Western societies, from simple bands to great agrarian states. The ultimate aim is to enable students to think critically about the bases of their own culture and about practices and beliefs previously unanalyzed and unexamined. (formerly SOAN 0103) 2 hrs. lect./1 hr. disc. CMP, SOC (Fall 2021: E. Oxfeld)

ANTH 0107 Introduction to Archaeology (Fall 2021)

Archaeology is the scientific analysis and interpretation of cultural remains. Archaeologists examine artifacts, architecture, and even human remains in order to answer questions about the growth and development of societies worldwide. In addressing these issues we not only illuminate the past but also explore patterns relevant to contemporary social concerns. From the tropical lowlands of Central America to the deserts of ancient Egypt, this course provides an introduction to world prehistory. We proceed from humanity's earliest beginnings to the development of complex societies worldwide and use case examples to explore the major topics, methods, and theories of contemporary archaeology. (formerly SOAN 0107) 2 hrs. lect./1 hr. lab. CMP, HIS, SOC (J. Fitzsimmons)

ANTH 0109 Language, Culture and Society (Spring 2022)

In this course students will be introduced to the comparative, ethnographic study of language in relation to socio-cultural context. Our readings will be drawn from diverse global settings and will focus upon language as the means by which people shape and are shaped by the social worlds in which they live. We will examine contrasts in ways of speaking across different communities, personal identities, and institutions. We will explore the consequences of communicative difference across a range of contact situations, including everyday conversation among peers, service encounters, political elections, and global connections or disconnections made possible through new media. (formerly SOAN 0109) 3 hrs. lect./disc. CMP, SOC
Cross-listed as: LNGT 0109

ANTH 0110 Current Social Issues in Japan (in English) (Spring 2022)

In this course we will use ethnography, fiction, and historical studies to examine some of the underlying themes of Japanese culture. Japan is a highly developed, post-industrial society renowned across the globe for economic success in the post-World War II period. What historical and social factors have shaped Japan’s contemporary culture, and how have interactions with other countries influenced Japanese society? We will study a number of different spheres of Japanese life including the family and the workplace to better understand contemporary society. We will pay special attention to Japan’s global position and its relationship to the United States. (formerly SOAN 0110) 3 hr. lect./disc. AAL, NOA, SOC
Cross-listed as: JAPN 0110 *

ANTH 0125 Language Structure and Function (Fall 2021)

In this course we will discuss the major issues and findings in the study of human language within theories of modern linguistics, which shares a history with mid-century American anthropology. The main topics include the nature of human language in comparison with other communication systems; sound patterns (phonology); word-formation (morphology); sentence structure (syntax); meaning (semantics); use (pragmatics); language acquisition and socialization. We will also consider language variation and the historical development of languages. Instruction is in English but examples will be drawn from less commonly studied languages around the world. (not open to students who have taken LNGT 0101) 3 hrs. lect. SOC (M. Nevins)
Cross-listed as: LNGT 0125

ANTH 0159 Introduction to Biological Anthropology (Fall 2021)

This course will provide an overview of the field of physical anthropology. The topics to be addressed include the mechanisms of genetics and evolution, human variability and adaptation, our primate relatives and fossil ancestors (hominins), as well as bioarchaeology. Through a combination of lectures and discussions, we will explore human origins and the overall development of the species through time. Likewise, we will look at how language, art, and religion emerge as well as the interplay between environment and biology in human evolution. The course finishes by examining contemporary issues in human biodiversity, from molecular genetics and biotechnology to problematic categories like race, gender, and sexuality. 3 hrs. lect./disc SOC (K. Brudvik)

ANTH 0211 Human Ecology (Spring 2022)

Environmental issues are also cultural and political conflicts, between competing social groups, economic interests and cultural paradigms. This course introduces students to human ecology, the study of how our adaptations to the environment are mediated by cultural differences and political economy. Topics include: how ecological anthropology has evolved as a subdiscipline, with a focus on systems theory and political ecology; how ritually regulated societies manage resources; how rural communities deal with environmental deterioration; and how contradictions between environmental protection, economic development, and cultural values complicate so many ecological issues. (SOAN 0103 or ANTH 0103 or SOAN 0107 or ANTH 0107, or SOAN 0109 or ANTH 0109, or SOAN 0159 or ANTH 0159 or ENVS 0112 or ENVS 0211 or ENVS 0215 or BIOL 0140, or instructor permission) (formerly SOAN 0211) 3 hrs. lect. CMP, SOC

ANTH 0223 Andean Civilizations (Fall 2021)

Stretching from present-day Ecuador to Chile and consisting of desert coasts, fertile valleys, soaring Andes, and tropical jungle, the Inca Empire was the largest state the Precolumbian Americas had ever seen. Although they claimed to have ‘civilized’ the Andes, the Inka were only the latest in a sequence of complex societies, all of which ultimately fell to the Spanish in the mid-1500s. In this course we will explore the growth and development of social complexity in the region, from the first human occupation of South America to the era of European contact. (formerly SOAN 0223) 3 hrs. lect. AAL, AMR, CMP, SOC (J. Fitzsimmons)

ANTH 0231 Everyday Life in South Asia (Spring 2022)

This course offers an introduction to anthropological studies of South Asia. Relying on works of ethnography, journalism, memoir, and film, we examine people’s everyday lived experiences and mediations of globalization, religion, science, popular culture, gender, and the body in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan. In taking a close and intersectional look at situations across the region (e.g., new expressions of gender and capitalism in India, narratives of religious pluralism in Pakistan, enactments of media, modernity, and sexuality in Afghanistan), the course aims to give students the opportunity to sharpen their cultural analysis skills as they glean a more complex understanding of people’s ways of living across South Asia and the diaspora.3 hrs. lect. AAL, CMP, SOA, SOC

ANTH 0241 The Anthropology of Warfare and Polarization (Fall 2021)

In this course we will use the anthropology of human evolution, religion and politics to identify the cognitive patterns that justify feuding, warfare, witchcraft, conspiracy theory, and ideological polarization. Beginning with animal behavior and hunting and gathering societies, we will study natural selection for accountability, moralism, and factionalism; how social groups define themselves through mimesis, othering and scapegoating; how scapegoating justifies aggression; how sacrifice and other forms of ritualizing victimhood generate sanctity, sacrilege, and outrage; and how religious and political loyalty tests enforce social boundaries (not open to students who have taken SOAN 0341 or SOAN 0344) 3 hrs. lect./disc. SOC (D. Stoll)

ANTH 0274 The Causes, Dynamics, and Consequences of International Migration (Fall 2021)

Whether they are asylum seekers, undocumented or legal migrants, large-scale movements of people across international borders raises important questions about human rights, nationality, and place. This global flow also presents unique challenges to both newcomers and residents of the receiving society as both sides contend with issues of loyalty, belonging, and identity. In this course we will examine these important issues using the United States as the primary (though not exclusive) context. Drawing upon historical and contemporary material, we will also discuss the social, cultural, political, and economic consequences of global migration.(formerly SOAN 0274) 3 hrs. lect./disc. AMR, CMP, NOR, SOC (T. Tran)

ANTH 0275 Cities of Hope and Despair (Spring 2022)

Why have some cities outlasted empires and nation states while others exist on the edge of marginality and loss? In this course, we will use historical and contemporary examples to explore the rise and fall of urban centers around the world. What is the meaning of urbanity across cultures? What different purposes do cities serve? What challenges confront them, from climate change to gang warfare to new forms of human precarity? In this course we will also investigate how processes like colonialism, imperialism, and global migration shape the evolution of cities and how they exist in our imaginaries. 3 hrs. lect. CMP, SOC

ANTH 0287 Medical Anthropology: Approaches to Affliction and Healing (Fall 2021)

In this course, an introduction to medical anthropology, we will explore cultural and political-economic perspectives on health, illness, and disease. Topics covered include: (1) biocultural approaches to understanding health; (2) medical systems, including biomedicine and others; (3) the effects of poverty and inequality on health outcomes; and (4) the social construction of health and illness. Students will apply these concepts in understanding an aspect of health, illness, or healing in their own research project with an ethnographic component. An introductory course in anthropology or familiarity with medical or public health issues is recommended. (formerly SOAN 0387) 3 hrs. lect./disc. CMP, SOC (K. Bright)

ANTH 0302 The Research Process: Ethnography and Qualitative Methods (Fall 2021)

The aim of this course is to prepare the student to conduct research, to analyze and present research in a scholarly manner, and to evaluate critically the research of others. Practice and evaluation of such basic techniques as observation, participant-observation, structured and open-ended interviews, and use of documents. Introduction to various methodological and theoretical frameworks. Thesis or essay prospectus is the final product of this course. Strongly recommended for juniors. Three-hour research lab required. (SOAN 0103 or ANTH 0103 or SOAN 0105 or SOCI 0105) (formerly SOAN 0302) 3 hrs. lect./disc./3 hrs. research lab CW, SOC (K. Bright)

ANTH 0306 Topics in Anthropological Theory (Spring 2022)

This course gives an introduction to some important themes in the development of anthropological thought, primarily in the past century in anglophone and francophone traditions. It emphasizes close comparative reading of selections from influential texts by authors who have shaped recent discourse within the social sciences. (SOAN 0103 or ANTH 0103 or SOAN 0107 or SOCI 0107 or SOAN 0109 or ANTH 0109 or SOAN 0159 or ANTH 0159) (formerly SOAN 0306) 3 hrs. lect. SOC

ANTH 0337 Love, Sex, and Marriage (Spring 2022)

What are the social terms for sexual agency in countries around the world? How is marriage understood through idealizations of romance as well as familial expectations of duty or status? In this course we consider how other cultures’ views on love, sex, and partnership are made legible and illegible within broader cultural, moral, and state interests. The course asks for in-depth participation, short weekly writings, and a longer final paper that each engage ethnographic works on a range of topics, from critical studies of love and globalization to queer kinmaking, rituals of the ‘lavish wedding,’ and everyday ways of hooking up and breaking up online. 3 hrs. lect. CMP, SOC
Cross-listed as: GSFS 0337

ANTH 0345 The Anthropology of Food (Spring 2022)

Food not only sustains bodies, but also reflects and shapes cultures, social identities, and systems of power. In this course we examine the relationship between food and culture. Beginning with an examination of the origins of cooking, we will go on to analyze a variety of approaches to understanding the food/culture/society relationship. These include the symbolic meanings of food, the role of food in constructing social and cultural identities, and the relationship between food and political and economic systems. Our examples will be cross-cultural (Africa, South and East Asia, Europe, and the Americas). 3 hrs. sem. AAL, CMP, SOC

ANTH 0355 Race and Ethnicity Across Cultures (Fall 2021)

Ethnicity and race are social phenomena that influence group relations, as well as personal identity, in many areas of the world. But what is "ethnicity" and what is "race"? In this course we will explore the varied approaches that have been utilized to understand race and ethnicity across diverse cultural settings. No single explanation of race and ethnicity is all encompassing, and so we will explore a number of different approaches. Among the issues we will examine are: alternative explanations of ethnic and racial identity formation; the causes and consequences of ethnic violence and competition; the connections among ethnicity, gender, and class; and the processes through which distinctions between self and other are created. (formerly SOAN 0355) 3 hrs. lect./disc CMP, SOC (E. Oxfeld)

ANTH 0396 Linguistic Anthropology Methods (Fall 2021)

In this course we will work with a method and theory known as the “ethnography of communication” to examine language use in socio-cultural context. Students will learn to form research questions and collect different kinds of data, including everyday spoken interactions, archival print sources, and social media. Students will learn how to document, annotate, and analyze their samples as speech events linked to broader discursive contexts and social relations. Students will also turn ethnography of communication upon social science research itself, examining interviews and surveys as communicative interactions. The course provides an empirical pathway to questions of cultural difference and social inequality. (formerly SOAN 0396) 3 hrs. sem. SOC (M. Nevins)
Cross-listed as: LNGT 0396

ANTH 0410 Sorcery in Mesoamerica (Spring 2022)

Sorcery was fundamental to religious life in ancient Mesoamerica. Though removed from one another in time and space, the different cultures and civilizations of this region practiced magic and witchcraft. Civilizations like the Aztecs (1300-1521 CE), the Classic Maya (250-850 CE) and the Olmecs (1200-400 BCE) flourished in different environments, spoke unrelated languages, and worshipped separate gods; however, they were all fascinated by the occult. This course compares their magical traditions from a variety of viewpoints, including analytical, anthropological, and historical perspectives. It also considers the impact of European witchcraft on Mesoamerica, from the Colonial Period to the present.3 hrs. sem. AMR, CMP, CW, NOR, PHL, SOC

ANTH 0500 Advanced Individual Study (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Prior to registering for ANTH 0500, a student must enlist the support of a faculty advisor from the Department of Anthropology. (Open to Majors only) (Approval Required)

ANTH 0700 One-Semester Senior Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Under the guidance of a faculty member, a student will carry out an independent, one-semester research project, often based on original data. The student must also participate in a senior seminar that begins the first week of fall semester and meets as necessary during the rest of the year. The final product must be presented in a written report of 25-40 pages, due the last day of classes.

ANTH 0710 Multi-Semester Senior Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Under the guidance of a faculty member, a senior will carry out an independent multi-semester research project, often based on original data. The student must also participate in a senior seminar that begins the first week of fall semester and meets as necessary during the rest of the year. The final product must be presented in a written report of 60-100 pages, due either at the end of the Winter Term or the Friday after spring break.
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Department of Arabic

The Arabic major requires four years of language study or their equivalent.  Majors must also choose one disciplinary concentration: Arabic literature, Arabic linguistics, or a well-defined course of study with a focus on the Arab world.  Each disciplinary concentration requires the completion of at least three content courses, including one introductory methods course specific to the chosen discipline. Majors  are also required to prepare a project or a thesis for their senior capstone experience.

Major in Arabic: (Minimum number of courses: 13, including required senior work)

Students majoring in Arabic must take:

1)      Arabic language through ARBC 0302 or the equivalent: ARBC 0101, ARBC 0102, ARBC 0103, ARBC 0201, ARBC 0202, ARBC 0301, ARBC 0302;

2)      Two courses taught in Arabic at the 0400-level, at least one of which is taken at Middlebury College’s Vermont campus. Arabic 0400-level courses taken at a Middlebury school abroad site require departmental approval of the syllabus and a dossier of all written work (normally consisting of at least two exams and eight typed pages of Arabic);

3)      One of the following:

a.       ENAM 0205, plus two additional courses with the ARBC prefix in Arabic literature taken at Middlebury College’s Vermont campus (for students pursuing senior work in literature);


b.      One of LNGT 0101, LNGT 0102 or  LNGT 0109, plus two additional courses with the ARBC prefix in Arabic linguistics taken at Middlebury College’s Vermont campus (for students pursuing senior work in linguistics);


c. Students may structure their own disciplinary focus within the Arabic major in consultation with their major advisor by providing a well-defined course of study that must include (i) one introductory methods course specific to the chosen discipline (in English); and (ii) two disciplinary electives bearing the ARBC prefix (in Arabic or English), taken at Middlebury College’s Vermont campus.

4)      Students must spend at least one semester at a Middlebury school abroad site. The Arabic Department strongly recommends that students spend a full year abroad. Students studying abroad for a full academic year may count at most one course taken abroad towards the disciplinary elective requirements, subject to prior approval of their major advisor and contingent upon submission of the syllabus and a dossier of all written work (normally consisting of at least two exams and six typed pages of Arabic).

A major may count 400-level courses towards the fulfillment of the disciplinary electives once the 400-level language course requirement in #2 is complete.

Senior Work: Majors  are required to prepare a one-term senior project (ARBC 0700), or a two-term thesis (ARBC 0700/0701, taken in Fall and Winter or Winter and Spring). Senior projects and theses may be written in English, but must demonstrate significant use of Arabic sources.  Senior theses will include a 2000-word summary in Arabic.

Departmental honors are determined by a combination of thesis grade and grade point average in courses taken at the Arabic Program at Middlebury College, the Middlebury summer Arabic School, and Middlebury College’s study abroad sites.

Joint Major: Joint majors with other departments must: 1) complete Arabic language coursework through ARBC 0302 or the equivalent prior to the commencement of senior work, 2) take, at Middlebury College’s Vermont campus, two courses with the ARBC prefix related to Arabic literature, Arabic linguistics, or another well-defined disciplinary focus in consultation with their Arabic advisor, and 3) complete a senior project that explicitly engages the scholarly methodologies of both departments.

Minors in Arabic: The Arabic Department offers two minors.

(a) The Arabic Minor requires 1) studying Arabic language through ARBC 0302 or the equivalent; and 2) taking two courses with the ARBC prefix related to Arab culture (cinema, literature, pop-culture, etc.) or Arabic linguistics. Only one of the two courses on Arab culture or Arabic linguistics may be taken abroad. (See above for guidelines regarding courses taken at schools abroad and at the summer Language Schools.)

(b) The Minor in Arabic Studies requires taking five courses with the ARBC prefix, excluding ARBC 0101, 0102, 0103, 0201, 0202, 0301, and 0302.

ARBC 0101 Beginning Arabic I (Fall 2021)

The goal of this course is to begin developing reading, speaking, listening, writing, and cultural skills in Arabic. This course stresses written and oral communication, using both formal Arabic and some Egyptian dialect. Emphasis is also placed on reading authentic texts from Arabic media sources, listening to and watching audio and video materials, and developing students' understanding of Arab culture. 6 hrs lect/disc. LNG (R. Greeley, S. Liebhaber)

ARBC 0103 Beginning Arabic III (Spring 2022)

This course is a continuation of ARBC 0102. 6 hrs. lect/disc (ARBC 0102 or equivalent) LNG

ARBC 0201 Intermediate Arabic I (Fall 2021)

This course is a continuation of ARBC 0103. Emphasis is placed on reading authentic materials from Arabic media, expanding students' vocabulary, listening to and watching audio and video materials, and developing students' understanding of Arab culture and communicative competence. (ARBC 0103 or equivalent) 6 hrs. lect/disc LNG (D. Ayoub, U. Soltan)

ARBC 0202 Intermediate Arabic II (Spring 2022)

This course is a continuation of Arabic 0201. Fifth in a series of courses that develop reading, speaking, listening, writing, and cultural skills in Arabic. This course stresses communication in formal and spoken Arabic. (ARBC 0201 or equivalent). 6 hrs. lect/disc LNG

ARBC 0230 Food Security in Lebanon (Spring 2022)

In this course we will begin with a short history of Lebanon’s agrarian to urban transition to look at its contemporary food system, asking such questions as: Who profits from the food system? How viable is agriculture in Lebanon? Does this system provide food security? This course will provide students with an understanding of how global and local political/financial systems have extracted wealth from farmers, and have left the Lebanese in a state of fluctuating food insecurity. We will look at commodity chains, crop selection, markets, farmer to farmer relations, and the role of Syrian crops entering the country. We will draw on the work of NGOs, UNEP reports, media, policy papers, and the academic literature. (ENVS 0112 or GEOG 0100 or IGST 0101 or ANTH 0103; Or by instructor approval) 3 hrs. lect. AAL, MDE, SOC

ARBC 0241 Blackness and the Arab Imaginary (In English) (Fall 2021)

Blackness as a category of analysis in the Middle East and North Africa, while fundamental to opening the field to the study of race and the legacies of slavery, remains understudied and deserving of critical attention. In this course we will explore the historic and political category of “blackness” and examine how black identities are constructed in the cultural and epistemological production of the Arab world and the Arab Diaspora through literature, critical scholarship, music, and cinema. We will address imperial and transnational dimensions of blackness as well as its increasing relevance for understanding new racial configurations in the contemporary Middle East and the Arab Diaspora. 3 hrs. lect.*This course is part of the Public Humanities Labs Initiative administered by the Axinn Center for the Humanities.* MDE, SOC (D. Ayoub)
Cross-listed as: BLST 0241

ARBC 0301 Advanced Arabic 1 (Fall 2021)

A continuation of Arabic 0202. This course aims to help students reach an intermediate-high level of proficiency in reading, speaking, writing, listening, and culture. Readings include articles on cultural, social, historical, political and literary topics. (ARBC 0202 or equivalent) 3 hrs. lect/disc LNG (R. Greeley)

ARBC 0302 Advanced Arabic II (Spring 2022)

This course is a continuation of Arabic 0301. It aims to help students reach an advanced level of proficiency in reading, speaking, and writing Arabic, as well as to develop further an understanding of Arab culture. Readings include articles on cultural, social, historical, political, and literary topics. Course will be conducted entirely in Arabic. (ARBC 0301 or equivalent) 3 hrs. lect/disc. LNG

ARBC 0410 Readings in Classical Arabic Prose (in Arabic) (Fall 2021)

Classical Arabic prose is one of the delights of world literature. A product of the vibrant intellectual climate of the 'Abbasid Caliphate (750 - 1258 CE), Classical Arabic prose embodies a humanistic sensitivity and inquisitive depth that has set the standard for literary Arabic. In this course we will read representative texts from some major genres of Classical Arabic prose: geography, history, philology, biography, and the tradition of courtly belles-lettres. Students will also be presented with the opportunity to read hand-written manuscripts. (ARBC 0302 or equivalent) 3 hrs. seminar. AAL, LIT, LNG, MDE (S. Liebhaber)

ARBC 0420 Sex, Love, and Desire in Arab Popular Culture (Spring 2022)

In this course we will challenge Western judgments about Arab sexuality and desire as inherently repressive. We will survey the permutations of desire -- from the sexual to the sacred, the heteroerotic to the homoerotic—in popular Arab culture. We will consider the intersections of gender, nation, race, ethnicity, ability, and sexuality in cinema, literature, and music. Through these mediums, we will examine the changing definitions of sexual respectability and sex work in different contexts, transsexuality and transgender identities, marriage, sexual revolutions and gender conflict, state regulation of sexuality, love for nation, and love in exile. This course will be taught entirely in Arabic. (ARBC 0302 or equivalent) 3 hrs. sem. AAL, ART, CMP, LNG, MDE AAL, ART, CMP, LNG, MDE

ARBC 0500 Independent Study (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required)

ARBC 0600 Senior Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(S. Liebhaber)

ARBC 0700 Senior Thesis I (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Approval required.

ARBC 0701 Senior Thesis II (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Approval required.
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Department of Biology

Required for the Major: Requirements for the biology major encourage both breadth across the subdisciplines of biology as well as depth in areas of interest. The introductory sequence includes two courses, BIOL 0140 Ecology and Evolution and BIOL 0145 Cell Biology and Genetics, both of which are designed for students in their first year at the college who are considering a major in the life sciences, or for whom an in-depth coverage of the life sciences is of interest. The twelve courses required for the Biology major consist of:

BIOL 0140 Ecology and Evolution
BIOL 0145 Cell Biology and Genetics
BIOL 0211 Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis

Two organismal courses from among BIOL 0201 Invertebrate Biology, BIOL 0202 Comparative Vertebrate Biology, BIOL 0203 Biology of Plants, BIOL 0204 Entomology, BIOL 0308 Mammalogy, and BIOL 0310 Microbiology.

One college-level chemistry course with laboratory. AP credit in chemistry or a bypass examination cannot be used to satisfy this requirement.

Six biology electives from the 0200-0701 level, with the following restrictions:

  1. At least two electives must include a laboratory section.
  2. No more than one semester of independent research (BIOL 0500, BIOL 0700, or BIOL 0701) may count as elective credit toward the major.

Guidelines and Restrictions for the Major:

  • It is expected that the core courses (BIOL 0140 and BIOL 0145) will be completed by the end of the third semester. BIOL 0140 is not open to seniors & second semester juniors in the Fall.
  • Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis (BIOL 0211) should be taken by the end of the sophomore year.
  • Electives may include only two winter term courses designated for major credit (not including BIOL 0211.
  • Departmental courses offered with laboratories must be taken with the laboratory to satisfy major or joint major requirements.

Requirements for a Minor in Biology: BIOL 0140 and BIOL 0145, and three elective courses from 0200-, 0300-, and 0400-level courses in the department.  One of the electives must be an organismal course (BIOL 0201, 0202, 0203, 0204, 0308, 0310), AND one of which must be at the 0300 or 0400 level.

Guidelines and Restrictions for the Minor:
Except for transfer students, BIOL 0140 and BIOL 0145 must be taken at Middlebury College.

  • The three electives need to be related thematically.
  • When a course is offered at Middlebury with a lab or prerequisites, an equivalent off-campus course must also include a lab or prerequisites.
  • Transfer credit for a course will be given only after the department chair reviews the course material upon a student's return to campus. (See guidelines for transfer credit.)

Joint Majors: The Department of Biology does not offer joint majors other than the joint major in Biology and Environmental Studies described below.

Requirements for the Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Major: See the listing for the Program in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry for a description of this major.

Requirements for the Neuroscience Major: See the listing for the Program in Neuroscience for a description of this major.

Requirements for the Joint Major with Environmental Studies: See the listing for the conservation biology focus under the Program in Environmental Studies.

Graduate or Professional Training: Students considering graduate or professional school in the life sciences should note that many programs require a year of introductory chemistry, a year of organic chemistry, a year of physics, and a year of calculus for admission. Students are therefore strongly encouraged to meet with their faculty advisors early in their undergraduate career so the advantages of taking additional courses in the natural sciences can be discussed.

Departmental Honors: Students with an average of 3.5 or higher in departmental courses other than BIOL 0500, BIOL 0700, and BIOL 0701 are eligible for departmental honors, for which successful completion of BIOL 0701 is also required (see below). The Biology Department awards two levels of honors: honors and high honors.

Criteria for Honors: Students with an average of 3.5 or higher in departmental courses (other than BIOL 0500, BIOL 0700, and BIOL 0701) and a grade of A- or above on their thesis are eligible for honors. 

Criteria for High Honors: High honors will be awarded to students who meet all of the criteria for honors and who, in addition, have completed theses of exceptionally high quality.  Determination of honors or high honors is based on a formal recommendation from the thesis committee, and requires the approval of the Biology Department faculty. 

The thesis process is described in detail in the “Student & Faculty Research” portion of the departmental website, and all students interested in conducting thesis research should read that section of the website in detail. Normally, research for thesis projects begins during the first term of a student's senior year (or during the preceding summer). Students interested in field research should talk with a faculty member by winter term of their junior year. All other prospective thesis students should consult with prospective advisors concerning possible thesis projects by spring term of their junior year. Thesis projects must be of at least two terms' duration (one term of BIOL 0500 or BIOL 0700 and one of BIOL 0701) and result in the production of a written thesis, a public presentation of the thesis research, and an oral defense of the thesis before a committee of at least three faculty members, two of whom must be Biology faculty. With instructor approval, independent research conducted during the summer may be considered as a substitute for the first term of the project. In such cases, the off-campus work would satisfy the BIOL 0500 or BIOL 0700 prerequisite for enrollment in BIOL 0701, but would not itself be credit-bearing. The thesis grade reflects performance in all aspects of the thesis process.  Note that although completion of a thesis is one prerequisite for receiving honors, students may undertake a thesis regardless of whether they meet the other criteria for honors.

Advanced Placement Credit: Middlebury College grants one college credit for a score of 5 on the biology advanced placement exam. However, because the biology department does not offer any introductory course that is the equivalent of an AP biology course, advanced placement credit does not exempt a student from any of the published requirements for the major, minor, or joint majors, nor can it satisfy the college's distribution requirement.  

Off-Campus Study: Students interested in taking biology courses off campus are strongly encouraged to discuss their plans with their advisor early in their college careers. Students seeking approval for biology courses taken off campus should be prepared, upon their return, to document course content with syllabi and class notes.  The following restrictions apply to all biology courses transferred to Middlebury:

  • Except for transfer students, BIOL 0140 and BIOL 0145 must be taken at Middlebury College.
  • A maximum of three courses taken off campus may be credited toward completion of the major or joint major.
  • No credit in Biology will be granted for independent study projects conducted during off-campus study programs.
  • Except for transfer students, off-campus biology courses must be beyond the introductory level.
  • When a course is offered at Middlebury with a lab or prerequisites, an equivalent off-campus course must also include a lab or prerequisites.

BIOL 0140 Ecology and Evolution (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this introduction to ecology and evolutionary biology we will cover the topics of interspecific interactions (competition, predation, mutualism), demography and life-history patterns, succession and disturbance in natural communities, species diversity, stability and complexity, causes of evolutionary change, speciation, phylogenetic reconstruction, and population genetics. The laboratory component will examine lecture topics in detail (such as measuring the evolutionary response of bacteria, adaptations of stream invertebrates to life in moving water, invasive species and their patterns of spread). We will emphasize experimental design, data collection in the field and in the laboratory, data analysis, and writing skills. This course is not open to seniors and second semester juniors in the Fall. 3 hrs. lect./disc./3 hrs. lab DED, SCI (Fall 2021: D. Allen)

BIOL 0145 Cell Biology and Genetics (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this introduction to modern cellular, genetic, and molecular biology we will explore life science concepts with an emphasis on their integral nature and evolutionary relationships. Topics covered will include cell membrane structure and function, metabolism, cell motility and division, genome structure and replication, the regulation of gene expression and protein production, genotype to phenotype relationship, and basic principles of inheritance. Major concepts will be illustrated using a broad range of examples from plants, animals, and microorganisms. Current topics in biology will be integrated into the course as they arise. (For students matriculating in Fall 2019 or later: CHEM 0103 or equivalent) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab DED, SCI (Fall 2021: C. Combelles, G. Pask)

BIOL 0202 Comparative Vertebrate Biology (Spring 2022)

This course will explore the evolution of the vertebrate classes and the adaptations that allow them to live in almost every habitat on Earth. We will study the phylogeny, anatomy, physiology, and ecology of the major extinct and extant taxa of vertebrates and discuss how each group solves the problems of finding food, finding mates, and avoiding predators. Laboratory exercises will focus on the comparative anatomy of a cartilaginous fish (the dogfish shark) and a mammal (the cat). Students will learn to identify some anatomical structures of the vertebrate body and learn basic functions and the evolutionary homologies for these structures. Occasional field trips will introduce the local vertebrate fauna in their natural habitat. (BIOL 0140 or BIOL 0145) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab SCI

BIOL 0203 Biology of Plants (Fall 2021)

An introduction to plants, their life cycles, and their relationships to each other, as well as to the animals that pollinate them, disperse their fruits, and eat them. We will discuss morphology, physiology, evolution, and natural history of plants (mosses, ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms). The laboratory will emphasize plant identification, various aspects of plant ecology and physiology, plant morphology, and plant use by humans. Students will complete a Community Service component, such as completing a forest inventory for a local forest, assisting with the campus tree map, or help with seed-saving measures at the College Organic Garden. Field trips will be the norm early in the semester. (BIOL 0140 and BIOL 0145) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab SCI (K. Coe)

BIOL 0204 Entomology (Fall 2021)

Insects are one of the most successful animal groups on Earth, accounting for roughly 75% of all animal species. In this course we will examine several aspects of organismal biology in insects and related arthropods, such as comparative anatomy, physiology, reproduction, development, sensory behavior, and evolution. Hands-on experiences with insects will occur in the field and the lab, culminating in an independent research project. Special topics will include medical and veterinary entomology, insect pest management, and the effects of climate change on insect populations. Oral and written reports are required. (BIOL 0140) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab SCI (G. Pask)

BIOL 0211 Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Experimental design is one of the most important parts of doing science, but it is difficult to do well. How do you randomize mice? How many replicate petri plates should be inoculated? If I am measuring temperature in a forest, where do I put the thermometer? In this course students will design experiments across the sub-areas of biology. We will run student designed experiments, and then learn ways to analyze the data, and communicate the results. Students planning to do independent research are encouraged to take this course. (BIOL 0140 or BIOL 0145). DED (Fall 2021: S. Byrne)

BIOL 0216 Animal Behavior (Fall 2021)

The behavior of animals primarily from an ethological perspective, with respect to genetics, physiology, evolution, and other biological factors. The course follows the history and methods of studying individual and social behaviors like feeding, courtship, mating, parental care, defense, predation, and migration. We examine live animals in the field and lab to illustrate such processes as instinct, learning, and communication. Discussion topics address recent research, and students design their own research projects. Oral, and written reports are required. (BIOL 0140 or BIOL 0145) 2.5 hrs. lect./1 hr. video screen./3 hrs. lab SCI (M. Spritzer)

BIOL 0230 Global Change Biology (Spring 2022)

We will examine the effects of global climate change on the earth system. Our emphasis will be on exploring what we know about the impacts of climate change on ecosystems and the organisms that inhabit them. We will examine primary literature-based case studies to reveal how biologists study processes of change on local and global scales, and we will assess how accurately we can predict future changes in species distribution and ecosystem function. In lab, we will apply simulation techniques to predict carbon dioxide and global temperatures into the next century, and couple citizen science platforms (e.g. iNaturalist) with species distribution modeling to predict ecological interactions in future climates. No prior computational modeling experience required/assumed. (BIOL 0140) 3 hrs. lect. 3 hrs. lab. SCI

BIOL 0280 Immunology (Spring 2022)

In this course we will explore the human immune system and how it works to protect the body from infection. Students will be introduced to the cells and molecules of the immune system and how they work together to protect the host from foreign invaders. We will focus on the cellular and molecular mechanisms of innate immunity before exploring the cellular and genetic principles that underlie the adaptive immune response. Finally, we will investigate how innate and adaptive immunity work together to combat infection and how disease can arise from inadequacies in this coordinated host response. (BIOL 0145) SCI

BIOL 0304 Aquatic Ecology (Fall 2021)

In this course we will combine field-based laboratory exercises with classroom activities to examine how humans interact with aquatic ecosystems and how these systems contribute to our understanding of fundamental ecological concepts. Our field trips will focus on aquatic ecosystems and organisms in Vermont, but we will also consider aquatic ecology more broadly through several modules linking processes across ecological scales from whole ecosystems to individual organisms. Evaluation will be based on periodic quizzes, reports synthesizing the laboratory modules, exams emphasizing the concepts covered, and an independent research project. (BIOL 0140). 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab. CW (5 seats), SCI (E. Moody)

BIOL 0305 Developmental Biology (Spring 2022)

Have you ever wondered how an embryo develops from a simple fertilized egg to a complex adult? This course explores this question, examining the preparation and initiation of development (gametogenesis, fertilization, cleavages, and gastrulation), the formation of embryonic structure (morphogenesis), the creation of embryonic pattern (pattern formation), and the control of gene expression during embryogenesis. In lab, students will design and carry out experiments at the cutting edge of developmental biology, incorporating modern cellular, molecular, and genetic techniques with classical embryological approaches. Fundamental mysteries of development will be investigated in model organisms that best illustrate each process. (BIOL 0140 and BIOL 0145) 3 hrs. lect./4 hrs. lab SCI

BIOL 0308 Mammalogy (Fall 2021)

Thanks to a rogue asteroid, we now live in the Age of Mammals. Mammals fulfill important ecological roles and have adapted to a wide range of habitats – flying, swimming, and scurrying their way to survival. Mammals are also central to numerous livelihoods and cultural practices. We will use the phylogeny of mammals globally to build expertise with evolutionary concepts. Locally, we will work within Vermont to develop a field-based toolkit for studying wild mammals. Experiential learning opportunities may include preparation of salvaged animals, non-invasive monitoring, engagement with trappers/hunters, and introduction to molecular techniques. (BIOL 140) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab. SCI (A. Mychajliw)

BIOL 0314 Molecular Genetics (Spring 2022)

This course will focus on the structure and function of nucleic acids in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Lectures will center on molecular mechanisms of mutation, transposition, and recombination, the regulation of gene expression, and gene control in development, immune diversity and carcinogenesis. Readings from the primary literature will complement the textbook and classroom discussions. The laboratory will provide training in both classic and contemporary molecular-genetic techniques including nucleic acid isolation and purification, cloning, electroporation, nick-translation, Southern/Northern blotting, DNA sequencing, PCR and RT-PCR. (BIOL or MBBC majors, or by waiver. BIOL 0140 and BIOL 0145 or waiver) 3 hrs. lect./4 hrs. lab./1 hr. prelab. SCI

BIOL 0323 Plant Community Ecology (Spring 2022)

This course will explore the structure and dynamics of plant communities, with a particular emphasis on temperate forest communities. We will investigate patterns in community diversity and structure, explore how plant populations and plant communities respond to environmental disturbances, and investigate the effects of anthropogenic influences (climate change, introduced species, habitat conversion) on plant communities. Labs will emphasize fieldwork at local research sites, and will provide exposure to techniques of experimental design in plant ecology and basic approaches to describing plant community structure and dynamics. (BIOL 0140) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab. CW (8 seats), SCI

BIOL 0324 Genomics (Fall 2021)

Genomics is a quickly evolving field that analyzes and contextualizes genome sequencing data and high-throughput techniques. Genomics is the study of the nucleic acid content of organisms. In this course students will use national repositories of genomic information, databases, and open-source bioinformatics tools to visualize and manipulate genomic data. We will also explore genomics’ larger social context, particularly as it relates to the environment and medical informatics. In the laboratory we will explore and use the methodology used in genomics to develop and interpret large datasets (CHEM 0104 or CHEM 0107,and BIOL 0145 and BIOL0140, or by waiver) (not open to students who have taken BIOL 0334) 3 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab DED, SCI (J. Ward)

BIOL 0350 Endocrinology (Spring 2022)

Endocrinology is a branch of animal physiology devoted to the study of hormones and the endocrine glands that produce them. Hormones are essential for maintaining homeostasis and coordinating biological functions such as growth, reproduction, metabolism, and reaction to stress. This course will cover the diverse mechanisms through which hormones influence physiology and behavior. The endocrine system will provide a window into understanding animal physiology more broadly, with a focus on clinical applications. Lectures will describe the cellular and molecular basis of endocrine regulation and consider the function of each of the major hormone groups produced by the body, such as hypothalamic, pituitary, adrenal, and sex steroids. Weekly journal article discussions will cover current topics in endocrinology, and written work allows students to research endocrine topics of their own interest. . (BIOL 0140 and BIOL 0145) 3 hrs. lect. SCI

BIOL 0370 Animal Physiology (Spring 2022)

This course examines the body functions of animals and humans using general physiological principles and a comparative approach. Lectures will cover the function of each of the major physiological systems (nervous, endocrine, muscular, etc.) and will describe how animal physiology has been shaped by evolution to allow animals to survive in a wide range of environmental conditions. Lectures will focus mainly on physiological processes occurring at the molecular, cellular, and organismal levels. Occasional journal article discussions will provide case studies of current topics in animal physiology. Laboratory exercises, reports and oral presentations emphasize experimental design, analysis and independent study using various methodological approaches including electrophysiology, neurotransmitter manipulations, nutritional analysis, and exercise physiology. (BIOL 0140 or BIOL 0216 and BIOL 0145). 3 hrs. lect/disc., 3 hrs. lab. SCI

BIOL 0392 Conservation Biology (Spring 2022)

This course will focus on advanced topics in applied ecology and population genetics as they relate to the protection and restoration of biological integrity in the natural world. Emphasis will be placed on in-depth exploration of current issues, such as the design of nature reserves, genetic and demographic factors associated with population decline, metapopulation analysis, connectivity, and large-scale ecological processes. This course will involve reading from the primary literature, discussion, computer modeling, and writing assignments, and will build upon the information presented in the prerequisite courses. (BIOL 0140) SCI

BIOL 0396 Advanced Evolutionary Ecology (Fall 2021)

In 1965, the influential biologist G. Evelyn Hutchinson argued that ecological processes are like a theater in which evolutionary plays are performed. Implicit in his argument was the idea that ecological and evolutionary processes occur at distinct timescales, and can thus be easily separated. We will challenge this notion by studying phenotypic plasticity, ecological speciation, evo-eco dynamics, and other advanced topics through a hybrid of lecture, discussion, and a research experiment conducted as a class. Evaluation will be based on quizzes, discussions of the primary literature, several short written assignments, and the group research project. (BIOL 140 and 211 or waiver). 3 hrs. sem. SCI (E. Moody)

BIOL 0450 Topics in Reproductive Medicine (Fall 2021)

In this course we will examine the fundamentals of human reproduction and modern reproductive intervention strategies. Rapid discoveries in medical technologies have allowed us to push the limits of the human body, and we will explore the scientific and medical challenges that surround the control of fertility and infertility, fetal life, birth, and the neonatal period. Through critical review of the primary literature, writing, and informed dialogues, students will gain an understanding of key topics in reproductive medicine. (BIOL 0140, BIOL 0145, and one other 0200 or 0300-level biology course) SCI (C. Combelles)

BIOL 0479 Genes and Disease in the Nervous System (Fall 2021)

Numerous disorders in the nervous system have a genetic component; some are due to a mutation in a single gene while others demonstrate a more complex mode of inheritance. In this course we will focus on understanding the genetic basis of neurological diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Fragile-X, autism spectrum disorder, Huntington’s, motor neuron degeneration, Parkinson’s, and muscular dystrophy. From classical genetics to modern genomics, we will explore the discovery of the genes involved in brain disorders as well the development of animal models to reveal underlying molecular mechanisms. We will cover these topics through a combination of lectures and detailed analyses and discussions of primary research articles. (BIOL 0140, BIOL 0145, open to Juniors and Seniors) 3 hrs. lect. SCI (H. Christie)

BIOL 0500 Independent Study (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this course students complete individual projects involving laboratory and/or field research or extensive library study on a topic chosen by the student and a faculty advisor. Prior to registering for BIOL 0500, a student must have discussed and agreed upon a project topic with a member of the Biology Department faculty. Additional requirements include attendance at all Biology Department seminars and participation in any scheduled meetings with disciplinary sub-groups and lab groups. This course is not open to seniors; seniors should enroll in BIOL 0700, Senior Independent Study. (BIOL 0211. Approval required) 3 hrs. disc.

BIOL 0700 Senior Independent Study (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this course students complete individual projects involving laboratory and/or field research or extensive library study on a topic chosen by the student and a faculty advisor. Prior to registering for BIOL 0700, a student must have discussed and agreed upon a project topic with a member of the Biology Department faculty. Additional requirements include attendance at all Biology Department seminars and participation in any scheduled meetings with disciplinary sub-groups and lab groups. (BIOL 0211. Approval required; open only to seniors) 3 hrs. disc.

BIOL 0701 Senior Thesis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Seniors majoring in Biology who have completed one or more semesters of BIOL 0500 or BIOL 0700 and who plan to complete a thesis should register for BIOL 0701. In this course students will produce a written thesis, deliver a public presentation of the research on which it is based, and present an oral defense of the thesis before a committee of at least three faculty members. Additional requirements include attendance at all Biology Department seminars and participation in any scheduled meetings with disciplinary sub-groups and lab groups. Open to Biology and joint Biology/Environmental Studies majors. (BIOL 0211 and BIOL 0500 or BIOL 0700 or waiver; instructor approval required for all students) 3 hrs. disc
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Program in Black Studies

The Black Studies Program allows students to explore a wide range of topics related to Black experiences across the African Diaspora. The Program's major and minor allows students to attain degrees of mastery by concentrating on an interrelated set of topics within a geographic area or by comparing aspects of the topic(s) inter-regionally or globally. Three required core courses will provide the framework on which students will organize their own majors in consultation with the program's director. 

The Major

To complete the major a student must take eleven (11) courses:

Four (4) that acquaint students with Black studies as a recognized field of study

  1. BLST 0101: An introduction to the core themes, topics, and methods commonly recognized as belonging to Black Studies 
  2. BLST 0301: A junior seminar that provides guidance in identifying and using sources and methods for research in Black Studies. 
  3. BLST 0401: A senior seminar in which Black Studies majors conduct independent research -- while working collaboratively with other students and a faculty member.  
  4. HIST 0225 (African-American History) or AMST 0107 (Introduction to African-American Culture)

Four (4) clustered courses that concentrate on a region or topic (either of which may be comparative)

  • Courses taken for the concentration and senior work allow students to go deeper into a topic and develop their skills in interpretation and constructive analysis. Students will work with the director of the program in selecting the courses that will fulfill their proposed concentration. Intensive listening, close reading, critical thinking, effective oral and written expression and collaborative interaction with colleagues will be among the skills the concentration will address. 

Three (3) electives that allow for breadth of study. 

  • The electives allow students to get outside their area of concentration, either to explore totally different topics or to explore their area of concentration from a different perspective. With permission from the director of the program, one or more of these electives may be in a department not directly related to Black Studies but that introduces students to critical approaches that may be helpful to a student's advanced work on a topic. 

Joint Major Requirements: In consultation with their advisor and/or the Director of Black Studies, students must take a minimum of eight courses that satisfy the BLST major. Of these eight courses, four are required and include BLST 0101, BLST 0301, BLST 0401, and either HIST 0225 or AMST 0107.  The remaining four elective courses must inform, complement, and complete the joint major. Students may take BLST 0700 or BLST 0710 (honors senior thesis) as one of their four elective courses, subject to approval of their academic advisor and the Director of Black Studies.

Minor Requirements: For those students who wish to minor in Black Studies, please see the requirements for the “Minor in African-American Studies.”

BLST 0101 Introduction to Black Studies (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course considers the issues, epistemologies, and political investments central to Black Studies as a field. We will explore chronologically, thematically, and with an interdisciplinary lens the social forces and ideas that have shaped the individual and collective experiences of African-descended peoples throughout the African Diaspora. This course is a broad survey of the history of chattel slavery, colonial encounters, community life, and social institutions of black Americans. We will address issues of gender and class; the role of social movements in struggles for liberation; and various genres of black expressive cultures. Students will develop critical tools, frameworks, and vocabulary for further study in the field. Course materials may include Maulana Karenga’s Introduction to Black Studies, C.L.R. James’s The Black Jacobins, and Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God. 3 hrs. lect. AAL, AMR, HIS, SOC (Fall 2021: K. Davis)

BLST 0114 History of Modern Africa (Spring 2022)

We begin looking at revolutions in the early 19th century and the transformations surrounding the slave trade. Next we examine the European colonization of the continent, exploring how diverse interventions into Africans' lives had complex effects on political authority, class and generational dynamics, gender relations, ethnic and cultural identities, and rural and urban livelihoods. After exploring Africans' struggles against colonial rule in day-to-day practices and mass political movements, the last few weeks cover Africa's transition to independence and the postcolonial era, including the experience of neo-colonialism, ethnic conflict, poverty, and demographic crisis. 2 hrs. lect., 1 hr. disc. AAL, HIS, SAF, SOC
Cross-listed as: HIST 0114 *

BLST 0115 Education in the USA (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

What are schools for? What makes education in a democracy unique? What counts as evidence of that uniqueness? What roles do schools play in educating citizens in a democracy for a democracy? In this course, we will engage these questions while investigating education as a social, cultural, political, and economic process. We will develop new understandings of current policy disputes regarding a broad range or educational issues by examining the familiar through different ideological and disciplinary lenses. 3 hrs. lect./1 hr. disc. AMR (Fall 2021), NOR (Fall 2021), SOC (Fall 2021) (Fall 2021: T. Affolter, J. Miller-Lane, S. Hoffman)
Cross-listed as: EDST 0115 *

BLST 0174 Spacing (Fall 2021)

In this course we will investigate physical structures encountered daily. Buildings, parks, and infrastructure constitute this built environment, reflecting their societies. But what could abolitionist architecture look like, or how might public space in the U.S. create new social relations? Through lenses of race, class, and gender we will build critical vocabularies around the practice of making space. We will focus on the historical and contemporary embodiment of power, race, and culture of the U.S. through the built environment. This studio class will then present a series of projects addressing basic three-dimensional construction and model making techniques. We will engage historical and contemporary artworks, urban planning, architecture, and poetry from perspectives of resistance to dominant modes of constructing space. AMR, ART, SOC (M. Schrader)
Cross-listed as: ART 0174 *

BLST 0212 Race, Racisms, and the Visual: African American Visual Cultures (Fall 2021)

In this course we will study visual cultures, performance, and digital media in relation to (anti-)Blackness and Black communities in the United States. We will pay particular attention to gendered and sexualized understandings of race and racisms within visual planes. An interdisciplinary and multimedia approach to the subject matter asks students to develop critical reading and engaged listening skills, as well as foster the ability to deploy critical thought in written, creative, and oral forms. Students should leave the course able to apply core concepts of Black visual studies into their academic work as well as their lives outside of the classroom. 3 hrs. lect. AMR, ART, NOR, SOC (K. Davis)

BLST 0215 Culturally Responsive Policy and Pedagogy (Fall 2021)

Building on the work of Gloria Ladson-Billings’ culturally relevant pedagogy, Django Paris developed a theory of culturally sustaining pedagogy that “seeks to perpetuate and foster—to sustain linguistic, literate, and cultural pluralism,” for students in schools (Paris, 2012). In this course we examine how teachers might sustain and support students in classrooms and how educational policy might better address and respond to the rich diversity in our schools and communities. This is a required course for all students seeking a Vermont teaching licensure. (EDST 0115) 3 hrs. lect. AMR, CMP, NOR, SOC (T. Affolter)
Cross-listed as: EDST 0215 *

BLST 0224 African Cinema (Fall 2021)

In this course we will examine how films written and directed by African filmmakers address the evolving identities of post-colonial Africans. Students will explore the development of various national cinemas and the film movements that helped define African cinema as a tool for cultural expression and social change. We will pair film studies, post-colonial studies, and African studies readings with a diverse selection of films from across sub-Saharan Africa, from Senegal’s 1967 Black Girl (Ousmane Sembene) to the 2018 Netflix-produced Nigerian “Nollywood” film, Lionheart (Genevieve Nnaji). 3 hours lect./3 hours screen. AAL, ART, CMP, HIS, SAF (N. Ngaiza)
Cross-listed as: FMMC 0224 *

BLST 0225 African American History (Fall 2021)

In this course we will examine the history of African Americans from the rise of the transatlantic slave trade to the present. The course will reveal how African Americans actively shaped their history and the history of the United States as an American nation. We will explore topics such as the Middle passage, African American slave cultures, enslaved resistance, emancipation, the rise of legalized segregation, mass migrations, and the continuing struggles for equality. We will approach the subject matter using a variety of primary and secondary sources that focus on the experiences of individuals such as enslaved narratives, autobiographies, documentaries, and oral histories. 3 hrs. lect/disc. AMR, HIS, NOR (E. Mendoza)
Cross-listed as: HIST 0225 *

BLST 0227 African American Cinema (Spring 2022)

In this course we will examine various representations of Blackness in American Cinema, from Oscar Micheaux’s early silent films to Ryan Coogler’s Black Panther. While we will primarily focus on films written and/or directed by African-Americans, we will also study the social, cultural, and political impact of Hollywood ideas and images of Black people and how they changed over time. Through a framework of both film theory and critical race theory, students will analyze how Black creative expression has manifested itself through film, influencing both form and content. 3 hours lect./3 hours screen AMR, ART, HIS, NOR
Cross-listed as: FMMC 0227 *

BLST 0241 Blackness and the Arab Imaginary (In English) (Fall 2021)

Blackness as a category of analysis in the Middle East and North Africa, while fundamental to opening the field to the study of race and the legacies of slavery, remains understudied and deserving of critical attention. In this course we will explore the historic and political category of “blackness” and examine how black identities are constructed in the cultural and epistemological production of the Arab world and the Arab Diaspora through literature, critical scholarship, music, and cinema. We will address imperial and transnational dimensions of blackness as well as its increasing relevance for understanding new racial configurations in the contemporary Middle East and the Arab Diaspora. 3 hrs. lect. MDE, SOC (D. Ayoub)
Cross-listed as: ARBC 0241 *

BLST 0252 African American Literature (Fall 2021)

This course surveys developments in African American fiction, drama, poetry, and essays during the 20th century. Reading texts in their social, historical, and cultural contexts—and often in conjunction with other African American art forms like music and visual art—we will explore the evolution and deployment of various visions of black being and black artistry, from the Harlem Renaissance through social realism and the Black Arts Movement, to the contemporary post-soul aesthetic. Authors may include Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Gwendolyn Brooks, Ralph Ellison, Lorraine Hansberry, Amiri Baraka, Ishmael Reed, Toni Morrison, Charles Johnson, and Octavia Butler. This course may also be counted as a general elective or REC elective for the ENAM major. 3 hrs lect./disc. AMR, LIT, NOR (W. Nash)
Cross-listed as: AMST 0252 *

BLST 0259 Re-Presenting Slavery (Spring 2022)

In this course we will examine 20th century American portrayals of chattel slavery through creative works and situate them in their historical contexts. Working primarily with fiction (Oxherding Tale, Kindred, The Underground Railroad), film (Mandingo, Django Unchained, Twelve Years a Slave), television (Roots, Africans in America, Underground), and visual art (works by Jacob Lawrence, Romare Bearden, and Kara Walker), we will evaluate how those various representations of the “Peculiar Institution” have changed, and/or have been changed, by the cultural moments in which they appeared. This course may also be counted as a general elective or REC elective for the ENAM major. 3 hrs lect. AMR, ART, HIS, NOR
Cross-listed as: AMST 0259 *

BLST 0300 Models of Inclusive Education (Spring 2022)

In this course we will focus on strategies and techniques for including students with diverse learning styles in general education environments. Legal, theoretical, philosophical, and programmatic changes leading toward inclusive models of education will be approached through a historical overview of special education for students with disabilities. Additionally, the course works to expand notions of inclusion such that students' multiple identities are incorporated into all learning. Emphasis is given to the active learning models and differentiated curriculum and instruction to accommodate a range of learners with diverse disabilities, abilities, and identities. (EDST 0115 or SOAN 0215 or SOCI 0215 or AMST 0105). AMR, NOR, SOC
Cross-listed as: EDST 0300 *

BLST 0301 Theory and Methods in Black Studies (Spring 2022)

In this course, which is the required junior seminar for Black Studies, we will explore the historical, philosophical, and methodological basis of Black Studies. Reading seminal primary and secondary sources, students will gain a deeper understanding of both the central issues and the range of theoretical responses (e.g., intersectionality, critical race theory) that have helped shaped the field since its inception in the late 1960s. Emphasis will be given to preparing students for senior work in the major. 3 hrs. sem. HIS, SOC

BLST 0304 African American Activism in Education (Fall 2021)

In this course we will examine how Black activists have fought against inequity and contributed to social change in and through education. After discussing fights for access to education – and the use of education for change – in the 19th and early 20th century, we will focus on the Civil Rights and Black Power Era. We will examine struggles for desegregation, integration and community control, initiatives such as the Mississippi Freedom Schools and independent Black Power schools, as well as activism on college campuses. We will conclude by contextualizing current struggles in education within the long fight for Black freedom and equal education. 3 hrs. lect. AMR, HIS, NOR, SOC (V. Huang)

BLST 0348 Afro-Caribbean Music Genres (Fall 2021)

In this course we will study Afro-Caribbean music genres (eg, reggae, mambo, salsa, merengue, reggaeton, and calypso) and their impact within the region and on the global stage. Our main goal will be to compare the contested theoretical concept of cultural hybridity among the larger Caribbean nations (Haiti, Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Trinidad and Tobago, and the Dominican Republic) and their diasporas. We will also explore how Caribbean musicians and superstars work within the global infrastructure of the music/dance industry, while occasionally managing to counter the hegemonic erasure of the legacy of Black rebellion, worker revolution, nationalism, and racial/gender politics. (SPAN 0220 or 300 level Spanish course) 3 hrs. lect AAL, AMR, ART, CMP, LNG (E. Garcia)

BLST 0358 Reading, Slavery, and Abolition (Fall 2021)

In this course we will study both black and white writers' psychological responses to, and their verbal onslaughts on, the "peculiar institution" of chattel slavery. We will work chronologically and across genres to understand how and by whom the written word was deployed in pursuit of physical and mental freedom and racial and socioeconomic justice. As the course progresses, we will deepen our study of historical context drawing on the substantial resources of Middlebury's special collections, students will have the opportunity to engage in archival work if they wish. Authors will include Emerson, Douglass, Jacobs, Thoreau, Stowe, Walker, and Garrison. This course may also be counted as a general elective or REC elective for the ENAM major. 3 hrs. sem. This course is part of the Public Humanities Labs Initiative administered by the Axinn Center for the Humanities.* AMR, HIS, LIT, NOR (W. Nash)
Cross-listed as: AMST 0358 *

BLST 0464 Universities and Slavery in America (Fall 2021)

In this seminar we will explore and compare the different histories of enslavement at schools across the country from colonial times to the present. Some of the questions we will answer include: what was the importance of slavery in the development of higher education? How did people experience enslavement in schools? How did universities perpetuate slavery culture? The class will also consider the emerging debates over reparations and restorative justice and the role of students in these developments across the country. Using our knowledge of other institutions, students will research Middlebury’s place in this history. 3 hrs sem. AMR, HIS, NOR (E. Mendoza)
Cross-listed as: HIST 0464 *

BLST 0500 Independent Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required)

BLST 0700 Senior Work (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required)

BLST 0710 Senior Thesis Work (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required)

BLST 2315 Race, Exile, and Immigration: Africa and Western World (Fall 2021)

As George Lamming put it, to be in exile is to be alive, especially when the exile is a person of colonial orientation who has experienced a sense of alienation resulting from the imposition of foreign codes on his/her culture. In this course, we will explore otherness, the gaze, and the myth of immigration and/or exile. We will study creative writings, essays, and films produced by artists who are made to feel a sense of exile or strangeness. Problems inherent to physical and intellectual displacement/exile of the colonized in colonial and postcolonial eras will also be examined. SAF, SOC (A. Kom)
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Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

I. Majors: Students can elect to major in chemistry, biochemistry, environmental chemistry (joint major), or molecular biology and biochemistry.

II. Course Requirements:

   Chemistry: MATH 0121*, MATH 0122*, PHYS 0109*, PHYS 0110 or PHYS 0111, CHEM 0103*, CHEM 0104 (or CHEM 0107), CHEM 0203 (or CHEM 0241), CHEM 0204 (or CHEM 0242), CHEM 0311, and either CHEM 0351 or CHEM 0355, and two electives chosen, with an advisor’s approval, from 0200-, 0300- or 0400- courses the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department or GEOL 0323. Independent study courses (CHEM 0400, CHEM 0500, CHEM 0700, or CHEM 0701) cannot count as electives.
     Honors in Chemistry: MATH 0121*, MATH 0122*, PHYS 0109*, PHYS 0110 or PHYS 0111, CHEM 0103*, CHEM 0104 (or CHEM 0107), CHEM 0203 (or CHEM 0241), CHEM 204 (or CHEM 0242), CHEM 0311, CHEM 0312, CHEM 0351, CHEM 0355, CHEM 0431, CHEM 0400, CHEM 0701.
     Biochemistry: MATH 0121*, MATH 0122*, PHYS 0109*, PHYS 0110 or PHYS 0111, CHEM 0103*,CHEM 0104 (or CHEM 0107), CHEM 0203 (or CHEM 0241), CHEM 204 (or CHEM 0242), CHEM 0313, CHEM 0322, and two electives chosen, with an advisor’s approval, from 0200-,0300- or 0400-level courses in the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department or BIOL 0314. Independent study courses (CHEM 0400, CHEM 0500, CHEM 0700, or CHEM 0701) cannot count as electives.
     Honors in Biochemistry: MATH 0121*, MATH 0122*, PHYS 0109*, PHYS 0110 or PHYS 0111, CHEM 0103*, CHEM 0104 (or CHEM 0107), CHEM 0203 (or CHEM 0241), CHEM 204 (or CHEM 0242), CHEM 0311, CHEM 0313, CHEM 0322, CHEM 0355, CHEM 0425, CHEM 0400, CHEM 0701.
     Environmental Chemistry: See the listing for the Environmental Chemistry focus under the Program in Environmental Studies. http://www.middlebury.edu/academics/es/requirements

     Molecular Biology and Biochemistry: See Program in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. http://www.middlebury.edu/academics/mbb

     *Students may receive credit for courses indicated by an asterisk with a satisfactory score on the advanced placement examination for that subject. Students who have scored a 4 or 5 on the advanced placement examination in chemistry are awarded a course credit for CHEM 0103 and may enroll in CHEM 0107 (strongly encouraged) or CHEM 0104. Students who do not have an AP score of 4 or 5, but have a strong background in chemistry should take the department’s online placement examination to determine if they are prepared for CHEM 0104 or CHEM 0107. Those students who achieve a satisfactory score on the placement examination will be encouraged to register for CHEM 0104 or CHEM 0107, but will not receive credit for CHEM 0103.

III. Independent Research and Senior Thesis Program: Many students participate in independent research (CHEM 0500 or CHEM 0700) or complete senior thesis projects (CHEM 0400 and CHEM 0701). Students who are interested in completing a senior thesis project should meet with their academic advisor for guidance in seeking a research advisor no later than winter term of their junior year. Although required for departmental honors, students may also participate the senior thesis program without pursuing honors and the associated coursework.

IV. Eligibility for Honors in Chemistry or Biochemistry: Students who successfully complete the honors coursework—including the senior thesis program—with a minimum grade point average of 3.20 are awarded departmental honors.  High Honors may be awarded at the discretion of the department and the thesis committee to students who demonstrate exceptional achievement in both the thesis program and departmental course work.

V. Recommended Programs of Study: Several coursework options for students considering chemistry or biochemistry as a major are shown below. Although students may deviate from these guides, it is strongly recommended that all prospective majors complete CHEM 0104 or CHEM 0107 by the end of their first year and the calculus (MATH 0121 and 0122) and physics (PHYS 0109 and 0110 or 0111) courses by the end of their second year. Completing CHEM 0203 as early as possible provides the maximum flexibility both within the major and for other academic interests, including study abroad.

  First Year:
  Fall: CHEM 0103, MATH 0121
  Spring: CHEM 0104, MATH 0122 
  Fall: CHEM 0104 or CHEM 0107, MATH 0121
  Spring: MATH 0122 (consider CHEM 0203)

  Sophomore Year:
  Fall: CHEM 0203, PHYS 0109
  Spring: CHEM 0204, PHYS 0110 or PHYS 0111

  Junior Year:
  Fall: CHEM 0311, CHEM 0351*
  Spring: *(OR CHEM 0355)

  Senior Year:
  Fall: elective
  Spring: elective

  First Year:
  Fall: CHEM 0103, MATH 0121
  Spring: CHEM 0104, MATH 0122
  Fall: CHEM 0104 or CHEM 0107, MATH 0121
  Spring: MATH 0122 (consider CHEM 0203)

Sophomore Year:
  Fall: CHEM 0203, PHYS 0109
  Spring: CHEM 0204, PHYS 0110 or PHYS 0111

  Junior Year:
  Fall: CHEM 0322
  Spring: CHEM 0313

  Senior Year:
  Fall: elective
  Spring: elective

Chemistry with honors 
  First Year:
  Fall: CHEM 0103, MATH 0121
  Spring: CHEM 0104, MATH 0122
  Fall: CHEM 0104 or CHEM 0107, MATH 0121
  Spring: MATH 0122 (consider CHEM 0203)

  Sophomore Year:
  Fall: CHEM 0203, PHYS 0109
  Spring: CHEM 0204, PHYS 0110 or PHYS 0111

  Junior Year:
  Fall: CHEM 0311, CHEM 0351
  Spring: CHEM 0312, CHEM 0355

  Senior Year:
  Fall: CHEM 0400, CHEM 0431
  Spring: CHEM 0701

  Biochemistry with honors
  First Year:
  Fall: CHEM 0103, MATH 0121
  Spring: CHEM 0104, MATH 0122
  Fall: CHEM 0104 or CHEM 0107, MATH 0121
  Spring: MATH 0122 (consider CHEM 0203)

  Sophomore Year:
  Fall: CHEM 0203, PHYS 0109
  Spring: CHEM 0204, PHYS 0110 or PHYS 0111

  Junior Year: 
  Fall: CHEM 0311, CHEM 0322
  Spring: CHEM 0313, CHEM 0355

  Senior Year:
  Fall: CHEM 0400, CHEM 0425
  Spring: CHEM 0701

CHEM 0103 General Chemistry I (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Major topics will include atomic theory and atomic structure; chemical bonding; stoichiometry; introduction to chemical thermodynamics. States of matter; solutions and nuclear chemistry. Laboratory work deals with testing of theories by various quantitative methods. Students with strong secondary school preparation are encouraged to consult the department chair for permission to elect CHEM 0104 or CHEM 0107 in place of this course. CHEM 0103 is also an appropriate course for a student with little or no prior preparation in chemistry who would like to learn about basic chemical principles while fulfilling the SCI or DED distribution requirement. 3 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab, 1 hr. disc. DED, SCI (Fall 2021: M. French)

CHEM 0104 General Chemistry II (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Major topics include chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, acid-base equilibria, chemical thermodynamics, electrochemistry, descriptive inorganic chemistry, and coordination chemistry. Lab work includes inorganic synthesis, qualitative analysis, and quantitative analysis in kinetics, acid-base and redox chemistry. The fall 2020 lab modality is a “Remote-Flexible” format, which is composed of approximately 75% asynchronous sessions with the remaining 25% of lab time dedicated to synchronous remote sessions or optional in-lab/in-person foundational laboratory skills training (scheduled with instructor and limited to 5-6 students at a time in the lab). Recordings of the in-person trainings will be provided for those students studying remotely. (CHEM 0103 or equivalent) 3 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab, 1 hr. disc. DED, SCI (Fall 2021: C. Dovey)

CHEM 0203 Organic Chemistry I: Structure and Reactivity (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Fall 2021

Labs for this course will meet every other week. Please note the section text for the lab you choose to note the dates your lab will meet. SCI (J. Byers, R. Bunt)

Spring 2022

Organic Chemistry I: Structure and Reactivity
In Fall 2020, this course will be taught remotely using “flipped class” pedagogy. Students will be expected to watch videos prior to class, and classroom time will be dedicated to small group problem solving with faculty guidance. The course will provide students with an introduction to the structure and reactivity of organic molecules sufficient to continue directly to study of biochemistry (CHEM 0322). Topics covered will include models of chemical bonding, acid-base relationships, three-dimensional molecular structure (conformations and stereochemistry), reaction mechanisms and energy diagrams, substitution and elimination reactions, carbonyl reactions (additions, reductions, interconversions, and alpha-reactivity), and the fundamentals of biological molecules (carbohydrates, DNA, and RNA). Remote laboratory experiments will relate to purification techniques (recrystallization, distillation, extraction, and chromatography) as well as microscale organic reactions that complement the lecture portion of the course. (CHEM 0104 or CHEM 0107) 3 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab

CHEM 0204 Organic Chemistry II: Synthesis and Spectroscopy (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this course we will explore the ways that organic molecules are made and their structures identified. The study of organic reactions will continue from CHEM 0203 with radical reactions, alkene and alkyne additions, aromatic reactions, oxidations and reductions, and additional carbonyl reactions. Emphasis in this course will be placed on using reactions in sequences to synthesize larger and more complex molecules. The theory and practice of mass spectrometry and UV-Vis, IR, and NMR spectroscopy will be studied as a means to elucidate the exact structures of organic molecules. Laboratory experiments will focus on synthetic techniques that complement the lecture portion of the course and the identification of complex unknowns via GC-MS, IR, and NMR. (CHEM 0203) 3 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab, 1 hr. prelab. (Fall 2021: J. Byers)

CHEM 0270 Environmental Chemistry & Health (Spring 2022)

IIn this course we will investigate the relationship between molecular structure and the behavior of chemical pollutants in natural and built environments, the science underlying health effects of toxic exposures, and environmental justice concerns associated with pollutant exposures. Through readings and active problem solving, we will examine the chemistry governing global transport and partitioning of chemicals among soils/sediments, waters, the atmosphere, and biota (including humans), as well as contaminant remediation strategies. We will study foundational principles of environmental toxicology and take a case study approach to identifying patterns of environmental injustice. In the laboratory, we will apply methods for monitoring pollution, understanding pollutant behavior, and assessing toxicity. 3 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab SCI

CHEM 0301 Medicinal Chemistry (Spring 2022)

Medicinal chemistry combines organic chemistry with biochemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, molecular biology, pharmacology, and medicine. As chemists we try to correlate the molecular structure of pharmaceutical treatments (i.e., "drugs") with their biological activity to understand disease and to develop both new and improved treatments. In this course we will survey the major categories of diseases, drug targets, and drugs using a case-study approach. In addition to mid-term exams and a shorter group presentation on a disease category, the course will culminate with group-based final projects (presentation and written paper) about the design, development, and proposed future directions of treatments targeting a specific disease. (CHEM 0204 or CHEM 0322) 3 hrs. lect.

CHEM 0311 Instrumental Analysis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course introduces fundamental concepts of analytical chemistry, instrumental analysis, and scientific writing. Lecture topics include experimental design and quality control; sample collection and preparation; calibration, error, and data analysis; statistics; and the theory and operation of chemical instrumentation. Multi-week laboratory projects provide hands-on experience in qualitative and quantitative analysis using a variety of research-quality instrumentation (e.g., graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy, UV/Vis spectrometry, gas chromatography mass spectrometry, circular dichroism spectroscopy, high pressure liquid chromatography). Writing workshops promote professional scientific writing skills through guided practice in writing analysis, peer review, and revision. For Fall 2020, hands-on skill development emphasized despite remote instruction using “lab kits” (all food grade, safe materials) sent to all students, with encouraged in-person options for students residing on-campus, as safety allows. (CHEM 0204 or CHEM 0242) 3 hr. lect., 6 hrs. lab. CW (Fall 2021) (Fall 2021: M. Costanza-Robinson, B. Cotts)

CHEM 0312 Inorganic and Physical Chemistry Laboratory (Spring 2022)

In this course students will carry out experiments in the field of inorganic and physical chemistry and write journal-style reports based on their results. In the first half of the semester students will conduct a multi-step synthesis and characterization of a Mo-Mo complex with a quadruple bond. Students will learn inert atmosphere synthetic techniques and how to use a glove box. The synthesized Mo-Mo complex will be characterized by UV-Vis, IR, 1H and 31P NMR spectroscopies, and cyclic voltammetry. In the second half of the semester students will conduct two physical chemistry experiments. First students will carry out a kinetic study of the isomerization of the Mo-Mo (alpha to beta or beta to alpha) complex by UV-Vis spectroscopy. Finally, students will obtain the high-resolution IR spectra of acetylene and deuterated acetylene and analyze the rotation-vibration spectra using statistical and quantum mechanics to obtain structural data and interpret the peak intensities. In addition to the laboratory activities, there will be lectures on metal quadruple bonds, principles of UV-Vis , IR, 1H and 31P NMR spectroscopies, cyclic voltammetry, and statistical mechanics. (CHEM 0311, CHEM 0351, and CHEM 0355. CHEM 0355 can be taken concurrently.) 3 hrs. lect. 3 hrs. lab

CHEM 0313 Biochemistry Laboratory (Spring 2022)

Experimental biochemistry emphasizing the isolation, purification and characterization of enzymes and the cloning of genes and expression of recombinant protein. Traditional biochemical techniques such as UV-VIS spectroscopy, gel filtration, ion exchange and affinity chromatography, electrophoresis, and immunoblotting will be used in the investigation of several enzymes. Specific experiments will emphasize enzyme purification, enzyme kinetics, and enzyme characterization by biochemical and immunochemical methods. Major techniques in molecular biology will be introduced through an extended experiment that will include DNA purification, polymerase chain reaction, bacterial transformation, DNA sequencing, and the expression, purification, and characterization of the recombinant protein. Class discussions emphasize the underlying principles of the biochemical and molecular techniques employed in the course, and how these experimental tools are improved for particular applications. Laboratory reports stress experimental design, data presentation, and interpretation of results. (CHEM 0322) 2 hr. lect., 6 hrs. lab. CW

CHEM 0322 Biochemistry of Macromolecules (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course is an introduction to biochemistry that focuses on the chemical and physical properties of amino acids, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids. Specific topics include the structure and function of proteins, enzyme mechanisms and kinetics, how carbohydrates and lipids contribute to vital cellular and organismal functions, and informational biochemistry (DNA, RNA, and specific enzymes and processes leading to the production of regulatory RNA and proteins). Specific topics from the primary literature will be explored to illustrate how particular techniques and experimental approaches are used to gain a new understanding of biochemistry and molecular biology. (CHEM 0203 or CHEM 0242) 3 hrs. lect., 1 hr. disc. (Fall 2021: R. Cluss)

CHEM 0351 Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy (Fall 2021)

Quantum theory is developed and applied to atomic structure and molecular bonding. Spectroscopy is examined as an application of quantum theory. (CHEM 0204 or CHEM 0241, MATH 0122 and PHYS 0110, or by waiver) 3 hrs. lect. (B. Cotts)

CHEM 0355 Thermodynamics and Kinetics for Chemical and Biological Sciences (Spring 2022)

In this course students will learn the central ideas that frame thermodynamics and kinetics. The application of these ideas to chemical, biological, and the environmental processes will be covered using examples such as refrigerators, heat pumps, fuel cells, bioenergetics, lipid membranes, and catalysts (including enzymes). (PHYS 0109 or PHYS 0110 and MATH 0122 and CHEM 0204) 3 hrs lect., 1 hr disc.

CHEM 0400 Seminar in Chemical Research (Fall 2021)

This seminar provides students with experiences to support the preparation of a senior thesis. As the course involves participation in a mentored laboratory project and the intent to complete a senior thesis, students must make arrangements to work with a faculty advisor prior to gaining approval for course registration. The classroom portion of this seminar focuses on reading the scientific literature, giving effective oral presentations, and writing the thesis introduction. Particular emphasis will be given to computer and technology issues related to oral and written presentations. Participation will normally be followed by registration for CHEM 0500 or CHEM 0700 (winter term and spring). (Senior standing; Approval only) 2 hrs. sem., 12 hrs. lab. (R. Cluss)

CHEM 0425 Biochemistry of Metabolism (Fall 2021)

A living organism requires thousands of coordinated individual chemical reactions for life. In this course we will survey the major integrated metabolic pathways of living cells and whole organisms, with particular attention to enzyme mechanisms, as well as the regulation, and integration of metabolism from the molecular to the whole organism level. The synthesis and degradation of carbohydrates, amino acids, lipids, and nucleotides are investigated, along with the mechanisms of energy flow and cell-to-cell communication. While common metabolic processes are emphasized, unique aspects of metabolism that permit cells to function in unusual niches will also be considered. Mechanistic and regulatory aspects of metabolic processes will be reinforced through an investigation of inborn errors and organic defects that lead to disease. (CHEM 0322) 3 hrs. lect., 1 hr. disc. (R. Cluss)

CHEM 0500 Independent Study Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Individual study for qualified students. (Approval required)

CHEM 0700 Senior Research (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this course students complete individual projects involving laboratory research on a topic chosen by the student and a faculty advisor. Prior to registering for CHEM 0700, a student must have discussed and agreed upon a project topic with a faculty member in the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department. Attendance at all Chemistry and Biochemistry Department seminars is expected. (Approval required; open only to seniors)

CHEM 0701 Senior Thesis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Students who have initiated research projects in CHEM 0400 and who plan to complete a senior thesis should register for CHEM 0701. Students are required to write a thesis, give a public presentation, and defend their thesis before a committee of at least three faculty members. The final grade will be determined by the department. Attendance at all Chemistry and Biochemistry Department seminars is expected. (CHEM 0400; approval required)
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Greenberg-Starr Department of Chinese Language & Literature

If your degree progress has been disrupted by the pandemic contact Chair Tom Moran at moran@middlebury.edu to discuss modifications and/or waivers to these requirements.

Full Major:
I. Required Courses:

  • CHNS 0101 through CHNS 0302 (or equivalent)
  • Four additional courses from among: CHNS 0219, CHNS 0220, CHNS/GSFS 0240, CHNS/FMMC 0250, CHNS/LNGT 0270, CHNS 0325, CHNS/GSFS 0331, CHNS 0340, CHNS 0350, CHNS 0370 (At least one of the four must be in pre-modern literature and at least one must be in modern literature or culture).
  • CHNS 0411 (The equivalent may be taken during study abroad)
  • CHNS 0425, CHNS 0426, or CHNS 0412 (the equivalent to CHNS 0412 may be taken at the Middlebury Chinese School, or during study abroad)
  • CHNS 0475
  • Either CHNS 0700 or CHNS 0701 and CHNS 0702

II. Senior Work:
Full majors in Chinese are required to complete either CHNS 0701 and CHNS 0702 (Senior Honors Thesis) or CHNS 0700 (Senior Essay or Translation Project). CHNS 0701 and CHNS 0702 is a one-semester plus J-term sequence that should normally be taken during the fall and J-term. CHNS 0700 is a one-semester course that may be taken during the fall or winter. The Chinese department discourages students from postponing completion of senior work until the final semester of full-time study.
     Joint majors in Chinese are encouraged but not required to do a senior thesis (CHNS 0701 and CHNS 0702) or project (CHNS 0700). A joint thesis or project should, when feasible, combine the two fields of study of the joint major.
     All senior work, whether CHNS 0700 or CHNS 0701 and CHNS 0702, must include a major focus on work with primary sources in Chinese. All senior work should focus on Chinese literature; qualified students may petition the Chair for permission to do senior work on other aspects of Chinese culture (e.g., film or linguistics).
     Senior Honors Thesis: To be eligible for the CHNS 0701 and CHNS 0702 Senior Honors Thesis, students majoring in Chinese (full, double or joint) must have completed language study through at least CHNS 0302 (or equivalent), taken at least two Chinese literature/culture courses, and maintained an average of B+ or better in Chinese department courses. Complete guidelines for the completion of the CHNS 0701 and CHNS 0702 thesis (and the CHNS 0700 project) are available from the Chinese Department.
     Departmental Honors: Both full and joint majors may qualify for honors. Eligibility for departmental honors in Chinese requires completion of a senior honors thesis graded B+ or better and a grade point average of B+ (3.35) or higher in all courses taken that satisfy or could potentially satisfy the requirements for the major as listed above (full) and below (joint), including courses taken in the summer in the Chinese School and/or during study abroad. Only courses that satisfy or could potentially satisfy major requirements count toward honors (i.e., courses taken abroad that do not fall into this category do not count) and all such courses count (e.g., if more than four courses toward major requirement {b} are taken, all count). The department may award honors for completion of an exceptionally impressive senior essay or translation project that is graded A if the student has an average of B+ or higher in all qualifying courses (as defined above). High honors will be awarded for a grade point average of 3.5 or higher in all qualifying courses (as define above) and a senior thesis of A- or better. Highest honors are reserved for students who earn a grade of A on the senior thesis and who have an average of 3.75 or higher in all qualifying courses (as defined above).

Joint Major:
I. Required Courses:

  • CHNS 0101 through CHNS 0302 (or equivalent);
  • Either CHNS 0411 (the equivalent may be taken in the summer at the Middlebury Chinese School or, with prior approval, during study abroad) or CHNS 0425;
  • Four additional courses from among the following, with at least one from each category: (A) CHNS 0219, CHNS 0220, CHNS/GSFS 0240, CHNS/FMMC 0250, CHNS/LNGT 0270, CHNS 0325, CHNS/GSFS 0331, CHNS 0340, CHNS 0350, CHNS 0370; (B) CHNS 0411, CHNS 0412, CHNS 0425, CHNS 0426, CHNS 0475.

I. Required Courses:

  • Four courses from among CHNS 0101 or CHNS 0102 (not both), CHNS 0103, CHNS 0201, CHNS 0202, CHNS 0301, CHNS 0302, CHNS 0400, CHNS 0411, CHNS 0412, CHNS 0425, CHNS 0426, and CHNS 0475 (in this way, all students increase their language proficiency, regardless of the level at which they start their study).
  • Plus three courses from among CHNS 0219, CHNS 0220, CHNS 0250, CHNS 0270, CHNS 0325, CHNS 0331 (formally CHNS 0330), CHNS 0340, CHNS 0350, CHNS 0370, CHNS 0411, CHNS 0412, CHNS 0425, CHNS 0426, and CHNS 0475. One course must be in literature in either Chinese or English (the following are literature courses: CHNS 0219, CHNS 0220, CHNS 0325, CHNS 0331 (formally CHNS 0330), CHNS 0340, CHNS 0370, CHNS 0412, and CHNS 0475).
  • A single course may be counted toward only one category.
  • The equivalent of CHNS 0411 and/or CHNS 0412 may be taken abroad. A "one-on-one" course in literature or culture taken abroad may count toward the second category if approved by the Department Chair before study abroad. No other courses taken abroad may be counted toward the second category.

International and Global Studies Major with Chinese Language: Along with other required courses and senior work as described in the International and Global Studies major section, the Chinese language component of an IGS major requires completion of the following: 1) completion of CHNS 0202 or the equivalent (students are strongly encouraged to complete CHNS 0302 or the equivalent before study abroad, preferably in the summer Chinese School); 2) one semester at one of the three C.V. Starr-Middlebury College Schools in China; 3) upon return from China, any one, preferably two, of the following: CHNS 0411, 0412, 0425, 0426, or 0475.

CHNS 0101 Beginning Chinese (Fall 2021)

This course is an introduction to Mandarin (guoyu or putonghua). The course begins with simple words and phrases, the pronunciation and cadences of Mandarin, romanization, Chinese characters, and simple vocabulary items, all taught in the context of practical communication. Sentence patterns and other fundamentals of speaking, reading, and writing will be taught, including both traditional characters (used everywhere before the 1950s and still used in Taiwan and Hong Kong) and simplified characters (used in China). Students should have achieved active command of more than 600 Chinese characters and more than 800 compounds by the end of the sequence CHNS 0101, CHNS 0102, and CHNS 0103. 5 hrs. lect., 2 hrs. drill LNG (H. Du, K. Wang)

CHNS 0103 Beginning Chinese (Spring 2022)

This course is a continuation of the fall and winter terms with accelerated introduction of vocabulary, grammar, and sentence patterns designed to facilitate speaking and reading. Toward the end of this semester students will read Huarshang de meiren (Lady in the Painting), a short book written entirely in Chinese. (CHNS 0102 or equivalent) 5 hrs. lect., 2 hrs. drill LNG

CHNS 0201 Intermediate Chinese (Fall 2021)

This course is designed to enable the student to converse in everyday Chinese and to read simple texts in Chinese (both traditional and simplified characters). Discussion of assigned readings will be conducted primarily in Chinese. Familiarity with the vocabulary and grammar introduced in CHNS 0101, CHNS 0102, and CHNS 0103 is assumed. Grammatical explanations, written exercises, dictation quizzes, sentence patterns, oral drill, and CD's will accompany assignments. By the completion of CHNS 0202, which follows CHNS 0201 directly, students should be able to read and write approximately 1,200 characters. (CHNS 0103 or equivalent) 5 hrs. lect., 1 hr. drill LNG (T. Moran, S. Huang)

CHNS 0202 Intermediate Chinese (Spring 2022)

This course is a continuation of the first term's work, with the class conducted primarily in Chinese. (CHNS 0201) 5 hrs. lect., 1 hr. drill LNG

CHNS 0219 The Chinese Literary Tradition (in translation) (Fall 2021)

This course, an introduction to the works of literature that formed the basis of traditional Chinese culture, is a discussion-based seminar. It focuses first on texts written in classical Chinese from the earliest times up through the Song dynasty, including selections from early poetry and history, Daoist classics, stories of the strange, and Tang Dynasty poetry by Wang Wei, Li Bai and Du Fu. These texts shaped the traditional Chinese understanding of the world, and provided models of what was perceived to be powerful, beautiful language. In the second part of the course we will explore narratives written in the vernacular language, focusing on the literary significance and aesthetic value of drama, stories and novels long treasured by the Chinese. Students will gain a better understanding of traditional Chinese literary values, as well as Chinese society and worldviews. This class is not intended for native Chinese students who have studied Chinese literature in high school classes in China. (No background in Chinese culture or language needed.) 3 hrs. lect./disc. AAL, CW, LIT, NOA (C. Wiebe)

CHNS 0220 Modern China through Literature (in translation) (Spring 2022)

This course, taught in English, is a discussion-based seminar on some of the most significant works of short fiction, novellas, and novels that tell the story of China and the Chinese from the end of the Qing dynasty to the present. Students will gain a better understanding of the history of modern China by studying the works of literature that inspired readers and provoked debate during one hundred years of social reform, revolution, war, civil war, reconstruction, cultural revolution, cultural revival, and economic growth. Our reading will include work by authors such as Lu Xun (Diary of a Madman, 1918), Zhang Ailing (Love in a Fallen City, 1944), Ah Cheng (The Chess King, 1984), Yu Hua (To Live, 1993), and, from Taiwan, Zhu Tianwen (Notes of a Desolate Man, 1999). We will consider the mainstream (socially engaged realism), the avant-garde (varieties of modernism), and popular genres (romance and martial arts), and we will look for answers to the following questions: what has been the place of fiction in China in the modern era and what vision of modern China do we find in its fiction? (No prerequisites) 3 hrs. lect./disc. AAL, CW, LIT, NOA

CHNS 0301 Advanced Chinese (Modern Chinese) (Fall 2021)

This course aims at further development of overall language proficiency through extensive reading of selected texts representing a wide variety of subjects and styles. Classes will be conducted entirely in Chinese except for occasional recourse to English by the instructor to provide a quick solution to problems of definition. The main text will be All Things Considered with supplementary readings selected to help students both continue to work toward competence in conversational Chinese and also begin to master a more sophisticated register of language. 4 hrs. lect. LNG (W. Xu, S. Huang)

CHNS 0302 Advanced Chinese (Modern Chinese) (Spring 2022)

This course is a continuation of CHNS 0301 with continued practice in conversational Chinese and a greater emphasis on reading works of a literary nature. (CHNS 0301 or equivalent) 4 hrs. lect. LNG

CHNS 0325 Traditional Chinese Poetry (in translation) (Spring 2022)

Introducing the basics of Chinese poetics, this junior/sophomore discussion-based seminar explores inter-connections across a wide spectrum of Chinese poetry belonging to a vibrant tradition spanning more than two thousand years--folk songs; court rhapsodies; courtesan love poems; extended allegorical fantasies; ballads and lyric verse of love, war, friendship, loss, and separation. Landscape, travel, romantic and metaphysical poems by masters such as Qu Yuan, Tao Yuanming, Wang Wei, Li Bai, Du Fu, Su Dongpo and Li Qingzhao will be studied. We will analyze poetic expression ranging from poetic genres following strict formal conventions to relatively free-form verse. Traditional Chinese literary theories regarding poetry and its appreciation will be considered, yet students will also be encouraged to apply other critical approaches. (Either CHNS 0219 or CHNS 0220, or by waiver) 3 hrs. lect. AAL, CW, LIT, NOA

CHNS 0340 Literature and Culture in Contemporary China and the Sinophone World (in English translation) (Fall 2021)

In this course we will study select works of acclaimed, popular, and/or controversial short fiction, spoken drama, and poetry from the People’s Republic of China and the post-1949 Sinophone world, primarily Taiwan. We will devote some attention to other forms of cultural production, including film and visual art. We will place a particular emphasis on the study of work by Chinese and Sinophone writers and artists who belong to non-Han ethnic minority groups (e.g., Tibetan, Yi, and Atayal), and we will explore possible answers to the question, “How is Chinese national and cultural identity created and contested in literature?” 3 hrs. lect./disc. AAL, LIT, NOA (T. Moran)

CHNS 0400 Advanced Readings, Conversation, and Writing (Modern Chinese) (in Chinese) (Fall 2021)

This course is designed to improve students' competency in highly pragmatic Chinese, spoken and written. Readings and discussion will cover a wide variety of contemporary materials with an emphasis on linguistic preparation for study in China. (CHNS 0302 or equivalent) 3 hrs. lect. LNG (B. Du)

CHNS 0411 Classical Chinese I (in Chinese) (Fall 2021)

This course is an introduction to wenyan, the written language of traditional China. In this course we will emphasize comprehension of the literal and metaphorical meanings of short wenyan texts. Our approach will include grammatical analysis and baihua translation (i.e., from the Classical Chinese into modern Chinese); discussion will be conducted entirely in baihua. This course begins the two-semester sequence of Classical Chinese, which not only introduces students to wenyan but also provides a vital learning experience for any student seeking to attain a high level of linguistic and cultural proficiency in Chinese, including modern written discourse. (CHNS 0302 or the equivalent) 3 hrs. lect. LNG (W. Xu)

CHNS 0412 Classical Chinese II (in Chinese) (Spring 2022)

A continuation of CHNS 0411. In this course students will read a wide selection of wenyan texts that sample the classics of ancient Chinese thought, including Confucius' Analects, the Daoist texts Laozi and Zhuangzi, Mohist arguments against war, Sunzi's The Art of War, and Legalist writings on law. Students will also learn to punctuate wenyan texts (which were originally unpunctuated) and compose sentences or short paragraphs in wenyan. All class discussion will be conducted in modern Chinese. (CHNS 0411 or the equivalent) 3 hrs. lect. LNG

CHNS 0425 Contemporary Social Issues in China: Advanced Readings (in Chinese) (Fall 2021)

A survey of materials written in modern expository Chinese (academic, journalistic and polemical) that focus on the cultural, political, economic, and social issues of contemporary China. This advanced readings course is designed primarily for seniors who have already spent a semester or more studying and living in China or Taiwan. Emphasis will be given to further developing students' ability to read, analyze, and discuss complex issues in Mandarin while also advancing proficiency in writing and in oral comprehension. Oral reports and written compositions will be integral to the course's requirements. (Approval Required) 3 hrs. lect. AAL, LNG, NOA (H. Du)

CHNS 0475 Senior Seminar on Modern Chinese Literature (in Chinese) (Spring 2022)

A capstone course for all Chinese majors and for others who have attained a high level of Chinese language proficiency. Students will read and critique works by major Chinese fiction writers (and sometimes playwrights) and may also see and discuss a film or films from mainland China, Hong Kong, and/or Taiwan. All reading, discussion, and critical writing will be in Chinese. (CHNS 0412 or CHNS 0425) 3 hrs. lect. AAL, LIT, LNG, NOA

CHNS 0500 Senior Essay (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required)

CHNS 0700 Senior Thesis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval required)

CHNS 0701 Senior Thesis Proposal (Fall 2021)

(Approval Required)
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Eve Adler Department of Classics and Program in Classical Studies

Required for the major in Classics:
A. Ten courses in two languages: Greek and Latin (normally six in one language and four in the other) including one senior seminar (CLAS 0420). 
B. CLAS 0150 Ancient Epic Poetry
C. Two additional courses in classics in translation, one from each of the following categories:
1. CLAS/HIST 0131 Archaic and Classical Greece or CLAS 0151 Introduction to Ancient Greek Literature or CLAS 0152 Greek Tragedy or CLAS 0190 Greek and Roman Comedy or CLAS/RELI 0251 Greek Religion or CLAS/PHIL 0275 Greek Philosophy: The Problem of Socrates
2. CLAS/HIST 0132 History of Rome or CLAS 0140 Augustus and the World of Rome or CLAS 0143 The Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic or CLAS 0144 Literature of the Roman Empire or CLAS 0190 Greek and Roman Comedy or CLAS/PHIL 0276 Roman Philosophy
D. CLAS 0701 History of Classical Literature: General Examination for Classics/Classical Studies Majors
Optional: CLAS 0700 Senior Essay (fall/winter or winter/spring), CLAS 0505 Independent Senior Project (fall or spring). (Note: Students who wish to do an optional senior essay or independent senior project must secure the sponsorship of a member of the classics department in the semester before the essay or project is to be undertaken.)
Honors: B+ average or better in courses taken for the major (excluding senior work). B+ or better in the General Examination (CLAS 0701) and in the Senior Seminar (CLAS 0420). (Note: A student who does an optional senior essay or independent senior project may arrange with the chair, in the semester prior to undertaking the project, to offer that grade in lieu of the grade for CLAS 0420 for the calculation of departmental honors.)
Joint Major: Students interested in a joint major in Classics and another discipline should consult the chair. The joint major in Classics typically requires ten courses in Greek and Latin (normally six in one language and four in the other); CLAS 0701, and senior work that combines Classics with the other major.

Required for the Minor in Classics: The minor in classics may be configured in one of the following four ways:
1. Latin CLLA: Five courses in Latin
2. Greek CLGR: Five courses in Greek
3. Classical Civilization CLCC: Five courses, as follows: three or more courses chosen from    CLAS/HIST 0131, CLAS/HIST 0132, CLAS 0140, CLAS 0143, CLAS 0144, CLAS 0149, CLAS0150, CLAS 0151, CLAS 0152, CLAS 0190, CLAS/LITP 0230, CLAS/RELI 0262, CLAS/PHIL 0275, CLAS/PHIL 0276, CLAS 0321 CLAS/HIST 0331, CLAS/HIST 0332, or CLAS/HIST 0337; and CLAS 0420 or CLAS 0450 (or both).
4. Classical Language and Civilization CLCL: Five courses, as follows: two or more courses in Latin or Greek; one or more courses chosen from CLAS/HIST 0131, CLAS/HIST 0132, CLAS 0140, CLAS 0143, CLAS 0144, CLAS 0149, CLAS/CMLT 0150, CLAS 0151, CLAS 0152, CLAS/CMLT 0190, CLAS/LITP 0230, CLAS/RELI 0251, CLAS/PHIL 0275 or CLAS 0276; and one or more courses chosen from CLAS 0321, CLAS/HIST 0331, CLAS/HIST 0332, CLAS/HIST 0337, CLAS 0420, or CLAS/CMLT 0450.
AP credit policy: One course credit toward graduation, not toward the major or minor, will be granted for one AP exam in Latin under the following conditions: a) The student has received a grade of 4 or 5 on the AP exam, and b) The student has completed an advanced course (LATN 0201 or above) in Latin at Middlebury with a grade of B+ or above. (Note: No more than one course credit will be granted, whether the student presents one or two AP exams.)
Study Abroad Guidelines: Study abroad in the Mediterranean can enrich our majors' experience of the ancient world, because it affords them the opportunity to see the places that they have been learning about in the classroom. Students also find it stimulating to be surrounded by people with similar interests from other institutions. Thus, while our curriculum does not in any way necessitate study abroad, the faculty is happy to work with students who wish to pursue it as part of their Middlebury degree in classics or classical studies.
For those students who want to go abroad, we strongly recommend a semester rather than a year. The three programs we endorse are the ICCS (the Inter-Collegiate Consortium for Classical Studies in Rome), CYA (College Year in Athens), and Arcadia (also in Athens), all of which offer semester-long programs. Admission to the ICCS in particular, however, is highly competitive, and students may have a compelling academic rationale for studying elsewhere. Accordingly, we have also approved students who wished to study for a semester at foreign universities with strong classics departments. These have included Trinity College Dublin, the University of Edinburgh, Cambridge University, and the University of Vienna. For some students, a rewarding alternative to study abroad during the academic year has been participation in a summertime archaeological excavation.
We discourage students from going abroad before they have had at least three semesters of whichever ancient language(s) they are learning. As part of their program of study abroad, students normally take at least one course in each ancient language of study, and select additional courses that are appropriate substitutes for courses in the major. In order to be fully prepared for senior work, however, students will need to have completed a significant portion of the courses required for the major, in particular CLAS 0150, before going abroad.
Generally speaking, we are as flexible as we can be in helping majors to identify courses in programs abroad that allow them to stay in step with their cohort in Middlebury and to be prepared for senior work. Unless we are familiar with the institution, the instruction, and the content of the courses, we rarely grant credit to non-majors for classics courses taken away from Middlebury. In all cases (majors, non-majors, potential majors, and minors), students must consult with a member of the classics department before leaving Middlebury to plan and receive approval for work done at other institutions.

Required for the major in Classical Studies (CLST):

A. The following:

 1. CLAS/CMLT 0150 Ancient Epic Poetry

 2. CLAS/HIST 0131 Archaic and Classical Greece or CLAS 0151 Introduction to Ancient Greek Literature or CLAS 0152 Greek Tragedy or CLAS/CMLT 0190 Greek and Roman Comedy or CLAS/PHIL 0275 Greek Philosophy: The Problem of Socrates

 3. CLAS/HIST 0132 History of Rome or CLAS 0140 Augustus and the World of Rome or CLAS 0143 The Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic or CLAS 0144 Literature of the Roman Empire or CLAS 0190 Greek and Roman Comedy or CLAS/PHIL 0276 Roman Philosophy


B. Three additional courses in Classical Studies chosen from the following:

CLAS/HIST 0131 Archaic and Classical Greece

CLAS/HIST 0132 History of Rome

CLAS 0140 Augustus and the World of Rome

CLAS 0143 The Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic

CLAS 0144 Literature of the Roman Empire

CLAS 0149 Rhetoric and Politics from Ancient Greece and Rome to the Present

CLAS 0151 Introduction to Ancient Greek Literature

CLAS 0152 Greek Tragedy

CLAS/CMLT 0190 Greek and Roman Comedy

CLAS/LITS 0230 Myth and Contemporary Experience

CLAS/HARC 0234 Ancient Roman City: Pompeii and Beyond

CLAS/HARC 0236 Cities of Vesuvius

CLAS/RELI 0251 Greek Religion

CLAS/PHIL 0275 Greek Philosophy: The Problem of Socrates

CLAS/PHIL 0276 Roman Philosophy

CLAS 0321 Apocalypse When?

CLAS/HIST 0331 Sparta and Athens

CLAS/HIST 0332 Roman Law

CLAS/HIST 0337 From Alexander to Rome

HARC 0213 Roman Art and Architecture

HARC 0221 Greek Art and Archaeology

HARC 0223 The Classical Tradition in Architecture: A History

HARC 0312 Of Gods, Mortals, and Myths: Greek and Roman Painting

HARC 0320 Hands-on Archaeology: Theory and Practice

MATH 0261 History of Mathematics

PHIL 0201 Ancient Greek Philosophy

PHIL 0302 Philosophy of Plato

PHIL 0303 Philosophy of Aristotle

RELI 0381/CLAS 0308 Seminar in the New Testament

PSCI 0101 Introduction to Political Science

PSCI 0317 Ancient and Medieval Political Philosophy

PSCI 0409 Seminar in Political Philosophy

RELI 0290 Women and the Sacred in Late Antiquity and Byzantium

 C. Four courses in Greek or four courses in Latin chosen from:

 GREK 0101 Beginning Greek I

GREK 0102 Beginning Greek II

GREK 0201 Intermediate Greek: Prose

GREK 0202 Intermediate Greek: Poetry

GREK 0301 Readings in Greek Literature I

GREK 0302 Readings in Greek Literature II

GREK 0401 Advanced Readings in Greek Literature I

GREK 0402 Advanced Readings in Greek Literature II

LATN 0101 Beginning Latin I

LATN 0102 Beginning Latin II

LATN 0110 Introduction to College Latin

LATN 0201 Intermediate Latin: Prose

LATN 0202 Intermediate Latin: Poetry

LATN 0301 Readings in Latin Literature I

LATN 0302 Readings in Latin Literature II

LATN 0401 Advanced Readings in Latin I

LATN 0402 Advanced Readings in Latin II

 D. CLAS 0420 Seminar in Classical Literature

 E. CLAS 0701 History of Classical Literature: General Examination for Classics/Classical Studies Majors

 Optional: CLAS 0700 Senior Essay (fall/ winter/spring); CLAS 0500 Independent Senior Project (fall/winter/spring). (Note: Students who wish to do an optional senior essay or independent senior project must secure the sponsorship of a member of the classics department in the semester before the essay or project is to be undertaken.)

 For complete descriptions of the courses listed above, see listings under the appropriate departments.

 Honors: B+ average or better in courses taken for the major (excluding senior work). B+ or better in the General Examination (CLAS 0701) and in the Senior Seminar (CLAS 0420). (Note: A student who does an optional senior essay or independent senior project may arrange with the chair, in the semester prior to undertaking the project, to offer that grade in lieu of the grade for CLAS 0420 for the calculation of departmental honors.)

 Joint Major: Students interested in a joint major in Classical Studies and another discipline should consult the chair. The joint major in Classical Studies typically requires four semesters of either Greek or Latin; CLAS 0150; one course from section A2 and one course from A3 under the requirements for the major; CLAS 0701, and senior work that combines Classical Studies with the other major.


CLAS 0132 History of Rome (Fall 2021)

This course is an introductory survey of Roman history, from the emergence of the Republic to the influence of Rome on the western world. In the first half of the course we will study the origins of Rome's rise to dominance, the conquest of the Mediterranean and its effect on Roman society, and the crumbling of political structures under the weight of imperial expansion. In the second half, we will study the empire more broadly, starting with the emperors and moving out to the daily lives of people around the Mediterranean. The course will end with the importance of Rome for the Founding Fathers. We will read from authors including Polybius, Plutarch, Appian, Caesar, Suetonius, Tacitus, Juvenal, and Pliny. 2 hrs. lect./1 hr. disc. EUR, HIS, LIT (J. Chaplin)
Cross-listed as: HIST 0132

CLAS 0140 Augustus and the World of Rome (Spring 2022)

In 44 B.C., Julius Caesar was assassinated. Within two months his adoptive son, Augustus, still in his teens, traveled to Rome, soon extorted the highest office of the Roman Republic, and after 13 years of civil war became the state's first emperor. The resulting "Augustan Age" (31 B.C. to A.D. 14) produced a period of political change and cultural achievement unparalleled in Rome's long history. In this course we will examine the literature, art, history, and politics of this era, evaluate the nature of Augustus's accomplishments, and explore the Roman world. Readings include: Augustus, Vergil, Suetonius, and I, Claudius. 2 hrs. lect. EUR, HIS, LIT

CLAS 0150 Greek and Roman Epic Poetry (Fall 2021)

Would Achilles and Hector have risked their lives and sacred honor had they understood human life and the Olympian gods as Homer portrays them in the Iliad? Why do those gods decide to withdraw from men altogether following the Trojan War, and why is Odysseus the man Athena chooses to help her carry out that project? And why, according to the Roman poet Vergil, do these gods command Aeneas, a defeated Trojan, to found an Italian town that will ultimately conquer the Greek cities that conquered Troy, replacing the Greek polis with a universal empire that will end all wars of human freedom? Through close study of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, and Vergil's Aeneid, we explore how the epic tradition helped shape Greece and Rome, and define their contributions to European civilization. 3 hrs. lect., 1 hr. disc. CMP, EUR, LIT, PHL (R. Ganiban)
Cross-listed as: CMLT 0150

CLAS 0151 The Golden Age of Athens: History and Literature (Fall 2021)

In this course we will trace the unprecedented intellectual innovation that begins with Greece’s triumph over the Persian invasions in 490 and 480-479 BC, continues through the emergence of radical democracy and imperialism at Athens, and culminates in the Peloponnesian War and Athens’ defeat in 404 BC by her former ally, Sparta. Through intensive study of selected works of historiography (Herodotus, Thucydides), tragedy (Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides), comedy (Aristophanes), and philosophy (Plato), we will explore the central concerns of 5th-century Athenians: freedom and power, knowledge and virtue, law and nature, and the place of the divine in the human world. 3 hr. lect., 1 hr. disc. EUR, HIS, LIT (P. Sfyroeras)
Cross-listed as: LITS 0151

CLAS 0190 Greek and Roman Comedy (Spring 2022)

A survey of the comic playwrights of Greece (Aristophanes and Menander) and Rome (Plautus and Terence) in light of their ancient social, political, and religious contexts as well as modern theoretical approaches to laughter (including psychoanalysis and structural anthropology). We will trace enduring aspects of the comic tradition that can be found in both Greece and Rome and also look forward to Renaissance and modern comedy. These include: the nature of the comic hero; the patterns of comic plots; the dependence of comedy on language; the comic poet's concern with questions of freedom and slavery, desire and repression. 3 hrs. lect., 1 hr. disc. EUR, LIT
Cross-listed as: CMLT 0190

CLAS 0420 Humanism of Herodotus (Spring 2022)

Herodotus (485-424 BC), “the Father of History”, is also regarded as the first sociologist and ethnographer. The plan and argument of his work, however, including its many fantastic stories, disclose a philosophic intention that resists easy categorization. Herodotus’ subject is the “Greek miracle”: how the tiny and fractious cities of Greece took concerted action against the overwhelming might of the Persian kings who invaded Greece in 490 and 479 BC. The story of this unlikely triumph of political freedom and limited government over despotic empire is told against the background of the Afro-Asiatic origins of Greek civilization, which Herodotus uncovers in wide-ranging investigations of the customs and religions of Greece, Lydia, Media, Persia, Egypt, Libya, and Scythia. In this seminar we will pursue a close reading of Herodotus in translation; the seminar is open to all students with some previous background in Greek and/or Roman literature. 3 hrs. sem. EUR, LIT

CLAS 0450 History of Classical Literature (Fall 2021)

A comprehensive overview of the major literary, historical, and philosophical works of Greece and Rome. Greek authors studied include Homer, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Herodotus, Aristophanes, Thucydides, Plato, and Aristotle. Roman authors include Lucretius, Cicero, Livy, Vergil, Petronius, and Tacitus. Required of senior majors in Classics/Classical Studies (see CLAS 0701 below) and open to all interested students with some background in Greek and Roman literature, history, or philosophy. 3 hrs. lect. (R. Ganiban)
Cross-listed as: CMLT 0450

CLAS 0500 Independent Study (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval required)

CLAS 0505 Ind Senior Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required) (Fall 2021: J. Chaplin, M. Witkin, R. Ganiban, P. Sfyroeras; Spring 2022: J. Chaplin, M. Witkin, R. Ganiban, P. Sfyroeras, C. Star)

CLAS 0700 Senior Essay for Classics/Classical Studies Majors (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval required)

CLAS 0701 History of Classical Literature (Fall 2021)

A comprehensive overview of the major literary, historical, and philosophical works of Greece and Rome. Greek authors studied include Homer, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Herodotus, Aristophanes, Thucydides, Plato, and Aristotle. Roman authors include Lucretius, Cicero, Livy, Vergil, Petronius, and Tacitus. Required of senior majors in Classics/Classical Studies and open to all interested students with some background in Greek and Roman literature, history, or philosophy. 3 hrs. lect. (R. Ganiban)

GREK 0102 Beginning Greek II (Spring 2022)

This course completes the introductory course offered in Winter Term and will conclude with a reading of Plato's dialogue, Ion. 6 hrs. lect. LNG

GREK 0301 Readings in Greek Literature I (Fall 2021)

Readings in major authors. Students should have had some formal study of Greek and should consult with the instructor during the first week of classes to determine whether or not the class is at the appropriate level. 3 hrs. lect. LIT, LNG (P. Sfyroeras)

GREK 0302 Readings in Greek Literature II (Spring 2022)

Readings in major authors. Students should have had some formal study of Greek and should consult with the instructor during the first week of classes to determine whether or not the class is at the appropriate level. 3 hrs. lect. LIT, LNG

LATN 0201 Intermediate Latin: Prose (Fall 2021)

Readings in major authors. Students should have had some formal study of Latin and should consult with the instructor during the first week of classes to determine whether or not the class is at the appropriate level. 3 hrs. lect. EUR, LNG (R. Ganiban)

LATN 0202 Intermediate Latin: Poetry (Spring 2022)

Readings in major authors. Students should have had some formal study of Latin and should consult with the instructor during the first week of classes to determine whether or not the class is at the appropriate level. 3 hrs. lect. EUR, LNG

LATN 0401 Advanced Readings in Latin I (Fall 2021)

Readings in major authors. . Students should have had some formal study of Latin and should consult with the instructor during the first week of classes to determine whether or not the class is at the appropriate level. 3 hrs. lect. (J. Chaplin)

LATN 0402 Advanced Readings in Latin II (Spring 2022)

Readings in major authors. . Students should have had some formal study of Latin and should consult with the instructor during the first week of classes to determine whether or not the class is at the appropriate level. 3 hrs. lect.

LATN 0501 Advanced Readings in Latin III (Fall 2021)

Readings in major authors. Students should have had some formal study of Latin and should consult with the instructor during the first week of classes to determine whether or not the class is at the appropriate level. 3 hrs lect. (J. Chaplin)
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Program in Comparative Literature

The Comparative Literature curriculum emphasizes language learning as the basis for the study of literary texts. During their course of study, students of Comparative Literature will also become familiar with current comparative methodologies as well as relevant cultural and critical theories. These methodological skills support students’ work as they pursue a flexible and individualized pathway through their program of study, which culminates in an article-length comparative essay. The program is designed to accommodate students at all levels of language proficiency.

Majors in Comparative Literature will develop a plan of study with the guidance of a faculty advisor with expertise in the students chosen primary language and literature, and the Director of the Comparative Literature Program.

The basic structure of the program is as follows:

1. One primary language of study AND

2. Four courses in a secondary language. Students’ first language cannot be their primary language, but it can be their secondary language.  For example, English cannot be the primary language of a student whose first language is English, but it can be the secondary language.


  1. CMLT 0101
  2. Three content courses in the primary language, including two literary classes and one cultural course (e.g. cinema, politics). The choice of particular classes requires the approval of the student’s primary language advisor and the Program Director. Students will also need approval for inclusion of study abroad classes in this category.  In the case of students whose primary language is Arabic, Chinese, Russian, or Japanese, some of these three content courses MAY be taught in English, depending on the availability of suitable courses in the language.
  3. Four courses in a secondary language. If the secondary language is English, at least one course must be pre 1800.
  4. One course in literary theory (suggested for sophomore year), for example ENAM/CMLT 205.
  5. Study abroad, in the primary language.  Exceptions may be made if you receive prior approval from your faculty advisor and the program director. A maximum of 4 courses in literature taken abroad may be used to satisfy other requirements in the major, subject to the pre-approval of the Director of the program. All students must take one class in their primary language after their return.
  6. Two electives explicitly comparative in nature. These literature courses may be taught in English. Examples: CLAS/CMLT 0150; CMLT/RELI 0238; CMLT/CLAS 0450; ENAM/CMLT 0305; GRMN/CMLT 0333; ITAL/CMLT 0299. Suitable classes will be cross-listed and bear the prefix CMLT.
  7. One senior/advanced seminar in literature taken at Middlebury College in the student’s primary or secondary language.
  8. Senior Work (CMLT 0700): During Fall and Winter Term, or Winter Term and Spring, students will write a 35-page (article length) comparative essay (advised independently). Students are responsible to identify and arrange to work with their advisor and the members of their committee no later than the last week of classes in the preceding term.

Honors: To be eligible for honors students must have a GPA in the major of 3.7 and a B+ or above on their essay. Students with eligible honors theses will also have a defense before the last day of exams.

CMLT 0101 Introduction to World Literature (Spring 2022)

This course is an introduction to the critical analysis of imaginative literature of the world, the dissemination of themes and myths, and the role of translation as the medium for reaching different cultures. Through the careful reading of selected classic texts from a range of Western and non-Western cultures, students will deepen their understanding and appreciation of the particular texts under consideration, while developing a critical vocabulary with which to discuss and write about these texts, both as unique artistic achievements of individual and empathetic imagination and as works affected by, but also transcending their historical periods. 3 hrs. lect./disc. CMP, CW, LIT

CMLT 0150 Greek and Roman Epic Poetry (Fall 2021)

Would Achilles and Hector have risked their lives and sacred honor had they understood human life and the Olympian gods as Homer portrays them in the Iliad? Why do those gods decide to withdraw from men altogether following the Trojan War, and why is Odysseus the man Athena chooses to help her carry out that project? And why, according to the Roman poet Vergil, do these gods command Aeneas, a defeated Trojan, to found an Italian town that will ultimately conquer the Greek cities that conquered Troy, replacing the Greek polis with a universal empire that will end all wars of human freedom? Through close study of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, and Vergil's Aeneid, we explore how the epic tradition helped shape Greece and Rome, and define their contributions to European civilization. 3 hrs. lect., 1 hr. disc. CMP, EUR, LIT, PHL (R. Ganiban)
Cross-listed as: CLAS 0150 *

CMLT 0190 Greek and Roman Comedy (Spring 2022)

A survey of the comic playwrights of Greece (Aristophanes and Menander) and Rome (Plautus and Terence) in light of their ancient social, political, and religious contexts as well as modern theoretical approaches to laughter (including psychoanalysis and structural anthropology). We will trace enduring aspects of the comic tradition that can be found in both Greece and Rome and also look forward to Renaissance and modern comedy. These include: the nature of the comic hero; the patterns of comic plots; the dependence of comedy on language; the comic poet's concern with questions of freedom and slavery, desire and repression. (formerly CLAS 0160) 3 hrs. lect., 1 hr. disc. EUR, LIT
Cross-listed as: CLAS 0190 *

CMLT 0205 Introduction to Contemporary Literary Theory (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this course we will introduce several major schools of contemporary literary theory. By reading theoretical texts in close conjunction with works of literature, we will illuminate the ways in which these theoretical stances can produce multiple interpretations of a given literary work. The approaches covered may include New Criticism, Psychoanalysis, Marxism and Cultural Criticism, Race Theory and Multicultural Criticism, Feminism, Post-Colonial Criticism, Queer Studies, Eco-Criticism, Post-Structuralism, and others. These theories will be applied to various works of fiction, poetry, and drama. The goal will be to make students critically aware of the fundamental literary, cultural, political, and moral assumptions underlying every act of interpretation they perform. 3 hrs. lect/disc. EUR (Fall 2021), LIT (Fall 2021) (Fall 2021: A. Baldridge)
Cross-listed as: ENAM 0205 *

CMLT 0299 Literary Feasts: Representations of Food in Modern Narrative (in English) (Spring 2022)

This course will consider food and eating practices within specific cultural and historical contexts. We will analyze realistic, symbolic, religious, erotic, and political functions surrounding the preparation and consumption of food. Readings will be drawn from several national traditions, with a focus on Europe. Authors will include, among others, I. Dinesen, L. Esquivel, J. Harris, E. Hemingway, T. Lampedusa, P. Levi, C. Petrini, M. Pollan, E. Vittorini, and B. Yoshimoto. Viewing of several films where food and eating play an important role will supplement class discussion. EUR, LIT

CMLT 0309 Contemporary Literature (Fall 2021)

In this course we will explore seminal works of the post-World War II literature written in English. In the course of our readings we will move through the cultural and social transformations beginning with the paranoia and alienation of the Cold War, and continuing with the Civil Rights era, the national crisis of Vietnam, the rise of multiculturalism and the culture wars in the 1980s, the wide ranging effects of the information revolution, the profits and perils of globalization, and the profound anxiety of the war on terror. Writers studied will include Thomas Pynchon, Vladimir Nabokov, Don DeLillo, Donald Barthelme, William S. Burroughs, Toni Morrison, Ishmael Reed, Ana Castillo, and Art Spiegelman. 3 hrs. lect. AMR, LIT, NOR (R. Cohen)
Cross-listed as: ENAM 0309 *

CMLT 0325 Tang Poetry / American Poetry (Spring 2022)

Amy Lowell and Ezra Pound, rival founders of the Imagist poetry movement a century ago, both published influential translations of Tang-dynasty lyrics, even though neither one knew a word of Chinese. In this course, we will not only study their accomplishments in context, but go a step further to begin learning how to read and write the most commonly used characters in Tang poetry so that we can parse a selection of the best poems in the original as we explore such topics as the differences between Chinese and European poetics, theories of translation and intercultural adaptation, and Orientalist fantasies of the ideogram. No knowledge of Chinese is necessary. 3 hrs. lect./disc. CMP, LIT
Cross-listed as: ENAM 0325 *

CMLT 0450 History of Classical Literature (Fall 2021)

A comprehensive overview of the major literary, historical, and philosophical works of Greece and Rome. Greek authors studied include Homer, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Herodotus, Aristophanes, Thucydides, Plato, and Aristotle. Roman authors include Lucretius, Cicero, Livy, Vergil, Petronius, and Tacitus. Required of senior majors in Classics/Classical Studies (see CLAS 0701) and open to all interested students with some background in Greek and Roman literature, history, or philosophy. 3 hrs. lect. (R. Ganiban)
Cross-listed as: CLAS 0450 *

CMLT 0500 Independent Study (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Approval Required

CMLT 0700 Senior Thesis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

A senior thesis is normally completed over two semesters. During Fall and Winter terms, or Winter and Spring terms, students will write a 35-page (article length) comparative essay, firmly situated in literary analysis. Students are responsible for identifying and arranging to work with their primary language and secondary language readers, and consulting with the program director before completing the CMLT Thesis Declaration form. (Approval required.)
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Department of Computer Science

Computer Science is a rich and dynamic discipline that seeks to understand and use effectively the great potential of computing. The Department of Computer Science offers a wide variety of courses that integrate computer science into the liberal arts curriculum. The major provides students with a solid background in algorithmic reasoning, problem solving, design and organization of modern computers and programming languages, and the ability to apply computational thinking to different applications and problem domains.

For students entering Middlebury in Fall 2020 or later, requirements are as follows:

Required for the Major in Computer Science (11 courses): CSCI 145 or 150; CSCI 0200, CSCI 0201, CSCI 0202, CSCI 0301, CSCI 0302, four CSCI electives numbered 303 or higher, and CSCI 0701. One elective can be substituted with MATH 216, MATH 218, or MATH 228.

Departmental Honors: A grade of "B" or higher in the senior seminar CSCI 701 is required for all levels of honors (honors, high honors, and highest honors).  In addition, a fifth elective numbered 303 or higher  and a GPA of at least 3.5 are required for honors; a two-semester (fall-winter or winter-spring) thesis in addition to four electives and a GPA of 3.7 or higher are required for high honors; and a two-semester (fall-winter or winter-spring) thesis in addition to four electives and a GPA of 3.9 or higher are required for highest honors..

Required for the Minor in Computer Science (6 courses): CSCI 145 or 150; CSCI 0200, CSCI 0201, CSCI 0202, and two CSCI electives at the 0300-level or above.

Joint MajorsThe computer science component of a joint major requires: CSCI 145 or 150; CSCI 0200, CSCI 0201, CSCI 0202; one course from CSCI 0301 and CSCI 0302; two CSCI electives at the 0300-level or above; and either an independent CSCI 0500 project integrating the two disciplines or (if appropriate to the joint major) CSCI 0701.

Advanced Placement and WaiversStudents whose preparation indicates they can bypass one or more courses numbered 201 or lower should speak to a faculty member to determine the appropriate first course, and with approval of the department chair may waive the bypassed classes from the major requirements. College credit for CSCI 145 is given to students who achieve a score of 4 or 5 on the AP computer science A exam.

Requirements for students who matriculated prior to Fall 2020

Computer Science is a rich and dynamic discipline that seeks to understand and use effectively the great potential of computing. The Department of Computer Science offers a wide variety of courses that integrate computer science into the liberal arts curriculum. The major can be completed through two tracks. The traditional track provides students with a solid background in algorithmic reasoning, problem solving, design and organization of modern computers and programming languages, and the ability to apply computational thinking to different applications and problem domains. The interdisciplinary track first provides a solid background in computer science including algorithms and data structures, and then allows students to apply this knowledge to specific problem domains in related disciplines and to forge interdisciplinary connections.

Required for the Major in Computer Science, traditional track (11 courses): One CSCI course at the 0100-level; CSCI 0200, CSCI 0201, CSCI 0202, CSCI 0301, CSCI 0302, four CSCI electives at the 0300-level or above, and CSCI 0701. One elective can be substituted with MATH 0200 or MATH 0228.

Required for the Major in Computer Science, interdisciplinary track (11 courses): One CSCI course at the 0100-level; CSCI 0200, CSCI 0201, CSCI 0202, CSCI 0302, CSCI 0701; and five electives, two or three of them from disciplines outside computer science. These interdisciplinary courses should be cohesive in theme and should have computational content and/or technical depth comparable to CSCI electives.  For double majors, these courses may not come from the other major. The remaining electives can be chosen from any CSCI courses at the 0300-level or above. In consultation with computer science faculty, students will develop a proposed set of courses to count towards the interdisciplinary major, and will submit their proposed list to the department chair by the end of their third semester for approval by the CS faculty.

Departmental Honors: Required for honors are: 1. A grade of "B" or higher in the senior seminar CSCI 701, which contains a significant independent project; 2. An extra CSCI course in addition to the 11 courses required for the major; 3. participation in department extra-curricular or service activities such as tutoring, grading, sys-admin work, student-faculty research, or programming competitions; and 4. a major GPA of at least 3.5 for honors, 3.7 for high honors, and 3.9 for highest honors. The required extra course can be any CSCI elective at the 0300-level or above for regular honors, while high and highest honors require the senior thesis CSCI 0702.

Required for the Minor in Computer Science (6 courses): One CSCI course at the 0100-level; CSCI 0200, CSCI 0201, CSCI 0202, and two CSCI electives at the 0300-level or above.

Joint Majors: The computer science component of a joint major requires: One CSCI course at the 0100-level, CSCI 0200, CSCI 0201, CSCI 0202; one course from CSCI 0301 and CSCI 0302; two CSCI electives at the 0300-level or above; and CSCI 0701.

Advanced Placement and Waivers: First-year students whose secondary preparation indicates they can bypass one or more beginning courses should speak to a faculty member to determine the appropriate first course. College credit is given to students who achieve a score of 4 or 5 on the AP computer science A exam. CSCI 0200 may be waived for students who have completed MATH 0310 or MATH 0318 or both MATH 0200 and MATH 0247, or in consultation with the department chair.

CSCI 0105 Understanding Our Algorithmic World (Spring 2022)

In this course through lectures, labs, and discussions, we will examine the nature of computers and their role in our lives. We will use the lens of multimedia programming to learn basic computer programming and how computers represent and manipulate many common forms of data, such as text and images. We will also talk about the history of computers and learn how they interoperate to create the world we know today, and we will examine the societal impacts of technology on our lives, including implications for privacy, access to resources, and the increasing role of algorithms in shaping our world. (not open to students who have taken CSCI 0145 or higher) 3 hrs. lect./lab DED

CSCI 0110 Introduction to Programming through Simulation (Fall 2021)

In this course we will introduce computer programming through the exploration and writing of computer simulations with applications to ecological sciences and social sciences. We will use NetLogo as a software/programming tool for developing agent-based simulations. Students will learn basic programming constructs such as variables, conditionals, loops, procedures, and recursion as well as tools for experimenting with computer simulations. No prior experience in programming is expected or required. (not open to students who have taken CSCI 0145 or higher) (formerly CSCI 0190) 3 hrs. lect./disc. 1 hour lab. DED (M. Dickerson)

CSCI 0145 Introduction to Computing (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this course we will provide a broad introductory overview of the discipline of computer science, with no prerequisites or assumed prior knowledge of computers or programming. A significant component of the course is an introduction to algorithmic concepts and to programming using Python; programming assignments will explore algorithmic strategies such as selection, iteration, divide-and-conquer, and recursion, as well as introducing the Python programming language. Additional topics will include: the structure and organization of computers, the Internet and World Wide Web, abstraction as a means of managing complexity, social and ethical computing issues, and the question "What is computation?" (Juniors and Seniors by waiver) (formerly CSCI 0101) 3 hr. lect./1 hr. lab DED (Fall 2021: J. Foley)

CSCI 0150 Computing for the Sciences (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this course we will provide an introduction to the field of computer science geared towards students interested in mathematics and the natural sciences. We will study problem-solving approaches and computational techniques utilized in a variety of domains including biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering. Students will learn how to program in Python and other languages, how to extract information from large data sets, and how to utilize a variety of tools employed in scientific computation. The course has no prerequisites and assumes no prior experience with programming or computer science. (Juniors and Seniors by waiver) 3 hrs. lect./lab DED (Fall 2021: M. Linderman, A. Briggs)

CSCI 0200 Mathematical Foundations of Computing (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this course we will provide an introduction to the mathematical foundations of computer science, with an emphasis on formal reasoning. Topics will include propositional and predicate logic, sets, functions, and relations; basic number theory; mathematical induction and other proof methods; combinatorics, probability, and recurrence relations; graph theory; and models of computation. (CSCI 0145 or CSCI 0150) (Juniors and Seniors by waiver) 3 hrs. lect./lab DED (Fall 2021: P. Caplan)

CSCI 0201 Data Structures (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this course we will study the ideas and structures helpful in designing algorithms and writing programs for solving large, complex problems. The Java programming language and object-oriented paradigm are introduced in the context of important abstract data types (ADTs) such as stacks, queues, trees, and graphs. We will study efficient implementations of these ADTs, and learn classic algorithms to manipulate these structures for tasks such as sorting and searching. Prior programming experience is expected, but prior familiarity with the Java programming language is not assumed. (CSCI 0145 or CSCI 0150) (Juniors and Seniors by waiver) 3 hrs. lect./lab DED (Fall 2021: A. Christman)

CSCI 0202 Computer Architecture (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

A detailed study of the hardware and software that make up a computer system. Topics include assembly language programming, digital logic design, microarchitecture, pipelines, caches, and RISC vs. CISC. The goal of the course is teach students how computers are built, how they work at the lowest level, and how this knowledge can be used to write better programs. (CSCI 0201) (Seniors by waiver) 3 hrs. lect./lab DED (Fall 2021: A. Vaccari)

CSCI 0301 Theory of Computation (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course explores the nature of computation and what it means to compute. We study important models of computation (finite automata, push-down automata, and Turing machines) and investigate their fundamental computational power. We examine various problems and try to determine the computational power needed to solve them. Topics include deterministic versus non-deterministic computation, and a theoretical basis for the study of NP-completeness. (CSCI 0200 and CSCI 0201) 3 hrs. lect./disc. DED (Fall 2021: A. Briggs)

CSCI 0302 Algorithms and Complexity (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course focuses on the development of correct and efficient algorithmic solutions to computational problems, on the underlying data structures to support these algorithms, and on the social implications of algorithms. Topics include computational complexity, analysis of algorithms, proof of algorithm correctness, some advanced data structures, algorithmic techniques including greedy and dynamic programming, and the consequences of real-world applications of algorithms. The course complements the treatment of NP-completeness in CSCI 0301. (CSCI 0200 and CSCI 0201) 3 hrs. lect./disc. DED (Fall 2021: M. Dickerson)

CSCI 0311 Artificial Intelligence (Spring 2022)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the study of computational systems that exhibit rational behavior. Applications include strategic game playing, medical diagnosis, speech and handwriting recognition, Internet search, and robotics. Course topics include intelligent agent architectures, search, knowledge representation, logical reasoning, planning, reasoning under uncertainty, machine learning, and perception and action. (CSCI 0200 and CSCI 0201) 3 hrs. lect./lab DED

CSCI 0312 Software Development (Fall 2021)

This course examines the process of developing larger-scale software systems. Laboratory assignments emphasize sound programming practices, tools that facilitate the development process, and teamwork. (CSCI 0200 and CSCI 0201) 3 hrs. lect./lab (C. Andrews)

CSCI 0313 Programming Languages (Fall 2021)

A systematic approach to concepts and features of programming languages. The course focuses on four major programming paradigms: procedural, object-oriented, functional, and logic programming languages. Students will program in several languages representing the different paradigms. Topics include grammars, data types, control structures, run-time organization, procedure activation, parameter passing, higher-order functions, lambda expressions, and unification. (CSCI 0200 and CSCI 0202) 3 hrs. lect./lab DED (D. Scharstein)

CSCI 0315 Systems Programming (Fall 2021)

Students will become intimately acquainted with the low-level software services that applications often take for granted. Through a broad, project-based survey of core system libraries and UNIX system calls, students will explore process management, memory management, linking and loading, threading, synchronization, filesystem operations, and inter-process communication (networking). In each area, students will build software using these building blocks, gaining an understanding of the behavior and efficiency of the tools at their disposal. Students will also gain experience building larger, more complex systems upon which applications can be built. This course is ideal for students who wish to understand and construct the software infrastructure upon which user-level software depends. (CSCI 0202) 3 hrs. lect DED (P. Johnson)

CSCI 0318 Object-Oriented Programming and GUI Application Development (Fall 2021)

In this coding-intensive course students will deepen their understanding of data structures, algorithms, and object-oriented programming concepts through development of GUI (Graphical User Interface) applications. After a brief introduction to C++ and our development environment, Qt, we will immerse ourselves in them through work on an array of application development projects. Along the way, we will be introduced to a number of software development principles and build an understanding of fundamental object-oriented concepts in C++, including classes and inheritance, templates, pointers, constructors/destructors, and ownership. (CSCI 0202 or by waiver) 3 hrs lect./disc. DED (F. Swenton)

CSCI 0321 Bioinformatics Algorithms (Spring 2022)

In this course we will explore and implement algorithmic solutions to modern biology questions. Students will be introduced to motivating biological questions—such as, “How do we compare DNA sequences?”—and then implement solutions to those problems using dynamic programming, graph, randomized, combinatorial and/or other algorithmic approaches. At the completion of the course students will be able to precisely define computational biology problems, design an algorithmic solution and implement that solution in software. No biology background is assumed, but students are expected to be able to implement sophisticated algorithms in Python or another language of their choice. (CSCI 201) 3 hrs. lect./lab. DED

CSCI 0401 Computational Complexity (Spring 2022)

We will study models of computation and investigate whether a model of computation can solve a given problem efficiently or not. We will consider models that involve all-knowing provers, constrained space, communication limitations, randomness, and quantum resources, among others. While not all of these models are realistic, by studying them, we will gain insight into why certain classes of problems are easy or difficult to solve. Students enrolled in the College Writing (CW) section of the course will explore these ideas through writing, in particular, in three contexts that are critical for theoretical computer science: the proof (expert audience), a review paper (non-expert computer science audience), and a popular science article (educated public audience). (CSCI 0301 and CSCI 0302, or instructor approval).3 hrs. sem./1 hr. disc. CW, DED

CSCI 0414 Advanced Operating Systems (Spring 2022)

An operating system manages the complex resources of modern computers and provides an interface between the user and the hardware. In this course, we will explore the key concepts of operating systems, including process, memory, and storage management; synchronization and deadlock; protection and security; and distributed systems. (not open to students who have taken CSCI 0314) (CSCI 315) 3 hrs lect. DED

CSCI 0422 Geometric Modeling (Spring 2022)

The ability to describe three-dimensional geometric objects is fundamental for computer-aided design, scientific computing, and computer graphics. In this course we will investigate common methods for building and manipulating digital representations of three-dimensional curves, surfaces, and solids using polygonal and polyhedral meshes. This includes topics in mesh parameterization, adaptation, and registration, as well as surface reconstruction and deformation. We will also review common numerical methods used in scientific computing, including the finite element method, and study techniques for visualization, analysis, and design. Students will implement labs and projects using C++, within a framework provided by the instructor. (CSCI 0201 and MATH 0200) 3 hrs. sem DED

CSCI 0435 Embedded Systems (Fall 2021)

In this course we will learn about microcontrollers (compact single-chip integrated circuits at the core of embedded systems), including their architecture and how they interface with the outside world. In laboratory assignments, we will experiment with different families of microcontrollers, analyze various types of interfaces, and learn how to connect with external sensors and devices. While gaining hands-on familiarity with the different aspects of embedded systems, teams of students will engage in a semester-long project to design and build their own embedded system. (CSCI 0202) 3 hrs. lect./1.5 hrs. lab. DED (A. Vaccari)

CSCI 0451 Machine Learning (Spring 2022)

Machine Learning is the study and design of computational systems that automatically improve their performance through experience. This course introduces the theory and practice of machine learning and its application to tasks such as database mining, pattern recognition, and strategic game-playing. Possible topics include decision-tree methods, neural networks, Bayesian and statistical methods, genetic algorithms, and reinforcement learning. (CSCI 0200 and CSCI 0201 and MATH 0200) 3 hrs. lect./lab DED

CSCI 0452 Image Processing (Spring 2022)

In this course students will learn basic image processing concepts and explore practical cross-disciplinary case studies in teams. They will use open-source tools to tackle real-world image and video analysis problems ranging from enhancing and denoising to tracking and extracting information from images and videos. Collaboratively, students will get to apply these tools to a problem of their choice in a semester-long project. (CSCI 0200 and CSCI 201) 3 hrs. lect./lab. DED

CSCI 0461 Computer Graphics (Fall 2021)

Computer graphics is the study of how computers represent, manipulate, and ultimately display visual information. In this course we will focus primarily on three-dimensional graphics, touching on topics such as modeling (meshes, hierarchical models, and transformations), rendering (lighting, texturing, rasterization, and clipping), animation, and GPU programming. We will look at the mathematical foundations of these techniques as well as implementation techniques using WebGL. (CSCI 0202 and MATH 0200) 3 hrs. lect./lab DED (P. Caplan)

CSCI 0465 Information Visualization (Fall 2021)

Information visualization is used to reveal patterns, trends, and outliers within abstract data. In this course we will cover topics such as the transformation of data to visual representations, common approaches to dealing with different types of data, perceptual issues that govern how visualizations are interpreted, and the development of interactive visualization tools. This course will culminate in a significant final visualization project. (CSCI 0201) DED (C. Andrews)

CSCI 0466 Usable Interface Design for Mobile Applications (Spring 2022)

In this course we will explore the fundamental concepts of human-computer interaction and interface design. We will focus on applying an iterative, human-centric design process to mobile development. Topics will include user interface design, user experience, usability, prototyping, user testing, and mobile development. A significant portion of the class will be spent developing a mobile app, walking it through the various prototyping and testing stages. (CSCI 0312) 3 hrs. lect./lab. DED

CSCI 0500 Advanced Study (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Individual study for qualified students in more advanced topics in computer science theory, systems, or application areas. Particularly suited for students who enter with advanced standing. (Approval required) 3 hrs. lect.

CSCI 0701 Senior Seminar (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This senior seminar provides a capstone experience for computer science majors at Middlebury College. Through lectures, readings, and a series of two to three week individual and group assignments, we will introduce important concepts in research and experimental methods in computation. Examples will include: reading research papers; identifying research problems; dealing with big data; experimental design, testing and analysis; and technical writing in computer science. (Approval only). (D. Scharstein)

CSCI 0702 Senior Thesis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

The senior thesis is required for all CSCI majors who wish to be considered for high and highest departmental honors, and is recommended for students interested in pursuing graduate study in computer science. Students will spend the semester researching and writing, and developing and experimenting as appropriate for their topic. All students will be expected to report on their work in the form of a written thesis, a poster, and an oral presentation at the end of the semester. In addition, throughout the semester, students will meet as a group to discuss research and writing, and will be expected to attend talks in the Computer Science lecture series. Before approval to join the class is granted, students are expected to have chosen a thesis adviser from the CSCI faculty, and determined a thesis topic with the guidance and approval of that adviser. (CSCI 0701 and approval required) 3 hrs. lect./disc. (C. Andrews)
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Program in Dance

Consistent with its liberal arts mission, the Dance Department offers a rich set of eight foundational courses required of all Dance majors.  Beyond these shared foundational courses, students take additional courses specific to one of three tracks: Choreography and Performance, Production and Technology, and Theory and Aesthetics.  The complete requirements for each track (foundational courses plus track-specific courses) are as follows:

Choreography & Performance Track
1.  0116 (Creative Process)
2.  0260 (Advanced Beginning Dance)                                
3.  0261 (Introduction to Improvisation)
4.  0284 (Dance History)
5.  0360 (Intermediate/Advanced Dance)
6.  0370 (Production Workshop) or 0361 (Movement and Media)
7.  0376 (Anatomy & Kinesiology)                                                
8.  0460 (Advanced Dance)
9.  0500 (Production Seminar)
10.  0700 (Senior Work)
11.  Z-Lab (0470)

     This track represents the core curriculum of the dance department for students primarily focused on contemporary approaches to technique, composition and performance. The culminating senior work in this track will take the form a formal concert work and written thesis.

 Production & Technology Track
1.  0116 (Creative Process)
2.  0260 (Advanced Beginning Dance)
3.  0261 (Introduction to Improvisation)
4.  0284 (Dance History)
5.  0361 (Movement & Media)
6.  0370 (Production Workshop)
7.  0376 (Anatomy & Kinesiology)                                                       
8.  0460 (Advanced Dance) - Design Focused
9.  0700 (Senior Work) - Design & Production
10. 2 other Elective Courses from the Following Disciplines: (by advisor approval)

  • Studio Art
  • Architecture Studies
  • Theatre
  • Film and Media Culture

     This track represents a directed course of study for students primarily focused on the skills and methods of dance production and media, digital representations of the body, and current innovations and aesthetic models presented by the confluence of dance and the digital age. The culminating senior work in this track will involve all elements of the production of a design-focused concert work and a written thesis.

Dance Studies Track (Theory & Aesthetics)
1.  0116 (Creative Process)
2.  0260 (Advanced Beginning Dance)                                         
3.  0261 (Introduction to Improvisation)
4.  0284 (Dance History)
5.  0360 (Intermediate/Advanced Dance)                                   
6.  0376 (Anatomy & Kinesiology)
7.  0460 (Advanced Dance)
8.  0500 (Production Seminar)
9.  0700 (Senior Work)
10. 2 other elective courses from the following disciplines: (by advisor approval)

  • English and American Literature
  • History
  • Philosophy
  • Sociology/Anthropology

     This track represents a directed course of study for students interested in dance as a focus for scholarly work and theoretical inquiry by developing the ability to articulate the interdisciplinary and intercultural aspects of dance, as well as write about the potential of the moving body to both reflect and impact culture. The culminating senior work in this track will take the form a public lecture and written thesis.

Joint Major Requirements
1.  ARDV 0116 (Creative Process) 
2.  DANC 0284 (Dance History)                             
3.  DANC 0376 (Anatomy & Kinesiology)  
4. Three semesters of technique and choreography at or above the 0200 level
5.  DANC 0700 (Senior Work)

Minor Requirements
1.  ARDV 0116 (Creative Process) 
2.  DANC 0284 (Dance History)                                 
3.  DANC 0376 (Anatomy & Kinesiology) 
4.  Two semesters of technique and choreography at or above the 0200 level​

Honors-Dance: Honors, high honors, or highest honors are awarded to graduating seniors in the dance program based upon a grade point average of A- or better in department and cognate courses, a grade of A- or better on the DANC 0700 Senior Independent Project, and overall distinction in the program. Normally only full majors will be eligible for highest honors.

ARDV 0116 The Creative Process (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this course, students will have the opportunity to dig deeply into their own creativity and explore the processes by which ideas emerge and are given shape in the arts. The experiential nature of this course integrates cognition and action, mind and body. Students will engage a range of modes of discovering, knowing, and communicating, which are designed to push them beyond their present state of awareness and level of confidence in their creative power. Practical work will be closely accompanied by readings and journaling, culminating with the creation and performance of a short project. (First- and second-year students only; Not open to students who have taken FYSE 1364) 3 hrs. lect. ART (Fall 2021: K. Borni)

DANC 0160 Introduction to Dance (Spring 2022)

This entry-level dance course introduces movement techniques, improvisation/composition, performance, experiential anatomy, and history of 20th century American modern dance. Students develop flexibility, strength, coordination, rhythm, and vocabulary in the modern idiom. Concepts of time, space, energy, and choreographic form are presented through improvisation and become the basis for a final choreographic project. Readings, research, and reflective and critical writing about dance performance round out the experience. 2 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab ART, PE

DANC 0163 From Africa to the Americas: Moving from Our Core (Fall 2021)

This course is an introduction to dance emphasizing the influence of traditions from the African Diaspora on contemporary modern dance. Technique sessions incorporate styles from West Africa and Central and South America with performance work. Discussion of readings on the history and current practice of movement forms originating in Africa, as well as on the work of artists developing fusion styles, supports written and creative work. Compositional studies explore the intersection between technique, history/theory, and performance. (No previous dance experience required.) 2 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab ART, PE (C. Brown)

DANC 0244 African Music and Dance Performance (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course will introduce students to various techniques of performing East African (primarily Ugandan) musical and dance traditions through regular rehearsals, culminating in an end-of-semester concert. As an ensemble, we will learn and master how to play and sing/dance to bow-harps, thumb-pianos, xylophones, tube-fiddles, bowl-lyres, gourd shakers, struck gourds, reed-box rattles, ankle bells, leg rattles, and various types of drums. Some background in performing music is recommended, but prior knowledge of performing African music and dance is not required. 3 hrs. lect./lab AAL (Fall 2021), ART (Fall 2021) (Fall 2021: D. Kafumbe)
Cross-listed as: MUSC 0244 *

DANC 0260 Advanced Beginning Dance I (Spring 2022)

This is the first course in the studio sequence for students entering Middlebury with significant previous dance experience. It is also the course sequence for those continuing on from DANC 0160 or DANC 0161 and provides grounding in the craft of modern dance needed to proceed to more advanced levels. Modern dance movement techniques are strengthened to support an emerging individual vocabulary and facility with composition. Students regularly create and revise movement studies that focus on the basic elements of choreography and the relationship of music and dance. Readings, journals, and formal critiques of video and live performance contribute to the exploration of dance aesthetics and develop critical expertise. (DANC 0160 or by approval) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab ART, PE

DANC 0261 Improvisational Practices (Fall 2021)

In this course students will gain an embodied understanding of the practices and techniques needed to proceed to advanced improvisational work. Research into forms such as partnering, ensemble work, text, musical exercises, compositions, and scores/projects will focus on mapping the moving body in the moment. Readings, journals, and responses to video viewings and live performances contribute to the exploration of historical contexts, aesthetics, and cultural improvisations. 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab ART, PE (L. Winfield)

DANC 0284 Modern Dance History in the United States: Early Influences to Postmodern Transformations (Fall 2021)

In this seminar we will focus on the emergence and development of 20th century American concert dance--especially modern and postmodern dance forms--from the confluence of European folk and court dance, African and Caribbean influences, and other American cultural dynamics. We will look at ways in which dance reflects, responds to, and creates its cultural milieu, with special attention to issues of gender, race/ethnicity, and class. Readings, video, and live performance illuminate the artistic products and processes of choreographers whose works mark particular periods or turning points in this unfolding story. Our study is intended to support informed critical articulations and an understanding of the complexity of dance as art. 3 hrs. lect./2 hrs. screen. AMR, ART, CW, HIS, NOR (K. Borni)
Cross-listed as: GSFS 0284

DANC 0360 Intermediate/Advanced Dance I (Spring 2022)

This course involves concentrated intermediate-advanced level work in contemporary dance technique and choreography culminating in production. Theoretical issues of importance to the dancer/choreographer are addressed through readings, writings and practice. (DANC 0261 or by waiver; this course may be taken in any sequence with DANC 0361, DANC 0460, DANC 0461) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab ART, PE

DANC 0370 Production Workshop (Fall 2021)

In preparing two fully produced dance productions for the stage, students will participate in and be exposed to professional production practices in all areas of dance technical design, including sets, costumes, props, lights, and sound. Students will be involved in planning, building, operating, lighting, documenting, striking, and publicizing fully produced dance program concerts. (6 hrs. lab) ART, PE (J. Ponder)

DANC 0376 Anatomy and Kinesiology (Spring 2022)

This course offers an in-depth experiential study of skeletal structure, and includes aspects of the muscular, organ, endocrine, nervous, and fluid systems of the human body. The goal is to enhance efficiency of movement and alignment through laboratory sessions, supported by assigned readings, exams, and written projects. (Not open to first-year students) 3 hrs. lect. ART, PE

DANC 0380 Dance Company of Middlebury (Fall 2021)

Dancers work with the artistic director and guest choreographers as part of a dance company, learning, interpreting, rehearsing, and performing dances created for performance and tour. Those receiving credit can expect four to six rehearsals weekly. Appropriate written work, concert and film viewing, and attendance in departmental technique classes are required. Auditions for company members are held in the fall semester for the year. One credit will be given for two terms of participation. Performances and tour are scheduled in January. (Limited to sophomores through seniors, by audition.) (DANC 0260; Approval required) 4 hrs. lect./4 hrs. lab ART, PE (C. Brown)

DANC 0460 Intermediate/Advanced Dance III: The Place of Dance (Fall 2021)

In this course we will investigate three aspects of place in relation to dance: where we source movement, the relevance of dance in culture, and the effects of place on the moving dancing body. Material covered will include body systems dance technique at the intermediate/advanced level, improvisation and composition toward choreography and site specific work, readings and reflective writing, and performance viewing. The course culminates in formal and informal showings of performance work. The emergence of a personal philosophy and dance aesthetic will be engaged and formally articulated in writing. (DANC 0261; this course may be taken in any sequence with DANC 0360, DANC 0361, DANC 0461) 4.5 hrs. lect./2 hrs. lab. ART, PE (J. Chavez)

DANC 0461 Intermediate/Advanced Dance IV: Advanced Dance Improvisation (Spring 2022)

Students will gain rigorous training in the simultaneous conception, composition, and performance of dance works. This will include units in techniques such as contact improvisation, performance improvisation, site specific work, musical collaboration, and elemental integration. The body will be developed as an articulate, responsive instrument while the mind is honed toward quick, clear perception of potential form with a willingness to act and react. Personal philosophy and dance aesthetics will be cultivated and formally articulated in writing. Musicians proficient with their instrument and interested in improvisation are strongly encouraged to seek admission. (Required for dancers: DANC 0261 or by waiver; this course may be taken in any sequence with DANC 0360, DANC 0361, DANC 0460) 6 hrs lect. ART, PE

DANC 0500 Independent Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required)

DANC 0700 Independent Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required) (Fall 2021: G. Forestieri, C. Brown)
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Department of Economics

I. Required for the Major
The economics major consists of a minimum of 11 approved courses in four sequences. At least six of these eleven courses, including the electives taken at the 0300- and 0400-levels and the 0701/0702 sequence, must be taken at Middlebury College in Vermont. Note that although the 0701/0702 sequence is taken over two semesters (Fall/Winter or Winter/Spring) and counts as two credits towards the minimum 36 college requirements, it only counts as one course towards the economics major requirements. ECON 0240 and ECON 0500 do not count towards the major requirements. Economics electives taken during the winter term will count towards the major requirements only if so designated in the winter term catalog.

Introductory Sequence: ECON 0150 and ECON 0155. Neither ECON 0150 nor ECON 0155 assumes any prior exposure to economics, but both courses presume a thorough working knowledge of algebra. Note: Students must pass ECON 0150 and ECON 0155 with at least a C- to be admitted into ECON 0250 and ECON 0255 respectively without a waiver.

Quantitative Sequence: The quantitative sequence in economics consists of two courses. The first course can be ECON 0210, MATH 0116, MATH 0310, or PSYC 0201. (ECON 0210 may not be taken concurrently with MATH 0116, MATH 0310 or PSYC 0201. Credit is not given for ECON 0210 if the student has taken MATH 0116, MATH 0310 or PSYC 0201.) Students with strong mathematical background wanting to take MATH 0410 (Stochastic Processes) should take MATH 0310 rather than MATH 0116 or ECON 0210, since MATH 0310 is a prerequisite for MATH 0410. The second course in the sequence is ECON 0211. Students must pass ECON 0210 with at least a C- to be admitted into ECON 0211 without a waiver.

Intermediate Theory Sequence: ECON 0250; ECON 0255; and one of ECON 0212, ECON 0229, or ECON 0280. Note: It is important, especially for those planning to study abroad for a full year, that the above three sequences be completed by the end of the sophomore year.

Elective Sequence: Majors are required to take at least four electives, one of which must be at the 0400-level and one of which must be any of the following:  a 0300-level course, another 0400-level course, or the ECON 0701/0702 senior workshop sequence. The other two electives may be 0200-, 0300-, or 0400-level courses.

The 0300-level courses are advanced electives exposing students to frontier research in specific subfields of economics that have intermediate theory as a prerequisite. The 0400-level courses are seminars that typically enroll no more than 16 students, have intermediate theory as a prerequisite, and serve as a capstone experience for the major. Emphasis is placed on reading, writing, and discussion of economics at an advanced level. The 0701/0702 workshops are seminars that typically enroll eight students, have intermediate theory and a field course as a prerequisite, and involve writing an independent research paper. The difference between an ECON 0400-level seminar and an ECON 0701/0702 workshop is the degree of independence the student has and the level of sophistication expected in the paper.

Honors: To be eligible for honors in economics, students must take the Senior Research sequence (ECON 0701 and ECON 0702) during their senior year. The purpose of this two-semester sequence is to foster independent student research, culminating in a research paper in the style of an economics journal article. Prior to enrolling in ECON 0701, students must have taken a minimum of six economics courses at Middlebury approved to count towards the major requirements. Each course in the sequence will have no more than eight students who will work on their projects for two semesters (either fall/winter or winter/spring) and will include both individual meetings and group meetings to develop new techniques and present and discuss research. Students who have prearranged a research topic with the professor will be given priority in admission to the seminar. Also, because of limited resources for guiding senior work, students with a single major in economics will be given priority over double majors who will do senior work in other departments. Students interested in pursuing departmental honors must take the Senior Research Workshop sequence (ECON 0701 and ECON 0702). To receive departmental honors the student must receive a minimum grade of A- in ECON 0701 and ECON 0702, and have a 3.5 or higher GPA in all economics courses taken at Middlebury approved to count towards the major requirements. High Honors requires a minimum grade of A in ECON 0701 and ECON 0702, and a 3.75 or higher economics GPA. Highest Honors requires a minimum grade of A in ECON 0701 and ECON 0702, and a 3.9 or higher economics GPA. For more detailed information on how the economics GPA is calculated, please contact the department coordinator.

Joint Majors: The Department of Economics does not offer a joint major.

International Politics and Economics Major: Please refer to the International Politics and Economics section of the catalog for details about the major or visit the International Politics & Economics website for the most current information. Note: Students are not allowed to double major in Economics (ECON) and International Politics and Economics (IPEC).

Major in Environmental Studies with a focus in Economics (ESEC): Please refer to the Environmental Studies Program section of the catalog (under Social Science foci) for details about the major or visit the Environmental Studies website for the most current information. Note: Students are not allowed to double major in Economics (ECON) and Environmental Economics (ESEC).

Major in Environmental Studies with a focus in Policy (ESEP): Please refer to the Environmental Studies Program section (under Social Science foci) for details about the major or visit the Environmental Studies website for the most current information. It is possible to double major in Economics (ECON) and Environmental Policy (ESEP), however, double counting of Economics courses towards each major is not allowed, except in cases where a specific course is listed as required by both majors. 

AP Credit Policy: To obtain credit, students will need to submit their official scores to the Registrar's Office and obtain approval from the department chair. Students who score a 5 on the Advanced Placement exam in Macroeconomics or Microeconomics will receive credit for Introductory Macroeconomics (ECON 0150) or Introductory Microeconomics (ECON 0155) respectively and cannot enroll in these courses at Middlebury. Students who score a 5 on the advanced placement exam in statistics are strongly encouraged to enroll in Economic Statistics (ECON 0210) but they may choose to use their AP credit instead. Note: Students may not receive AP credit and course credit for the same course.
Students who score a 4 on the advanced placement exam in Macroeconomics, Microeconomics or Statistics must earn a B- or better grade in the corresponding intermediate-level course ECON 0250, ECON 0255, or ECON 0211, respectively, to receive college credit for the AP course. Note: Students are required to complete an additional elective for each of these courses when a grade of B- or higher is not earned in the corresponding intermediate-level course.

International Baccalaureate/A-Levels: Students who have completed an International Baccalaureate and have earned a score of 7 on IB Economics or a grade of A on A-Level Economics should begin their studies of Macroeconomics and Microeconomics with ECON 0250 and ECON 0255. These students will be given one course credit toward the economics major, and will be prohibited from enrolling in ECON 0150 or ECON 0155. Students who have earned a score of 6 on IB economics or a grade of B on A-Level economics are encouraged to begin their studies of Macroeconomics and Microeconomics with ECON 0250 and ECON 0255, but they may elect to enroll in ECON 0150 or ECON 0155. Students majoring in Economics will need to replace the other introductory course with an ECON elective. Students who have completed a statistics course with a score of 6 or higher on IB Statistics, or a grade of B or better on A-Level Statistics may begin their course of study of economics statistics with ECON 0211 or MATH 0310. If they choose to start with ECON 0211 or MATH 0310, they will need to replace the ECON 0210 credit with an ECON elective. The same rules apply where ECON courses are requirements for other majors. Please notify the department coordinator if you have qualifying IB or A-Level scores in economics that you wish to use as a prerequisite.

Transfer of Credit: Students may take economics courses in approved programs (abroad and domestic) and have those courses count towards the major and/or the general graduation requirement. Summer school courses will not generally be given credit for the major unless there is an overriding reason to take a summer school course. Any summer school course must meet a minimum of six weeks and have at least 36 hours of class time. Students planning to take courses off-campus should discuss the proposed course(s) with their advisor and get pre-approval from the department chair. Upon completion of the course(s), students should submit their course material and a copy of their transcript along with a Transfer Credit Application Form to the department chair for departmental approval. After receiving departmental approval, students must submit their forms to the Registrar’s Office for final approval by the director of off-campus study. Note: Transfer Credit Forms are not required for courses listed in the Course Information Data base (CID) as approved to count towards the major. However, students must notify the Registrar’s Office of any transferred courses approved in the CID that they wish to be counted towards their major requirements. Courses having a BU (Business) or MGMT (Management) prefix will not normally be considered the equivalent of an economics course. No credit will be given for business courses taken over the summer. A maximum of one general credit will be given for a business course taken through a junior year abroad business program. Business courses taken in a non-business program will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Those that match the department's offerings, and have strong liberal arts content, have the best chance of receiving credit.

II. Post-Graduate Preparation
Graduate programs in economics or finance [other than a Masters of Business Administration (MBA)] generally require a high degree of mathematical sophistication. Students thinking of continuing in such a program are encouraged to: (i) take MATH 0310 in place of ECON 0210; (ii) select economics electives with significant mathematically and statistically rigorous content [recommended courses fulfilling the elective requirements of the economics major include: ECON 0212, ECON 0229, ECON 0280, ECON 0390, and ECON 0411]; (iii) take a number of additional courses in mathematics and computer science [recommended courses include: CSCI 0101, MATH 0315, MATH 0318, MATH 0323, MATH 0410, and MATH 0423]. Good training for graduate school might include being a statistics tutor or having worked as a research assistant at Middlebury College or at a Federal Reserve Bank, or as an intern at a research institute or NGO. Students thinking about this option should discuss their plans with their advisor and other faculty members.. Masters of Business Administration (MBA) programs look for students who have taken a wide range of courses across the curriculum rather than for students who have narrowly focused on economics and math. Thus, it is not necessary for someone planning to go on in business or to an MBA program to have majored in economics. MBA programs normally expect that students have worked for a couple of years in business, government, or similar organization before they begin the MBA program. The appropriate coursework for these MBA programs is a wide range of liberal arts courses.

III. Minor in Economics
The Department of Economics does not offer a minor.

ECON 0150 Introductory Macroeconomics (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

An introduction to macroeconomics: a consideration of macroeconomic problems such as unemployment and inflation. Theories and policy proposals of Keynesian and classical economists are contrasted. Topics considered include: banking, financial institutions, monetary policy, taxation, government spending, fiscal policy, tradeoffs between inflation and unemployment in both the short run and the long run, and wage-price spirals. 3 hrs. lect. SOC (Fall 2021: C. Craven, C. Artunc, R. Gauvin-Coulombe)

ECON 0155 Introductory Microeconomics (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

An introduction to the analysis of such microeconomic problems as price formation (the forces behind demand and supply), market structures from competitive to oligopolistic, distribution of income, and public policy options bearing on these problems. 3 hrs. lect. SOC (Fall 2021: S. Pecsok, P. Wunnava, S. Ramaswamy)

ECON 0207 Economics and Gender (Fall 2021)

Economics and Gender is an introduction to using the tools of economics to understand gender-related issues. In the first part of the course we will review economic models of the household, fertility, and labor supply and discuss how they help us interpret long-term trends in marriage and divorce, fertility, and women’s labor-force participation. In the second part of the course we will study economic models of wage determination and focus on explanations of, and policy remedies for, earnings differentials by gender. The final part of the course will focus on new research in economics on gender-related topics. (ECON 0155) 3hrs. lect. CW, SOC (T. Byker)

ECON 0210 Economic Statistics (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Basic methods and concepts of statistical inference with an emphasis on economic applications. Topics include probability distributions, random variables, simple linear regression, estimation, hypothesis testing, and contingency table analysis. A weekly one-hour lab is part of this course in addition to three hours of class meetings per week. Credit is not given for ECON 0210 if the student has taken MATH 0116, or MATH 0310, or PSYC 0201 previously or concurrently. (ECON 0150 or ECON 0155) 3 hrs. lect., 1 hr. lab DED (Fall 2021: P. Sommers, A. Gregg)

ECON 0211 Introduction to Regression Analysis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this course regression analysis is introduced. The major focus is on quantifying relationships between economic variables. Multiple regression identifies the effect of several exogenous variables on an endogenous variable. After exploring the classical regression model, fundamental assumptions underlying this model will be relaxed, and further new techniques will be introduced. Methods for testing hypotheses about the regression coefficients are developed throughout the course. Both theoretical principles and practical applications will be emphasized. The course goal is for each student to employ regression analysis as a research tool and to justify and defend the techniques used. (MATH 0121; and ECON 0150 or ECON 0155; and ECON 0210) 3 hrs. lect., 1 hr. lab DED (Fall 2021: C. Myers)

ECON 0212 Empirical Research Methods in Economics (Fall 2021)

In this course we will provide students with the tools to conceptualize, design, and carry out a research project in economics. Topics will include survey design, sampling and power, experimental design (in and out of the lab), natural experiments, and other approaches to identifying causal relationships. Drawing from several sub-disciplines in economics, students will examine, replicate, and critique various studies. Emphasis will be placed on the formulation of valid, feasible research questions, and on the description and interpretation of results. (ECON 0211) 3 hrs. lect. (E. Gong)

ECON 0225 Theories of Economic Development in Latin America (Spring 2022)

This course is designed to provide a survey of the most important issues facing Latin American policymakers today. The course will place contemporary problems in their historical perspective and will use applied economic analysis to examine the opportunities and constraints facing the economies of Latin America. (ECON 0150) 3 hrs. lect. AAL, AMR, CW, SOC

ECON 0228 Economics of Agricultural Transition (Spring 2022)

In 1860 farmers made up over half the population of this country and fed about 30 million people. Today they number 2% of the population and produce more than enough to feed 300 million people. In this course we will look at the history, causes, and results of this incredible transformation. While studying the economic forces behind the changing farming structure, we will examine farm production, resources, technology, and agricultural policy. Field trips to local farms and screenings of farm-related videos and movies will incorporate the viewpoint of those engaged in agriculture. (ECON 0150 or ECON 0155) 2hrs. lect., 2 hrs. lab AMR, NOR, SOC

ECON 0229 Economic History and History of Economic Thought (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course will provide an introduction to economic history and the history of economic thought. We will investigate and understand the causes and consequences of important historical events and trends, such as industrialization and globalization, from an economic perspective. We devote considerable attention to the dissemination throughout Europe of new industrial and agricultural practices originating in Britain. Along the way, we evaluate how prominent economists perceived and analyzed the events of their time. (ECON 0150, ECON 0155) 3 hrs. lect. EUR, HIS, SOC (Fall 2021: A. Gregg)

ECON 0232 The Chinese Economy (Fall 2021)

In this course we will explore the economic development of China up until the present day, giving particular attention to the socialist era and the post-1978 reforms. Specific topics to be covered will include growth and structural change, the urban-rural divide, the state’s ongoing role in the economy, demography, and the country’s integration into the global economy. (ECON 0150 orECON 0155; or by approval) 3 hrs. lect. AAL, NOA, SOC (W. Pyle)

ECON 0234 Economics of Africa (Spring 2022)

Sub-Saharan Africa is home to some of the poorest and some of the fastest growing economies in the world. In this course, we will explore the opportunities for sustained, inclusive economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa, the challenges that must be overcome in realizing these opportunities, and the policy options for overcoming these challenges. Topics may include demography, institutions, infrastructure, agriculture, urbanization, climate change, health, natural resources, mobile technology, trade, and regional integration. Students will be exposed to relevant economic theory and recent empirical economic research on Africa. (ECON 0150 and ECON 0155; or by approval) This course counts as elective credit towards the Economics major and IPEC major. AAL, SAF, SOC

ECON 0250 Macroeconomic Theory (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Macroeconomic theory analyzes whether the market effectively coordinates individuals' decisions so that they lead to acceptable results. It considers the effectiveness of monetary, fiscal, and other policies in achieving desirable levels of unemployment, inflation, and growth. The theories held by various schools of economic thought such as Keynesians, monetarists, and new classicals are considered along with their proposed policies. (MATH 0121 and ECON 0150) 3 hrs. lect. (Fall 2021: P. Matthews)

ECON 0255 Microeconomic Theory (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Microeconomic theory concentrates on the study of the determination of relative prices and their importance in shaping the allocation of resources and the distribution of income in an economy. We will study the optimizing behavior of households in a variety of settings: buying goods and services, saving, and labor supply decisions. We will also examine the behavior of firms in different market structures. Together, the theories of household and firm behavior help illumine contemporary economic issues (discrimination in labor markets, mergers in the corporate world, positive and negative externalities, for example). (MATH 0121 and ECON 0155) 3 hrs. lect. (Fall 2021: J. Berazneva)

ECON 0265 Environmental Economics (Fall 2021)

This course is dedicated to the proposition that economic reasoning is critical for analyzing the persistence of environmental damage and for designing cost-effective environmental policies. The objectives of the course are that each student (a) understands the economic approach to the environment; (b) can use microeconomics to illustrate the theory of environmental policy; and (c) comprehends and can critically evaluate: alternative environmental standards, benefits and costs of environmental protection, and incentive-based environmental policies. (ECON 0155) 3 hrs. lect. (A. Rao)

ECON 0278 Economics of Religion (Fall 2021)

Economics and religion have played fundamental roles in human civilization. In this course we will use economic methods (statistical analysis and microeconomic theory) to examine the role that religion plays in economic activity. Topics explored will include the markets for religion, the effects that religion has on economic outcomes and welfare, and the political economy of religion. We will investigate studies and use data from both historical and contemporary time periods. While Christianity will be a prominent religion in the course due to the literature and data that are available, the economic methods used in this course will be applied to other religions. (ECON 0150 and ECON 0155) 3 hrs. lct SOC (E. Gong)

ECON 0280 Game Theory (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Game theory is general in scope and has been used to provide theoretical foundations for phenomena in most of the social and behavioral sciences. Economic examples include market organization, bargaining, and the provision of public goods. Examples from other behavioral sciences include social dilemmas and population dynamics. In this course students will learn the basics of what constitutes a game and how games are solved. (ECON 0155 and MATH 0121 required; ECON 0255 recommended) 3 hrs. lect. (Fall 2021: J. Carpenter)

ECON 0329 Theory and Measurement in Economic History (Fall 2021)

Economic historians study past events, employing diverse methodologies to understand technology adoption, market integration, and the effect of institutions on performance. In this course we will focus on strategies economists use to learn about the past itself and to use past events to understand how all economies function. We will ponder especially conflicts and complementarities between theoretical and empirical reasoning. Each student will complete a research proposal that justifies applying a set of tools to address an economic history question. (ECON 0210 and ECON 0255 or IPEC 0240 or ECON 0240; or by approval) 3 hrs. sem. CMP, CW, HIS, SOC (C. Artunc)

ECON 0344 International Economics (Fall 2021)

International trade and financial flows are increasingly important in today’s interconnected world. In this advanced course we will use tools from introductory and intermediate courses to help us analyze the causes and consequences of these flows. We will investigate why countries trade, what they trade, who gains (or loses) from trade, and the motives and effects of trade policies. We will then consider the monetary side of the international economy, including the balance of payments, the determination of exchange rates, and financial crises. This course is not open to students who have taken ECON 0240 or IPEC 0240. (ECON 0150 and ECON 0255) 3 hrs. lect. (O. Porteous)

ECON 0350 Advanced Macroeconomic Theory and Policy (Spring 2022)

In this course we will build on ECON 0250 to further develop the analytical tools for exploring key macroeconomic outcomes and policy. Topics covered may include, but are not limited to, economic growth; distribution; institutions; monetary, fiscal and macroprudential policy; and behavioral macroeconomics. We will explore modern developments in macroeconomic theory, and compare and critically evaluate the ability of different theoretical perspectives to provide insight into current events and the efficacy of macroeconomic policy (MATH 0121 or equivalent and (ECON 0250 or IPEC 0240 or ECON 0240) and ECON 0211). 3 hrs. lect.

ECON 0355 Empirical Methods in Macroeconomics (Fall 2021)

This course is designed to provide students the tools needed to carry out empirical research projects in macroeconomics. We will examine current empirical methods used to identify causal effects in macroeconomics using both time series and panel data sets. We will cover different identification strategies such as timing restrictions, external instruments, and the narrative approach. We will then apply these different methods to the analysis of contemporary and historical macroeconomic data. Prerequisites: (ECON 0211 and ECON 0250) 3 hrs. lct. (R. Gauvin-Coulombe)

ECON 0365 The Economics of Climate Change (Spring 2022)

In this course we will apply the tools of economic analysis to the problem of global climate change. The goal is to expose students to how economists approach this important policy problem. The course will begin with a review of reasons for policy interventions in markets and policy instrument choice. We will then focus on the measurement of damages from emissions of greenhouse gases. Subsequent topics will include: discounting, technology and abatement costs, benefit-cost analysis, uncertainty and catastrophic risk, and policies in practice. (ECON 0255; ECON 0265 encouraged). 3 hrs. lect.

ECON 0418 Macroeconomics of Depressions (Fall 2021)

In this course we will develop a framework for analyzing liquidity traps, economic depressions, and failures of macroeconomic stabilization policy. We will contrast the causes of and policy responses to the Great Depression, Japan’s “Lost Decades,” the Great Recession, and the ongoing depression in Greece. We will also study the international transmission of the Great Depression through the gold standard and the global transmission of the Great Recession through modern financial and trade linkages. Throughout, we will track the evolution of views on stabilization policy, austerity, and the costs of prolonged periods of depressed demand. (ECON 0250 or ECON 0240 or IPEC 0240) 3 hrs. sem. (A. Fieldhouse)

ECON 0427 Population Economics (Fall 2021)

In this course we will use an economic perspective to analyze changes in fertility, mortality, marriage, and household structure in both industrialized and developing countries. We will explore how these changes interact with labor markets, poverty, inequality, urbanization, migration and the status of women using the theoretical and empirical tools of applied economic analysis. Students will engage in data-driven projects to study demographic behavior. Experience with statistical analysis is strongly encouraged. (ECON 0255 or 0240 required; ECON 0211 strongly recommended) 3 hrs. sem. (T. Byker)

ECON 0429 Trade and Foreign Aid in Latin America (Fall 2021)

This course is designed to provide an in-depth examination of a number of critical issues that currently confront policymakers in Latin America. The topics of development, regionalization and free trade, and the efficacy of foreign aid will be analyzed in the context of Latin American economic development. (ECON 0250, or ECON 0255 or ECON 0240 or IPEC 0240) 3 hrs. sem. AAL, AMR (J. Maluccio)

ECON 0445 International Finance (Spring 2022)

An analysis of the world's financial system and the consequences for open economies of macroeconomic interdependence. Particular topics include: exchange rate determination, balance of payments adjustments, and monetary and fiscal policies in open economies. Special attention is paid to the issues and problems of the European Economic Community and European integration and debt in developing countries. (ECON 0250 or ECON 0240 or IPEC 0240) 3 hrs. sem.

ECON 0453 Historical Development of the World Economy (Spring 2022)

Many of the controversies and tensions modern economies have to contend with today, such as growth, inequality, and instability, emerged during the last few centuries. In this seminar we will use economic and historical tools to develop a better understanding of the profound transformations in technology, finance, and international trade over time. We will analyze the challenges the world faced as capital, labor, and commodity markets became rapidly integrated, including financial crises, rising income and wealth inequality, and modernizing policies. (ECON 0210 and ECON 0250 or ECON 0240 or IPEC 0240) 3 hrs. sem.

ECON 0454 History of the Firm (Spring 2022)

In this course we will trace the history of firms from the Classical Age to the present, using theoretical and empirical economics to understand what makes a “firm,” how firms have been organized throughout history, why firm organization may differ across countries (e.g., early industrial firms in Europe vs. Latin America vs. the United States), and what firm structure implies for economic performance. Our discussion will rely on subfields like institutional economics, development, and finance. Final research papers will evaluate the organizational history of a single firm or the development of firm structures in an industry or country. (ECON 0211 and ECON 0240 or ECON 0255; or by approval) 3 hrs. sem. CMP, HIS, SOC

ECON 0465 Special Topics in Environmental Economics (Fall 2021)

The objective of this seminar is that each student achieves fluency in a set of advanced concepts in environmental economics. The seminar is divided into two main sections. First, we introduce the core theory and policy implications of environmental economics. These include the economics of renewable and non-renewable resources, the theory of externalities and public goods, the Coase theorem, the Ostrom perspective; and sustainability. Second, we study selected topics including the promise and challenges of economic growth, the future of fossil fuels and renewables, and the imperative of climate justice. (ECON 0210 and ( ECON 0255 or ECON 0240 or IPEC 0240); or by approval) 3 hrs. sem. (J. Isham)

ECON 0466 Environment and Development (Spring 2022)

Climate change, air pollution, tropical deforestation: there is little doubt that economic development affects, and is affected by, the global and local environment and natural resources. In this course we will explore the complex relationship between environment and development using the theoretical and empirical tools of applied economic analysis. We will begin with pioneering research papers on the empirics of economic growth, examine the macroeconomic evidence, and then move to the micro foundations of the poverty-environment nexus. Major topics will include the resource curse and environmental Kuznets curve hypotheses, approaches for understanding responses to climate variability and disasters in poor communities, management of natural resources in smallholder agriculture, choosing policy instruments for pollution reduction, conservation, and environmental protection, and relationships between human health and the environment. We will conclude with a number of selected topics and issues of contemporary policy relevance. (ECON 0210 and ECON 0240 or ECON 0255; or by approval) 3 hrs. sem. SOC

ECON 0480 Labor Economics (Spring 2022)

This seminar will explore the economics of labor markets from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. Topics covered include: labor force participation, wage determination, welfare and minimum wage policies, education and on-the-job training, compensating differentials, dual labor markets, inequality and discrimination, unions, immigration, employment relations, and household bargaining. (ECON 0255 required; ECON 0211 strongly recommended)

ECON 0485 The Economics of Sports (Spring 2022)

This is a survey course of topics illustrating how microeconomic principles apply to the sports industry. Topics covered will include the industrial organization of the sports industry (notably, issues of competitive balance and the implications of monopoly power), the public finance of sports (notably, the impact teams have on host municipalities), and labor issues related to sports (including player worth and discrimination). The prerequisites for this course are meant to ensure that students can both understand fundamental economic concepts and present the results of econometric research as they apply to the sports industry. (ECON 0210 and ECON 0211 and ECON 0255) 3 hrs. sem.

ECON 0488 Space Economics (Fall 2021)

In this course we will study the economics of outer space. Specific topics include: the existing terrestrial space economy, the historical development of the launch and space observation sectors, the physical constraints of space travel (the rocket equation, life support units), and dual-use technologies; orbit use, focusing on satellites, orbital debris, and emerging industrial concentration; the use of lunar resources, particularly ice extraction and dust management; and the economics of extra-terrestrial human settlements. (ECON 0210 and (ECON 0250 or ECON 0255); ECON 0265 strongly recommended.) (A. Rao)

ECON 0500 Individual Special Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

If you choose to pursue an area that we do not offer or go in depth in an area already covered, we recommend the Individual Special Project option. These ECON 0500 proposals MUST be passed by the entire department and are to be submitted to the chair by the first Friday of fall and spring semester, respectively. The proposals should contain a specific description of the course contents, its goals, and the mechanisms by which goals are to be realized. It should also include a bibliography. According to the College Handbook, ECON 0500 projects are a privilege open to those students with advanced preparation and superior records in their fields. A student needs to have a 3.5 or higher G.P.A. in Economics courses taken at Middlebury in order to pursue an Individual Special Project. ECON 0500 does not count towards the major or minor requirements.

ECON 0701 Senior Research Workshop I (Fall 2021)

In this first semester, students will design and begin their projects. Emphasis will be on designing a novel research question (while making the case for its importance) and an appropriate strategy for answering it. This requires immersion in the academic literature on the topic. General research principles and tools will be taught in class, as a group, while those specific to individual projects will be covered in one-on-one meetings. By the end of the term, students will outline their plan for completing the project, including demonstrating that it is a feasible research question for which the necessary information (e.g., data or source materials) is available or can be generated by the student (e.g., lab or other experiment). (Approval required) (J. Maluccio, P. Wunnava)

ECON 0702 Senior Research Workshop II (Spring 2022)

In this second semester of the senior research workshop sequence, the focus is on the execution of the research plan developed in ECON 0701. Most instruction is now one-on-one but the workshop will still meet as a group to discuss and practice the presentation of results in various formats (seminars, poster sessions, et cetera) to the rest of the workshop and others in the college and broader communities. Feedback and critiques from such presentations will be incorporated into the project, which will culminate in a research paper in the style of an economics journal article. (ECON 0701; Approval required) (A. Robbett, C. Myers)
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Program in Education Studies

The study of Education necessitates an understanding of the reasons for the deep inequities that characterize education in the USA and other countries of the world.   Through the investigation of educational theory, policy, research and practice from a variety of disciplinary perspectives students learn to think critically and creatively about the processes of teaching and learning and about the place of education in society.  Effective fall 2017, Education Studies offers a double-major for those students who seek teacher licensure in either elementary (EDEL) or secondary (EDSL) education and a minor in general education (EDGW) for those who are interested in the field of education, but who do not seek teacher licensure. [Students may not choose to major in Education Studies as a stand-alone major. The double major option is available only to those students seeking teacher licensure.] Students who matriculated to Middlebury prior to fall 2017 should speak to the Program Director about maintaining their current program of study.

Requirements for the Double Major in Teacher Licensure
Students interested in earning a Vermont teaching license should meet with the Director of the Education Studies Program as soon as possible in their course of study. The four, state-required elements that must be satisfactorily completed in order to be recommended for Vermont initial educator licensure are: (i) Relevant coursework that satisfies the content requirements of the endorsement, (ii) Professional Semester, (iii) Vermont Licensure Portfolio, and (iv) state required examinations such as Praxis. The specific requirements for elementary and secondary teacher licensure are as follows:

Elementary Licensure (EDEL)
Required for major, Elementary Licensure
: A major in another discipline. EDST 0115A (Education in the USA), EDST 0215 (Culturally Responsive Pedagogy), EDST 0300 (Models of Inclusive Education), EDST 0305 (Elementary Literacy and Social Studies Methods), EDST 0306 (Elementary Science Methods), EDST 0307 (Elementary Math Methods), EDST 0317 (Children and the Arts) or approved art internship, Professional Semester (see below). PSYC 0225 (Child Development), PSYC 0327 (Educational Psychology).

  • Elementary licensure students must complete both the SCI and DED Distribution Requirements.

Secondary Licensure (EDSL)
Required for major, Secondary Licensure
: A major in the endorsement area. EDST 0115A (Education in the USA), EDST 0215 (Culturally Responsive Pedagogy), EDST 0300 (Models of Inclusive Education), EDST 0327 (Field Experience in Secondary and Special Education); EDST 0505 (Independent Study Secondary Methods taken twice with different placements) and the Professional Semester (see below). PSYC 0216 (Adolescence); PSYC 0327(Educational Psychology).

  • Middlebury College is authorized to recommend licensure in the following subject areas for secondary education (7-12): Modern and Classical Languages: French, German, Russian, Spanish; Computer Science; English; Mathematics; Science; Social Studies. Art (preK-12).
  •  In order for secondary licensure candidates to be recommended for licensure they must meet Vermont content endorsement requirements. Generally, this means that students should select their second major in the content area they wish to teach.

Professional Semester
(Fall semester only; by application and approval): Students who elect to pursue licensure either in Elementary (K-6) or Secondary (7-12) education must apply to the Education Studies program for acceptance into the Professional Semester. The Professional Semester is a four credit, full-time, student teaching experience in a local school, with a master teacher, and under the supervision of a college designated supervisor.  Upon acceptance to the Professional Semester, students complete EDST 0410 (the student teaching seminar) and either EDST 0405-7 (elementary) or EDST 0415-17(secondary). Education Studies faculty, in consultation with the student and prospective master teacher, make the final decision regarding where and with whom a student is placed for the Professional Semester.  Students may elect to complete the Professional Semester in either their senior year or in a ninth semester with the degree awarded following completion.

Requirements for the minor in Education Studies (EDGW)
Students interested in completing a minor in Education Studies should meet with a professor in the Education Studies Program to organize a thoughtful course of study. The Education Studies minor consists of five courses two of which are required and three of which are selected at the discretion of the student under consultation with an EDST faculty advisor. There is no option for a major in general Education Studies.

  1. Required (2 courses):
  • EDST 0115     (Education in the USA) Prerequisite for all EDST courses.
  • EDST 0430     (Senior Seminar in Education Studies).

Students must complete three of the 5 required courses prior to enrolling in the Senior Seminar. Required for all students who matriculate fall 2017 and after.

  1. Electives (3 courses):
  • Any three other EDST courses (see course listing).
  • One of the following three PSYC courses may count towards the minor: PYSC 0216 (Adolescence), PSYC 0225 (Child Development), PSYC 0327 (Educational Psychology).
  • One of the following three SOCI courses may count towards the minor: SOCI 0215 (Sociology of Education), SOCI 0351 (Education and Social Policy), SOCI 0430 (Higher Education and Society).

Students may seek to include a course that is not listed above, a course to be taken abroad or a Winter Term internship as one of the five courses.  In each instance, students must secure prior approval from Education Studies faculty for such a course to fulfill the requirements for the minor.

EDST 0102 English Language in Global Context (Spring 2022)

In this course we will discuss and write about the dominance of English in the global landscape. Course readings and films offer an interdisciplinary approach to the topic. We will begin the course with a geographic and historical overview of World Englishes and then will examine the impact of English language dominance on individuals and societies, emphasizing themes such as migration, globalization, education, and identity. Throughout the course, we will explore the relevance of these issues to educators, linguists, and policy-makers around the world. CMP, SOC
Cross-listed as: WRPR 0102 *

EDST 0109 Mathematics for Teachers (Fall 2021)

What mathematical knowledge should elementary and secondary teachers have in the 21st century? Participants in this course will strengthen and deepen their own mathematical understanding in a student-centered workshop setting. We will investigate the number system, operations, algebraic thinking, measurement, data, and functions, and consider the attributes of quantitative literacy. We will also study recent research that describes specialized mathematical content knowledge for teaching. (Students looking for a course in elementary school teaching methods should consider EDST 0315 instead.) 3 hrs. lect. DED (P. Bremser)
Cross-listed as: MATH 0109 *

EDST 0115 Education in the USA (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

What are schools for? What makes education in a democracy unique? What counts as evidence of that uniqueness? What roles do schools play in educating citizens in a democracy for a democracy? In this course, we will engage these questions while investigating education as a social, cultural, political, and economic process. We will develop new understandings of current policy disputes regarding a broad range or educational issues by examining the familiar through different ideological and disciplinary lenses. 3 hrs. lect./1 hr. disc. AMR, NOR, SOC (Fall 2021: S. Hoffman, J. Miller-Lane)
Cross-listed as: BLST 0115

EDST 0210 Sophomore Seminar in the Liberal Arts (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

The current pandemic, and all the questions it brings to the fore about what we value in a college experience, make this an ideal moment to consider the meaning and purpose of your liberal arts education. At the heart of this exploration will be a question posed by physicist Arthur Zajonc: “How do we find our own authentic way to an undivided life where meaning and purpose are tightly interwoven with intellect and action, where compassion and care are infused with insight and knowledge?” We will examine how, at this pivotal moment of decision making, you can understand your college career as an act of “cultivating humanity” and how you can meaningfully challenge yourself to take ownership of your intellectual and personal development. Through interdisciplinary and multicultural exploration, drawing from education studies and philosophical, religious, and literary texts, we will engage our course questions by way of student-led discussion, written reflection, and personal, experiential learning practices. In this way we will examine how a liberal arts education might foster the cultivation of an ‘undivided’ life, “the good life”, a life well-lived. (The course is open to sophomores and second semester first-year students. Juniors by permission only.) CMP (Fall 2021), CW (Fall 2021: 15 seats) (Fall 2021: D. Evans, M. Hammerle)
Cross-listed as: INTD 0210 *

EDST 0215 Culturally Responsive Policy and Pedagogy (Fall 2021)

Building on the work of Gloria Ladson-Billings’ culturally relevant pedagogy, Django Paris developed a theory of culturally sustaining pedagogy that “seeks to perpetuate and foster—to sustain linguistic, literate, and cultural pluralism,” for students in schools (Paris, 2012). In this course we examine how teachers might sustain and support students in classrooms and how educational policy might better address and respond to the rich diversity in our schools and communities. This is a required course for all students seeking a Vermont teaching licensure. (EDST 0115) 3 hrs. lect. AMR, CMP, NOR, SOC (T. Affolter)
Cross-listed as: BLST 0215

EDST 0237 Educational Psychology: Learning in Schools (Fall 2021)

In this course we will expand our understanding of learning and teaching while exploring principles, issues, and research in educational psychology. We will examine learning theories, complex cognitive processes, cognitive and emotional development, and motivation, and apply these constructs to effective instruction, the design of optimal learning environments, assessment of student learning, and teaching in diverse classrooms. (EDST 0115) 3 hrs. lect. SOC (M. Hammerle)

EDST 0238 Educational Psychology: Learning in the Community (Spring 2022)

In this course we will expand our understanding of learning and teaching while engaging with the local school community, including professionals and stakeholders who support K-12 students in various roles. We will examine curriculum theory, teaching theories, and practices that support social-emotional as well as proficiency-based learning, trauma-informed teaching, and the use of personalized learning plans to support student growth and development. In this way, students will continue to understand and develop effective instructional practices, the design of optimal learning environments, meaningful assessment tools, and effective and engaging teaching strategies for diverse, inclusive, innovative, student-focused classrooms. (EDST 0115; Restricted to EDEL/EDSL Majors, EDST Minors, and others by permission) 3 hrs. lect. SOC

EDST 0242 The Non-Native Speaker in a Multilingual World (Fall 2021)

In this course we will address linguistic, educational, and ideological dimensions of the non-native speaker identity and multilingual societies. What does it mean to be a non-native speaker? Why is this linguistic identity considered by some to be a stigma and by others to be a privilege? How do societies succeed in and fail at integrating speakers of different languages? In which ways do language policies and educational practices in the United States and around the world reflect linguistic and social realities? 3 hrs. lect./disc. CMP, SOC (P. Urlaub)
Cross-listed as: LNGT 0242 *

EDST 0243 How Languages are Learned: Theories and Implications (Fall 2021)

In this course we will develop a nuanced understanding of the cognitive, social, and educational factors that enable humans to acquire second languages. What is the difference between first and second language acquisition? How can instruction and curriculum be optimized to help learners? How are languages acquired in naturalistic settings? What is the impact of technology on language education? How do ideologies impact bilingual education in the United States and beyond? 3 hrs. lect./disc. CMP, SOC (P. Urlaub)
Cross-listed as: LNGT 0243 *

EDST 0300 Models of Inclusive Education (Spring 2022)

In this course we will focus on strategies and techniques for including students with diverse learning styles in general education environments. Legal, theoretical, philosophical, and programmatic changes leading toward inclusive models of education will be approached through a historical overview of special education for students with disabilities. Additionally, the course works to expand notions of inclusion such that students' multiple identities are incorporated into all learning. Emphasis is given to the active learning models and differentiated curriculum and instruction to accommodate a range of learners with diverse disabilities, abilities, and identities. (EDST 0115 or SOAN 0215 or SOCI 0215 or AMST 0105). AMR, NOR, SOC
Cross-listed as: BLST 0300

EDST 0305 Reading & Writing the World: Teaching Literacy and Social Studies in the Elementary School (Fall 2021)

In this course, we examine what it means to be literate in the 21st century and ways in which all students can be empowered by the texts and teaching they encounter in schools. Students will develop their ability to enact literacy instruction based on current research about how children learn to read and write. We will take a critical look at texts—fiction, nonfiction, and historical—to consider the ways that texts read and write the world, develop abilities to select texts that empower all learners, and analyze retellings of historical events/persons to take into account multiple perspectives. Many class sessions occur onsite at a local elementary school to provide consistent practice and supportive feedback on authentic components of teaching (transportation provided). In addition to class sessions, students will complete field experiences in a K-6 classroom in the Middlebury area to see the workings of an entire class. 3 hrs. lect./1 hr. disc. (T. Weston)

EDST 0307 Elementary Math Methods (Spring 2022)

In this course we will approach mathematics as the construction of ideas rather than the memorization of facts and rules. We will investigate children’s mathematical reasoning, how to construct learning experiences to advance conceptual development, and how a social justice stance enables math to be a source of empowerment for children. Many class sessions occur at a local elementary school (transportation provided) so students can ground their thinking about course topics within a school, and consistently practice and receive feedback on authentic components of teaching. Students will also complete field experiences in a local K-6 classroom and Vermont licensure requirements. (EDST 0306) 3 hrs. lect./1 hrs. disc

EDST 0375 International and Cross Cultural Education (Spring 2022)

Who gets to own knowledge? Who can acquire it? How do we construct advantage and disadvantage? Comparative and international education examines the intersection of culture and education and the ways they are inextricably related through history, politics, and literature. In this course we will explore major concepts, trends, and methodologies across disciplines, focusing on the effects of globalization, the maintenance and dissolution of borders, the commodification of knowledge, the social creation of meaning, and the consequences of those constructions. We will examine global educational traditions and realities on the ground in case studies of Western and developing nations. CMP, SOC

EDST 0405 Student Teaching in the Elementary School (Fall 2021)

A semester-long practicum in a local elementary school under the direct supervision of an experienced cooperating teacher. (Corequisite: EDST 0410) (Approval required) non-standard grade (T. Weston)

EDST 0406 Student Teaching in Elementary School (Fall 2021)

See EDST 0405. (Approval required) non-standard grade (T. Weston)

EDST 0407 Student Teaching in the Elementary School (Fall 2021)

See EDST 0405. (Approval required) non-standard grade (T. Weston)

EDST 0410 Student Teaching Seminar (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Concurrent with student teaching, this course is designed to provide guidance in curriculum development and its implementation in the classroom, and to explore issues related to the teaching process and the profession. Students will construct a Teaching Licensure Portfolio as well as exchange ideas about their student teaching experiences. Topics including technology, classroom management, special education, and assessment will be featured. The Vermont Framework of Standards and Learning Opportunities, the five Standards for Vermont Educators, the Principles for Vermont Educators, and ROPA-R will guide the development of the Teacher Licensure Portfolio. (Corequisite: EDST 0405, EDST 0406, EDST 0407 or EDST 0415, EDST 0416 EDST 0417) (Approval required) 3 hrs. lect. CW (Fall 2021: C. Johnston)

EDST 0430 Senior Seminar in Education Studies (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this capstone seminar for General Education minors, students will engage, analyze, and offer solutions to real world problems in the current landscape of education. We will read extensively in the field, consider multiple research methods and approaches, and enlist community experts. Working across disciplines and collaboratively, students will create final projects that integrate and apply what they have learned in their coursework, developing and enhancing skills for creative problem solving and leadership in the field. Final projects will vary; all students will make oral presentations. (three of five required courses for the general EDST minor.) 3 hrs. Sem. SOC (Fall 2021: J. Miller-Lane)

EDST 0500 Independent Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required)

EDST 0505 Independent Study - Secondary Methods (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course is for students who are pursuing a VT teaching license in a Secondary content area. Students are required to commit to a school placement under the guidance and supervision of a certified, secondary VT teacher. The content of the course will be developed collaboratively by the EDST professor overseeing the independent student, the VT secondary teacher who is overseeing the school placement, and the student. Regular meetings involving all three will take place throughout the semester. The exact meeting schedule will be determined on a case by case basis. Students will complete assignments that address the requirements of the VT Educator Portfolio. (EDST0115, EDST0215 and relevant courses in Psychology). By Approval only. Interested students must meet with the Director of Education Studies. (Fall 2021: C. Johnston; Spring 2022: C. Johnston, J. Miller-Lane)
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Department of English & American Literatures

Requirements for the Major (for students declaring Fall 2020 and after): Students majoring in English and American Literatures may choose the Literature Track or the Creative Writing Track.

ENAM Literature Track: Students who choose the Literature Track will take a total of 11 classes in the ENAM department (transfer credits from other institutions must be approved), as follows:

  • ENAM 103 or CMLT 101
  • ENAM 205
  • Eight Electives:
    • at least TWO of which must be courses carrying the REC (Race, Empire, and Colonialism) tag. Courses fulfilling the REC requirement engage students in the study of black diasporic and African American, Asian diasporic and Asian American, Latinx, indigenous and Native American, and postcolonial literatures. Courses focusing on literature in the Black Studies Department (BLST) can, with the approval of your advisor, count toward ENAM major requirements as REC courses or electives. ENAM majors are strongly encouraged to include at least one BLST course among their major requirements.
    • at least TWO of which must be courses carrying the Pre-1800 tag. Courses fulfilling the Pre-1800 requirement include courses in Medieval, Early Modern, and 18th-century literature. Only one Pre-1800 course may be a course on Shakespeare. 
    • ONE of which may be a Creative Writing workshop
  • One Advanced Seminar (all 400-level ENAM courses are Advanced Seminars)
  • Optional Senior Thesis (required for students seeking to graduate with Honors, and strongly recommended for those students interested in graduate work in English or related fields)

These requirements are intended to offer students broad and historically grounded training in the discipline as well as a range of different pathways through the major. Students should confer closely with their advisers concerning their choices of electives.

ENAM Creative Writing Track: Students who choose the Creative Writing Track will take a total of 11 classes, as follows:

  • ENAM 103 or CMLT101
  • ENAM 205
  • Three CRWR Writing Workshops, at least ONE of which must be at the 300 level
  • Five Electives:
    • at least ONE of which must be a course carrying the REC (Race, Empire, and Colonialism) tag. Courses fulfilling the REC requirement engage students in the study of black diasporic and African American, Asian diasporic and Asian American, Latinx, indigenous and Native American, and postcolonial literatures. Courses focusing on literature in the Black Studies Department (BLST) can, with the approval of your advisor, count toward ENAM major requirements as REC courses or electives. ENAM majors are strongly encouraged to include at least one BLST course among their major requirements.
    • at least ONE of which must be a course carrying the Pre-1800 tag. Courses fulfilling the Pre-1800 requirement include courses in Medieval, Early Modern, and 18th-century literature.
  • Advanced Seminar (all 400-level ENAM courses are Advanced Seminars)
  • Optional Senior Thesis (required for students seeking to graduate with Honors, and strongly recommended for those students interested in pursuing graduate work in writing-intensive fields)

Requirements for the Joint Major, Literature Track: A joint major in English and American Literatures with a Literature focus requires a minimum of eight ENAM courses, including three required courses: 1) ENAM 0103 or CMLT 0101; 2) ENAM 0205; 3) a joint thesis or other project that integrates both parts of the joint major. In addition, students will choose at least five electives from the available offerings, making sure that these courses satisfy the following requirements (one elective may be a CRWR course):

  • One ENAM course bearing the REC tag (see major requirements for description)
  • One ENAM course bearing the Pre-1800 tag (see major requirements for description)
  • Advanced Seminar (400-level ENAM course)

 Requirements for the Joint Major, Creative Writing Track: A joint major in English and American Literatures with a Creative Writing focus requires a minimum of nine courses, including 1) ENAM103 or CMLT101; 2) ENAM 205; 3) a 100-level CRWR course; 4) two 300-level CRWR courses; 5) an ENAM course bearing the REC tag; 6) an ENAM course bearing the Pre-1800 tag; 7) a 400-level ENAM Advanced Seminar; and 8) a Senior Thesis or Independent Project that integrates both parts of the joint major. See Major Requirements, above, for more description of these course requirements.

 *Students wishing to undertake a joint major in ENAM (either track) and Theatre should be advised that senior work will normally consist of two full-credit classes, ENAM 0708 and THEA 0708. We strongly recommend that these classes be taken in the same semester, with the understanding that a central goal of the joint major is the thorough integration of both aspects of the joint major. A single-credit, single-semester joint project remains an option for those who wish to pursue a joint thesis that does not include a practical component such as acting or directing.

*Students wishing to undertake a joint major (either track) in ENAM and Film and Media Culture (FMMC) should follow the joint major requirements listed above.  Such students may also wish to take FMMC electives such as FMMC 0257 – Storytelling in Film and Media and FMMC 0279 – Film and Literature. Students on the Creative Track wishing to write a screenplay for their joint thesis must take specifically FMMC/CRWR 0106 – Writing for the Screen and FMMC/CRWR 0341 – Writing for the Screen II—prior to beginning the thesis. 

*Students writing a joint thesis (either track) with HIST or HARC should register for HIST 0700 and 0711 or HARC 0710 and 0711.

Requirements for the Minor, Literature Track: Students minoring in English and American Literatures with a Literature focus will take a minimum of six courses, including 1) ENAM 0103 or CMLT 010; 2) ENAM 205; 3) one ENAM elective bearing the REC tag; 4) one ENAM elective bearing the Pre-1800 tag; 5) one 400-level Advanced Seminar; and 6) one additional elective, which may be a CRWR course. A single course may fulfill more than one distribution requirement. See Major Requirements, above, for more description of these course requirements.

Requirements for the Minor, Creative Writing Track: Students minoring in English and American Literatures with a Creative Writing focus will take a minimum of six courses, including 1) ENAM 103 or CMLT101; 2) ENAM205; 3) one CRWR 100-level course; 4) one CRWR 300-level course; 5) one 400-level Advanced Seminar; and 6) one additional elective, which may be ENAM or CRWR. See Major Requirements, above, for more description of these course requirements.

Senior Program: The ENAM senior program consists of an optional one-semester creative or critical Honors Thesis of 30-35 pages in length (ENAM 0700, CRWR 0701). CRWR 0701 requires the prior completion of one 0100-level CRWR workshop and two 0300-level CRWR workshops and a grade of at least B+ in both 0300-level courses before undertaking a thesis. All students will participate in an oral defense of their work with the adviser and additional readers (ideally two) of the project. Additional readers may be other ENAM/CRWR faculty, faculty outside the department, or interested scholars or writers from outside the college. Students are encouraged to complete their Advanced Seminar requirement before embarking on their senior work. Students must have a minimum 3.5 GPA in ENAM courses to be eligible to write an Senior Thesis

Honors: Departmental honors will be awarded to those students who achieve a departmental GPA of 3.85 and who complete an Senior Thesis (ENAM 0700 or CRWR 0701) in the fall or spring of the senior year. Completing a Thesis does not guarantee a student will receive honors. (See the ENAM website for more information on the Honors Thesis guidelines.) In determining the numerical average of course grades, all courses designated ENAM or CRWR will be counted, as will all other courses that fulfill requirements for the major (including those taken abroad or at other institutions). Joint majors are eligible to receive honors.  In determining joint honors, all courses that fulfill requirements for both majors will be counted.

CRWR 0106 Writing for the Screen I (Fall 2021)

In this course we will examine the fundamental elements of dramatic narrative as they relate to visual storytelling. We will emphasize the process of generating original story material and learning the craft of screenwriting, including topics such as story, outline, scene structure, subtext, character objectives, formatting standards, and narrative strategies. Weekly writing assignments will emphasize visual storytelling techniques, tone and atmosphere, character relationships, and dialogue. Students will be required to complete two short screenplays. Required readings will inform and accompany close study of selected screenplays and films. (FMMC 0101 OR CRWR 0170 or approval of instructor) (Formerly FMMC/ENAM 0106) 3 hrs. sem. ART (D. Miranda Hardy)
Cross-listed as: FMMC 0106 *

CRWR 0170 Writing: Poetry, Fiction, NonFiction (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

An introduction to the writing of poetry, short fiction, and nonfiction through analysis of writings by modern and contemporary poets and prose writers and regular discussion of student writing. Different instructors may choose to emphasize one literary form or another in a given semester. Workshops will focus on composition and revision, with particular attention to the basics of form and craft. This course is a prerequisite to CRWR 0380, CRWR 0385, CRWR 0370, and CRWR 0375. (This course is not a college writing course.) (Formerly ENAM 0170) 3 hrs. sem. ART (Fall 2021: M. Mayhew-Bergman, K. Gottshall)

CRWR 0173 Environmental Lit Workshop: Environmentalist Literature and Action (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Some would say we live in supremely disturbing times. A pandemic; the sixth extinction; fascism within democracies and militant nationalisms; climate apartheid, and a political economy based around the commodification and exploitation of people and the earth. In this course careful reading and analysis is paired with literary conversation and action. Course readings represent a wide array of environmental justice in differing genres. While we respond to assigned texts, we will simultaneously write our way toward an environmental literature of our own design. 3 hrs. lect. ART, LIT (Fall 2021: S. Ulmer)

CRWR 0175 The Structure of Poetry (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course is a workshop for beginning students in the field of creative writing. Students will read a selection of poems each week and write their own poems, producing a portfolio of their work at the end of the term. There will be an emphasis on revision. Students will be introduced to a range of forms as well, including prose poems, epistles, the tanka, the long poem, and the sonnet. 3 hrs. lect. ART (Fall 2021: K. Gottshall)

CRWR 0218 Playwriting I: Beginning (Spring 2022)

The purpose of the course is to gain a theoretical and practical understanding of writing for the stage. Students will read, watch, and analyze published plays, as well as work by their peers, but the focus throughout will remain on the writing and development of original work. (Formerly THEA/ENAM 0218) ART, CW
Cross-listed as: THEA 0218 *

CRWR 0308 Nonfiction across Genres (Spring 2022)

In this seminar on contemporary nonfiction across genres, we will focus on notions of truth and how it is told in various subgenres. We will read, watch, and closely analyze archives, blogs, vlogs, journalism, narrative nonfiction, memoir, lyric nonfiction, haibun, graphic memoir, photo essays, film essays, podcasts, lists, and theory. We will ask why authors select the subgenres they do and investigate how artistic sense is made of worldly concerns. As there is a workshop component to this course, we will write, comment upon, and revise our own diverse works of nonfiction. 3 hrs. lect. LIT

CRWR 0318 Playwriting II: Advanced (Fall 2021)

For students with experience writing short scripts or stories, this workshop will provide a support structure in which to write a full-length stage play. We will begin with extended free and guided writing exercises intended to help students write spontaneously and with commitment. Class discussions will explore scene construction, story structure, and the development of character arc. (ENAM 0170 or THEA/CRWR 0218 or FMMC/CRWR 0218; by approval) 2 1/2 hrs. lect./individual labs ART, CW (A. Draper)
Cross-listed as: THEA 0318 *

CRWR 0341 Writing for the Screen II (Spring 2022)

Building on the skills acquired in Writing for the Screen I, students will complete the first drafts of their feature-length screenplay. Class discussion will focus on feature screenplay structure and theme development using feature films and screenplays. Each participant in the class will practice pitching, writing coverage, and outlining, culminating in a draft of a feature length script. (FMMC 0106) 3 hrs. sem/3 hrs. screen. ART
Cross-listed as: FMMC 0341 *

CRWR 0370 Advanced Fiction: Reading and Writing Short Novels (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Ian MacEwan once said that very few novels earn their length. In this course we will read short works by Denis Johnson, Toni Morrison, Zadie Smith, Karen Russell, Julian Barnes, and Ocean Vuong to explore the power of short novels and take a close look at prose, style, and economic character development. We will examine the constraints of space, and the freedom to experiment with form. Students will generate and workshop the beginnings of their own novellas, and class discussion will be based on our reading and creative work. (Any 100 level CRWR course) (Formerly ENAM 0370) (This course is not a college writing course) Approval required: please email a writing sample to cohen@middlebury.edu. 3 hrs. sem. ART, LIT (Fall 2021: R. Cohen)

CRWR 0375 Advanced Poetry Workshop: The Walk of a Poem (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

As Lyn Hejinian writes, “Language makes tracks.” Poets from Chaucer to Whitman to O’Hara have used walking as a poetic method, thematic subject, narrative device, and pedestrian act. The walk is literal and imaginary, metrical and meandering; it traverses urban grids and bucolic landscapes, junctions of space, time, and lexis. In this workshop we will read the topographies of poems, focusing on lyrical cities from Paris to Harlem, Thoreauvian ambles through woods and field, and other literary wanderings and linguistic itinerancies, in order to examine how language gets made and mirrored in the act of moving through place. Students will also set out on walks through the local landscape as they produce their own work. Students will address crucial questions and challenges focused on the craft of poetry through rigorous readings, in-class writing exercises, critical discussions, collaborations, and the development of a portfolio of writing, including drafts and revisions. By the end of the course, students will have engaged deeply with the practice of poetry, established a writing discipline, honed their skills, generated new work, explored by foot, and extended their sense of the possibilities of a poem. (Any 100 level CRWR class) Approval required: please email a writing sample to parini@middlebury.edu. 3 hrs. sem. ART (Fall 2021: J. Parini)

CRWR 0380 Advanced Nonfiction Workshop: Reading and Writing Memory and Landscape (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

The human animal is shaped by place and memory of place. How can a writer best create what Nabokov called "bright blocks of perception" and evoke the power of formative landscapes? We will move between memoir, narrative non-fiction, and autobiographical fiction, reading Virginia Woolf, Nabokov, Jesmyn Ward, and Mary Oliver. We will contemplate the way memory works with Oliver Sacks and Robin Kimmerer. Students will generate critical and creative work based on their own experiences and adventures, with room for interdisciplinary/multi-genre output. (One intro CRWR course, or by instructor approval) (formerly ENAM 0380) 3 hrs. sem. ART, LIT (Fall 2021: M. Mayhew-Bergman)

CRWR 0560 Special Project: Creative Writing (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Approval Required. (Fall 2021: D. Evans, D. Price, C. Shaw, J. Berg, J. Bertolini, D. Brayton, M. Mayhew-Bergman, M. Newbury, T. Billings, A. Baldridge, J. Parini, Y. Siddiqi, S. Ulmer, R. Cohen, M. Wells, C. Wright, K. Gottshall, A. Losano, B. Graves, B. Millier, W. Nash; Spring 2022: D. Evans, J. Berg, M. Mayhew-Bergman, D. Brayton, M. Newbury, B. Graves, A. Baldridge, J. Parini, Y. Siddiqi, S. Ulmer, W. Nash, R. Cohen, M. Wells, C. Wright, K. Gottshall, T. Billings, D. Bain, B. Millier, P. Lourie)

CRWR 0701 Senior Thesis: Creative Writing (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Discussions, workshops, tutorials for those undertaking one-term projects in the writing of fiction, poetry, or creative nonfiction.

ENAM 0103 Reading Literature (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Fall 2021

Section A
Reading Literature
This course seeks to develop skills for the close reading of literature through discussion of and writing about selected poems, plays, and short stories from a wide range of eras and nations. A basic vocabulary of literary terms and an introductory palette of critical methods will also be covered; the course's ultimate goal will be to enable students to attain the literary-critical sensibility vital to further course work in the major. At the instructor's discretion, the texts employed in this class may share a particular thematic concern or historical kinship. 3 hrs. sem.
CW, LIT (A. Losano)
Section B
Reading Literature: Theory & Artistry
In this seminar we will cover the basics of literary theory while analyzing a broad selection of literature from the sonnet to slam poetry, and from the modernist novel to the contemporary short story. Our goals are to become competent and confident critics of literary meaning, both in its politics (gender, race, class, sexual) and in its philosophy (hermeneutic, formal, deconstructive). Our objects of study are both literature and ourselves. We will even do some creative writing of our own. Authors may include William Shakespeare, John Donne, Virginia Woolf, Nella Larsen, Octavia Butler, Junot Diaz, Ocean Vuong, Danez Smith, and Franny Choi, among others. 3 hrs. sem.
CW, LIT (T. Billings)
Section C
Reading Literature: Disaster
In this course we will learn how to understand literature by thinking about how literature helps us to understand the world(s) around us—even, perhaps especially, as those worlds begin to fall apart. As we familiarize ourselves with the fundamentals of literary analysis and interpretation, we will consider how representing disasters (real or imagined) enables writers to grapple with the complexities, contradictions, and violence of their societies, environments, histories, and futures. Readings might include: Shakespeare’s The Tempest; poetry by Dionne Brand, Asiya Wadud, and M. NourbeSe Philip; and novels by Daniel Defoe and Jesmyn Ward. 3 hrs. lect./disc.
CW, LIT (R. Sheldon)

Spring 2022

Section A
Reading Literature: Border-Crossings
This course investigates the multitude of borders crossed in and by literature. Reading literary works by minoritarian and diasporic writers, we will investigate the divisions between identities, histories, and geographies that these texts both illuminate and transgress. Themes we will explore include capitalism and class difference, racial and colonial violence, American empire, and queer diasporas. Just as importantly, we will analyze how these texts span the borders of different genres and media, in the form of poetry, plays, short stories, and novels. Authors include: Claudia Rankine, Ocean Vuong, Toni Morrison, and Nam Le. 3 hrs. sem.
Section B
Reading Literature
This course seeks to develop skills for the close reading of literature through discussion of and writing about selected poems, plays, and short stories from a wide range of eras and nations. A basic vocabulary of literary terms and an introductory palette of critical methods will also be covered; the course's ultimate goal will be to enable students to attain the literary-critical sensibility vital to further course work in the major. At the instructor's discretion, the texts employed in this class may share a particular thematic concern or historical kinship. 3 hrs. sem.
Section C
Reading Literature: Place, Space, and Time
Writers have always been concerned with the meaning of place and the passage of time, and our task will be to explore the diverse ways that literature in English expresses, grapples with, and comes to terms with these fundamental concepts. Of central concern will be the relationship between form and content in literary expression. Along the way, you will learn to more fluently read, write about, and talk about multiple literary genres—poetry, drama, short fiction, and novel—from Shakespeare to the 21st century. 3 hrs. lect./disc

ENAM 0112 Asian American Pop! (Spring 2022)

From boba to K-pop, Asian diasporic culture is undeniably the shared lexicon of a global mainstream. In this course, we will engage with recent literary, televisual, and cinematic works to discern what they express about Asian American history, identity, and cultural politics. What is the difference between appropriation and authenticity? What can “popular” representations tell us about “serious” topics such as capitalism, citizenship, and empire? How does Asian American popular culture enact collective desires for belonging and memory? In particular, we will attend to the gendered and sexual circuits of cultural formation, with units on Asian American girlhood and queer diasporas. Texts include: Flower Drum Song, Crazy Rich Asians, and Master of None. Authors may include: Ocean Vuong and Lysley Tenorio. (not open to students who have taken FYSE 1562) 3 hrs. sem. AMR, LIT

ENAM 0115 Multi-Ethnic American Literature (Fall 2021)

This course introduces multi-ethnic literature by studying the relationship between racial formation and literary representation. How is race constituted and what role does literature play in the process? How are cultural representations of racialized difference formed in relation to its historical, material, and social conditions? We will critically analyze the nested issues of labour, law, and migration that have shaped Black, Indigenous, and Asian presence within North America. From there, we explore the themes of assimilation, multiculturalism, diaspora, and American empire in order to track the trajectory of minoritarian literature throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. Authors may include: Maxine Hong Kingston, Tomson Highway, Toni Morrison, and Viet Nguyen. 3 hrs. lect./disc. (REC) AMR, CMP, LIT, NOR (J. Wang)

ENAM 0117 The Short Story (AL) (Spring 2022)

This course approaches the short story as a distinct prose genre, beginning with work by Edgar Allen Poe and Guy de Maupassant and concluding with stories by contemporary authors. We will examine the particularly notable growth of the genre in America and survey various trends in the form, from "local color" sketches and realistic tales to experiments in modernism and postmodernism. Throughout, we will consider issues of structure, characterization, style, and voice. Other authors may include Anderson, Barthelme, Cheever, Chekhov, Hemingway, Joyce, Moore, O'Connor, Twain, and Welty. 3 hrs. lect./disc. AMR, LIT, NOR

ENAM 0135 Poetry and Performance (Fall 2021)

Most poems are meant to be performed. In this course we will explore many short poems and a few long poems, spanning three-quarters of a millennium, with performance in mind. We will memorize poems, perform poems out loud for each other, and interpret poems with tone foremost in mind, on the theory that everything about a poem, from its form to its diction to its imagery to its historical or social context, instructs its reader as to its voice. Texts will include diverse poems in English, from Middle English tales or lyrics to slam poetry, from Renaissance and Romantic lyrics to postcolonial poetry, from modernist experiments to indigenous poetry. Formal assignments will include recitations, presentations, a paper or two, and a poem, to be created, memorized, and performed by the student. 3 hrs. lect. LIT (J. Berg)

ENAM 0201 British Literature I: A Story of Reading (Spring 2022)

In this course we will investigate how early conceptions of reading contributed to the formation of English Literature. Today, we may see literary reading as innocuous, private perusal of written words. Reading in pre-modern and early modern England meant far more. Authors often considered themselves interpreters of other texts, as much as creators of their own. Reading tended to happen aloud, communally, often with profound religious and political implications. Even staged drama could as public reading. The world itself found representation as allegorical text, and living in it as a kind of reading. What can we learn from such senses of reading? How did they help form the literary “canon”? How do they still haunt us? Authors may include Vergil, the Beowulf poet, the Gawain Poet, Marie de France, Chrétien, Chaucer, Sidney, Spenser, Shakespeare, Lanier, Donne, Jonson, Wroth, Cavendish, Milton, and others. EUR, LIT

ENAM 0205 Introduction to Contemporary Literary Theory (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this course we will introduce several major schools of contemporary literary theory. By reading theoretical texts in close conjunction with works of literature, we will illuminate the ways in which these theoretical stances can produce multiple interpretations of a given literary work. The approaches covered may include New Criticism, Psychoanalysis, Marxism and Cultural Criticism, Race Theory and Multicultural Criticism, Feminism, Post-Colonial Criticism, Queer Studies, Eco-Criticism, Post-Structuralism, and others. These theories will be applied to various works of fiction, poetry, and drama. The goal will be to make students critically aware of the fundamental literary, cultural, political, and moral assumptions underlying every act of interpretation they perform. 3 hrs. lect/disc. EUR, LIT (Fall 2021: A. Baldridge)
Cross-listed as: CMLT 0205

ENAM 0206 Nineteenth-Century American Literature (Pre-1900 AL) (Fall 2021)

This course will examine major developments in the literary world of 19th century America. Specific topics to be addressed might include the transition from Romanticism to Regionalism and Realism, the origins and evolution of the novel in the United States, and the tensions arising from the emergence of a commercial marketplace for literature. Attention will also be paid to the rise of women as literary professionals in America and the persistent problematizing of race and slavery. Among others, authors may include J. F. Cooper, Emerson, Melville, Douglass, Chopin, Whitman, Dickinson, Twain, Hawthorne, Stowe, Alcott, Wharton, and James. . 3 hrs. lect./disc. AMR, LIT, NOR (B. Millier)
Cross-listed as: AMST 0206

ENAM 0209 American Literature and Culture: Origins-1830 (AL) (Pre-1900 AL) (Fall 2021)

A study of literary and other cultural forms in early America, including gravestones, architecture, furniture and visual art. We will consider how writing and these other forms gave life to ideas about religion, diversity, civic obligation and individual rights that dominated not only colonial life but that continue to influence notions of "Americanness" into the present day. Required for all majors and minors. 3 hrs. lect./disc. AMR, LIT, NOR (E. Foutch)
Cross-listed as: AMST 0209 *

ENAM 0210 The American Modernists (AL) (Fall 2021)

American writers at the turn of the 20th century faced social, intellectual, and technological change on an unprecedented scale. Individually and collectively they worked to answer William Carlos Williams’s pressing question: “How can I be a mirror to this modernity?” In this course we will read, discuss, and write about poetry by writers such as Williams, T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, and Wallace Stevens; and prose by Henry Adams, Edith Wharton, Hemingway, Faulkner, Fitzgerald, Nella Larsen, Richard Wright, and others. (Not open to students who have taken ENAM 0207) AMR, LIT, NOR (B. Millier)

ENAM 0223 Creative Derivation: Rewriting, Remaking, and Unmaking Literature (Spring 2022)

The American experimental poet Robert Duncan famously described his work as “derivative.” His contemporary, Ronald Johnson, once remarked: “I read to steal.” In this course we will take these articulations of reading-focused poetics as a premise for surveying seventeenth- through twenty-first-century literature that enacts the reading of other texts; repurposes the narratives and terms of canonical or hegemonic writing; or uses critique as a means of generative engagement. Along the way, we will consider the stakes of rewriting or reworking texts across cultural, historical, generic, and formal distances. Students will be invited to pursue creative final projects. 3 hrs. lect./disc. LIT

ENAM 0225 Commerce of the World-Century Literature (Pre-1800) (Fall 2021)

British society, politics, and culture shifted dramatically over the course of the eighteenth century in response to the ascendance of an empowered mercantile bourgeoisie, an expanding empire, and the intensification of its investments in the transatlantic slave trade. In this course we will explore how writers and thinkers grappled with these economic, social, and political transformations at the levels of narrative, form, and genre by reading novels, plays, poems, and essays by Aphra Behn, Jonathan Swift, Alexander Pope, Susanna Centlivre, Laurence Sterne, Olaudah Equiano, and others. 3 hrs. lect./disc. EUR, LIT (R. Sheldon)

ENAM 0233 Global English in the New Media Environment (Fall 2021)

Far from spelling the end of literature, the rise of new technologies of communication has continually energized Anglophone literary production. Reading literature through the lens of media theory (Stuart Hall, Friedrich Kittler, Gilles Deleuze, Rey Chow) , students in this course will explore how the global circulation of information, media, and images has transformed the literary imagination. While we will sample canonical modernist engagements with earlier transformations in print and visual culture, our main goal will be to bridge the gap between media studies and Anglophone postcolonial literature throughout the world. Readings will be selected from Benyamin, Jasmine Days; Chimamanda Ngozie Adihchie, Americanah; NoViolet Bulawayo, We Need New Names; Karen Tei Yamashita, Through the Arc of the Rainforest; Zadie Smith, Swing Time; David Mitchell, Ghostwritten; and the poems of Jean Binta Breeze and Linton Kwesi Johnson. 3 hrs. lect. (REC) LIT, SOC (B. Graves)

ENAM 0241 Nineteenth Century British Literature (II) (Spring 2022)

The 19th century is the era of “peak novel,” for never before or since has the genre exhibited such confidence in its ability to tell the truth about both the teeming world and the private life. But far from merely reflecting social reality, the novelists and poets of the period played an active part in constructing their readers' ideas about gender and sexuality, imperialism and colonialism, class, religion, and technology, insisting that literature be relevant and revelatory in a time of swift and sometimes frightening cultural and intellectual innovation. Works to be covered will include novels by Emily Bronte, Dickens, George Eliot, and Hardy, and the poetry of Tennyson, Browning, and Christina Rossetti. 3 hrs. lect./disc. EUR, LIT

ENAM 0242 Critical Conditions: Gender, Literature, and Illness (Pre-1800) (Fall 2021)

In this course we will explore the literary representation of illness and pain in a range of texts from the classical period to the present day, focusing in particular on the intersection of illness with questions of gender, race, and sexuality. Beginning with Sophocles’s tragedy Women of Trachis, we will explore the classical representation of acute pain in the context of early Greek medicine, before examining medieval and early modern literary works inspired by the Black Death, including selections from Boccaccio’s Decameron. The second half of the class will focus on modernist and contemporary accounts of illness, including Virginia Woolf’s treatment of both the 1918 influenza epidemic and so-called “shell-shock” in her novel Mrs Dalloway. We will intersperse our literary readings with theoretical explorations of cure, disability, and ableism by writers such as Eli Clare, as well as work from the emerging field of narrative medicine. 3 hrs. lect. EUR, LIT (M. Wells)
Cross-listed as: GSFS 0242

ENAM 0254 American Women Poets (Spring 2022)

We will examine the rich tradition of lyric poetry by women in the U.S. Beginning with the Puritan Anne Bradstreet, one of the New World's earliest published poets, we continue to the 19th century and Emily Dickinson, along with the formidable line of "poetesses" who dominated the popular poetry press in that era. We examine the female contribution to the Modernist aesthetic in figures like Millay, Moore, H.D. and Gertrude Stein; the transformation of modernist ideals by Bishop, Plath, Sexton, and Rich; and, among the postmodernists, Lyn Hejinian and Susan Howe. 3 hrs. lect. (National/Transnational Feminisms) AMR, LIT, NOR
Cross-listed as: GSFS 0254

ENAM 0275 Multi-Ethnic British Literatures (Spring 2022)

"My name is Karim Amir," announces the protagonist of a Hanif Kureishi novel, "and I am an Englishman born and bred, almost." In this course we will investigate the complex subject of ethnic and national identity in the writing of British authors of Asian, African, and Caribbean descent. We will trace the shifting meanings of "black" and "British" as we move from 1950s migrant fictions to more recent reckonings with British multiculturalism. Topics to be considered will include diaspora and the work of memory; race and religion after 9/11; the representation of urban space; and the experience of asylum-seekers and refugees. 3 hrs. lect./disc. (Diversity) (Rec) CMP, EUR, LIT

ENAM 0282 Reconstructing Literature: Realism, Regionalism, and the American scene, 1870-1919 (Pre-1900 AL) (Fall 2021)

American literature evolved in the late 1800s as a new generation of writers portrayed a rapidly changing culture, transformed by urbanization, industrial growth, immigration, class tensions, new roles for women, shifting race relations, and demographic transformations that seemed to split the nation into city and country. While realism was an effort to describe “life as it is” and regionalism focused on the distinctive features of specific places, both modes of representation stemmed from historical forces that were reshaping the nation. Works to be covered may include fiction by William Dean Howells, Charles Chesnutt, Sarah Orne Jewett, Kate Chopin, and Theodore Dreiser. 3 hrs. lect. AMR, HIS, LIT, NOR (T. Spears)
Cross-listed as: AMST 0282

ENAM 0291 Portraits of the Lady: The New Woman in American Literature & Culture (Fall 2021)

At the end of the 19th century, women fought against restrictions limiting their sphere of influence. As they sought to exercise more control over their lives personally, socially, and economically, this “New Woman,” and the way she was changing the face of society, became a popular subject in literature and art. In this course we will consider portraits of women by well-known American authors (such as James, Chopin, Wharton, Sui Sin Far, Cather, Larsen, Hurston) alongside those by prominent painters, sculptors, photographers, illustrators, and filmmakers. We will consider how representations of women through the early twentieth century embodied the values of the nation and codified both the fears and aspirations of its citizens. 3 hrs. lect. AMR, ART, LIT, NOR (D. Evans)
Cross-listed as: AMST 0291 *

ENAM 0309 Contemporary Literature (Fall 2021)

In this course we will explore seminal works of the post-World War II literature written in English. In the course of our readings we will move through the cultural and social transformations beginning with the paranoia and alienation of the Cold War, and continuing with the Civil Rights era, the national crisis of Vietnam, the rise of multiculturalism and the culture wars in the 1980s, the wide ranging effects of the information revolution, the profits and perils of globalization, and the profound anxiety of the war on terror. Writers studied will include Thomas Pynchon, Vladimir Nabokov, Don DeLillo, Donald Barthelme, William S. Burroughs, Toni Morrison, Ishmael Reed, Ana Castillo, and Art Spiegelman. 3 hrs. lect. AMR, LIT, NOR (R. Cohen)
Cross-listed as: CMLT 0309

ENAM 0312 Modern Poetry (Spring 2022)

This course will examine the nature and achievement of the major modern poets of Britain and America during the modern period, beginning with the origins of poetic modernism in the work of Gerard Manley Hopkins, Emily Dickinson, and Walt Whitman. The central figures to be studied are William Butler Yeats, T.S. Eliot, Robert Frost, Wallace Stevens, and W.H. Auden. The course will conclude with a look at some after-echoes of modernism in the work of Elizabeth Bishop and others. Two papers, one exam, with occasional oral presentations in class 3 hrs. lect./disc. LIT

ENAM 0325 Tang Poetry / American Poetry (Spring 2022)

Amy Lowell and Ezra Pound, rival founders of the Imagist poetry movement a century ago, both published influential translations of Tang-dynasty lyrics, even though neither one knew a word of Chinese. In this course, we will not only study their accomplishments in context, but go a step further to begin learning how to read and write the most commonly used characters in Tang poetry so that we can parse a selection of the best poems in the original as we explore such topics as the differences between Chinese and European poetics, theories of translation and intercultural adaptation, and Orientalist fantasies of the ideogram. No knowledge of Chinese is necessary. 3 hrs. lect./disc. CMP, LIT
Cross-listed as: CMLT 0325

ENAM 0330 Shakespeare’s Career (Pre-1800) (Fall 2021)

In this course we will study the whole arc of William Shakespeare's literary career from the earliest histories, comedies, and non-dramatic poetry to the more mature tragedies and romances, with an eye to understanding Shakespeare’s development as a writer in his own time. How might the plays have resonated for his first audiences on stage, and how have subsequent readers drawn their own meanings from the published texts? Reading one play a week, we will pay close attention to such dramaturgical issues as Shakespeare’s construction of character and of plot, his adaptation of sources, and his modes of versification, as well as the ethical, political, and commercial implications of Shakespeare’s works during his lifetime, some of which stand in contrast with what we learn from them today. Weather permitting, some meetings may be held outside in person. 3 hrs. lect./1 hr. disc./3 hrs. screen. EUR, LIT (T. Billings)

ENAM 0373 Postcolonial Literature and the City (Fall 2021)

In this course we will examine a number of novels from the 20th and 21st centuries that are about life in the city, taking a global and trans-national approach. We will explore formations of urban life alongside transformations in the novel as a genre. We will put these novels of city life in dialogue with critical theory—that is, theories of culture and society that have as their aim human emancipation (for example, Marxism, feminism, critical race studies, and postcolonial studies). The novels we read will reflect important literary movements such as realism, modernism, and postmodernism. (Not open to students who have taken ENAM 0447) (Rec) CMP, CW (5 seats), LIT, SOC (Y. Siddiqi)
Cross-listed as: IGST 0373

ENAM 0417 Pulling Reality’s Hair: Truth and Other Fictions (Spring 2022)

We will, in this seminar, occupy ourselves with works that straddle or blur or occasionally just flat out ignore the aesthetic divide between fiction and non-fiction, in the hopes of getting a better grip on the relation between self and other, word and world, narrative strategy and fidelity to truths both large and small. Hence readings will include biographical and autobiographical novels, novelistic treatments of biography and autobiography, and a number of hybrid composites that cannot be classified, though we will surely try. Readings will include Nabokov, Proust, Henry Adams, J.M. Coetzee, W.G. Sebald, Lydia Davis, Joan Didion, Gregoire Bouillier, Art Spiegelman, and Spalding Gray. In addition we will view films by Ross McElwee, Andre Gregory, and Charlie Kaufman. This course is not open to students who have taken ENAM 0307. (3 hrs. sem.)

ENAM 0432 Nature Poetry (Fall 2021)

Can a poem reframe the relationship between humans and nature? Poets have posed this and similar questions for centuries. Scholars of literature and the environment, or “ecocritics,” ask it anew with reference to ongoing disasters such as global climate change, mass extinction, and new pandemics. In this course we will develop our ecocritical skills by exploring how poems about the human relationship to the biophysical environment can inspire us to rethink our place in the universe. We will read works by such poets as Gerard Manley Hopkins, William Butler Yeats, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Robert Frost, Elisabeth Bishop, Stanley Kunitz, Mary Oliver, Wendell Berry, Galway Kinnell, Maxine Kumin, Lucia Perillo, and Jorie Graham. (at least one course each in ENAM and ENVS) 3 hrs. sem. LIT (D. Brayton)

ENAM 0433 Revolt and Rebellion in Long Eighteenth Century Literature (Spring 2022)

The long eighteenth century is replete with uprisings, rebellions, and revolutions. In this course we will think about why the event of the revolt, especially in colonial contexts, proved intriguing for British writers and thinkers throughout the period. How did representing historical and imagined uprisings alike enable Britons to diagnose social and political problems? When and why does it become permissible to revolt? What makes a revolutionary subject? Authors include: John Milton, John Locke, Aphra Behn, Ottobah Cugoano, Helen Maria Williams, and Mary Shelley. Critical/theoretical interlocutors might include Laura Brown, Susan Buck-Morss, C.L.R. James, and Anthony Paul Farley. Pre-1800. (REC) 3 hrs. lect./disc. EUR, LIT

ENAM 0442 Batter My Heart: Religious Poetry from the Psalms to Mary Oliver (Fall 2021)

In this seminar we will look closely at some of the major religious poets (broadly defined to include a variety of traditions) in the course of English and American poetry from the 17th century writers John Donne and George Herbert to the contemporary American poet Mary Oliver. Major figures will look at include Donne, Herbert, Wordsworth, Hopkins, Dickinson, T. S. Eliot, W.H. Auden, Charles Wright, and Mary Oliver. There will be prose selections from various poets and spiritual writers, including Emerson. LIT, PHL (J. Parini)

ENAM 0462 Literature of Displacement: Forced Migration, Diaspora, Exile (Spring 2022)

We will study contemporary postcolonial literature and theory about migration, displacement, exile, and diaspora. Spurred variously by force, necessity and desire, migrants leave their homes and homelands with regret and with hope. Writers address the historical forces that shape these migrations: decolonization and neo-colonialism, globalization, warfare, dispossession, political violence, religious conflict, and environmental catastrophe. These writers experiment with narrative form and poetic language to explore the experiences of undocumented immigrant workers, exiles, refugees and well-to-do migrants. We will examine constructions of identity, history, community and place in texts by Anzaldua, Ali, Darwish, Diome, Patel, Gomez Pena, Said, Rushdie, Spivak, and others. (Diversity) (Rec) AAL, CMP, LIT, SOA, SOC

ENAM 0465 Reading Race in the 21st Century (Spring 2022)

This course surveys multi-ethnic American literature by investigating processes of racial formation through literary representations produced in the 21st-century. We will study the continuities and divergences in contemporary Black, Indigenous, and Asian American literary productions from their historical iterations. What shifts have taken place in the multi-ethnic literary canon and tradition between the past to current centuries? How has the 21st century yielded new or alternate ways of telling familiar stories? What are the different forms and genres that BIPOC authors turn to in order to articulate social concerns? We will engage with themes such as the rise of genre fiction, changes to the literary marketplace, and the status of “national literature” in the global age. Authors may include: Colson Whitehead, Chang-rae Lee, Louise Erdrich, or Jhumpa Lahiri. (While ENAM0115 Introduction to Multi-Ethnic American Literature is not a prerequisite, it is encouraged.) 3hrs. sem. (REC) AMR, CMP, LIT, NOR

ENAM 0500 Special Project: Literature (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Approval Required.

ENAM 0700 Senior Thesis: Critical Writing (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Individual guidance and seminar (discussions, workshops, tutorials) for those undertaking one-term projects in literary criticism or analysis. All critical thesis writers also take the Senior Thesis Workshop (ENAM 700Z) in either Fall or Spring Term.

ENAM 0708 Senior Work: Joint Majors in English & American Literatures and Theatre (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Approval required.
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Program in Environmental Studies

Environmental Studies Requirements

Students matriculating Fall 2018 or later must follow these requirements. Students matriculated prior to Fall 2018 have the option to follow these requirement or the [previous requirements].

Minor in Environmental Studies: The minor in environmental studies consists of five courses: three environmental studies core courses to be completed by the end of the sixth semester: ENVS 0211 or ENVS 0112; ENVS or ENVS/PSCI 0211; and ENVS or ENVS/ENAM 0215; one course selected from among: ART 0309, DANC 0277, ECON 0265, ENAM 0227, ENVS 0209, ENVS 0210, ENVS 0230, ENVS 0385, ENVS 0395, GEOG 0207, HARC 0231, HIST 0222, PHIL 0356, PSCI 0214, PSYC 0233/0333; and one course from among: BIOL 0140, CHEM 0270, ENVS/GEOG 150, GEOL 0112, GEOL 0161, or GEOL 0323. Except for transfer students, the environmental studies core courses must be taken at Middlebury College. With the approval of the Environmental Studies program director, a maximum of one course taken off campus may be credited toward completion of other (e.g., non-core course) minor requirements.

Joint Majors: Environmental studies majors who focus in architecture, biology, chemistry, geology, geography, or anthropology automatically qualify as joint majors. Students may pursue a joint major between environmental studies and other majors. The other major usually overlaps the student's focus and represents additional coursework in the focus. Students interested in completing such a “non-automatic” joint major should consult with the chair of their focus department about joint majors. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the environmental studies major, there is no reduction in course requirements for the environmental studies component of a joint major.

Major in Environmental Studies: The environmental studies major is composed of course work in four areas: four environmental studies core courses; 7-8 courses in a focus area; two environmental cognate courses; and an integrative capstone experience. Except for transfer students, the core courses and capstone experience must be Middlebury College courses, which for the purposes of the Environmental Studies major are defined as those offered by the undergraduate college during fall, winter, spring, and summer terms. The student's advisor must approve any non-Middlebury College courses within the focus area; the ES Director must approve any non-Middlebury College courses within the rest of the major. A maximum of three non-Middlebury College courses may be credited toward completion of the major.

I. Core Course Requirements
All majors are required to complete four core courses: ENVS 0112, ENVS 0211, ENVS 0215, and either ENVS/GEOG 0120 (recommended for students focusing in the social sciences, humanities or arts) or ENVS/GEOG 0150 (recommended for students focusing in the natural sciences).

ENVS 0112 should be completed by the end of the sophomore year; all core courses must be completed by the end of the junior year. Only those students who have completed the core courses are eligible to enroll in advanced integrative work.

II. Focus Course Requirements
Majors must complete the 7-8 course requirements for one of 17 established foci. Foci fall into one of four academic divisions: arts, humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences. These divisions govern which cognate courses a student may take. Courses taken within the focus that are not specified must be approved by the student's advisor. As indicated, some foci automatically qualify the student for joint major status. Environmental Studies foci are as follows (specific requirements for each can be found further below):

Arts Foci:

  • Environmental Dance
  • Environmental Studies-Architecture joint major
  • Environmental Studio Art
  • Environmental Theatre

Humanities Foci:

  • Environmental History
  • Environmental Literature
  • Environmental Writing
  • Religion, Philosophy and the Environment

Natural Science Foci:

  • Conservation Biology (Environmental Studies-Biology joint major)
  • Environmental Studies-Chemistry joint major
  • Environmental Geology joint major

Social Science Foci:

  • Conservation Psychology
  • Environmental Economics
  • Environmental Justice
  • Environmental Policy
  • Environmental Studies-Anthropology joint major
  • Environmental Studies-Geography joint major

III. Cognate Course Requirements
Two cognate courses must be selected from the approved list of cognates, subject to the following:

  • cognates must represent an academic division outside the division of the student’s chosen focus (see academic division for each focus above (section II));
  • for students focusing outside the natural sciences, at least one cognate must be an approved natural science cognate with a laboratory;
  • one cognate may be integrative (representing two or more academic divisions).

Because integrative courses represent more than one academic division, they inherently represent an academic division outside the division of the student’s focus; therefore, all integrative courses can be counted by all majors toward completion of the cognate requirement, subject to the rules above. Not all approved cognates are offered each semester. Please check with relevant departments regarding course offerings.

IV. Advanced Integrative Capstone Requirement
After completing the required core courses, majors must complete the community-engaged environmental studies practicum ENVS 0401, open to juniors and seniors.

Senior Work in Environmental Studies
All seniors are required to take ENVS 0401, the ENVS senior seminar devoted to community-connected learning and requiring significant interdisciplinary work. ENVS does not universally require senior independent work; however, some foci within ENVS do.

Majors who are not required to complete independent senior work in their focus may, in consultation and approval of an advisor, apply to complete (optional) senior independent work in ENVS. Senior work in ENVS may be carried out as a one-term senior project (ENVS 0700) or as a multi-term senior thesis (ENVS 0700/0701).

All senior independent work carried out in ENVS or toward honors eligibility (i.e., carried out in a focus department) in Environmental Studies must be on a topic pertinent to the relationship between humans and environment; be supervised by at least one faculty advisor who is appointed in or affiliated with the environmental studies program; and must be presented publicly. In consultation with the thesis committee, students may present as part of the Spring Research Symposium or as a separate event arranged with the committee and ES Program.

For additional important details regarding the integrative capstone requirement and/or senior work options, please visit the senior work page.

Focus Specific Requirements

 Arts Foci

Environmental Dance: ARDV 0116; DANC 0160; DANC 260; DANC 0277 or       
DANC 1025; DANC 0284; DANC 0376; DANC 0700.

Environmental Studies-Architecture joint majorHARC 0130; HARC 0230; HARC 0231 (prerequisite for HARC 0731); HARC 0259; HARC 0330 (or approved substitute); one additional course that deals with architectural history, urbanism, or contemporary visual culture; HARC 0731 and HARC 0732, to be taken sequentially. Note: This joint major does not result in a professional degree in architecture. Students wishing to pursue graduate study in architecture are advised to take additional science and math courses and should consult with their advisor.

Environmental Studio Art: One 100- or 200-level drawing course; HARC 0327 (strongly suggested) or other approved substitute in the history of art-practice; ART 0309; four electives in studio art, three of which must be at the 300-level; ART 0700.

Environmental Theatre: ARDV 0116 or THEA 0101; THEA 0102; THEA 0208; DANC 0277; THEA 0235 or a THEA literature course chosen in consultation with advisor; two THEA electives of which only one may be a Production Studio course; and completing a crew requirement. The crew requirement must be completed by the end of the 5th term and will normally be satisfied by undertaking a running crew assignment on a for-credit production; the requirement may also be fulfilled by stage managing a faculty show, or by completing THEA 0119 or THEA 0129.

Humanities Foci

Environmental History: HIST 0222; three 100-300-level HIST courses; one 400-level HIST course or equivalent approved by adviser; HIST 0600 or equivalent approved by adviser; one additional course from the ENVS humanities cognate list or an approved substitute.

Environmental Literature: ENAM 0103 or CMLT 0101; ENAM 0205; three approved environmental literature courses (see full list) of which one must be at the 100-200 level and one must be at the 300-400 level; one term of senior independent work, typically ENAM 0700, or, upon approval, a senior thesis, typically ENAM 0700/ENVS 0701.

Environmental Writing: ENAM 0103 or CMLT 0101; CRWR 0170 or CRWR 0175; two approved environmental literature courses (see full list) of which one must be at the 100-200 level and one must be at the 300-400 level; two 300-level writing workshops; one term of senior independent writing, typically ENAM 0701.

Religion, Philosophy, and the Environment: ENVS 0395; PHIL 0356; ENVS 0700; and four courses in accordance with either the Religion track or the Philosophy track.

Religion track: Four RELI 100-200 level courses of which, at least, two should focus either on a particular religious tradition (e.g. Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism) or on a particular geographic area (e.g. religions of South Asia) and, at least, one should focus on an alternate religious tradition/geographic area. ANTH 0211 or HIST/PHIL 0237 maybe substituted for a 200-level course with approval of the advisor.

Philosophy track: PHIL 0150 or PHIL 0151; at least one ethics course selected among: PHIL 0205, PHIL 0210, PHIL 0285, or an approved alternative; at least one philosophy of science course selected among: PHIL 0214 (strongly recommended), PHIL 0216, or an approved alternative; an additional PHIL course selected in consultation with the advisor.

Students with strong comparative interests in both religion and philosophy should consult with their advisor.

Natural Science Foci

Conservation Biology (Environmental Studies-Biology joint major): BIOL 0140; BIOL 0145 (CHEM 0103 pre-req); BIOL 0392; two field methods courses chosen from BIOL 0203 BIOL 0304, BIOL 0308, BIOL 0323 and BIOL 0371; one organismal course chosen from among BIOL 0201, BIOL 0202, BIOL 0203, BIOL 0204, BIOL 0308 and BIOL 0310; and two BIOL electives chosen from the 0200-0700 level (only one of which can be BIOL 0500 or higher). Notes: BIOL 0203 and 0308 may count toward the field methods or the organismal requirement but not towards both. Winter Term courses offered through the Biology Department can be used to satisfy one of the elective courses; BIOL 0211 is a prerequisite for independent study in Biology (BIOL 0500 and higher). ENVS 0401 satisfies the required joint work for ENVS-BIOL joint majors.

Environmental Studies-Chemistry joint major: CHEM 0103; CHEM 0104 or 0107; CHEM 0203, CHEM 0204; CHEM 0270; and CHEM 0311.  Students wishing to pursue graduate study in chemistry are advised to take additional science and math courses and should consult with their advisor.

Environmental Studies-Geology joint majorOne introductory course (GEOL 0112 preferred), both core courses (GEOL 201, 202), three electives and a two-term senior thesis (GEOL 400, 700) focusing on geology and the environment. Students wishing to pursue graduate study in geology are advised to take additional science and math courses and should consult with their advisor.

Social Science Foci

Conservation Psychology: PSYC 0105; PSYC 0201; PSYC 0202; PSYC 0233/0333; PSYC 0416 or PSYC 0423, and two additional courses to be determined in consultation with the student's advisor.

Environmental Economics: MATH 0121 or MATH 0122; ECON 0155; ECON 0210; ECON 0211, ECON 0255; ECON 0265; ECON 0465 or ECON 0466; one course from among ECON 0228, ECON 0275, ECON 0365, ECON 0425, ECON 0427, ECON 465, and ECON 0466.

Environmental Justice:  ENVS 208 (EJ in the Anthropocene); one course from the foundations list; three courses from the electives list; and two courses from the advanced list.  Substitute or additional courses not listed here, including Winter Term courses and off-campus courses, may count toward the focus with the approval of an ESEJ faculty adviser. This is a social science-based focus, so majors in ESEJ follow the cognate course requirements for the social science division.  Majors may count any humanities course listed for the focus (HIST, RELI, ENAM, PHIL, HARC, CLAS) as a cognate if they do NOT count it toward the focus.  In choosing their natural science cognate, ESEJ majors are encouraged to consider CHEM 270, Environmental Chemistry and Health for their natural science lab cognate.

Environmental Policy: ECON 0155; ECON 0265; ECON 0210 or MATH 0116 or PSYC 0201; PSCI 0214 or ENVS 0385; PSCI 0421 or PSCI 0452; two courses from among ENVS 0208, ENVS 0209, ENVS 0310, and any PSCI courses at the 0200-0300 level.

Environmental Studies-Geography joint major: GEOG 0100; four elective courses at the 0200- or 0300-level, at least one of which must be at the 0200 and one at the 0300 level; and one 0400-level seminar. The electives and seminar must be selected in consultation with, and approved by, the student’s Geography advisor. ENVS 0401 satisfies the required joint work for ENVS-GEOG joint majors.

Environmental Studies - Anthropology joint major.  ANTH 0103; ANTH 0211; ANTH 0302; ANTH 0306; and four electives related to environmental topics from the Anthropology curriculum or ENVS 0210 or ENVS 0385 in consultation with the student’s advisor. Students pursuing senior work may only count one semester towards their elective requirement. No more than one elective may be taken outside of the regular fall and spring semesters at Middlebury (e.g., as a winter term course or transfer credit).  Any departures from this program must be approved by the Anthropology department chair.

Other Environmental Perspectives
For students interested in studying the environment from perspectives for which there is not an established focus (e.g., international environmental studies, food studies), we recommend that students select the established focus that most closely meets their goals, select cognates that complement these goals, and, when possible, select topics on course assignments and projects that complement their goals and interests. Students are also encouraged to consider the possibility for intersecting study abroad opportunities with their goals and interests. Finally, students might consider completing a minor in environmental studies alongside a major of their choice. Students are encouraged to meet with the ES Director or with faculty advisors who advise for foci related to their interests to discuss their options.

Environmental Studies Program Honors
Program honors will be awarded to majors who complete a multi-term senior thesis on a topic pertinent to the relationship between humans and the environment and meet the following requirements: the thesis must be supervised by a faculty advisor who is appointed in or affiliated with the environmental studies program; the work must be presented publicly, orally defended before their committee, and be of superior quality (B+ or higher); the student must achieve an average GPA of B+ or higher in courses taken toward completion of the major. Courses counting toward the GPA in the major include core courses, courses taken in fulfillment of focus with the exception of senior thesis courses (i.e., 700-level courses are excluded), cognates, and ENVS 0401 (if taken). If extra cognates or courses within the focus were taken, those with the highest grades will be applied toward completion of the major and toward the GPA calculation for honors eligibility.

ENVS 0112 Natural Science and the Environment (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

We will explore in detail a series of current environmental issues in order to learn how principles of biology, chemistry, geology, and physics, as well as interdisciplinary scientific approaches, help us to identify and understand challenges to environmental sustainability. In lecture, we will examine global environmental issues, including climate change, water and energy resources, biodiversity and ecosystem services, human population growth, and world food production, as well as the application of science in forging effective, sustainable solutions. In the laboratory and field, we will explore local manifestations of global issues via experiential and hands-on approaches. 3 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab. SCI (Fall 2021: P. Ryan, K. Doyle, M. Lapin)

ENVS 0118 Navigating A Toxic World: Environmental Health in Your Daily Life (Fall 2021)

Have you ever wondered how the environment around you impacts your health? Environmental health scientists study how water, air, food, and the built environment affect wellbeing. In this class, we will explore environmental health topics relevant to our daily lives, including what’s in “BPA Free” water bottles, the science and politics behind your waterproof raincoat and mascara, and whether organic foods are actually better. We will also explore themes of environmental justice because who you are and where you live determine your environment and, in turn, your health. We will engage in lecture, discussion, and a semester-long project on environmental health in your daily life. 3hrs lect. SCI (K. Crawford)

ENVS 0120 Human Geography with GIS (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

How do geographers study spatial interactions between people and the environment? How does socio-economic status relate to spatial patterns of settlement, social organization, access to resources, and exposure to risks? How can geographic information systems (GIS) help geographers explain these spatial patterns and processes? In this course we will apply GIS to a wide range of topics in human geography including urban, environmental, political, hazards, and health. We will learn how to gather, create, analyze, visualize, and critically interpret geographic data through tutorials, collaborative labs, and independent work that culminate in cartographic layouts of our results. 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab. DED (Fall 2021), SOC (Fall 2021) (Fall 2021: N. Kimambo)
Cross-listed as: GEOG 0120 *

ENVS 0150 Mapping Global Environmental Change (Spring 2022)

How do geographers use geospatial technologies to observe the Earth’s surface? How do geographers use this information to interpret changes in the global environment across space and time? In this course we will learn how to work with large geographic datasets to explore patterns and changes to the Earth’s surface at local to global scales. Case studies will use remotely-sensed images to study land cover, climate, weather, wildfire, and other topics. Students will learn concepts, methods, and ethics for using a cloud-based geospatial analysis platform to process data, critically interpret workflows and results, and communicate findings with web maps and graphics. 4 hrs. lect./1.5 hrs. lab. DED
Cross-listed as: GEOG 0150 *

ENVS 0208 Environmental Justice in the Anthropocene (Fall 2021)

We live in a moment defined by environmental change. Yet the causes and consequences of these transformations are profoundly uneven. Across race, class, gender, and other forms of difference, “environmental problems” manifest in radically unequal ways, disproportionately burdening some while benefiting others. In this class we will dwell on this central tension in thinking about present socio-environmental crises and what to do about them, from toxic landscapes and biodiversity loss to global hunger and a warming climate. Certainly, these problems pose urgent, even existential problems that demand intervention. Yet common refrains about ‘how to save the environment’ always come with baggage. They have deep histories and hidden assumptions about causes and solutions, justice and inequality, politics and social change, which we will wrestle with together in this course. 3 hrs. lect. CMP, SOC (D. Suarez)

ENVS 0209 Gender Health Environment (Fall 2021)

Growing concern for the protection of the environment and human health has led policy makers and scholars to consider ways in which gender, class, and race and other forms of identity mediate human-environment interactions. In this course we will explore how access to, control over, and distribution of resources influence environmental and health outcomes both in terms of social inequities and ecological decline. Specific issues we will cover include: ecofeminism, food security, population, gendered conservation, environmental toxins, climate change, food justice, and the green revolution. We will draw comparisons between different societies around the globe as well as look at dynamics between individuals within a society. The majority of case studies are drawn from Sub Saharan Africa and Asia, however some comparisons are also made with the United States. (National/Transnational Feminisms) 3 hrs. lect. AAL, CMP, SAF, SOC (M. Baker-Medard)
Cross-listed as: GSFS 0209

ENVS 0210 Social Class and the Environment (Fall 2021)

In this course we will explore the consequence of growth, technological development, and the evolution of ecological sacrifice zones. Texts will serve as the theoretical framework for in-the-field investigations, classroom work, and real-world experience. The Struggle for Environmental Justice outlines resistance models; Shadow Cities provides lessons from the squatters movement; Ben Hewitt's The Town that Food Saved describes economy of scale solutions, and David Owen's The Conundrum challenges environmentalism. Texts will guide discussions, serve as lenses for in-the-field investigations, and the basis for writing. We will also travel to Hardwick and Putney, Vermont, to explore new economic-environmental models. (Not open to students who have taken ENVS/WRPR 1014) AMR, CW, NOR, SOC
Cross-listed as: WRPR 0210 *

ENVS 0211 Conservation and Environmental Policy (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course examines conservation and environmental policy in the United States. In order to better understand the current nature of the conservation and environmental policy process, we will begin by tracing the development of past ideas, institutions, and policies related to this policy arena. We will then focus on contemporary conservation and environmental politics and policy making—gridlock in Congress, interest group pressure, the role of the courts and the president, and a move away from national policy making—toward the states, collaboration, and civil society. 3 hrs. lect./disc. (crosslisted with PSCI 0211 Fall 2018 only) AMR, NOR, SOC (Fall 2021: C. Klyza)
Cross-listed as: PSCI 0211

ENVS 0215 Contested Grounds: U.S. Cultures and Environments (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Throughout the history of the United States, Americans have created a complex set of meanings pertaining to the environments (wild, pastoral, urban, marine) in which they live. From European-Native contact to the present, Americans’ various identities, cultures, and beliefs about the bio-physical world have shaped the stories they tell about “nature,” stories that sometimes share common ground, but often create conflicting and contested understandings of human-environment relationships. In this course we will investigate these varied and contested stories from multi-disciplinary perspectives in the humanities—history, literature, and religion--and will include attention to race, class, gender, and environmental justice. 3 hrs. lect./disc. AMR, NOR (Fall 2021: K. Morse)

ENVS 0220 Conversations with Environmental Icons & Others (Fall 2021)

What do voices from American History, both past and present, reveal about the way race, and privilege shape how we understand conservation, climate change and environmental justice today? How does your voice matter in this current moment? We will consider the foundations of environmental ideas and attitudes. In particular, in this current climate where Black Lives Matter and systemic racism are central in our conversations about place and space, we will explore the construction of environmental narratives and how race impacts environmental participation. In addition, we will explore how representations of the natural environment are structurally and culturally racialized within environmental institutions and the media by engaging in “conversations” with environmental icons such as John Muir and other historical and contemporary figures such as Zora Neale Hurston and James Baldwin. 3 hrs. sem. AMR, NOR (C. Finney)

ENVS 0230 Environmental Health (Fall 2021)

In this course we will explore the science underlying reciprocal relationships between human health and the environment, with emphasis on health inequities and vulnerable populations. Through the context of the four pillars of environmental health (exposure assessment, epidemiology, toxicology, and risk assessment), we will study common types of chemicals found in consumer products, climate change and air pollution, food and nutrition, and characteristics of the built environment. We will engage in discussions and a semester-long project to apply principles of environmental health as we explore connections between personal actions and local as well as global impacts. (ENVS 112 and BIOL 140 or BIOL 145 or CHEM 103 or CHEM 107) 3 hrs. lect. SCI (K. Crawford)

ENVS 0231 Architecture and the Environment (Spring 2022)

Architecture has a dynamic relationship with the natural and cultural environments in which it operates. As a cultural phenomenon it impacts the physical landscape and uses natural resources while it also frames human interaction, harbors community, and organizes much of public life. We will investigate those relationships and explore strategies to optimize them, in order to seek out environmentally responsive architectural solutions. Topics to be covered include: analysis of a building's site as both natural and cultural contexts, passive and active energy systems, principles of sustainable construction, and environmental impact. Our lab will allow us to study on site, "off-the-grid" dwellings, hay-bale houses, passive solar constructions and alternative communities, meet with "green" designers, architects, and builders, and do hands-on projects. 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab. ART
Cross-listed as: HARC 0231 *

ENVS 0310 Theories of Change (Fall 2021)

Clashing perspectives regarding how to envision and enact “social change” have long riven the environmental movement, animating deep disagreement among activists. In this seminar we will explore these debates by (1) analyzing various efforts aimed at “changing the world” and (2) troubleshooting their different methods, strategies, and underlying beliefs and assumptions about how they think social change “works.” Through close analysis of these initiatives, we will examine how activists, organizers, and other self-described practitioners of social change conceive of social change: what it is, what it looks like, how it happens, and how to do it. 3 hrs. sem. SOC (D. Suarez)

ENVS 0332 The Perennial Turn (Fall 2021)

The work of repairing Earth—response-ably attending to life-nourishing human and more-than-human interrelationships—starts at scales of self and community. Power dynamics, thoughtways, humans and planet Earth changed when our ancestors began annually disrupting soil ecosystems and storing surplus food. We explore notions of perennial thinking and action through readings, direct experience, and work with local partners at the forefront of the perennial turn. Combining ancient and contemporary knowledges in science, history, philosophy, spirituality, and more, we investigate thinking more like a prairie than a plow. How might we regrow deep roots and craft ways that align with current understandings of Universe, Earth, life? How might we support resilient, multi-generational, place-based learning, doing, being? 3 hrs. sem., 1 hr. disc. PHL (M. Lapin, N. Barnicle, W. Vitek)

ENVS 0385 Global Political Ecology (Spring 2022)

From global land grabs and agrarian revolutionary movements to clashes over energy infrastructure and the establishment of protected areas, today’s “environmental issues” are suffused with political relations and deeply entangled with the historical formations of capitalism, colonialism, the state, and science. In this seminar we will analyze how “social” questions of power, political economy, and social struggle, pervade the “natural” (and vice versa). Such questions are invariably messy and full of surprises, confounding reduction to universal theories extended from afar. Often, they require a close in-the-weeds look. That is what this class will invite you to do. The field of political ecology offers a rich repertoire of approaches for developing empirically grounded, historically contextualized, and theoretically nuanced forms of analysis that grapple with the situated complexities of resource and environmental issues. (ENVS 0208 or ENVS 0211 or PSCI 0214) 3 hrs. sem. CMP, SOC

ENVS 0395 Religion, Ecology and Justice (Fall 2021)

In this class we will consider the relationship between religion and ecology in some of the world’s great wisdom traditions, particularly Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity and Judaism. Our approach will be comparative and attentive to “big ideas” about human-nature relationships. How do religious traditions perpetuate ideas of the natural world that are sometimes positive and protective and sometimes apathetic or destructive? Exploring such topics as stewardship, sacred landscapes, and the interdependence of living beings, we will consider both past and present, including examining how religious identity has fueled and shaped religiously-based environmental justice activism today. CMP, PHL (R. Gould)
Cross-listed as: RELI 0395

ENVS 0401 Community-Engaged Environmental Studies Practicum (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this course students work in small groups with one of a variety of partners and organizations to complete a semester-long, community-engaged project. Project themes vary by term and typically focus on local and regional environmental issues that have broader application. Projects rely on students’ creativity, interdisciplinary perspectives, skills, and knowledge developed through their previous work. The project is guided by a faculty member and carried out with a high degree of independence by the students. Students will prepare for and direct their project work through readings and discussion, independent research, collaboration with project partners, and consultation with external experts. The course may also include workshops focused on developing key skills (e.g., interviewing, public speaking, video editing). The project culminates in a public presentation of students’ final products, which may various forms such as written reports, policy white papers, podcasts, or outreach materials. (Open to Juniors and Seniors) (ENVS 0112, ENVS 0211, ENVS 0215, GEOG 0120 or GEOG 0150) 3 hrs. sem./3 hrs. lab (Fall 2021: A. Mychajliw, D. Munroe, M. Baker-Medard)

ENVS 0442 Transnational Feminist Conservation (Spring 2022)

In this course we explore a transnational feminist approach to conservation. We will start by delving into the masculinist history of conservation, and reviewing a set of theories and vocabularies focused on gender, as well as race, class, and ability as key sites of power that effect both human and non-human bodies and ecological processes, from coral reefs to the arctic tundra. We will compare case studies across multiple regions globally on topics such as conservation via population control, feminist food, community-based conservation, and feminist-indigenous approaches to inquiry. We will debate feminist science, examining the conflicting epistemic foundations of objective versus situated knowledge. We will hone our writing skills in a variety of genres including blogs, academic essays, poems, and zines. (ENVS 0211, ENVS 0215 or ENVS/GSFS 209) 3 hrs. sem. AAL, CMP, CW, SAF, SOC
Cross-listed as: GSFS 0442

ENVS 0444 The New West: From Reagan to Burning Man (Fall 2021)

The U.S. West since 1976 has been transformed by economic, social, political, and environmental forces. Immigration, amenity tourism, climate change, globalization, technology, political change, and economic booms and busts have remade a region once defined by isolated rural communities, extractive industries, “natural landscapes,” and filmmakers’ imaginations. In this course we will draw from history and politics to make sense of conflicts over public lands, water, fire, energy, Native sovereignty, racial inequality, rural gentrification, urbanization, and sprawl. Short papers will culminate in a historical policy brief on current challenges in the West. (ENVS 0211 or ENVS 0215 or HIST 0216) 3 hrs. sem. AMR, NOR (C. Klyza, K. Morse)

ENVS 0500 Independent Study (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this course, students (non-seniors) carry out an independent research or creative project on a topic pertinent to the relationship between humans and the environment. The project, carried out under the supervision of a faculty member with related expertise who is appointed in or affiliated with the Environmental Studies Program, must involve a significant amount of independent research and analysis. The expectations and any associated final products will be defined in consultation with the faculty advisor. Students may enroll in ENVS 0500 no more than twice for a given project. (Approval only)

ENVS 0700 Senior Independent Study (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this course, seniors complete an independent research or creative project on a topic pertinent to the relationship between humans and the environment. During the term prior to enrolling in ENVS 0700, a student must discuss and agree upon a project topic with a faculty advisor who is appointed in or affiliated with the Environmental Studies Program and submit a brief project proposal to the Director of Environmental Studies for Approval. The expectations and any associated final products will be defined in consultation with the faculty advisor. Students may enroll in ENVS 0700 as a one-term independent study OR up to twice as part of a multi-term project, including as a lead-up to ENVS 0701 (ES Senior Thesis) or ENVS 0703 (ES Senior Integrated Thesis). (Senior standing; Approval only)

ENVS 0701 Senior Thesis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course is the culminating term of a multi-term independent project, resulting in a senior thesis on a topic pertinent to the relationship between humans and the environment. Approval to enroll is contingent on successful completion of at least one term (and up to two) of ENVS 0700 and the approval of the student’s thesis committee. The project, carried out under the supervision of a faculty advisor who is appointed in or affiliated with the Environmental Studies Program, will result in a substantial piece of scholarly work that will be presented to other ENVS faculty and students in a public forum and defended before the thesis committee. (Senior standing; ENVS major; ENVS 0112, ENVS 0211, ENVS 0215, GEOG 0120, and ENVS 0700; Approval only)
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Department of Film & Media Culture

Major Requirements: Students must complete ten courses to satisfy the requirements for a major in Film and Media Culture. Before declaring a Film and Media Culture major, the student must have completed or be currently enrolled in one of the basic core courses. Those courses are as follows:
     Basic Core Course Requirements: FMMC 0101 Aesthetics of the Moving Image; FMMC 0102 Film History; FMMC 0104 TV and American Culture; and one production course - either FMMC 0105 Sight and Sound or FMMC 0106 Writing for the Screen I. The basic core courses should be completed by the end of the junior year.
     Required Advanced Courses: One 0300 level course in theory -- FMMC 0354, FMMC 0355, FMMC/GSFS 0358, FMMC 0360, or another approved 0300 level course -- typically to be completed during junior year; and FMMC 0700 Film and Media Senior Tutorial.
     Electives: Four additional FMMC courses, with at least two of these being critical studies or history courses. With the prior permission of a student's academic advisor, one winter term FMMC course may be counted as an elective. Independent study courses will typically not count as an elective unless approved by the department chair for exceptional circumstances. Students taking courses focused on film and media taught in a foreign language, either at Middlebury or abroad, may request major elective credit from their advisor. Note that courses may not count toward both FMMC and another department's major or minor. Courses transferred from other institutions will normally count only as an elective toward the FMMC major, not to fulfill core requirements.
     Minor: Three required courses - FMMC 0101 Aesthetics of the Moving Image, FMMC 0102 Film History, FMMC 0104 TV and American Culture. In addition, minors must take three additional courses that are listed or cross-listed as FMMC. At least one of the three electives must be at the 0300 or 0400-level. At least one of the three electives must be a critical studies or history course.
     Joint Major: The joint major with FMMC is a combination of two disciplines, culminating in a joint senior project; the plan for joint majors is negotiated between the student and the two departments in which the joint program of study is pursued at the time of declaring the joint major. The senior project must combine aspects of both majors and in most cases will require approval, supervision, and evaluation from either departments or programs. The Film and Media Culture part of the joint major requires a minimum of seven courses, including four 100-level FMMC core courses, a 300-level theory course, FMMC 0700 Film and Media Senior Tutorial (or the equivalent senior project course in the other department), and any courses required or appropriate prior to undertaking the joint senior project. FMMC supports a concentration in American Studies, as detailed on its page.
     Joint Major with ENAM: A common joint major is ENAM/FMMC, combining an interest in storytelling in both literary and visual forms. Joint ENAM/FMMC majors are required to fulfill the basic Joint requirements for FMMC as listed above, and are encouraged to take the relevant electives FMMC 0257 Storytelling in Film & Media and FMMC 0279 Film & Literature if possible. Students who wish to write a screenplay for their joint senior project are required to take FMMC 0106 Writing for the Screen I and FMMC 0341 Writing for the Screen II; additionally, their screenwriting project must be tied to literary topics or issues (including adaptation).
The faculty of Film and Media Culture will award honors to select students based on their overall excellence in film and media coursework with a minimum GPA of 3.7, and on the merit of their senior project.

FMMC 0101 Aesthetics of the Moving Image (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

How do films convey meaning, generate emotions, and work as an art form? What aspects of film are shared by television and videogames? This course is designed to improve your ability to watch, reflect on, and write about moving images. The course will be grounded in the analysis of cinema (feature films, documentaries, avant-garde, and animation) with special focus on film style and storytelling techniques. Study will extend to new audio-visual media as well, and will be considered from formal, cultural, and theoretical perspectives. Note to students: this course involves substantial streaming of films and television for assigned viewing. 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. screen ART (Fall 2021: N. Dobreva)

FMMC 0102 Film History (Spring 2022)

This course will survey the development of the cinema from 1895 to present. Our study will emphasize film as an evolving art, while bearing in mind the influence of technology, economic institutions, and the political and social contexts in which the films were produced and received. Screenings will include celebrated works from Hollywood and international cinema. 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. screen ART, HIS

FMMC 0104 Television and American Culture (Fall 2021)

This course explores American life in the last seven decades through an analysis of our central medium: television. Spanning a history of television from its origins in radio to today’s digital convergence via YouTube and Netflix, we will consider television's role in both representing and constituting American society through a variety of approaches, including: the economics of the television industry, television's role within American democracy, the formal attributes of various television genres, television as a site of gender and racial identity formation, television's role in everyday life, the medium's technological transformations, and television as a site of global cultural exchange. Note to students: this course involves substantial streaming of television for assigned viewing. 3 hrs. lect./disc. / 3 hrs. screen AMR, NOR, SOC (J. Mittell)
Cross-listed as: AMST 0104

FMMC 0105 Sight and Sound I (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this course students will gain a theoretical understanding of the ways moving images and sounds communicate, as well as practical experience creating time-based work. We will study examples of moving images as we use cameras, sound recorders, and non-linear editing software to produce our own series of short works. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the possibilities of the medium through experimentation, analysis, and detailed feedback while exploring different facets of cinematic communication. Open to FMMC majors only. (FMMC 0101, or FMMC 0102, or approval of instructor) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab ART (Fall 2021: N. Ngaiza)

FMMC 0106 Writing for the Screen I (Fall 2021)

In this course we will examine the fundamental elements of dramatic narrative as they relate to visual storytelling. We will emphasize the process of generating original story material and learning the craft of screenwriting, including topics such as story, outline, scene structure, subtext, character objectives, formatting standards, and narrative strategies. Weekly writing assignments will emphasize visual storytelling techniques, tone and atmosphere, character relationships, and dialogue. Students will be required to complete one short screenplay. Required readings will inform and accompany close study of selected screenplays and short films. This class will require some streaming of video material. (FMMC 0101 OR CRWR 0170 or approval of instructor) (Formerly FMMC/ENAM 0106) 3 hrs. sem. ART (D. Miranda Hardy)
Cross-listed as: CRWR 0106

FMMC 0204 Classic Hollywood/New Hollywood (Fall 2021)

During the period know as “New Hollywood” (1967-76), American filmmakers routinely turned to classical genres as a way both to celebrate the films that had inspired them and to re-think their values and themes in light of the changes in American culture during that period. In this class, we will focus on three film genres (detective, western, and gangster films) and will view classical versions and New Hollywood reworkings. Films screened will include The Maltese Falcon (1940), Chinatown (1974), My Darling Clementine (1946), McCabe & Mrs Miller (1971), Little Caesar (1931), and The Godfather (1972), among others. (FMMC 0101 or FMMC 0102 or by approval) 3 hrs. seminar/3 hr. screen AMR, ART, NOR (C. Keathley)

FMMC 0215 3D Computer Animation (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

3D computer animation has revolutionized animation, graphics, and special effects. In this course students will explore basic 3D modeling techniques, virtual material and texture creation, digital lighting, rendering, and animation. Every workshop will be hands on and fully immersed in this rapidly evolving technology. Students will leave with a strong conceptual understanding of the 3D graphics pipeline, a fundamental 3D skill set, options for further study, and an independent final animation project. 3 hrs. workshop ART (Fall 2021) (Fall 2021: D. Houghton)
Cross-listed as: INTD 0215 *

FMMC 0221 Sherlock Holmes Across Media (Fall 2021)

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle created Sherlock Holmes in 1886. Since then, the consulting detective has continued to solve mysteries in literature, radio, film, television, and digital media. Indeed, Sherlock Holmes inspired what many think of as the earliest media fandom. Why has Sherlock Holmes remained such a fascinating figure for almost a century and a half? How have Holmes and his sidekick Watson (or Sherlock and John) transformed in their different iterations across media, culture, history, and nation? And what does it mean for contemporary television series Elementary and Sherlock to reimagine Sherlock Holmes for the digital age? (Not open to students who have taken FYSE 1457) ART, EUR, LIT (L. Stein)

FMMC 0223 Fan Video: Cultures, Theory, Practice (Spring 2022)

In this course we will explore the range of fan video forms, aesthetics, cultures, and histories. Fans re-edit pre-existing media (TV, film, etc.) into new transformative works that can receive millions of views as well as critical acclaim. We will study the visual and rhetorical logics of fan video, the distribution and reception circuits for fan video, and the legal and political questions bound up in fan video practices. We will consider fan video as a critical practice, and we will learn by engaging with scholarship on fan video as well as by making our own fan videos. ART, WTR

FMMC 0224 African Cinema (Fall 2021)

In this course we will examine how films written and directed by African filmmakers address the evolving identities of post-colonial Africans. Students will explore the development of various national cinemas and the film movements that helped define African cinema as a tool for cultural expression and social change. We will pair film studies, post-colonial studies, and African studies readings with a diverse selection of films from across sub-Saharan Africa, from Senegal’s 1967 Black Girl (Ousmane Sembene) to the 2018 Netflix-produced Nigerian “Nollywood” film, Lionheart (Genevieve Nnaji). Note to students: this course involves substantial streaming of films for assigned viewing. 3 hours lect./3 hours screen. AAL, ART, CMP, HIS, SAF (N. Ngaiza)
Cross-listed as: BLST 0224

FMMC 0227 African American Cinema (Spring 2022)

In this course we will examine various representations of Blackness in American Cinema, from Oscar Micheaux’s early silent films to Ryan Coogler’s Black Panther. While we will primarily focus on films written and/or directed by African-Americans, we will also study the social, cultural, and political impact of Hollywood ideas and images of Black people and how they changed over time. Through a framework of both film theory and critical race theory, students will analyze how Black creative expression has manifested itself through film, influencing both form and content. 3 hours lect./3 hours screen AMR, ART, HIS, NOR

FMMC 0276 Remix Culture (Fall 2021)

With the spread of digital technologies, remix has come to the forefront as a major form of artistic work and cultural and political commentary. In this course we will explore the history, cultural and legal impact, and creative logics of remix traditions. We will examine how digital technologies shape transformative creativity. Drawing on the work of theorists such as DJ Spooky and Lawrence Lessig, we will consider the creative and legal ramifications of remix logics. We will explore a range of remix works across media with a focus on video. Students will also produce remixes through individual and group work. 3 hrs. lecture/3 hrs. screening AMR, ART, NOR, SOC (L. Stein)

FMMC 0335 Sight and Sound II (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this course students will work in teams to produce several short films, having the opportunity to take turns at fulfilling all the essential crew positions: director, producer, cinematographer, production sound mixer, editor, and sound designer. We will emphasize thorough pre-production planning, scene design, cinematography, working with actors, and post production —including color correction and sound mixing. The critical dialogue established in FMMC 0105 Sight and Sound I will be extended and augmented with readings and screenings of outstanding independently produced work. (FMMC 0105) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab. ART (Fall 2021) (Fall 2021: I. Uricaru)

FMMC 0341 Writing for the Screen II (Spring 2022)

Building on the skills acquired in Writing for the Screen I, students will complete the first drafts of their feature-length screenplay, or TV pilot and Bible. Class discussion will focus on feature screenplay structure and theme development using feature films and screenplays. Each participant in the class will practice pitching, writing coverage, and outlining, culminating in a draft of a feature length script or TV pilot and Bible. (FMMC 0106) 3 hrs. sem/3 hrs. screen. ART
Cross-listed as: CRWR 0341

FMMC 0346 Special Topics in Media Production: Sound Aesthetics and Production (Spring 2022)

Ever since the invention of recording, sound has increasingly been incorporated into all forms of contemporary art. In this course we will investigate the aesthetic power of sound as an expressive medium, while reviewing the rich history of sound art and its influence in a wide range of audiovisual practices. Through creative projects, lectures, auditions, and readings, we will develop students’ sensibilities and imagination concerning the use of sound, while improving their critical thinking and listening skills. We will cover basic concepts of acoustics, sound technology, audiovisual analysis, and sound production for film/video. (FMMC 0105 or by approval) 3 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab. ART

FMMC 0354 Film Theory (Spring 2022)

This course surveys the issues that have sparked the greatest curiosity among film scholars throughout cinema's first century, such as: What is the specificity of the film image? What constitutes cinema as an art? How is authorship in the cinema to be accounted for? Is the cinema a language, or does it depart significantly from linguistic coordinates? How does one begin to construct a history of the cinema? What constitutes valid or useful film research? Readings will include Epstein, Eisenstein, Bazin, Truffaut, Wollen, Mulvey, Benjamin, Kracauer, and others. (Formerly FMMC 0344) (FMMC 0101 or FMMC 0102 or instructor approval) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. screen. ART

FMMC 0360 Methods of Film & Media Criticism (Fall 2021)

This writing-intensive seminar takes a close look at four key theoretical concepts for film & media criticism: textuality, authorship, genre, and narrative. How do we understand the boundaries between any film “text” and its broader intertextual contexts? How does authorship frame our understanding of the style and ethics of any given film? How do genre categories help us make sense of films and media, as well as their cultural contexts? How do films and media tell stories in distinctive and innovative ways? Through theoretical readings and exemplary screenings, we will learn to become sharper critics of films and media. (FMMC 0101 or FMMC 0102 or FMMC 0104 or instructor's approval) 3 hrs. sem./3 hrs. screen CW (J. Mittell)

FMMC 0507 Advanced Independent work in Film and Media Culture (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Consult with a Film and Media Culture faculty member for guidelines. (Fall 2021: I. Uricaru, D. Miranda Hardy, L. Stein, C. Keathley, J. Mittell, N. Ngaiza, N. Dobreva; Spring 2022: J. Mittell, L. Stein, I. Uricaru, C. Keathley, D. Miranda Hardy, N. Ngaiza)

FMMC 0700 Senior Tutorial (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

All FMMC majors must complete this course in their senior year, during which they undertake the process of devising, researching, and developing the early drafts and materials for an independent project in Film and Media in their choice of medium and format. Students will be poised to produce and complete these projects during Winter Term, via an optional but recommended independent study. Prerequisites for projects in specific formats are outlined on the departmental website.
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Food Studies Minor

Food Studies is an interdisciplinary area of study that integrates environmental, social, health, economic and cultural issues stemming from food systems activities (food production, distribution, access, consumption, waste management) in a systems framework. Middlebury students can minor in Food Studies, or submit an Independent Scholar proposal if they want to go more deeply into Food Studies than the minor or another department's major will allow. For the Independent Scholar process, please check the Degree Program and Projects section of the Middlebury Handbook and talk with the Food Studies Program Director.

The learning goals of the Middlebury Food Studies minor are to:

  • Understand the complex contemporary and historical factors that affect food supply and food security.
  • Consider food system options and compare their environmental, sociocultural, economic and health impacts.
  • Understand the practices and politics of food and eating in a range of historical and contemporary cultural settings and social settings, and analyze how eating connects to social and cultural identities.
  • Learn how food systems are linked to local, national and international politics and economies.
  • Think critically about food and agricultural challenges and recommendations for addressing them.
  • Learn how to use a political ecology frame that emphasizes who/what benefits where, and at what cost.
  • Develop ideas about how individuals can contribute to food system solutions and explore multiple pathways to transformation.

The minor requires completion of 5 courses, distributed as indicated below, and an immersive learning experience.  Bold-faced courses are those typically offered every year.

1)  Two introductory courses, selected from the following (noting that some courses have prerequisites):

  • ENVS 0112 Natural Science & the Environment
  • FOOD 0280  Middlebury’s Foodprint:  Introduction to Food Systems Issues (formerly INTD 0280)
  • FOOD 0281 Food Power & Justice (formerly INTD 0281)
  • ANTH 0211 Environmental Anthropology
  • SOCI 0236 Sociology of Food (not taught at present, but still listed)
  • ANTH 0345 Anthropology of Food (NB: Although not an introductory course for an ANTH student, this course would introduce students to anthropological perspectives on Food Studies and typically has no prerequisites.)
  • GEOG 0208 Land & Livelihoods

2)  Two electives from one of the following areas, A or B (noting that some courses have prerequisites):

  1. A.      Social Sciences, Health and Humanities
  • ECON 0228 Economics of Agricultural Transitions
  • ENVS 0215 Contested Grounds
  • ENVS 0245 Human Environment: Middle East
  • ENVS 0385 Global Political Ecology
  • FREN 0346 “I eat, therefore I am”: Food and Culture in France
  • GSFS 0430 Queering Food
  • GEOG 0216 Rural Geography
  • HIST 0352 Food in the Middle East: History, Culture, and Identity
  • INTD 267 Global Health
  • FOOD 0380 Hunger, Food Security & Food Sovereignty (Anderson) (formerly INTD 0480)
  • CMLT/ITAL 0299 Literary Feasts: Representations of Food in Modern Narrative
  • ITAL 0356 A Culinary History of Italy
  • PGSE 0321 With Flavor: Food and Brazilian Culture

 B.      Natural Sciences and Geography

  • BIOL 140 Ecology and Evolution
  • BIOL 203 Biology of Plants
  • BIOL 323 Plant Community Ecology
  • BIOL 0392 Conservation Biology
  • CHEM 270 Environmental Chemistry
  • GEOG 208 Land and Livelihoods
  • GEOG 0225 Environmental Change in Latin America
  • FOOD 0310 Agroecology (formerly INTD 0310)
    GEOL 0255 Surface & Ground Water
    GEOL 0257 Soils, Geology & Environment

3)   One upper-level seminar or course (i.e., 300 or 400 level) focused on Food Studies, selected from the following (noting that some courses have prerequisites):

  • INTD 0426 Health, Food, and Poverty: Critical Frameworks for Social Change.  (NB:  This course was developed by faculty from Global Health, Food Studies and Privilege & Poverty, as a capstone for students from our programs. Each student will design and plan their own social change project.  This is the preferred option for an upper-level seminar.)
  • FOOD 310 Agroecology (formerly INTD 0310)
  • FOOD 312 Food Policy (formerly INTD 0312)
  • FOOD 380 Hunger, Food Security & Food Sovereignty (Formerly INTD 0480)
  • ANTH/IGST 0460 Global Consumptions: Food, Eating, and Power in Comparative Perspective

 OR an Independent Study (500- or 700-level) on a topic selected by the student and supervised by a Food Studies affiliated faculty member, integrating issues relevant to Food Studies

NB:  Depending on the courses available in the student's final year, other upper-level seminars or courses may be substituted for the ones listed above with approval of the Food Studies Director.

4)  Immersive learning experience.  This may be an internship (through the FoodWorks Fellowship Program, one of the Food Tracks offered through Study Abroad, or independent), service-learning associated with a course, or an independent study connected with a community-based organization.  When declaring the minor, the student should explain the immersive learning experience s/he intends to do.

If courses allow students to do independent research, students are expected to use the opportunity to explore food or agricultural issues.  Students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of international study, and to take courses relevant to the Food Studies minor while abroad.  Note that Middlebury has Food Studies tracks in Italy, Spain and Chile.

Courses may be substituted for the introductory or elective courses with the approval of the program director.  Approval requires submission of a petition form found here.  Approval of a course for minor credit requires the student to show that they made connections between the course material and their study of Food Studies, for example by writing a final paper on a food systems or agricultural topic. Students must turn in this paper or other approved course material for review for credit.

To declare the minor, submit the following to the Program Director: (1) a minor declaration form (http://www.middlebury.edu/offices/academic/records/Forms/stuforms) and (2) a 200-500 word statement explaining how the classes you chose fit together and further your educational goals within Food Studies, and how your immersive learning experience contributes. To declare the minor, these materials must be submitted at least one week before the end of the add period of your seventh semester at Middlebury.

FOOD 0230 Food Security in Lebanon (Spring 2022)

In this course we will begin with a short history of Lebanon’s agrarian to urban transition to look at its contemporary food system, asking such questions as: Who profits from the food system? How viable is agriculture in Lebanon? Does this system provide food security? This course will provide students with an understanding of how global and local political/financial systems have extracted wealth from farmers, and have left the Lebanese in a state of fluctuating food insecurity. We will look at commodity chains, crop selection, markets, farmer to farmer relations, and the role of Syrian crops entering the country. We will draw on the work of NGOs, UNEP reports, media, policy papers, and the academic literature. (ENVS 0112 or GEOG 0100 or IGST 0101 or ANTH 0103 or ANTH 0211; Or by instructor approval) 3 hrs. lect. AAL, MDE, SOC
Cross-listed as: ARBC 0230

FOOD 0280 Middlebury's Foodprint: Introduction to Food Systems Issues (Fall 2021)

Food systems encompass all activities, people and institutions determining movement of food from input supply and production (on land and water) through waste management. The dominant U.S. food system is responsible at least in part for some of the nation’s most troubling environmental and health challenges. What do we eat at Middlebury? What difference does it make? How do we know? We will examine impacts of how Middlebury sources and consumes its food, and disposes of food waste, as a lens to understand sustainable food systems and how they can be achieved. (formerly INTD 0280) All students must also register for an in-person discussion section. 3 hrs. lect./disc. SOC (M. Anderson)

FOOD 0312 Food Policy (Fall 2021)

Food policy is about how decisions are made in the food system, affecting who eats what, who grows food and how.  In this course, we will investigate important current topics in food policy, such as issues under consideration by the U.S. Congress (e,g., the Farm Bill, Child Nutrition Reauthorization); the United Nations; or other organizations.  Using a range of readings and academic background sources on food policy, students will debate contentious issues affected by policy (antibiotic resistance due to livestock feeding practices, incentives for healthy eating, limits on concentration in agribusiness, food safety rules, etc.).(formerly INTD 0312) 3 hrs. sem. (M. Anderson)

FOOD 0500 Independent Study (Fall 2021)

Approval Required

FOOD 2327 Regenerative food systems: a local dialogue with the global scale and cases in Chile (Fall 2021)

This course departs from the definition of food systems and their cultural, gender, social and economic elements from a local to a global scale. After defining the major problems of the global food systems expressed in local diets and foodscapes homogenization, the course will look at the key elements to study and support the regeneration of local food systems. Finally, it will provide tools to understand and reflect on local food systems based on practical exercises and case studies in the south of Chile. AMR, SOC, WTR (C. Monterrubio)
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Lois ’51 and J. Harvey Watson Department of French and Francophone Studies

Required for the Major in French and Francophone Studies: Total of no fewer than 10 courses. All courses for the major must be taught in French.

I. Two introductory-level courses in reading and culture: FREN 0209, FREN 0210, FREN 0220-0229, or specified courses in France (Paris, Poitiers, Bordeaux), or Cameroon; or equivalent in the Middlebury summer French School when offered.
II. One course in contemporary French or Francophone studies: FREN 0230-0239, courses on contemporary France, or specified French or Francophone studies in France (Paris, Poitiers, Bordeaux), or Cameroon; or equivalent in the Middlebury summer French School when offered.
III. One course on the history of France or a Francophone region or country.
IV. Three advanced courses in French or Francophone studies (FREN 0300 level).
V.  One unit of senior work, usually a senior seminar (FREN 0400 level. Honors candidates may fulfill the senior work requirement by writing an Honors essay (FREN 0700) or Honors thesis (FREN 0701).

During their senior year, majors must take at least one advanced course (Category IV) in French at Middlebury in addition to the senior seminar.

     Other courses counting for the major include:

(1) At the Vermont campus: FREN 0205, FREN 0255, among others; certain advanced courses offered during the winter term (with permission of the chair); certain summer courses at the 0300 (intermediate) or 0400 (advanced) level; and,

(2) In France and Cameroon: language and linguistics courses; comparative literature (with a major French or Francophone component); French or Francophone arts, theatre, cinema, television, or politics.

     All majors study abroad for a semester or a year in a French-speaking country. The year program carries nine units of credit; the semester program carries four or five units of credit. In order to ensure that students are exposed to a variety of disciplines, no more than five units (full-year program) or three units (semester program) may be counted toward the French and Francophone Studies major. Most courses in France will be at the advanced level.
     The French and Francophone Studies Department does not offer a joint major.

     Required for a Minor in French and Francophone Studies: Minimum of five courses, FREN 0205 and above, including at least two introductory courses (FREN 0209, FREN 0210, FREN 0220-0239) and at least one course at the advanced level (Category IV) to be taken during the student’s final two semesters. The minor may include courses taken at the Middlebury School in France or the School in Cameroon (maximum of two from the semester program, three from the full-year program).  Students electing the French minor are encouraged to consult with faculty members in the French Department about course planning.

     Students with a College Board AP score of 4 or 5 will receive one unit of credit toward graduation if the first course successfully completed at Middlebury is FREN 0209 or above in accordance with placement and departmental advising. AP credits may not be counted toward the major or minor.

     Senior Work: Upon completing at least two 0300-level courses in French or Francophone studies, majors are required to complete senior work consisting of a significant research paper in the context of a senior seminar (0400-level).

     Honors: Exceptional students with a grade point average in French and Francophone Studies of 3.8 or higher may petition the department to pursue an independent project for honors in French and Francophone Studies. Candidates for honors may propose a one-semester senior honors essay (FREN 0700) or a senior honors thesis (FREN 0701, one semester and winter term). Eligible students should consult the departmental guidelines and present their proposals well in advance of registration for the term in which the work is to be started. The department will determine whether to award honors, high honors, or highest honors on the basis of a student's work in the department and performance on the senior honors project.
       International and Global Studies Major with French Language: Along with other required courses and senior work as described in the International and Global Studies Major section, completion of the French language component requires: (1) proficiency in French (a minimum of two of (FREN 0209, FREN 0210, FREN 0220-0239) or work in the French summer school at the 0300 level or above); (2) at least one semester, and preferably a year, at the Middlebury College School in France, or in Cameroon, or in another French-speaking country; and (3) one or more courses at the 0300 or 0400-level upon return from abroad.

     International and Global Studies Major, European Studies Track:
[For Classes of 2015.5 and 2016 only. New rules, available in the International and Global Studies section, apply to the Class of 2017]
(1) Language proficiency: see above; (2) regional specialization: choose from FREN 0230 and courses at the 0300-level, or others (Vermont campus), in consultation with the track director; courses in French or Francophone studies at Middlebury in France or in another French-speaking country; (3) disciplinary specialization: two courses from (FREN 0209, FREN 0210, FREN 0220-0239); three advanced French or Francophone studies courses at Middlebury or one of the Middlebury Schools in France; (4) at least one semester, and preferably a year, at the Middlebury College School in France or in another French-speaking country; and (5) one or more courses at the 0300 or 0400 level, or senior independent work in French, upon return from abroad.

     Study Abroad in France and in Cameroon: Middlebury offers both year and semester abroad programs in France (Paris, Poitiers and Bordeaux) and in Cameroon.  Students planning to study in France or Cameroon must have completed two full years of college credit by the time they undertake their study abroad; they must have successfully completed at least one course beyond FREN 0209 (previously FREN 0210)  by the time they arrive abroad; and they must have an average in French of at least B. We expect all applicants to demonstrate their commitment to French and maintain their fluency by continuous study of French from the time of their enrollment at Middlebury and to maintain their academic level if they are accepted to study abroad.  They are required to take a French course in the semester before study abroad. Students may count three courses from the semester program, five from the full year program toward a major in French; two courses from the semester program and three from the full year program toward a minor in French.

It should be noted that while students wishing to attend one of our programs in France or in Cameroon must demonstrate a level of proficiency in the language that will allow them to function successfully in the French or Cameroonian university setting, they need not be French majors: the C.V. Starr-Middlebury School in France (Paris, Poitiers, and Bordeaux) offers students the opportunity to take courses in history, history of art, economics, cinema, political science, psychology, sociology, studio art, the natural sciences, and the environment, among other disciplines, in addition to courses in languages and literature. Students interested in studying abroad should speak to someone in the Office of International Programs & Off-Campus Study, Sunderland Language Center, well in advance of applying. They will need to seek prior approval of School in France and School in Cameroon courses from the appropriate department chairs if they wish course work to count toward a specific minor or major. The Office of Off-Campus Study will provide information about the program and application forms.

FREN 0101 Intensive Beginning French (Fall 2021)

For students who have not previously studied French, an introduction to listening, speaking, reading, and writing in French, providing the syntactic and semantic foundation of the French language in a concentrated program of grammar presentation, drills, laboratory work, and discussion. Primary emphasis will be placed on the student's active use of the language, and weekly attendance at the French language table will be required. This course does not fulfill the foreign language distribution requirement. Students are expected to continue with FREN 0102 in the winter term after successfully completing FREN 0101, and with FREN 0201in the spring. 6 hrs. lect./disc. (L. Sainte-Claire, C. Nunley)

FREN 0201 Intermediate French I (Spring 2022)

Emphasis on increased control and proficiency in the language through audiovisual, conversational, and drill methods. Readings and film enlarge the student's view of French life and culture. (FREN 0102 or by placement) 5 hrs. lect./disc. LNG

FREN 0203 Intermediate French II (Fall 2021)

An active and intensive review of French grammar for students having had good beginning-level training in French. We will work not only to perfect mastery of the structures of the language with practice of writing and reading, but also to develop oral comprehension and production skills. (FREN 0103 or FREN 0105 or placement) 5 hrs. lect./disc. LNG (G. Zsombok)

FREN 0205 Toward Liberated Expression (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

A course designed to increase and perfect the ability to express oneself in spoken and written French. Emphasis on precision, variety, and vocabulary acquisition. Sections limited to 15 students. (FREN 0201, 0203 or placement) This requirement for the major and the minor may be satisfied by placement at a higher level. 3 hrs. lect./disc. LNG (Fall 2021: A. Crouzieres-Ingenthron, E. Dessein)

FREN 0209 Self and Society: Effective Writing in French (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this course, students will deepen their knowledge of the French language and French-speaking cultures while developing their reading and writing skills through examination of a variety of texts and media. This course facilitates the transition from language-oriented courses (FREN 0205) to content-oriented courses (such as FREN 0220 and FREN 0230) by introducing students to strategies for interpretation and discussion, with a focus on effective writing. Course materials may include essays/articles, theater, fiction, poetry, videos, and films. (FREN 0205 or by placement) 3 hrs. lect./disc. EUR, LNG (Fall 2021: J. Weber, C. Nunley)

FREN 0220 Imagining Community in France and Beyond (Spring 2022)

In this course we will examine how notions of community have been imagined within French culture, drawing on a variety of sources including essays, short novels and film. Particular attention will be given to works in which difference (ethnic, regional, national, generational, class) plays an important role in initiating and sustaining innovative forms of partnership. The course provides an array of opportunities to hone oral expression, critical thinking and writing in French. Writers and directors studied may include Chamoiseau, Dai Sijie, Daudet, Duras, Gary, Glissant, Kassovitz, Malle, and Tournier. (FREN 0209, 0210 or placement) 3 hrs. lect./disc. CMP, EUR, LIT, LNG

FREN 0222 Criminal Minds in Literature written in French (Fall 2021)

How does one become a criminal? What causes a person to commit a crime? What triggers a criminal act? Which sorts of thought-processes lead to crime? These questions will be central to this course in which we will analyze the writing techniques that various Francophone authors have used to explore and portray criminals, both male and female. We will read literary texts—short stories and novels— from the Francophone world, including France, and watch some film adaptations. We will investigate the connections between realism, romanticism, and naturalism; attempt to disentangle reality from the imaginary; and interpret and extract meaning from stream-of-consciousness narratives. (FREN 0209 or 0210 or placement) 3 hrs. sem. CMP, EUR, LIT (A. Crouzieres-Ingenthron)

FREN 0224 Travelers and Migrants in French and Francophone Literature (Fall 2021)

Multiple forms of traveling emerged with the expansion of the French empire, from colonial ventures to forced migration. In this course we will study how writers represent such experiences. We will discuss fictions that focus on mobility, passages, and border-crossing, and question what these fictions reveal about the cultures in contact. How do travel and migration narratives reconfigure the relation between here and there, self and other, the individual and the community? Studying literary texts in their historical contexts will allow us to discuss varied topics, such as nationhood, slavery, exoticism, identity, and difference, as well as to explore several artistic movements that have shaped French and Francophone culture. Writers will include Montesquieu, Balzac, Baudelaire, Madame de Staël, Gide, Césaire, Glissant, and Sinha. (FREN 0209, 0210 or placement) 3 hrs. sem. CMP, EUR, LIT (J. Weber)

FREN 0231 Introduction to Francophone Literature (Spring 2022)

In this course we will study significant literary and socio-political movements that took place in the Francophone world during the twentieth century. Through the critical study and textual analysis of poetry, fiction, and essays, we will explore movements such as Négritude (Sub-Saharan Africa, Antilles and French Guiana), Antillanité and Créolité (Antilles), Indigénisme and Spiralisme (Haiti), as well as “colonial” and “post-independence” literatures from the Maghreb and Sub-Saharan Africa. The goal is to familiarize students with the critical role African and Diasporic writers played in the history of colonization and decolonization of the French empire. (FREN 0209, 0210 or placement) 3 hrs. lect./disc. AAL, EUR, LIT, LNG

FREN 0232 French in North America (Spring 2022)

In this course we will focus on French varieties in North America, including those found in Québec, historic Acadia, New England, Louisiana, and the Caribbean. We will survey the impact of French colonialism on the linguistic landscape of North America and the sociolinguistic dynamics of French-speaking communities. We will study language revitalization and maintenance in local newspapers, social media, literature, and film. This course is intended to facilitate the transition between introductory and advanced-level classes with an emphasis on developing written and oral expression in French. (FREN 0209) 3 hrs. lect. AMR, LNG, NOR, SOC

FREN 0233 History of the French Language (Spring 2022)

In this course we will study how French has evolved into a global language. We will survey its development from a Latin dialect spoken in ancient Gaul to its present-day diversity in the French-speaking world, with a focus on comparative analysis. Specific topics may include linguistic variation over time, gender and language change, phonological history, spelling reforms, and language use on social media. Students will engage with historical and contemporary texts, art, and audiovisual sources. (FREN 0209, or by waiver. No previous knowledge of linguistics is required.) 3 hrs. lect./disc. CMP, HIS, LNG
Cross-listed as: LNGT 0233

FREN 0318 French Eco-Fictions (Spring 2022)

The climate crisis challenges us to rethink our relation to the environment beyond extractive goals. How can literary arts help us reflect upon traditional perceptions of nature and enable new ways of relating to nonhuman beings? In this course we will study the role of the environment in French-language fictions from the start of the industrial revolution to the present. We will explore how writers from a variety of geographical and cultural backgrounds (France, the Caribbean, Québec) make us attentive to the multiple ways in which humanity interconnects with the nonhuman world. Different strategies of representation will be discussed from wilderness narratives to activist prose and post-apocalyptic fiction. Writers include: Rousseau, Lamartine, Giono, Saucier, Ferney, Volodine, Chamoiseau. (FREN 0220-0232 or by waiver) 3 hrs. sem. CMP, EUR, LIT, LNG

FREN 0320 French Road Movies (Spring 2022)

Often associated with the wide open spaces of the United States, the road movie has been recast in many other cultural and geographical contexts over the last few decades. In this course we will study how French filmmakers have adapted the genre to their own purposes. After examining the main properties of the genre, we will explore significant variations affecting the representation of space, border crossing, and the relation between individual and community in French-speaking road movies from the 1960’s to the present. We will discuss films that narrate quests of discovery, returns to origins, and economic migrations. This will allow us to gain more perspective on the changing social landscape of contemporary France and its shifting conceptions of identity. (FREN 0220-0230 or by waiver). 3 hrs. lect./disc., 2 hrs. screening. ART, EUR, LNG

FREN 0336 Madness in Caribbean Literature (Fall 2021)

How have contemporary French Caribbean writers sought to understand madness and what can we learn from their literary representation of madness? How is madness said to exist in the Caribbean? What is its relationship with science, magico-religious beliefs, power, and community? We will examine these questions in this course through the reading and critical analysis of novels and essays by Carpentier, Chamoiseau, Fanon, Glissant, Pineau and Schwarz-Bart, among others. We will also investigate if, and how, these representations distance themselves from a positivist French conception of sanity and insanity. (FREN 0220-0232 or by waiver) 3 hrs. lect. EUR, LIT, LNG (L. Sainte-Claire)

FREN 0337 French Language and Society (Fall 2021)

In this course we will study the relationship between the French language and French-speaking societies. Sociolinguistic approaches will be used to explore how geography, class, ethnicity, and gender influence dialectal, lexical, and phonological variation. We will examine how language contact with regional and minority languages affects language use and development. Materials will include scholarly publications, speech samples, social media, and films. Students will learn how to build and analyze surveys, and will practice presenting their research at professional venues. (At least two FREN courses above 0209, or by waiver. No previous knowledge of linguistics is required.) 3 hrs. lect./disc. EUR, LNG, SOC (G. Zsombok)
Cross-listed as: LNGT 0337

FREN 0369 The Culture of Everyday Life: A User's manual (Spring 2022)

In this course we will explore works produced in France that focus on the everyday and its growing impact on cultural expression. Beginning with key theories of the everyday (Debord, Barthes and Certeau), we will then focus on creative texts of the interwar period (reportage, le fait divers, surrealism), before turning to the postwar context and consumer society (Beauvoir, Perec and Ernaux). We will end with consideration of the everyday and its relation to postcolonialism in a recent novel by Leïla Slimani. Photography (Brassaï, Man Ray), film (Tati, Varda, Malle), and performance art (Sophie Calle) will also be considered. (FREN 0220-0229 or by waiver) 3 hrs. lect./disc EUR, LIT, LNG

FREN 0500 Independent Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Qualified students may be permitted to undertake a special project in reading and research under the direction of a member of the department. Students should seek an advisor and submit a proposal to the department well in advance of registration for the term in which the work is to be undertaken. (Approval required)

FREN 0700 Senior Honors Essay (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval required).

FREN 0701 Senior Honors Thesis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Qualified senior majors who wish to be considered for Honors in French must submit a proposal well in advance of registration for the term in which the work is to be undertaken. (Approval required; see requirements above.)
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Program in Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies

Program in Gender, Sexuality, & Feminist Studies

The major requires a minimum of ten courses and comprises several discrete aspects, as outlined below.

Major requirements (10 courses total)
1. Core (5 courses):

  • GSFS/SOCI 0191   
  • GSFS 0200  
  • GSFS 0289  
  • GSFS 0320  
  • GSFS 0435  

2. Breadth Requirements (2 courses, one in each):

  a. Critical Race Feminisms
  b. National/Transnational Feminisms

3. Electives (2 courses bearing the GSFS prefix)

4. Senior Work (one-semester capstone or two-semester thesis)

Breadth Requirements (two courses): To ensure that students are conversant with and have some in-depth knowledge of the key concerns animating the field, they must take at least one course each from two breadth requirements. Courses meeting the breadth requirement can be found on the Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies webpage.

Senior Work:  All majors must enroll in GSFS 0700, a one-semester capstone, where they will complete a portfolio and an essay critically engaging with their accumulated knowledge about gender, sexuality and feminism. With permission, some majors may extend this to a two-semester thesis (GSFS 0710), conducting original research. GSFS 0710 provides the flexibility to produce a formal written document, a multi-media project such as a movie, or a creative activity such as a performance or an installation project.

Senior work provides one of the primary means through which students demonstrate their critical thinking skills and their ability to communicate complex ideas effectively and persuasively. This is the primary site through which learning goals will be assessed; advisors will provide their assessment in writing to the students. A public presentation is part of the senior work requirements.

Students must sign up for GSFS 0700 with the professor assigned to teach it that term.

Joint Major: The joint major is comprised of seven (7) courses each in the two disciplines/programs. For GSFS, the requirement includes:

  • GSFS 0191 or GSFS 0289
  • GSFS 0200
  • GSFS 0320
  • Breadth Requirements, 2 courses, one each in:

          a. Critical Race Feminisms

          b. National/Transnational Feminisms

  • GSFS 0435 Feminist Engaged Research (unless taking an equivalent course in the other major and having received the director’s permission to substitute it)
  • Senior Work that combines both majors and is agreed upon by the advisers and department or program chairs (or designees) involved. GSFS 0700 (unless taking an equivalent course in the other major and having received the director’s approval to substitute it)

Minor Requirements: The minor comprises five courses including:

  • Two of the following courses: GSFS 0191, 0200, 0289
  • GSFS 0320
  • Two additional GSFS courses at least one of which fulfills the Critical Race Feminisms breadth requirement

GSFS 0172 Writing Gender and Sexuality (Spring 2022)

In this course we will read, discuss, and write creative works that explore issues of gender and sexuality. Readings will include stories, poems, and essays by James Baldwin, Ana Castillo, Peggy Munson, Eli Claire, Alice Walker, Michelle Tea, Alison Bechdel, and others. The course will include writing workshops with peers and individual meetings with the instructor. Every student will revise a range of pieces across genres and produce a final portfolio. We will do some contemplative work and will engage with choreographer to explore movement in conversation with writing, gender, and sex. 3 hrs. lect. ART
Cross-listed as: WRPR 0172

GSFS 0191 Gender and the Body (Fall 2021)

What is your gender and how do you know? In order to answer this question, we need to consider how gender is known through biology, psychology, consumer capitalism, and our everyday embodiment. We will also look at how the meaning and performance of gender have changed over time from Classical Greece to Victorian England to the contemporary U.S. Throughout, we will consider how gender does not operate along, but is always entangled with, race, class, sexuality, nationality, and ability. 3 hrs. lect. CMP, SOC (L. Essig)
Cross-listed as: SOCI 0191

GSFS 0200 Feminist Foundations (Fall 2021)

This course provides an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of gender, sexuality, and feminist studies. Focusing on the histories of feminism in the U.S., from the nineteenth century to the present, the course reveals the importance of gender and sexuality as analytical categories to understand social reality and to comprehend important areas of culture. Examining gender and sexuality always in conjunction with the categories of race and class, the course foregrounds how inequalities are perpetuated in different fields of human activity and the creative ways in which feminist movements have resisted these processes. 3 hrs. lect. CMP, SOC (H. Gupta)

GSFS 0209 Gender Health Environment (Fall 2021)

Growing concern for the protection of the environment and human health has led policy makers and scholars to consider ways in which gender, class, and race and other forms of identity mediate human-environment interactions. In this course we will explore how access to, control over, and distribution of resources influence environmental and health outcomes both in terms of social inequities and ecological decline. Specific issues we will cover include: ecofeminism, food security, population, gendered conservation, environmental toxins, climate change, food justice, and the green revolution. We will draw comparisons between different societies around the globe as well as look at dynamics between individuals within a society. The majority of case studies are drawn from Sub Saharan Africa and Asia, however some comparisons are also made with the United States. (National/Transnational Feminisms) 3 hrs. lect. AAL, CMP, SAF, SOC (M. Baker-Medard)
Cross-listed as: ENVS 0209 *

GSFS 0218 Women in U.S. Electoral Politics (Fall 2021)

In this course we will explore the current and historical status of women in U.S. electoral politics, using case studies, guest speakers, hands-on campaign training, and academic and political research. Recent years have been pivotal for women in U.S. politics, with Hillary Clinton's loss in 2016, the historic 2017 Women's March, and the 2018 Year of Women. How have these events affected women in politics specifically and electoral politics generally? Can women achieve political parity with men and why does it matter? How do factors such as race, gender identity, region, and party intersect with electoral success and experience? 3 hrs. lect. AMR, NOR, SOC (R. Hardy)
Cross-listed as: INTD 0218 *

GSFS 0223 Introduction to Gay and Lesbian Studies (Spring 2022)

This course will provide an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of gay and lesbian studies. We will explore three topics: queer theory, the construction and representation of homosexuality in history, and queer culture before and after Stonewall. Readings will include works by Michel Foucault, Judith Butler, Eve Sedgwick, George Chauncey, John Boswell, Lillian Faderman, Oscar Wilde, Radclyffe Hall, Michael Cunningham, and Tony Kushner. 3 hrs. lect./3 screen SOC

GSFS 0242 Critical Conditions: Gender, Literature, and Illness (Pre-1800) (Fall 2021)

In this course we will explore the literary representation of illness and pain in a range of texts from the classical period to the present day, focusing in particular on the intersection of illness with questions of gender, race, and sexuality. Beginning with Sophocles’s tragedy Women of Trachis, we will explore the classical representation of acute pain in the context of early Greek medicine, before examining medieval and early modern literary works inspired by the Black Death, including selections from Boccaccio’s Decameron. The second half of the class will focus on modernist and contemporary accounts of illness, including Virginia Woolf’s treatment of both the 1918 influenza epidemic and so-called “shell-shock” in her novel Mrs Dalloway. We will intersperse our literary readings with theoretical explorations of cure, disability, and ableism by writers such as Eli Clare, as well as work from the emerging field of narrative medicine. 3 hrs. lect. EUR, LIT (M. Wells)
Cross-listed as: ENAM 0242 *

GSFS 0254 American Women Poets (Spring 2022)

We will examine the rich tradition of lyric poetry by women in the U.S. Beginning with the Puritan Anne Bradstreet, one of the New World's earliest published poets, we continue to the 19th century and Emily Dickinson, along with the formidable line of "poetesses" who dominated the popular poetry press in that era. We examine the female contribution to the Modernist aesthetic in figures like Millay, Moore, H.D. and Gertrude Stein; the transformation of modernist ideals by Bishop, Plath, Sexton, and Rich; and, among the postmodernists, Lyn Hejinian and Susan Howe. 3 hrs. lect. (National/Transnational Feminisms) AMR, LIT, NOR
Cross-listed as: ENAM 0254 *

GSFS 0261 Globalizing Gender (Fall 2021)

In this course we will explore gender and the process of gendering as a complex and evolving global phenomenon of the 21st century. The readings will focus on the politics and experience of gender and sexualities in various parts of the world, including India, Pakistan, Muslim minorities in South Asia, and among diasporic communities in Europe and the United States. Through lectures and small group discussions, we will critique and analyze themes including third gender, masculinity, changing practices of marriage, the politics of sexuality, and the impact of the women’s movement, and gay rights movement on existing understanding of gendered traditions. (National/Transnational Feminisms) 3 hrs. lect./disc. CMP, SOC (H. Gupta)
Cross-listed as: SOCI 0261

GSFS 0265 Genders and Sexualities in the US (Spring 2022)

In this course we will explore and examine how genders and sexualities are constructed and the implications that such constructions have on individuals and societies. We will examine the theories, concepts, practices, and beliefs about sex, gender, sexuality, and sexual identity and explore how these concepts are different between different groups and how they have changed over time, specifically using an intersectional lens. Students will be encouraged to discuss intricacies of their own sexual and gender identities and how these statuses may impact their social status and their relationships with others and the larger society. 3 hrs. lect. SCI
Cross-listed as: SOCI 0265

GSFS 0284 Modern Dance History in the United States: Early Influences to Postmodern Transformations (Fall 2021)

In this seminar we will focus on the emergence and development of 20th century American concert dance--especially modern and postmodern dance forms--from the confluence of European folk and court dance, African and Caribbean influences, and other American cultural dynamics. We will look at ways in which dance reflects, responds to, and creates its cultural milieu, with special attention to issues of gender, race/ethnicity, and class. Readings, video, and live performance illuminate the artistic products and processes of choreographers whose works mark particular periods or turning points in this unfolding story. Our study is intended to support informed critical articulations and an understanding of the complexity of dance as art. 3 hrs. lect./2 hrs. screen. AMR, ART, HIS, NOR (K. Borni)
Cross-listed as: DANC 0284 *

GSFS 0288 Writing Race and Class (Fall 2021)

In this course we will take a literary and intersectional approach to topics of race and class. Readings include stories, essays, poems and videos by writers such as James Baldwin, Audre Lorde, Gloria Anzaldúa and Kelly Tsai. Students will respond to critical and creative writing prompts, conduct fieldwork, and design two writing projects of their own. The class format will include conversations with guest writers, writing workshops, contemplative activities, and individual conferences with the instructor. Students will preferably have prior experience in discussing issues of race and class, although introductory theories will be made available to provide frameworks for discussion. CW, LIT, SOC (C. Wright)
Cross-listed as: WRPR 0288 *

GSFS 0289 Introduction to Queer Critique (Spring 2022)

In this course we will examine what is meant by queer critique through exploring the concepts, issues, and debates central to queer theory and activism both in the U.S. and around the world. We will work to understand how queerness overlaps with and is distinct from other articulations of marginalized sexual subjectivity. We will consider how desires, identities, bodies, and experiences are constructed and represented, assessing the ways in which queer theory allows us to examine sexuality and its raced, classed, gendered, geographic, and (dis)abled dimensions. Through engaged projects, we will practice how to translate and produce queer critique. 3 hrs. lect./disc.*This course is part of the Public Humanities Labs Initiative administered by the Axinn Center for the Humanities.* AMR, CMP, NOR, SOC

GSFS 0291 Feminist Joy (Spring 2022)

In this course we will examine a range of discourses about pleasure, happiness, and joy as well as explore these topics more experientially. How have feminists interrupted gendered, raced, and ableist notions of happiness? As Sara Ahmed asks, can there be joy in being the “killjoy”? What is the role of laughter and joy in survival, anti-oppression work, and healing from trauma? We will trace the "pleasurable feminisms" of leading Black feminists and sex positive feminists such as Audre Lorde, adrienne maree brown, Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Gayle Rubin, Betty Dodson, as well as investigate our own inherited and intentional perceptions of pleasure. Assignments will include research, writing and workshops. 3 hrs. lect. This course is part of the Public Humanities Labs Initiative administered by the Axinn Center for the Humanities.* CW, SOC

GSFS 0303 Outlaw Women (Spring 2022)

In this course we will read and discuss literary texts that feature women who defy social norms: daring survivors, scholars, “whores,” queers, artists, servants, revolutionaries. Texts include Powell’s The Pagoda, Duras’s The Lover, Lorde’s Zami, and Nafisi's Reading Lolita in Tehran. The course will take postcolonial and global approaches to desire and difference and to narratives of resistance, rescue and freedom. We will discuss rhetorical practices, such as écriture féminine, and readerships, such as women’s book groups, through a transnational lense. Students will develop their critical imaginations through discussion, contemplation, research, and analytical and creative writing. 3 hrs. lect. CMP, CW, LIT, SOC

GSFS 0308 Gender, Technology, and the Future (Spring 2022)

Can technology make the world more just and equitable? Scientific and technological inventions continually surprise us with visions of the future that promise an end to global inequality and injustice: cooking robots, microcredit apps, test–tube babies. We will center these powerful ideas to unpack how they galvanize raced and sexed bodies to articulate the future. Through an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of science and technology studies we will ask how technological imaginations and interventions invent new global futures, examine their impact and implications, and explore the possibilities for new technological horizons.3 hrs. sem. SOC

GSFS 0313 White People (Fall 2021)

White people did not just appear out of nowhere. Instead, they are the result of a long history of structural and everyday racism that was always intertwined with class, sex, sexuality, and nation. We will explore how whiteness became a foundational category for citizenship in the US, especially after the Civil War when the Color Line was drawn through the legal, cultural, and spatial practices of Jim Crow. We will consider how "new immigrants" and even white "trash" became white primarily through the exclusion of Black Americans. Finally, we will look at the formation of whiteness today as a site of privilege, aggrieved entitlement, and violence. 3 hrs. sem. AMR, NOR, SOC (L. Essig)
Cross-listed as: SOCI 0313

GSFS 0320 Feminist Theory (Spring 2022)

The course offers an overview of key feminist texts and theories that have shaped the analysis of gender and sexuality. We will examine foundational theoretical texts that have animated the field of gender, sexuality, and feminist studies. Working within a transnational perspective, the course encompasses texts which fall under the categories of critical race and critical sexuality studies. (GSFS 0200 or GSFS 0191 or GSFS 0289) 3 hr. lect. CMP, SOC

GSFS 0329 The Politics of Reproduction: Sex, Abortion, and Motherhood (Fall 2021)

In this course we will examine contemporary reproductive issues both in the United States and around the world. We will work to understand both how reproductive politics are informed by broader cultural ideas regarding gender, race, class, ability, sexuality, and geography and also how ideas about reproduction reinforce conceptions of these very identity markers and ways of experiencing the world. Because requirements for being considered a “good” woman are intimately tied to what it means to be a “good” mother, challenging dominant understandings of gender and sexuality requires critical engagement with ideas about reproduction. 3 hrs. lect. (Critical Race Feminisms, National/Transnational Feminisms)/ AMR, CMP, NOR, SOC (C. Thomsen)

GSFS 0337 Love, Sex, and Marriage (Spring 2022)

What are the social terms for sexual agency in countries around the world? How is marriage understood through idealizations of romance as well as familial expectations of duty or status? In this course we consider how other cultures’ views on love, sex, and partnership are made legible and illegible within broader cultural, moral, and state interests. The course asks for in-depth participation, short weekly writings, and a longer final paper that each engage ethnographic works on a range of topics, from critical studies of love and globalization to queer kinmaking, rituals of the ‘lavish wedding,’ and everyday ways of hooking up and breaking up online. 3 hrs. lect. CMP, SOC
Cross-listed as: ANTH 0337 *

GSFS 0373 History of American Women: 1869-1999 (Fall 2021)

This course will examine women's social, political, cultural, and economic position in American society from 1869 through the late 20th century. We will explore the shifting ideological basis for gender roles, as well as the effects of race, class, ethnicity, and region on women's lives. Topics covered will include: women's political identity, women's work, sexuality, access to education, the limits of "sisterhood" across racial and economic boundaries, and the opportunities women used to expand their sphere of influence. 3 hrs lect./disc. AMR, CMP, HIS, NOR (A. Morsman)
Cross-listed as: HIST 0373 *

GSFS 0376 Politics of Identity (Fall 2021)

In this course we will introduce students to social diversity in the U.S. as it is reflected in four master identities: class, gender, race, and sexuality. We will examine what these identities mean for group membership, how group membership is attained or ascribed and maintained. Using both historical and contemporary materials, we will explore how identities have developed over time and how they have been challenged. In addition, we will examine how multiple identities intersect and the implications of these intersections have on individual identities. 3 hrs. lect./disc. AMR, NOR, SOC (C. Han)
Cross-listed as: SOCI 0376 *

GSFS 0435 Feminist Engaged Research (Fall 2021)

What makes research feminist? How does one conduct feminist research? How has feminist research been useful to social movements and how have movements informed feminist research? What happens to feminist research when it moves to the public sphere? In this class students learn how to produce original feminist research—how to craft research questions, write a literature review, choose relevant methodologies, and collect and analyze qualitative data. In addition to writing a research paper, students will translate their research findings into an alternative (non-academic paper) format and for an audience beyond our classroom. (GSFS 0320 or instructor approval). 3 hrs. Sem. AMR, CW, NOR, SOC (C. Thomsen)

GSFS 0442 Transnational Feminist Conservation (Spring 2022)

In this course we explore a transnational feminist approach to conservation. We will start by delving into the masculinist history of conservation, and reviewing a set of theories and vocabularies focused on gender, as well as race, class, and ability as key sites of power that effect both human and non-human bodies and ecological processes, from coral reefs to the arctic tundra. We will compare case studies across multiple regions globally on topics such as conservation via population control, feminist food, community-based conservation, and feminist-indigenous approaches to inquiry. We will debate feminist science, examining the conflicting epistemic foundations of objective versus situated knowledge. We will hone our writing skills in a variety of genres including blogs, academic essays, poems, and zines. (ENVS 0211, ENVS 0215 or ENVS/GSFS 209) (National/Transnational Feminisms) 3 hrs. sem. AAL, CMP, CW, SAF, SOC
Cross-listed as: ENVS 0442 *

GSFS 0489 Making Monsters: Global Visual Culture (Fall 2021)

In this course we will trace a cultural history of the monster, focusing on the construction of monstrosity as an imaginary concept based on cultural ideas regarding power and its manipulation, deformed and reproductive bodies, witchcraft, sexuality, race, the intelligence of female subjects, transgression of heteronormativity, masculine fears, fears of the other, and fears of the unknown and the powerful. Monsters also have a biopolitical dimension and can manipulate our lives. Using a global perspective (e.g. the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa), we will study monsters as depicted in science, art, cinema, and popular culture. We will emphasize feminist, decolonial and horror theories, as well as post- and transhumanism. Resources may include: Divine images, mythological and folklore figures, representation of the Native Americans during colonization, freaks, ‘degenerate’ art, industrial and nuclear accident monsters, vampires, zombies, and mutants. 3 hrs. sem. ART, CMP, LNG (P. Saldarriaga)
Cross-listed as: SPAN 0489 *

GSFS 0500 Independent Study (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval required)

GSFS 0700 Senior Essay (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval required)

GSFS 0710 Senior Thesis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval required)
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Department of Geography

Required for the Major: The geography major consists of 10 courses. All students who elect to major in geography must complete: GEOG 0100; GEOG 0120; GEOL 0112 or GEOL 0170 or GEOG 0150; six elective courses at the 0200 or 0300 level, at least one of which must be at the 0200 and one at the 0300 level; one 0400-level seminar.  Only one of the 0200-level courses may be numbered 0250 or above.   The electives and the seminar must be selected in consultation with, and approved by, the major advisor. At least four of the electives must be semester-long courses completed on the Middlebury Campus
  Required for a Joint Major: The Geography Department frequently offers joint majors with Environmental Studies, Computer Science, and the History of Art and Architecture, and often students design joint majors with other departments and programs. The Geography Joint Major consists of 7 courses. All joint majors must complete: GEOG 0100; GEOG 0120 or GEOG 0150; four elective courses at the 0200 or 0300 level, at least one of which must be at the 0200 and one at the 0300 level; and one 0400 level seminar. All joint majors must complete joint senior work in Geography or an equivalent. ENVS 401 satisfies the required joint work for ENVS-GEOG joint majors. At least two of the electives must be semester-long courses completed on the Middlebury Campus. Students wishing to pursue a joint major with any department or program other than Environmental Studies must submit a formal proposal to their intended Geography advisor for departmental approval. The proposal must describe the proposed program of study, including educational rationale and specific courses to be taken.  All electives and senior work must be approved by their advisor.
  Required for a Minor: The Geography minor consists of 5 courses: at least one course at the 100-level, one at the 200-level, and three additional Geography courses.
   Advanced Placement: One course credit will be awarded for an advanced placement (AP) score of 5 in human geography. Geography majors who receive a 5 on the AP exam may count this course credit as one 0200-level equivalent toward their major requirements, but are still required to complete GEOG 0100. The AP credit may not be used to satisfy joint major or minor requirements.
  Departmental Honors: Students who seek to earn honors are required to write a two-credit honors thesis. They must have at least a 3.3 GPA in the major when they propose the thesis and must have a 3.5 GPA in the major, not including the thesis grade, to be considered for honors upon graduation. In order to complete a senior thesis, students must have a proposal approved by a primary thesis advisor and a secondary reader prior to registering for the first 0701 credit. Upon completion of the thesis, thesis students will present their work in a public lecture and defend the thesis in front of the departmental faculty. Thesis presentations and defenses will typically take place during the final week of classes or the examination period. Upon completion of the presentation and defense, the primary advisor and secondary reader will be responsible for evaluating and grading the thesis. It is strongly encouraged that students considering a thesis discuss their ideas with an advisor during the semester prior to registering for formal thesis credits. Honors will be conferred or denied on the basis of an evaluation of the thesis by the faculty and the student’s GPA in the major, as explained above.

GEOG 0100 Place and Society: Local to Global (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course is an introduction to how geographers view the world and contribute to our understanding of it. Where do the phenomena of human experience occur? Why are they there? What is the significance? These questions are fundamental for explaining the world at different scales from the global to the local. Throughout, we will focus on the spatial basis of society, its continual reorganization through time, and how various human and environmental problems can be usefully analyzed from a geographic perspective. (Open only to first-year students and sophomores) 3 hrs. lect./1.5 hr. lab DED, SOC (Fall 2021: G. Herb)

GEOG 0120 Human Geography with GIS (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

How do geographers study spatial interactions between people and the environment? How does socio-economic status relate to spatial patterns of settlement, social organization, access to resources, and exposure to risks? How can geographic information systems (GIS) help geographers explain these spatial patterns and processes? In this course we will apply GIS to a wide range of topics in human geography including urban, environmental, political, hazards, and health. We will learn how to gather, create, analyze, visualize, and critically interpret geographic data through tutorials, collaborative labs, and independent work that culminate in cartographic layouts of our results. 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab. DED, SOC (Fall 2021: N. Kimambo)
Cross-listed as: ENVS 0120

GEOG 0150 Mapping Global Environmental Change (Spring 2022)

How do geographers use geospatial technologies to observe the Earth’s surface? How do geographers use this information to interpret changes in the global environment across space and time? In this course we will learn how to work with large geographic datasets to explore patterns and changes to the Earth’s surface at local to global scales. Case studies will use remotely-sensed images to study land cover, climate, weather, wildfire, and other topics. Students will learn concepts, methods, and ethics for using a cloud-based geospatial analysis platform to process data, critically interpret workflows and results, and communicate findings with web maps and graphics. 4 hrs. lect./1.5 hrs. lab. DED
Cross-listed as: ENVS 0150

GEOG 0202 Border Geographies (Spring 2022)

We live in an age of intense globalization with near instantaneous transfers of information and unprecedented movements of goods and people across the world. At the same time, there are more walls constructed between countries today than ever before. How do we explain this paradox of increasingly restrictive borders in an age of globalizing flows? In this course we will trace the history of political borders, critically evaluate theories in the scholarly literature about borders and flows, and investigate strategies, experiences, and imaginaries that produce different border-scapes and representations. Students will be actively engaged in unraveling the paradox of walls and flows through group research projects on specific border regimes around the world. 3 hrs. lect. CMP, HIS, SOC

GEOG 0209 Human Geography of Hazards (Fall 2021)

Why do storms, earthquakes, and other hazards result in disastrous loss of life in some places, and only minor losses in others? In this course we will study human geographies of population, economic development, politics, and culture to explain the diverse outcomes from biophysical hazards. We will compare hazard geographies at the global, regional, and local scales using diverse approaches, including quantitative analysis, geographic information systems (GIS), and comparative case studies. We will examine how geographic analysis and technologies are used in disaster planning and response. We will practice applying human geography theory and methods to hazards research through practical exercises, exams, and research projects. 3 hrs. lect./lab CMP, SOC (J. Holler)

GEOG 0210 Geographic Perspectives on International Development (Fall 2021)

This course critically examines theories and practices of development in the “global-South,” where in many cases development has been inextricably related to foreign interests of donor countries in the West and of Brazil, India, and China. We will emphasize the importance of territory, security, statehood, and sovereignty in the development process and highlight the evolving nexus between geopolitics and development, with a special emphasis on Africa. We will probe the connections between "development" and "underdevelopment," and ask questions about the possible impact of South-South vs. the historical North-South development. We will focus on the contribution of development to progress, on the one hand, and to its stagnation, on the other, and focus on specific issues like food, population dynamics, resources, and rural- urban relationship. 3 hrs. lect. AAL, CMP, SOC (T. Mayer)

GEOG 0220 Geopolitics of the Middle East (Spring 2022)

This course examines the Middle East from a geographical perspective with emphasis on the historical and political underpinnings of the region. The Middle East, the cradle of civilization, has been, due to its geography, one of the major arenas for political and ideological conflicts. It has been subject to an unequal power relationship with the West, which, together with Islam, has affected the level of its political, social, and economic development. This course will provide an analytical introduction to the historical, political, social, and economic geography of the region and will analyze the major transitions this region has undergone. 3 hrs.lect. AAL, CMP, MDE, SOC

GEOG 0221 Urban Africa (Spring 2022)

The era of rural Africa is over. Today, 40% of sub-Saharan Africans live in cities – seen as places with social services, economic opportunities, and accessible technology. Yet, African cities are also places of unemployment, social services challenges, and increasing inequality. In this course we will take a cross-disciplinary approach to the study of urban Africa through scholarly readings, media critiques, discussions, and data analysis. We will identify similarities and differences in the process of urbanization in Africa vis-à-vis other world regions. Students will actively contribute to our critical inquiry into African cities through individual research projects and in-class presentations. 3 hrs. lect AAL, CMP, SAF, SOC

GEOG 0225 Environmental Change in Latin America (Fall 2021)

This course examines Latin America from a geographical perspective with emphasis on the social, political and ecological underpinnings of change in the region. Building upon the theme of global environmental change in the context of human-environment geography, we will explore urgent challenges linked to the agricultural and extractive industries, urban expansion, land grabs, land reform, indigenous rights, and rural and urban poverty. 3 hrs. lect. AAL, AMR, SOC (C. Harden)

GEOG 0231 Cartography (Spring 2022)

How do maps work? What are their intended uses and impacts? How do maps differ across cultures and times? In this course we will explore these questions through a series of practical exercises, readings, discussions, and critiques. We will learn fundamental concepts, principles, and patterns for using graphics to depict geographical ideas. We will practice both manual and digital methods for making maps, including GIS and graphics software, and compare frameworks and paradigms for evaluating map style and use. 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab. SOC

GEOG 0251 Landscape Evolution (Fall 2021)

In this course we will investigate processes that shape the Earth's surface, including weathering, mass movements, and the effects of water, wind, and ice. Students will examine how such processes govern the evolution of landforms in differing climatic, tectonic, and lithologic settings. Field and laboratory study will focus on the role of active surficial processes, as well as glaciation and other past events, in development of the landscape of west-central Vermont. We will also discuss implications for human activities and maintenance of natural systems. (GEOL 0112 or GEOL 0161 or GEOL 0170 or by waiver) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab DED, SCI
Cross-listed as: GEOL 0251 *

GEOG 0310 Conservation Planning (Fall 2021)

Conservation planners try to identify and protect places with natural and cultural values. In this course we will investigate geographical concepts and methods for interpreting landscape change, inventorying natural resources, and evaluating conservation plans. We will examine the contributions and limitations of maps and geographic information systems in conservation planning through a combination of computer-based analyses, field investigations, readings, writing workshops, and discussions. The Town of Middlebury will provide a case study and students will develop independent projects that compare Middlebury to other towns in Vermont. (GEOG 120 or 150). 3 hrs. lect./4 hrs. lab. CW, DED, SOC (J. Howarth)

GEOG 0323 Open Source Geographic Information Science (Fall 2021)

In this course we will study geographic information science (GIS) with open-source software and critical GIS scholarship. In labs, we will practice techniques to include: data acquisition and preparation for analysis, spatial SQL database queries, automating analysis, spatial interpolation, testing sensitivity to error and uncertainty, and data visualization. We will read and apply critical research of GIS as a subject and with GIS as a methodology. Spatial data sources for labs and independent research projects may include remote sensing, micro-data, smart cities and open government data, and volunteered geographic information (e.g. OpenStreetMap and social media). (GEOG 0120) 3 hrs. lect./disc./3 hrs. lab DED (J. Holler)

GEOG 0325 Cartographic Design (Spring 2022)

In this course we will study principles of cartographic design in the digital era. Major topics will include cartography before computing, reference map design, thematic map design, and atlas production. Laboratory exercises will develop workflows for cartographic design with geographic information systems and graphics software. Through authentic projects and group critiques, students will learn to design cartographic products that facilitate spatial thinking and effectively communicate geographic information to specialist and lay audiences. 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab ART, SOC

GEOG 0339 Practicing Human Geography (Spring 2022)

Whether you are planning to do your own research or want to be a more savvy consumer of research produced by others, it is useful to develop an understanding of the process of creating, discovering, and interpreting information about the world. In this course, students will explore quantitative and qualitative methodologies and the ways they can be used in human geography research. Through examples, exercises, and readings, students will learn the types of questions different techniques are designed to answer, how they work, and how to interpret the results. Students will gain hands on experience conducting surveys, generating and interpreting qualitative data, selecting and implementing statistical analyses, and writing research reports, to build competence and critical awareness in the practice and communication of research. (At least one course in geography, AP human geography credit, or instructor approval) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab CW, DED

GEOG 0351 Applied Remote Sensing: Land Use in Sub-Saharan Africa (Spring 2022)

Satellite images are indispensable for mapping forest cover, agriculture, and other land uses. Off-the-shelf products struggle to capture features in complex landscapes, such as fine-scale forest changes, urban sprawl, or small agricultural fields. In this course we will focus on sub-Saharan Africa to investigate select land uses with remote sensing techniques, discuss their social contexts, and practice novel approaches for generating land use maps. Students will be actively engaged in carrying out analyses and critical interpretations throughout the semester. Their work will culminate in a web-based portfolio, which will provide an opportunity to learn effective communication of research findings. (GEOG150 or GEOL0222 or by instructor permission) GEOG 120 is recommended 3 hrs. lect./3hrs lab. DED, SAF, SCI

GEOG 0406 Seminar in Human-Environment Geography: Landscapes in Transition (Spring 2022)

What will Vermont look like in 100 years? What about the Brazilian Amazon, the Albertine Rift, or your home town? In this seminar, we will explore the ways that processes of change discussed in our thematic Geography classes like urbanization, climate change, gentrification, commoditization, 'globalization', and more may interact and play out in the future. We will discuss studies of historic and ongoing landscape transitions and conduct our own studies of student-selected places, focusing both on the changes most likely to occur given existing trajectories, and attempting to imagine and articulate what changes would be desirable. (Open to senior majors only; others by waiver) 3 hrs. sem. SOC

GEOG 0414 Seminar in Political Geography: Radical Geographies (Fall 2021)

Geography has always been associated with the exercise of power and came into being as an academic discipline because it supported imperialism, nationalism, and war. However, the field of geography also has a lesser-known emancipatory tradition that emphasizes social justice, empowerment, and resistance to oppression. Early radical voices—anarchists, socialists, and pacifists—were silenced and often forced into exile. It was only in the context of the protest culture of the 1960s that radical geographies started to find an audience. In this seminar we will examine how geography and geographers have engaged in revolutionary activism, education for justice, social mobilization, and theorizations of alternative models of society. (Open to senior majors only; others by waiver) 3 hrs. sem. (G. Herb)

GEOG 0436 Terrorism (Fall 2021)

Terrorism has taken on new dimensions in an age dominated by technology and mass media. It has continued to cause carnage as terrorists around the globe continue to resist violently real or perceived oppression. In this course we will examine the breeding grounds for terrorist activities and interrogate the global connections behind local and national extremist/terrorist groups. We will explore ethno-national and religious terrorist groups from Asia, Europe, and Latin America, and probe white supremacist groups in the U.S. The aim of the course is to develop critical understanding of the phenomenon of terrorism, the local-global connections, and the challenges associated with terrorism in the 21st century. 3 hrs. sem. (T. Mayer)
Cross-listed as: IGST 0436 *

GEOG 0500 Independent Study (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

A one-credit intensive research project developed under the direction of a faculty member. Junior majors only. (Approval Required) WTR (Spring 2022: 99 seats)

GEOG 0700 Senior Research (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

A one-credit intensive research project developed under the direction of a faculty member. Senior majors only. (Approval Required)

GEOG 0701 Senior Thesis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Students with a departmental GPA of 3.3 or higher are eligible to complete a two-credit senior thesis. In order to complete a senior thesis, students must have a proposal approved by a primary thesis advisor and a secondary departmental reader prior to registering for the first 0701 credit. Upon completion of the thesis, thesis students will present their work in a public seminar and defend the thesis in front of the departmental faculty. Thesis presentations and defenses will typically take place during the final week of classes or the examination period. Upon completion of the presentation and defense, the primary advisor and secondary departmental reader will be responsible for evaluating and grading the thesis. It is strongly encouraged that students considering a thesis discuss their ideas with an advisor during the semester prior to registering for formal thesis credits. (Approval only)
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Department of Geology

Requirements for students who matriculate in Fall of 2021 or later.

Required for the Major: The geology major consists of 11 courses within the department and two additional STEM cognate courses, as follows:

(1) One 0100-level course.

(2) Both core courses: Geological Evolution of Vermont (GEOL 0201), Earth’s Changing Climate (GEOL 0202).

(3) Six elective (0300 level) courses. Up to three of these elective courses – with Chair’s approval -- could come from a combination of GEOL 0500, non-Middlebury coursework, or upper-level STEM cognates, with no more than two electives coming from any one of these sources.

(4) Two cognate courses (any Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, or Physics laboratory course, or Math 0116 or higher), although we recommend more if planning to attend graduate school in the Earth sciences.

(5) Two Credits of Senior Work (GEOL 0400 and GEOL 0700)

The two-course senior sequence (GEOL 0400 and 0700) is the culmination of the geology major and consists of original research by the student. The requirements for the major listed above are considered to be minimal. We suggest students planning a career in the Earth sciences take additional courses in other sciences and mathematics, as well as additional Earth science courses. The requirements for the major allow for considerable flexibility and thus students should consult regularly with their geology department advisors for the selection of specific courses.
Geology Minor: A total of five courses is required, including one introductory course plus both core courses (GEOL 0201, 0202) and two electives Only one GEOL 0500 or off-campus course can count as an elective toward the minor.

Environmental Studies-Geology joint majorOne introductory course (GEOL 0112 preferred), both core courses (GEOL 0201, 0202), three electives and two-term senior thesis (GEOL 0400, 0700) focused on an environmental topic. Students wishing to pursue graduate study in Earth or environmental sciences are advised to take additional science and math courses and should consult with their advisor.

Departmental Honors in geology are based primarily on outstanding work in original research (GEOL 0700), and are related to course grades only in the context of guidelines in the College Handbook.

Requirements for students who matriculated prior to Fall 2021.

Required for the Major: The program for a geology major consists of 11 courses within the department and two additional cognate courses. These courses must include:

(1) One 0100-level course (we strongly recommend Environmental Geology (GEOL 0112), Elements of Oceanography (GEOL 0161) or Dynamic Earth (GEOL 0170).

(2) Four core courses: Bedrock Geology of Vermont (GEOL 0201), Mineralogy (GEOL 0211), and Structural Geology (GEOL 0281) are required, plus either Landscape Evolution (GEOL 0251) or Water Resources and Hydrogeology (GEOL 0255).

(3) Four elective courses (GEOL 0200-level or higher) chosen from the Middlebury geology curriculum.  A maximum of two electives (total) can be GEOL 0500, courses taken off campus (with approval of the Chair), or a combination of the two.

(4) Two cognate courses (any Biology, Chemistry, or Physics laboratory course, or Math 0116 or higher).

(5) Two Credits of Senior Work (GEOL 0400 and GEOL 0700)

The two course senior sequence (GEOL 0400 and 0700) is the culmination of the geology major and consists of original research based on field and/or laboratory investigations by the student. The requirements for the major listed above are considered to be minimal. We suggest students planning a career in geology or the earth sciences take additional courses in other sciences and mathematics, as well as additional geology courses. The requirements for the major allow for considerable flexibility and thus students should consult regularly with their geology department advisors for the selection of specific courses.
Geology Minor: A total of five courses is required. The minor shall consist of one introductory course (either GEOL 0112 or GEOL 0161 or GEOL 0170), plus four upper-level courses, which must include GEOL 0201 or GEOL 0211. After completing an introductory geology course, students who intend to minor in geology should arrange specific upper-level courses with the geology chair or designate.  Only one GEOL 0500 or off-campus course can count toward the minor.

Environmental Studies-Geology joint major: One introductory course chosen from among: GEOL 0112 (preferred), GEOL 0161, and GEOL 0170; one course from among GEOL/GEOG 0251, GEOL 0255, and GEOL 0257; one course from among GEOL 0201, GEOL 0211, and GEOL 0281; three GEOL 0200-level or higher courses, and two-term senior thesis focusing on geology and the environment: GEOL 0400/0700. Students wishing to pursue graduate study in geology are advised to take additional science and math courses and should consult with their advisor.

Departmental Honors in geology are based primarily on outstanding work in original research (GEOL 0700), and are related to course grades only in the context of guidelines in the College Handbook.


GEOL 0111 Natural Hazards (Spring 2022)

Despite increasing technological sophistication, modern civilization remains vulnerable to natural hazards such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, flooding, landslides, extraterrestrial impacts, and other events. In this course we will consider the geologic mechanisms behind these hazards, the societal implications of these hazards, and approaches to reducing risk. Case studies will be combined with exploration of fundamental geologic concepts to provide students a foundation for understanding risk exposure and evaluating approaches to hazard management. (Not open to students who have taken GEOL 0112 or 0170) 3 hrs. lect./1 hr. disc. SCI

GEOL 0112 Environmental Geology (Spring 2022)

Geological processes form the physical framework on which ecosystems operate. We require an understanding of the geological environment in order to minimize disruption of natural systems by human development and to avoid hazards such as floods and landslides. This course is an overview of basic tectonic, volcanic, and landscape-forming processes and systems, including earthquakes, rivers, soils, and groundwater. Environmental effects of energy, mineral, and water resource use, and waste disposal are also examined. Weekly field labs after spring break. Registration priority for first and second-year students. 3 hrs. lect./disc., 3 hrs. lab/field trips SCI

GEOL 0120 How to Build a Habitable Planet (Fall 2021)

In this course we will examine how Earth came to be the planet we know today: a uniquely habitable world, home to a diverse array of organisms and interconnected systems. We will begin our journey through deep time with the Big Bang and the coalescence of the first stardust, and conclude by examining how humans have become integral drivers of planetary evolution, transforming Earth’s surface and atmosphere at largely unprecedented rates. Students will engage with cutting edge scientific research via readings, discussion, and synthesis of the primary and secondary scientific literature. 3 hrs. lect./1hr. disc SCI (A. Jacobel)

GEOL 0161 Earth’s Oceans and Coastlines (Fall 2021)

In this course we explore our planet’s oceans and coastlines through the interdisciplinary study of marine geology, physics, biology, and chemistry. We use these fields as lenses through which we examine our reliance on the oceans for climate stability, food, economic resources, and waste dispersal, among a host of other ecosystem services. In parallel, we explore how humans are fundamentally altering coastal and marine ecosystems, posing unequally distributed, but increasingly severe threats to ocean and human health. In labs, we make use of the college’s research vessel, the R/V Folger, and learn quantitative data visualization and analysis techniques. 3 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab/field trips DED, SCI (A. Jacobel)

GEOL 0202 Climate and Earth's History (Spring 2022)

In this course we will discuss how external forces and internal feedbacks within the Earth system govern climate. Specific topics will include orbital variability, changes in ocean circulation, CO2 uptake in terrestrial ecosystems, and molecular vibrational controls on infrared absorption and Earth's heat budget. We will then examine climate change through Earth's history as evidenced by a number of geologic proxies including the sedimentary record, ice cores, isotopic records, glaciers, soils, and tree rings. Ultimately our improved understanding of past climates will provide a context within which to discuss future changes to come. (one Geology course) SCI

GEOL 0251 Landscape Evolution (Fall 2021)

In this course we will investigate processes that shape the Earth's surface, including weathering, mass movements, and the effects of water, wind, and ice. Students will examine how such processes govern the evolution of landforms in differing climatic, tectonic, and lithologic settings. Field and laboratory study will focus on the role of active surficial processes, as well as glaciation and other past events, in development of the landscape of west-central Vermont. We will also discuss implications for human activities and maintenance of natural systems. (Any 0100-level geology course, or by waiver) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab DED, SCI (L. Luna)
Cross-listed as: GEOG 0251

GEOL 0301 Active Tectonics and Earthquake Hazards (Fall 2021)

In this class we will explore what drives Earth’s system of tectonic plates and why plate motion causes earthquakes. We will learn about modern techniques used to document plate motion and predict the size, style, and timing of earthquakes. Students will also explore the numerous hazards associated with earthquakes and how the threat they pose to humans can be mitigated. Learning goals will focus on reading primary scientific literature, identifying unanswered questions, and developing ideas for original research. (One introductory course in GEOL, or instructor’s permission) 3 hrs. lect. CW, SCI (W. Amidon)

GEOL 0323 Environmental Geochemistry (Fall 2021)

This course examines the chemical composition of natural and human-influenced environments, with a focus on predicting the behavior (“fate and transport”) of major ions, trace elements, nutrients and organic compounds (natural and synthetic) in soil, water, rock and air. Topics include aqueous geochemistry, chemical weathering, elemental cycles, isotopic tracers, atmospheric processes, climate impact of energy resources, and remediation of environmental contamination. Students will do chemical and mineralogical analysis using a variety of analytical and instrumental techniques, including ICPMS, SEM-EDS, XRF, XRD, and synthesis experiments. This is a project oriented course. (One GEOL course and CHEM 0104 or by waiver) 3 hrs. lect. SCI (P. Ryan)

GEOL 0340 Sedimentary Processes and Environments (Spring 2022)

This course examines modern sedimentary processes and environments, with the goal of understanding the environmental conditions under which ancient sediments were deposited and preserved. Topics include the dynamics of weathering and sediment transport; the interpretation of depositional environments from sedimentary textures, structures and relationships; and stratigraphic techniques for interpreting Earth history. Field trips provide hands-on opportunities to apply course material and investigate Middlebury’s ancient history as a sandy, tropical paradise. (Any 0100-level geology course or by waiver) (formerly GEOL 0241) 3 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab/field trips SCI

GEOL 0350 Past, Present, and Future of the Mountain Critical Zone (Spring 2022)

The Critical Zone is the name given to the thin slice of the Earth from the treetops to the base of the soil where geology, biology, hydrology and climate all come together. This course will focus on topics germane to the Critical Zone in mountain environments including glaciers and permafrost, cold-climate weathering and landforms, ecosystem adaptations to cold environments, snow and snowpack hydrogeology, responses to contemporary climate change and projections for the future. The goal is to provide a strong scientific grounding through which contemporary issues involving mountain regions can be understood. Laboratory exercises will include analysis of datasets from mountain environments. (Formerly GEOL 0250) (any 0100-level GEOL or GEOG course, or by waiver) 3 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab DED, SCI

GEOL 0355 Water Resources and Hydrogeology (Spring 2022)

Fresh water is the most fundamental resource sustaining life on the planet. In this course we examine all elements of the hydrologic cycle, focusing first on precipitation and surface water flow and then on subsurface flow. We study examples from across the globe to understand factors influencing water quality and availability, and apply mathematical approaches to quantify constraints on sustainable use. The consequences of climate change and other anthropogenic impacts to the hydrological cycle are examined, and current issues and policies are discussed in light of increasing demands on water resources and associated natural systems. (formerly GEOL 0255) (ENVS 0112 or any 0100-level Geology course) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab DED, SCI

GEOL 0362 Glaciology (Fall 2021)

In this course we will detail the fundamental role of ice in Earth's climate system, integrating insights from observation, theory, and computer modelling to form a cohesive understanding of glaciers and ice sheets. We will study the unique physics that allow glaciers to flow and break, the power of ice in shaping the landscape, and the flow of water from atmosphere to glacier to ocean and back again. Discussions will treat recent developments in glaciology, as well as the role of glaciology in society. A final project will invite students to develop expertise on a glaciological question of their choosing. (MATH 0122 and two 200-level courses in GEOL/GEOG, or by instructor approval; MATH 0223 is recommended) SCI (E. Ultee)

GEOL 0370 Geoscience for the Common Good (Spring 2022)

Students will collaborate with community partners in applying Earth science approaches to real-world problems, learning firsthand how geologic information can improve decision-making affecting humans and the environment. Topics and partners will generally have a local or regional footprint, coupled with broader implications. The course will be jointly guided by a faculty member and the community partner. Student work will involve reading and discussion; the collection, analysis and interpretation of data; collaboration with community partners; and consultation with additional outside experts. The course will culminate in a public presentation, as well as the preparation of written reports or other outreach materials. (GEOL 0201 and 0202) 3 hrs. lect. 3 hrs. lab. SCI

GEOL 0400 Senior Thesis Research Seminar (Fall 2021)

This seminar will focus on methods and strategies for completing advanced geological research and provides a springboard for senior thesis research. Topics will include field and laboratory techniques, primary literature review, and scientific writing. Students taking this course are expected to be simultaneously working on the early stages of their senior thesis research. During the semester students will present a thesis proposal and the seminar will culminate with each student completing a draft of the first chapter of their senior thesis. GEOL 0400 is required of all geology majors. 3 hrs. disc. or lab (W. Amidon)

GEOL 0500 Readings and Research (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Individual or group independent study, laboratory or field research projects, readings and discussion of timely topics in earth and environmental science. (Approval only)

GEOL 0700 Senior Thesis Research (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Upon completion of GEOL 0400, all senior geology majors will continue their independent senior thesis research by taking one unit of GEOL 0700. This research will culminate in a written thesis which must be orally defended. (Approval only)
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Department of German

Requirements for the Major: Students are normally required to complete eight courses in German, above GRMN 0299, including at least one advanced level seminar (above GRMN 0399) or a 0700 level honors thesis during the senior year. Where appropriate, one course may be taken in English. At the beginning of each term a placement test is administered for incoming students to determine which course would be most suitable for their level of competence. The department expects that majors will spend at least one semester of study in a German-speaking country before graduating. Normally, they will spend one or two semesters at the Freie Universität in Berlin, , the Universität Potsdam and/or the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz. Before enrolling in one of our Schools in Germany, students must complete two courses at the 0300-level. For more information, please consult Study in Germany.
     Honors: To be a candidate for honors, students must have an average of at least B+ in German. Honors work (a senior thesis or project) is normally done during a student's last year at Middlebury.
     Minor in German: The German minor consists of a sequence of five courses, taught in German, starting at or above the 0200-level. At least three of those courses must be at the 0300-level or higher. First-year students who place above the 0200-level in the placement test must take at least one 0400-level course as part of their minor. One course may be satisfied through advanced placement (AP) credit in combination with a departmental placement test. Students who receive AP credit start their minor on the 0300-level.
     Credit for Advanced Placement is given for scores of 4 or 5, a high score on the departmental placement test, and a placement conference with the student. In addition, the student must successfully complete at least one course above the 0200-level in the department, taught in German, to qualify for AP credit.
     Germany: The Middlebury School in Germany has sites located in Berlin, Potsdam and Mainz.

GRMN 0101 Beginning German (Fall 2021)

Geared toward quick and early proficiency in comprehension and free expression. Grammatical structures are practiced through group activities and situational exercises (e.g., role-playing games and partner interviews). Active class participation by students is required and will be counted toward the final grade. Since this is an integrated approach, there will be laboratory assignments but no special drill sections. Classes meet five times a week. Students take GRMN 0102 as their winter term course. 6 hrs. sem. LNG (F. Feiereisen, V. Huang)

GRMN 0103 Beginning German Continued (Spring 2022)

This course is a continuation of GRMN 0101. Increased emphasis on communicative competence through short oral presentations and the use of authentic German language materials. Introduction to short prose writings and other documents relating to contemporary German culture. Five class meetings per week. (GRMN 0101 , or equivalent) 5 hrs. lect. LNG

GRMN 0111 Accelerated Beginning German (Spring 2022)

This class is aimed at students who wish to begin the study of German on the fast lane. In one semester, we will cover a year's material, the equivalent of GRMN 0101, 0102, and 0103. We will develop all four skills in an intensive, immersion-style environment, allowing students to continue German in the regular second-year classes in the fall. Classes meet five times per week, including two 75-minute meetings on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and an additional drill session. Students are expected to fully participate in all departmental activities. No prerequisites. 6 hr lect./disc./1 hr. drill LNG

GRMN 0201 Intermediate German (Fall 2021)

GRMN 0201/0202 is a culture-based intermediate language sequence that focuses students' attention on intercultural aspects of language acquisition, vocabulary expansion, reading and writing strategies, and a review of grammar. It moves from a focus on issues of individual identity and personal experiences to a discussion of Germany today (GRMN 0201), explores national identity in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, and supplies an overview of cultural history, literary achievements, and philosophical traditions in the German-speaking world (GRMN 0103 or equivalent, or GRMN 0111) 5 hrs. sem. EUR, LNG (R. Graf, B. Matthias)

GRMN 0202 Intermediate German Continued (Spring 2022)

GRMN 0201/0202 is a culture-based intermediate language sequence that focuses students' attention on intercultural aspects of language acquisition, vocabulary expansion, reading and writing strategies, and a review of grammar. It moves from a focus on issues of individual identity and personal experiences to a discussion of Germany today (GRMN 0201), explores national identity in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, and supplies an overview of cultural history, literary achievements, and philosophical traditions in the German-speaking world (GRMN 0201) 4 hrs. sem. EUR, LNG

GRMN 0341 Berlin: History, Architecture, and Urbanism in Faust’s Metropolis (in English) (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this course we will investigate the rich and complicated built environment of Berlin. By looking at both visual evidence and textual sources we will uncover how the city has been transformed from a cultural backwater during the early modern period to the current capital of a reunified Germany. By the conclusion of this course, you will be comfortable “reading” buildings and spaces and will be able to navigate both the physical city of Berlin and the many layers of history buried within. 3 hrs. sem. ART (Fall 2021), EUR (Fall 2021), HIS (Fall 2021) (Fall 2021: E. Sassin)
Cross-listed as: HARC 0341 *

GRMN 0350 Advanced Writing Workshop (Fall 2021)

The goal of this course is to train students to present their thoughts, ideas, and arguments in correct, coherent, and effective writing. Students will practice writing several text forms that are required in higher education and, during study abroad. Students will also learn about format requirements for writing a longer term paper in German. Some class time will be used for creative, structured, or contemplative writing practice. Students will expand their active vocabulary and aim for a consistently high level of grammatical accuracy. Grammar topics will be covered within the context of writing, through targeted teaching of linguistic structures and peer-editing/peer-teaching sessions. (Formerly GRMN 0304) 3 hrs. sem. CW (12 seats), LNG (N. Eppelsheimer)

GRMN 0425 Fin-de-siècle Vienna (Spring 2022)

Major innovations in art, architecture, music, and literature occurred in Vienna at the turn of the century. Politically the Habsburg monarchy was, unknowingly, nearing its end. Despite contributions by Gustav Klimt, Otto Wagner, Arnold Schönberg, and Arthur Schnitzler, scholarship often viewed fin-de-siècle Vienna as a period of decline and decay in which art and literature were characteristically apolitical. In this course an introduction to the historical, political, and cultural events of the Habsburg monarchy serves as background information through which to examine Austria-Hungary’s literature, music, and arts around 1900. Readings will include texts by A. Schnitzler, R. Musil, H. v. Hofmannsthal, and P. Altenberg. (Formerly GRMN 0460). 3 hrs. sem. EUR, LIT

GRMN 0445 Contemporary Germany & Sustainability (In German) (Spring 2022)

Already known as the country of poets and thinkers, Germany is becoming a land of ideas for sustainability and environmental innovation. In this course we will take a closer look at the origins of the German environmental movement and explore the three major components of sustainability–economy, society, and environment–in contemporary Germany. We will draw on political, literary, and scientific texts, films, works of art, and online resources while making frequent comparisons with global developments. Texts include Quaschning's Trash Sorters, Muesli Eaters, and Climate Protectors: We Germans and our Environment, and Wagenhofer’s We Feed the World. 3 hrs lect./disc. EUR, LIT, LNG

GRMN 0464 Law and Justice in German Literature (Fall 2021)

This course focuses on the concepts of “Recht, Gerechtigkeit, Justiz” in German literature. A long literary tradition has seen authors inquire into the complex relationships between what is just and what is the law, and author-activists or judge-authors are frequent participants in public discourse about these issues. Discussion topics include the relationship between “Recht” and “Gerechtigkeit”, vigilante law, divine/ poetic justice, and the judicial system. Texts by F. Schiller, H. Kleist, G. Büchner, F. Kafka, A. Döblin, H. Böll, F. Dürrenmatt, Chr. Brückner, and F. von Schierach. (GRMN 0202, or instructor approval) 3 hrs. sem. EUR, LIT, LNG (B. Matthias)

GRMN 0475 Sounds and the City: German Urban Cultural History of the 20th and 21st Century (Fall 2021)

In this course, we will seek to understand the cultural history of 20th and 21st century Germany by examining its soundscapes. Analyzing recordings of selected events, we will discuss how history can be portrayed as an acoustic experience. Sound profiles of city spaces before, during, and after World War II and the Cold War will illustrate sound's impact on German society and its ability to create utopian/dystopian spaces. This line of inquiry invites us to rethink noise, silence, language, identity, power, and-considering the history of recording technologies-the nature of knowledge itself. We will consider works by literary scholars, historians, anthropologists, and musicologists. (Formerly GRMN 0410) 3 hrs. sem. EUR, LNG (F. Feiereisen)

GRMN 0500 Independent Study (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval only)

GRMN 0700 Honors Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval only)
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Global Health Minor

The purpose of the Global Health minor is to encourage students to take an interdisciplinary perspective when thinking about global health problems. The minor in Global Health is more flexible than many other majors and minors on campus. Students design a course of study within the minor that fits their own educational goals. Choosing courses therefore requires substantial thought and planning on the part of the student.

The minor in Global Health is available to students who complete the courses listed below. No course for the minor may also count towards a student’s major. No more than two courses taken from the same department may count towards the minor.

All students must take a total of five courses for the minor:

(1) the core course:

SOAN 0267 Global Health or INTD 0257 Global Health

(2) One of the following methods courses (if the methods requirement is met through coursework for a major, students may substitute an additional elective in place of a methods class):

ANTH 0302 The Research Process: Ethnography and Qualitative Methods
BIOL 0211 Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis
ECON 0210 Economic Statistics
GEOG 0120 Human Geography with GIS
GEOG 0150 ENV Geography with GIS
MATH 0116 Introduction to Statistical Science
PSCI 1130 Statistics for Social Sciences
PSYC 0201 Psychological Statistics
SOCI 0385 Social Statistics (formerly SOAN 0385)
AP credit for Statistics

(3) Three elective courses; no more than one course may be a 0100-level course. Classes that count as electives are listed on the “Courses” tab.

Many other appropriate courses exist on campus, depending on the educational goals of a particular student. Courses may be substituted for the methods or elective courses with the approval of the program director.  Approval requires submission of a petition form found here.  Approval of a course for minor credit requires the student to show that they made connections between the course material and their study of Global Health, for example by writing a final paper on a public health topic. Students must turn in this paper or other approved course material for review for credit.

To declare the minor, submit the following to the Program Director: (1) a minor declaration form (http://www.middlebury.edu/offices/academic/records/Forms/stuforms) and (2) a 200-500 word statement explaining how the classes you chose fit together and further your educational goals within the field of Global Health. To declare the minor, these materials must be submitted at least one week before the end of the add period of your seventh semester at Middlebury.

In addition, students minoring in Global Health are strongly encouraged to take advantage of Middlebury’s resources by studying abroad, preferably in a program with health-related courses, and by becoming proficient in a foreign language.

GHLT 0211 Public Health of Disasters (Spring 2022)

Both natural and man-made disasters, including the release of weapons of mass destruction, reveal a community’s preexisting vulnerabilities. The emergency response, and the nature of the disaster itself, combine to affect the short- and long-term health of the disaster-struck community. We will examine public health components of disasters, including emergency preparedness and response, relief efforts, health surveillance, and the ethical considerations of these activities. With case studies and readings, we will employ a public health perspective to understand the community impact of natural and man-made disasters in both developed and developing countries. (not open to students who have taken INTD 0211) 3 hrs. lect. SOC

GHLT 0232 Principles of Epidemiology (Fall 2021)

This course will introduce students to the theory and practice of epidemiology. Students will learn major concepts including study design, measures of effect, and causal inference. We will explore the causes of modern diseases with a focus on how epidemiology can be used to understand causation of disease. We will also explore the historical and current contributions of epidemiology within the field of public health. The course will introduce areas of specialization including infectious and non-infectious diseases, environmental epidemiology, and social and community epidemiology. Students will learn data analysis skills applicable to research in public health and other quantitative sciences. Students will utilize skills from class to investigate an epidemiological issue using real world data. Students will also lead discussions on how epidemiology is used to investigate the determinants of disease. Students will leave the course with understanding of key epidemiological concepts, and the ability to convey those ideas to a lay audience in written and oral formats. 3 hrs. lect. DED (S. Byrne)

GHLT 0235 Social Entrepreneurship and Global Health (Fall 2021)

Social and structural determinants of health create barriers to availability, accessibility and uptake of health services in many countries. We will take a case study approach to examining how social entrepreneurs develop and scale up responses to help clients overcome these barriers. We will explore factors including: human rights, poverty, disenfranchisement of women, government health care systems and infrastructure, human resources for health, task shifting, the politics of sexual/reproductive health, and infectious diseases. We will draw on articles and online materials. This course mixes theory and case study, and will count as an elective towards the Global Health minor. (not open to students who have taken INTD 1213 or INTD 0235) 3 hrs. lect. (D. Torres)

GHLT 0257 Global Health (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course provides an introductory survey of the basic issues and initiatives in contemporary global public health, demonstrating the inextricability of public health problems from the social, cultural, economic, political, and environmental issues that exist in an era of globalization. Examining these connections will enable us to critically evaluate the goals and strategies of public health interventions, and discuss factors impacting their success or failure. To do this, we must also examine the lens through which the West views public health problems as they relate to our cultural beliefs, biomedical views of health, sense of justice, and strategic interests. (Not open to students who have taken INTD 0257 or SOAN 0267) 3 hrs. lect./disc. AAL (Fall 2021), CMP (Fall 2021), SOC (Fall 2021) (Fall 2021: P. Berenbaum)
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Hebrew Minor

Middlebury offers a minor in Modern Hebrew. Courses taken in the summer at the Middlebury School of Hebrew will be granted credit toward the minor. Courses taken elsewhere may be granted credit with the permission of the director of the Program in Modern Hebrew. Students should plan the minor knowing that beginning Modern Hebrew is only offered in the fall term.

Requirements for Minor in Modern Hebrew (HEBM)

(I) Three semesters of Modern Hebrew starting at the level of HEBM 0103 or higher; plus

(II) Two content courses with HEBM designation at the 0200 level or higher.  One or both of these courses may be on Hebrew culture or literature in translation (taught in English), and/or one may be taken abroad in Hebrew and must be approved by the Director of the Program in Modern Hebrew. When appropriate, students may substitute independent study (HEBM 0500) for one of the courses required for the minor.

Students interested in studying Classical Hebrew should contact Professor Robert Schine.

HEBR 0500 Independent Study (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Approval required.

HEBM 0101 Introductory Modern Hebrew I (Fall 2021)

In this course students will become acquainted with the basic grammatical and formal concepts necessary for the comprehension of the Modern Hebrew language. We will focus on the fundamentals of reading, writing, listening, and speaking, with a particular emphasis placed on the acquisition of conversational ability. We will also make use of audiovisual, situational, and cultural exercises, and give attention to the elements of Classical form and style that provided a foundation for Modern Hebrew, which was revived as a vernacular in the late 19th century. No previous knowledge of Hebrew is required. 6 hrs. LNG (F. Alasiri)

HEBM 0103 Introductory Modern Hebrew III (Spring 2022)

This course is a continuation of Modern Hebrew 0102 which will be offered during winter term. Students will further develop their skills in written and oral communication, and will expand their knowledge of the cultures of modern Israel through both audio and visual media. (HEBM 0102 or equivalent) 5 hrs. lect. LNG

HEBM 0201 Intermediate Modern Hebrew I (Fall 2021)

This course is a continuation of HEBM 0103. Using authentic audio and visual materials, we will place emphasis on developing the skills required for intermediate-level written and communicative competence. In addition, students will gain a deeper understanding of the forms and style of Classical Hebrew, both of which are necessary for formal composition, interaction, and reading comprehension in Modern Hebrew. (HEBM 0103 or equivalent) 5 hrs. lect/disc LNG

HEBM 0202 Intermediate Modern Hebrew II (Spring 2022)

This is the fifth in the sequence of Modern Hebrew courses that focus on the acquisition of reading, listening, writing, and speaking skills. This course will further increase the students' fluency in spoken Hebrew, as well as their facility in reading authentic texts dealing with both secular and religious Jewish cultures, the literature of modern-day Israel, Israeli history, and current events. By the end of the semester, students should attain the level of educated, non-native speakers of Modern Hebrew, in terms of knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, composition, and communicative competence. (HEBM 0201 or equivalent) 5 hrs. lect/disc. AAL, LNG, MDE

HEBM 0234 State and Society in Contemporary Israel (Spring 2022)

In this course we will examine Israeli society and politics in a period of rapid and profound transformation. We will begin with an introductory unit on Zionism, Palestinian nationalism, and the history of the state. Subsequent units will examine the social, cultural, and political characteristics of Israel’s main population sectors and religious groupings. The final units will examine ongoing political struggles, including struggles over the role of religion in public life; civil rights and democracy; and West Bank settlements and the Palestinian-Israeli peace process. Most readings assignments will be social scientific in nature but will also include journalism and literature. 3 hrs. lect. AAL, MDE, SOC
Cross-listed as: SOCI 0234

HEBM 0237 The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in Film (Fall 2021)

In this course we will examine representations of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a wide range of cinematic works and the ways in which films reflect and construct social, cultural, and political realities. Following an introductory unit on Palestinian and Jewish nationalisms, we will address core issues of the conflict (e.g., refugees, settlements, and Jerusalem), everyday life under occupation, and forms of resistance. By discussing fiction films and documentaries we will critically explore social processes, diverse ideologies, unique point of views, and various Israeli and Palestinian narratives. The course is based on lectures, film screenings, class discussions, and student presentations. 3 hrs. lect. AAL, CMP, MDE, SOC (Z. Gazit)
Cross-listed as: JWST 0237

HEBM 0500 Independent Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required)
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Department of History

All students declaring a History major or joint major will adopt the requirements detailed below.  Students choosing a History major or a joint major with a track in History of Science Medicine and Technology (HSMT) will adopt the requirements specific to History of Science Medicine and Technology (HSMT) detailed below.

Required for the Major in History: The History Major with a specific geographical focus within the history department provides a broad understanding of the development of human societies and cultures throughout history and around the world. Students will have an opportunity to examine how governments, societies, and individuals have shaped and have shaped societies in specific geographical regions of interest to them. 

Students must take 11 history courses before graduation including: (1) at least one but no more than three 0100-level courses; (2) three courses, 0200-level or above, in three of the following seven areas: North America; Europe; Latin America and the Caribbean; the Middle East and North Africa; Sub-Saharan Africa; South and Southeast Asia, including the Pacific; North Asia including China, Korea, Japan, and the Asian Steppes; (3) two 0400-level reading seminars in two different geographical regions, one of which may be trans-regional for those not writing a thesis OR one 0400-level reading seminar for those writing a thesis; (4) HIST 0600.

Of the eleven courses required for this track, one must be comparative and two must deal primarily with the period before 1800. Courses which qualify as comparative or for the pre-1800 requirement are identified in the course descriptions. Students planning to spend all or part of the junior year abroad should consult with the department before the second semester of their sophomore year. Students planning to go abroad or away for a full year may request to have a maximum of three courses count towards the major. Students planning to go abroad for one semester may request to have a maximum of two courses count towards the major. Upon their return to Middlebury, students must fill out the transfer of credit form from the Registrar’s office and have it signed by the chair as soon as possible. Students may take a maximum of two cross-listed HIST/CLAS courses to fulfill History requirements. HIST 0400 and 0600 seminars must be taken in the history department at Middlebury. Cognates or other departmental seminars will not be accepted.

Honors Thesis: Students who have earned a minimum 3.5 GPA in at least 5 history department courses (including up to two courses taken abroad) and at least a B+ in HIST 0600, are eligible to write a two-term honors thesis (HIST 0700). See information below.

 Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate: Up to two IB credits or AP history courses, with a grade of 4 or 5, can count toward the major requirement of 11 history courses, but cannot be used to fulfill any specific requirements listed above. Students counting AP European History may not count HIST 0103 or 0104 toward the major, and those counting AP U.S. History may not count HIST 0203 or 0204 toward the major.

 Joint Major Requirements: Students must take at least eight courses in history, chosen in consultation with a faculty advisor. Cognates are not allowed. A student must take: (1) at least one course in two of the following seven areas: North America; Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe; Middle East and North Africa; Sub-Saharan Africa; South, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific; North Asia including China, Korea, Japan, and the Asian Steppes and one course that is trans-regional or comparative. The choice of courses should depend upon the need to achieve an intellectual coherence and integrity in the student's program; (2) two 0400-level reading seminars, one of which must be taken in the senior year and enable students to combine work from both disciplines, or one 0400-level reading seminar for those writing a thesis.  (3) HIST 0400 and 0600 seminars must be taken in the history department at Middlebury. Cognates or other departmental seminars will not be accepted. No more than two courses may be taken abroad or at another undergraduate institution. 

Joint Major Honors Thesis: Students who have earned a minimum 3.5 GPA in at least 5 History department courses (including up to two courses taken abroad) and at least a B+ in HIST 0600 may choose to write a two-term honors thesis (HIST 0700).  Joint majors choosing to write a thesis must combine the skills of both major disciplines in their thesis.

Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate: AP and IB credit cannot be counted towards a joint major in history.

Minor Requirements: Students must take at least five courses, including one 0100-level course, one 0200-level course and one 0400-level course. Students are strongly encouraged to take HIST 0600 as one of the elective courses. HIST 0400 and 0600 seminars must be taken in the history department at Middlebury. No more than two courses may be taken abroad or at another undergraduate institution. Cognate courses cannot be counted towards the joint minor. AP and IB credit cannot be counted towards a minor in history.

 HIST track in History of Science, Medicine, and Technology (HSMT)

The History of Science, Medicine, and Technology Track within the history department provides a broad understanding of the development of science and its contested role in society throughout history and around the world. Through this track, students will have an opportunity to examine how governments, societies, and individuals have shaped and been shaped by science, medicine, and technology. 

Students must take 11 history courses before graduation including: (1) at least one but no more than three 0100-level courses; (2) five courses that focus on HSMT.  At least 4 of these courses must be HSMT-designated courses within the history department.  In consultation with and at the discretion of the history department Chair, 1 course may be a cognate from another department, from another college or university, or from study abroad; (3) two 0400-level reading seminars for those not writing a thesis OR one 0400-level reading seminar for those writing a thesis. When possible 400-level seminars should be in HSMT. A senior thesis will count as 1 HSMT course if on a relevant HSMT topic. HIST 0400 and 0600 seminars must be taken in the history department at Middlebury.

Of the eleven courses required for this track, one must be comparative and two must deal primarily with the period before 1800. Courses which qualify as comparative or for the pre-1800 requirement are identified in the course descriptions. Students planning to spend all or part of the junior year abroad should consult with the department before the second semester of their sophomore year. Students planning to go abroad or away for a full year may request to have a maximum of three courses count towards the major. Students planning to go abroad for one semester may request to have a maximum of two courses count towards the major. Upon their return to Middlebury, students must fill out the transfer of credit form from the Registrar’s office and have it signed by the chair as soon as possible. Students may take a maximum of two cross-listed HIST/CLAS courses to fulfill History requirements. HIST 0400 and 0600 seminars must be taken in the history department at Middlebury. Cognates or other departmental seminars will not be accepted.

Honors Thesis: Students who have earned a minimum 3.5 GPA in at least 5 history department courses (including up to two courses taken abroad) and at least a B+ in HIST 0600, are eligible to write a two-term honors thesis (HIST 0700).

Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate: Up to two IB credits or AP history courses, with a grade of 4 or 5, can count toward the major requirement of 11 history courses, but cannot be used to fulfill any specific requirements listed above. Students counting AP European History may not count HIST 0103 or 0104 toward the major, and those counting AP U.S. History may not count HIST 0203 or 0204 toward the major.

Joint Major Requirements in HSMT Track: students must fulfill the following requirements: (1) 8 courses in history, as specified under “Joint Major Requirements”; (2) of the 8 courses, 5 must focus on HSMT, and one must be a 400-level seminar taken in the history department or a senior thesis, which may count as 1 HSMT course; (3) in consultation with and at the discretion of the history department Chair, 1 course may be taken abroad. Cognates or other departmental seminars will not be accepted. AP and IB credit cannot be counted towards a joint major in HSMT track.

Joint Major Honors Thesis: Students who have earned a minimum 3.5 GPA in at least 5 History department courses (including up to two courses taken abroad) and at least a B+ in HIST 0600 may choose to write a two-term honors thesis (HIST 0700).  Joint majors choosing to write a thesis must combine the skills of both major disciplines in their thesis.

The department does not offer a minor in HSMT.

Courses in the History department

History course numbering: As a rule, the History Department has no pre-requisites except for in designated 400-leve courses. Courses are not arranged hierarchically; they are arranged thematically and chronologically, with the 100-level courses being the broadest and the 300 and 400-level courses being the most specific in subject matter.

 HIST 0100-Level Courses
These courses deal with events and processes that affect human societies over long periods of time and across broad geographical areas not confined to national boundaries. Courses include components that act as introductions to the field of history.

HIST 0200-Level Courses
These are lecture courses that deal with a single cultural or national entity, or a clearly related group of such entities, over a substantial period of time (usually a century or more).

HIST 0300-Level Courses
These courses, for the most part, are topically focused courses. Many of them are lecture courses and some are taught in a seminar format. These are not, however, seminars that fulfill the reading seminar requirement.

HIST 0400–Level Reading Seminars
These topically based seminars, which usually meet once a week involve reading and analyzing texts, discussions, student presentations, historiography and writing or producing a final project. The history department offers many types of seminars: seminars on a topic within a given country or region; transnational or global seminars, digital humanities seminars and public history seminars.  Seminars are open to all students except those designated for seniors and juniors. See course description for requirements. A list of seminars is available from the department.

HIST 0600: Writing History
In this course students discuss historical methods and writing strategies to create convincing historical narratives.  With the approval and guidance of the professor, students complete a 20-25-page research paper based on primary and secondary sources. Students take this course in the fall of their junior year or with permission in the spring. If students are away for the entire junior year, they can take the course in the fall of their senior year.

HIST 0700 & 0701 Senior Honors Thesis
If students have earned a minimum 3.5 GPA in at least 5 History department courses (including up to two courses taken abroad) and at least a B+ in HIST 0600, they may choose to write a two-term honors thesis (HIST 0700). Writing a thesis is a prerequisite for departmental honors. Students must submit a thesis proposal to the department chair and coordinator one week prior to course registration for the term in which the thesis is to be started. Students opting to write a thesis must also take at least one 0400-level reading seminar prior to graduation, but preferably before their last semester at Middlebury. Students may not write a thesis in the same semester that they are taking HIST 0600. If students submit a request to write a senior thesis in the semester in which they are taking HIST 0600, they may receive conditional approval pending the completion and grade in HIST 0600.

Approved students will write a two-term thesis under an advisor in the area of their choosing. The department strongly encourages students to write their theses during the fall and winter terms. Winter/Spring theses are also acceptable with the permission of the chair and the theses advisor. On rare occasions and for compelling reasons, a student may initiate a thesis in the spring of an academic year and finish in the fall of the following year with the approval of the department. All students beginning their thesis in a given academic year must attend the Thesis Writers' Workshops held in the fall and winter of that year. Further information about the thesis is available from the department.

Overall History Honors: To receive departmental honors, high honors*, or highest honors** students must have completed an honors thesis (HIST0700) with a grade of B+, A-*, or A** and must have achieved an overall average of at least 3.5, 3.67*, or 3.75** in all departmental courses.

HIST 0100-Level Courses
The 0100-level courses (0100-0199) deal with events and processes that affect human societies over long periods of time and across broad geographical areas not confined to national boundaries. These courses include components that act as introductions to the field of history.

HIST 0200-Level Courses
These are lecture courses that deal with a single cultural or national entity, or a clearly related group of such entities, over a substantial period of time (usually a century or more).

HIST 0300-Level Courses
These courses, for the most part, are topically focused courses. Many of them are lecture courses and some are taught in a seminar format. These are not, however, seminars that fulfill the reading seminar requirement.

HIST 0400–Level Reading Seminars
Unlike the courses below the 0400 level, which are primarily lecture courses, these courses are reading seminars on particular periods or topics. They are open to all students, although in cases of overcrowding, history majors will be given priority. First-year students are admitted only by waiver.

HIST 0600 Research Seminar
All history majors are required to take HIST 0600 their junior fall or, if abroad at that time, their junior spring or senior fall semester. In this course students will conceive, research, and write a work of history based on primary source material. After reading and discussion on historical methods and research strategies, students will pursue a paper topic as approved by the course professors.

HIST 0700 and 701:  Senior Independent Study I & II
All senior history majors will write a two-term thesis under an advisor in the area of their choosing. The department encourages students to do their theses during the fall (700) and winter terms (701). Fall/spring theses are also acceptable and, with permission of the chair, winter/spring. On rare occasions, with departmental approval given for compelling reasons, a thesis may be initiated in the spring of an academic year and finished in the fall of the following year. All students beginning their thesis in a given academic year must attend the Thesis Writers' Workshops held in the fall and winter of that year. Further information about the thesis is available from the department.

HIST 0103 The Making of Europe (Fall 2021)

This course covers the history of Western Europe from the death of Caesar in 44 B.C. to the Peace of Westphalia in A.D. 1648. We will examine three interrelated themes: political authority within European society, the development of the religious culture of the West and the challenges to that culture, and the ways in which the development of a European economy contributed to the making of Europe itself. While examining these questions from the Roman Empire to early modern Europe, students will focus on the use of original sources, and on how historians interpret the past. Pre-1800. Not open to seniors. 2 hrs. lect./1 hr. disc. EUR, HIS, SOC (L. Burnham)

HIST 0114 History of Modern Africa (Spring 2022)

We begin looking at revolutions in the early 19th century and the transformations surrounding the slave trade. Next we examine the European colonization of the continent, exploring how diverse interventions into Africans' lives had complex effects on political authority, class and generational dynamics, gender relations, ethnic and cultural identities, and rural and urban livelihoods. After exploring Africans' struggles against colonial rule in day-to-day practices and mass political movements, the last few weeks cover Africa's transition to independence and the postcolonial era, including the experience of neo-colonialism, ethnic conflict, poverty, and demographic crisis. (formerly HIST 0226) 2 hrs. lect., 1 hr. disc. AAL, HIS, SAF, SOC
Cross-listed as: BLST 0114

HIST 0118 The History of Medicine: 1700 to Present (Fall 2021)

In this course we will examine how conceptions of sickness, its causes, and its treatment have developed over time. In particular, the emphasis will be on considering not only how advances in science and technology have spurred changes in thought and practice but also how larger societal factors like religion, economics, and politics have influenced the course of medicine. We will focus on Europe from the eighteenth century onwards, but important comparisons will be drawn to earlier periods and other geographic areas including the United States. (Counts for HSMT credit.) 3 hrs. lect./disc. EUR, HIS (R. Bennette)

HIST 0132 History of Rome (Fall 2021)

This course is an introductory survey of Roman history, from the emergence of the Republic to the influence of Rome on the western world. In the first half of the course we will study the origins of Rome's rise to dominance, the conquest of the Mediterranean and its effect on Roman society, and the crumbling of political structures under the weight of imperial expansion. In the second half, we will study the empire more broadly, starting with the emperors and moving out to the daily lives of people around the Mediterranean. The course will end with the importance of Rome for the Founding Fathers. We will read from authors including Polybius, Plutarch, Appian, Caesar, Suetonius, Tacitus, Juvenal, and Pliny. 2 hrs. lect./1 hr. disc. EUR, HIS, LIT (J. Chaplin)
Cross-listed as: CLAS 0132 *

HIST 0201 Modern American Jewish History (Fall 2021)

What characterizes the modern American Jewish experience? Is it the effort to assimilate into the American mainstream? Is it about the struggle to preserve Jewish distinctiveness? Drawing on historical scholarship and primary sources (films, art, cartoons, newspapers, literature), we will consider the many meanings of American Jewish identity, particularly its religious, racial, ethnic, and national connotations. We will begin in the 1880s, during the largest wave of Jewish immigration to the U.S. Topics will include “Americanization,” labor, political activism, religious reform, World War II and the Holocaust, “Jewish continuity,” gender roles, race relations, urbanization, suburbanization, and the relationship of Jews to white flight, Zionism, anti-Semitism, and philanthropy. 3 hrs. lect. AMR, HIS, NOR (L. Povitz)
Cross-listed as: JWST 0201

HIST 0204 United States History Since 1877 (Spring 2022)

In this course we will explore American history from the end of Reconstruction until the present, examining the major issues that Americans faced economically, socially, politically, and culturally. Though course content will focus primarily on the nation's domestic developments, we will also consider the role the United States played in significant world events during the last century. We will make a special effort to employ a multicultural approach through readings and films. This survey is a continuation of HIST 0203, but it is an independent course; there are no prerequisites. Students with AP credit in American history may not take HIST 0204 for credit. 2 hrs. lect., 1 hr. disc. HIS, NOR, SOC

HIST 0212 Civil War and Reconstruction: 1845-1890 (Spring 2022)

This course explores the era of the American Civil War with an emphasis on the period 1861-1865. It combines lectures, readings, class discussion, and film to address such questions as why the war came, why the Confederacy lost, and how the war affected various elements of society. We will also explore what was left unresolved at the end of the war, how Americans responded to Reconstruction, and how subsequent generations have understood the meaning of the conflict and its legacy. We will make a special effort to tie military and political events to life on the home front. (formerly HIST 0364) 2 hrs. lect./1 hr. disc. AMR, HIS, NOR

HIST 0215 America, 1955-1991 (Fall 2021)

This course focuses on the history of the United States from the end of the “Crucial Decade” until the end of the Cold War. We will pay special attention to how domestic development shaped America's place within the international community, and vice versa. Topics to be considered include: the rise and fall of the post-1945 social welfare state, Eisenhower’s New Look and JFK’s New Frontier, the Vietnam War, civil rights activism, increasing American investment in the Middle East, the modern conservative movement, and globalization and its contexts. (formerly HIST 0368) 2 hrs. lect., 1 hr. disc. AMR, HIS, NOR (J. Mao)

HIST 0222 United States Environmental History: Nature and Inequality (Spring 2022)

In this course we will study the interactions between diverse groups and their physical environments to understand how humans have shaped and in turn been shaped by the material world. Topics include: ecological change with European conquest; industrialization and race and class differences in labor, leisure, and ideas of “nature”; African American environments South and North; the capitalist transformation of the American West, rural and urban; Progressive conservation and its displacement of Native Americans and other rural groups; chemical- and petroleum-based technologies and their unexpected consequences; and the rise of environmentalism and its transformation by issues of inequality and justice. 3 hrs. lect./disc. AMR, HIS, NOR

HIST 0225 African American History (Fall 2021)

In this course we will examine the history of African Americans from the rise of the transatlantic slave trade to the present. The course will reveal how African Americans actively shaped their history and the history of the United States as an American nation. We will explore topics such as the Middle passage, African American slave cultures, enslaved resistance, emancipation, the rise of legalized segregation, mass migrations, and the continuing struggles for equality. We will approach the subject matter using a variety of primary and secondary sources that focus on the experiences of individuals such as enslaved narratives, autobiographies, documentaries, and oral histories. 3 hrs. lect/disc. AMR, HIS, NOR (E. Mendoza)
Cross-listed as: BLST 0225

HIST 0232 Modern China (Spring 2022)

In this course we will examine the history of China from the early 19th century through the end of the Maoist period. Readings, lectures, and discussions will familiarize students with the cultural and social structures of the late Qing Empire, patterns of semi-colonialism, the rise of nationalist, feminist, and Marxist movements, and key events in the People’s Republic of China. Students will emerge from the class with a broader understanding of forms of empire and imperialism, anti-colonial nationalism, non-Western Marxism, and the tendencies of a post-socialist state. 2 hrs. lect., 1 hr. disc. AAL, HIS, NOA, SOC

HIST 0235 History of Pre-Modern Japan (Fall 2021)

In this course we will explore the social, cultural, and institutional history of Japan from the eighth century up through the rise of the Tokugawa shogunate in the 17th century. The course is organized thematically to illuminate the different periods of Japanese history, including the imperial origin myth and Heian culture, the frontier and the rise of samurai government, localism and the warring states period, and finally the Tokugawa settlement and the paradoxes of centralized feudalism. Pre-1800. 3 hrs. lect/disc. AAL, HIS, NOA, SOC (M. Ward)
Cross-listed as: JAPN 0235

HIST 0242 Europe in the High Middle Ages (Spring 2022)

This course covers the development and expansion of Western European civilization from approximately 1050 to 1300. This period witnessed the rise of towns, commerce, universities, and cathedrals, as well as important developments in the areas of politics, philosophy, and Western culture. Together, these achievements represent a fundamental shift in Western Europe from an impoverished, besieged society to a dynamic civilization that established the institutions and assumptions on which the modern West is based. The goal of this class is to view these achievements of medieval Europe in their own context, with appreciation of the methodological problems presented by medieval sources. Pre-1800. EUR, HIS, SOC

HIST 0243 The Mediterranean World, 400-1600 (Spring 2022)

The Mediterranean has long been a crossroads between East and West and North and South, a meeting point of the Middle East, Northern Africa, and Southern Europe. Merchants and armies have plied the seaways carrying with them their religions and cultures. The pre-modern Mediterranean offered an exhilarating but, at times uncomfortable, mix of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim cultures. Starting from Fernand Braudel's conceit, we will consider the Mediterranean itself as an important character in the narrative of history. We will study the geography of the Mediterranean as well as its religious, economic, environmental, and cultural history with a view to bringing together different understandings of Mare Nostrum (our sea). Pre-1800. 2 hrs lect./1 hr. disc. CMP, HIS

HIST 0244 Society and Culture in Early Modern Europe (Spring 2022)

War, famine, and disease marked the terrible "iron century" of European history, from 1550 to 1660. Out of this frightful crucible, modern society was created. We will trace this troubled genesis from the aftershocks of the Reformation to the first rumblings of the French Revolution, stressing the conflicts that gave rise to the modern world: monarchy vs. "liberty," religion vs. "enlightenment," elite vs. popular culture. Topics such as the family, witchcraft, warfare, and fashion will be given special attention. Pre-1800 3 hr lect/disc. EUR, HIS, SOC

HIST 0245 History of Modern Europe: 1800-1900 (Spring 2022)

This course will trace several complex threads across the nineteenth century, a period that saw enormous changes in economic structures, political practices, and the experience of daily life. We will look specifically at the construction of nation-states, the industrial revolution and its effects on the lives of the different social classes, the shift from rural to urban life, and the rise of mass culture and its political forms. Taking a cultural perspective, we will consider, for example, the language of working-class politics, the painting of modern urban life, and imperialism in popular culture. 3 hrs. lect./disc. EUR, HIS, SOC

HIST 0247 Russia: Tsars, Tsarinas, and Terrorists (Fall 2021)

In this course we will follow Russia’s development, expansion and transformation from its earliest beginnings to the revolutionary cataclysms of the early 20th century. How and why did Russia come to dominate a vast Eurasian space? How did Russia’s Tsars and Tsarinas exert control over diverse cultures, languages, religions and peoples? What impact did this have on the lives of their subjects? How was Russian identity defined within the context of a multi-ethnic, multi-confessional empire? Central themes will include political governance, imperial expansion, ethnic relations, religious identity, social upheaval, and the emergence of the radical intelligentsia. Pre-1800 3 hrs lect./disc. AAL, CMP, CW (5 seats), HIS (R. Mitchell)

HIST 0248 The Soviet Experiment (Spring 2022)

In this course we will explore the Soviet attempt to forge a fundamentally new form of human life. Starting with the revolutionary movement of the early 20th century, we will examine the development and ultimate downfall of the USSR. What was Soviet communism (both in idea and in practice)? How did its implementation and development transform local identities (religious, ethnic/national, social)? How did internal and external factors (political, social, economic) transform Soviet policy and life? Was the collapse of the USSR inevitable? Special attention will be paid both to political leaders and ordinary people (believers, collaborators, victims, dissidents, outcasts). 3 hrs lect./disc. AAL, CMP, EUR, HIS

HIST 0253 British History: 1603-1815 (Fall 2021)

The medieval pattern of English and Scottish society began to implode in the seventeenth century. The unity of the Church, the relationship between Crown and Parliament, even the social hierarchy, were shaken to their foundations. After generations of civil war, revolution, and party strife, the eighteenth century saw the establishment of a flexible, oligarchic order, able to fight off the challenges of radicalism and the American and French revolutions. By 1815 Britain, at the peak of its power in Europe, was already beginning to experience the tensions incumbent on becoming the first industrial nation. Pre-1800 2 hrs. lect., 1 hr. disc. EUR, HIS (P. Monod)

HIST 0257 The Holocaust (Fall 2021)

Why did the Holocaust happen? How could the Holocaust happen? In this course we will consider several aspects of the Holocaust, including the long-term conditions and events leading up to it, the measures employed in undertaking it, and the aftermath of the atrocities. Beyond a general survey, this course introduces students to the many varying interpretations and historical arguments scholars of the Holocaust have proposed and invites them to discuss and debate these issues in class. (Counts for HSMT credit) 3 hrs. lect./disc. EUR, HIS (R. Bennette)
Cross-listed as: JWST 0257

HIST 0264 Chicagoland (Spring 2022)

In this course we will explore Chicago’s significance by focusing on its physical and spatial character. Moving from the 19th to the 21st century, we will examine the 1871 fire; the 1893 World’s Fair; the settlement house movement; the rise of modern architecture; the emergence of Black Chicago and development of a multi-ethnic, multi-class metropolis spread across various neighborhoods and suburbs; and recent planning efforts to revitalize the city as a space for all Chicagoans. Interdisciplinary in scope, the course will draw on a range of texts and theoretical perspectives to show the generative importance of Chicago’s rich and varied landscape. 3 hrs. lect. AMR, HIS, NOR
Cross-listed as: AMST 0264

HIST 0303 Oil, Opium, and Oligarchs: Modern Asian Empires (Spring 2022)

In this course we will examine dynamics and legacies of imperialism in East and Southeast Asia from the nineteenth century through the present. We will consider the role of opium in securing British influence, the rise of Japan as an imperialist power, struggles to control regional markets and natural resources, and China’s expansionist efforts past and present. By engaging with novels, films, treaties, and historical scholarship, class participants will gain a broad understanding of empires and imperialism, and how this heritage continues to inform Pacific-regional relations. Not open to students who have taken IGST/HIST 0475. (Counts for HSMT credit) 3 hrs. lect./disc. AAL, HIS, NOA

HIST 0306 Global Fascism (Fall 2021)

What was, or is, fascism? How do we know it when we see it? Can fascism be understood as an exclusively European phenomenon, or did it become manifest in movements and regimes in other parts of the twentieth-century world? In this seminar, we will engage with such questions via a range of texts including manifestos, films, and scholarly works. The first part of the course will interrogate seminal theories of fascism, the second will examine historical instances of fascism with particular emphasis on East Asia, and the final part will engage with debates about the contemporary resurgence of authoritarian populism. 3 hrs. Sem. AAL, CMP, HIS, NOA (M. Clinton, M. Ward)

HIST 0315 Health and Healing in African History (Spring 2022)

In this course we will complicate our contemporary perspectives on health and healing in Africa by exploring diverse historical examples from the continent's deep past. Our readings, discussions, and papers will cover a range of historical contexts and topics, such as the politics of rituals and public healing ceremonies in pre-colonial contexts, state and popular responses to shifting disease landscapes in the colonial era, long-term cultural and economic changes in healer-patient dynamics, the problematic legacies of environmental health hazards in the post-colonial period, and Africans' engagement with global health interventions in recent decades. (Counts for HSMT credit) 3 hrs. sem. AAL, HIS, SAF, SOC

HIST 0320 Soviet Science from Sputnik to Chernobyl (Fall 2021)

In 1957, the USSR launched the world’s first artificial satellite. Just four years later, Yuri Gagarin was the first human to orbit Earth. Yet by the 1980s, Soviet development had fostered environmental devastation, a crisis made manifest with the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. In this course we will explore the Soviet state’s fascination with science as a means through which to build a utopian future. How did science and technology interact with state power? How was science implicated in Cold War tensions? How did Soviet “atomic culture” affect ordinary citizens? (Counts for HSMT credit) 3 hrs. sem. EUR, HIS (R. Mitchell)

HIST 0373 History of American Women: 1869-1999 (Fall 2021)

This course will examine women's social, political, cultural, and economic position in American society from 1869 through the late 20th century. We will explore the shifting ideological basis for gender roles, as well as the effects of race, class, ethnicity, and region on women's lives. Topics covered will include: women's political identity, women's work, sexuality, access to education, the limits of "sisterhood" across racial and economic boundaries, and the opportunities women used to expand their sphere of influence. 3 hrs lect./disc. AMR, CMP, HIS, NOR (A. Morsman)
Cross-listed as: GSFS 0373

HIST 0395 “Mad Men and Mad Women” (Spring 2022)

Are you a Don, a Roger, or a Pete? A Betty, a Peggy or a Joan? Using AMC's Mad Men as a visual and narrative foundation, we will examine masculinity and femininity in mid-20th century America. We will focus specifically on the connections between postwar mass communication and formation of gender roles, consumption, and cultural expectations. Our inquiry will then extend to recent discussions regarding the politics of historical representation. In addition to the television series, we will use a variety of both primary and secondary sources—including novels, magazines, sociological studies, and scholarly monographs—to achieve a multi-dimensional perspective. (Not open to students who have taken HIST 1017) 3 hrs. sem. AMR, HIS, NOR, SOC

HIST 0397 America and the Pacific (Fall 2021)

If the 20th century was "America's Century," then it could also be deemed "America's Pacific Century" as interaction with Asia fundamentally shaped the United States' political, social, and diplomatic development. In this course we will examine American foreign relations on the Pacific Rim from the Philippine-American War to the Los Angeles riots of 1992. Topics to be covered include: America's imperial project in Asia, the annexation of Hawaii, Wilsonian diplomacy, the reconstruction of Japan after World War II, the Korean and Vietnam Wars, Richard Nixon's visit to Communist China, and the immigrant experience. 3 hrs sem. AMR, HIS, NOR (J. Mao)

HIST 0406 French Revolution and Terror (Spring 2022)

Readings in Modern European History: Enlightenment, Revolution, and Terror*
The French Revolution provided a model for democratic political reform throughout the world, spreading new ideas about equality, national identity, and rights for minorities. Although informed by the Enlightenment and progressive social thought, it led to the Terror, a period of violence and repression in the name of revolutionary change. We will examine this attempt to create a just society and the corresponding violence against internal and external enemies. We will also consider the Revolution’s origins, the events in France, the shock tremors throughout the world, and the long-term repercussions of change. (formerly HIST 0401) 3 hrs. sem.

HIST 0464 Universities and Slavery in America (Fall 2021)

In this seminar we will explore and compare the different histories of enslavement at schools across the country from colonial times to the present. Some of the questions we will answer include: what was the importance of slavery in the development of higher education? How did people experience enslavement in schools? How did universities perpetuate slavery culture? The class will also consider the emerging debates over reparations and restorative justice and the role of students in these developments across the country. Using our knowledge of other institutions, students will research Middlebury’s place in this history. 3hrs sem. AMR, HIS, NOR (E. Mendoza)
Cross-listed as: BLST 0464

HIST 0472 “The Religious Life”: Buddhist and Christian Monastic Traditions Compared (Fall 2021)

Both Buddhism and Christianity include traditions of monasticism, of men and women leaving home for “the religious life.” In this course, we will study and compare Buddhist and Christian monasticism from historical and religious perspectives. We will read primary sources, from the Life of St. Anthony and the Rule of St. Benedict to the verses attributed to the first Buddhist nuns and a Zen monastic code. We will examine monastic vocation, the integration of monasteries into society, and the adaptation of monasticism to different cultures. Throughout, we will highlight the role of gender. We will conclude with attention to contemporary manifestations of monastic culture. This course is equivalent to INTL 0472 and RELI 0472. Pre-1800 3 hr sem. CMP, HIS, PHL (E. Morrison)
Cross-listed as: RELI 0472 *

HIST 0473 The 1940s (Fall 2021)

The 1940s saw enormous and often violent change: a global, destructive war; ongoing privation after the formal end of hostilities; the intensification of national liberation movements; the founding of the United Nations and the establishment of a new global economic order; the beginnings of the Cold War; new artistic expressions; and the reconfiguration of sexual and cultural mores. In this course we will begin with an overview of the global scale of the second world war and, using a comparative approach, focus on examples of individual suffering. We will then study the war’s effects in select countries around the world. 3 hrs. sem. CMP, HIS (I. Barrow)
Cross-listed as: IGST 0473 *

HIST 0500 Special Research Projects (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Special research projects may only be taken during the Junior or Senior year, preferable after taking HIST 0600. Approval of department chair and project advisor is required.

HIST 0600 Writing History (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this course students discuss historical methods and writing strategies to create convincing historical narratives. With the approval and guidance of the professor, students complete a 20-25-page research paper based on primary and secondary sources. Students take this course in the fall of their junior year or with permission in the spring. If students are away for the entire junior year, they can take the course in the fall of their senior year. 3 hr. sem. CW (Fall 2021: I. Barrow, A. Morsman; Spring 2022: P. Monod)

HIST 0700 Senior Independent Study (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

The optional History Senior Thesis is written over two terms, with the final grade applying to both terms. Approval is required. Students submit thesis proposals in the spring before the year that they choose to write their thesis. Students generally begin their thesis in the fall and complete it during winter or spring. Approval is required to begin the thesis in winter or spring. All students must attend the Thesis Writer's Workshops in fall and winter semesters and work with a faculty advisor to complete a 55-70 page paper. Please see detailed guidelines under history requirements.

HIST 0701 Senior Independent Study (Spring 2022)

With departmental approval, senior history majors may write a two-term thesis under an advisor in the area of their choosing. The final grade is applied to both terms. Students must submit thesis proposals in the spring before the academic year that they choose to write their thesis. They must attend the Thesis Writers' Workshops held in the fall and winter of the academic year in which they begin the thesis. The department encourages students to write theses during the fall (0700) and winter terms (0701), but with the permission of the chair, fall/spring and winter/spring theses are also acceptable. Under exceptional circumstances, the department may approve a thesis initiated in the spring of an academic year and finished in the fall of the following year. Further information about the thesis is available from the department.
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Department of History of Art & Architectural Studies

The Department of History of Art and Architecture offers two majors: History of Art and Museum Studies (HA/MS) and Architectural Studies (AS). The two are closely aligned as well as intertwined, offering different avenues for pursuing the study of the world’s visual culture, its chronological and geographical ranges, and its methodologies.

  1. History of Art and Museum Studies

Required for the Major, History of Art and Museum Studies (11 courses): 

HARC 0100 (An Introduction to Global Visual Culture);
a pre-approved art-practice studio course (in Studio Art, Architectural Studies, theatre set or lighting design, Film and Media Culture, or dance);
seven additional courses of which
(a) two at the 300-level or above and one a HARC CW seminar that directly addresses issues of art-historical methodology (HARC 0301, for example) to be taken prior to HARC 0710;
(b) at least three with a focus on material created before 1750 and at least three on material created after 1750;
(c) additionally, they must focus on four of the five following geographical regions, their cultures and diasporas: Asia, Latin America, Middle East and North Africa, North America and Europe, and Sub-Saharan Africa.
Senior thesis consisting of HARC 0710 and HARC 0711, the research and writing sequence, to be taken in the senior fall and winter terms.

Required for the Joint Major, History of Art and Museum Studies (8 courses): 

A proposed program of study, including educational rationale and specific courses to be taken, must be submitted to the History of Art/Museum Studies chair for approval before registering as a joint major.
HARC 0100 (An Introduction to Global Visual Culture);
five additional courses of which
(a) two at the 300-level or above and one a HARC CW seminar that directly addresses issues of art-historical methodology (HARC 0301, for example) to be taken prior to HARC 0710;
(b) at least two with a focus on material created before 1750 and at least two on material created after 1750;
(c) additionally, they must focus on three of the five following geographical regions, their cultures and diasporas: Asia, Latin America, Middle East and North Africa, North America and Europe, and Sub-Saharan Africa.
Senior thesis consisting of HARC 0710 and HARC 0711, the research and writing sequence, to be taken in the senior fall and winter terms.

Required for the Minor, History of Art and Museum Studies (5 courses): 

HARC 0100 (An Introduction to Global Visual Culture);
four additional courses of which
(a) one at the 300-level or above;
(b) at least one with a focus on material created before 1750 and at least two on material created after 1750;
(c) additionally, they must focus on at least two of the five following geographical regions, their cultures and diasporas: Asia, Latin America, Middle East and North Africa, North America and Europe, and Sub-Saharan Africa. 

Advisory: Most graduate programs in art history and classical archaeology require students to pass reading examinations in at least two foreign languages. For this reason, students interested in graduate study should pursue at least one foreign language during their time at Middlebury. 

Students interested in working in the art world (museums, auction houses, galleries, etc.) may acquire practical experience via internships at the Middlebury College Museum of Art and other museums, as well as by participating in the Museum Assistants Program (MAP) and, during the summer, MuseumWorks at the Middlebury College Museum of Art and the Middlebury Museum Studies program in Oxford, UK.

Please note: Courses taken outside of the department may, by prior approval, be used to satisfy major, joint major, and minor requirements.

Honors: The History of Art and Museum Studies GPA is calculated on the basis of those courses that satisfy the requirements for the major and joint major.  Only courses taken at the Middlebury College campus and applied towards History of Art/Museum Studies will be used in the calculation of GPA for purposes of determining honors. Honors are awarded to students with a GPA of 3.5 and a thesis grade of B+ or higher; high honors to students with a GPA of 3.7 and a thesis grade of A- or A; and highest honors to students with a GPA of 3.8 and a thesis grade of A.

  1. Architectural Studies

Required for the Major, Architectural Studies (11 courses):

HARC 0130 (Introduction to Architectural Design);
HARC 0230 (Modern Architecture);
HARC 0259 (Global History of Pre-Modern Architecture);
HARC 0330 (Intermediate Architectural Design), or a pre-approved substitute;
A pre-approved art-practice studio course in Studio Art, theatre set or lighting design, Film and Media Culture, or dance.
Two place-based courses from two of the following geographical regions, their cultures and diasporas: Asia, Latin America, Middle East and North Africa, North America and Europe, and Sub-Saharan Africa;
Two courses taken in the department that deal with architectural history, theory or practice, urbanism, or modern/contemporary visual culture;
HARC 0731 (Thesis in Architectural Studies: Research) and
HARC 0732 (Thesis in Architectural Studies: Design), open only to Architectural Studies majors and joint majors, to be taken sequentially.

Required for the Joint Major, Architectural Studies (8 courses):

A proposed program of study, including educational rationale and specific courses to be taken, must be submitted to the Architectural Studies director for approval before registering as a joint major.

HARC 0130 (Introduction to Architectural Design);
HARC 0230 (Modern Architecture);
HARC 0259 (Global History of Pre-Modern Architecture);
HARC 0330 (Intermediate Architectural Design), or a pre-approved substitute;
One place-based course from one of the following geographical regions, their cultures and diasporas: Asia, Latin America, Middle East and North Africa, North America and Europe, and Sub-Saharan Africa;
One course taken in the department that deals with architectural history, theory or practice, urbanism, or modern/contemporary visual culture;
HARC 0731 (Thesis in Architectural Studies: Research) and
HARC 0732 (Thesis in Architectural Studies: Design), open only to Architectural Studies majors and joint majors, to be taken sequentially.

Required for the "Architecture and the Environment" Joint Major (15 courses):

For Environmental Studies (7 courses): ENVS 0112, ENVS 0211, ENVS 0215, and GEOG 0120, all to be taken before the end of junior year; two ES Cognate Courses (one science course with a lab, and one course in social science, humanities, or team-taught from the approved Environmental Science cognate list); and ENVS 0401.

For Architectural Studies (7 courses + capstone course):
HARC 0130 (Introduction to Architectural Design);
HARC 0230 (Modern Architecture);
HARC 0259 (Global History of Pre-Modern Architecture);
HARC 0330 (Intermediate Architectural Design), or a pre-approved substitute;
One course taken in the department that deals with architectural history, theory or practice, urbanism, or modern/contemporary visual culture;
HARC 0231 (Architecture and the Environment; joint major capstone);
HARC 0731 (Thesis in Architectural Studies: Research) and
HARC 0732 (Thesis in Architectural Studies: Design), open only to Architectural Studies majors and joint majors, to be taken sequentially.

Required for the Architectural Studies Minor (5 courses):

HARC 0130 (Introduction to Architectural Design);
HARC 0230 (Modern Architecture);
HARC 0259 (Global History of Pre-Modern Architecture);
HARC 0330 (Intermediate Architectural Design), or a pre-approved substitute;
One course taken in the department that deals with architectural history, theory or practice; urbanism, or modern/contemporary visual culture.

Advisory: the major, joint majors and minor in Architectural Studies do not result in a professional degree in architecture. Many graduate architecture schools expect applicants to have taken college-level courses in calculus and physics. Please consult with your advisor if you are considering a career in design. Students may acquire hands-on experience by participating in the Architectural Studies/Habitat for Humanity of Addison County projects, the summer design+build program, several other co-curricular initiatives, as well as architectural internships.

Please note: courses taken outside of the department may, by prior approval, be used to satisfy major, joint major, and minor requirements.

Honors: The Architectural Studies GPA is calculated on the basis of those courses that satisfy the requirements for the major and joint majors. Only courses taken at the Middlebury College campus and applied towards Architectural Studies will be used in the calculation of GPA for purposes of determining honors. Honors are awarded to students with a GPA of 3.5 and a thesis grade of B+ or higher; high honors to students with a GPA of 3.7 and a thesis grade of A- or A; and highest honors to students with a GPA of 3.8 and a thesis grade of A.

HARC 0100 An Introduction to Global Visual Culture (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course is an introduction to the visual cultures of the world, with an emphasis on how images, objects, and monuments are made, experienced, exchanged, and used by groups of people with diverse religious, socio-economic, and cultural backgrounds. We will focus on themes that have been taken up by different cultures and adapted over time, such as monumentality, the sacred, embodiment, science, and technology. Through a close study of these themes, we will consider how materials, cultures, and histories are transformed and negotiated through making and viewing works of art. In the process, we will challenge the art historical canon by shedding light on marginalized periods, regions, and artworks. 2 hrs. lect./1 hr. disc. ART, CMP, EUR, HIS (Fall 2021: C. Anderson, K. Smith Abbott)

HARC 0130 Introduction to Architectural Design (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Are you fascinated by buildings and interested in trying your hand at architectural design? This course will introduce you to principles of architecture and teach you the skills architects use to explore and communicate design ideas. We will consider urban and rural settings, sustainability, energy efficiency, functionality, comfort, and the role architecture plays in shaping community. Classroom instruction by a practicing architect will provide hands-on drawing, model-making, and materials research. Students will work to analyze existing buildings and design their own. Students seeking to improve their understanding of the built environment as well to develop their design-mind to reconcile social-ecological challenges are encouraged to take this course. No prior experience is needed. ART (Fall 2021: M. Pottorf)

HARC 0201 Italian Renaissance Art: 1350-1550 (Spring 2022)

This course will focus on the art produced in Italy during the late fourteenth through the early sixteenth centuries. In addition to studying the chronological development of painting, sculpture, and architecture, we will consider such issues as artistic training, patronage, domestic life, and the literary achievements of this period of "rebirth." Focusing on urban environments such as Florence, Siena, Padua, Venice, Rome, and Urbino, we will give special attention to the manner in which artistic production was shaped by place. 3 hrs. lect. ART, EUR, HIS

HARC 0204 Approaches to Islamic Art (Spring 2022)

A survey of major expressions of Islamic art from the inception of Islam to the present, from all parts of the Islamic world. This is not a traditional survey; rather, it focuses on key monuments and important examples of portable and decorative arts: mosques, tombs, palaces, manuscript illumination, calligraphy, metalwork, textiles, ceramics, etc. We will consider their meanings and functions in their respective socio-historical contexts, and we will also analyze the impact of patronage and region. We will try to understand what general principles unify the richness and diversity of Islamic art: what is Islamic about Islamic art? Finally, we will address the issue of contemporary Islamic art. (No prerequisites). 3 hrs. lect. AAL, ART, MDE

HARC 0218 History of Photography (Spring 2022)

In this course we will survey the history of photography from its beginnings in the early nineteenth century to the present. From its inception, the photograph created a global network of circulation as art, document, and portable knowledge. Moreover, photographs have been historically deployed across a number of disciplines, including science, medicine, criminal studies, law, journalism, anthropology, and the visual arts. Organized along chronological lines and looking at case studies in Europe, America, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, the course will consider a range of genres, formal strategies, and contexts for photography. We will pay particular attention to the ways in which photographic images are mobilized to produce knowledge and disrupt conventional ways of seeing in the service of science, social reform, political activism, and aesthetics. Students will have the opportunity to work first hand with the photography collection at Middlebury College Museum of Art. 3 hrs. lect. ART, HIS

HARC 0230 Modern Architecture (Spring 2022)

Rotating skyscrapers, green roofs, and avant-garde museums: how did we arrive in the architectural world of the early 21st century? In this course we will survey the major stylistic developments, new building types, and new technologies that have shaped European and American architecture since the late 18th century. Students will learn about the work of major architects as well as key architectural theories and debates. Special emphasis will be placed on the cultural and political contexts in which buildings are designed. 2 hrs. Lect./1 hr. disc. ART, HIS

HARC 0231 Architecture and the Environment (Spring 2022)

Architecture has a dynamic relationship with the natural and cultural environments in which it operates. As a cultural phenomenon it impacts the physical landscape and uses natural resources while it also frames human interaction, harbors community, and organizes much of public life. We will investigate those relationships and explore strategies to optimize them, in order to seek out environmentally responsive architectural solutions. Topics to be covered include: analysis of a building's site as both natural and cultural contexts, passive and active energy systems, principles of sustainable construction, and environmental impact. Our lab will allow us to study on site, "off-the-grid" dwellings, hay-bale houses, passive solar constructions and alternative communities, meet with "green" designers, architects, and builders, and do hands-on projects. 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab. ART
Cross-listed as: ENVS 0231

HARC 0243 Art and Protest (Fall 2021)

Can art serve as a means for resistance and political change? Can art only call attention to social inequalities or can it initiate systemic change? What is the difference between propaganda and activism? In this course, we will examine these questions through close analysis of works dating from the French Revolution to the contemporary moment. We will consider a range of strategies across diverse geographies. We will also examine curatorial strategies to critique the cultural assumptions of museums and recent efforts to boycott museums’ financial ties and political complicities. This course is held in conjunction with the Middlebury College Museum of Art and students will have the opportunity to work closely with the current exhibition. 3 hrs. lect. This course is part of the Public Humanities Labs Initiative administered by the Axinn Center for the Humanities.* ART (S. Rogers)

HARC 0250 Baroque Art in a Global Context (Spring 2022)

Baroque art and architecture flourished in the courts of seventeenth-century Europe before spreading to the Americas, Asia, and Africa in the wake of global trade, colonialism, and religious proselytizing. In this course we will examine how this style of art and architecture was recontexualized and transformed when it came into contact with preexisting traditions overseas. Readings and discussions will compare artistic production across cultures by focusing not only on the forces that contributed to the broad reach of the Baroque, but also on the persistence of local artistic styles, which were challenged and nurtured by sustained intercultural contact. 3 hrs. lct. ART, CMP

HARC 0256 Photography in the Middle East (Fall 2021)

In this course we will survey 19th and 20th century photographs of the Middle East. We will consider indigenous studios as well as European and U.S. photographers and artists who traveled to the region and circulated their photographs as visual knowledge of distant cultures, peoples, monuments, landscapes, and experiences. Looking at a range of genres, we will examine how photographs visually construct notions of race, gender, class, religion, and cultural otherness. Students will work with original photographs in the collection at the Middlebury College Museum of Art. 3 hrs. lect. ART, HIS, MDE (S. Rogers)

HARC 0259 A Global History of Pre-Modern Architecture (Fall 2021)

Since time immemorial, humans have created structures large and small, not only to provide shelter and protection but also to express identity, status, and ideology. In this course we will chronicle the major developments of architecture as a cultural endeavor from its beginnings in the Neolithic in the Near East to the Industrial Revolution in Europe, considered within a global perspective. Attention will be given to formal and structural innovations, often borrowed across cultures and periods. Introductory in nature, the course combines lectures, discussions, and workshops, and is open to all curious students. 3 hrs. lect./disc. ART, HIS (P. Broucke)

HARC 0268 Arts of Asia (Fall 2021)

This course considers South and East Asian art history from its most ancient origins in India, China, and Japan to the present. This is not a comprehensive survey; rather, it focuses on cross-cultural connections through selected art works, considered individually and in broader contexts. We will chronicle the evolutions of painting, sculpture, architecture, and other media of Asia, focusing especially on painting, sculpture, architecture, and decorative arts. We will pay particular attention to the impact of religious and royal patronage, Buddhism and Hinduism, the Silk Road, Asian aesthetics, and specialized techniques such as ink painting and woodblock printing. Works of art will be studied in terms of style, religious meaning, and social and historical contexts. 3 hrs. lect. AAL, ART, CMP, HIS, NOA (C. Packert)

HARC 0272 Mastodons, Mermaids, and Dioramas: Capturing Nature in America (Fall 2021)

Why did 18th-century museums stuff and mount exotic and domestic animals? Why does the American Museum of Natural History still house dioramas of so-called native peoples hunting? How has the study and staging of nature transferred into various kinds of artistic expression? In this course we will examine the intertwining of art, science, and ecology in the United States from the 1700s to the present day. Objects of study will include museum dioramas, scientific models, artifacts and artworks collected during scientific expeditions, and the work of Walton Ford and Christy Rupp, contemporary artists whose work engages ecological issues. (not open to students who have taken FYSE 1447) (formerly AMST 0214) 3 hrs. lect. AMR, ART, CW, NOR (E. Foutch)
Cross-listed as: AMST 0272 *

HARC 0285 Mapping Conceptualism: Art and Idea in International Context (Fall 2021)

In this course we will explore the impact of conceptualism—the notion that an ‘idea’ takes priority over an artwork’s physical form—in a range of historical and geographic contexts from the 1960s forward. Beginning with foundational texts and objects, we will then explore the reach of conceptualist practices through close readings of art and artists in the context of specific artistic milieux and exhibitions from the Americas to Asia. Classes will be a mixture of lecture and more focused discussion. No prerequisites, but some exposure to modern and/or contemporary art is desirable. ART, CMP, HIS (E. Vazquez)

HARC 0301 Ways of Seeing (Spring 2022)

In this course we will focus on the various methods and theories that can enrich and deepen our understanding of art, architecture, and visual culture. Students will hone their analytical skills, both verbal and written, often with recourse to objects from the College Museum and the campus at large. In general, this seminar will develop students’ awareness of objects of culture broadly construed, and sharpen their understanding of the scope and intellectual history of the field. To be taken during the sophomore or junior year as a prerequisite for HARC 0710 and HARC 0711. 3 hrs. sem. ART, CW

HARC 0313 From Velázquez to Cabrera: The Arts of Spain and the Spanish Americas (Fall 2021)

In this course we will examine the art and visual culture of Spain and the Spanish Americas from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century. We will consider the impact that religion, politics, and patronage had on artists working in Spain and the Viceroyalties of New Spain and Peru, focusing especially on how visual traditions, iconographies, and practices were reshaped when they crossed the Atlantic. We will also consider how—in the wake of global trade and exploration—contact between Amerindian, African, Asian, and European artisans transformed artistic production, patronage, and collecting practices throughout the Iberian world. 3 hrs. sem. ART, CMP, HIS (C. Anderson)

HARC 0330 Intermediate Architectural Design (Fall 2021)

This studio course emphasizes the thought and method of architectural design. Members of this studio will be involved in developing their insights towards cultural value systems and their expression in the environments they create. Participants work primarily in the studio space and rely heavily on individual instruction and group review of their work. The course provides a foundation for more advanced study in the areas of architecture, landscape architecture, and other fields related to the design of the built environment, and an opportunity to work with the Cameron Visiting Architect. (HARC 0130) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab ART (J. McLeod)

HARC 0339 Home: The Why Behind the Way We Live (Fall 2021)

In this course we will examine the development of numerous housing types in America (with references to Europe). The prevalence of the single-family home today and its importance as the symbol of the “American dream” was never a forgone conclusion. In fact, the American home has been the focus of and battleground for cooperative movements, feminism, municipal socialism, benevolent capitalism, and government interventions on a national scale. 3 hrs. sem. This course is part of the Public Humanities Labs Initiative administered by the Axinn Center for the Humanities.* AMR, ART, HIS, NOR (E. Sassin)

HARC 0341 Berlin: History, Architecture, and Urbanism in Faust’s Metropolis (in English) (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this course we will investigate the rich and complicated built environment of Berlin. By looking at both visual evidence and textual sources we will uncover how the city has been transformed from a cultural backwater during the early modern period to the current capital of a reunified Germany. By the conclusion of this course, you will be comfortable “reading” buildings and spaces and will be able to navigate both the physical city of Berlin and the many layers of history buried within. 3 hrs. sem. ART (Fall 2021), EUR (Fall 2021), HIS (Fall 2021) (Fall 2021: E. Sassin)
Cross-listed as: GRMN 0341

HARC 0347 The Aesthetics of Asian Art: Is Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder? (Fall 2021)

In this course we will consider select Asian (Indian, Chinese, Japanese) and Islamic artworks in the Middlebury College Museum of Art’s permanent collection to explore the fundamental question: “Is beauty in the eye of the beholder?” Are standards in beauty universal, or are they always relative? We will ask how the act of beholding is entwined with cultural assumptions and conditioning and will address those assumptions through an intensive combination of close looking, critical analysis, and comparative consideration of a diverse range of artworks and aesthetic traditions. Comparisons will be made with select works of Western art in the museum. (not open to students who have taken HARC 0102) 3 hrs. lect./disc AAL, ART, CMP, CW (6 seats), NOA (C. Packert)

HARC 0351 Fictions of Formal Analysis (Spring 2022)

Art historical writing rests upon the precise description of art objects, yet the seemingly factual work of formal analysis is powerfully interpretive. This is so much so that many compelling descriptive passages in art history might be said to have a touch of fiction in them. To test this hypothesis, we will reverse these terms and explore instances of formal analysis and ekphrasis as they appear in contemporary fiction. Throughout we will consider the question: what might fictional description reveal about the historical strategies of formal analysis? Written work for the course will often be experimental in nature, potentially including semi-fictional approaches and writing that takes close looking to the point of defamiliarization. In our reading and writing, we will get away from traditional art historical writing for much of the course as a way to return to it more thoughtfully. Seminar; no prerequisites, though some exposure to art history expected. (Pass/Fail) ART, LIT, non-standard grade, WTR

HARC 0352 The Good, Bad, and Ugly: Gods, Goddesses, and Demons in Indian Art (Spring 2022)

Indian mythology and epic literature abounds with stories of conflicts between the forces of good and evil. There are multiple forms of Hindu gods and goddesses who battle an array of evil and colorful demonic foes, and each cosmic battle embodies a profound philosophical lesson about relative values and complex moral choices. We will explore the meanings and myriad creative expressions of this rich terrain through a lively variety of artistic depictions—in mythological literature, painting, sculpture, drama, dance, television, film, graphic novels, and contemporary arts. 3 hrs. sem. AAL, ART, SOA

HARC 0356 Awe (Spring 2022)

What is the place of awe in contemporary experience? In our fractious and turbo-charged world, what are the objects and experiences that still have the power to bring us up short, leaving us slack-jawed and spellbound? This seminar will engage these questions in preparation for a cross-disciplinary exhibit at the Middlebury College Museum of Art in 2024. Grounding our conversation in early literary and artistic explorations of the sublime, we will also consider awe through the lenses of religion, scientific discovery, creativity, and the natural world. Definitions of awe almost invariably include references to fear, dread, even terror, so readings and class discussions will move well beyond the celebratory and reverential. There are no prerequisites for this course, and students from a wide range of majors and fields of interest are encouraged to enroll. Projects and written assignments will allow students to make direct contributions to the exhibition. 3 hrs. sem. This course is part of the Public Humanities Labs Initiative administered by the Axinn Center for the Humanities.* ART

HARC 0372 AS/Habitat for Humanity Housing Unit: From Design Development to Bidding (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Architectural Studies at Middlebury partners with Habitat for Humanity of Addison County for the design and realization of high-quality, energy-efficient, affordable housing. The objective of this interdisciplinary studio course is to develop the design of the housing unit from a conceptual level to the point that it can be bid upon competitively by contractors. This intensive process will be driven by a schedule of deliverables conceived to allow for construction to start in the following spring. Studio components include materials selection; energy analysis; code review, construction detailing; permitting; physical and digital modeling; engineering coordination; and construction specifications. This studio will continue into HARC 0373 (formerly INTD 0274) during WT: AS/Habitat for Humanity: Design Production. Students should expect a substantial amount of work outside of class time. (HARC 0330 or HARC 0371 or by permission) 3 hrs. lect./3hrs lab ART (Fall 2021) (Fall 2021: J. McLeod)

HARC 0510 Advanced Studies (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Supervised independent work in art history, museum studies, or architectural studies. (Approval Required) (Fall 2021: P. Broucke, R. Saunders, S. Laursen, S. Rogers, C. Packert, E. Vazquez; Spring 2022: P. Broucke, S. Laursen, R. Saunders, C. Anderson, S. Rogers, C. Packert, E. Vazquez)

HARC 0530 Independent Architect. Design (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Supervised independent work in architectural analysis and design. (Approval Required) (Fall 2021: P. Broucke, J. McLeod; Spring 2022: E. Sassin, P. Broucke)

HARC 0540 Supervised Independent Work in Museum Studies (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This practicum builds upon the Museum Assistants Program (MAP), the hands-on museum education program at the Middlebury College Museum of Art. In MAP, the Curator of Education trains students to conduct tours of the Museum’s permanent collection and of special exhibitions for audiences of peers, school groups, and the general public. Combining service learning with the opportunity to both support and learn more about the arts, students gain expertise in public speaking, art history, and public programming. HARC 0540 should be taken concurrently with the second semester of MAP. The class will culminate with a public presentation on a museum-related topic evaluated by a faculty member of the Department of History of Art & Architecture. (Approval required) (Fall 2021: P. Broucke, J. Vrooman, S. Laursen, C. Packert, E. Vazquez; Spring 2022: R. Saunders)

HARC 0710 Senior Thesis Research Seminar (Fall 2021)

In this course students will conceive, undertake research, and plan the organization of their senior thesis in art history or senior museum studies projects. Seminar discussions and workshops will focus on research strategies, conventions in art historical writing, project design, and public presentation skills. (HARC 0301; Approval Required) 3 hr. sem. (K. Smith Abbott)

HARC 0731 Thesis in Architectural Studies: Research (Fall 2021)

This studio course constitutes the first part of the two-term senior design project in Architectural Studies. Pre-design research includes precedent study, programming, site analysis, and formulation of a thesis to be investigated through the design process. Preliminary design work begins with conceptual studies, and culminates in a coherent schematic design, to be developed further in Senior Architectural Design, Part II. Students present their work in graphic, oral, and written formats. (HARC 0330 or equivalent) 6 hrs. sem. (B. Allred)
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Independent Scholar Program

The Independent Scholar Program is designed to meet the needs of outstanding students who have clearly defined educational goals that cannot be fulfilled within the framework of a normal departmental or interdisciplinary major. Independent Scholars plan their own curricular programs with the assistance of a faculty adviser. Independent Scholars cannot propose two majors, but can pursue an independent scholar major and one minor. For the 2020-21 academic year, application materials are due to the Curriculum Committee by Monday, October 11, 2021, for fall review; and Monday, February 21, 2022, for spring review.

Eligibility: For an application to be considered, a student must be in the sophomore year and have a GPA of 3.5 or higher. If approved, students must fulfill all requirements for the degree using their approved Independent Scholar plan as their major course of study. Independent Scholar proposals will be evaluated in light of feasibility, academic disciplinary integrity, and demonstrated ability of the student. A successful proposal must articulate a fully developed program of study, must include a methods course, and must demonstrate compellingly that the student’s academic goals cannot be met through existing majors.

Application process: To be designated an Independent Scholar, a student must undergo a rigorous approval process overseen by the Curriculum Committee. The process begins with an interview with the dean of curriculum. The student must subsequently prepare and submit a well-defined program to the Curriculum Committee, covering a description of the aim of the program, the independent work, and the courses he or she proposes to comprise the major. The proposal must be accompanied by a written endorsement of a faculty member who is willing and qualified to supervise the student, as well as a statement of support from an alternate faculty member. The Curriculum Committee will review all submitted materials, and if warranted, convene a meeting with the candidate and advisers. Final approval rests with the Curriculum Committee. An applicant whose proposal is denied is entitled to meet with the dean of curriculum or the Curriculum Committee.

Oversight: The Curriculum Committee will solicit updates from each Independent Scholar twice a year. Changes to the program must also be submitted to the Curriculum Committee, and the faculty supervisor will cosign all registration materials. The Major Declaration Form and Degree Audit Forms will be signed by both the faculty adviser and dean of curriculum. Students who elect to withdraw from the Independent Scholar Program, or who have their independent scholar status withdrawn, may be allowed, at the discretion of the committee, to graduate in general studies, without a formal major in any department.

Senior work: The INDE 0800 is a culminating experience for this program of study. This project brings together the course work the student has completed and incorporates all aspects of the study into one final project. Students applying to be independent scholars are asked to provide an indication of possible INDE 0800 projects at the time that they submit their proposals. Students are able, however, to change the topic of their INDE 0800 project in order to respond to new interests and information acquired during the course of their study.

The INDE 0800 project is undertaken for one or two terms. Students who wish to be considered for honors must work with a thesis committee. Thesis work most typically follows the procedures for the department most closely related to the project. Others may choose to work with an individual faculty member, usually the student's adviser. The choice of senior project is flexible. For example, with permission from the adviser, a student in the performing arts might want to incorporate a dance performance, musical composition, or some other feature as part of his or her course of study.

Honors: In order to be considered for honors, independent scholars normally must meet two criteria: a minimum average of B+ in courses taken towards the major and a minimum grade of B+ on the senior work component. The Dean of Curriculum oversees the first requirement and will inform the adviser of the student's eligibility. The senior work component must be evaluated by a committee of three faculty members (one of whom, at the adviser's request, may be a faculty member on the Curriculum Committee). Minimum thesis grades for each level of honors are B+ (Honors), A- (High Honors), and A (Highest Honors), but the determination of the appropriate level will be made by the thesis committee.

For more information about this program, contact the Dean of Curriculum.
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Interdepartmental Courses

FOOD 2327 Regenerative food systems: a local dialogue with the global scale and cases in Chile (Fall 2021)

This course departs from the definition of food systems and their cultural, gender, social and economic elements from a local to a global scale. After defining the major problems of the global food systems expressed in local diets and foodscapes homogenization, the course will look at the key elements to study and support the regeneration of local food systems. Finally, it will provide tools to understand and reflect on local food systems based on practical exercises and case studies in the south of Chile. AMR, SOC, WTR (C. Monterrubio)

INTD 0115 Oratory in Action (Fall 2021)

How do humans use speech to make change, and how can focusing on audience attention increase your communication skills, both oral and written? In this entry-level course we will practice oratory first as speakers, then as peer coaches, and finally as partners collaborating with professional organizations that seek to empower and motivate others. We will use practices developed at Middlebury in Oratory Now’s coach training program, the physical education course, OratoryX, and the new Remote Oratory Coaching service for live and recorded online presentations. As such, the course is a blend of virtual and in-person meetings, primarily in-person. Short readings and viewings support this immersive, group-work intensive learning project. Students with 16+ credits may register with instructor approval. 3 hrs. lect. ART, PE (B. Powers)

INTD 0116 Accounting, Budgeting, and the Liberal Arts (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Accounting is the lingua franca of commercial and financial activity, and applies equally to corporations, non-profits, and governments. In this course we will learn the basic concepts and standards underlying the accounting language including: revenue recognition, inventory, long-lived assets, present value, long-term liabilities, and financial statements. We then turn to the application and use of accounting information in forecasting, operating, and measuring an enterprise. These managerial accounting concepts are used to develop budgets and evaluate results. Our understanding of accounting and financial statements is needed to understand how business interrelates with society. The major course project will be developing an Excel financial model; no prior Excel experience required. 3 hrs. lect., 3 hr. lab (not open to students who have taken INTD 0316). (Fall 2021: A. Magri)

INTD 0120 Introduction to Business and Enterprise (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course provides students who have little to no background in business with a broad overview of business and enterprise in the economy. Students will learn about types of enterprises and a functional framework for understanding a business, including strategy, finance, production, and marketing. This framework will be used to analyze various businesses and non-profits, exploring the advantages and disadvantages of various structures. The course will give overviews of accounting and entrepreneurship, and explore policy and philosophical debates about the morality of for-profit business and the need for corporate responsibility. 3 hrs. lect. SOC (Fall 2021: T. Nguyen, M. Considine)

INTD 0121 Community Connected Learning (Fall 2021)

Community-connected learning supports civic knowledge cultivation, skill building, and identity development. In this course students will apply their relevant coursework to place-based contexts by collaborating with community partners independently or in groups to complete a community-connected learning project that will contribute to the public good. Center for Community Engagement (CCE) instructors will meet with students weekly in cohorts to explore the social and other issues raised in their experiences. Final projects may take a variety of forms, such as a portfolio, media production, or paper. Students should contact the course instructor to discuss, confirm and/or receive assistance in identifying a community partner and to begin to define their projects. 3 hrs. lect. (K. Brickner-McDonald)

INTD 0123 The Game of Go within Traditional Japanese Culture (Spring 2022)

The ancient East Asian game of go will be introduced, studied, and developed within the context of Japanese history and cultural traditions – especially that of the Edo Period. Game play, careful analysis, and problem solving will be a key component of the course. Additionally, the art and aesthetics of Japanese gardens and woodblock prints will be studied by the class as preparation for individual research and presentation of an East Asian art form or tradition. (not open to students who have taken FYSE 1175) AAL, DED, NOA

INTD 0130 Business Ethics (Fall 2021)

Capitalism and competitive markets are often considered the most efficient system of simultaneously maximizing private wealth and public good. In the real world, however, truly competitive markets do not exist. Imperfect markets have been made to work efficiently while protecting public good through systems of public intervention, i.e., laws and regulations, and voluntary self-restraint by business organizations in response to societal expectations. In this class we will consider the role of ethics in business, with students analyzing the process by which ethical norms and strongly held moral beliefs guide the conduct of economically driven business organizations. Students will reflect on business managers’ responsibility to their owners, i.e., shareholders, other stakeholders, and society-at-large. 3 hrs. lect./dsc CW (5 seats) (T. Nguyen)

INTD 0202 The Diverse Workplace: Gender, Race and the Modern Corporation (Spring 2022)

Knowing why and how to harness the power of human difference to facilitate human flourishing is a critical competency for leaders. In this course we will learn about the challenges and opportunities of diversity. This course has three components. First, students will explore ways humans can advance in the modern workplace and how the roles of people of all genders must evolve in order to do so. The second component centers on the issue of race in and at the organization/corporation (for-profit and not-for-profit). And the third component relates to how workplace diversity is a valuable and strategic asset to the modern corporation. Students will learn that organizations, too, are social actors. As such, issues of gender and race shape organizations and their ability to obtain cultural, political, and material resources they need to survive—the organizing process. 3 hrs. lect.

INTD 0205 Marketing: Formulation, Methods, and Research (Fall 2021)

Marketing is both a qualitative and a quantitative discipline. It is one of the rare business fields that actively draws upon and integrates the creative and analytical components of the liberal arts tradition. In this course students will be exposed to a broad overview of marketing principles, focusing on the application of marketing theory to for-profit, not-for-profit, and the public sectors. Cause marketing and social marketing techniques will also be discussed to determine their utility in combating social ills and promoting favorable public health behaviors and outcomes. As the implementation of marketing programs is undergoing a massive transformation from conventional to digital media, students will be exposed to digital designing and marketing, which are driven by a sound understanding of consumer segmentation, brand positioning, distinct product benefits, and relevant in-market executions. (INTD 0120) Introductory statistics course recommended. 3 hrs. lect. (A. Biswas)

INTD 0210 Sophomore Seminar in the Liberal Arts (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

The current pandemic, and all the questions it brings to the fore about what we value in a college experience, make this an ideal moment to consider the meaning and purpose of your liberal arts education. At the heart of this exploration will be a question posed by physicist Arthur Zajonc: “How do we find our own authentic way to an undivided life where meaning and purpose are tightly interwoven with intellect and action, where compassion and care are infused with insight and knowledge?” We will examine how, at this pivotal moment of decision making, you can understand your college career as an act of “cultivating humanity” and how you can meaningfully challenge yourself to take ownership of your intellectual and personal development. Through interdisciplinary and multicultural exploration, drawing from education studies and philosophical, religious, and literary texts, we will engage our course questions by way of student-led discussion, written reflection, and personal, experiential learning practices. In this way we will examine how a liberal arts education might foster the cultivation of an ‘undivided’ life, “the good life”, a life well-lived. (The course is open to sophomores and second semester first-year students. Juniors by permission only.) CMP, CW (Fall 2021: D. Evans, M. Hammerle)
Cross-listed as: EDST 0210

INTD 0215 3D Computer Animation (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

3D computer animation has revolutionized animation, graphics, and special effects. In this course students will explore basic 3D modeling techniques, virtual material and texture creation, digital lighting, rendering, and animation. Every workshop will be hands on and fully immersed in this rapidly evolving technology. Students will leave with a strong conceptual understanding of the 3D graphics pipeline, a fundamental 3D skill set, options for further study, and an independent final animation project. 3 hrs. workshop ART (Fall 2021: D. Houghton)
Cross-listed as: FMMC 0215

INTD 0217 Introduction to Finance (Fall 2021)

In this introductory survey course we will cover the role of finance in society, the basic workings of the financial system, how funds are allocated within the economy, and how institutions raise money. We will cover a range of topics, including: interest rates and the time value of money; uncertainty and the trade-off between risk and return; security market efficiency; stocks, bonds and optimal capital structure; financing decisions and capital budgeting; sovereign risk; foreign currencies; derivatives markets; and concerns about the role of finance in society. The course will include discussions of current news events in global markets. (INTD 0116 or INTD 0120 or by Instructor approval) 3 hrs. lect., 3 hr. lab (F. Van Gansbeke)

INTD 0218 Women in U.S. Electoral Politics (Fall 2021)

In this course we will explore the current and historical status of women in U.S. electoral politics, using case studies, guest speakers, hands-on campaign training, and academic and political research. Recent years have been pivotal for women in U.S. politics, with Hillary Clinton's loss in 2016, the historic 2017 Women's March, and the 2018 Year of Women. How have these events affected women in politics specifically and electoral politics generally? Can women achieve political parity with men and why does it matter? How do factors such as race, gender identity, region, and party intersect with electoral success and experience? 3 hrs. lect. AMR, NOR, SOC (R. Hardy)
Cross-listed as: GSFS 0218

INTD 0220 Management, Enterprise, and Business (Fall 2021)

What does it mean to lead or manage a business, non-profit or any other enterprise, and how does one go about doing it? Drawing on different management theories, this course will review case studies of organizations facing serious management challenges, and how those challenges could be addressed. Students will also work in small groups over the semester with a local business to explore their background and current issues, preparing a final report on how to approach those issues using practical management techniques including business problem solving, teamwork, and effective communications. Professor Colander will be assisting with the class, giving occasional lectures, and connecting the class to broad liberal arts themes. (INTD 0120 or by waiver) 3 hrs. lect. 3 hour lab (A. Biswas)

INTD 0221 Creating New Enterprises To Solve Significant Problems: For-Profit and Social Entrepreneurship (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this class students will explore how entrepreneurial innovators solve significant problems by creating new enterprises, and how these new organizations impact our society. In today’s society, entrepreneurship seems ubiquitous. At times, it appears that entrepreneurs can do no wrong. At other times, they are depicted as over-optimistic fools. Such polar characterizations may sell magazines, but they do not capture what entrepreneurship is, which involves a more complex and interesting story— in both for-profit and social entrepreneurship environments. Students will explore entrepreneurship in depth with the goal of penetrating the popular veneer and uncovering the essence of starting and growing new enterprises designed to solve significant societal problems. (Fall 2021: E. Parizeau)

INTD 0319 Investment Management (Fall 2021)

In this course we will build on knowledge of accounting and finance and apply that knowledge to investment analysis, asset allocation, portfolio management, and capital markets and risk analysis. Designed to provide the basic concepts and principles of investing, the course examines investment theory and practice for investing a portfolio and evaluating its performance. We will discuss both traditional and alternative investments. Topics include securities markets, risk and return, capital asset pricing model (CAPM) and diversification, portfolio theory, private equity, valuation of equity, valuation of fixed-income securities, options and futures markets. Recommended prior courses would be: Math 0116, INTD 0116 or INTD 0217. Students who have not taken INTD 0116 or INTD 0217 are invited to contact the professor to discuss and review their basic proficiency in Accounting and Finance. 3 hrs. lect., 3 hrs lab (F. Van Gansbeke)

INTD 0320 Capital Markets (Spring 2022)

This course surveys and analyzes the instruments traded in modern asset markets, the mechanisms that facilitate their trading and issuance, as well as, the motivations of issuers and investors across different asset classes. The course will balance functional and institutional perspectives by highlighting the problems market participants are seeking to solve, as well as the existing asset markets that have arisen to accomplish these goals. We will consider the nature of structure of asset markets, and the design, issuance, and pricing of financial instruments, focusing on how arbitrage strategies keep their prices in-line with one another. (INTD 0116 or INTD 0217 or by instructor approval) 3 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab

INTD 0430 Theorizing Archives and Decolonial Archival Work (Fall 2021)

In this course especially appropriate for students with Twilight Project and other archival experience, we will conceptualize archival research and what stories can be told through such work. This theorization of archival methodologies will, more importantly, critique the western colonial function of archive-keeping while reimagining the archives as sites of resistance toward the decolonization of historiography, knowledge, and beyond. As archives are not only something we study, but also something we make, we will examine the ethics of archiving and retrieving experiences of people marginalized by ongoing colonial systems. Through hands-on exercises, readings, and periodic meetings with Middlebury College’s archivists, students will learn to identify, organize, and interpret archives—paper-based, photographs, sound recordings, social media, oral histories, and digital archives—moving between theory and practice. Instructor approval required. 3hrs. sem. HIS, SOC (D. Silva)

INTD 0500 Independent Study (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Fall 2021

Sections A, B, D, E, G, H, I
Independent Study
Approval Required
Section C
Animation Studio
Animation Studio is a real-world production studio in which students collaborate on the key roles in the animation production process. Under the guidance of the studio director and a faculty member, students will contribute to the creation of short films, scientific illustrations, historical recreations, and other projects. All work is done in the studio and students commit to nine hours per week. (Approval Required)
(J. Doran)

Spring 2022

Sections A, B, D, I
Independent Study
Approval Required
Section C
Animation Studio
Animation Studio is a real-world production studio in which students collaborate on the key roles in the animation production process. Under the guidance of the studio director and a faculty member, students will contribute to the creation of short films, scientific illustrations, historical recreations, and other projects. All work is done in the studio and students commit to nine hours per week. (Approval Required)
(P. Berenbaum)

INTD 0501 Animation Studio I (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Fall 2021

Independent Study
Approval Required
(D. Houghton)

Spring 2022

Animation Studio 1
Having completed introductory coursework in the study of computer animations, students will collaborage on substantial, real-world animation projects spearheaded by the producer of the Animation Studio. This work will balance the needs of the Current Animation Studio project with the interests of all animators involved.
(D. Houghton)

INTD 0502 Animation Studio 2 (Fall 2021)

Independent Study
Approval Required
(D. Houghton)

INTD 0503 Independent Study (Fall 2021)

Approval Required (D. Houghton)

INTD 0504 Independent Study (Fall 2021)

Approval Required (D. Houghton)
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Program in International & Global Studies

General Requirements: A major must specialize in one of the following tracks: African Studies, East Asian Studies, European Studies, Latin American Studies, Middle East and North African Studies, Russian and East European Studies, South Asian Studies, Global Environmental Change, Global Gender and Sexuality Studies, Global Migration and Diaspora Studies or Global Security Studies. IGS majors may not double count any course, including required language courses, towards their regional or thematic specialization.

Regardless of their track, all majors must complete: IGST 0101, five regional or thematic courses, three global courses for the regional tracks (from the Global list) or three regional courses for the thematic tracks (from the Regional list). Students must also study one of the non-English languages taught at Middlebury; study abroad for at least one semester (on a Middlebury Program); complete at least one advanced level language course upon return from abroad; and take a 0400 level IGST senior seminar.  With the preapproval of the IGS director, a student may take a thematic global seminar in a department.

For  the classes of 2022, 2022.5, 2023 and  2023.5 only: in lieu of study abroad, students can take a minimum of two language courses at 300 level and above.

Minors: There is no IGS minor. However, IGS majors are strongly encouraged to minor in any department or program that offers a minor and can accommodate them, so long as they do not double-count any course. Students wishing to minor in the department that teaches the IGS language of their focus should discuss their minor with the IGS director.

Specific Requirements: All IGS majors are required to take IGST 0101 and are expected to do so before studying abroad. IGST 0101 is not open to seniors except for those who declared the major as sophomores and spent the fall semester of their junior year abroad. Students who declare their major as a sophomore but have not taken IGST 0101, and plan to study abroad for only one semester must take it in the fall of their junior year prior to going abroad.

Language Study: Students must become proficient in one of the languages that Middlebury College teaches. Individual language departments determine what level of study constitutes proficiency, and students are expected to do advanced work in their target language. All majors must take at least one advanced course in the language of study upon returning from abroad and are encouraged to take more than one. Students who, upon declaring the IGS major, have been determined proficient in one of their region’s languages will continue to take this language at the advanced level and are strongly recommended to take one year or equivalent of another language.  The additional language should be chosen in consultation with the advisor.

There are no language requirements for South Asian Studies majors or students who major in a thematic track but study abroad in India: these students must study a language when abroad, but are not expected to achieve language proficiency or complete an advanced language course once they return. Instead, these majors must take one additional regional or global course in their senior year.

Language Study for East Asian Studies
: Students who already have native proficiency in Chinese must fulfill the language requirements for Japanese. Students who already have native proficiency in Japanese must fulfill the language requirements for Chinese. The Chairs of the Chinese and Japanese Studies departments or their designees determine what constitutes native proficiency by evaluating students individually through interviews or tests.

Note: for EAS majors whose language is Chinese, the language requirement is: (1) CHNS 0101-CHNS 0202 (strongly encouraged to attend Middlebury Chinese Summer School, or take CHNS 0301/0302); (2) one semester at one of the three Middlebury CV Starr Schools Abroad in China; and (3) one, preferably two, of the following: CHNS 0411, 0412, 0425, 0426, OR 0475 upon return from study abroad in China.

Language Study for Latin American Studies: Students who place into Spanish 0220 or above must take at least two semesters of Portuguese (0210 and above) to fulfill the language requirement. Students who place into Portuguese 0215 or above must take at least two semesters of Spanish (0105 and above) to fulfill the language requirement.

Regional Specialization: IGS majors must take five courses that correspond to their regional track, in at least three departments (at least one of which should be in Anthropology, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science or Sociology). See the list of approved courses here. At least three regional courses must be taken at Middlebury. For East Asian Studies majors, at least three of the regional courses should be exclusively or primarily on the country that is the focus of language study, and at least one should be on East Asia as a region or the East Asian country that is not the focus of language study.

Thematic Specialization: IGS majors must take five courses that are specific to their track, in at least three departments (at least one of which should be in Anthropology, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science or Sociology).  At least three thematic courses must be taken on the Middlebury College campus.

Global Courses: Students with regional specializations are required to take three global courses (from the Global list); only one can be at the 0100 level. Global courses are thematic, transregional, and/or comparative. They highlight the connectivity of places and stress the circulation and interaction of peoples, cultures, ideas, and other phenomena beyond state boundaries.

Regional Courses for Thematic Tracks: Students with thematic specialization are required to take three regional courses that correspond to their language of specialization (at least one of which should be in Anthropology, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science or Sociology).  Except for students who study abroad an entire year, these courses must be taken on the Middlebury College campus.

Study Abroad: Students must study abroad for at least one semester (and preferably two) on a Middlebury-approved study abroad program in their region of focus. Study abroad must be in the language of study at Middlebury. Effective for the class of 2021, students who study abroad for one semester may count up to two courses and those who study abroad for a full year may count up to four courses toward the major. Major credit will be granted, pending approval, upon the student’s return from abroad. For regional courses, approval is granted by the track director and for global courses by the IGS director. Students should share the syllabi and all written work for all courses they wish to count with the track or program director, respectively.

Advanced Placement: Advanced Placement credit will not count toward the major.

Senior Program: The senior program consists of: (1) a senior IGST seminar at 400-level or with permission of IGS director, a thematic senior seminar in a department  and (2) an upper-level course, preferably two, in the language of emphasis after returning from abroad. The language departments will determine which courses fulfill this requirement, in consultation with the program director. South Asian Studies majors or students who major in the thematic track and studied abroad in India do not take an upper-level language course, but rather, one additional regional or global course.

Honors: Students who seek to graduate with Honors may elect to write a two-term senior honors thesis. Students are eligible to write an honors thesis if they have a 3.5 GPA or better in all courses that count for the major. These include all language courses, all regional courses, all global courses, all courses taken abroad, and all courses with an IGST designation. Thesis grades do not count in the calculation of the GPA for honors. Thesis guidelines and procedures can be found at go/igsthesis.

Honors are awarded to students with a GPA of 3.5 and a thesis grade of B+; high honors to students with a GPA of 3.7 and a thesis grade of A- or A; and highest honors to students with a GPA of 3.8 and a thesis grade of A.

Seniors wishing to pursue a one semester independent research project should register for IGST 0700.

Winter Term Course: Students may count no more than one winter term course taken at Middlebury towards IGS requirements, pending approval of the track director. Students wishing to count a winter term course must provide the track director with a copy of the course syllabus.

Area Specializations

African Studies
Language/Culture: Language competency in French or Swahili; satisfactory completion of at least one advanced French course or one independent study in Swahili upon students return from abroad. If French is the language of emphasis, students must study an appropriate indigenous African language to a level of reasonable competence while abroad. The French Department will specify which courses fulfill the French requirement. The African Studies director will specify which courses fulfill the Swahili requirement.

Regional Specialization: See Courses and Requirements above.

Study Abroad: See Courses and Requirements above.

Senior Program
: See Courses and Requirements above.

East Asian Studies
Language/Culture: Satisfactory completion of advanced work in either Chinese or Japanese. The Chinese and Japanese departments will specify which courses fulfill this requirement. Students who already have native or near-native proficiency in Japanese must fulfill the language requirements for Chinese, while students who already have native or near-native proficiency in Chinese must fulfill the language requirements for Japanese.

Regional Specialization: See Courses and Requirements above.

Study Abroad: See Courses and Requirements above.

Senior Program
: See Courses and Requirements above.

European Studies
Language/Culture: Satisfactory completion of at least one advanced course taught in the language of emphasis (French, German, Italian, or Spanish). Individual departments will specify which courses fulfill these requirements.

Regional Specialization
: See Courses and Requirements above.

Study Abroad: See Courses and Requirements above.

Senior Program
: See Courses and Requirements above.

Latin American Studies
: Satisfactory completion of advanced work in either Portuguese or Spanish. Students who place into Spanish 0220 or above must take at least two semesters of Portuguese (0210 and above) to fulfill the language requirement. Students who place into Portuguese 0215 or above must take at least two semesters of Spanish (0105 and above) to fulfill the language requirement.

Regional Specialization
: See Courses and Requirements above.

Study Abroad: See Courses and Requirements above.

Senior Program
: See Courses and Requirements above.

Middle East and North African Studies
Language/Culture: Successful completion of three years of Arabic or Modern Hebrew (or the equivalent as determined by the Arabic or Hebrew program). Students who choose Modern Hebrew must be willing to pursue language study beyond Middlebury, if the Colleges Hebrew program is unable to offer a full range of advanced courses.

Regional Specialization: See Courses and Requirements above.

Study Abroad: See Courses and Requirements above.

Senior Program
: See Courses and Requirements above.

Russian and East European Studies
Language/Culture: Satisfactory completion of at least one advanced course taught in Russian.

Regional Specialization: See Courses and Requirements above.

Study Abroad: See Courses and Requirements above.

Senior Program
: See Courses and Requirements above.

South Asian Studies
Language/Culture: Students must pursue a formal course of study of a South Asian language while abroad.

Regional Specialization: See Courses and Requirements above.

Study Abroad: See Courses and Requirements above.

Senior Program: See Courses and Requirements above. Note: because Middlebury does not currently offer a South Asian language, students are not required to take an additional language course on their return from South Asia; instead, they must take one additional regional or global course.

Global Environmental Change

The planet is facing extraordinary challenges; among them are climate change, loss of biodiversity, environmental degradation, and the unequal distribution of critical resources. Indeed, the environmental challenges that the world now faces have never been more complex, posing greater threat to people around the globe. This track exposes students to the complex relationship between people and their environments at local, national and global scales. It highlights issues of social and environmental (in)justices as experienced cross-culturally, and the ways people have responded to and addressed environmental change.

Language/Culture: See Language Study above.  Because issues relating to the environment transcend countries and regions, majors may learn any language taught at Middlebury. Students wishing to study in programs that focus on Global Environmental Issues in an English-speaking country may do so, provided that they also study at least one semester on a Middlebury program in the region corresponding to their language.

Track Requirements: Students must take 5 thematic courses from the list of approved courses. They must take one introductory course, two courses on environmental impact; one course on social (in)Justice and the environment; one course on responses and adaptation to environmental change. No more than one course can focus on the U.S, and not more than one course can be at the 400 level. Some courses are listed in more than one category. Courses cannot double count.

Please note that some courses may have pre-requisites.

 These courses must be taken in at least three departments/interdisciplinary programs.

Senior Requirements: See Senior Program above.

Global Gender and Sexuality Studies
Concerns pertaining to gender and sexuality, as well as how feminism is articulated around the world, have become central to the interdisciplinary project of international and global studies. The thematic cluster will be comprised of five courses, through which students can gain the knowledge and tools to bring feminist epistemologies to bear on their analyses of international and global issues. Scholars in feminist and queer studies—and in the subfields of postcolonial feminism and transnational queer studies, for example—have centralized the construction of space and place in ways that will be useful to IGS students. The cluster reflects the rigor of feminist and queer analyses of the global and international and is flexible enough to permit choices among students. The core GSFS courses will offer students the theory and methods needed for an engagement with global concerns, while the courses in the breadth requirements will enable an analysis of specific national/transnational courses. Since GSFS is an interdisciplinary program, the track reflects an interdisciplinary approach to questions of gender and sexuality

Language/Culture: See Language Study above. 

Track Requirements: Students must take 5 thematic courses from the list of approved courses.  They must take one introductory course (GSFS 0191, 0200, or 0289); Feminist Theory (GSFS 0320); one critical race studies course; and two transnational/national feminism courses, one of which should be taken during the study abroad semester.

Study Abroad:  See Study Abroad above. At least one study abroad course should transfer as a GSFS elective that meets the national/transnational feminism breadth requirement. In the semester prior to studying abroad, the student should consult with the GSFS director to confirm the proposed course would transfer appropriately.

Senior Requirements: See Senior Program above.

Global Migration and Diaspora Studies
Migrations and diasporas have shaped human political, economic and cultural interaction among diverse peoples across the globe for millennia. Migratory flows, whether forced or voluntary, shape the way individuals “imagine” and construct their communities. This thematic track equips students with the knowledge and tools to understand and analyze the multiple influences of migration and diaspora at a global, national and local scales. In addition to theories of migration and issues of rights, students will examine specific case studies that highlight topics such as justice, belonging, and the migrant experience. GMDS offers students powerful insights into diasporas, exiles, refugees and other types of migrations and the international laws and global forces that shape them. The program’s interdisciplinary and comparative perspectives will allow students to understand and participate in the rich debates around the world.

Language/Culture: See Language Study above. 

Track Requirements: Students majoring in IGS/Migration and Diaspora Studies must take 5 thematic courses--in at least three departments across two divisions—from the list of approved courses.

One Introductory course
Two courses in causes of population shifts
One course on race and ethnicity
One course the migrant’s experience

Study Abroad: All Global Migration and Diaspora Studies majors must study a foreign language and study abroad in at least one region corresponding to that language. Because issues relating to migration and diaspora transcend countries and regions, majors may learn any language taught at Middlebury. Students wishing to study in programs that focus on Migration Studies in an English-speaking environment may do so, provided that they also study at least one semester in the region corresponding to their language.

Senior Requirements: See Senior Program above.

Global Security Studies
Security concerns are generated by a constellation of economic, political, historical, and environmental forces and are experienced at different scales—from the local to the global, and from the individual to the state. By drawing on courses from various departments, this track exposes students to security issues along three dimensions: global, international, and societal. The track highlights strategic concerns and issues of injustice, as well as the causes of insecurity over time and how it is experienced cross-culturally.

Language/Culture: See Language Study above.

Track Requirements: Students must take 5 thematic courses, in at least three departments and across two divisions, (at least one of which should be in Anthropology, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science or Sociology).  They must take one introductory course, two courses on international security issues, one course on societal security issues, and one course on global security issues. 

Study Abroad:  Security Studies majors must learn a foreign language and study abroad for at least one semester in the region corresponding to that language. Because security issues transcend countries and regions, majors may learn any language taught at Middlebury. Students who wish to study security issues abroad in an English language environment may do so, provided that they also study at least one semester in the region corresponding to their language.

Senior Requirements: See Senior Program above.

IGST 0101 Introduction to International and Global Studies (Fall 2021)

This is the core course of the International and Global Studies major. It is an introduction to key international issues and problems that will likely feature prominently in their courses at Middlebury and study abroad. Issues covered will differ from year to year, but they may include war, globalization, immigration, racism, imperialism, nationalism, world organizations, non-governmental organizations, the European Union, the rise of East Asia, politics and society in Latin America, and anti-Americanism. 3 hrs. lect./disc. CMP (S. Stroup, A. Prakash)

IGST 0252 Introduction to Latin American Studies (Spring 2022)

This course is an interdisciplinary introduction to Latin America and Latin American studies. It introduces key debates on the region (and its many subregions) that will feature prominently in other courses not only at Middlebury, but also study abroad. By tracing the region’s historical development, we closely examine issues such as colonialism, economics, identity, imperialism, modes of citizenry, and nationalism, as well as explore how class, commerce, culture, ethnicity, gender, politics, race, religion, and sexuality have come to be understood in Latin America and its study. Critical, scholarly, and theoretical readings will supplement primary texts. 3 hrs. Lect./disc AAL, AMR, HIS, SOC

IGST 0373 Postcolonial Literature and the City (Fall 2021)

In this course we will examine a number of novels from the 20th and 21st centuries that are about life in the city, taking a global and trans-national approach. We will explore formations of urban life alongside transformations in the novel as a genre. We will put these novels of city life in dialogue with critical theory—that is, theories of culture and society that have as their aim human emancipation (for example, Marxism, feminism, critical race studies, and postcolonial studies). The novels we read will reflect important literary movements such as realism, modernism, and postmodernism. (Not open to students who have taken ENAM 0447) (Diversity) (Rec) CMP, CW (5 seats), LIT, SOC (Y. Siddiqi)
Cross-listed as: ENAM 0373 *

IGST 0427 How Democracies Die (Fall 2021)

After years of expansion since the end of the cold war, democracy now is in retreat. From young democracies in the developing world to bastions of liberal democracy in Western Europe and North America, democratic political systems are under mounting pressure. What are the fundamental features of this recession? What are the driving forces behind global democratic backsliding? Why do people support autocrats? In this course we will tackle these questions and discuss an array of factors that contribute to global democratic recession including the role of the political elite, failing institutions, eroding norms, and the role of ordinary people. In so doing we will delve deeper into economic and social causes of this decline. Our focus will span from global trends to individual cases such as Venezuela, Turkey, Hungary, India, the United States, and the Philippines. (Not open to students who have taken FYSE 1544) 3 hrs. Sem. CMP, SOC (S. Gumuscu)
Cross-listed as: PSCI 0427 *

IGST 0428 Dictators and Democrats (Spring 2022)

In this course we will explore the processes through which charismatic individuals create, use, transform, or circumvent state institutions to seize and maintain political power. We will examine individual, national, and international factors that propel dictators and democrats to leadership positions. We will also look at the historical context and personal circumstances leading to leaders' demise, sometimes resulting in regime change. Cases from Africa, America, Asia, and Europe will help students describe, classify, explain, and predict leadership outcomes (Comparative Politics) 3 hrs. Sem. CMP, SOC
Cross-listed as: PSCI 0428

IGST 0436 Terrorism (Fall 2021)

Terrorism has taken on new dimensions in an age dominated by technology and mass media. It has continued to cause carnage as terrorists around the globe continue to resist violently real or perceived oppression. In this course we will examine the breeding grounds for terrorist activities and interrogate the global connections behind local and national extremist/terrorist groups. We will explore ethno-national and religious terrorist groups from Asia, Europe, and Latin America, and probe white supremacist groups in the U.S. The aim of the course is to develop critical understanding of the phenomenon of terrorism, the local-global connections, and the challenges associated with terrorism in the 21st century. 3 hrs. sem. (T. Mayer)
Cross-listed as: GEOG 0436

IGST 0473 The 1940s (Fall 2021)

The 1940s saw enormous and often violent change: a global, destructive war; ongoing privation after the formal end of hostilities; the intensification of national liberation movements; the founding of the United Nations and the establishment of a new global economic order; the beginnings of the Cold War; new artistic expressions; and the reconfiguration of sexual and cultural mores. In this course we will begin with an overview of the global scale of the second world war and, using a comparative approach, focus on examples of individual suffering. We will then study the war’s effects in select countries around the world. 3 hrs. sem. CMP, HIS (I. Barrow)

IGST 0500 East Asian Studies Independent Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required)

IGST 0501 Latin American Studies Independent Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required) (Fall 2021: N. Poppe)

IGST 0502 Middle East Studies Independent Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required)

IGST 0503 African Studies Independent Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required) (Fall 2021: M. Sheridan, E. Gebarowski-Shafer)

IGST 0504 South Asian Studies Independent Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required)

IGST 0505 European Studies Independent Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required)

IGST 0506 REES Independent Project (Spring 2022)

(K. Moss)

IGST 0507 Global Security Studies Independent Project (Fall 2021)

(Approval Only) (O. Lewis)

IGST 0508 Global Gender and Sexuality Studies Independent Project (Fall 2021)

(Approval Only) (H. Gupta, M. Baker-Medard)

IGST 0700 Senior Work (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required)

IGST 0701 Russian and East European Studies Senior Thesis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required)

IGST 0702 European Studies Senior Thesis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required)

IGST 0703 Latin American Studies Senior Thesis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required)

IGST 0704 East Asian Studies Senior Thesis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required)

IGST 0705 African Studies Senior Thesis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required)

IGST 0706 Middle East Studies Senior Thesis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required)

IGST 0707 South Asian Studies Senior Thesis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required)

IGST 0708 Global Security Studies Senior Thesis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Only)

IGST 0709 Global Migration and Diaspora Studies Senior Thesis (Fall 2021)

(Approval Only)

IGST 0710 Global Gender and Sexuality Studies Senior Thesis (Fall 2021)

(Approval Only)

IGST 2389 Women prisoners in Stalin's labor camps - from lawlessness to rehabilitation: based on E.S. Ginzburg's memoires (Fall 2021)

The course is based on E.S. Ginzburg’s memoir “Into the Whirlwind”. The unique feature of this source is that it gives a detailed description of each trial a common USSR citizen would have to undergo in the 1930s – early 1950s once they had been suspected of committing a political crime. Written by a woman, whose fate was much harder than that of male prisoners, it also gives particular attention to the problem of deprivation of the right to have a family and parent your children in the totalitarian Soviet State. EUR, SOC, WTR (Y. Bit-Yunan)

IGST 2415 South America in turmoil: The quest for democratic stability and representation in the Region (Fall 2021)

This seminar highlights the social and institutional challenges that the region faces. First, we will discuss the evolving political and ideological landscape of the last thirty years as well as recent social unrest and protests across the continent. Second, we will review the relevant theories explaining voters’ attitudes and preferences, and how representation and demands are structured by political actors. Third, we will study the underpinnings of democratic consolidation and the risks of authoritarian temptations. Finally, we will center on social evolution, new forms of political participation, and the conflicts that may arise from competing views, discrimination, or unfulfilled representation. AMR, SOC (G. Clulow)
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Program in International Politics and Economics

(1) Courses in Political Science: PSCI 0103, PSCI 0109, PSCI/IPEC 0304 and three electives in comparative politics or international relations. At least one elective should be a 0400-level senior seminar in comparative politics or international relations.  See IP&E website for a list of eligible electives. PSCI/IPEC 0304 must be taken at Middlebury College. Majors are encouraged to take IPEC 0240 prior to PSCI/IPEC 0304.

(2) Courses in Economics:  ECON 0150 OR ECON 0250 (only one will count towards this requirement), ECON 0155 OR ECON 0255 (only one will count towards this requirement), ECON 0210, IPEC0240 (formerly ECON 0240) and two electives with an international orientation. One elective should be a 0400-level senior seminar. See IP&E website for a list of eligible electives. Majors must take a minimum of five courses in economics, regardless of credits earned at the secondary level (see the Advanced Placement policy for detailed information); at least four economics courses meeting the major requirements must be taken at Middlebury College, including the 0400-level seminar. Majors are encouraged to take IPEC 0240 prior to PSCI/IPEC 0304. Majors are strongly encouraged to take ECON 210 prior to any 400-level seminars.

(3) Language Study: Majors must achieve the language department's standard of linguistic competence before going abroad or must demonstrate equivalent competence in a language taught at Middlebury College through a language placement exam. Foreign language study while at Middlebury College is strongly encouraged. 

(4) Term or Year Abroad: Under normal circumstances, this will be completed at one of the Middlebury schools abroad. Majors should complete PSCI 0103, PSCI 0109, ECON 0150 OR ECON 0250, ECON 0155 OR ECON 0255, and ECON 0210 before going abroad. Majors are encouraged, but not required, to take IPEC 0240 and PSCI/IPEC 0304 before studying abroad.

Given the extraordinary circumstances around the pandemic, the IP&E faculty have agreed to waive the study abroad requirement for the classes of 2021, 2021.5, 2022 irrespective of reason. Should the study abroad programs run and IP&E majors participate, majors will still be able to apply for transfer credits in the usual manner. Students whose programs are cancelled or who opt to remain at Middlebury are encouraged, but not required, to take courses at Middlebury that might provide some engagement with the region of focus originally intended. This might include taking an additional upper-level language course (e.g., 300 level or higher), a course specifically about the region in any department or pursue an independent study with a regional focus. The IP&E program will also consider summer study abroad transfer credits, for the classes of 2021.5 and 2022 only, that meet the College’s requirements for credit and are sufficiently relevant to International Politics and Economics for majors who would still like to pursue a study abroad experience in the summer of 2021.

Advanced Placement:
Students must take a minimum of 5 courses in each discipline. See the Advanced Placement policy for detailed information.

Winter Term CoursesWinter Term courses count towards the major only if they are listed on the IPEC Courses web page prior to winter term registration. No more than one Winter Term elective in economics and no more than one Winter Term elective in political science may count toward the major.

Double Majors and Minors: Because of the complex and interdisciplinary nature of the International Politics & Economics major, IPEC students are strongly advised not to pursue an additional major. In addition, IPEC majors may not minor in either economics or political science. Students are permitted to major or minor in their language of focus for the IP&E major; however, they may not double count courses for the IP&E major and the language major or minor.

Declaring a Major: To declare a major, students need to fill out both a major declaration form and an advising wizard form. Discuss your plan for completing the major (outlined on the advising wizard form) with your advisor who can be from either the political science or economics department. Have both your advisor and the Director of International Politics & Economics sign the major declaration form. Turn in one copy of both forms to the coordinator of International Politics & Economics. Turn in one copy of the major declaration form to the Registrar's Office.

First semester of senior year:
Early in the first semester of your senior year, fill out both a degree audit sheet and an advising wizard form. Print out a copy of your unofficial transcript and evidence that any courses from abroad have been approved for IPEC major credit (such as an email approval from a chair or director, or information from the programs abroad office). Bring these items to the Director of International Politics & Economics no later than a week before registration for classes for your final semester. Once signed, turn in one copy of the advising wizard form and the degree audit sheet to the coordinator of International Politics & Economics. Turn in one copy of the degree audit sheet to the Registrar's Office.

In addition to their 12 required courses, qualifying students can choose to write a senior thesis. To launch a thesis project, students must obtain a thesis advisor in both political science and economics, and submit to their advisors a thesis prospectus for formal approval. To identify suitable thesis topics, it is highly recommended that IPEC thesis candidates begin consulting with the potential advisors during their junior year. For details, deadlines, and a timetable, see the Honors Thesis page.

Honors Thesis RequirementsThe determination of honors, high honors, and highest honors is based on (1) the level of the grade achieved on the thesis; and (2) the level of the average grade received in all Middlebury College courses that count toward the IPEC major. Honors candidates must have an IPEC course average of 3.3 and a thesis grade of B+ to attain honors; an IPEC course average of at least 3.5 and a thesis grade of A- to attain high honors; and an IPEC course average of at least 3.7 and a thesis grade of A to attain highest honors. Note: Thesis grades do not count in the calculation of the GPA for honors, and a thesis cannot be pursued as a fifth course during any term.

IPEC 0240 International Economics: Theory and Policy (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course provides an overview of international trade and finance. We will use economic theory to help us understand how and why countries interact in the global economy and evaluate the effects of different trade, exchange rate, and macroeconomic policies. Topics covered will include the reasons for trade, the winners and losers from trade, trade policies, trade agreements, exchange rates, the balance of payments, causes of and solutions to financial crises, and the role of the WTO and IMF. IPEC 0240 does not count towards the ECON major or minor requirements. (ECON 0150 and ECON 0155) (formerly ECON 0240) 3 hrs. lect. (Fall 2021: O. Porteous)

IPEC 0304 International Political Economy (Fall 2021)

This course examines the politics of global economic relations, focusing principally on the advanced industrial states. How do governments and firms deal with the forces of globalization and interdependence? And what are the causes and consequences of their actions for the international system in turn? The course exposes students to both classic and contemporary thinking on free trade and protectionism, exchange rates and monetary systems, foreign direct investment and capital movements, regional integration, and the role of international institutions like the WTO. Readings will be drawn mainly from political science, as well as law and economics. 3 hrs. lect./disc. SOC (G. Winslett)
Cross-listed as: PSCI 0304 *

IPEC 0500 Independent Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required)

IPEC 0700 Senior Thesis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required) (J. Cason, P. Sommers, G. Winslett, E. Bleich, T. Byker, S. Gumuscu, A. Gregg, O. Porteous, O. Lewis, W. Pyle, J. Maluccio, S. Stroup, K. Sargent, M. Williams, A. Yuen, E. Wolcott)

IPEC 2304 Critical Theory and Race in International Relations (in Portuguese) (Spring 2022)

This course aims at analyzing the current state of Brazilian International Relations, international laws and the role of United Nation through the lenses of critical theories from the Global South, decoloniality of power and the intersectionality of race, gender, class, migration, and sexualities. (PGSE 0215) AMR, SOC (K. Silva)
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Department of Italian

Our programs offer students the opportunity to achieve high competence in written and spoken Italian, in understanding Italian literature and culture, and in applying this linguistic, literary, and cultural knowledge to the study of other disciplines. During the academic year our program emphasizes the study of literature and culture in the context of language acquisition. The other integral components of Italian at Middlebury are the Italian School (summer on the Middlebury College campus or at our satellite campus at Mills College, in Oakland, California), and the C. V. Starr-Middlebury College School in Italy (junior year or semester), where students can take courses in our beautiful Sede in Florence, or can direct-enroll in our programs at the University of Firenze, the University of Ferrara, or the University of Rome, La Sapienza. These rich programs encourage students to deepen and broaden their study of Italian literature, cinema, history, art history, political science, and many other disciplines. During the academic year in Middlebury, all four levels of courses in Italian are available every semester, and — for qualified students — faculty members are also available to direct independent research projects (ITAL 0550).
     Major in Italian:
For a full or double major in Italian, students must complete nine credits beyond ITAL 0103, including independent senior work (ITAL 0755). Please note: ITAL 0101, 0102, and 0103 do not count for the major. The standard curriculum includes: two courses at the 200-level (0251 and 0252); three credits abroad plus one course at the 300-level at Middlebury (or four courses at the 300-level); two courses at the 400-level (but only one for students who spend a whole year in Italy); ITAL 0755 (your capstone course, can be a research project such an essay, or a creative work such as a Podcast or a video). Majors are normally expected to study at least one semester at one of the three sites of the C.V. Starr-Middlebury College School in Italy: Florence, Ferrara or Rome. No more than three credits per semester from Study Abroad in Italy are applicable to the major. Upon return from Italy, students normally take an Italian course each semester.  A student can complete major requirements at all levels with courses taken at the Middlebury Summer Italian School. One credit towards the Major can be fulfilled by successfully taking a course in English with an approved section in Italian (History of the Italian Language; Italian Cinema; Italy Through Sicily).
     Joint Major in Italian: For the joint major in Italian, students must complete seven credits beginning with ITAL 0251, including one course at the 0400 level. Students must also complete a joint project credited in either of the two disciplines, as well as fulfill the requirements in the second discipline. Students are normally expected to complete one semester at either the C.V. Starr-Middlebury College School in Florence, the University of Firenze, the University of Ferrara, or the University of Rome, La Sapienza. No more than three credits per semester from coursework in Italy are applicable to the Italian part of the major.
     International and Global Studies Major with Italian (European Studies Track):
Along with other required courses and senior work as described in the International and Global Studies major section, the Italian language component of an International and Global Studies major requires completion of the following: 1) Italian courses required for study in Italy (see below); 2) one semester, and preferably a full year, at the C.V. Starr-Middlebury College School in Florence, the University of Ferrara, or the University of Rome; 3) at least one 0400-level course in Italian upon return from Italy. Regional specialization requirements for the International and Global Studies major may include ITAL 0290-level courses (in English) as well as 0300-level courses taught at Middlebury or in Italy.
     Minor in Italian: The Italian minor consists of six courses: ITAL 0251, ITAL 0252 (or two courses counted from ITAL 3251-3252-3253 in the Italian Summer School) and four courses at the 0300-level or higher. Students entering the program with a standing beyond the ITAL 0252-level are required to take at least one 0400-level course as part of the Italian minor. All courses at the 0300-level can be completed during the academic year at Middlebury, at the Italian School, or at one of the affiliated Middlebury programs in Italy (Florence, Ferrara, or Rome).
     Senior Work:Students who major in Italian are required to complete a senior project (ITAL 0755).
: To earn departmental honors, high honors*, or highest honors** a student must have at least a 3.6, 3.7*, or 3.8** average or above in Italian courses other than the senior project, have a project defense, and receive a grade of at least B+, A-*, or A** on the thesis (ITAL 0755).
     Fulfilling The Middlebury College Writing Requirement: All Italian majors, joint majors, minors, and International and Global Studies majors with literature and culture focus in Italian are strongly encouraged to fulfill their college writing requirement by enrolling in CMLT 0101 Introduction to World Literature.
     Requirements for Junior Year/Semester Abroad: The Italian language proficiency requirements for participation in study abroad in Italy can be completed with any combination of courses at the Middlebury campus (summer or academic year) that culminates with the successful completion of ITAL 0252 during the academic year or ITAL 3253 at the Summer School. Students must also have an overall academic average of at least B-, an average of B in Italian (or additional course work), and be enrolled in an Italian course the semester before departure. Because of the demanding and intensive nature of our programs in Middlebury, and because of the difficulty of finding equivalent programs in the United States or in Italy, we do not accept alternative programs for the fulfillment of study abroad requirements.
     C.V. Starr-Middlebury School in Italy-Florence:
Students may study for a semester or for a full year in Italy. Fall and spring term students enroll for language, literature, and civilization courses in September and January. For examples of recent courses, please refer to the course database: http://www.middlebury.edu/international/sa/cid.  Students studying in Florence are also expected to enroll in at least two elective courses at the Università degli Studi di Firenze. Subject areas generally offered there include archeology, philology, Italian literature, linguistics, international relations, political science, comparative politics, sociology, history, art history, and history of economics.
     C.V. Starr-Middlebury School in Italy-Ferrara/Rome: Students who apply to the programs at the University of Ferrara or the University of Rome must contact the department chair to discuss their plans. Important: All students studying at the University of Ferrara or the University of Rome must take a literature course, in consultation with the department chair. Subject areas often offered include Italian literature, comparative literature, history, linguistics, philosophy, geography, art history, architecture, theater history, sociology, and international economics as well as other disciplines.

ITAL 0101 Beginning Italian (Fall 2021)

This course is an introduction to the Italian language that provides a foundation in both spoken and written Italian. Focus on the spoken language encourages rapid mastery of the basic structures and vocabulary of contemporary Italian. The exclusive use of Italian in dialogue situations and vocabulary building encourages the student to develop skills in a personalized context. Conversation and drill are stimulated and fostered through active reference to popular Italian music, authentic props, and slides of Italian everyday life and culture. Students are required to participate in the Italian table. 6 hrs. disc./perf.; 2 hrs. screen LNG (M. Van Order, I. Brancoli Busdraghi)

ITAL 0103 Beginning Italian III (Spring 2022)

This course emphasizes increased control and proficiency in the language through audiovisual, conversational, and drill methods. Italian life and culture continue to be revealed through the use of realia. Short reading selections on contemporary Italy and discussions enlarge the student's view of Italian life and culture. Students continue to participate in the Italian table. (ITAL 0102 or equivalent) 6 hrs. disc./perf.; 2 hrs. screen. LNG

ITAL 0123 Accelerated Beginning Italian (Spring 2022)

This course is an intensive introduction to the Italian language that condenses the material normally covered in ITAL 0101, 0102 and 0103. We will focus on the spoken language and encourage rapid mastery of the basic structures and vocabulary. Conversation and drill will be stimulated and fostered through active reference to popular Italian culture, film, and music. We will meet 5 times a week including two 75-minutes meetings and an additional drill session. After completing this course students will be fully prepared for second-year Italian. 6 hr lect./disc./1.5 hr drill LNG

ITAL 0194 Elena Ferrante: The Neapolitan Novels (in English) (Fall 2021)

An international sensation since the 2011 publication of this four-novel series, Elena Ferrante depicts the life-long, ambivalent relationship between Lenù and Lila, two “brilliant friends,” attempting escape from Neapolitan poverty and crime, from late 1940s Reconstruction Italy into the new Millennium. The first two novels, translated by My Brilliant Friend (2011) and Story of a New Name (2012), also subject of Saverio Costanzo’s 2018-2020 HBO series, will provide our particular focus. Blogs, short essays, oral presentations, research project; possible video. 3 hrs. EUR, HIS, LIT (P. Zupan)

ITAL 0251 An Introduction to Contemporary Italy (Fall 2021)

Intended for students at the intermediate level, this course will afford the opportunity to expand conversation, writing, and reading skills while consolidating knowledge of the more difficult points of grammar. The contextual focus of the course is contemporary Italian culture, including contemporary history and politics, the economy, the division between North and South, immigration from developing countries, environmental issues, and popular music, among others. Italian films, music, and articles from newspapers and news magazines will enhance and complete the learning experience. (ITAL 0103, ITAL 0123, waiver, or equivalent) 3 hrs. lect. EUR, LNG, SOC (P. Zupan, M. Van Order)

ITAL 0252 Italian Culture II: From the Sixties to the Present Day (Spring 2022)

To deepen the historical knowledge gained in ITAL 0251, we will discuss and analyze modern and contemporary Italian literature of various genres, as well as essays, art, and film. In the context of reading, critical viewing, textual analysis, and discussion, we will continue to develop both historical and linguistic competence. Discussion and the writing process, along with selected exercises, will continue to refine grammatical competence. (ITAL 0251) 3 hrs. lect./disc. LIT, LNG

ITAL 0295 Boccaccio’s Decameron in the Age of Coronavirus (Spring 2022)

Composed at the end of the 1348 Black Plague, the Decameron engages the social crises emerging from pandemic. Popularly considered only a collection of bawdy stories, we will challenge this popular stereotype of the work, discussing also how its storytelling emerges as a responsible act critiquing the society passing away, and proposing alternatives foundational to modern Western society regarding class, gender, and religion. We will also consider how contemporary Western essays and media (some in translation) re-engage the Decameron. Class work includes short analytical essays with rewrites, blogging, scrapbooking, and a class project rewriting the Decameron for today. This course will be conducted exclusively in English, with English language sources. 3 hrs. lect. CW, EUR, HIS, LIT

ITAL 0351 The Italian Family (Spring 2022)

Recent sociological analyses indicate that in Europe, family solidarity still remains strongest in Italy. The Italian family offers positive benefits, as the wide-spread image of close-knit, multigenerational families suggests. However, recent studies also demonstrate negative results, occasioned by adult children’s long dependence on the family, power struggles between matriarchs and patriarchs, and a relatively closed attitude toward blending Italian families with those of other ethnicities and races. How did Italian families evolve from the early 20th century to the present? Supported by historical and social science analyses, modern and contemporary literature and film will provide the focus of our explorations. (ITAL 0252 or equivalent) 3 hrs. sem. EUR, HIS, LIT

ITAL 0356 A Culinary History of Italy (in Italian) (Fall 2021)

In this course we will examine the role of food in society by investigating the history of Italian cuisine and the ever-changing issues relating to food and foodways, through books, articles, films, and recipes. What did the Ancient Romans eat? What was Italian cuisine like before pasta and tomatoes? How did production and consumption change over time? Through such questions we will examine what culinary choices tell us about today’s Italy and how they are strictly intertwined with the search for a national identity. (Not open to students who have taken FYSE 1344 or ITAL 1003) 3 hrs. lect./disc. CW, EUR, HIS (I. Brancoli Busdraghi)

ITAL 0401 The Power of Words: Debating Global Issues in Italian (Spring 2022)

In this course we will use the pedagogy of debate to develop advanced competency in Italian but also to work on skills that can be applied beyond the classroom, like public speaking, engaged listening, productive dissent, and teamwork. We will study in depth opposite sides of controversial, globally relevant issues, such as: environment vs. economy; immigration vs. national security; cultural preservation vs. diversity; technology/social media vs. privacy; Humanities vs. STEM. Through a variety of preparatory activities, scaffolding exercises, and contextualized vocabulary we will work toward writing about, discussing, and finally debating the issues considered in each module. (One 300 level course or by approval) 3 hrs. lect./disc., EUR, LNG

ITAL 0494 Elena Ferrante: The Neapolitan Novels (Fall 2021)

An international sensation since the publication of this four-novel series, Elena Ferrante depicts the life-long, ambivalent relationship between Lenù and Lila, two “brilliant friends,” attempting escape from Neapolitan poverty and crime, from late 1940s Reconstruction Italy into the new Millennium. Although we will consider the whole four-novel series, the first two novels, subject of Saverio Costanzo’s HBO series as well, will provide this seminar’s particular focus. Blogs, short essays, oral presentations, research project; possible video.(ITAL0351, 354 or equivalent) 3 hrs. sem. EUR, HIS, LIT (P. Zupan)

ITAL 0550 Independent Study (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Italian faculty as a group will consider and approve requests by qualified juniors and seniors to engage in independent work. Students must submit a prospectus that includes a bibliography of no less than five sources. Interested students should contact members of the Italian faculty before the end of the preceding term to discuss their project and to see if they are available to direct the Independent Study. Students must submit a prospectus with the department chair by the end of the first week of classesfor fall and spring term approvals, by the end the last week of fall semesterfor winter term approvals. Prior to submission, sufficient advance consultation with project directors is required.Junior students are strongly encouraged to consider independent study as preparation for senior honors thesis work. (S. Carletti, P. Zupan, S. Mula, M. Van Order, I. Brancoli Busdraghi)

ITAL 0755 Senior Honors (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Students majoring in Italian must complete an independent senior project. Italian faculty as a group will consider and approve the proposals, which should be submitted before the last week of the preceding semester. The senior project will be advised by one member of the Italian department, but will be presented to the whole department. Italian honors will be awarded to eligible students depending on the final grade. (Staff)
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Department of Japanese Studies

Required for the Major: The major requires students to achieve proficiency in Japanese language and culture. In addition, students must study in Japan for at least one semester and complete a 0400-level seminar in the Japanese Studies department.
     Proficiency in Japanese language requires four years of study (completion of JAPN 0402) or equivalent with at least 4 semesters of language at Middlebury in cases of advanced placement. To meet the language proficiency requirement, students are strongly encouraged to begin the study of Japanese in their first academic year. Students who begin study of Japanese in the sophomore year must attend the summer Middlebury School of Japanese or achieve completion of the equivalent of JAPN0202 before study abroad in Japan.
     Proficiency in culture requires a total of five elective content courses. At least three of the content courses must come from those offered by the department, while two may come from courses taken during study abroad or courses with a focus on Japan taught in other departments at the College (History, Religion, History of Art, etc.) and cross-listed in Japanese Studies. Departmental courses fulfilling the elective content course requirement include all courses below the 0400-level taught by the department in English.  At least two elective content courses must be taken before approval for study in Japan.  (One of the two courses may be one of the Japan-focused content courses cross-listed in the department.)
     Studying in Japan for one semester (Fall or Spring) is required, but studying in Japan for the full junior year is strongly encouraged. Elective content courses taken in Japan may count toward the major as determined by the department on a case-by-case basis.  
     Seniors are required to take at least one seminar in the Japanese Studies department at the 0400 level.
     Honors: Successful completion of a 0400-level seminar and JAPN 0700 Senior Thesis with a grade of B+ or above are required for graduation with departmental honors. Departmental honors will be awarded according to the grade point average of courses taken in the department, in the summer Middlebury Japanese School, and in Japan. A grade point average of 3.3 in these courses is required for graduation with honors. A grade point average of 3.75 and a grade of A on the thesis are required for High Honors.
     Required for the Minor:  Courses required for the minor in Japanese are completion of language courses to the level of JAPN 0202, or the equivalent, or at least four terms of Japanese in case of advanced placement, and two additional courses offered by the Japanese Studies department in culture, literature, linguistics, or film.

     Middlebury's Summer Language School: Intensive language courses are available each summer at Middlebury's Japanese School. During the eight-week session, students and faculty live in the same Japanese language dormitory, take their meals together, and communicate exclusively in Japanese, whether in the classroom or outside of class. For all students pursuing the study of Japanese language and culture, and especially prior to study abroad in Japan, a summer of concentrated study at the second-, third,- or fourth-year level in Middlebury's intensive Japanese School is strongly recommended. Students who are unable to begin the study of Japanese in their first year at Middlebury are strongly encouraged to begin or accelerate their study by taking a course in the intensive summer program.
     Study in Japan: Majors in Japanese Studies are required to spend at least one semester studying abroad in Japan. The C.V. Starr-Middlebury School in Japan, located in Tokyo, offers intensive language courses and topics courses in Japanese. Students have residential options in dormitories or in home-stays arranged by the program.
Language Technology and Resources:
Japanese courses incorporate a variety of computer-driven teaching and learning strategies. Video and audio materials for first- and second-year levels are available on any computer, so that students can view and listen to authentic materials at any time in their dorm rooms or in labs. Japanese films, scripts, and anime in advanced-language courses are also available on the Web to students enrolled in those courses. Many Japanese literature and culture offerings are Web-based multimedia courses. Instructors often make use of conferencing and other electronic tools to extend learning beyond regular class hours. The Middlebury College Library contains an extensive collection of works in English on most aspects of Japan; in addition, there are 1,700 works in Japanese, with special strengths in literature and linguistics.

JAPN 0101 First-Year Japanese (Fall 2021)

This course is an introduction to the modern Japanese language aimed at acquisition of the four basic skills speaking, listening comprehension, reading, and writing. The emphasis is on thorough mastery of the basic structures of Japanese through intensive oral-aural practice and extensive use of audiovisual materials. The two kana syllabaries and kanji (characters) will be introduced toward the goals of developing reading skills and reinforcing grammar and vocabulary acquisition. 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. drill LNG (S. Abe)

JAPN 0103 First-Year Japanese (Spring 2022)

This course is a continuation of the fall and winter terms with the introduction of more advanced grammatical structures, vocabulary, and characters. The continuing emphasis of the beginning Japanese course will be upon acquisition of well-balanced language skills based on an understanding of the actual use of the language in the Japanese sociocultural context. (JAPN 0101, JAPN 0102) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. drill LNG

JAPN 0110 Current Social Issues in Japan (in English) (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this course we will use ethnography, fiction, and historical studies to examine some of the underlying themes of Japanese culture. Japan is a highly developed, post-industrial society renowned across the globe for economic success in the post-World War II period. What historical and social factors have shaped Japan’s contemporary culture, and how have interactions with other countries influenced Japanese society? We will study a number of different spheres of Japanese life including the family and the workplace to better understand contemporary society. We will pay special attention to Japan’s global position and its relationship to the United States. 3 hr. lect./disc. (Anthropology) AAL (Fall 2021), NOA (Fall 2021), SOC (Fall 2021) (Fall 2021: L. White)
Cross-listed as: ANTH 0110

JAPN 0201 Second-Year Japanese (Fall 2021)

The goals of the intermediate course are to develop the ability to understand conversational Japanese at natural speed, to express oneself accurately and smoothly in various situations, to read nontechnical materials at reasonable speed with the use of the dictionary, and to express oneself in writing with relative ease. Understanding of Japanese culture will be broadened and deepened through mastery of the course materials. (JAPN 0103 or equivalent) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. drill LNG (K. Davis)

JAPN 0202 Second-Year Japanese (Spring 2022)

This course is a continuation of JAPN 0201. (JAPN 0201 or equivalent) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. drill LNG

JAPN 0210 Introduction to Japanese Linguistics (in English) (Spring 2022)

This course will provide an introduction to linguistics theories as applied to the study of Japanese. Through the exploration of a language that is very different from Indo-European languages, students will gain a better understanding of how human languages work and are structured. The relationship of language to culture will be a central theme in the course. Topics covered will include key concepts in linguistics, Japanese linguistics, culture, and pedagogy. This course will be taught in English; no Japanese language or linguistics knowledge required. 3 hrs. lect./disc. AAL, NOA
Cross-listed as: LNGT 0210 PSCI 0210 *

JAPN 0214 Modern and Contemporary Japanese Women Writers (Spring 2022)

A thousand years ago, women writers dominated the Japanese literary world. Then, for centuries, their skill was discounted, their works overlooked, and their voices silenced. Starting with the nineteenth century, however, Japanese women writers started to reclaim their grandmothers’ heritage. They took the male-dominated literary world by assault, pushing boundaries, drawing on their literary legacy and reinventing it, resisting the label of “women’s literature” so often pejoratively attached to their works. In this course we will explore these figures of resistance and their multilayered works in the context of the changing socio-political conditions that shaped women’s positions in Japanese society. 3 hrs. lect. AAL, LIT, NOA

JAPN 0221 Sex and Death in Classical Japanese Culture (Fall 2021)

In this course we will examine the topics of sex and death in classical Japanese literature and culture, starting with the earliest creation myths of the 8th century, continuing with the masterpieces of the Heian period (794-1185), and culminating with the vibrant culture of the Edo period (1600-1868). We will explore a variety of genres, including poetry, courtly romances and warrior tales, noh and joruri drama, short stories and novellas, emaki painted scrolls, and early modern woodblock prints, focusing on the ways in which sex and death come to be addressed and represented in classical Japanese culture. 3 hrs. lect. AAL, LIT, NOA (O. Milutin)

JAPN 0228 Japanese Religions (Spring 2022)

We will begin our study of Japanese religions with the ancient mythology that forms the basis of Shinto (the way of the kami, or gods). We will then consider the introduction of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Daoism to Japan and examine how these traditions were accepted, absorbed, and adapted. We will also investigate Japanese reactions to Christianity in the 16th century and the appearance of "new" Japanese religions starting in the 19th century. Throughout, we will ask how and why Japanese have both adhered to tradition and been open to new religions. 3 hrs. lect./disc. AAL, NOA, PHL
Cross-listed as: RELI 0228 *

JAPN 0235 History of Pre-Modern Japan (Fall 2021)

In this course we will explore the social, cultural, and institutional history of Japan from the eighth century up through the rise of the Tokugawa shogunate in the 17th century. The course is organized thematically to illuminate the different periods of Japanese history, including the imperial origin myth and Heian culture, the frontier and the rise of samurai government, localism and the warring states period, and finally the Tokugawa settlement and the paradoxes of centralized feudalism. Pre-1800. 3 hrs. lect/disc. AAL, HIS, NOA, SOC (M. Ward)
Cross-listed as: HIST 0235 *

JAPN 0280 Making Sense of Race and Ethnicity in Japan (Spring 2022)

In this course we will examine and come to understand ideas about ethnicity and race in Japan using a critical historical approach. Probing the categorization of various groups in Japan provides insight into Japan’s diverse population and at the same time helps students see the historical and cultural specificities of racial categories across cultures. Students will read historical and contemporary texts on Korean Japanese, burakumin, new immigrants, and other groups, and examine both the development of these often-marginalized identity categories and the challenges faced by people considered “other” in Japan today. 3 hrs. lect. AAL, CMP, NOA, SOC

JAPN 0290 The Tale of Genji (in English) (Spring 2022)

/The Tale of Genji/ is the world’s first psychological novel. This rich narrative centers on the political intrigues and passionate love affairs of Genji, a fictional prince barred from the throne. In this course we will explore the narrative through a close reading in English translation. Students will gain knowledge of the aesthetic, religious, and social contexts of the Heian period, one of the most vibrant eras in Japanese culture. We will also trace how Genji monogatari has been interpreted over ten centuries in art, theater, films, and most recently, manga. (Formerly JAPN 0190) 3hrs. lect/disc. AAL, LIT, NOA

JAPN 0301 Third-Year Japanese (Fall 2021)

This advanced course aims to increase the student's proficiency in modern standard Japanese, both spoken and written. A variety of written and audiovisual materials will be used to consolidate and expand mastery of more advanced grammatical points and vocabulary. Oral presentation, discussion, and composition in Japanese are also important components of the course. (JAPN 0202 or equivalent) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. drill LNG (O. Milutin)

JAPN 0302 Third-Year Japanese (Spring 2022)

This course is a continuation of JAPN 0301. (JAPN 0301 or equivalent) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. drill LNG

JAPN 0310 Variation and Change in Japanese (In English) (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

What can linguistic change tell us about human cognition and behavior? How does the notion of “politeness” vary across communities? How do speakers of Japanese perform gender and other social identities? In this course we will address linguistic diversity and dynamism by examining the Japanese language. Topics include workplace discourse and change in honorific systems. Employing classic works in linguistics and addressing contemporary cultural materials such as manga and J-drama we will apply theoretical frameworks from (socio-)pragmatics, historical linguistics and linguistic typology to gain a deeper understanding of how and why Japanese has developed to its present forms and uses. Students with an interest in linguistics, or in teaching and learning language, or science in general, may also enjoy the analytical approach. (No prerequisites. JAPN0103 above or equivalent recommended). Heritage speakers are also welcome. 3 hrs. sem. AAL, NOA, SOC (Fall 2021: S. Abe)
Cross-listed as: LNGT 0310

JAPN 0401 Advanced Japanese (Fall 2021)

In this course we will read, analyze, and discuss advanced Japanese materials from a variety of modern and contemporary sources. (JAPN 0302 or equivalent) 3 hrs. lect./disc. (K. Davis)

JAPN 0402 Advanced Japanese (Spring 2022)

This course is a continuation of JAPN 0401. 3 hrs. lect./disc.

JAPN 0435 Workshop in Literary Translation (Spring 2022)

Literary translation is a valuable but often neglected skill for advanced language learners. In this workshop we will consider the basic theoretical arguments in translation studies influencing translation styles and then practice translation in a variety of literary genres. Sessions will include discussions of translation strategies and active peer critique of sample translations. Each student will produce a substantial translation as the semester project. Topics covered will include: text selection, translation ethics, practical methodologies, and publishing industry standards. (JAPN 0402 concurrent or prior) AAL, LIT, LNG, NOA

JAPN 0475 Advanced Reading in Japanese Studies (Fall 2021)

In this course students will read original materials in a variety of disciplines and develop skills to analyze and discuss them in Japanese. Advanced listening practice, oral presentation and academic writing will also be emphasized. (Approval only) 3 hrs. disc. (K. Davis)

JAPN 0500 Independent Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Qualified students may be permitted to undertake a special project in reading and research under the direction of a member of the department. Students should seek an advisor and submit a proposal to the department well in advance of registration for the term in which the work is to be undertaken.

JAPN 0700 Honors Thesis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Students write a thesis in English with a synopsis in Japanese on literature, film, or culture. The topic for the thesis is chosen in consultation with the instructor. (JAPN 0475)
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Jewish Studies Minor

What is Jewish Studies?

Jewish Studies has a wide scope. It encompasses the study of Jews and Judaism from the Biblical period to the present.  It takes Judaism not only as a “religion,” but as a civilization and culture encompassing a rich textual tradition, literature in several languages, philosophy and theology, customs and ritual, art, music, and film.  It is by its nature interdisciplinary and can be approached, for example, from within the disciplines of history, religion, sociology, anthropology, or literary study.  Middlebury’s curriculum cannot cover Jewish Studies’ full scope, but it does offer a way into each of these fields.

The Jewish Studies Program also sponsors lectures and other events, including the annual endowed Hannah A. Quint Lecture in Jewish Studies. (Click here for further details.)

Middlebury also offers a Hebrew Minor, with courses in Modern Hebrew and, by request, in Classical Hebrew.  Introductory Modern Hebrew is offered every year. Students interested in Classical Hebrew should contact Professor Schine.

Participating Faculty:

Professors: Rebecca A. Bennette (History); Robert Cohen (English and American Literatures); Tamar Mayer (Geography); Theodore Sasson (on leave, Jewish Studies); Robert S. Schine (Religion). Visiting Assistant Professor: Lana Dee Povitz (History). Israel Institute Teaching Fellow: Zohar Gazit

Program Coordinator: Vijaya L. Wunnava

Mailing List: To receive invitations to events sponsored by the Jewish Studies Program, send an email to the Program Coordinator, asking to be added to the mailing list for announcements. Students, please include your class year.

HEBR 0500 Independent Study (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Approval required.

JWST 0201 Modern American Jewish History (Fall 2021)

What characterizes the modern American Jewish experience? Is it the effort to assimilate into the American mainstream? Is it about the struggle to preserve Jewish distinctiveness? Drawing on historical scholarship and primary sources (films, art, cartoons, newspapers, literature), we will consider the many meanings of American Jewish identity, particularly its religious, racial, ethnic, and national connotations. We will begin in the 1880s, during the largest wave of Jewish immigration to the U.S. Topics will include “Americanization,” labor, political activism, religious reform, World War II and the Holocaust, “Jewish continuity,” gender roles, race relations, urbanization, suburbanization, and the relationship of Jews to white flight, Zionism, anti-Semitism, and philanthropy. 3 hrs. lect. AMR, HIS, NOR (L. Povitz)
Cross-listed as: HIST 0201 *

JWST 0237 The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in Film (Fall 2021)

In this course we will examine representations of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a wide range of cinematic works and the ways in which films reflect and construct social, cultural, and political realities. Following an introductory unit on Palestinian and Jewish nationalisms, we will address core issues of the conflict (e.g., refugees, settlements, and Jerusalem), everyday life under occupation, and forms of resistance. By discussing fiction films and documentaries we will critically explore social processes, diverse ideologies, unique point of views, and various Israeli and Palestinian narratives. The course is based on lectures, film screenings, class discussions, and student presentations. 3 hrs. lect. AAL, CMP, MDE, SOC (Z. Gazit)
Cross-listed as: HEBM 0237 *

JWST 0257 The Holocaust (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Why did the Holocaust happen? How could the Holocaust happen? In this course we will consider several aspects of the Holocaust, including the long-term conditions and events leading up to it, the measures employed in undertaking it, and the aftermath of the atrocities. Beyond a general survey, this course introduces students to the many varying interpretations and historical arguments scholars of the Holocaust have proposed and invites them to discuss and debate these issues in class. 3 hrs. lect./disc. EUR (Fall 2021), HIS (Fall 2021) (Fall 2021: R. Bennette)
Cross-listed as: HIST 0257 *

JWST 0261 What is Jewish Thought? The Modern Era (Spring 2022)

What’s left of religion once reason is done with it? This is the question posed by the Enlightenment and confronted by the major Jewish thinkers we study in this course. Some become champions of Enlightenment reason; others later react against it. Is Judaism actually a rational religion after all-universal, but endowed with a particular identity by its practices and ceremonies (per Moses Mendelssohn)? Or is it unique because of its ethical monotheism (per Hermann Cohen)? Is it essentially a national identity (per Zionism)? As Jewish thinkers face challenges to received tradition, what exactly is the task of Jewish thought? 3 hrs. lect/disc EUR, PHL
Cross-listed as: RELI 0261 *

JWST 0388 The Book of Job and the Problem of Evil (Spring 2022)

Why do the innocent suffer? The Book of Job asked this question millennia ago, giving not an explicit answer, but at least a response. Framed by a prose tale on the patient Job, the book is mainly a debate in poetry between an impatient Job and his “friends” that has continued to our day, in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic thought, and in philosophy. We will study the debate on the meaning of Job in philosophy and religion through the works of Maimonides, Kant, Hume, Voltaire, William Blake, Jung, and others. Familiarity with Biblical studies or philosophy of religion is helpful, but not required. 3 hrs. sem. PHL
Cross-listed as: RELI 0388 *

JWST 0448 Black and Jewish Feminist Perspectives (Spring 2022)

Feminism has a rich history in the United States. In this course we will study feminism from the perspectives of two distinct, sometimes intersecting groups: Black Americans and Jewish Americans. We will explore major feminist texts, writers, and collectives, from Angela Davis, bell hooks, Audre Lorde, and the Combahee River Collective to Shulamith Firestone, Judith Plaskow, B’Not Esh, and Di Vilde Chayes. Through their work and activism, we will study in this reading-intensive course how race, class, spirituality, and sexuality have shaped and reshaped feminist concerns. 3 hrs. sem. AMR, HIS, NOR, SOC

HEBM 0101 Introductory Modern Hebrew I (Fall 2021)

In this course students will become acquainted with the basic grammatical and formal concepts necessary for the comprehension of the Modern Hebrew language. We will focus on the fundamentals of reading, writing, listening, and speaking, with a particular emphasis placed on the acquisition of conversational ability. We will also make use of audiovisual, situational, and cultural exercises, and give attention to the elements of Classical form and style that provided a foundation for Modern Hebrew, which was revived as a vernacular in the late 19th century. No previous knowledge of Hebrew is required. 6 hrs. LNG (F. Alasiri)

HEBM 0103 Introductory Modern Hebrew III (Spring 2022)

This course is a continuation of Modern Hebrew 0102 which will be offered during winter term. Students will further develop their skills in written and oral communication, and will expand their knowledge of the cultures of modern Israel through both audio and visual media. (HEBM 0102 or equivalent) 5 hrs. lect. LNG

HEBM 0201 Intermediate Modern Hebrew I (Fall 2021)

This course is a continuation of HEBM 0103. Using authentic audio and visual materials, we will place emphasis on developing the skills required for intermediate-level written and communicative competence. In addition, students will gain a deeper understanding of the forms and style of Classical Hebrew, both of which are necessary for formal composition, interaction, and reading comprehension in Modern Hebrew. (HEBM 0103 or equivalent) 5 hrs. lect/disc LNG

HEBM 0202 Intermediate Modern Hebrew II (Spring 2022)

This is the fifth in the sequence of Modern Hebrew courses that focus on the acquisition of reading, listening, writing, and speaking skills. This course will further increase the students' fluency in spoken Hebrew, as well as their facility in reading authentic texts dealing with both secular and religious Jewish cultures, the literature of modern-day Israel, Israeli history, and current events. By the end of the semester, students should attain the level of educated, non-native speakers of Modern Hebrew, in terms of knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, composition, and communicative competence. (HEBM 0201 or equivalent) 5 hrs. lect/disc. AAL, LNG, MDE

HEBM 0234 State and Society in Contemporary Israel (Spring 2022)

In this course we will examine Israeli society and politics in a period of rapid and profound transformation. We will begin with an introductory unit on Zionism, Palestinian nationalism, and the history of the state. Subsequent units will examine the social, cultural, and political characteristics of Israel’s main population sectors and religious groupings. The final units will examine ongoing political struggles, including struggles over the role of religion in public life; civil rights and democracy; and West Bank settlements and the Palestinian-Israeli peace process. Most readings assignments will be social scientific in nature but will also include journalism and literature. 3 hrs. lect. AAL, MDE, SOC
Cross-listed as: SOCI 0234

HEBM 0237 The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in Film (Fall 2021)

In this course we will examine representations of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a wide range of cinematic works and the ways in which films reflect and construct social, cultural, and political realities. Following an introductory unit on Palestinian and Jewish nationalisms, we will address core issues of the conflict (e.g., refugees, settlements, and Jerusalem), everyday life under occupation, and forms of resistance. By discussing fiction films and documentaries we will critically explore social processes, diverse ideologies, unique point of views, and various Israeli and Palestinian narratives. The course is based on lectures, film screenings, class discussions, and student presentations. 3 hrs. lect. AAL, CMP, MDE, SOC (Z. Gazit)
Cross-listed as: JWST 0237

HEBM 0500 Independent Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required)

HEBR 0500 Independent Study (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Approval required.
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Linguistics Minor

The linguistics minor consists of a minimum of five courses: two required introductory level courses and three electives.

Required courses for the minor are as follows:
LNGT 0101 Introduction to Linguistics or LNGT/ANTH 0125 Language Structure and Function
LNGT 0102 Introduction to Sociolinguistics or LNGT/ANTH 0109 Language, Culture, Society

Electives include the following:
LNGT 0226 Phonetics and Phonology
LNGT 0250 Morphology and Syntax
LNGT 0280 Formal Semantics
LNGT/WRPR 0110 English Grammar: Concepts & Controversies
LNGT/EDST 0205 Second Language Acquisition and Educational Technology
LNGT/JAPN 0210 Japanese Linguistics
LNGT/ARBC 0225 Arabic Linguistics
LNGT/ARBC 0227 Arabic Sociolinguistics
LNGT/RUSS 0232 Nature and Origin of Language
LNGT/CHNS 0270 Chinese Sociolinguistics
LNGT/SPAN 0303 Introduction to Spanish Phonetics/Pronunciation (taught in Spanish)
LNGT/JAPN 0310 Variation & Change in Japanese
LNGT/SPAN 0317 Spanish Pronunciation (taught in Spanish)
LNGT/SPAN 0322 Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics (taught in Spanish)
LNGT/SPAN Bilingualism in the Spanish-speaking World (taught in Spanish)
LNGT/PHIL 0354 Philosophy of Language
LNGT/GRMN 0370 German Linguistics (taught in German)
LNGT/SPAN 0390 Linguistic Variation (taught in Spanish)
LNGT/ANTH 0395 Environmental Communication
LNGT/ARBC 0421 Arabic Linguistic Variation (taught in Arabic)
LNGT/SPAN 0426 Spanish in the US (taught in Spanish)
LNGT/ARBC 0435 Arabic Diglossia (taught in Arabic)
LNGT/ANTH 0459 Language and Power
LNGT 1001 Introduction to Translation Studies
LNGT/EDST 1003 Introduction to TESOL  

Please Note: Students are advised to check with the director for a complete list of courses that count as electives. All electives are taught in English, unless otherwise indicated.

LNGT 0102 Introduction to Sociolinguistics (Fall 2021)

In this course, we will explore the ways that language creates and reflects social identities. We will look at the contextual factors-social, cultural, geographical, political, etc.-that impact language use and variation. Themes for this course will include linguistic variation, language and identity, language policy, and language in the media. We will consider questions such as: What distinguishes a language from a dialect? How and why do some language varieties become privileged? How do notions of politeness and respect vary across linguistic contexts? In essence, we will learn how language shapes our world, and how we shape language itself. SOC (S. Shapiro)

LNGT 0109 Language, Culture and Society (Spring 2022)

In this course students will be introduced to the comparative, ethnographic study of language in relation to socio-cultural context. Our readings will be drawn from diverse global settings and will focus upon language as the means by which people shape and are shaped by the social worlds in which they live. We will examine contrasts in ways of speaking across different communities, personal identities, and institutions. We will explore the consequences of communicative difference across a range of contact situations, including everyday conversation among peers, service encounters, political elections, and global connections or disconnections made possible through new media. 3 hrs. lect./disc. (Anthropology)/ CMP, SOC
Cross-listed as: ANTH 0109 *

LNGT 0125 Language Structure and Function (Fall 2021)

In this course we will discuss the major issues and findings in the study of human language within theories of modern linguistics, which shares a history with mid-century American anthropology. The main topics include the nature of human language in comparison with other communication systems; sound patterns (phonology); word-formation (morphology); sentence structure (syntax); meaning (semantics); use (pragmatics); language acquisition and socialization. We will also consider language variation and the historical development of languages. Instruction is in English but examples will be drawn from less commonly studied languages around the world. (not open to students who have taken LNGT 0101) 3 hrs. lect. SOC (M. Nevins)
Cross-listed as: ANTH 0125 *

LNGT 0206 Narratives in News Media (Spring 2022)

In this course we will consider questions such as: What linguistic strategies do the news media use to craft compelling stories? What are the dominant narratives at play about national and global social issues, and how are some journalists working to counter those narratives? We will employ Critical Discourse Analysis as a central framework, reading theoretical and empirical work by linguists such as Teun van Dijk, as well as from sociologists and political scientists. We will engage with “On the Media” and other podcasts, TED talks, documentaries such as Outfoxed (2004), and online magazines. Students will write for a variety of audiences. 3 hrs. lect./disc. CW, SOC
Cross-listed as: WRPR 0206 *

LNGT 0210 Introduction to Japanese Linguistics (in English) (Spring 2022)

This course will provide an introduction to linguistics theories as applied to the study of Japanese. Through the exploration of a language that is very different from Indo-European languages, students will gain a better understanding of how human languages work and are structured. The relationship of language to culture will be a central theme in the course. Topics covered will include key concepts in linguistics, Japanese linguistics, culture, and pedagogy. This course will be taught in English; no Japanese language or linguistics knowledge required. 3 hrs. lect./disc. AAL, NOA
Cross-listed as: JAPN 0210 *

LNGT 0226 The Sounds of Language: Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology (Spring 2022)

In this course we will study the description and analysis of speech: how the sounds of language are physiologically produced, acoustically represented, and psychologically perceived and categorized. Through acoustic and phonological analysis, students will develop the skills to distinguish and produce the sounds of the world’s languages, as well as explore the sound systems of different languages, in order to determine which patterns differ and which patterns are common to all. Students will hone their analytical and technical skills by solving phonological problem sets as well as by using computer software (Praat) to analyze the acoustics of speech. 3 hrs. lect./disc. SCI

LNGT 0233 History of the French Language (Spring 2022)

In this course we will study how French has evolved into a global language. We will survey its development from a Latin dialect spoken in ancient Gaul to its present-day diversity in the French-speaking world, with a focus on comparative analysis. Specific topics may include linguistic variation over time, gender and language change, phonological history, spelling reforms, and language use on social media. Students will engage with historical and contemporary texts, art, and audiovisual sources. (FREN 0209, or by waiver. No previous knowledge of linguistics is required.) 3 hrs. lect./disc. CMP, HIS, LNG
Cross-listed as: FREN 0233

LNGT 0242 The Non-Native Speaker in a Multilingual World (Fall 2021)

In this course we will address linguistic, educational, and ideological dimensions of the non-native speaker identity and multilingual societies. What does it mean to be a non-native speaker? Why is this linguistic identity considered by some to be a stigma and by others to be a privilege? How do societies succeed in and fail at integrating speakers of different languages? In which ways do language policies and educational practices in the United States and around the world reflect linguistic and social realities? 3 hrs. lect./disc. CMP, SOC (P. Urlaub)
Cross-listed as: EDST 0242

LNGT 0243 How Languages are Learned: Theories and Implications (Fall 2021)

In this course we will develop a nuanced understanding of the cognitive, social, and educational factors that enable humans to acquire second languages. What is the difference between first and second language acquisition? How can instruction and curriculum be optimized to help learners? How are languages acquired in naturalistic settings? What is the impact of technology on language education? How do ideologies impact bilingual education in the United States and beyond? 3 hrs. lect./disc. CMP, SOC (P. Urlaub)
Cross-listed as: EDST 0243

LNGT 0266 Second Language Acquisition: Theories and Research (Spring 2022)

Why do most people have an accent when speaking a language they learned after a certain age? What are the processes and mechanisms behind the acquisition of an additional language? Why are there larger individual differences in the acquisition of a second language than in the first? These are some key questions addressed in second language acquisition (SLA) research. In this course we will study various SLA theories, research methodologies, and findings. We will also learn how to conduct basic SLA research, including collecting and analyzing data, and writing a report, following accepted conventions in the field. 3 hrs. lect. DED, SOC

LNGT 0280 Semantics, Logic, and Cognition (Spring 2022)

Using logical and mathematical tools, formal semantics answers the following questions: Why do sentences mean what they mean? How is reasoning possible? How does language structure our understanding of time, change, knowledge, morality, identity, and possibility? We will evaluate several formal-semantic models from philosophical, linguistic, and psychological perspectives. This course is well suited for students interested in computer science, linguistics, logic, mathematics, neuroscience, philosophy, or psychology. (Some prior familiarity with formal logic is recommended, but not required.) 2 hrs. lect./1 hr. disc DED, PHL
Cross-listed as: PHIL 0280 *

LNGT 0310 Variation and Change in Japanese (In English) (Fall 2021)

What can linguistic change tell us about human cognition and behavior? How does the notion of “politeness” vary across communities? How do speakers of Japanese perform gender and other social identities? In this course we will address linguistic diversity and dynamism by examining the Japanese language. Topics include workplace discourse and change in honorific systems. Employing classic works in linguistics and addressing contemporary cultural materials such as manga and J-drama we will apply theoretical frameworks from (socio-)pragmatics, historical linguistics and linguistic typology to gain a deeper understanding of how and why Japanese has developed to its present forms and uses. Students with an interest in linguistics, or in teaching and learning language, or science in general, may also enjoy the analytical approach. (No prerequisites. JAPN0103 above or equivalent recommended). Heritage speakers are also welcome. 3 hrs. sem. AAL, NOA, SOC (S. Abe)
Cross-listed as: JAPN 0310 *

LNGT 0337 French Language and Society (Fall 2021)

In this course we will study the relationship between the French language and French-speaking societies. Sociolinguistic approaches will be used to explore how geography, class, ethnicity, and gender influence dialectal, lexical, and phonological variation. We will examine how language contact with regional and minority languages affects language use and development. Materials will include scholarly publications, speech samples, social media, and films. Students will learn how to build and analyze surveys, and will practice presenting their research at professional venues. (At least two FREN courses above 0209, or by waiver. No previous knowledge of linguistics is required.) 3 hrs. lect./disc. EUR, LNG, SOC (G. Zsombok)
Cross-listed as: FREN 0337 *

LNGT 0395 Language and the Environment (Spring 2022)

Do languages simply put different labels on the environment, from rocks to trees to carbon, or are what we see and what we value shaped by the ways that we talk about it? Drawing upon ethnography, linguistics, and critical discourse analysis, we will explore how environmental perceptions and modes of action are formed in and through language. We will bring an appreciation of language differences to the analysis of ongoing environmental controversies, where the various stakeholders draw contrasting boundaries between nature and culture and define human involvement with nature in different ways. 3 hrs. lect./disc. (Anthropology)/ CMP, SOC

LNGT 0396 Linguistic Anthropology Methods (Fall 2021)

In this course we will work with a method and theory known as the “ethnography of communication” to examine language use in socio-cultural context. Students will learn to form research questions and collect different kinds of data, including everyday spoken interactions, archival print sources, and social media. Students will learn how to document, annotate, and analyze their samples as speech events linked to broader discursive contexts and social relations. Students will also turn ethnography of communication upon social science research itself, examining interviews and surveys as communicative interactions. The course provides an empirical pathway to questions of cultural difference and social inequality. 3 hrs. sem. SOC (M. Nevins)
Cross-listed as: ANTH 0396 *

LNGT 0422 Bilingualism in the Spanish-Speaking World (Fall 2021)

What does it mean to be bilingual? In this course we will study bilingualism with a special emphasis on Spanish-speaking bilinguals in Europe, Latin America, and the United States. Course topics will include social, political, linguistic, and psychological aspects of bilingualism. Special attention will be paid to societal bilingualism, language use among a group or community, individual bilingualism, how an individual’s language use changes in different contexts and throughout an individual’s lifespan, and government and educational policies throughout the Spanish-speaking world. We will study texts, speech samples, and media that highlight different aspects of bilingualism. (At least two Spanish courses at the 0300 level or above, or by waiver) (not open to students who have taken SPAN/LNGT 0377) 3 hrs. lect./disc. CMP, LNG, SOC (B. Baird)
Cross-listed as: SPAN 0422 *

LNGT 0500 Independent Work (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required)
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Program in Literary Studies

Required for the Major:

The overall design of the program is simple, and its expectations are clearly defined. This is a program of study designed for students who by the time of their graduation from Middlebury wish to secure a comprehensive background in a full range of major achievements of world literature, as well as an ability to read and appreciate works of literature in at least one language other than English. To accomplish those ends, each Literary Studies major is required to take a total of 15 courses in literature over the course of four years. No more than six of these courses may be taken within a single department, and the individual courses may be selected from the literature of any language and of any period. They can be wide-ranging surveys or courses devoted to the study of single authors. The specific selection of courses is entirely up to the student, but in order to fulfill the requirements for the major, he or she will be expected to take: (a) two courses—one historical, one generally theoretical in orientation—selected from the list specified below under the "Summary of Major Requirements"; (b) one literature course in a foreign language (including Greek and Latin)—normally 0300-level (though FREN 0210 and the FREN 0200-series will usually qualify); and (c) a Colloquium for majors to be taken during the fall semester of the senior year. In addition, in conjunction with an independent reading course taken during the fall semester of the senior year, the student will arrange to take a one-hour oral examination in an area of specialization (as described below) that he or she has defined. This oral examination takes place at the end of the fall semester, and it is followed by a five-hour written comprehensive examination at the end of winter term. 
The written examination will require the student to demonstrate a knowledge of a range of major works by the authors listed below. For reasons of practicality, the number of authors from this list whose works students will actually have an opportunity to discuss on the comprehensive examination in any given year will be limited to 12.
 The following current list will give the student a clear sense of the particular range of major authors it is presumed that he or she will be familiar with by senior year:

Tirso de Molina
Lope de Vega
Wang Wei
Cáo Xuegin
Murasaki Shikibu
Chikamatsu Monzaemon
Natsume Soseki

In addition to works by authors whose names appear on this primary list, Literary Studies majors will be urged to deepen their general cultural background by becoming acquainted with the Old and New Testaments (especially Genesis, Psalms, Job, Song of Songs, Matthew, John, Revelation, and the Epistle to the Romans), as well as principal works of Plato, Aristotle, Rousseau, Darwin, Marx, and Freud. A full list of the specific works by these authors included on the current Literary Studies comprehensive reading list is available on the Literary Studies Program website, or from the directors of the program.

Beyond the two historical and theoretical courses required for the program (both of which are counted toward the major), the 0300-level foreign language literature course, the senior year colloquium (LITS 0705) and independent reading course (LITS 0701), and the total of 15 courses, the general, defining requirement for the Literary Studies major is the winter term comprehensive examination (LITS 0700), the overall range of which is specified in the comprehensive reading list. In the process of working toward this general literary education, the student will also be expected to use the independent reading course (LITS 0701) to focus on a group of works chosen to represent an individual specialization in the literature of a particular culture (e.g., German, English, American, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, etc.), or period (e.g., the eighteenth century, the twentieth century, etc.), or genre (e.g., the novel, the drama, lyric poetry, etc.). The specific authors and the 10 to 12 texts selected by the student for this specialization will be approved by the director in conjunction with two faculty examiners with relevant expertise in the fields represented. This oral examination is the culmination of the independent reading course (LITS 0701) in the fall semester. At the end of the following winter term, there is a five-hour written winter term comprehensive examination based on the reading list. Students qualifying for honors (a B+ average in the major, including the comprehensive examination) will complete a Senior Honors Essay (LITS 0710) in their final semester.

After completing all the specified requirements, the student will be graduated from Middlebury College as a Literary Studies major with a particular area of interest: for example, epic poetry, European drama, Japanese literature, the literature of the nineteenth century, etc. Should the student wish to pursue graduate study, depending on the nature of his or her interests and preparation, the student would be in a good position to do so in such fields as English or American literature, comparative literature, or the literature of a specific foreign language; in addition, he or she would have a secure background for further studies in such fields as law, political philosophy, religion, journalism, publishing, medicine, and cultural and intellectual history.
 Literary Studies majors have gone on to do work in all these areas.

As indicated above, students will be eligible for departmental honors in Literary Studies if in their combined performance in literature courses and on the two parts of the comprehensive examination they have achieved an average grade of B+ or higher. Honors will be awarded on the basis of the overall grade average in the major, performance on the comprehensive examination, and a senior honors essay of 30-40 pages to be completed during the spring semester of the senior year (this project counts as one course). A one-hour oral examination on the content and implications of this honors essay is also required, and this examination will be conducted by two faculty members with particular expertise in the fields represented.

Summary of Major Requirements:

Total of 15 courses (no more than six in any one department).

(1) Two courses selected from the historical and theoretical courses listed below, one from each category, as currently offered. (With the permission of the director, alternative courses may be substituted for those specified here.)


CLAS 0150 Greek and Roman Epic

CLAS 0152 Greek Tragedy

RELI 0180 Introduction to Biblical Literature

PSCI 0101 Introduction to Political Science


ENAM 0205 Contemporary Literary Theory

(2) One course in literature in a foreign language (normally 0300 level, but FREN 0201 and FREN 0220 series would usually qualify).

(3) At least four literature courses, but no more than six, to be taken within a single department. (Courses in language instruction may not be counted toward this requirement.)

(4) Independent Reading Course (LITS 0701) in Area of Specialization (by genre, period, theme, or national literature), an area of particular interest  defined by the student in consultation with the director. A one-hour oral examination, to be taken in the fall semester before the winter term written comprehensive examination in the senior year, is devoted to this area of special interest. The 10 to12 texts required for this examination will be chosen by the student in conjunction with the director and two faculty examiners with appropriate backgrounds in the fields represented.

(5) Senior Colloquium for majors (LITS 0705, open to non-majors if space is available), focused on a range of works on the comprehensive reading list.

(6) Senior Comprehensive Examination (LITS 0700) in preparation for the written comprehensive examination. Students engaged in such preparation arrange  to meet with one another over the course of winter term, and often solicit faculty participation in discussions of individual texts they have chosen to work on as a group.

(7) Written Comprehensive Examination (LITS 0700) (on works that appear on the Literary Studies comprehensive reading list), taken at the end of winter term of the senior year. As indicated, this five-hour written examination represents the second part of the comprehensive requirement, the oral specialization examination in LITS 0701 being the first.

(8) Students achieving an average grade of B+ or higher in the program will be eligible for honors. Honors will be awarded on the basis of the overall grade average in courses in the major, performance on the comprehensive examination, and a senior honors essay of 30-40 pages, to be completed (for one course credit) during the spring semester of the senior year; a one-hour oral examination on the content of this essay is administered by two faculty examiners with expertise in the field of investigation represented.

Please Note: Any literature course in the Middlebury College curriculum (and in approved programs abroad or at other U.S. institutions) may be used to fulfill the requirements in the Program in Literary Studies. Hence, in addition to the specific LITS course descriptions indicated below, students majoring in Literary Studies as well as non-majors with an interest in literature are urged to read through the entire literature offering by various departments (including language departments) to secure a full sense of the range of courses available in any academic year.

LITS 0151 The Golden Age of Athens: History and Literature (Fall 2021)

In this course we will trace the unprecedented intellectual innovation that begins with Greece’s triumph over the Persian invasions in 490 and 480-479 BC, continues through the emergence of radical democracy and imperialism at Athens, and culminates in the Peloponnesian War and Athens’ defeat in 404 BC by her former ally, Sparta. Through intensive study of selected works of historiography (Herodotus, Thucydides), tragedy (Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides), comedy (Aristophanes), and philosophy (Plato), we will explore the central concerns of 5th-century Athenians: freedom and power, knowledge and virtue, law and nature, and the place of the divine in the human world. 3 hr. lect., 1 hr. disc EUR, HIS, LIT (P. Sfyroeras)
Cross-listed as: CLAS 0151 *

LITS 0282 The New Testament in Narrative and Art: Considering the Aesthetics of the Christian Story (Spring 2022)

For two millennia, the figure of Jesus has captivated the imagination of spiritual seekers around the world. In this course we will explore literary and theological dimensions of the New Testament with special attention to the Gospel as stories, while considering works of art inspired by its themes and characters across time. Paintings, cinematography, and literary narratives from The Protevangelium of James and Maximus the Confessor, to Dostoevsky, Kazantzakis, Sholem Asch, Saramago, Flannery O'Connor, and Marilynne Robinson, will invite the question: how have word and image shaped the understanding of the sacred stories and Christian imagination? Through close readings of the New Testament and exegetical discussion combining systematic with narrative theology, we will analyze style and composition, situate the texts in their historical context, and explore various readers’ perspectives, ancient and modern. 3 hrs. lect./1 hr. disc. CMP, LIT, PHL
Cross-listed as: RELI 0282 *

LITS 0500 Independent Research Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required) (Staff)

LITS 0510 Independent Essay Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required) (Fall 2021: M. Hatjigeorgiou)

LITS 0701 Independent Reading Course (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Intended for majors in literary studies preparing for the senior comprehensive examinations. At the conclusion of this course, students will take a one-hour oral examination (part of the senior comprehensive examination) in a specialization of their choice. (Approval Required) (Staff)

LITS 0705 Senior Colloquium in Literary Studies (Fall 2021)

Although it is required of all Literary Studies seniors, this course is intended for students working in any discipline who seek a close encounter with some of the greatest achievements of the literary imagination. In addition to being understood as distinctive artistic and philosophical accomplishments, the major works which constitute the reading list will also be seen as engaged in a vital, overarching cultural conversation across temporal and geographical boundaries that might otherwise seem insurmountable. The texts for this semester include Homer’s Odyssey, Aeschylus’ Oresteia, Cervantes’ Don Quixote, Dostoevsky’ Crime and Punishment, Pirandello’ Six Characters in Search of an Author, and Borges’ Ficciones. (Open to non-majors with the approval of the instructor.) 3 hrs. sem. (M. Hatjigeorgiou)
Cross-listed as: ENAM 0705

LITS 0710 Senior Honors Essay (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required) (M. Hatjigeorgiou)
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Department of Luso Hispanic Studies

Major in Spanish: The major consists of a minimum of nine courses numbered 0300 or above. The requirements are as follows:

I. Eight courses from the 0300-0399 level.

  • A maximum of three courses from the 0300-0349 level may count towards the major (one must be taken before studying abroad)
  • At least five courses must be at the 0350 level or above.
  • At least two of these 0350 level or above courses must be taken at Middlebury College during the academic year. The other elective courses may be taken on the Middlebury College campus during the academic year or at the Middlebury College Spanish School, the School in Spain, the Schools in Latin America, or, with departmental approval, at study abroad programs in Latin America sanctioned by Middlebury's Programs Abroad Committee.

II. A 0400-level seminar  must be taken on the Middlebury College campus during the academic year in the student’s senior year.

  • Study abroad in in a Spanish-speaking country for at least one semester is highly recommended and a course at the 300 level is required before studying abroad. Students are expected to consult with their advisor when selecting courses and making plans to study abroad.

Joint Major: The Spanish component of a joint major will consist of at least six courses from departmental offerings numbered 0300 and above, as follows:

II. Five courses from the 0300-0399 level.

  • A maximum of one course from the 0300-0349 level may count towards the major. (must be taken before studying abroad)
  • At least four courses must be at the 0350 level or above.
  • At least two of these 0350 level or above courses must be taken at Middlebury College during the academic year. The other elective courses may be taken on the Middlebury College campus during the academic year or at the Middlebury College Spanish School, the School in Spain, the Schools in Latin America, or, with departmental approval, at study abroad programs in Latin America sanctioned by Middlebury's Programs Abroad Committee.

II. A 0400 level seminar must be taken on the Middlebury College campus during the academic year in the student’s senior year.

  • Study abroad in a Spanish-speaking country for at least one semester is highly recommended and a course at the 300 level is required before studying abroad. Students are expected to consult with their advisor when selecting courses and making plans to study abroad.

Spanish Courses

• Courses labeled SPAN 0100 through 0299 are Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced Intermediate language instruction focused on developing skills in speaking, listening comprehension, reading and writing.

• Courses labeled SPAN 0300 through 0349 introduce writers and significant themes in literature, film, linguistics, and culture & civilization. These courses are closed to juniors and seniors returning from study in Spain or Latin America.

• Courses labeled SPAN 0350 through 0399 are advanced offerings that explore in greater depth a specific line of inquiry, literary, cultural or linguistic issue, or theme in Spanish and Spanish American writing and thought, and satisfy the International Studies advanced language requirement in Spanish.

Courses taken abroad will count as this level, regardless of their course number.

• Courses labeled SPAN 0400 and above are reserved for seniors who are Spanish majors, Latin American Studies majors with a literature and culture track, and European Studies majors with a Spanish literature and culture track; others only by approval.

Minor in Spanish: The Spanish minor consists of at least four courses numbered 0300 or above, at least two of which are at the 0350-level or above. Courses can be taken on campus during the academic year or at the Middlebury College Spanish School, the School in Spain, the Schools in Latin America, or, with departmental approval, at study abroad programs in Spain or Latin America sanctioned by Middlebury’s Programs Abroad Committee. At least one 0350-level or above course must be taken at the Middlebury College campus during the academic year.

Senior Work: During the senior year, majors and joint majors must complete a 0400-level seminar.

International and Global Studies Major with Spanish Language:   Along with other required courses and senior work as described in the International and Global Studies Major section, completion of the Spanish language component requires: (1) proficiency in Spanish (a minimum of one course at the 0300 level or above, or work in the Spanish summer school at the 0300 level or above); (2) at least one semester, preferably a year, abroad in a Spanish-speaking country; and (3) one or more courses at or above the 0350 level upon return from abroad.

Advanced Placement: College credit is awarded for successful performance on the Advanced Placement Examinations in Spanish Language and/or Spanish Literature. In all cases the student must satisfactorily complete a course at the 0300 level before the credit will be awarded. AP credit does not affect course placement, nor does it count towards the major or minor. There is a maximum of one credit allowed for Spanish AP.

Programs Abroad for Juniors: The department expects that majors will spend at least one semester in residence in a Spanish-speaking country. Middlebury's School in Spain offers both year and semester programs in Madrid. Sites in Cordoba, Getafe, and Logroño are designed for immersion in the Spanish university system. Middlebury's Schools in Latin America (Argentina, Chile, México and Uruguay) offers both year and semester programs. Internship opportunities are available. For more information on these programs, please see the Schools Abroad Web page: http://www.middlebury.edu/sa/. Students who are interested in going abroad and who are also double or joint majors or are thinking of participating in the teacher education program should consult with their advisors in both areas as early as possible to avoid any conflict in plans.
Students who are planning to study abroad at the C.V. Starr-Middlebury Schools in Spain or Latin America are required to have taken at least one course at the 0300 level or above.

Honors: The department will award honors on the basis of a student's work in the department and performance in SPAN 0705. All students interested in receiving honors must contact their advisors at the start of their last year at Middlebury; either in September or in February. Please see the course description for SPAN 0705.


Minor in Portuguese: The Portuguese minor consists of at least four courses numbered 0300 or above, at least two of which are at the 0350-level or above. Courses can be taken on campus during the academic year or at the Middlebury College Portuguese Language School, the C.V. Starr-Middlebury School in Brazil, or, with departmental approval, at study abroad programs in Lusophone countries sanctioned by Middlebury’s Programs Abroad Committee. At least one 0350-level or above course must be taken at the Middlebury College campus during the academic year.
     International Studies: Latin American studies majors with a track in the literature and culture of Brazil must take, in addition to their core and regional requirements: PGSE 0202 or its equivalent, four upper level courses in literature or culture taken at Middlebury or in Brazil, and PGSE 0500 during the senior year. At least one elective must be taken at Middlebury during the academic year.

PGSE 0115 Accelerated Beginning Portuguese (Fall 2021)

This course is an intensive and fast-paced introduction to Portuguese, covering all of the basic structures and vocabulary as well as important aspects of the cultures of Lusophone countries. Within a cultural context, emphasis will be placed on active communication aimed at the development of comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. Students are expected to continue with PGSE 0215, after successful completion of PGSE 0115 (formerly PGSE 0210). Open to all students. 6 hrs. lect./disc. LNG (M. Higa, F. Rocha)

PGSE 0210 Accelerated Beginning Portuguese (Spring 2022)

This course is an intensive and fast-paced introduction to Portuguese, covering all of the basic structures and vocabulary as well as important aspects of the cultures of Lusophone countries. Within a cultural context, emphasis will be placed on active communication aimed at the development of comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. Students are expected to continue with PGSE 0215, after successful completion of PGSE 0210. Open to all students. 6 hrs. lect./disc. LNG

PGSE 0215 Advanced Portuguese (Spring 2022)

This course is a continuation of PGSE 0210. It is designed to balance textual and cultural analysis with a thorough review of grammar at an intermediate/high level. Students will hone their critical thinking and linguistic skills through guided readings, oral discussions, and short written assignments on Lusophone cultural topics. (PGSE 0103 or PGSE 0210 or by waiver) 4 hrs. lect./disc. LNG

PGSE 0308 A Bridge Between Nations: Introduction to Galician Culture and Language (Spring 2022)

Galicia is a cultural region in the Iberian Peninsula. In this course we will explore how the study of the Galician region, its language and culture, can help us develop a deeper understanding of the Luso-Hispanic world. This will be an interdisciplinary course in which we discuss history and politics (formation of the region, its place in the globalized world and Spain); key sociolinguistic terms (diglossia, minoritized/minority language); and cultural manifestations while we explore and learn a new, but familiar, language. (SPAN 220 or PGSE 0215 or equivalent). 3 hrs.lect./disc CMP, EUR, LNG
Cross-listed as: SPAN 0308 *

PGSE 0340 Race, Sex, and Power in the Lusophone World (Spring 2022)

How do race and sex intersect in the Lusophone world? What can they teach us about the power dynamics behind world-shaping events such as the Inquisition, colonialism, slavery, miscegenation, nationhood, and even plastic surgery? We will explore the connections between violence, racial identity, gender, and sexualityin the histories and cultures of Lusophone nations. Content covered will include literature, film, television, music, historical documents, and interdisciplinary scholarship that offer different insights into how racial and sexual discourses and practices shape or contest power structures. (PGSE 0215 or equivalent) 3 hrs. lect./disc. CMP, LNG, SOC

PGSE 0357 The Luso Hispanic Fiction Writer (Spring 2022)

In this course we will study the representation of the writer of fiction in Luso-Hispanic contemporary narrative. As Julio Premat argues, writers often understand their task not only as the creation of literary works, but also as the fashioning of an authorial self within fiction and through essays, interviews, photographs. We will study how and why such images are crafted, and how they reflect ideas about the aesthetic and political role of the writer, the “truth” of fiction, the interplay between literature and reality, and the relationship between authorship and gender. Portuguese-language texts will be read in Spanish translation. (Two Spanish courses at the 0300-level or above, or waiver) 3 hrs. lect./disc. AAL, AMR, LIT, LNG

PGSE 0370 A Cultural History of Brazilian Soccer (Spring 2022)

Brazilians usually joke that volleyball is the country’s #1 sport, because soccer in Brazil does not count as a sport, it is a religion. In this course students will learn about the history of Brazilian soccer and how it became a “religion”. This history begins in 1895 when Charles Miller, coming from England, organized in São Paulo the first soccer game ever played in Brazil. Since then, the sport has deeply permeated Brazilian culture and arts (literature, music, cinema). Topics to be examined in this historical context are race, social class, gender, politics, and national identity. Materials to be discussed include fictional and non-fictional texts, songs, videos, and movies. Depending on the number of students enrolled, the course will be scheduled to have one soccer practice and one game (against another team) during the semester. Students may opt out of the practice and/or the game if they want. (PGSE 0215, or by approval) 3hrs. lect AAL, AMR, LIT, LNG

PGSE 0399 The School of Bossa Nova (Fall 2021)

During the 1950s, Brazil left the image of an exotic country behind to emerge on the world stage as a prosperous and modern nation. The soundtrack to this historical period was Bossa Nova, a revolutionary musical genre that blends together Afro-Brazilian samba and American jazz. In this course students will explore the history of Bossa Nova, its cultural paradigms, and its global impact. As a product of samba and jazz, how did Bossa Nova deal with issues of race and gender? Is Bossa Nova a “whitened” form of samba? How are women represented in Bossa Nova’s lyrics? Also, how were Tom Jobim and Vinicius de Moraes’ songs received in countries such as Japan, France, Cape Verde, Argentina, and the U.S.? How did these songs help change the perception of Brazil from abroad? In order to reflect on these and other questions, we will combine the reading of essays on Brazilian history and culture with the analysis of a number of Bossa Nova’s classics. Moreover, we will dedicate a section of our classes to “practice” these songs. As in the movie The School of Rock, students and teacher will rehearse for a performance, open to the Middlebury community, that will take place on campus by the end of the semester. Music skills are desirable, but not required. (PGSE 0215, or by approval) 3hrs. lect. AAL, AMR, ART, SOC (M. Higa)

PGSE 0500 Independent Study (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required)

SPAN 0101 Beginning Spanish I (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course is an introduction to the fundamentals of grammar and focuses on the development of four skills in Spanish: comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. Emphasis will be placed on active communication aimed at the development of oral and comprehension skills. This course is for students who have not previously studied Spanish. Students are expected to continue with SPAN 0102 and SPAN 0103 after successful completion of SPAN 0101. 5 hrs. lect./disc. (Fall 2021: I. Feldman)

SPAN 0104 Beginning Spanish II (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course is a continuation of SPAN 0101. Intensive reading, writing, and oral activities will advance students’ proficiency in Spanish in an academic setting. (SPAN 0101 or placement exam) 6 hrs. lect./disc. (Fall 2021: E. Garcia)

SPAN 0201 Intermediate Spanish (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This accelerated course is designed to review, reinforce, and consolidate the linguistic structures that students need in order to reach the intermediate level of proficiency in Spanish. A grammar review will accompany intensive language acquisition, vocabulary expansion, readings, discussions, and compositions. (Placement test required) 3 hrs. lect., 1 hr. drill. LNG (Fall 2021: L. Lesta Garcia, R. Albarran, F. Rocha)

SPAN 0220 Intermediate Spanish II (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

A course for students seeking to perfect their academic writing skills in Spanish. The course is also an introduction to literary analysis and critical writing and will include reading and oral discussion of literary texts. The course will also include a thorough review of grammar at a fairly advanced level. This course may be used to fulfill the foreign languages distribution requirement. (SPAN 0201, SPAN 0210, or placement) 3 hrs. lect./disc. LNG (Fall 2021: N. Poppe, M. Rohena-Madrazo, M. Manrique-Gomez, A. Fil)

SPAN 0250 Spanish for Heritage Speakers (Spring 2022)

This course is specifically designed for heritage speakers, i.e., individuals who grew up speaking Spanish at home but were formally educated in another language, or individuals from similar contexts. In this course students will learn about different aspects of their own varieties of Spanish, social perceptions towards them, and how these varieties are valid forms of communication. Additionally, students will study grammatical differences between their varieties of Spanish and a more formal, academic Spanish. The grammatical aspects will primarily focus on written Spanish, vocabulary, and verb tenses that tend to vary in different varieties of Spanish. (by placement exam or waiver) 3 hrs. lct. LNG

SPAN 0301 Advanced Spanish Grammar (Spring 2022)

This course offers a detailed study of complex aspects of Spanish grammar and syntax. Designed to build upon students' existing knowledge of Spanish grammar, the course will begin with a reconsideration of all the tenses in both the indicative and subjunctive moods, their values and their uses. After briefly reviewing the structure of simple sentences, we will analyze in depth all the different types of dependent clauses. Within the context of sentence structure, we will also look at several key aspects of Spanish grammar (ser and estar, prepositions, the infinitive, and the gerund, among others). Students will demonstrate their understanding of the material through a variety of practical and creative exercises. (SPAN 0220 or placement; not open to students who have taken SPAN 0380). LNG

SPAN 0306 Narratives of Diversity in 21st Century Spain (Fall 2021)

In this course we will explore recent Spanish voices that denounce the inequalities suffered historically by minorities in that country. These narratives strive to criticize oppression and to create a more inclusive space of coexistence. We will analyze the memoirs of the Afro-Spanish activist Desiree Bela-Lobedde and of the Asian-Spanish singer Chenta Tsai. We will also analyze queer cultures in rural spaces, and the controversial use of flamenco by singer Rosalía, among other topics. Finally, through the essay Ofendiditos by Lucía Litjmaer, we will analyze the reactions that these narratives encounter in the current Spanish and international political climate. (SPAN 220 or equivalent). 3 hrs.lect./disc EUR, LNG (L. Lesta Garcia)

SPAN 0307 Ideas and Cultures of the Southern Cone (Fall 2021)

What’s in a name? A sub-region of Latin America, the Southern Cone consists of three countries marked by cultural, geographical, historical, sociopolitical (dis)connection. In this course we will approach Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay not only as nations, but as a region with extensive transnational connections. Through analysis of a wide-range of cultural products like Ercilla’s early modern epic poem La Araucana, Figari’s paintings depicting candombé culture, and films of the New Argentine Cinema, we will study aspects of the cultural identities and intellectual histories of these countries and the region. (SPAN 0220 or placement) 3 hrs. lect./disc AAL, AMR, CW, LIT, LNG (N. Poppe)

SPAN 0308 A Bridge Between Nations: Introduction to Galician Culture and Language (Spring 2022)

Galicia is a cultural region in the Iberian Peninsula. In this course we will explore how the study of the Galician region, its language and culture, can help us develop a deeper understanding of the Luso-Hispanic world. This will be an interdisciplinary course in which we discuss history and politics (formation of the region, its place in the globalized world and Spain); key sociolinguistic terms (diglossia, minoritized/minority language); and cultural manifestations while we explore and learn a new, but familiar, language. (SPAN 220 or PGSE 0215 or equivalent). 3 hrs.lect./disc CMP, EUR, LNG
Cross-listed as: PGSE 0308

SPAN 0311 Hispanic Theatre (Fall 2021)

In this course we will explore a broad selection of dramas from Spain and Spanish America. We will focus on close readings of plays, considering, where relevant, their historical and cultural contexts. Emphasis will also be placed on the development of critical vocabulary and writing skills in Spanish. Texts will be selected from various periods from the Middle Ages to present day. Authors include: Cervantes, Lope de Vega, Calderón, sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Tirso de Molina, Alarcón, Castellanos, Gambaro, García Lorca, Mihura, Díaz, Solórsano. (SPAN 0220 or placement) 3 hrs. lect./disc. AAL, AMR, LIT, LNG (M. Fernandez)

SPAN 0312 Whose “New World”?: Early Latin America after Eurocentrism (Fall 2021)

Colonialism in the so-called New World may have begun with Columbus in 1492, but its impact continues to be felt across the lands that some Indigenous groups call Abya Yala today. In this course we will study how Indigenous and Black communities and other human actors in the region spearheaded, since the late fifteenth century, the first global wave of decolonization in response to the catastrophic transformations brought about by early modern Spanish imperialism. We will consider oral and written testimonies, visual art, material artifacts, and cultural performances from pre-Hispanic times to the long eighteenth century. Our goal will be to re-imagine an early Latin American world beyond/outside/after Eurocentrism. (SPAN 0220 or by placement) 3 hrs. lect./disc. AAL, AMR, LIT, LNG (R. Albarran)

SPAN 0315 Hispanic Film (Spring 2022)

The cinema is a space of social interaction, of entertainment, of bodily (dis)pleasure, of cultural critique, of commerce, of many things. In this course we will study, with a focus on comparative analysis, the text and context of films produced throughout the Hispanic world. Through examining the work of filmmakers from diverse backgrounds, we will closely analyze film form and engage key debates in film theory such as authorship, genre (comedy, documentary, melodrama, etc.), and (trans)national cinema, as well as explore the ways in which class, culture, disability, history, politics, race, and sexuality are represented cinematically. Critical, scholarly, and theoretical readings will supplement film viewings. (SPAN 0220 or placement) 3 hrs. lect./disc. AAL, ART, CMP, LNG

SPAN 0322 Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics (Fall 2021)

This course is an introduction to the theory and methodology of linguistics as applied to the study of Spanish. The course’s goals are to understand the basic characteristics of human language (and of Spanish in particular), and to learn the techniques used to describe and explain linguistic phenomena. We will study the sound system (phonetics/phonology), the structure of words (morphology), the construction of sentences (syntax), as well as the history and sociolinguistic variation of the Spanish language, as spoken in communities in Europe, Latin America, and Northern America. We will examine texts, speech samples, and songs, illustrating these linguistic phenomena. (SPAN 0220 or placement) 3 hrs. lect./disc. CMP, LNG, SOC (M. Rohena-Madrazo)

SPAN 0323 Creative Reading & Writing (Fall 2021)

In this course we will read and write short stories in Spanish. After Borges, Latin American writers understand their task as the creative reading and rewriting of literary tradition. The first module of the course is devoted to developing students’ awareness of how reading and writing are intertwined through intertextuality. The second module offers a workshop in which students will produce their own fiction and comment on their classmates’ work. Through creative reading and writing, students will hone their skills in Spanish. (SPAN 0220 or placement) 3 hrs. lect./disc. AAL, AMR, LIT, LNG (L. Castaneda)

SPAN 0338 Advanced Conversation (Spring 2022)

In this course we will focus on the development of oral skills in Spanish at the advanced level. Students will also be exposed to cultural context in Spanish, through which they will be introduced to social and political trends in the Spanish-speaking world. Through oral exams, presentations, debates, and other forms of oral assessment, students will deepen their oral skills, as well as their understanding and production of oral expression in the target language. The course will give special attention to communicative skills in Spanish, particularly speaking (including pronunciation) and listening. The instructor may choose specific grammar points for review when necessary. 3 hrs. lect. LNG

SPAN 0340 Representations of Social, Cultural, and Political Identities in Spain (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this course we will study the different representations of Spanish culture and politics. We will emphasize specific aspects that make Spain richly varied: Spain´s breathtaking reinvention and reaffirmation of its own identity after the Disaster of 1898, religious customs and conflicts, gender relations, political values of Spaniards. At the same time, the cultural impact of Don Quixote, Goya, Lorca, republicanism and dictatorship, civil war, flamenco, bullfighting, and soccer. Works to be discussed include a short selection of literary pieces, cultural, visual, musical, and film representations. This course is recommended for students planning to study in Spain. (SPAN 0220 or placement) 3 hrs. lect. disc. EUR, LNG (Fall 2021: M. Manrique-Gomez)

SPAN 0341 Understanding Iberian Identity through the Analysis of Spanish and Portuguese National Identities (Spring 2022)

In this course we will focus on different ways of understanding how the complex idea of “Iberian Identity” has been represented and reframed in Spain and Portugal over the centuries. In particular, we will analyze the concept of “Iberian Identity” as one that emerges directly from the differences and similarities already contained in the Spanish and Portuguese national identity discourses from the nineteenth-century to the present. We will put special emphasis on a full range of controversial collective narratives and memories that have shaped the Spanish and Portuguese discourses on national identity. We will look for power and social relations that are highlighted by the different and complementary discursive strategies of the dominant and subordinate discourses in both countries. We will deal with a variety of materials ranging from journal articles, political discourses, photographs, paintings, music, films, documentaries, and interviews, among others. 3 hrs. sem. CMP, EUR, LNG

SPAN 0345 Lusa-Hispanic Painting from the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Eras (Fall 2021)

The main goal of this course is to analyze art. Focusing on aesthetics, we will learn to appreciate the differences between Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque painting. Regarding formal elements we will work on the use of lines, colors, proportions, and perspective. Artistic appreciation will be complemented with readings on historical and theoretical issues regarding the intersection between imperial power and religion, race, and ethnicity (Casta painting), mythology, the use of the body as a metaphor, still lifes, and Vanitas painting. The course will also include a chapter on art by ‘forgotten’ women, as well as a chapter on architecture, including Brazilian colonial monuments. Students will compare artistic manifestations from Portugal, Spain and the New World, and will be able to trace connections with contemporary art. Among artists included: El Greco, Clara Peeters, Velázquez, Josefa de Óbidos, Goya, Illescas and The Quito School of Art, Villalpando, Correa, and Cabrera (México), Aleijadinho, Zapata, Master of Calamarca and many anonymous painters from the Cusco School (Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia). ART, CMP, LNG (P. Saldarriaga)

SPAN 0347 Indigenous peoples and social movements in Bolivia (Spring 2022)

Quechua and Aymara people of the Andes, and the indigenous nations from the Lowlands have been key in grassroots movements in Bolivia in the 21st century. We will study historical and present indigenous decolonial and environmental struggles, tackling issues of political representation and self-representation. We will look at indigenist literature and film, the Constitution of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, and indigenous journalism and performance. The Bolivian case will be placed in context with other social movements in the region and the Global South. 3 hrs. sem. AAL, AMR, HIS, LNG

SPAN 0348 Afro-Caribbean Music Genres (Fall 2021)

In this course we will study Afro-Caribbean music genres (eg, reggae, mambo, salsa, merengue, reggaeton, and calypso) and their impact within the region and on the global stage. Our main goal will be to compare the contested theoretical concept of cultural hybridity among the larger Caribbean nations (Haiti, Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Trinidad and Tobago, and the Dominican Republic) and their diasporas. We will also explore how Caribbean musicians and superstars work within the global infrastructure of the music/dance industry, while occasionally managing to counter the hegemonic erasure of the legacy of Black rebellion, worker revolution, nationalism, and racial/gender politics. (SPAN 0220 or 300 level Spanish course) 3 hrs. lect AAL, AMR, ART, CMP, LNG (E. Garcia)

SPAN 0358 In the Middle of Nowhere: Rural Spain through History (Spring 2022)

In this course we will analyze visual and narrative discourses related to rural communities in Spain. From a historical point of view, we will explore literary concepts such as bucolismo and naturalismo, the paleto cinema of the Francoism era and its contestation in Los santos inocentes. From there we will move to contemporary issues such as the vindication of the España vaciada, and new critical approaches such as the glocal, the rurban, and ecofeminism. We will include the voices of Ana Iris Simón, Oliver Laxe and María Sánchez that portray rural spaces and its inhabitants with respect and dignity. The goal of this course is to showcase rural spaces as sophisticated, diverse, and complex while we explore our own experience of Middlebury as a rural place. (Al least two Spanish courses at the 0300 level or above, or by waiver.) 3hrs.lect./disc. EUR, LNG

SPAN 0380 Understanding the Myth of Don Juan in the Western Tradition (Spring 2022)

The myth of Don Juan has embodied the thoughts, desires, and aspirations of multiple authors from different times and countries. In this course we will gain insights into core characteristics that define the Don Juan persona. We will analyze the original components of the character of Don Juan, situate the myth in its social and historical contexts, and study the different dramatic and literary strategies used by authors, artists, and filmmakers in their construction of Don Juan. Resources to be analyzed will include: fiction, poetry, film (fiction and documentary), philosophical essays, painting, music, and performance. 3 hrs lect./disc. EUR, LIT, LNG

SPAN 0422 Bilingualism in the Spanish-Speaking World (Fall 2021)

What does it mean to be bilingual? In this course we will study bilingualism with a special emphasis on Spanish-speaking bilinguals in Europe, Latin America, and the United States. Course topics will include social, political, linguistic, and psychological aspects of bilingualism. Special attention will be paid to societal bilingualism, language use among a group or community, individual bilingualism, how an individual’s language use changes in different contexts and throughout an individual’s lifespan, and government and educational policies throughout the Spanish-speaking world. We will study texts, speech samples, and media that highlight different aspects of bilingualism. (At least two Spanish courses at the 0300 level or above, or by waiver) (not open to students who have taken SPAN/LNGT 0377) 3 hrs. lect./disc. CMP, LNG, SOC (B. Baird)
Cross-listed as: LNGT 0422

SPAN 0478 Gabriel García Márquez's Cien años de soledad (Fall 2021)

Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez is one of the most significant authors of 20th century literature, and Cien años de soledad is often considered the most important Latin American novel ever written. In this course we will delve into this masterpiece from different perspectives. Through close-reading we will focus on its literary aspects - form, style, metaphor - while making connections with García Márquez’s life, Colombian history, Cold War politics, the Latin American Boom, metafiction, magical realism, and issues of race and gender. (Two Spanish courses at the 0300-level or above, or waiver) (formerly SPAN 0378) 3 hrs. lect./disc AAL, AMR, LIT, LNG (L. Castaneda)

SPAN 0489 Making Monsters: Global Visual Culture (Fall 2021)

In this course we will trace a cultural history of the monster, focusing on the construction of monstrosity as an imaginary concept based on cultural ideas regarding power and its manipulation, deformed and reproductive bodies, witchcraft, sexuality, race, the intelligence of female subjects, transgression of heteronormativity, masculine fears, fears of the other, and fears of the unknown and the powerful. Monsters also have a biopolitical dimension and can manipulate our lives. Using a global perspective (e.g. the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa), we will study monsters as depicted in science, art, cinema, and popular culture. We will emphasize feminist, decolonial and horror theories, as well as post- and transhumanism. Resources may include: Divine images, mythological and folklore figures, representation of the Native Americans during colonization, freaks, ‘degenerate’ art, industrial and nuclear accident monsters, vampires, zombies, and mutants. 3 hrs. sem. ART, CMP, LNG (P. Saldarriaga)
Cross-listed as: GSFS 0489

SPAN 0490 Latin America in Paris/Paris in Latin America (Fall 2021)

Paris has been central in cultural exchanges with Latin America, as a model of an ideal city, a rejected cipher of coloniality, and a place of encounters. Many Latin American intellectuals and artists, such as Cesar Vallejo and Remedios Varo, lived and created in Paris. Tango became an Argentinean national symbol after having been recognized in the Parisian night scene. In this course we will study phenomena such as these to understand the dynamics of translation and exchange of people and ideas, and their profound impact on both Latin America and Paris. 3 hrs. sem. AAL, AMR, LNG (I. Feldman)

SPAN 0500 Independent Study (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

The department will consider requests by qualified juniors and senior majors to engage in independent work. (Approval only)

SPAN 0705 Senior Honors Thesis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

The department will award honors, high honors, or highest honors on the basis of a student's work in the department and performance in SPAN 0705. (Approval only) (I. Feldman, M. Fernandez, L. Lesta Garcia, E. Garcia, G. Gonzalez Zenteno, L. Castaneda, P. Saldarriaga, M. Rohena-Madrazo)
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Department of Mathematics

Mathematics Requirements

Required for the Major in Mathematics: (Eleven courses total, at least six of which must be taken at Middlebury College in Vermont):
I. Core courses: MATH 0122, MATH 0200, MATH 0223, MATH 0302, and MATH 0323 (at least one of the latter two to be completed by the end of the junior year);
II. Electives: five MATH electives at the 0200-level or above;
III. Senior work: A 0700-level MATH seminar in the senior year.

Students interested in advanced work in applied mathematics may wish to include a post-calculus sequence of courses in their area of specialization.  Examples are MATH 310 & 311, MATH 310 & 410.  A list of current options is maintained on the department web page.  The second course in these specifically designated sequences may be counted in place of MATH 302 for the major. 

Note: Students are strongly encouraged to include a proof-based course such as MATH 0241 or MATH 0247 early in their programs. This is especially helpful prior to taking MATH 0302 or MATH 0323. 

Students planning a "3-2" engineering program who wish to major in Mathematics should complete the 700-level senior seminar in their sixth semester at Middlebury. 

Honors: Students who wish to be considered for departmental honors in mathematics must take one additional elective (12 courses total). Honors designations are based on senior work and GPA within the major.
Required for the Minor in Mathematics (six courses total at least half of which must be taken at Middlebury College in Vermont): MATH 0121, MATH 0122, MATH 0200, and three courses at the 0200-level or above.
Joint Majors: The Department of Mathematics does not offer a joint major.
Advanced Placement: Advanced placement in the department is offered to first-year students whose secondary training indicates they can commonly bypass one or more of the beginning courses in mathematics. Majors typically begin their study of mathematics in MATH 0122 or MATH 0200. Mathematics majors who need to begin the study of calculus with MATH 0121 may arrange with their advisors to use this course as one of the required electives. Credits for MATH 0121 and 0122 may be earned through the College Board AP exams or international exams such as the A-Levels or IB. At the discretion of the chair, additional courses may be waived in recognition of exceptional secondary school preparation. However, in all cases the major must include at least 7 Middlebury College or approved transfer courses, and the minor must include at least 4. Students who have earned grades on advanced placement calculus exams that are eligible for credit may not register for the equivalent course at Middlebury College. Thus students who have earned 4 or 5 on the Calculus AB exam or a 3 on the Calculus BC exam may not register for MATH 0121, students who have earned 4 or 5 on the Calculus BC exam may not register for MATH 0121 or MATH 0122.  This policy applies irrespective of whether students choose to use their AP credits toward meeting Middlebury's graduation requirements. The following international credentials carry the same credit as a 4 or 5 on the Calculus BC Exam: A-level exam with a mathematics grade of A, B, or C; or IB Higher Level Mathematics with a grade of 6 or 7.
Other Credits: Because of the wide variation in course offerings at other institutions, students wishing to substitute a course from another college for any course in mathematics must seek approval from the department before registering for the course.

Available only to students entering prior to Fall 2019:
Required for the Mathematical Sciences Option in the Mathematics Major
: (Eleven courses total, at least six of which must be taken at Middlebury College in Vermont)
I. Core courses: MATH 0122, MATH 0200, and MATH 0223;
II. Computing-intensive course: CSCI 0150 or MATH 0216 or MATH 0228;
III. Electives. Six courses from categories A and B. At least four of the six courses must have the MATH designation, and at least two must be from category B, and at least one of those two must be MATH 0302 or MATH 0323, to be completed by the end of the junior year. Non-MATH courses must all have the same designation (ECON or PHYS or CSCI)
A. Courses in applied specialization: MATH 0218, MATH 0225, MATH 0310, MATH 0315, MATH 0318, ECON 0280, PHYS 0212, CSCI 0201, CSCI 0463; 
B. Advanced electives: MATH 0302, MATH 0311, MATH 0323, MATH 0325, MATH 0410, CSCI 0302, ECON 0390, ECON 0411, MATH 0500 (with prerequisite: at least one course from categories A or B);
IV. Senior work: A 0700-level MATH seminar in the senior year.

Note: Students should consult the mathematics department for examples of course sequences in the mathematical sciences option recommended for emphases in Mathematical Economics, Computer Science, or Physical Sciences/Engineering. For students completing double majors, electives used towards a major in another department cannot also be counted as electives in the mathematical sciences option.


MATH 0109 Mathematics for Teachers (Fall 2021)

What mathematical knowledge should elementary and secondary teachers have in the 21st century? Participants in this course will strengthen and deepen their own mathematical understanding in a student-centered workshop setting. We will investigate the number system, operations, algebraic thinking, measurement, data, and functions, and consider the attributes of quantitative literacy. We will also study recent research that describes specialized mathematical content knowledge for teaching. (Students looking for a course in elementary school teaching methods should consider EDST 0315 instead.) 3 hrs. lect. DED (P. Bremser)
Cross-listed as: EDST 0109

MATH 0116 Introduction to Statistical Science (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

A practical introduction to statistical methods and the examination of data sets. Computer software will play a central role in analyzing a variety of real data sets from the natural and social sciences. Topics include descriptive statistics, elementary distributions for data, hypothesis tests, confidence intervals, correlation, regression, contingency tables, and analysis of variance. The course has no formal mathematics prerequisite, and is especially suited to students in the physical, social, environmental, and life sciences who seek an applied orientation to data analysis. (Credit is not given for MATH 0116 if the student has taken ECON 0210 or PSYC 0201 previously or concurrently.) 3 hrs. lect./1 hr. computer lab. DED (Fall 2021: W. Peterson, E. Malcolm-White)

MATH 0118 Introduction to Data Science (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this course students will gain exposure to the entire data science pipeline: forming a statistical question, collecting and cleaning data sets, performing exploratory data analyses, identifying appropriate statistical techniques, and communicating the results, all the while leaning heavily on open source computational tools, in particular the R statistical software language. We will focus on analyzing real, messy, and large data sets, requiring the use of advanced data manipulation/wrangling and data visualization packages. Students will be required to bring alaptop (owned or college-loaned) to class as many lectures will involve in-class computational activities. (formerly MATH216) 3 hrs lect./disc. DED (Fall 2021: K. Karpman, A. Lyford)

MATH 0121 Calculus I (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Introductory analytic geometry and calculus. Topics include limits, continuity, differential calculus of algebraic and trigonometric functions with applications to curve sketching, optimization problems and related rates, the indefinite and definite integral, area under a curve, and the fundamental theorem of calculus. Inverse functions and the logarithmic and exponential functions are also introduced along with applications to exponential growth and decay. 4 hrs. lect./disc. DED (Fall 2021: E. Malcolm-White, M. Kubacki)

MATH 0122 Calculus II (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

A continuation of MATH 0121, may be elected by first-year students who have had an introduction to analytic geometry and calculus in secondary school. Topics include a brief review of natural logarithm and exponential functions, calculus of the elementary transcendental functions, techniques of integration, improper integrals, applications of integrals including problems of finding volumes, infinite series and Taylor's theorem, polar coordinates, ordinary differential equations. (MATH 0121 or by waiver) 4 hrs. lect. DED (Fall 2021: J. Crodelle, P. Schumer)

MATH 0200 Linear Algebra (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Matrices and systems of linear equations, the Euclidean space of three dimensions and other real vector spaces, independence and dimensions, scalar products and orthogonality, linear transformations and matrix representations, eigenvalues and similarity, determinants, the inverse of a matrix and Cramer's rule. (MATH 0121 or by waiver) 3 hrs. lect./disc. DED (Fall 2021: F. Swenton, D. Dorman, J. Schmitt)

MATH 0211 Regression Theory and Applications (Spring 2022)

Regression is a popular statistical technique for making predictions and for modeling relationships between variables. In this course we will discuss the theory and practical applications of linear, log-linear, and logistic regression models. Topics include least squares estimation, coding for categorical predictors, analysis of variance, and model diagnostics. We will apply these concepts to real datasets using R, a statistical programming language. (MATH 0200; and MATH 0116 or MATH 0311) 3 hrs lect./disc. DED

MATH 0218 Statistical Learning (Fall 2021)

This course is an introduction to modern statistical, machine learning, and computational methods to analyze large and complex data sets that arise in a variety of fields, from biology to economics to astrophysics. The theoretical underpinnings of the most important modeling and predictive methods will be covered, including regression, classification, clustering, resampling, and tree-based methods. Student work will involve implementation of these concepts using open-source computational tools. (MATH 0216) 3 hrs. lect./disc. DED (A. Lyford)

MATH 0223 Multivariable Calculus (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

The calculus of functions of more than one variable. Introductory vector analysis, analytic geometry of three dimensions, partial differentiation, multiple integration, line integrals, elementary vector field theory, and applications. (MATH 0122 and MATH 0200 or by waiver) 3 hrs. lect./disc. DED (Fall 2021: M. Olinick)

MATH 0226 Differential Equations (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

MATH 0226, Differential Equations
This course provides an introduction into ordinary differential equations (ODEs) with an emphasis on linear and nonlinear systems using analytical, qualitative, and numerical techniques. Topics will include separation of variables, integrating factors, eigenvalue method, linearization, bifurcation theory, and numerous applications. In this course, we will introduce MATLAB programming skills and develop them through the semester. (MATH 0200 or by waiver) (formerly MATH 0225) 3 hrs. lect./disc.
DED (Fall 2021) (Fall 2021: J. Crodelle)

MATH 0228 Introduction to Numerical Analysis (Fall 2021)

We will study the development, analysis, and implementation of numerical methods for approximating solutions to mathematical problems. We will begin with applications of Taylor polynomials, computer representation of numbers, and types of errors. Other topics will include polynomial and spline interpolation, numerical integration and differentiation, rootfinding, and numerical solutions of differential equations. Accuracy will be quantified by the concept of numerical error. Additionally, we will study the stability, efficiency, and implementation of algorithms. We will utilize the software MATLAB throughout to demonstrate concepts, as well as to complete assignments and projects. (MATH 0122) DED (M. Kubacki)

MATH 0241 Elementary Number Theory (Spring 2022)

Divisibility and prime factorization. Congruences; the theorems of Lagrange, Fermat, Wilson, and Euler; residue theory; quadratic reciprocity. Diophantine equations. Arithmetic functions and Mobius inversion. Representation as a sum of squares. (MATH 0122 or by waiver) DED

MATH 0302 Abstract Algebra (Fall 2021)

Groups, subgroups, Lagrange's theorem, homomorphisms, normal subgroups and quotient groups, rings and ideals, integral domains and fields, the field of quotients of a domain, the ring of polynomials over a domain, Euclidean domains, principal ideal domains, unique factorization, factorization in a polynomial ring. (MATH 0200 or by waiver) 3 hrs. lect./disc. DED (D. Dorman)

MATH 0310 Probability (Fall 2021)

An introduction to the concepts of probability and their applications, covering both discrete and continuous random variables. Probability spaces, elementary combinatorial analysis, densities and distributions, conditional probabilities, independence, expectation, variance, weak law of large numbers, central limit theorem, and numerous applications. (concurrent or prior MATH 0223 or by waiver) 3 hrs. lect./disc. DED (W. Peterson)

MATH 0311 Statistical Inference (Spring 2022)

An introduction to the mathematical methods and applications of statistical inference using both classical methods and modern resampling techniques. Topics will include: permutation tests, parametric and nonparametric problems, estimation, efficiency and the Neyman-Pearsons lemma. Classical tests within the normal theory such as F-test, t-test, and chi-square test will also be considered. Methods of linear least squares are used for the study of analysis of variance and regression. There will be some emphasis on applications to other disciplines. This course is taught using R. (MATH 0310) 3 hrs. lect./disc. DED

MATH 0323 Real Analysis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

An axiomatic treatment of the topology of the real line, real analysis, and calculus. Topics include neighborhoods, compactness, limits, continuity, differentiation, Riemann integration, and uniform convergence. (MATH 0223) 3 hrs. lect./disc. DED (Fall 2021: S. Abbott)

MATH 0326 Partial Differential Equations (Spring 2022)

An introduction to partial differential equations (PDEs) with an emphasis on first and second-order linear equations. Using analytical, qualitative, and numerical techniques, we will study the Laplace, heat, and wave equations, as well as their applications. MATLAB will be used where applicable. (MATH 0223 and either of MATH 0225 or MATH 0226) 3 hr lect. DED

MATH 0332 Elementary Topology (Spring 2022)

An introduction to the concepts of topology. Theory of sets, general topological spaces, topology of the real line, continuous functions and homomorphisms, compactness, connectedness, metric spaces, selected topics from the topology of Euclidean spaces including the Jordan curve theorem. (MATH 0122 or by waiver) (formally MATH 0432) 3 hrs. lect./disc. DED

MATH 0345 Combinatorics (Fall 2021)

Combinatorics is the “art of counting.” Given a finite set of objects and a set of rules placed upon these objects, we will ask two questions. Does there exist an arrangement of the objects satisfying the rules? If so, how many are there? These are the questions of existence and enumeration. As such, we will study the following combinatorial objects and counting techniques: permutations, combinations, the generalized pigeonhole principle, binomial coefficients, the principle of inclusion-exclusion, recurrence relations, and some basic combinatorial designs. (MATH 0200 or by waiver) 3 hrs. lect./disc. DED (J. Schmitt)

MATH 0500 Advanced Study (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Individual study for qualified students in more advanced topics in algebra, number theory, real or complex analysis, topology. Particularly suited for those who enter with advanced standing. (Approval required) 3 hrs. lect./disc.

MATH 0710 Advanced Probability Seminar (Spring 2022)

This course is a tutorial in Probability Theory for students who have completed work in Probability and Real Analysis. Starting from elementary results about random walks, we will explore the fundamental mathematical ideas underlying measure theoretic probability, martingales, the Weiner process, and the Itô stochastic calculus. Working independently and in small groups, students will gain experience reading advanced sources and communicating their insights in expository writing and oral presentations. This course fulfills the capstone senior work requirement for the mathematics major. (MATH 0310, MATH 0323, and by approval). 3 hrs. sem.

MATH 0715 Advanced Mathematical Modeling Seminar (Fall 2021)

A tutorial on advanced mathematical model building and analysis for students who have completed work in Differential Equations and Probability. We will study deterministic and stochastic models of interacting populations with a focus on mathematical ecology and epidemiology. Working independently and in small groups, students will gain experience reading advanced sources and communicating their insights in expository writing and oral presentations. Fulfills the capstone senior work requirement for the mathematics major. (Approval Only) 3 hrs. Sem. DED (M. Olinick)

MATH 0741 Advanced Number Theory (Fall 2021)

A senior tutorial on some topics in advanced elementary number theory and an introduction to analytic number theory. In this course we will review key areas of elementary number theory and abstract algebra followed by the study of integer partitions, continued fractions, rational approximations of irrationals, primes and primality testing, the average order of magnitude of several number theoretic functions, the Basel problem, Bernoulli numbers, and the Riemann zeta function. (MATH 0241 or MATH 0302) 3 hrs. sem. DED (P. Schumer)
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Middlebury Institute Courses

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Molecular Biology & Biochemistry

Students matriculating Fall 2018 or later must follow these requirements.  Students matriculated prior to Fall 2018 will need to follow the previous requirements, which can be found on the MBBC webpage.

Required for the Major: The requirements for the major in molecular biology and biochemistry provide a multidisciplinary yet integrated approach to examining life at the macromolecular, cellular, and organismal levels. The major is composed of 15 required courses including foundation courses, advanced courses, and four electives selected among three thematic suites. Required foundation courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology establish a strong, broad understanding of the science necessary for advanced study. Required advanced courses in the core areas of molecular biology and biochemistry build on this foundation. Finally, elective courses offer advanced opportunities to explore a wide variety of specific topics including neurobiology, developmental biology, computational biology, data science, molecular genetics, and biochemical mechanisms. Students may engage in mentored independent research in these areas.

Students may be able to bypass introductory courses in chemistry on the basis of AP credit or proficiency exams. Those who bypass CHEM 0103 may begin with CHEM 0104 (fall or spring) or CHEM 0107 (fall only).  AP Physics credit will satisfy the physics requirement (PHYS 0109).   
AP Statistics will not satisfy the statistics requirement. Students with AP Statistics credit will be required to enroll in BIOL 0211 or MATH 0116.   AP Calculus, IB or A-level Mathematics exams, bypass exams, or any pre-college course in calculus will not exempt a student from the background math course requirement.  Students will need to enroll in a math class that they are placed into by the Math Department. Placement is decided by the Math Department based on either scores on advanced placement exams or review of high school records. 

Some graduate schools may require two semesters each of mathematics and physics.  Students interested in the health professions can learn more about the pre-health requirements here, and are encouraged to reach out to the health professions team for individual support.

Study Abroad and Transfer Credits:
Students who consider taking summer courses or courses abroad must consult with their advisor about the process of transferring credit from another institution.  With approval of the Program Director, transferred credits may count towards the major requirements. 

Requirements for the Molecular Biology and Biochemistry major are as follows:
A single course may not fulfill more than one requirement.

Required Background Courses
A course in Mathematics
PHYS 0109 Newtonian Physics
BIOL 0140 Ecology and Evolution
BIOL 0145 Cell Biology and Genetics
BIOL 0211 Experimental Design and Data Analysis or MATH 116 Introduction to Statistical Science
CHEM 0103 General Chemistry I
CHEM 0104 General Chemistry II or CHEM 0107 Adv. General Chemistry
CHEM 0203 Organic Chemistry I: Structure and Reactivity
CHEM 0204 Organic Chemistry II: Synthesis and Spectroscopy

Required Advanced Courses:
BIOL 0314 Molecular Genetics
CHEM 0322 Biochemistry of Macromolecules

Required Elective Suite Courses:

A list of appropriate electives is provided within each suite.  However, not all listed courses are offered every year.  Also, as other appropriate courses may become available on campus, there may be additional course options within each suite.  Majors will be kept informed of currently available courses that fit within each of the three elective suites. 

Students may not count a single course in more than one elective category requirement.

1. Quantitative Suite (students must take 1 class in this suite)
        CHEM 0355 Thermodynamics and Kinetics*
        CSCI 0201 Data Structures*
        CSCI 0321 Bioinformatics Algorithms*
        MATH 0200 Linear Algebra
        MATH 0223 Multivariable Calculus*
        MATH 0118 Introduction to Data Science (formerly MATH 0216)
        MATH 0315 Mathematical Models in the Social and Life Sciences*

2. Advanced Laboratory Suite- Lecture and Independent Research (students must take 1 class in this suite)
        BIOL 0305 Developmental Biology
        BIOL 0310 Microbiology
        BIOL 0324 Genomics
        BIOL 0331 The Genetics of Cancer
        BIOL 0365 Molecular Microbial Ecology

3.  Advanced Non-Laboratory Suite (students must take 2 classes in this suite)
        BIOL 0280 Immunology
        BIOL 0330 Mechanisms of Microbial Pathogenesis
        BIOL 0333 Receptor Biology
        BIOL 0350 Endocrinology
        BIOL 0420 Neurogenetics
        BIOL 0425 Human Genetics
        BIOL 0449 Extremophiles: conquering Earth's Extreme Environments
        BIOL 0450 Topics in Reproductive Medicine
        BIOL 0475 Neuroplasticity
        CHEM 0303 Chemical Biology
        CHEM 0355 Thermodynamics and Kinetics*
        CHEM 0425 Biochemistry of Metabolism
        CSCI 0321 Bioinformatics Algorithms*
        PHYS 0241 Biomedical Imaging*

*Courses with pre-requisites other than courses already required of the MBBC major (or by waiver for some).

There is no minor in molecular biology and biochemistry.

Prospective students are encouraged to begin the Introductory Chemistry and Introductory Biology sequences and Mathematics during their first year.  BIOL 0145 requires CHEM 0103 or equivalent as prerequisite. CHEM 0204 may be taken either concurrently with CHEM 0322, or afterwards.  Independent Study courses (CHEM/BIOL/MBBC 0500/0700/0701) do not fulfill any of the major requirements.  BIOL 0331 or BIOL 0310 are examples of courses with sections that fulfill the CW requirement.

Molecular Biology & Biochemistry Research
Research is an important component of a well-rounded academic pursuit; it contributes to the development of independence and creativity, as well as to the depth of knowledge needed to become an active contributor to the scientific community. Majors may undertake independent research with a faculty mentor in MBBC or in other Departments and Programs, provided the research falls within the mission of the major. Any major is eligible to perform an independent study research project (BIOL 0500, CHEM 0500, NSCI 0500, or BIOL/CHEM/NSCI/MBBC 0700) with the consent of a mentor.
     Requirements for HonorsSenior thesis research may be initiated by any junior with the consent of a mentor. Students considering senior thesis research are urged to begin conversations with faculty early in their junior year (certainly by winter term) because many thesis projects begin during the summer preceding the senior year. Those eligible for high honors or honors in molecular biology and biochemistry will: (1) complete at least two semesters of research, which may include winter term; (2) enroll in MBBC 0701 for their final semester of research; (3) graduate with a minimum GPA of 3.3 for all courses counting towards the major; (4) present a public seminar describing the significance, methodology, results, and conclusions of their research; (5) successfully defend their thesis before a committee of three faculty, two of whom must be affiliated with the MBBC program; and (6) earn a grade of at least B+ for MBBC 0701, as determined by the members of the MBBC program, with the grade based on their research performance, their written thesis, their thesis presentation and their thesis defense.

MBBC 0700 Senior Thesis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Seniors conducting independent study in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry should register for MBBC 0700 unless they are completing a thesis project in which case they should register for MBBC 0701. (Approval required).

MBBC 0701 Senior Thesis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Students conducting independent thesis research in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry must register for MBBC 0701 while completing research projects initiated in BIOL 0500, MBBC 0700, or CHEM 0400. Students will organize and lead regular discussions of their research and research methods, and attend weekly meetings with their designated laboratory group to foster understanding of their special area, and practice the stylistic and technical aspects of scientific writing needed to write their thesis. (CHEM 0400 or BIOL 0500 or MBBC 0700) (Approval required).
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Department of Music

Required for the Major: Majors are required to take MUSC 0101; MUSC 0209; MUSC 0260-0261; MUSC 0333; MUSC 0334; a performance elective such as MUSC 0240, 0243, 0244, or 0500; two 0200-level or above elective music courses; and MUSC 0400 senior seminar.

Demonstrated proficiencies: Music majors will be required to demonstrate basic piano and sight-singing proficiencies in the semester at the end of Theory II (MUSC 0260). If preparation is needed, music majors are required to take a semester of  keyboard harmony, arranged through the music office.

In addition to the curricular requirements, majors are required to participate for three semesters in at least one departmentally-approved ensemble: African Music and Dance Ensemble, Afropop Ensemble, Middlebury College Orchestra, Middlebury College Choir, Middlebury College Community Chorus, The Sound Investment Jazz Ensemble, or Middlebury Community Wind Ensemble.

Required for the Joint Major: Joint Majors are required to take MUSC 0101; MUSC 0260-0261; MUSC 0333; MUSC 0334; two 0200-level or above elective music courses; and MUSC 0704 (senior work that combines both majors and is agreed upon by the advisers and department or program chair)

Required for the Minor: Students who pursue the minor in music are required to complete five music courses, two of which may be general introductory courses (0100 level) and three other courses at the 0200-0400 levels.

Music Theory Placement Exam: Students may test into MUSC 0209 (Composition I) and MUSC 0260 (Music Theory II) by taking a placement exam rather than taking the pre-requisite MUSC 0160 (Theory I). Incoming students must take the placement exam before classes begin and only at the designated time at orientation. Current students must send an email to Professor Matthew Taylor at matthewt@middlebury.edu to schedule the exam. Note: Placement tests should be arranged by November 1, and April 1, for the following semesters.

Departmental Honors: Departmental honors in music reflect a student's overall achievement in and contribution to the department, as well as demonstrated excellence in MUSC 0704 (Senior Work). To take MUSC 0704, students must have at least B+ grade average in music courses; and must submit a proposal for senior work (of one or two semesters in length) by April 1 of the junior year. Of note: MUSC 0704 (Senior Work) does not count as a course toward fulfillment of the music major. Grade averages of B+ in senior work and B+ in departmental courses will be eligible for honors; A- in senior work and A- in departmental courses will be eligible for high honors; A in senior work and A in departmental courses will be eligible for highest honors.


The African Music and Dance Ensemble is the core of MUSC 0244, for which enrolled students earn one (1) credit. The Ensemble gives students (with or without a musical background) a rich, hands-on experience with numerous East African (Ugandan) music and dance cultures through regular rehearsals and end-of-semester concerts. See course listing of MUSC 0244. (D. Kafumbe).

The following ensembles require two semesters of enrollment to earn (1) credit.

Afropop is a dynamic and diverse blend of traditional African music with R&B, rock, pop, reggae, hip hop, funk, EDM, and many other Western and Afro-diasporic styles. Students learn songs by ear and create their own arrangement—most songs use three or four chords and pentatonic melodies. There are no prerequisites. The ability to read music is not required. See course listing MUSC 0205. (D. Kafumbe)

Middlebury College Orchestra auditions for instrumentalists at the beginning of the semester. Twice-weekly rehearsals take place in Robison Hall in preparation for performances featuring music from all periods. See course listing for MUSC 0205. (E. Bennett).

Middlebury College Choir performs concerts each fall and spring, participates in Baccalaureate and other College functions, and tours or engages in other projects annually. Audition required, with attention to sight-reading, listening skills, and vocal production. Intent to participate full year/multiple semesters strongly encouraged. Open to all students without prerequisite. See course listing of MUSC 0205. (J. Buettner).

College Community Chorus performs concerts each fall and spring, usually including a major choral work for chorus and organ or orchestra. Open to all without audition; rehearsals focus on developing choral musicianship. See course listing of MUSC 0205. (J. Rehbach).

The Sound Investment Jazz Ensemble uses traditional big-band instrumentation, playing the best of contemporary jazz arrangements as well as classic charts from the 75 years of swing and jazz band history. The ensemble also features student compositions and arrangements when available. An active performance schedule is typical. See course listing of MUSC 0205. (D. Forman).

Middlebury Community Wind Ensemble is an off-campus community ensemble that students are invited to join that features woodwind, brass, and percussion; no auditions necessary. There are two performances each semester. Rehearsals take place at Middlebury Union High School. (M. McHugh).

Other Chamber Ensembles: String quartets, woodwind and brass ensembles can be formed and coached for interested students. Independent projects (MUSC 0500) can be arranged for these groups.

Private Music Lessons: Musical instrument and voice lessons are available through the department. Register online at go/musiclessons during the first week of fall and spring terms (winter term lessons registration takes place the last week of classes in the fall term). Academic credit is not given for lessons, and an additional fee is applied to the student’s college bill. There are ten 45-minute music lessons per semester (four during winter term). Students will sign contracts at the first lesson and are binding. No rebate is allowed for lessons missed except in the case of injury or continued illness. Members of music department ensembles are entitled to half-price lessons for the instruments they play in the ensemble (or voice for choir and community chorus). The fee is waived for students who are music majors and music joint majors, (limit two lesson series per semester), or are enrolled in performance-related courses(varies by semester), and MUSC 0500 or MUSC 0704 projects. Contact the department at extension 5221 for information.


MUSC 0101 Introduction to Music (Spring 2022)

In this course we will develop critical listening skills through guided study of selected works of Western classical, popular, and folk music, as well as a sampling of music from non-Western cultures. Students will examine how music uses basic sound materials—such as rhythm, melody, timbre, texture, and harmony—to create meaning and expression, how those uses have changed over time from the Middle Ages to the present, and how music relates to its social and historical context and to the other arts. Previous musical training is not required. 3 hrs. ART, CMP, HIS

MUSC 0134 What in the World is Music? (Fall 2021)

In this course we will explore global musical cultures in order to better understand both those musical cultures and our own in relation to one another. The course has two goals: to introduce students to unfamiliar ways of listening to and thinking about different elements of music (including – but not limited to – rhythm, melody, timbre, texture, harmony, and form); and to develop skills for appreciating cultural significances of these elements. We will achieve these goals through readings, lectures, discussions, film screenings, listening sessions, workshops, concerts, and hands-on activities. 3 hrs. lect. ART, CMP (D. Kafumbe)

MUSC 0160 Music Theory I: Fundamentals (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course is an introduction to the basic elements and theoretical concepts of Western music. We will focus on such topics as basic keyboard skills, sight singing, musical notation, rhythm, and harmony and form. Theoretical work and drills will be combined with compositional and performance projects. The goal of the course is to expand students’ musical intuition and skill and to provide the technical basis for further music study. No prior musical experience is required. (Students who wish to take upper-level composition or music theory courses must either complete this course or pass a theory and musicianship test administered by the department to demonstrate equivalent experience.) (Formerly MUSC 0109). 2.5 hrs. lect. ART (Fall 2021: S. Tan)

MUSC 0205 Performance Lab (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Credit can be conferred for performance in faculty-supervised ensembles: (see listing of "Ensembles" in the requirements section). One unit of credit to accrue over two semesters (spring then fall only). The appropriate supervising faculty will give grades, based on attendance and quality of performance. A student should inform the ensemble director of intent to sign up for this course before starting, and should actually register for MUSC 0205 only the SECOND of the two terms by adding it as a fifth course. MUSC 0205 does not fulfill any major course requirements and may not be taken more than once. (Approval required) ART (Fall 2021: E. Bennett, J. Buettner, D. Kafumbe, J. Forman)

MUSC 0209 Music I (Fall 2021)

Music I focuses on the materials and grammar of music through compositional exercises. As part of these explorations, we will examine the elements of harmony (scales, triads and seventh chords), notation, rhythm, polyrhythm, binary and ternary forms, two-voice counterpoint, variation, transposition, as well as skills in conducting, analysis, ear-training, and sight-singing. Students will write short pieces for a variety of instruments and ensembles, notate their pieces, and rehearse and perform them, thereby learning about music through discovery and observation. The assignments are designed for students with or without compositional experience. (Ability to play an instrument or sing; MUSC 0160, or passing score on the MUSC 0160 placement exam) 3 hrs. lect./1 hr. lab. ART (S. Tan)

MUSC 0210 Music II (Spring 2022)

This course is a continuation of MUSC 0209. While using the same format, including composing and labs, as in MUSC 0209, the course covers elements of modality (western and non-western), functional harmony, heterophony, fugal processes, strophic forms, melodic analysis, serial processes, and extensions of tonality and atonality. (MUSC 0209 or by permission) 3 hrs. lect./1 hr. lab. ART

MUSC 0243 Conducting (Spring 2022)

In this course students will develop basic skills of conducting including movement, aural skills, creative gesture, and score study. Daily work will include preparation to conduct an ensemble of classmates. Score reading ability and proficiency on an instrument or in singing is required. (MUSC 0160 or by approval of instructor. Score-reading ability is required.) ART

MUSC 0244 African Music and Dance Performance (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course will introduce students to various techniques of performing East African (primarily Ugandan) musical and dance traditions through regular rehearsals, culminating in an end-of-semester concert. As an ensemble, we will learn and master how to play and sing/dance to bow-harps, thumb-pianos, xylophones, tube-fiddles, bowl-lyres, gourd shakers, struck gourds, reed-box rattles, ankle bells, leg rattles, and various types of drums. Some background in performing music is recommended, but prior knowledge of performing African music and dance is not required. 3 hrs. lect./lab AAL (Fall 2021), ART (Fall 2021), SAF (Fall 2021) (Fall 2021: D. Kafumbe)
Cross-listed as: DANC 0244

MUSC 0260 Music Theory II: Diatonic Theory (Fall 2021)

This course is an in-depth technical study of the materials of music, a study which expands one’s ability to analyze and create music and to understand different musical styles. We will cover harmonic materials, introduce musical form, and work with traditional compositional skills. These techniques are applied to the analysis of classical music, jazz and popular music. (MUSC 0160 or passing score on the MUSC 0160 placement exam.) 3 hrs. lect./disc. ART

MUSC 0261 Music Theory III: Chromatic Theory (Spring 2022)

This course is a continuation of MUSC 0260. Students will study more advanced harmonic devices including modulation and chromaticism, jazz harmony, and post-tonal techniques. In-depth analysis of classical music, jazz, and popular music supports a more advanced study of musical form. (MUSC 0260) 3 hrs. lect./disc. ART

MUSC 0309 Advanced Composition (Fall 2021)

In this course we will focus on writing for string quartet, brass quintet, a cappella singing, piano, or performance art and involve issues of technique, style, and practical considerations, as well as study of selected elements of the literature. The course will culminate with a reading of student works by a professional ensemble or solo performer. This semester we focus on composing for the string quartet. We will discuss a variety of string techniques as well as issues of form and orchestration. We will listen to important works for that medium and discuss the styles from the Classical period to this century. (MUSC 0209 and 0210 or approval of instructor). 3 hrs. lect./disc. (S. Tan)

MUSC 0333 Music in Western Cultures (Fall 2021)

In this course we will develop skills for assessing music’s social, economic, and political importance in Western societies. Through a series of units focusing on various aspects of music (such as composition, performance, dissemination, and reception) and on various eras from ancient Greece to the present, students will engage with the principal questions and methods of historical musicology. (MUSC 0101) 3 hrs. lect. ART, CMP, CW, HIS (L. Hamberlin)

MUSC 0334 Music in World Cultures (Spring 2022)

In this course students will develop skills for analyzing a wide range of music styles and appreciating their social, economic, and political importance. We will explore selected case studies through readings, lectures, discussions, film screenings, listening sessions, workshops, concerts, and hands-on activities. (MUSC 0209 or MUSC 0261) 3 hrs. lect. AAL, ART, CMP

MUSC 0400 Approaches to Music Research (Fall 2021)

In this course we will explore various approaches to music inquiry that inform a mindset and practice of engagement through music. Using a seminar format that includes discussion, multimodal study, and public presentation and performance, we will learn various procedures of uncovering and disseminating musical knowledge. We will also explore and develop ideas of why and how we do that as musicians in the 21st century. The seminar will culminate in projects that advance methodologies of senior work or related work. All music majors are required to take this course in the fall of their senior year. 3 hrs. lect./disc. ART (J. Buettner)

MUSC 0500 Independent Study (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Admission by approval. Please consult published departmental guidelines and paragraph below.

MUSC 0704 Senior Work (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Senior work is not required of all music majors and joint majors. However, students interested in and eligible for departmental honors (see guideline above, in "Departmental Honors" section) may propose one or two-semester Senior Work projects. Projects may be in history, composition, theory, ethnomusicology, performance, or electronic music, and should culminate in a written presentation, a public performance, or a combination of the two. MUSC0704 does not count as a course toward fulfillment of the music major.

Project and budget proposals for Independent Study and Senior Work should be submitted by the previous April 1 for fall and winter term projects, and the previous October 15 for spring term projects. Budget proposals will not be considered after those dates. Project proposals will be considered after the deadline but are more likely not to be approved due to previous commitments of faculty advisors or other scheduling reasons.
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Program in Neuroscience

Required for the major: The major includes required background and foundations courses, electives, and senior work. Required background courses in biology, psychology, and chemistry, establish a foundation in science necessary for upper-level study. Foundation courses teach students to approach neuroscience from three intellectually different, but related directions. Elective courses offer opportunities to explore a wide variety of neuroscience related areas. Senior work requires all majors to integrate their specific training through research or a senior seminar.  Students may be exempt from some introductory courses through placement or bypass exams. For more information on placing out of a specific course, contact the chairperson of the relevant department. 

Please note that in accordance with the general college policy regarding interdisciplinary majors, majors in Neuroscience cannot declare more than one minor.

Required Background Courses:
PSYC 0105 Introduction to Psychology
BIOL 0145 Cell Biology and Genetics
CHEM 0103 Fundamentals of Chemistry
Either PSYC 0201 Psychological Statistics or BIOL 0211 Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis or MATH 0116 Introduction to Statistical Science.  The program strongly recommends that majors take PSYC 0201 or BIOL 0211, unless they have special interests that favor taking MATH 0116.   

PSYC 0105, CHEM 0103, and BIOL 0145 should be taken as early as possible.  We strongly recommend that PSYC 0201 or BIOL 0211 be taken by the end of the third year.

Foundations Courses: (all three are required)
NSCI 0251 Fundamentals of Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Not open to seniors) 

NSCI 0252 Fundamentals of Behavioral Neuroscience (Currently only open to NSCI Majors with the prerequisites of PSYC 0105 and NSCI 0251)

Fundamentals of Philosophical Neuroscience—Students must take one of the following:   
PHIL 0252 Philosophy of Mind
PHIL 0280 Semantics, Logic, and Cognition
PHIL 0360 Consciousness

Majors must take three electives chosen from within or across the Biological, Psychological, or Philosophical groupings below:

Biological Studies of Neuroscience
BIOL 0216 Animal Behavior
BIOL 0235 Sexual Selection
BIOL 0270 Neural Disorders
BIOL 0305 Developmental Biology
BIOL 0333 Receptor Biology
BIOL 0350 Endocrinology
BIOL 0370 Animal Physiology
NSCI 0200 Pioneers of the Brain
NSCI 0225 Brain Evolution
NSCI 0320 Clinical Neuroscience
NSCI 0345 Neurodevelopment

Psychological Studies of Neuroscience
PSYC 0202 Research Methods
PSYC/NSCI 0206 Brain Plasticity
PSYC/NSCI 0227 Cognitive Psychology
PSYC/NSCI 0302 Conditioning and Learning
PSYC/NSCI 0303 Sensation and Perception
PSYC/NSCI 0309 Psychopharmacology
PSYC/NSCI 0317 Biobehavioral Addiction
PSYC/NSCI 0343 Behavioral Genetics
PSYC/NSCI 0353 Social Neuroscience
RELI/PSYC 0209 Mindfulness and Psychology
LNGT 0226 Phonetics & Phonology

Philosophical Studies of Neuroscience
PHIL 0214 Science and Society
PHIL 0216 Science and the Quest for Truth
PHIL 0220 Knowledge and Reality
PHIL 0230 Moral Psychology (formerly PHIL 0310)
*PHIL 0252 Philosophy of Mind
*PHIL 0280 Semantics, Logic, and Cognition
PHIL 0316 Philosophy of Science
PHIL/LNGT 0354 Philosophy of Language
*PHIL 0360 Consciousness
RELI/PHIL 0320 Yogacara Depth Psychology and Philosophy of Mind 

* If not taken already to satisfy the Fundamentals of Philosophical Neuroscience requirement

Senior Work: A senior seminar in a neuroscience area, approved by the program. Offerings vary year by year, but possible courses include: 

BIOL/NSCI 0420 Neurogenetics
BIOL 0475 Neuroplasticity
BIOL/NSCI 0480 Neurobiology
NSCI 0410 Neural Coding
NSCI 0425 Methods in Neuroscience
PSYC 0408 Family in Psychology
PSYC/NSCI 0414 Rhythms of the Brain
PSYC/NSCI 0418 Psychobio & Sex Diff. Critique
PSYC/NSCI 0430 Memory: A User's Guide
PSYC/NSCI 0434 Genes, Brain and Behavior
PSYC/NSCI 0437 Social/Emotional Brain
or a NSCI relevant BIOL, PSYC or PHIL 0400 level course approved in advance by the NSCI Program) OR senior research (NSCI 0500, NSCI 0700 and NSCI 0701).

If a student completes their senior work by taking NSCI 0500/0700/0701, they may use one (and only one) senior seminar as an elective towards the major. In that case the seminar will be counted as an elective only after NSCI 0500/0700/0701 is completed.   However, if a student fulfills their senior work requirement using a senior seminar, they may not count an additional senior seminar as an elective, unless approved by the instructor in consultation with the program director

During winter term and as course offerings change there may be others that are available for NSCI seminar credit.  Seniors can do research with any faculty in the program, or with certain faculty in other departments provided the research project is approved by the neuroscience faculty and the project is related to understanding the nervous system and the mind.

Independent Research and Program Honors: Majors are encouraged to undertake independent research (NSCI 0500, NSCI 0700, NSCI 0701) with any faculty member in the program. Students considering any senior research should begin conversations with faculty early in their junior year. Those eligible for honors in neuroscience must (1) complete at least two semesters of thesis-related research (one term of NSCI 0500 or NSCI 0700 and one term of NSCI 0701); (2) have a minimum GPA of 3.3 in major courses (excluding NSCI 0500/0700/0701); (3) present a public seminar describing the background, methodology, results, and greater significance of their research; (4) submit a written thesis and (5) successfully defend their thesis before a committee composed of at least two Neuroscience faculty members, plus others as needed who may recommend High Honors after considering these five components of a thesis.

Study Abroad: Study abroad can be a valuable experience that is encouraged, though majors must consult with the Office of Off-Campus Study and their advisor about the advisability of specific programs. Because the requirements for the NSCI major are complex, we recommend that students study abroad for a single term rather than an entire year. It is expected that, with the exception of courses satisfying the Fundamentals of Philosophical Neuroscience requirement, the required courses listed for the major specifically by number (i.e. PSYC 0105, BIOL 0145, PSYC 0201 or BIOL 0211, NSCI 0251, NSCI 0252) would be completed at Middlebury. Students may satisfy the Fundamentals of Philosophical Neuroscience requirement by means of an equivalent course taken abroad, but should seek approval for this course before going abroad.  NSCI electives may be taken abroad if they are determined to satisfy program requirements and are approved by the advisor and program director. Students generally receive major credit for a maximum of two courses taken abroad. The NSCI program does not grant major credit for Independent Study projects completed abroad.

Advanced Placement:
Psychology AP Exam and IB: Students with a score of 4 or 5 on the Psychology AP Exam, or a score of 6 or 7 on the IB (International Baccalaureate) Higher Level psychology exam, may bypass PSYC 0105Students matriculating Fall 2016 or later will need to take an additional elective to fulfill their Neuroscience Requirements.  Students matriculating prior to Fall 2016 do not need an additional course for the major.
Psychology Department placement exam: Students who receive a passing score on the Psychology Department placement exam may bypass PSYC 0105, however they will need to take an additional elective to fulfill their Neuroscience Requirements.  (More details can be found on the Psychology Requirements page.)
Statistics AP Exam:  Students matriculating Fall 2016 or later may not use the Statistics AP Examination in place of taking PSYC 0201 (Psychological Statistics) or BIOL 0211 (Biostats).  Credit for PSYC 0201 is given to students matriculating prior to Fall 2016 who achieve a score of 4 or 5 on the Statistics AP Examination.  These students do not need to take an additional course for the major.  
Chemistry AP and Placement ExamStudents with a score of 4 or 5 on the Chemistry AP Exam, or who pass the Chemistry Department Placement Exam, may bypass CHEM 0103 and do not need an additional course for the major.



NSCI 0200 Pioneers of the Brain (Spring 2022)

The field of neuroscience emerged from the collective efforts of anatomists, physiologists, chemists, and psychologists all striving to understand the immense complexity of the nervous system. In this course we will investigate a selection of pioneering researchers in the history of neuroscience, focusing especially from the mid-19th century to the present day. Utilizing a historical framework, we will examine their hypotheses, methodologies, conclusions, and how their work was received (or derided) by contemporaries. Topics will range from molecular mechanisms of neuronal function to animal behavior. (BIOL 0145 or PSYC 0105 or CHEM 0103, or equivalent; open to non-seniors only, others by approval) 3 hrs. lect. SCI

NSCI 0206 Brain Plasticity (Fall 2021)

Starting in early development and continuing throughout your lifespan, your experiences will restructure your brain and thereby change who you are! We will explore the foundations of brain plasticity through the investigation of brain development, memory and memory systems, and the neurobiology of memory. Our understanding of brain plasticity will be applied to better understand how plasticity can be harnessed to improve cognition and alleviate a variety of brain disorders. Our exploration will be informed by authors, and artists portrayals of memory, scientific literature, and clinical case studies. (PSYC 0105 or any BIOL course; open to psychology and neuroscience majors; others by waiver) 3 hrs. lect. SCI (M. Dash)
Cross-listed as: PSYC 0206 *

NSCI 0227 Cognitive Psychology (Spring 2022)

Questions about the nature of the mind, thinking, and knowledge have a long and rich history in the field of psychology. This course will examine the theoretical perspectives and empirically documented phenomena that inform our current understanding of cognition. Lectures, discussions, demonstrations, and experiments will form the basis for our explorations of cognition in this class. Topics to be considered include attention, perception, memory, knowledge, problem solving, and decision making. (PSYC 0105; PSYC 0201 and PSYC 0202 recommended; not open to first-year students; open to psychology and neuroscience majors; others by waiver. Not open to students who have taken PSYC 0305) 3 hrs. lect./1.5 hrs. lab. SCI
Cross-listed as: PSYC 0227 *

NSCI 0251 Fundamentals of Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Neurons are the building blocks of complex circuits that underlie perception and behavior. In this course we will examine the molecular and cellular basis of neuron structure and function. The topics include the molecular and cellular basis of action potential propagation, the molecular biology of synaptic transmission, the molecular mechanisms of synaptic plasticity, and the molecular mechanisms of sensory transduction. Laboratory exercises will train students in commonly used neurobiology techniques and engage students in novel investigations. (BIOL 0145 (Note: AP credit in biology cannot be used to satisfy this requirement) Open to neuroscience majors, nonmajors by waiver; Not open to seniors). 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab. SCI (Fall 2021: A. Crocker, H. Hsiang)

NSCI 0252 Fundamentals of Behavioral Neuroscience (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Behavioral neuroscience is an interdisciplinary field that combines approaches and knowledge from psychology, biology, and chemistry to further our understanding of human and non-human animal behavior. In this course, you will study the interrelationships among elements of the nervous systems, co-functioning bodily systems, and behavioral output such as emotions, sex, memory, consciousness, sleep, and language. You will be given an opportunity to apply your knowledge from NSCI 0251 of the nervous system at the micro and macro levels and will revisit the basic concepts of behavioral genetics and psychopharmacology. This cumulative knowledge base will serve as your foundation for advanced study of neural systems and their relative roles in progressively more complex behaviors such as basic reflexes, motivation, rational thought, neural disorders, and therapeutic efficacy. (PSYC 0105 and NSCI 0251; open to NSCI majors only, others by approval) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab. SCI (Fall 2021: C. Cave)

NSCI 0303 Sensation and Perception (Fall 2021)

Remarkably, using just five basic senses, our brains translate simple external stimuli (e.g. light and sound waves) into unique and vivid perceptual experiences enabling us to interact with our surrounding physical reality. Focusing primarily on the underlying mechanisms of vision and audition, we will explore how our brains construct detailed representations of our world. Throughout these explorations, we will identify perceptual limitations and investigate how mental processes such as attention and emotion affect our perceptions. We will review recent scientific articles and conduct experiments. (PSYC 0105 or any BIOL course; open to psychology and neuroscience majors; others by waiver) 3 hrs. lect./1 hr. disc. SCI (M. Dash)
Cross-listed as: PSYC 0303 *

NSCI 0309 Psychopharmacology (Fall 2021)

This course will examine ways in which drugs act on the brain to influence behavior. Students will learn the basics of brain function, will learn basic properties of drug action, and will learn how legal and illegal drugs, including drugs used to treat psychological disorders, alter the brain function and behavior of humans and experimental animals. (PSYC 0226 or PSYC 0301 or PSYC 0303 or BIOL 0370 or NSCI 0252; not open to first-year students; open to psychology and neuroscience majors; others by waiver) 3 hrs. lect. SCI (M. Collaer)
Cross-listed as: PSYC 0309 *

NSCI 0320 Clinical Neuroscience (Fall 2021)

In this course we will examine human and animal models of clinical problems of the nervous system to understand their underlying causes and emerging treatments. Readings and discussions will include foundational writings and primary literature on cutting-edge medical research in Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinsonism, dementias, mood disorders, and epilepsy, as well as regenerative medicine and deep brain stimulation. Students will lead in-depth class discussions, design their own research synthesis projects, and present on their conclusions on recent ground-breaking findings in the field. (NSCI 0251; open to neuroscience majors; others by waiver). SCI (Z. Zhai)

NSCI 0345 Neurodevelopment (Fall 2021)

The generation of the nervous system is an intricate, stepwise process involving the coordinated action of progenitor cells, organizing centers, and signaling pathways. Drawing examples from vertebrate and invertebrate neurodevelopment, we will examine the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in generating a healthy, functioning nervous system. Topics will range from early embryonic events (neural induction, patterning) through mid-gestation (neurogenesis, gliogenesis) and later stage processes (axon guidance, synaptogenesis). Students will also gain an appreciation for the emerging role of activity-dependent plasticity in neurodevelopment and how developmental processes become compromised in disease. (NSCI 251; open to NSCI majors only, others by approval) 3 hrs. lect. SCI (C. Cave)

NSCI 0414 Rhythms of the Brain (Spring 2022)

How do the ~86 billion neurons of the human brain coordinate their activity to produce complex cognition and behavior? In this course we will explore how rhythmic oscillations in neuronal activity may provide a unified mechanism that contributes to diverse brain functions including attention, learning and memory, motor coordination, sleep, respiration, and perhaps even consciousness itself. Through background lectures and class discussion of primary scientific literature, students will develop their understanding of the relationships between ongoing neuronal activity, cognition, and behavior. (PSYC 0301 or PSYC 0303 or NSCI 0100 or NSCI 0252; open to junior and senior psychology and neuroscience majors; others by waiver) 3 hrs. sem. SCI
Cross-listed as: PSYC 0414 *

NSCI 0418 Psychobiology and Sex Differences: Exploration and Critique (Spring 2022)

Men and women differ reproductively, in hormonal patterns, in average height, and in muscle mass. Biology is accepted as influencing these differences. Do biological contributions stop at the neck? Or might biology also contribute to neural and behavioral development in human as well as nonhuman species? We will examine evidence both for and against relationships between psychobiological factors (such as hormones and chromosomes) and sex/gender differences in behavior and psychological states (such as play behavior, cognition, sexual orientation, stress, addiction, and psychological disorders). Further, we will consider potential perils of such investigations, and additionally, will explore relationships between social/experiential factors and sex/gender differences as these may provide alternative, sometimes stronger, explanations. (PSYC 0105 and PSYC 0201; Open to junior and senior neuroscience and psychology majors only, others by waiver) 3 hrs. sem.
Cross-listed as: PSYC 0418 *

NSCI 0425 Methods in Systems Neuroscience (Spring 2022)

Our brains are series of connected neurons forming circuits. The properties of these neurons and circuits dictate their role in our behavior. This interaction is the foundation of systems neuroscience. In this course students will deepen their understanding of the fundamental properties of these neural circuits. Students will gain knowledge of the current methods of studying these circuits, including their promise for future research directions as well as their flaws. We will focus on learning the principles of neural circuitry and discussing primary literature. (NSCI 0252; open to junior and senior neuroscience majors; others by waiver). SCI

NSCI 0500 Independent Research (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Students enrolled in NSCI 0500 complete individual research projects involving laboratory or extensive library study on a topic chosen by the student and approved in advance by a NSCI faculty advisor. This course is not open to seniors; seniors should enroll in NSCI 0700. (Approval required)

NSCI 0700 Senior Research (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course is for senior NSCI majors who plan to conduct one or more semesters of independent research, or who plan to complete preparatory work toward a senior thesis, such as researching and writing a thesis proposal as well as, if appropriate, collecting data that will form the basis for a senior thesis. Senior NSCI majors who plan to complete a senior thesis should register initially for NSCI 0700. Additional requirements may include participation in weekly meetings with advisors and/or lab groups and attending neuroscience seminars. (Approval required, open to seniors only)

NSCI 0701 Senior Thesis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Senior NSCI majors who have completed one or more terms of NSCI 0700, who have a GPA of 3.3 in their major courses, and who plan to complete a senior thesis should register for NSCI 0701 for the final semester of the senior thesis process. Students enrolled in NSCI 0701 write a thesis, give a public presentation of their research, and present an oral defense of the thesis before a committee of at least two Neuroscience faculty members. Faculty may recommend High honors in Neuroscience after considering the quality of these components of a student’s thesis and the student’s GPA in major courses. Additional requirements may include participation in weekly meetings with advisors and/or lab groups and attending neuroscience seminars. (NSCI 0700, Approval required)
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Department of Philosophy

Required for the Major: Majors must complete no fewer than eleven courses in the department, to include:

  1. Logic Requirement: PHIL 0180 (to be taken by the end of the sophomore year)
  2. History Requirement (to be taken by the end of the junior year; students going abroad in their junior year should complete the History Requirement prior to departure):
    a. PHIL 0201 or CLAS/PHIL 0275 and
    b. PHIL 0250
  3. Distribution Requirement:
    a. one course in Ethics and Social & Political Philosophy (ESP); and
    b. one course in Epistemology, Language, Metaphysics, Mind and Science (ELMMS).
  4. Upper-level Course Requirement:  Three courses at the 0300 or 0400 level, at least one of which must be a 0400-level course. (Students may count only one cross-listed 300-level course taught by faculty outside the Philosophy Department towards their upper-level course requirement. 0400-level courses will not normally satisfy the distribution requirement. Courses taken while abroad will not generally be allowed to substitute for the required 0400-level course.)
  5. Senior Independent Research Requirement
  6. At least two other philosophy courses, in order to fulfill the eleven-course requirement. 

Cognate courses may be substituted for no more than two departmental electives, but will not satisfy the departmental distribution requirement; such substitutions require the prior approval of a major's departmental adviser, and must be at the 0200-level or above.

Senior Independent Research Requirement: Majors must complete a one-semester independent research project (PHIL 0710) in the fall of their senior year. Topics and advisers will be decided through consultation with members of the department. PHIL 0710 includes participation in the senior project workshop held for all students completing their independent work.

Departmental Honors:  Students will be awarded departmental honors if and only if they receive a) at least an A- average in courses counted toward the major, and b) an A- on their senior project.  Students will be awarded high honors if and only if they receive a) at least an A- average in courses counted toward the major, and b) an A on their senior project. 
Required for the Joint Major:  For the philosophy component of a joint major, students must take nine philosophy courses, including

1.   PHIL 0180, to be taken by the end of the sophomore year;
2.   One 0400-level seminar to be taken in the last three semesters;
3.   Three of the following:

a.  PHIL 0201 or CLAS/PHIL 0275
b.  PHIL 0250
c.  one course in Ethics and Social & Political Philosophy (ESP) and
d.  one course in Epistemology, Language, Metaphysics, Mind and Science (ELMMS)

4.  A course in which the student completes a senior independent project that shows evidence of having integrated the training of both major fields.  (Normally this course will be PHIL 0710, though other models may be appropriate.)  The topic and scope of the independent project is to be determined in consultation with both major advisers. 
5.  At least three other philosophy courses, in order to fulfill the nine-course requirement. 

Required for the Minor: A total of six courses in philosophy, including PHIL 0180 and at least one course at the 0300 or 0400 level. Minors wishing to take a 0400-level seminar must have completed three other philosophy courses first. Enrollment priority in 0400-level seminars will be given to majors. Students electing the philosophy minor are encouraged to consult with faculty members in the Philosophy Department about course planning.

PHIL 0150 Introduction to the Western Philosophical Tradition (Spring 2022)

This course will introduce students to fundamental philosophical issues concerning the nature of reality (metaphysics), the possibility of knowledge (epistemology), and the nature of value (ethical theory) through a reading of a number of important primary texts of thinkers such as Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Hume, Kant, Kierkegaard, Mill, Nietzsche, and Freud. Cannot be taken by students with credit for PHIL 0151. 3 hrs. lect., 1 hr. disc. EUR, PHL

PHIL 0156 Contemporary Moral Issues (Spring 2022)

We will examine a selection of pressing moral problems of our day, seeking to understand the substance of the issues and learning how moral arguments work. We will focus on developing our analytical skills, which we can then use to present and criticize arguments on difficult moral issues. Selected topics may include world poverty, animal rights, abortion, euthanasia, human rights, just and unjust wars, capital punishment, and racial and gender issues. You will be encouraged to question your own beliefs on these issues, and in the process to explore the limit and extent to which ethical theory can play a role in everyday ethical decision making. 2 hrs.lect./1 hr. disc. PHL

PHIL 0160 Theories of the Good (Fall 2021)

What makes for a good person? What makes for a good society? What makes for a good piece of art? What makes for a good life? This introductory course will explore theories of the good within ethics, political philosophy, and aesthetics. Drawing on both historical and contemporary works, we will consider a diverse range of perspectives on what makes someone or something good. 2 hrs. lect/1 hr. disc. PHL (L. Besser)

PHIL 0180 Introduction to Modern Logic (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Logic is concerned with good reasoning; as such, it stands at the core of the liberal arts. In this course we will develop our reasoning skills by identifying and analyzing arguments found in philosophical, legal, and other texts, and also by formulating our own arguments. We will use the formal techniques of modern propositional and predicate logic to codify and test various reasoning strategies and specific arguments. No prior knowledge of logic, formal mathematics, or computer science is presupposed in this course, which does not count towards the PHL distribution requirement but instead towards the deductive reasoning requirement. 3 hrs. lect./1 hr. disc. DED (Fall 2021: H. Grasswick)

PHIL 0201 Ancient Greek Philosophy (Fall 2021)

This class introduces students to the range and power of Greek thought, which initiated the Western philosophical tradition. We will begin by exploring the origins of philosophy as found in myth (primarily Hesiod) and in the highly original speculation of the Pre-Socratic thinkers (such as Heraclitus and Parmenides). We will then focus on Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, examining their transformations of these earlier traditions and their own divergent approaches to ethics and education. We will also consider the influences of Greek philosophy on later thought. 3 hrs. lect. EUR, HIS, PHL (M. Woodruff)

PHIL 0208 Morality & War (Fall 2021)

Are there any Just Wars? What would make a war a Just War? In the first part of this course we will investigate the historical origins of Just War Theory. In the second part, we will analyze contemporary moral perspectives on whether war can be morally justified and if so, what actions in war are morally justified or prohibited. In the final part, we will read articles concerning war and humanitarian intervention and on what actions, e.g. punishment, are morally permissible or demanded after war. Authors will include Augustine, Grotius, Nagel, Walzer, Luban. 3 hrs. lect. PHL (S. Viner)

PHIL 0214 Science and Society (Fall 2021)

Scientific theories are not developed in a vacuum. Social circumstances influence the practice of science, and science, in turn, influences how we organize ourselves as a society. In this course will investigate both directions of the relationship between science and society. We will ask such questions as: how do the values of society drive scientific research? What do we mean when we claim that science is 'objective' and what do we expect of an objective science? Can there be 'good' politically-motivated science, or does this conflict with the norms of 'good' science? How important is science as a way of bettering society? Do scientists bear an extra burden of responsibility when they generate scientific results of particular social significance (such as the development of the atomic bomb, or the development of techniques of cloning)? We will examine particular cases of socially significant scientific research, and we will consider larger philosophical questions concerning the status of science as a source of knowledge. 3 hrs. lect. This course is part of the Public Humanities Labs Initiative administered by the Axinn Center for the Humanities.* PHL, SOC (H. Grasswick)

PHIL 0230 Moral Psychology (Spring 2022)

Moral psychology is the study of human behavior in the context of morality. How do we think about morality? How do we make moral judgments? How do we behave in moral situations? Answering these questions forces us to think deeply about the nature of our actions and the way we do and should evaluate them. In this course we will explore these questions and more. Specific topics covered may include altruism and egoism, moral judgment, moral responsibility, practical deliberation, intentional action, virtue and vice, character, and moral development. Readings will be drawn from both philosophy and psychology. (not open to students who have taken PHIL 0310) 3 hrs. sem. PHL, SOC

PHIL 0235 Philosophy of Race (Fall 2021)

In this course we will explore different answers to philosophical questions about the nature and reality of race, the nature of racism, and social or political questions related to race or racism. 3 hrs. lect. CW (16 seats), PHL, SOC (K. Khalifa)

PHIL 0250 Early Modern Philosophy (Spring 2022)

This course offers an introduction to some of the most influential European philosophers of the 17th and 18th centuries: Descartes, Spinoza, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, and Kant. We will consider and critically examine the responses these thinkers gave to various questions in metaphysics and epistemology, including the following: What is the relationship between reality and our perception of reality? What is the nature of the mind and how is it related to the body? What is the nature of physical reality? Which of our beliefs, if any, do we have good reason to maintain in the face of radical skepticism? 3 hrs lect. EUR, PHL

PHIL 0252 Philosophy of Mind (Fall 2021)

What is the nature of the mind, and how does it relate to the body and the physical world? Could computers ever think? Do animals have mental and emotional lives? This course will explore several of the major recent philosophical conceptions of the mind. A central focus will be on evaluating various attempts to explain the mind in purely physical terms, including the project of artificial intelligence (AI). Can these theories give us a complete understanding of the mind? Other key questions will include: What is the nature of thought, and how is it capable of representing the world? What is consciousness, and can it be explained physically? 3 hrs. lect./1 hr. disc. PHL (J. Spackman)

PHIL 0280 Semantics, Logic, and Cognition (Spring 2022)

Using logical and mathematical tools, formal semantics answers the following questions: Why do sentences mean what they mean? How is reasoning possible? How does language structure our understanding of time, change, knowledge, morality, identity, and possibility? We will evaluate several formal-semantic models from philosophical, linguistic, and psychological perspectives. This course is well suited for students interested in computer science, linguistics, logic, mathematics, neuroscience, philosophy, or psychology. (Some prior familiarity with formal logic is recommended, but not required.) 2 hrs. lect./1 hr. disc DED, PHL
Cross-listed as: LNGT 0280

PHIL 0320 Seminar in Buddhist Philosophy: Yogacara Depth Psychology and Philosophy of Mind (Spring 2022)

In this seminar we will survey the basic ideas of Yogacara Buddhism (4-6th c. CE), one of two major schools of Indian Buddhism, in relation to cognitive science and philosophy of mind. We will examine these ideas historically, philosophically and comparatively. We focus on the Yogacara analyses of the largely unconscious ‘construction of reality’ and its systematic deconstruction through forms of analytic meditation. We will read primary and secondary texts on Indian Buddhism and texts espousing similar ideas in modern philosophy and the social and cognitive sciences. (one course on philosophy or RELI 0120, RELI 0220, RELI 0223, RELI 0224, RELI 0225, RELI 0226, RELI 0227or RELI 0228.) 3 hrs. sem. AAL, PHL
Cross-listed as: RELI 0320 *

PHIL 0322 Liberalism and Its Critics (Spring 2022)

Liberal political thought is widely touted and accepted in Western societies. In this course, we will take a close look at what liberalism is by investigating the origins of liberalism in the writings of John Locke and John Stuart Mill and by evaluating the thought of contemporary liberal political philosophers, e.g. John Rawls and Will Kymlicka. We will also analyze the arguments of those like Michael Sandel and Yael Tamir who have criticized liberalism as misguided or incomplete. We seek to gain an understanding of the political and moral principles that give priority to liberty and related values or concepts like toleration, autonomy, and fairness. (One course in philosophy or waiver) 3hrs. CW, PHL

PHIL 0364 The Philosophy of Happiness (Fall 2021)

This is a course on the philosophy of happiness, well-being, and human flourishing. We will consider both the big questions about the nature of these states (for instance, “What is happiness?” and “Is it necessary for a worthwhile life?”) and the specific topics typically taken to be essential to these states, such as pleasure, life satisfaction, virtue, and agency. While working from a philosophical perspective, we will integrate psychological research from the field of “positive psychology” into our analyses. Our readings will draw on contemporary works by both philosophers and psychologists, and will include works by Haybron, Feldman, Csikszentmihalyi, Diener, and Seligman. (Not open to students who have taken FYSE 1519 or PHIL 1010) 3 hrs. sem. PHL (L. Besser)

PHIL 0418 Nietzsche and Greek Thought: Tragedy and Philosophy (Spring 2022)

This seminar explores the profound influence Greek thought wielded upon Nietzsche. We will focus on Nietzsche's understanding of the complex relation between tragedy and philosophy: Greek tragedy is born out of the spirit of music and the twin deities of Apollo and Dionysus; it dies under attack from Socratic rationalism; but it reemerges when philosophy reaches its limits and yields to a tragic insight, as exemplified by the "music-making Socrates." We will ask how this artistic Socrates relates to Nietzsche's own tragic hero, Zarathustra, and why tragedy affirms life and overcomes pessimism. Readings selected from Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, the Pre-Socratics, Plato, Aristotle, and Nietzsche. (Junior and senior majors, or by waiver) 3 hrs. sem. EUR, PHL

PHIL 0500 Research in Philosophy (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Supervised independent research in philosophy. (Approval required).

PHIL 0710 Senior Independent Research (Fall 2021)

In this course senior philosophy majors will complete an independent research project. The course has two components: (1) a group workshop in which students refine their research skills and develop parts of their projects, and (2) individual meetings with an adviser who is knowledgeable about the student's research topic. Students will engage in research activities such as tutorials and peer reviews. Before the course begins, students’ research topics and advisers will be decided in consultation with members of the department. (Senior majors.) 3 hrs. sem. (J. Spackman)
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Physical Education

Physical education is a degree requirement. The physical education program concentrates on lifetime sports, so that all students leave Middlebury College with exposure to sports or recreational activities in which they have developed a degree of skill and interest, which will be an asset to them in later years. Each course carries one unit of physical education credit.

Before graduation, students must complete two different activities to receive the required two credits. Students are encouraged to complete the credits by the end of their fourth academic semester at Middlebury (excluding winter term). In the case of transfer students, students are encouraged to complete the requirement by the end of their second semester at Middlebury. Students who have not completed their requirement by the second semester of their senior year will not be eligible to graduate.

Students may use participation on varsity and junior varsity intercollegiate teams as a way of satisfying the physical education requirement. No more than one of the two physical education credits may be earned from participation in a single sport. Two-sport athletes may satisfy both physical education credits through participation on varsity and junior varsity intercollegiate teams.

The Physical Education Department also recognizes participation in six club sports. The five club sports that can receive a physical education credit are rugby, crew, water polo, aikido, sailing and cricket, which have a coach on site for practices and games. In order to receive a physical education credit, students must participate in one full season of crew, rugby, water polo, sailing or cricket. Students in aikido must attend 20 classes per semester. Each of these club sports will equal one physical education credit.

Students who wish to elect additional courses beyond those required for graduation may register with the department for the appropriate season and be scheduled for classes on a space-available basis. Some of the courses and activities follow:

Certification Courses (textbook and related fee applicable): Lifeguard Training, and First Aid/CPR.

Fee Classes: alpine skiing, kickboxing, martial arts, massage, meditation, horseback riding, scuba, nordic skiing, spinning, and yoga. Instructors outside of the College generally teach these courses. The fees and times are available during Banner web registration.

Equipment Sports (students provide equipment): tennis.

More Equipment Sports (department provides equipment): archery, badminton, fencing, golf, and squash.

Conditioning Courses: Resistance training, strength training, and swim for conditioning.

Dance Courses (as available): varying levels of ballet, jazz, and modern dance (DANC 0160, DANC 0161, DANC 0162, DANC 0260, DANC 0261, DANC 0276, DANC 0360, DANC 0361, DANC 0380, DANC 0381).

The department schedules two seasons of instructional courses in the fall and spring terms and one season in the winter term. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis and is open to students electing courses on a space-available basis. Students unaware of their physical education record should check with the Registrar's Offfice to ensure completion of their program prior to graduation. Applications for transfer credit must be made in advance, following college procedure for academic credit transfer. The Registrar's Office processes credits from transcripts for students transferring to Middlebury.

All requests for medical waivers must come from the student's physician. Injuries and illnesses suffered on campus will be considered as exceptions to the previous statement and will be handled by the College health center.

Upcoming Academic Year Dates (2019-20)
Fall I: September 16 - October 18
Fall II: October 28 - December 6
Winter Term: January 6 – January 31
Spring I: February 17 - March 20
Spring II: April 6 - May 8

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Department of Physics

Physics is the fundamental science; it leads to our most basic understanding of the natural world and of human technological achievements. The physics program at Middlebury is designed to integrate physics into the liberal arts curriculum, as well as to provide challenging courses and research opportunities for students majoring in physics. Courses and student research activities in astronomy are also part of the physics program.

Courses designed especially for nonscience students include PHYS 0155 (Introduction to the Universe), PHYS 0106 (Physics for Educated Citizens), selected offerings in winter term, and first year seminars. Students majoring in the sciences for premedical, pre-engineering, and other professional programs, and others who desire a more analytical approach to physics, usually select courses from the introductory physics sequence PHYS 0109, PHYS 0111, and PHYS 0110. In addition, they may elect more advanced courses at the 0200-level or above.

For those majoring in physics, we offer a broad range of courses that emphasize a variety of topics in physics while building both theoretical understanding and experimental skills. Middlebury physics majors apply their education in a wide variety of careers. Some pursue graduate work in physics and related fields; others find their physics degrees valuable in engineering, medicine, business, law, teaching, government service, and other pursuits. The physics program is designed to serve the needs of both those intending advanced study in physics and those for whom formal work in physics will end with the Middlebury degree.

The physics department encourages its majors to study abroad to gain experience at international research facilities, improve language proficiency, and pursue academic interests outside of physics. Students who study abroad, or in a 2-1-1-1 pre-engineering program, may be eligible to transfer one upper-level physics course per term off campus for the physics major. Transfer is contingent upon approval of the department chair, for a maximum of two transferred courses, of which only one may be an elective. Students should obtain this approval before studying off campus.

Physics majors interested in obtaining high school physics teaching certification should consult the education studies program as soon as possible, preferably no later than the middle of their sophomore year.

Required for the Major in Physics: The major program consists of eight required physics courses: PHYS 0109, PHYS 0110, PHYS 0111, PHYS 0201, PHYS 0202, PHYS 0212, PHYS 0301, and PHYS 0321; a minimum of three PHYS electives; and a one-term senior project (PHYS 0704). To be eligible for departmental honors, a student must also complete either a semester of senior thesis (PHYS 0705) or one additional elective beyond those required. Mathematics at least through the level of MATH 0122 is also required; this requirement may be satisfied either at Middlebury or through appropriate pre-college courses in calculus.

Electives must be chosen from physics courses at the 0200, 0300, or 0400 level, except that an upper-level physics course taken off campus or an advanced cognate course from another department at Middlebury (specifically, CHEM 0351 or CHEM 0355) may be used to satisfy one of the elective requirements. (For students who entered Middlebury in 2017-18 or 2018-19, CSCI 0202 and MATH 0335 also count as advanced cognate courses.) For students completing double majors, courses counted towards another major cannot also be counted as electives toward the physics major. Independent study courses such as PHYS 0500 may not be used for elective credit. In addition to recurring courses in spring and fall terms, PHYS courses that satisfy the elective requirement are occasionally offered during the winter term.

Prospective majors must begin the physics sequence no later than the sophomore year (typically no later than the third fall/spring term on campus). Starting in the first year allows more flexibility in the choice of courses and senior work and increases the feasibility of off-campus study. Students majoring in physics are advised to complete MATH 0122 (or equivalent) by the end of their first two regular terms. Students planning graduate work in physics or a related subject should elect as many as possible of PHYS 0302 (Electromagnetic Waves), PHYS 0330 (Analytical Mechanics), PHYS 0350 (Statistical Mechanics), and PHYS 0401 (Quantum Mechanics). In addition, MATH 0200 (Linear Algebra), MATH 0223 (Multivariable Calculus), and MATH 0225 (Topics in Linear Algebra and Differential Equations) are strongly recommended for those anticipating graduate study. Most physics majors will find computer programming skills through the level of CSCI 0201 extremely valuable.

Senior Program: The senior project (PHYS 0704) involves a significant piece of experimental or theoretical research to be completed in the final year at Middlebury. Topics in recent years have included work in astrophysics, atomic and optical physics, biophysics, condensed matter physics, cosmology, environmental applications, laser spectroscopy, classical and quantum waves, and quantum computing.  Outstanding performance in PHYS 0704 may, with the permission of the advisor and department, allow continuation of the senior project as a senior thesis (PHYS 0705). The Physics Department does not offer a minor.

Departmental Honors: A minimum grade average of B in physics courses is required of all honors candidates. To be eligible for departmental honors, a student must also complete either a semester of senior thesis (PHYS 0705) or one additional elective beyond the number required. Honors in physics are awarded primarily on the basis of excellent senior work combined with depth and excellence of coursework in physics. A student's overall accomplishments in the department, including teaching assistantships and leadership, are also considered in the awarding of honors.

Pre-Engineering: Some students study physics with the intent of eventually doing engineering, either through a dual degree or in graduate school. Students who pursue a physics major en route to a 3-2 engineering degree (in which the Middlebury component is completed by the end of the junior year) take the same eight-course sequence outlined above, with one elective chosen from physics courses at the 0200, 0300, or 0400 level; they also must complete a one-unit senior project (PHYS 0704). Students in a 2-1-1-1 pre-engineering program (those who return to Middlebury for the senior year) take the normal physics major and choose electives in consultation with the pre-engineering advisor. One upper-level physics course per term completed off campus may be counted towards the major with the approval of the department chair, for a maximum of two transferred physics courses, only one of which may be an elective.

Advanced Placement: Students who seek advanced placement in physics should take the College Board AP examinations. Credit for PHYS 0109 is given to students who achieve a score of 4 or 5 on the Physics C: Mechanics examination.

PHYS 0109 Newtonian Physics (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This calculus-based course examines motion as it occurs throughout the universe. Topics covered include inertia, force, Newton's laws of motion, work and energy, linear momentum, collisions, gravitation, rotational motion, torque, angular momentum, and oscillatory motion.
Emphasis is on practical applications in physics, engineering, the life sciences, and everyday life. Laboratory work and lecture demonstrations illustrate basic physical principles. (MATH 0121 or MATH 0122 concurrent or prior; students who have taken high school calculus or other college
calculus courses should consult with the instructor prior to registration) 3 hrs. lect/3 hrs. lab.
DED, SCI (Fall 2021: C. Miller)

PHYS 0110 Electricity and Magnetism (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

The physical principles of electricity and magnetism are developed with calculus and applied to the electrical structure of matter and the electromagnetic nature of light. Practical topics from electricity and magnetism include voltage, current, resistance, capacitance, inductance, and AC and DC circuits. Laboratory work includes an introduction to electronics and to important instruments such as the oscilloscope. (PHYS 0109, MATH 0122) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab. DED, SCI (Fall 2021: N. Graham)

PHYS 0111 Thermodynamics, Fluids, Wave Motion, and Optics (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This calculus-based lecture and laboratory course covers concepts from classical physics that are not included in PHYS 0109 and PHYS 0110, and that serve as a bridge between those two courses. Topics include thermal properties of matter, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, wave
motion, sound, and geometrical and physical optics. This course is strongly recommended for all students otherwise required to take PHYS 0109 and PHYS 0110 as part of a major or a premedical program, and is required for physics majors. (PHYS 0109, MATH 0121, or equivalent) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab.
DED, SCI (Fall 2021: M. Durst)

PHYS 0155 An Introduction to the Universe (Fall 2021)

Our universe comprises billions of galaxies in a rapidly expanding fabric. How did it begin? Will it expand forever, or how may it end? How do the stars that compose the galaxies evolve from their births in clouds of gas, through the tranquility of middle age, to their often violent deaths? How can scientists even hope to answer such cosmic questions from our vantage point on a small planet, orbiting a very ordinary star? Are there other planets, orbiting other stars, where intelligent beings may be pondering similar issues? This introductory astronomy course, designed for nonscience majors, will explore these and other questions. Students will also become familiar with the night sky, both as part of our natural environment and as a scientific resource, through independent observations and sessions at the College Observatory. The approach requires no college-level mathematics, but students should expect to do quantitative calculations using scientific notation and occasionally to use elementary high-school algebra. 3 hrs. lect./1 hrs.disc. DED, SCI (E. Glikman)

PHYS 0201 Relativity and Quantum Physics (Fall 2021)

This course probes a number of areas for which classical physics has provided no adequate explanations. Topics covered include Einstein's special relativity, quantization of atomic energy levels and photons, the atomic models of Rutherford and Bohr, and wave-particle duality. (PHYS 0109; PHYS 0110 concurrent or prior; MATH 0122) 3 hrs. lect. DED, SCI (S. Watson)

PHYS 0202 Quantum Physics and Applications (Spring 2022)

This course introduces quantum theory and statistical mechanics, and explores the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, the Schrödinger wave equation, and wave mechanics. These techniques are then applied to atomic, molecular, nuclear, and elementary particle systems. (PHYS 0201; PHYS 0212 concurrent or prior) 3 hrs. lect. DED, SCI

PHYS 0212 Applied Mathematics for the Physical Sciences (Spring 2022)

This course concentrates on the methods of applied mathematics used for treating the partial differential equations that commonly arise in physics, chemistry, and engineering. Topics include differential vector calculus, Fourier series, and other orthogonal function sets. Emphasis will be given to physical applications of the mathematics. This course is a prerequisite for all 0300- and 0400-level physics courses. (MATH 0122; PHYS 0110 concurrent or prior) 4.5 hrs. lect. DED

PHYS 0241 Biomedical Imaging (Spring 2022)

Why do we use microscopes for thin tissue slices but x-rays for imaging through the entire body? In this course we will explore the physics of light and life through various biomedical imaging techniques. We will apply the fundamental imaging concepts of resolution, aberration, diffraction, scattering, the Fourier transform, and deconvolution. Most of the course will focus on biomedical optics, including standard optical microscopes, fluorescence imaging, spectroscopy, fiber-optic endoscopes, and laser-scanning microscopes. The latter part of the course will cover non-optical imaging, such as ultrasound, x-ray, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Students will gain hands-on experience through field trips to a local hospital and the use of the Cell Imaging Facility in McCardell Bicentennial Hall. (PHYS 0111; PHYS 0212 or MATH 0223) 3 hrs. lect. DED, SCI

PHYS 0255 An Introduction to Astrophysics (Fall 2021)

In this course students will learn the fundamental concepts and techniques used by astronomers to understand the universe and its contents. These include the physics of light (which conveys the properties of astrophysical phenomena) and gravity (the fundamental force that drives orbits) as well as stellar and galactic evolution. Beginning with the Sun, we will use these tools to study the nature of stars, nuclear processes, and stellar evolution, including the deaths of stars and supernova explosions. Continuing with the Milky Way galaxy, we will also study the nature and structure of galaxies including their stellar populations, gas content, and star formation. Finally, we will investigate the large-scale environment of galaxies, galaxy mergers and interactions, active galaxies, and their evolution. (PHYS 0111, PHYS 0212 or MATH 0223) 3 hrs. lect. DED, SCI (E. Glikman)

PHYS 0301 Intermediate Electromagnetism (Fall 2021)

The unified description of electricity and magnetism is one of the greatest triumphs of physics. This course provides a thorough grounding in the nature of electric and magnetic fields and their interaction with matter. Mathematical techniques appropriate to the solution of problems in electromagnetism are also introduced. The primary emphasis is on static fields, with the full time-dependent Maxwell equations and electromagnetic waves introduced in the final part of the course. (PHYS 0110; PHYS 0201 or by permission; PHYS 0212) 3 hrs. lect./1 hr. disc. (S. Watson)

PHYS 0302 Electromagnetic Waves (Spring 2022)

Maxwell's theory of the electromagnetic field provides the basis of our understanding of the nature of light, radio waves, infrared radiation, X-rays, and other forms of electromagnetic radiation. This course examines the behavior of electromagnetic waves starting from Maxwell's equations, the fundamental laws of electromagnetism. Topics include wave propagation in different materials; reflection and refraction at interfaces; applications in space communications, optics, and other fields; and relativistic electrodynamics. (PHYS 0301) 3 hr. lect. DED, SCI

PHYS 0321 Experimental Techniques in Physics (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course will cover the design and execution of experiments, and the analysis and presentation of data, at an advanced level. Laboratory experiments will be chosen to illustrate the use of electronic, mechanical, and optical instruments to investigate fundamental physical phenomena, such as the properties of atoms and nuclei and the nature of radiation. Skills in computer-based data analysis and presentation will be developed and emphasized. This course satisfies the College writing requirement. (PHYS 0111 concurrent or prior; PHYS 0201 and PHYS 0202 and PHYS 0212; MATH 0200 recommended) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab/1 hr disc. (Approval required) CW (Fall 2021: P. Hess)

PHYS 0330 Analytical Mechanics (Spring 2022)

An intermediate-level course in the kinematics and dynamics of particles and rigid body motion. The topics will include: analysis and application of Newton's law of mechanics; the concepts of work, energy, and power; energy conservation; momentum and momentum conservation; torque, angular momentum, and angular momentum conservation; oscillatory motion; and central-force motion. Lagrange's and Hamilton's formulations of classical mechanics will be introduced with emphasis placed on developing problem-solving strategies and techniques. (PHYS 0109 and PHYS 0212) 3 hrs. lect.

PHYS 0380 General Relativity (Fall 2021)

Among the forces of nature, gravity is both the most familiar and the least well-understood. A hundred years after it was formulated by Einstein, General Relativity remains our best fundamental theory of gravity. In this course we will see how gravity emerges from the geometry of curved spacetime and how this picture leads to phenomena such as black holes, gravitational waves, and the expansion of the universe. (MATH 0200, PHYS 0201, and PHYS 0212) 3 hrs. lect. DED, SCI (N. Graham)

PHYS 0401 Quantum Mechanics (Spring 2022)

A fundamental course in quantum mechanics aimed at understanding the mathematical structure of the theory and its application to physical phenomena at the atomic and nuclear levels. Topics include the basic postulates of quantum mechanics, operator formalism, Schrödinger equation, one-dimensional and central potentials, angular momentum and spin, perturbation theory, and systems of identical particles. (PHYS 0202 and PHYS 0212; MATH 0200 recommended) 3 hrs. lect.

PHYS 0500 Independent Study and Special Topics (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval required)

PHYS 0704 Senior Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Independent research project incorporating both written and oral presentations. (Fall 2021: P. Hess; Spring 2022: A. Goodsell)

PHYS 0705 Senior Research and Thesis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Independent research in the fall, winter, and spring terms culminating in a written thesis (two units total). (Approval required) (E. Glikman, S. Ratcliff, P. Hess)
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Department of Political Science

Students who matriculate in Fall 2020 or later will adhere to the following requirements. Students who matriculated prior to Fall 2020 may choose either the following requirements or the previous requirements, below.

Required for the Major in Political Science: All regular fall and spring term political science courses fall into one of five categories: (1) American Politics, (2) Comparative Politics, (3) International Relations and Foreign Policy, (4) Methods, and (5) Political Theory. A major must take ten regular political science courses, including:

     (1)  At least one American Politics course
     (2)  At least one Comparative Politics course
     (3)  At least one International Relations and Foreign Policy course
     (4)  At least one Methods course
     (5)  At least one Political Theory course

We recommend that students start with 100-level courses, whenever possible. No more than one of the ten PSCI major credits may be obtained through a winter term course. At least seven of the ten courses must be taken at Middlebury College in Vermont.

Senior Program: One of the ten required courses must be a PSCI or PSCI cross-listed 0400-level senior seminar offered by a member of the Middlebury faculty in Vermont. Work done in programs abroad, at other North American colleges and universities, or in the Washington Semester program will not count as the equivalent of a Middlebury seminar. IGST seminars co-taught by PSCI faculty cannot substitute for 0400-level PSCI seminars but will count as an elective towards the 10 required courses in PSCI.

Departmental HonorsStudents who elect to seek departmental honors write a thesis in their senior year. Honors candidates should initiate the process by contacting their prospective faculty advisor during their junior year (including students who are abroad during their junior year). Candidates must submit an honors thesis proposal to their advisor prior to the term(s) in which the thesis is to be written. If the proposal is approved, the student may register for PSCI 0500 (independent project) in the first term of the thesis, followed by PSCI 0700 for the second and third terms. All students who plan to write a thesis are strongly encouraged to enroll in a Methods course before their senior year. After an oral examination of the completed thesis, honors are conferred or denied on the basis of (1) the level of the grade achieved on the thesis; and (2) the level of the average grade received in other fall and spring courses taken at Middlebury. Courses taken abroad do not count toward the grade point determination. Honors theses candidates will have a political science course average of at least 3.33 and a thesis grade of B+ or higher to attain honors; a political science course average of at least 3.50 and a thesis grade of A- or higher to attain high honors; and a political science course average of at least 3.67 and a thesis grade of A to attain highest honors. For a full description of regulations, check the Thesis Procedures and Schedule page on the PSCI website.

Independent Study: Students with demonstrated preparation and proficiency in the field may elect independent study projects (PSCI 0500). These projects are prepared under the supervision of a member or members of the department. The PSCI 0500 projects may not be substituted for the seminar requirement. The PSCI 0500 projects are reading and research courses; the department will not award PSCI 0500 credit for political experience such as congressional internships. No more than one of the ten courses required for the major may be a PSCI 0500 credit.

Joint Majors: Students wishing to do a joint major in political science and another department or program of studies must take eight regular political science courses. Among the eight total courses required for the major, the student must take at least one course in each of the five categories, including a 0400-level seminar. Students must also give evidence of having used the training in both majors, usually in a seminar paper, but sometimes in an independent project or thesis. At least five courses including the 0400-level seminar must be taken at Middlebury College in Vermont. Students may count a maximum of one political science winter term course toward the eight required courses for the joint major. Joint majors do not qualify for honors in political science. (Double majors are eligible.)

International Politics and Economics Major: The IP&E major allows students to combine the study of politics, economics, and languages, linking these disciplines with an appropriate experience abroad. Students wishing to pursue this major should refer to International Politics and Economics in both the General Catalog and the online catalog.

International and Global Studies Major: IGST seminars co-taught by PSCI faculty cannot substitute for 0400-level PSCI seminars unless they are cross-listed IGST/PSCI seminars. It is highly recommended that IGST thesis candidates supervised by a PSCI faculty member enroll in a PSCI Methods course before their senior year.

Minors in Political Science: The minor in political science will consist of five courses taken at Middlebury College, which must come from at least three of the five categories of courses offered by the department, and may include a maximum of one winter term course. At least one of the courses must be at the 0300-level or above.

Advanced Placement: Students may not apply credits earned prior to matriculation toward the ten courses required for the PSCI major.

Previous requirements, optional only for students who matriculated prior to Fall 2020.

Required for the Major in Political Science: A major must take ten regular political science courses. One of these ten must be an introductory course in the political theory subfield (PSCI 0101 or PSCI 0107). Two additional courses must be introductory courses in two of the three other subfields: American politics (PSCI 0102 or PSCI 0104); comparative politics (PSCI 0103); and international relations (PSCI 0109). These three required introductory courses should normally be completed before the end of the sophomore year. Among the ten total courses required for the major, the student must also fulfill the field distribution requirement, and complete the 0400-level seminar. At least seven of these ten courses, including the 0400-level seminar, must be taken at Middlebury College in Vermont. Students may count a maximum of one political science winter term course as one of the ten required courses for the major. Winter term courses may be used to fulfill the field distribution requirement.

The Field Distribution Requirement: All regular fall and spring term political science courses are classified in one of the following four fields: Political Theory, American Politics, Comparative Politics, and International Relations and Foreign Policy. Students must take at least two courses in any three of these fields and one course in the fourth field.

Senior Program: The senior program consists of a seminar of the major's choice. Each seminar includes advanced work appropriate to the field in which the seminar is offered. The seminars are the 0400-level courses offered by the department. Seminars are open to juniors and seniors. Normally, the senior program requirement must be completed by taking a seminar offered by a member of the Middlebury faculty. Work done in programs abroad, at other North American colleges and universities, or in the Washington Semester program will not count as the equivalent of a Middlebury seminar. IGST seminars co-taught by PSCI faculty cannot substitute for 0400-level PSCI seminars but will count as an elective towards the 10 required courses in PSCI.

Departmental Honors: Students who elect to seek departmental honors write a thesis in the senior year. All students who plan to write a thesis are strongly encouraged to enroll in PSCI 0368 before their senior year (and students writing a political theory thesis are encouraged to take a 0300-level theory course). Honors candidates should initiate the process by contacting their prospective faculty advisor during their junior year (including students who are abroad during their junior year). Candidates must submit an honors thesis proposal to their advisor prior to the term(s) in which the thesis is to be written. If the proposal is approved, the student may register for PSCI 0500 (independent project) in the first term of the thesis, followed by PSCI 0700 for the second and third terms. After an oral examination of the completed thesis, honors are conferred or denied on the basis of (1) the level of the grade achieved on the thesis; and (2) the level of the average grade received in other fall and spring courses taken at Middlebury. Courses taken abroad do not count toward the grade point determination. Honors theses candidates will have a political science course average of at least 3.33 and a thesis grade of B+ or higher to attain honors; a political science course average of at least 3.50 and a thesis grade of A- or higher to attain high honors; and a political science course average of at least 3.67 and a thesis grade of A to attain highest honors. (For a full description of regulations, pick up a copy of Honors Theses Procedures and Regulations in Munroe 213 or check the PSCI web page at www.middlebury.edu/academics/ps/requirements)/thesesproceduresandschedule.

Independent Study: Students with demonstrated preparation and proficiency in the field may elect independent study projects (PSCI 0500). These projects are prepared under the supervision of a member or members of the department. The PSCI 0500 projects may not be substituted for the seminar requirement. The PSCI 0500 projects are reading and research courses; the department will not award PSCI 0500 credit for political experience such as congressional internships.

Joint Majors: Students wishing to do a joint major in political science and another department or program of studies must take eight regular political science courses. One of these eight must be an introductory course in the political theory subfield (PSCI 0101 or PSCI 0107). Two additional courses must be introductory courses in two of the three other subfields: American politics (PSCI 0102 or PSCI 0104); comparative politics (PSCI 0103); and international relations (PSCI 0109). These three required introductory courses should normally be completed before the end of the sophomore year. Among the eight total courses required for the major, the student must also take at least two courses in any two of the four fields of political science and one course in the third and fourth fields and complete a 0400-level seminar. Students must also give evidence of having used the training in both majors, usually in a seminar paper, but sometimes in an independent project or thesis. At least five courses including the 0400-level seminar must be taken at Middlebury College in Vermont. Students may count a maximum of one political science winter term course as one of the eight required courses for the joint major. Winter term courses may be used to fulfill the field distribution requirement. Joint majors do not qualify for honors in political science. (Double majors are eligible.)

International Politics and Economics Major: The IP&E major allows students to combine the study of politics, economics, and languages, linking these disciplines with an appropriate experience abroad. Students wishing to pursue this major should refer to International Politics and Economics in both the General Catalog and the on-line catalog.

International and Global Studies Major: IGS seminars co-taught by PSCI faculty cannot substitute for 0400-level PSCI seminars, In addition, it is highly recommended that IGS thesis candidates enroll in PSCI 0368 before their senior year.

Minors in Political Science: The minor in political science will consist of five courses taken at Middlebury College, which must come from at least two of the four fields in the department, and may include a maximum of one winter term course. At least one of the courses must be at the 0300-level or above. The five course requirement will not be reduced by AP credits.

Advanced Placement: A score of 4 or 5 on the College Board Advanced Placement Examination in American politics will entitle the student to exemption from PSCI 0104; such a score may satisfy the requirement of one course in the American politics field. A score of 4 to 5 on the College Board Advanced Placement Examination in comparative politics will entitle the student to exemption from PSCI 0103; such a score may satisfy the requirement of one course in the comparative politics field. While supplying two college credits, advanced placement in both American politics and comparative politics will only count as one of the ten courses required for the political science major. Students will also receive only one distribution credit for AP courses, and notwithstanding the distribution credit, all students must take at least one course in each subfield.


PSCI 0101 Introduction to Political Philosophy (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

What is politics and how should it be studied? Is there a best regime? A best way of life? How are these two things related, if at all? Can we gain knowledge of such topics? We will examine these questions through a study of the some or all of the following texts: Plato, Apology of Socrates, Republic; Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, Politics; Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War; St. Augustine, Confessions; St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Summa Contra Gentiles; Machiavelli, The Prince; Hobbes, Leviathan; Locke, Second Treatise on Government; Rousseau, Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of Inequality Among Men; Marx, The Communist Manifesto, The German Ideology, Capital; and Weber, “Science as a Vocation.” 4 hrs. lect./disc. (Political Theory) EUR, PHL, SOC (Fall 2021: M. Dry)

PSCI 0102 The American Political Regime (Spring 2022)

This is a course in American political and constitutional thought. The theme, taken from de Tocqueville's Democracy in America, is the problem of freedom. The first half covers the American founding up through the Civil War and the "refounding." This includes de Tocqueville, Madison's Notes on the Debates in the Federal Convention, the Federalist-Anti-Federalist ratification debate, Supreme Court decisions (Marbury, McCulloch), writings of Jefferson, Calhoun, and Lincoln. The second half considers basic problems in American politics, such as race, gender, foreign policy, and education. Readings include a novel, de Tocqueville, and Supreme Court decisions (Brown, Frontiero, Roe, Casey, Grutter, Lawrence). 4 hrs. lect./disc. (American Politics)/ AMR, NOR, SOC

PSCI 0103 Introduction to Comparative Politics (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course offers an introduction to the comparative study of political systems and to the logic of comparative inquiry. How are different political systems created and organized? How and why do they change? Why are some democratic and others authoritarian? Why are some rich and others poor? Other topics covered in this course include nationalism and political ideologies, forms of representation, the relationship between state institutions and civil society, and globalization. The goal in this course is to use comparative methods to analyze questions of state institutions -- how they arise, change, and generate different economic, social, and political outcomes. 3 hrs. lect. disc. (Comparative Politics)/ CMP, SOC (Fall 2021: N. Horning, A. Verghese)

PSCI 0104 Introduction to American Politics (Fall 2021)

This course introduces the institutions and practices of American government and politics. The aim is to give students a firm understanding of the workings of and the balance of power among the American Congress, President, bureaucracy, and court system. We begin with the Constitution, which provides the set of founding principles upon which the American government is based. We then look at how American citizens make decisions about politics. Finally, we examine how political institutions, interest groups, parties, elections, and legislative bodies and rules aggregate diverse, often conflicting preferences and how they resolve or exacerbate problems. 3 hrs. lect./disc. (American Politics)/ AMR, NOR, SOC (B. Johnson, M. Dickinson)

PSCI 0109 International Politics (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

What causes conflict or cooperation among states? What can states and other international entities do to preserve global peace? These are among the issues addressed by the study of international politics. This course examines the forces that shape relations among states, and between states and international regimes. Key concepts include: the international system, power and the balance of power, international institutions, foreign policy, diplomacy, deterrence, war, and global economic issues. Both the fall and spring sections of this course emphasize rigorous analysis and set theoretical concepts against historical and contemporary case studies. 3 hrs. lect./disc. (International Relations and Foreign Policy)/ CMP, SOC (Fall 2021: G. Winslett, A. Yuen)

PSCI 0202 African Politics (Spring 2022)

This course surveys the challenges and possibilities that Sub-Saharan Africa presents in our era of globalization. We will look at the process of state formation to appreciate the relationships between historical legacies and political and economic development. Themes include state formation, democratic governance, sustainable development, and Africa in world affairs. Topics such as colonial rule and national responses, authoritarian rule, ethnic politics, the debt burden, the HIV/AIDS pandemic, and natural resource politics will be discussed. Case studies from English-, French-, and Portuguese-speaking Africa will be used to illuminate such relationships. 3 hrs lect/disc. (Comparative Politics)/ AAL, SAF, SOC

PSCI 0204 Left, Right, and Center (Fall 2021)

In this course, we shall examine liberalism, conservatism, socialism and their competing conceptions of freedom, equality, the individual, and community. We shall consider the origins of these ideologies in early modern political theory and shall afford special attention to the connection between thought and politics. Authors may include John Locke, Adam Smith, Edmund Burke, Alexis de Tocqueville, Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, John Rawls, Michel Foucault, Michael Oakeshott, and Friedrich Hayek. 3 hrs. lect. (Political Theory) EUR, PHL, SOC (D. Fram)

PSCI 0210 Frontiers in Political Science Research (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Nothing is more controversial among political scientists than the topic of how to study politics. In this course, we consider a variety of advanced techniques for studying political phenomena, including statistical methods, game theory, institutional analysis, case study techniques, experiments, and agent-based modeling. We will work with concrete examples (drawn from major political science journals) of how scholars have used these techniques, and consider the ongoing philosophical controversies associated with each approach. Students will have the opportunity to conduct original research using a method and subject of their choosing. (Any political science courses) 3 hrs. lect.disc (Methods) DED, SOC (Fall 2021: A. Yuen)
Cross-listed as: JAPN 0210 *

PSCI 0211 Conservation and Environmental Policy (Fall 2021)

This course examines conservation and environmental policy in the United States. In order to better understand the current nature of the conservation and environmental policy process, we will begin by tracing the development of past ideas, institutions, and policies related to this policy arena. We will then focus on contemporary conservation and environmental politics and policy making—gridlock in Congress, interest group pressure, the role of the courts and the president, and a move away from national policy making—toward the states, collaboration, and civil society. 3 hrs. lect./disc. (American Politics)/ AMR, NOR, SOC (C. Klyza)
Cross-listed as: ENVS 0211 *

PSCI 0213 Qualitative Methods in Political Science (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This seminar offers a broad introduction to qualitative methodology with a focus on comparative methods for the analysis of a relatively small number of cases (small-n). This course will enable students to create and critique qualitative research designs in political science. The course focuses on recent methodological writings and includes several substantive examples from various subfields. Topics covered include causal inference, case studies, cross-case comparison, typological theory, case selection, process tracing, counterfactual analysis, and set theory. We will also discuss approaches to multi-method research and the use of mixed methods in political science. 3 hrs. lect. (Methods)/ DED (Fall 2021: A. Verghese)

PSCI 0215 Federalism, State and Local Politics (Spring 2022)

What are the unique political opportunities and constraints facing state and local governments? How have these changed over time? In this course we examine the relationships between different levels of government in the U.S. federal system, considering the particular tasks and dilemmas facing states and cities, and scrutinizing the complex interactions between governments that characterize federalism in the United States. Topics include local political culture, intergovernmental grants, state parties, and state political economy. Vermont, New York, and California will receive special scrutiny. 3 hrs. lect./disc. (American Politics)/ AMR, NOR, SOC

PSCI 0217 Politics of the Middle East and North Africa (Fall 2021)

This course is an introduction to important themes, concepts, and cases in the study of Middle Eastern and North African politics. We will examine key political issues in the region, focusing primarily on developments since World War II and issues of relevance to the region today. For the purposes of this course, the region is defined as the countries of the Arab world, Israel, Turkey, and Iran. The first half of the course introduces major themes in Middle Eastern politics. These include state development, nationalism, revolution, authoritarian rule, the petro-state, the Arab-Israeli conflict, conflicts in the Persian Gulf, civil conflict, the rise of Islamism, and attempts at liberal reform. The second half of the course examines how these themes have affected political development in a number of key cases. Primary cases include Egypt, Israel, Iran, Morocco, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. Students will have the opportunity to individually assess other countries of personal interest in the region. 3 hrs. lect./disc. (Comparative Politics)/ AAL, MDE, SOC (S. Gumuscu)

PSCI 0221 Contemporary Chinese Politics (Spring 2022)

This introductory course provides students with a background in how the party-state political system functions, and then investigates the major political issues in China today. We will focus first on economic reform issues, such as income inequality, the floating population, and changes in the socialist welfare model, and then on political reform issues, such as the liberalization of news media, NGO and civil society activity, protest and social movements, environmental protection, and legal reform. China is a quickly changing country, so students will focus on analyzing current events but also have an opportunity to explore a topic of interest in more detail. 3 hrs. lect./disc. Comparative Politics AAL, NOA, SOC

PSCI 0227 Soviet and Russian Politics (Spring 2022)

This course seeks to introduce the student to a major phenomenon of 20th century politics, the rise and decline of the Soviet Union and the emergence of Russia as its successor state. The first part of the course provides an overview of key factors that influenced Russian and Soviet politics under communism, including history, economy, ideology, institutions of the communist party, and the role of political leadership from Lenin to Gorbachev. The second part surveys radical political and social transformations in the 1990s and analyzes Russia's struggle with the twin challenges of democratic and market reform under Yeltsin and Putin. 3 hrs. lect./disc. (Comparative Politics)/ EUR, HIS, SOC

PSCI 0239 The Future of Great Power Relations (Spring 2022)

Will America’s global preeminence endure in the 21st century? Will Russia, Japan, and the European Union decline while other powers grow more influential? In this course we will explore the future global balance of power and prospects for cooperation and conflict among the world’s great powers. Topics include the rise of Brazil, China, and India; the changing nature of American power; the causality of global power shifts and their implications for cooperation or competition on issues such as energy security, cyber security, nuclear nonproliferation, UN Security Council reform, intervention in the Middle East, and Sino-American relations. (PSCI 0109) 3 hrs. sem. (International Relations and Foreign Policy)/ AAL, CMP, SOC

PSCI 0242 International Politics and WMD (Spring 2022)

In this course we will examine the international ramifications of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons use. What is a weapon of mass destruction (WMD)? How have WMD changed the way states behave toward international conflicts and within international crises? How has the development of these weapons influenced the policies states have adopted in response? Beyond these questions, major course themes include the threats of proliferation and the highs and lows of weapons reduction initiatives. 3 hrs. lect./disc. (not open to students who have taken PSCI 1159) (International Relations and Foreign Policy)/ SOC

PSCI 0250 International Diplomacy and Modern South Asia (Spring 2022)

In this course we will examine current political and economic issues in the countries of South Asia - Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives and Bhutan. We will first examine the background of the South Asian region in general (pre-colonial and colonial eras) and of South Asian countries after independence. We will look at specific interstate and intrastate issues, focusing on the combined quests for political stability and economic development. Students will look at topical issues from the perspective of an officer working in a U.S. Embassy or in a U.S. foreign policy agency. The course will combine rigorous academic understanding of the region with current policy issues. Readings will include both academic studies and contemporary policy/issues papers. This course is equivalent to IGST 0250. 3 hrs. lect./disc. (International Relations and Foreign Policy)/ AAL, SOA, SOC

PSCI 0258 The Politics of International Humanitarian Action (Spring 2022)

Humanitarian intervention has emerged as a new moral imperative that challenges traditional concepts and practices in international relations. In this course we will consider how a range of actors--international organizations, states, NGOs--understand the concept of humanitarian intervention and engage (or not) in humanitarian actions. We will examine a variety of policy choices, including aid and military intervention, through case studies, including Somalia, Kosovo, and Rwanda. The goal of the course is to enable students to assess critically the benefits and challenges of a humanitarian approach to global politics. 3 hrs. lect./disc. (International Relations and Foreign Policy)/ AAL, CMP, SOC

PSCI 0275 Comparative Politics of Religion (Spring 2022)

This course provides students with an introduction to the study of religion in political science. The course is divided into four sections. The first section provides a theoretical background to religion and its study in political science. The second section discusses long-standing debates over the concept of ‘secularization.’ The third section examines the study of religion and democracy, with a special focus on the non-western case of India. The final section explores the effect of religion on political violence, with empirical examples from around the world. The last class explores the future of the study of religion in political science. 3 hrs. lect. CW

PSCI 0286 Authoritarian Politics (Fall 2021)

The purpose of this course is to examine the characteristics and dynamics of non-democratic regimes. First, we will define autocracy and consider different forms of authoritarianism and how their leaders come into power. Next, we will investigate why some authoritarian regimes are able to sustain their rule while others collapse. Finally, we will explore how citizens of these regimes bolster, comply with, or revolt against their governments. Throughout the course, adopting a comparative standpoint, we will draw on various country cases. (Comparative Politics)/ CMP, CW, SOC (J. Teets)

PSCI 0290 Contentious Politics in Asia (Fall 2021)

In this course we will compare protest, social mobilization, and contentious politics across Asia. While some have argued that "Asian values" cause harmonious and stable political systems, we will start from the premise that contentious politics in the region reflect the same dynamics seen elsewhere throughout history. However, as with all countries, the specific institutional and cultural context often shapes particular forms of contention. Empirically, we will focus on key regions including East and Southeast Asia as well as the domestic and international dimensions of activism. 3 hrs. lect. (Comparative Politics) AAL, CMP, NOA, SOC (O. Lewis)

PSCI 0292 Political Communication (Spring 2022)

How are media and communications technology re-shaping politics? From a global comparative perspective—ranging from the United States to the Middle East and to Asia—this course will survey the historical development of communications, the role of media in shaping public opinion and behavior, the impact of new media, and the rise of transnational satellite TV. Conceptually, the course will assess the importance of communications for understanding authoritarianism, democracy, and foreign policy. We will develop general comparative frameworks for understanding the growing importance of communications in the information age, while clarifying the limitations of media for shaping polities. (This course is not open to students who have taken PSCI 0413) 3 hrs. lect. (Comparative Politics)/ AAL, CMP, SOC

PSCI 0304 International Political Economy (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course examines the politics of global economic relations, focusing principally on the advanced industrial states. How do governments and firms deal with the forces of globalization and interdependence? And what are the causes and consequences of their actions for the international system in turn? The course exposes students to both classic and contemporary thinking on free trade and protectionism, exchange rates and monetary systems, foreign direct investment and capital movements, regional integration, and the role of international institutions like the WTO. Readings will be drawn mainly from political science, as well as law and economics. 3 hrs. lect./disc./(International Relations and Foreign Policy)/ SOC (Fall 2021: G. Winslett)
Cross-listed as: IPEC 0304

PSCI 0305 American Constitutional Law: The Federal System (Fall 2021)

This course examines the development of American constitutionalism through study of Supreme Court decisions. Every major topic but the bill of rights (see PSCI 0306) is covered. Using the Sullivan and Gunther Constitutional Law casebook, we begin with judicial review and then study the development of legal doctrines surrounding the commerce clause, the due process and equal protection clauses of the fourteenth amendment, and the separation of powers. Recent cases focus on affirmative action and federal protection of civil rights. Interpretive books and essays are considered, as time permits. A mock court exercise is anticipated. (Juniors and seniors with PSCI 0102 or PSCI 0104 or PSCI 0306) 3 hrs. lect./disc. (American Politics)/ AMR, NOR (M. Dry)

PSCI 0307 The Politics of Virtual Realities (Spring 2022)

How has technology changed our politics? Are those changes all for the good? In this course we will explore the political, legal, and normative implications of the Internet for liberal democracy. We start with the US Constitution and explore arguments that it cannot by itself prevent the Internet from becoming a domain of manipulation rather than of freedom. How can we uphold the ideals of liberty and equality? And, since cyberspace has no country, whose laws should govern it? Cases will include President Obama's campaign and governance strategies, Google's activities abroad, cybersecurity, virtual war, and the WikiLeaks controversy. 3 hrs. lect./disc. (International Relations and Foreign Policy)/ CW, SOC

PSCI 0310 American Public Policy (Spring 2022)

This course examines the functioning of the entire United States political system, with an emphasis on the policies or outcomes of this political system. The first part of the course will examine the context in which policy is made (e.g., history, capitalism, liberalism). The second part of the course will focus on the policy-making process. We will examine the major stages of the policy process: agenda setting, policy formulation, adoption, implementation, and evaluation. The third and final part of the course will focus on specific policy areas, such as education policy and health care policy. 3 hrs. lect./disc. (American Politics)/ AMR, NOR, SOC

PSCI 0311 American Foreign Policy (Fall 2021)

Does America exercise its power in the world in a distinctive way? If yes, has it always done so? In this course we will examine the evolution of American foreign policy from the time of the founding to the present. As we make our way from the height of the Cold War to the 21st century, we will assess how leaders, institutions, domestic politics, and the actions and inactions of other countries have shaped American international behavior. Topics considered include terrorism, nuclear proliferation, globalization, democracy promotion, whether the rich US has an obligation to help the less fortunate, how much power the Pentagon should have, what role the private sector can and should play in advancing American interests, and the Bush revolution in foreign policy. A central aim of the course is to map competing perspectives so that the student can draw his or her own political conclusions. 3 hrs. lect./disc. (International Relations and Foreign Policy)/ AMR, NOR, SOC (A. Stanger)

PSCI 0314 Globalization, Terrorism, and Global Insurgency (Fall 2021)

How does globalization change the nature of terrorism and create a global security environment characterized by a series of hybrid asymmetric threats? What are the connections between organizations, conflict regions, and the developed world? This course will focus on at least four modules that link aspects of globalization to global counterterrorism, counterinsurgency, and counterproliferation policy: 1) migration, immigration, and the movement of people, 2) illicit international markets and financing, 3) global communications, and 4) the connections between international relations, foreign-policy, and political violence worldwide. Skill development will focus on policy evaluation and analysis, oral briefings, collaborative project management, and collaborative policy strategy papers. 3 hrs. sem. (International Relations and Foreign Policy)/ SOC (O. Lewis)

PSCI 0317 Ancient and Medieval Political Philosophy (Spring 2022)

We will study some classic works in ancient and medieval political philosophy: Plato (Laws, RepublicApology, Republic, Gorgias, Protagoras, Meno); Aristotle (Ethics, Politics, Rhetoric); Cicero (Republic, Laws), Maimonides (Guide to the Perplexed), Aquinas (Summa Theologica, Summa Contra Gentiles), Alfarabi (The Political Regime). (PSCI 0101 or PSCI 0107 or by waiver) 4 hrs. lect./disc. (Political Theory)/ PHL, SOC

PSCI 0322 War and Peace (Spring 2022)

What causes conflicts between states and within countries? What factors facilitate or impede their resolution? In this course we will examine interstate and intrastate conflicts and the challenges faced in resolving them, from both practical and theoretical perspectives. Employing some of the most prominent theories on war, and more recent theories of bargaining, negotiation, and conflict, we will draw upon a range of case studies to illustrate and evaluate the theoretical dynamics of conflict and conflict resolution. (PSCI 0109 or by waiver) 3 hrs. lect./disc. (International Relations and Foreign Policy)/ SOC

PSCI 0324 The Political Development of Western Europe (Spring 2022)

In what ways are the political systems and politics of France, Germany, Italy, and Britain similar? In what ways do they differ? How might we explain these patterns? This course attempts to answer these questions through comparative investigation of the processes and consequences of economic and political modernization in these nations from the feudal period to the 21st century. 3 hrs. lect./disc. (Comparative Politics)/ CMP, CW, EUR, SOC

PSCI 0392 Asymmetric Conflict Research Practicum (Spring 2022)

The prevalence of civil conflict, asymmetric threats, and global counterterrorism have resulted in the dramatic growth of special operations, security cooperation, and peacebuilding in civil conflict environments. To what extent have we learned the lessons of the post 9/11 world, and to what extent is the global policy community prepared for the asymmetric, embedded, and culturally aware operations that characterize 21st century conflict? Examples will be drawn from around the globe and we will take a comparative approach to conflicts within and across regions, noting their impacts on institutions, policy processes, and human social systems. This course uses the ongoing development of the Special Operations Research Database (SORD) as a platform for learning about global counterterrorism and for students’ training in all phases of research methodology, including fieldwork interviewing techniques. 3 hrs. lect. (International Relations and Foreign Policy)/ CMP, SOC

PSCI 0411 The Politics of Money and Finance (Fall 2021)

Governments’ choices on money-related matters deeply affect people’s lives. Stock market crashes, inflation, debt, and unforeseen currency fluctuations can scar society. Conversely, if stock markets, inflation, debt, and currencies are all well-managed, prosperity can be created. One of the central aims of governments across the world is to do just that - manage these issues in order to promote economic growth. In this course, we examine the choices governments face in the pursuit of that and, what leads them to make the choices they do, and what kinds of choices have historically been the most successful. 3 hrs. sem. (International Relations and Foreign Politics)/ SOC (G. Winslett)

PSCI 0421 American Environmental Politics (Spring 2022)

In this seminar we will examine various aspects of environmental politics in the United States. Topics to be covered include how society seeks to influence environmental policy (through public opinion, voting and interest groups,) and how policy is made through Congress, the executive branch, the courts, collaboration, and through the states. Policy case studies will vary from year to year. Students will write a major research paper on an aspect of U.S. environmental politics. (PSCI/ENVS 0211) 3 hrs. sem. (American Politics)

PSCI 0427 How Democracies Die (Fall 2021)

After years of expansion since the end of the cold war, democracy now is in retreat. From young democracies in the developing world to bastions of liberal democracy in Western Europe and North America, democratic political systems are under mounting pressure. What are the fundamental features of this recession? What are the driving forces behind global democratic backsliding? Why do people support autocrats? In this course we will tackle these questions and discuss an array of factors that contribute to global democratic recession including the role of the political elite, failing institutions, eroding norms, and the role of ordinary people. In so doing we will delve deeper into economic and social causes of this decline. Our focus will span from global trends to individual cases such as Venezuela, Turkey, Hungary, India, the United States, and the Philippines. (Not open to students who have taken FYSE 1544) 3 hrs. Sem. (Comparative Politics)/ CMP, SOC (S. Gumuscu)
Cross-listed as: IGST 0427

PSCI 0428 Dictators and Democrats (Spring 2022)

In this course we will explore the processes through which charismatic individuals create, use, transform, or circumvent state institutions to seize and maintain political power. We will examine individual, national, and international factors that propel dictators and democrats to leadership positions. We will also look at the historical context and personal circumstances leading to leaders' demise, sometimes resulting in regime change. Cases from Africa, America, Asia, and Europe will help students describe, classify, explain, and predict leadership outcomes (Comparative Politics) 3 hrs. Sem. CMP, SOC
Cross-listed as: IGST 0428 *

PSCI 0438 Political Islam (Spring 2022)

In this course we will survey the central questions in studies of political Islam, focusing on the emergence of Islam as a political force in the contemporary period. Discussion will center on the following core topics: (1) the nature of political Islam and Islamic interests; (2) how Islamic political movements develop; (3) why Islamic political movements flourish or fail; (4) how Islamic interests are expressed in the political arena; and (5) what types of political systems are most compatible with politicized Islam? These questions will be addressed by looking at the general history of the contemporary Islamic resurgence and by examining case studies on Egypt, Algeria, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey, West Africa, and Southeast Asia. 3 hrs. sem. (Comparative Politics)/ AAL, MDE

PSCI 0450 Ethnic Conflict (Spring 2022)

Experts regard ethnic divides as causing everything from nationalist violence to democratic breakdown to economic stagnation. In this course we will engage the most prominent recent and classic research into the relationship between ethnicity, conflict, and peace. Readings will include leading works in a wide variety of theoretical and empirical traditions, including comparative political science, rational choice, comparative history, sociology, and anthropology. Empirical material includes cases from many parts of the world. 3 hrs. sem. (Comparative Politics)/ SOC

PSCI 0454 Leadership: Politics and Personality (Spring 2022)

What difference do leaders make? Are leaders born or made? What accounts for effective leadership? Do answers to these questions change when the social, cultural, and political context varies? This course will approach the subject of leadership from a multidisciplinary perspective, focusing on (1) the individual personalities and values of leaders; (2) the relationship of leaders to the institutions they serve; (3) the role of the state and cultural context in which the leadership is exercised; and (4) the process of leading. (One course in comparative politics) 3 hrs. sem. (Comparative Politics)/

PSCI 0465 City Politics (Fall 2021)

Cities have always been central to political life in the United States, but scholars disagree over how power is distributed in cities, which groups exercise the most authority, how cities relate to their economic and political environments, and whether it is legitimate to view cities as microcosms of state or national politics. We will consider these general debates as we read major works on U.S. urban politics, addressing issues such as racial and ethnic politics, immigration, suburbanization, and cities' positions in the global economy. (PSCI 0102 or PSCI 0104) 3 hrs. sem. (American Politics)/ (B. Johnson)

PSCI 0469 Chinese Political Economy (Spring 2022)

Over the past 30 years China has undergone a tremendous transition. The purpose of this course is to consider the extent to which China's experience has challenged theories of market reform. First, we will examine the role of the state in Chinese economic development and market systems more broadly. Second, we will analyze challenges in Chinese state-society relations, from public service provision to protest, that have emerged after such rapid economic growth. Finally, we will discuss the political implications of the Chinese state's responses to these issues in terms of authoritarian durability and governance. 3 hrs. sem. (Comparative Politics)/ AAL, NOA, SOC

PSCI 0483 The Rise of Asia and US Policy (Fall 2021)

In this course we will study what is arguably the most important strategic development of the 21st century: how the rise of Asia presents security challenges to the region and the United States. Drawing from international relations scholarship, the course will focus on foreign policy challenges and potential responses. These challenges include both traditional security and nontraditional areas such as water and the environment. We will integrate the analysis of these issues in South, East, and Southeast Asia with study of the policy process, in part through simulations and role-playing exercises. 3 hrs. sem. (International Relations and Foreign Policy)/ AAL, CMP, NOA, SOC (J. Lunstead)

PSCI 0500 Independent Projects (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

A program of independent work designed to meet the individual needs of advanced students. (Approval required)

PSCI 0700 Honors Thesis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval required)

PSCI 2363 New Left, New Right: The Politicization of Class, Gender, Race and Sexuality in Latin America (Fall 2021)

This course explores how issues of class, gender, race, and sexuality are being politicized in contemporary Latin America, where the historical definitions of “Left” and “Right” as well as the political practices of collective actors are being redrawn. The Left has abandoned Marxism; the neoliberal Right left technocratic cosmopolitanism for radical xenophobia; and new alternatives seem to lie between Left-wing and Right-wing populism. Political cleavages and new forms of activism have emerged around issues of feminism, masculinity, race, ethnicity, religion, age, and class, and through coalitions and new social movements that are addressed through film, literature, pop-communication, and street practices. AMR, SOC (M. Casullo)

PSCI 2376 Ideology and Power in the History of US-Latin America Relations (Fall 2021)

This survey course will examine the historical interaction between different forms of power in the construction of the current hegemony of the United States over Latin America. In addition to the traditional political and economic actors that shaped the core of the relations, the construction of the U.S. hegemony also involved non-state actors and various forms of cultural dynamics that strengthened the power discourse: state cultural diplomacy, “money doctors,” or film and media enterprises, among others built references such as “sister nations,” “backyard subordinates,” or “strategic partners,” whose load of elements of identity—gender, ethnicity, tradition—complemented traditional power politics. AMR, SOC (C. Gonzalez-Chiaramonte)
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Department of Psychology

Department of Psychology

The Department of Psychology at Middlebury College has a strong commitment to the scientific study of human mental processes, emotions, and behavior. In keeping with this philosophy, the department offers a broad range of courses that provides students with the opportunity to learn about basic research and its applications in a variety of areas, including social, cognitive, behavioral, cultural, clinical, environmental, educational, biological, and developmental psychology.

Requirements for the Major in Psychology: The psychology major consists of a minimum of 10 courses in five categories: (I) Foundation courses, (II) Core courses, (III) Labs, (IV) Advanced seminars, and (V) Electives.      

I. Foundation courses: The foundation courses provide students an overview of the field, the background, and the skills necessary to understand psychology as an empirical science. The required foundation courses are Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 0105) and the Statistics/Research Methods sequence (PSYC 0201 and PSYC 0202). Most students complete the Statistics/Research Methods sequence by the end of their sophomore year, but no later than the end of their junior year.

II. Core courses: All students must complete at least three core courses, one each from three of the five areas below.  Core courses ensure that students have a broad understanding of various subfields within the discipline. Students are strongly encouraged to complete core courses no later than the end of their junior year.

We offer core courses in the following areas:

  • Clinical:  Psychological Disorders (PSYC 0224)
  • Cognitive: Cognitive Psychology (PSYC 0227--formerly PSYC  0305) or Emotions (PSYC 0205)

  • Developmental: Adolescence (PSYC 0216) or Child Development (PSYC 0225)
  • Physiological: Brain and Behavior (PSYC 0226--formerly PSYC 0301)
  • Social/Personality:  Social Psychology (PSYC 0203) or Personality Psychology (PSYC 0204) or Cultural Psychology (PSYC 0220)

III. Labs: All students must take at least one course with a lab section in addition to Psychological Statistics and Research Methods in Psychology. The lab course may also fulfill another course requirement simultaneously (e.g., a core or an elective course). Lab courses are designated as such in the course descriptions.

IV. Advanced seminars: Each student must take one advanced seminar (0400-level course) in psychology.  Advanced seminars in psychology emphasize the synthesis and integration of theory; these may be taken during junior and/or senior years. 

Electives: Finally, students must choose any three additional courses from the psychology curriculum, including winter term. In addition to regular content courses, PSYC 0350, PSYC 0500, PSYC 0700, or the PSYC 0701/0702/0703 sequence may be used to satisfy one of the elective requirements.

Requirements for the Minor in Psychology: To earn a minor in psychology students need to complete five psychology courses, including the following:

  • PSYC 0105
  • Two foundation/core courses from among PSYC 0201, PSYC 0202, PSYC 0203 (or PSYC 0204), PSYC 0205, PSYC 0216 (or PSYC 0225), PSYC 0224, PSYC 0226 (formerly PSYC 0301), and PSYC 0227 (formerly PSYC 0305)
  • Two electives (any fall, spring, or winter term PSYC courses; one of which can be PSYC 0350, PSYC 0500, or PSYC 0700).

Research Opportunities: There are options for students who are interested in conducting research in psychology. Students need permission from a faculty member prior to enrollment in these courses.  

  • Sophomores and Juniors may take Directed Research (PSYC 0350) or Advanced Research (PSYC 0500) under the supervision of a faculty member.
  • Seniors may choose to pursue Senior Research (PSYC 0700) or a Senior Thesis (PSYC 0701/0702/0703).  Senior Research and Senior Theses offer students the opportunity to further synthesize and integrate psychology theory and data by conducting research in collaboration with a faculty mentor.

Students cannot take more than one psychology independent research course (PSYC 0350, PSYC 0500, or PSYC 0700) per semester.

Departmental Honors in Psychology: Students who meet the department requirements may apply to the department to complete a senior honors thesis in psychology.  A thesis requires students to apply their skills and knowledge to the completion of a year-long empirical research project. Students intending to complete honors work are expected to submit a Thesis Intent Form by the stated deadline (early to mid-March) of their junior year. Therefore, students should consult with a faculty member before that deadline to actively begin planning their research. The psychology thesis requires three semesters (including Winter Term) of independent research. During the fall term of their senior year, candidates will enroll in PSYC 0701. During the winter and spring terms, after meeting the special requirements listed in the course description and being accepted into honors candidacy, they will enroll in PSYC 0702 and PSYC 0703, respectively (adjustments to this schedule will be made for students entering in February). A minimum GPA of 3.5 in psychology department courses is required for admission to honors candidacy. 

Advanced Placement: Students can bypass PSYC 0105 and move directly to a higher-level course if they earned a Psychology AP Examination score of 4 or 5, or earned a score of 6 or 7 on the IB (International Baccalaureate) Higher Level psychology exam. Students who achieved a score of 4 or 5 on the Psychology AP Examination can also earn course credit for PSYC 105 (for Middlebury College’s policy on the use of AP credits, see: http://www.middlebury.edu/offices/academic/records/ap).

Students who wish to use an AP or IB score to bypass PSYC 105 must submit their Psychology AP or IB score to Middlebury prior to enrolling in a course with PSYC 105 as a pre-requisite. Psychology Department faculty will not provide waivers for courses with PSYC 105 as a pre-requisite based upon an AP or IB score that has not been submitted to the College.

Beginning with students matriculating in the Fall of 2016, the department will not grant course credit for the Statistics AP Examination towards the major, the minor, or as an equivalent for PSYC 0201 (Psychological Statistics).

Transfer Credits in Fulfillment of the Psychology Major and Minor:  Students may transfer no more than two psychology courses toward the major or minor while enrolled as a full time student at Middlebury. Students wishing to obtain approval to transfer more than two courses must petition the department in advance.

Major in Neuroscience: See the Neuroscience Program listing for a description of this major.

Major in Environmental Studies with a focus in Psychology:
See the Environmental Studies Program listing for a description of this major.

Education Studies Minor with a Psychology Major:
Up to two of the Psychology courses required for the Education Studies minor may also be counted towards the Psychology major.

PSYC 0105 Introduction to Psychology (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course will provide a general introduction to the field of psychology. The most central and important theories, concepts, findings, controversies, and applications in the following areas will be considered: biological bases of behavior, learning, perception, thinking, development, personality, psychological disorders, and social behavior. (Open to Juniors and Seniors by waiver only) 3 hrs lect./1 hr. disc. SOC (Fall 2021: J. Arndt, K. Cronise, C. Parker, R. Moeller, M. Kimble)

PSYC 0201 Psychological Statistics (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course will examine statistical methods used in the behavioral and biological sciences. Students will learn the logic underlying statistical analysis, focusing primarily on inferential techniques. They also will become familiar with the application and interpretation of statistics in psychological empirical research, including the use of computer software for conducting and interpreting statistical analyses. (PSYC 0105; open to psychology and neuroscience majors and undeclared majors, others by waiver. Not open to students who have taken MATH 0116 or ECON 0210) 3 hrs. lect./1.5 hr. lab DED (Fall 2021: M. Collaer, Z. Zhai)

PSYC 0202 Research Methods in Psychology (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course will provide students with an understanding of the research methodology used by psychologists. Students will learn to read psychological studies and other related research as informed consumers. Students will collect, analyze, and interpret data during lab assignments. They will also design an empirical study, review the related literature, and write a formal APA-style research proposal. (PSYC 0105 and PSYC 0201 or MATH 0116 or ECON 0210; not open to first-year students; open to psychology and neuroscience majors) 3 hrs. lect./1.5 hr. lab CW (Fall 2021), DED (Fall 2021: M. McCauley)

PSYC 0203 Social Psychology (Spring 2022)

Social psychology is the study of how social situations affect the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of individuals. This course will provide an overview of social psychological theory and research findings, as well as reviewing the ways in which these findings are applied to the study of issues such as aggression, close relationships, prejudice, and altruism. Students will also learn about the research methods that social psychologists use to test their theories. (PSYC 0105; open to seniors by waiver only) 3 hrs. lect. SOC

PSYC 0205 Emotions (Spring 2022)

Emotions inform thoughtful decisions, but also prompt knee-jerk reactions that make us appear irrational at times. They inspire and dissuade us at both conscious and unconscious levels. They evolved to trigger self-protective responses, but their dark side fuels self-destructive behaviors as well. In this course we will discuss what emotions are, where they come from, how individual emotions differ, and whether or not everyone experiences emotions the same way. We will also explore how appreciating the complexities of emotions might improve emotion regulation and interpersonal dynamics. Topics to be considered will include biological, socio-cultural, clinical, and cognitive theories of emotion. (PSYC 105, open to seniors by waiver only; not open to students who have taken PSYC/NSCI 0437) 3 hrs. lect. SOC

PSYC 0206 Brain Plasticity (Fall 2021)

Starting in early development and continuing throughout your lifespan, your experiences will restructure your brain and thereby change who you are! We will explore the foundations of brain plasticity through the investigation of brain development, memory and memory systems, and the neurobiology of memory. Our understanding of brain plasticity will be applied to better understand how plasticity can be harnessed to improve cognition and alleviate a variety of brain disorders. Our exploration will be informed by authors, and artists portrayals of memory, scientific literature, and clinical case studies. (PSYC 0105 or any BIOL course; open to psychology and neuroscience majors; others by waiver) 3 hrs. lect. SCI (M. Dash)
Cross-listed as: NSCI 0206

PSYC 0209 Religion and Science: Mindfulness and Modern Psychology (Spring 2022)

Mindfulness meditation is now widely embraced as a way to enhance personal wellbeing. To better understand this ancient practice, we will explore its traditional Buddhist background alongside its application and study in modern psychology and neuroscience. We will first study mindfulness in its historical context and examine how a traditionally religious practice was adapted for modern individualistic and therapeutic purposes. We will learn basic neural and psychological foundations of emotion, cognition, social behavior, and psychological disorders and raise theoretical and methodological issues in the scientific study of mindfulness. As an experiential component, students will also receive meditation training throughout the semester. (Open to psychology, religion, and neuroscience majors) 3 hrs. lect./1 hr. disc.

PSYC 0216 Adolescence (Fall 2021)

This course is designed to provide an overview of adolescent development, including the biological, cognitive, and social transitions of individuals during this period of life. Development also takes place in context, and we will pay particular attention to the role of family, peer group, school, work, and culture. Students will read research literature, as well as cases, in order to examine the central psychological issues of this developmental period, including identity, autonomy, intimacy, sexuality, and achievement. (PSYC 0105; open to seniors by waiver only) 3 hrs. lect./1 hr. disc. SOC (R. Moeller)

PSYC 0220 Cultural Psychology (Spring 2022)

Historically, much psychological research has focused on the United States and has aimed to interpret human psychological processes without reference to their cultural contexts. Cultural psychology, by contrast, holds that culture is essential for human psychology as we know it. The goal of this course is to understand that premise. Drawing on new research insights from around the globe, we will explore cross-cultural variations in psychological functioning from emotions, cognitions, and perceptions, to development, personality, and mental health. We will analyze where cultural variations come from, how the mind becomes enculturated, and the sense in which human nature is cultural. (PSYC 0105, seniors by waiver only) 3 hrs lecture CMP, SOC

PSYC 0224 Psychological Disorders (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

What makes an individual “abnormal”? Under what circumstances do mental health professionals classify emotions, thoughts, or behaviors as “disordered”? In this course, we will explore these questions with attention to their historical, theoretical, ethical, and diagnostic implications. We will investigate various classes of disorders, like anxiety, mood, and psychotic disorders, with a focus on their causes and treatments. Throughout, we will aim to appreciate the complexities and uncertainties surrounding diagnosis, and to recognize and challenge common assumptions about psychological disorders. In addition to lecture, the course will include discussions of current and controversial topics, and occasional demonstrations, analysis of clinical case material, and/or role plays. (PSYC 0105; open to seniors by waiver only) 3 hrs. lect./1 hr. disc. SOC (Fall 2021: M. Seehuus)

PSYC 0225 Child Development (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this course, we will examine the nature of developmental change from the prenatal period through middle childhood. Our critical examination of developmental processes will invite us to consider various theoretical perspectives (e.g., learning, cognitive, biological, contextual) across various domains of development (i.e., physical, social-emotional, and cognitive). We will address major themes in developmental psychology, such as the interrelatedness of development across domains, the contributions of nature and nurture, and the relative continuity versus discontinuity of developmental change. Throughout, we will practice applying developmental principles to practical settings, policy issues, and topics of current interest. (PSYC 0105; open to seniors by waiver only) 3 hrs. lect. SOC (Fall 2021) (Fall 2021: V. Thomas)

PSYC 0226 Brain and Behavior (Fall 2021)

Activity within our brains provides the basis for our thoughts and behavior. Brain activity and behavior are dynamic processes subject to temporary changes (e.g. emotional states, attention, sleep/wake cycles, and sensations) and lasting modifications (e.g. development, language, personality, memory, and therapeutic treatments). In this course, we will explore brain mechanisms that produce complex behaviors and examine the contributions of brain activity to psychological and neurodegenerative disorders. Depending on the semester, the lecture will be paired with either a lab or a discussion section. During the additional section, we will develop our understanding of brain structure, probe our own brain activity, and/or investigate how chemical changes alter animal behavior in predictable ways. (PSYC 0105; open to psychology majors; others by waiver. Not open to students required to take NSCI 0252) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab OR 3 hrs. lect./1 hr disc SCI (K. Cronise)

PSYC 0227 Cognitive Psychology (Spring 2022)

Questions about the nature of the mind, thinking, and knowledge have a long and rich history in the field of psychology. This course will examine the theoretical perspectives and empirically documented phenomena that inform our current understanding of cognition. Lectures, discussions, demonstrations, and experiments will form the basis for our explorations of cognition in this class. Topics to be considered include attention, perception, memory, knowledge, problem solving, and decision making. (PSYC 0105; PSYC 0201 and PSYC 0202 recommended; not open to first-year students; open to psychology and neuroscience majors; others by waiver. Not open to students who have taken PSYC 0305) 3 hrs. lect./1.5 hrs. lab. SCI
Cross-listed as: NSCI 0227

PSYC 0303 Sensation and Perception (Fall 2021)

Remarkably, using just five basic senses, our brains translate simple external stimuli (e.g. light and sound waves) into unique and vivid perceptual experiences enabling us to interact with our surrounding physical reality. Focusing primarily on the underlying mechanisms of vision and audition, we will explore how our brains construct detailed representations of our world. Throughout these explorations, we will identify perceptual limitations and investigate how mental processes such as attention and emotion affect our perceptions. We will review recent scientific articles and conduct experiments. (PSYC 0105 or any BIOL course; not open to first year students; open to psychology and neuroscience majors; others by waiver) 3 hrs. lect./1 hr. disc. SCI (M. Dash)
Cross-listed as: NSCI 0303

PSYC 0307 Human Sexuality (Fall 2021)

In this course we will discuss the biological, psychological, behavioral, and cultural aspects of human sexuality, starting with a review of anatomy, physiology and function. We will use current research findings to inform discussions of topics such as arousal and desire, relationships, sexual orientation, consent, pornography, and compulsive sexual behavior. We will look at how issues like contraception, sexuality, and sexually transmitted diseases have influenced and been influenced by their cultural context. (Two psychology courses; not open to first year students; open to Psychology and GSFS majors) 3 hrs. lect. (M. Seehuus)

PSYC 0309 Psychopharmacology (Fall 2021)

This course will examine ways in which drugs act on the brain to influence behavior. Students will learn the basics of brain function, will learn basic properties of drug action, and will learn how legal and illegal drugs, including drugs used to treat psychological disorders, alter the brain function and behavior of humans and experimental animals. (PSYC 0226 or PSYC 0301 or BIOL 0370 or NSCI 0252; not open to first-year students; open to psychology and neuroscience majors; others by waiver) 3 hrs. lect. SCI (M. Collaer)
Cross-listed as: NSCI 0309

PSYC 0312 Play Therapy: Theory and Practice (Fall 2021)

For well over fifty years, therapists have been using play to understand and relieve psychological distress in children. Does it work? If so, how and for whom? In this course we will critically examine the theoretical underpinnings of play therapy, weigh the research evidence supporting its effectiveness in treating a range of diagnoses, and explore issues at the intersection of theory and practice. Our work will be guided by theoretical and empirical texts, as well as videotaped and potentially mock or live play sessions that students will observe, conduct, and critique. (PSYC 0216 or PSYC 0224 or PSYC 0225; Open to Psychology majors only) 3 hrs. lect./1.5 hrs lab SOC (S. Gurland)

PSYC 0322 Forensic Psychology and Criminal Behavior (Spring 2022)

This course will provide students with an introduction to the field of forensic psychology through the in-depth study of criminal behavior.Topics will include developmental factors for criminality, risk assessment and dangerousness, psychopathy, criminal profiling (with a focus on perpetrators of serious crimes), extremism and terrorism, and victimology and treatment.The material will be considered from a range of theoretical perspectives. We will read books, chapters, articles, and direct source material, and watch a few films. The class will be a combination of lecture, discussion, and student presentations. Students will have opportunities to focus on areas of specific interest. Not open to students who have taken PSYC 1030.This course will count as a PSYC elective. SOC

PSYC 0350 Directed Research in Psychology (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Directed research provides opportunities for advanced students to become familiar with and participate in ongoing research projects under the direction of a faculty member. The student will first read background literature on the content area to be investigated and experimental methodologies to be used. Procedures involved in conducting psychological research will then be learned through firsthand experience. Potential activities include the design of research and the defining of conceptual variables and the gathering, analyzing, and interpretation of data. Finally, students will learn how to write technical articles in psychology by preparing a paper describing the project, using APA style. (Approval required; not open to first-year students) 3 hrs. lect. (Fall 2021: J. Arndt, M. Collaer, K. Cronise, M. Seehuus, S. Gurland, B. Hofer, M. Kimble, C. Parker, M. McCauley, M. Dash, C. Velez, V. Thomas, R. Moeller, A. DiBianca Fasoli, J. Sellers; Spring 2022: J. Arndt, V. Thomas, M. Collaer, K. Cronise, M. Seehuus, S. Gurland, B. Hofer, M. Kimble, A. DiBianca Fasoli, M. McCauley, M. Dash, C. Velez, R. Moeller, C. Parker, Z. Zhai)

PSYC 0413 Approaches to Clinical Psychology: Theory and Practice (Spring 2022)

What are the major theoretical orientations of clinical psychology, and how does each view the domains of thinking, behavior, free will, psychopathology, and treatment? In this discussion-based course, we will explore cognitive behavioral, psychodynamic, behaviorist, existential, and other approaches to clinical psychology. Each has its own emphasis; some focus on symptoms, while others teach emotional tolerance or address unconscious drives. Using philosophy, theory, evidence, and case examples, we will explore similarities and differences among the major orientations and consider their consequences for researchers, therapists, and society at large. (PSYC 0224 recommended; open to junior/senior psychology majors; others by waiver.) 3 hrs. sem.

PSYC 0414 Rhythms of the Brain (Spring 2022)

How do the ~86 billion neurons of the human brain coordinate their activity to produce complex cognition and behavior? In this course we will explore how rhythmic oscillations in neuronal activity may provide a unified mechanism that contributes to diverse brain functions including attention, learning and memory, motor coordination, sleep, respiration, and perhaps even consciousness itself. Through background lectures and class discussion of primary scientific literature, students will develop their understanding of the relationships between ongoing neuronal activity, cognition, and behavior. (PSYC 0226/0301 or PSYC 0303 or NSCI 0100 or NSCI 0252; open to junior/senior psychology and neuroscience majors; others by waiver) 3 hrs. sem. SCI
Cross-listed as: NSCI 0414

PSYC 0416 Environmental Decision Making (Fall 2021)

Most people report caring about the environment, yet few decide to actively work towards reduced environmental degradation. Why don’t, and when do, people decide to invest in environmental care? In this course we will examine how different aspects of communication and the situation (e.g., uncertainly, framing, discounting, risk, values, norms, etc.) influence environmental decision making. Using prominent decision-making theories, we will highlight; environmental justice, perceptions of the time horizon of risk, and successful efforts to communicate and optimize environmental decisions. (Any three psychology or environmental studies courses; open to junior and senior psychology, and environmental studies majors; open to others by waiver). 3 hrs. sem. (M. McCauley)

PSYC 0418 Psychobiology and Sex Differences: Exploration and Critique (Spring 2022)

Men and women differ reproductively, in hormonal patterns, in average height, and in muscle mass. Biology is accepted as influencing these differences. Do biological contributions stop at the neck? Or might biology also contribute to neural and behavioral development in human as well as nonhuman species? We will examine evidence both for and against relationships between psychobiological factors (such as hormones and chromosomes) and sex/gender differences in behavior and psychological states (such as play behavior, cognition, sexual orientation, stress, addiction, and psychological disorders). Further, we will consider potential perils of such investigations, and additionally, will explore relationships between social/experiential factors and sex/gender differences as these may provide alternative, sometimes stronger, explanations. (PSYC 0105 and PSYC 0201; Open to junior and senior neuroscience and psychology majors only, others by waiver) 3 hrs. sem.
Cross-listed as: NSCI 0418

PSYC 0423 Nature, Technology, and the Self (Fall 2021)

Modern humans are entangled in the intersection of three domains: the natural world, digital technology, and our psychological sense of “self.” How does each domain affect the other? Are these effects positive or negative? In this seminar we draw on recent research examining how nature, and social media/ internet usage impact us cognitively, neurologically, socially, and emotionally. Further, we explore how digital devices can inhibit or facilitate engagement with the natural world, combining critical inquiry with experiential methods such as digital detox, forest bathing, self-observation, nature apps, and citizen science. (Open to psychology majors only, others by waiver). 3 hrs sem SOC (V. Thomas)

PSYC 0439 Resilience (Spring 2022)

Adversity and challenge are part of the human condition. Why is it that some individuals struggle in the face of difficulty and others seem to rise to the occasion? What are the psychological factors that play a role in these very different outcomes? The goal of this course is to have students examine and present on self-chosen topics of interest that expand our understanding of resilience and interpersonal growth during adversity. An emphasis will be placed on providing an integrated model of resilience that includes biological, developmental, cultural, and social perspectives. (Open to Psychology and Neuroscience majors) 3 hrs. sem. SOC

PSYC 0500 Advanced Research (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

A program of research arranged to meet the needs of advanced students majoring in psychology. (Approval required)

PSYC 0700 Senior Research (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

A program of research arranged to meet the needs of advanced senior majors in psychology. (PSYC 0201 and PSYC 0202; Approval required)

PSYC 0701 Senior Thesis Proposal (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Students hoping to be considered as candidates for departmental honors must enroll in PSYC 0701 under the sponsorship of a department faculty member and submit a formal, written research proposal to the department by 5 p.m. on the Wednesday during the final week of fall classes in their senior year. If the proposal is approved, the student will enroll in PSYC 0702 during the winter term and PSYC 0703 during the spring term of their senior year. (Feb graduates should consult with their advisors about the appropriate semester in which to begin a thesis.) (PSYC 0201 and PSYC 0202; Approval required)

PSYC 0702 Senior Thesis Second Semester (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Students whose honors thesis proposal (PSYC 0701) has been approved will collect, analyze, and interpret their data. This is the second semester of the 3-semester senior thesis. (PSYC 0201, PSYC 0202, and PSYC 0701; Approval required)

PSYC 0703 Senior Thesis (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Senior Thesis*
This is the third and final semester of the senior thesis. Students will finish analyzing, and interpreting their data. This process culminates in a written thesis to be submitted by 4 p.m. on the Monday BEFORE the final week of spring classes, a presentation, and an oral defense. The decision about awarding departmental honors will be made after the student submits the thesis. (PSYC 0201, PSYC 0202, and PSYC 0702; Approval required)
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Department of Religion

Requirements for the major (11 courses): The Religion major allows students to concentrate in a variety of sub-fields within the larger field of the study of religion. These sub-fields can be based on traditions, geographical areas, or themes.

  • While the plausibility of concentrating in a given sub-field depends on the availability of expert faculty members therein, the department currently offers the following concentrations: traditions, such as Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism.; geographical areas, such as South Asia, East Asia, and the Americas; and themes, such as religion and politics, mysticism, ethics, and sacred texts. Students are encouraged to consult with faculty members to explore other options or combinations thereof.

     The major will consist of at least eleven courses, including no more than one winter term course, distributed as follows:

  • A primary concentration of five courses: a four course concentration in a specific sub-field plus a senior project or thesis, RELI 0700, RELI 0701, related to that sub-field. The courses must include a 0100 level course and a 0300 level seminar that focus in that concentration.
  • RELI 0400, Seminar on the Study of Religion
  • A distribution of five other courses elected by the student in close consultation with his/her adviser, subject to the following provisions:

(1) Majors must make sure that they have had exposure to a variety of different religious traditions (for example, Asian and Western) as well as a variety of methodological approaches to the study of religion (for example, historical, sociological, anthropological, or philosophical).

(2) Majors must take at least one 0300 seminar outside their primary sub-field of concentration within the religion department.

(3) In the absence of a suitable 0100 level course in a given concentration, Reli0100 (Introduction to Religion) will satisfy this requirement.

(4) In unusual circumstances, and with the prior approval of the instructor and the chair of the department, certain 0200 level courses can count as a 0300 level seminar for the purpose of satisfying major requirements.

Important note: Students should consult closely with faculty advisors to determine which courses in the department satisfy a given concentration. The chair of the department, in consultation with the student’s advisor, will determine how transfer credits and courses taken during study abroad will be applied toward departmental requirements.

Joint major: Please note: the chair of the department must approve each joint major proposal. For the Religion component of a joint major, a student will complete seven courses:

  • A primary concentration of four courses in one sub-field plus a senior project or thesis related to that sub-field as well as the other major. These courses will include a 0100-level course and a 0300-level seminar that focus in that concentration.
  • RELI 0400. Seminar on the Study of Religion
  • Two electives, chosen to ensure exposure to a variety of different religious traditions (for example, Asian and Western) as well as a variety of methodological approaches to the study of religion (for example, historical, sociological, anthropological or philosophical).

In addition, the student will complete a senior project or thesis, RELI 0700, RELI 0701, utilizing the expertise of both majors.

     Religion Minor: The Religion minor will consist of at least five courses, three of which will focus in a single concentration. One of the courses in the focus must be a seminar at the 0300-level or above.

    The Minor in Jewish Studies: Refer to Jewish Studies for description.

     The Minor in Hebrew: Refer to Hebrew for description.

      Departmental Honors
: Graduation with departmental honors requires at least a B+ in courses counted toward the major. Students who meet this threshold and receive an A- or A on their senior project will be awarded Honors. Students who meet the course grade threshold and write a thesis will be eligible for Honors if the thesis grade is at least a B+, and High Honors if the thesis grade is an A- or A. Highest Honors will be reserved for students who earn at least an A- in courses counted toward the major and an A on the thesis.   

RELI 0121 Buddhist Traditions in India (Fall 2021)

An introduction to the development of Indian Buddhist thought, practice, and institutions. The course will begin with an examination of the life of the Buddha and the formation of the early tradition. It will then explore developments from early Nikaya Buddhism, through the rise of the Mahayana, and culminating in Tantric Buddhism. Attention will be given throughout to parallel evolutions of doctrine, practice, and the path to Nirvana. 3 hrs. lect./disc. AAL, PHL, SOA (W. Waldron)

RELI 0130 The Global Christian Tradition (Fall 2021)

In this course we will study the historical development and current presence of Christianity in various regions of the world. Beginning with its origins in the Middle East, we will trace the growth and evolution of this complex tradition in the Mediterranean, Africa, western Europe, the Americas, and East Asia. Along the way, we will encounter important Christian thinkers, discover different schools of belief and practice, and focus on foundational theological themes, like the divinity of Christ, the function and authority of the church, Christian-Jewish relations, and religious perspectives on gender, race, politics, and modernity. 3 hrs. lect./disc. CMP, HIS, PHL (J. Davis)

RELI 0150 The Islamic Traditions (Fall 2021)

What is Islam? Is it a religion, a way of life, a civilization, or a political ideology? Was Muhammad a political leader, a warrior, or an ascetic? What is the Qur’an? How did it develop as a sacred text and how does it compare to the Bible? This course is designed to provide a platform for us to explore such questions by focusing on historical, social, and intellectual developments in the wide swath of land known as the Muslim world. Special attention will be given to early developments of the Islamic community as well as the later response of different Muslim communities to modernity. 3 hrs. lect./disc AAL, MDE, PHL (A. Anzali)

RELI 0170 American Religion (Fall 2021)

In this course we will explore religion in the Americas with a focus on the United States. Relying on a metaphor from linguistics, we will trace how an American religious “grammar” emerged from colonial contact zones and then assess how capitalism, denominationalism, and secularism shaped that grammar during the ensuing centuries. Extending the metaphor, we will seek to understand how different actors “spoke” American religion to shape society, make sense of the world, and harness natural and supernatural power. We will cover American variations on the traditions of Buddhism, indigenous religion, Christianity, African diasporic religion, folk spirituality, and Islam. 3 hrs lect, 1 hr. disc. AMR, HIS, NOR, PHL (J. Doran)

RELI 0180 An Introduction to Biblical Literature (Fall 2021)

This course is a general introduction to biblical history, literature, and interpretation. It is designed for students who seek a basic understanding of the Bible on its own or as a foundation for further study in religion, art, literature, film, and other disciplines. It aims to acquaint students with the major characters, narratives, poetry, and compositional features of biblical literature and how these writings became Jewish and Christian scriptures. The course will also explore various approaches to reading the Bible, both religious and secular. 3 hrs. lect./disc. LIT, PHL (S. Goldman)

RELI 0201 Religion and Violence (Spring 2022)

“Religion and violence” exists at the knotty intersection between politics, identity, and culture. A critical understanding of how and why religion has been employed to explain or justify violence is essential to becoming a responsible citizen of the world. In this course we will explore the complex relationship between religion, political economy, and violence from a global perspective. Our goal will be to deconstruct popular preconceptions of religion and violence, locate the variety of social structures that induce violence, and to develop a critical apparatus for understanding what is at stake when religion and violence intersect. 3 hrs. lect./1 hr. disc AMR, CMP, PHL, SOC

RELI 0207 Buddhism in the Modern World (Spring 2022)

In this course we will survey and analyze Buddhist traditions around the world, from the mid-19th century to the present. We will begin by examining traditional Buddhist cultures in Asia—their teachings, practices, and social and political organizations—and then analyze how they have variously responded to the challenges of colonialism, nationalism, science, individualism, and democracy. We will examine how these led to the assumptions underlying ‘Buddhist Modernism’ both in Asia and the West. Materials will include texts and films on traditional Buddhism, historical, social, and intellectual analyses of its transformations, as well as narratives of individuals’ lives. 3 hrs. lect. CMP, PHL

RELI 0228 Japanese Religions (Spring 2022)

We will begin our study of Japanese religions with the ancient mythology that forms the basis of Shinto (the way of the kami, or gods). We will then consider the introduction of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Daoism to Japan and examine how these traditions were accepted, absorbed, and adapted. We will also investigate Japanese reactions to Christianity in the 16th century and the appearance of "new" Japanese religions starting in the 19th century. Throughout, we will ask how and why Japanese have both adhered to tradition and been open to new religions. (Seniors by waiver) 3 hrs. lect./disc. AAL, CW, NOA, PHL
Cross-listed as: JAPN 0228

RELI 0229 Persecution and Revival of Religion in Modern China (Fall 2021)

In this study of the dramatic recent religious history of China, we will begin with "modern" critics and reformers at the end of the imperial era and then consider the communist suppression of religion and the "cult of Mao." Our focus, however, will be the remarkable revival of religion since Mao's death in 1976. We will investigate the activity itself-ranging from traditional practices to new religious movements to various forms of Christianity—and the complex cultural and political dynamics involved in this "return" to religion. 3 hrs. lect. AAL, NOA, PHL (E. Morrison)

RELI 0230 Christian Ethics (Fall 2021)

In this course we will encounter a range of moral perspectives that adherents to the Christian tradition may hold on issues such as human rights, social justice, politics, violence, sex, the environment, and the beginning and end of life. Through readings by contemporary Christian thinkers, we will explore the diversity within this religious tradition, as well as consider the impact that theological moral reasoning has on public discourse in the United States. In the process of studying Christian ethics, students also will develop skills in moral reasoning from the perspective of their own worldviews. 3 hrs lect. AMR, NOR, PHL (J. Davis)

RELI 0252 Islam in America (Spring 2022)

In this course we will briefly consider the historical origins of Islam, its development, and essential teachings. Then we will shift our focus to the trans-Atlantic slave trade and the earliest Muslims who set foot on American soil as slaves. We will then examine the fascinating role the African American community played in the spread of Islam during the twentieth century. Finally, we will examine issues of immigration, identity, gender, ethnicity, generational divide, discussing the constantly changing nature of how Islam is imagined in America both by the general public and Muslim Americans. (not open to students who have taken RELI 1032) 3 hrs. lect. AMR, HIS, NOR, PHL

RELI 0261 What is Jewish Thought? The Modern Era (Spring 2022)

What’s left of religion once reason is done with it? This is the question posed by the Enlightenment and confronted by the major Jewish thinkers we study in this course. Some become champions of Enlightenment reason; others later react against it. Is Judaism actually a rational religion after all-universal, but endowed with a particular identity by its practices and ceremonies (per Moses Mendelssohn)? Or is it unique because of its ethical monotheism (per Hermann Cohen)? Is it essentially a national identity (per Zionism)? As Jewish thinkers face challenges to received tradition, what exactly is the task of Jewish thought? 3 hrs. lect/disc EUR, PHL
Cross-listed as: JWST 0261

RELI 0271 Death in Latin America (Fall 2021)

The refrain of colonialism in the Americas was death. In its wake, encounters with dying and the dead shaped national cultures and popular religiosities across the hemisphere. In this course we will explore the diversity of rituals, stories, and devotions surrounding death in Latin America. Through a careful reading of Eduardo Galeano’s The Open Veins of Latin America, we will critically examine the geopolitical entity of Latin America in its historical context while learning how to write powerfully about its social and economic realities. We will cover death across secular and religious formations in Mexico, Haiti, Brazil, Guatemala, and the U.S.-Mexico borderlands. 3 hrs. lect/3 hrs. lab.*This course is part of the Public Humanities Labs Initiative administered by the Axinn Center for the Humanities.* AAL, AMR, CMP, CW, PHL, SOC (J. Doran)

RELI 0282 The New Testament in Narrative and Art: Considering the Aesthetics of the Christian Story (Spring 2022)

For two millennia, the figure of Jesus has captivated the imagination of spiritual seekers around the world. In this course we will explore literary and theological dimensions of the New Testament with special attention to the Gospel as stories, while considering works of art inspired by its themes and characters across time. Paintings, cinematography, and literary narratives from The Protevangelium of James and Maximus the Confessor, to Dostoevsky, Kazantzakis, Sholem Asch, Saramago, Flannery O'Connor, and Marilynne Robinson, will invite the question: how have word and image shaped the understanding of the sacred stories and Christian imagination? Through close readings of the New Testament and exegetical discussion combining systematic with narrative theology, we will analyze style and composition, situate the texts in their historical context, and explore various readers’ perspectives, ancient and modern. 3 hrs. lect./1 hr. disc. CMP, LIT, PHL
Cross-listed as: LITS 0282

RELI 0293 Ethics in Health Care (Spring 2022)

This course is an introduction to the principles, virtues, and other moral norms that guide decision-making in health care. We will focus on moral values accepted by Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, and humanistic traditions, and embedded in a liberal, pluralistic society. Popular films and numerous case studies will provide students an opportunity to develop skills in moral reasoning, in conversation with these intellectual traditions. The health care issues we will consider include expectations for patient-physician relationships, research on human subjects, euthanasia and assisted suicide, abortion, assisted reproduction, genetic information, and access to health care resources. 3 hrs. lect./disc. This course is part of the Public Humanities Labs Initiative administered by the Axinn Center for the Humanities.* AMR, NOR, PHL

RELI 0320 Seminar in Buddhist Philosophy: Yogacara Depth Psychology and Philosophy of Mind (Spring 2022)

In this seminar we will survey the basic ideas of Yogacara Buddhism (4-6th c. CE), one of two major schools of Indian Buddhism, in relation to cognitive science and philosophy of mind. We will examine these ideas historically, philosophically and comparatively. We focus on the Yogacara analyses of the largely unconscious ‘construction of reality’ and its systematic deconstruction through forms of analytic meditation. We will read primary and secondary texts on Indian Buddhism and texts espousing similar ideas in modern philosophy and the social and cognitive sciences. (one PHIL course or RELI 0120, RELI 0121, RELI 0122, or RELI 209) 3 hrs. sem. AAL, CMP, PHL
Cross-listed as: PHIL 0320

RELI 0332 The Ten Commandments (Fall 2021)

After a grounding in the narratives of Genesis and Exodus (and an examination of those books’ understanding of the Law) we will move on to study the two versions of the Commandments—one in Exodus and one in Deuteronomy. We will then proceed to the history of interpretation of the Commandments, both as a unit unto themselves and as part of the general system of biblical law. Special attention will be paid to the differences between Rabbinic Judaism's understanding of the Decalogue (as the commandments are also known) and the various Christian understandings of the Ten Commandments. We will also look at expressions of the Decalogue in Islamic scripture and tradition. (formerly RELI 0132) 3 hrs. lect. AAL, MDE, PHL (S. Goldman)

RELI 0350 Sufism: The Mystical Tradition of Islam (Spring 2022)

In this seminar, we will start our adventure in the Sufi world by focusing on the historical and religious contexts in which the mystical tradition of Islam developed during the early Islamic centuries. We will then turn to the so-called classical period focusing on the institutionalization of Sufism, major themes of the classical Sufi literature; fundamental teachings and practices of Sufis; and important figures like Rumi, Ibn Arabi, and Hafez. Finally, we will move to the modern period to discuss the ways in which the Sufi tradition has been re-interpreted, contested, or transformed throughout the Muslim world in response to the challenges of modernity. In all this, our main concern will be to develop an understanding of the mystical perspective that has influenced the outlook of much of the world's diverse Muslim population. Requires familiarity with the Islamic tradition. 3 hrs. sem. AAL, MDE, PHL

RELI 0375 Church and State (Spring 2022)

In this course we will consider the meaning and implications of the religion clauses of the First Amendment. We will begin with historical foundations in the thought of Roger Williams, William Penn, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison. We then will trace the history of interpretation through Supreme Court jurisprudence on issues like school vouchers, the Pledge of Allegiance, displays of the Ten Commandments, and pandemic restrictions on religious gatherings. Finally, we will consider broader questions regarding the appropriateness of religious expression in democratic participation, primarily through the work of philosophers like John Rawls and Michael Sandel. 3 hrs. sem. AMR, NOR, PHL, SOC

RELI 0388 The Book of Job and the Problem of Evil (Spring 2022)

Why do the innocent suffer? The Book of Job asked this question millennia ago, giving not an explicit answer, but at least a response. Framed by a prose tale on the patient Job, the book is mainly a debate in poetry between an impatient Job and his “friends” that has continued to our day, in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic thought, and in philosophy. We will study the debate on the meaning of Job in philosophy and religion through the works of Maimonides, Kant, Hume, Voltaire, William Blake, Jung, and others. Familiarity with Biblical studies or philosophy of religion is helpful, but not required. 3 hrs. sem.  PHL
Cross-listed as: JWST 0388

RELI 0393 Crossroads: Religion and Race in the Americas (Spring 2022)

White rock musicians have traced the origins of their musical style to the Delta blues, fixating on a myth that a young, Black musician sold his soul at a southern crossroads to learn to play the guitar. This myth portrays the success of rock as having supernatural origins, while obscuring how the recording industry appropriated and commodified the art of Black Americans. In this seminar we explore the polysemous image of the “crossroads” as an entrée into the intersecting fields of comparative religion, humanistic economics, and critical race. We will rely on works by authors such as Gloria Anzaldúa and Toni Morrison to interrogate these fields while comparing the histories of the U.S. and Brazil. 3 hrs. sem AAL, AMR, CMP, PHL

RELI 0395 Religion, Ecology and Justice (Fall 2021)

In this class we will consider the relationship between religion and ecology in some of the world’s great wisdom traditions, particularly Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity and Judaism. Our approach will be comparative and attentive to “big ideas” about human-nature relationships. How do religious traditions perpetuate ideas of the natural world that are sometimes positive and protective and sometimes apathetic or destructive? Exploring such topics as stewardship, sacred landscapes, and the interdependence of living beings, we will consider both past and present, including examining how religious identity has fueled and shaped religiously-based environmental justice activism today. CMP, PHL (R. Gould)
Cross-listed as: ENVS 0395 *

RELI 0400 Understanding Religion: Foundational Theories and Methods (Fall 2021)

In this seminar we will examine the genesis of the academic study of religion in the modern world by reading seminal texts of such founding thinkers as: Durkheim, Weber, James, Freud, Jung, and Eliade. We will analyze these and more recent theories and methods in the sociological, psychological, and comparative study of religion, discerning their assumptions and implications, strengths and weaknesses, and utilizing them in focused written assignments. We end with the study of text-critical methods, interpreting the Garden of Eden story from multiple perspectives. Open to juniors and seniors who have had two religion courses or by waiver. 3 hrs. sem. (A. Anzali)

RELI 0472 “The Religious Life”: Buddhist and Christian Monastic Traditions Compared (Fall 2021)

Both Buddhism and Christianity include traditions of monasticism, of men and women leaving home for “the religious life.” In this course, we will study and compare Buddhist and Christian monasticism from historical and religious perspectives. We will read primary sources, from the Life of St. Anthony and the Rule of St. Benedict to the verses attributed to the first Buddhist nuns and a Zen monastic code. We will examine monastic vocation, the integration of monasteries into society, and the adaptation of monasticism to different cultures. Throughout, we will highlight the role of gender. We will conclude with attention to contemporary manifestations of monastic culture. This course is equivalent to HIST 0472 and INTL 0472. 3 hr sem. CMP, HIS, PHL (E. Morrison)
Cross-listed as: HIST 0472

RELI 0500 Independent Research (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required)

RELI 0700 Senior Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required)

RELI 0701 Senior Research for Honors Candidates (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Approval required
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Department of Russian

 Major Requirements: Normally, majors must complete second-year Russian, RUSS 0122, RUSS 0151, four other courses, including at least one mainstream course in Russia, and a senior seminar. (HIST 0247 and HIST 0248 may be substituted for RUSS 0122.) Each student's program is planned individually with the department chair. Students planning careers in government, business, or law are advised to consider a major in the Russian and East European studies track of the International and Global Studies program. Russian majors also frequently combine their language study with a minor in economics, geography, history, or political science, or do a joint or double major with one of these subjects. Majors planning teaching careers should study a second language, preferably through at least the third-year level, and should consult members of the education studies faculty regarding certification.
     Departmental Honors: Majors with a B+ average in Russian courses and a B average overall are encouraged to prepare an honors thesis, the final copy of which is due April 20 of the year of graduation. Departmental honors are determined by a combination of thesis grade and grade point average in courses taken in the Russian Department, the Russian School and Middlebury's programs in Russia. Highest honors will be awarded for a GPA of 3.75 plus A on the thesis; high honors will be awarded for a GPA of 3.5 and A- or better on the thesis, and honors will be awarded for a GPA of 3.35 and a grade of B+ or better on the thesis.
The Russian department offers two minor programs: The Russian language minor (RULN) includes RUSS 0101, RUSS 0103, RUSS 0201, RUSS 0202, RUSS 0311 and RUSS 0312. The Russian literature and culture minor (RULC) includes any two of RUSS 0122, RUSS 0151, RUSS 0152, and three additional content courses in the Russian department (RUSS/FMMC0245, RUSS0217, RUSS0241, RUSS 0351, RUSS 0352, RUSS 0354, RUSS 0355, and RUSS/ENAM 0359, or other appropriate courses pending approval of the chair). A first-year seminar may, on occasion, be substituted for one of these courses.
     Junior Year in Russia: All majors and language minors are encouraged to study for a year in Russia. Middlebury's programs at Irkutsk State University, Russian State University for the Humanities in Moscow, and Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University are open to juniors who have completed 0300-level Russian. Students in Moscow may also enroll in courses at the Shchukin Theater Institute and the Higher School of Economics. Students are strongly encouraged to spend a summer in the Kathryn Wasserman Davis School of Russian on the Middlebury College campus before studying abroad in Russia. Students who have completed only 0200-level Russian must spend the fall semester at Yaroslavl. In their first semester, all students will take conversation, composition, and culture/civilization courses organized exclusively for our students; students who have completed third-year-level Russian will also take one mainstream course with Russian students, selected from the full university curriculum. In the second semester, students who have not yet taken a mainstream course will take one, and students who have already taken one will take two or more, in addition to the courses organized for Middlebury. Majors are expected to take at least one mainstream course while in Russia. Students unable to attend for a full year may study in Russia for one semester, preferably in the fall. The following courses are among those offered at our programs in Russia in recent years. While we cannot guarantee that each of these courses will be available on a regular basis, they are representative of the kinds of offerings students may expect:

In Irkutsk:
Russian Literature of the Nineteenth Century
Language of the Mass Media
Scientific Texts
History of Russia 1917-1970 Through Film
Siberian Culture and Ethnic Groups

In Moscow:
Russian Folklore
History of Economics
Nationalities and Contemporary Political Problems
The Language of Russian Business
Russian Civilization and Culture: Art, Architecture, and Music
Stage Speech (at the Shchukin Theater Institute)
Strategies against Corruption (at the Higher School of Economics)

In Yaroslavl:
History of Russia, Tenth - Seventeenth Centuries
Modern Russian History and Contemporary Politics
Readings in Russian Literature
Russian Prose Translation
Russian Civilization and Culture: Art, Architecture, and Music

RUSS 0101 Beginning Russian (Fall 2021)

This course is an approach to the language using four skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing). It provides a firm control of the sound system and the structure of Russian. Although much emphasis is put on the spoken colloquial language, reading, writing, and a conscious understanding of the fundamentals of grammar prepare a strong foundation for work in advanced courses or for reading in specialized fields. 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. drill. LNG (K. Moss, A. Portice)

RUSS 0103 Beginning Russian (Spring 2022)

This course is a continuation of the approach used in RUSS 0102, but with increased emphasis on reading. (RUSS 0102) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. drill. LNG

RUSS 0122 The Russian Mind (in English) (Spring 2022)

In this course we will study the dominant themes of Russia's past and their role in shaping the present-day Russian mind. Topics will include: Slavic mythology; Russian Orthodoxy; Russian icons; the concept of autocracy; the legacy of Peter the Great and Catherine the Great; the Golden Age of Russian Literature (Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky); Russian composers, including the "Mighty Five"; Russian theater and ballet; the origins of Russian radicalism; the Russian Revolution; the legacy of Lenin and Stalin; and Russia from Khrushchev to Putin. 3 hrs. lect. AAL, HIS, LIT, NOA

RUSS 0151 Russian Literature's Golden Age: 1830-1880 (in English) (Fall 2021)

Duels, ghosts, utopias, murders, prostitution, and adultery- these are the raw materials Russian authors turned into some of the world's greatest literature. This course is an introduction to Russian literature of the 19th century, from the short stories of Pushkin and Gogol to the great novels of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy. The centrality of literature in Russian society and the interrelations among the authors and texts will be discussed. How do the authors combine reality, fantasy, and philosophy to make these works both uniquely Russian and universal? 3 hrs. lect. EUR, LIT (A. Portice)

RUSS 0201 Intermediate Russian (Fall 2021)

Systematic review of grammar and development of the spoken and written skills attained in Beginning Russian. (RUSS 0103 or equivalent) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. drill LNG (K. Moss, T. Smorodinska)

RUSS 0202 Intermediate Russian (Spring 2022)

Continuation of the approach used in RUSS 0201. Reading of contemporary Russian texts, conversation, and written assignments in Russian based on reading assignments. (RUSS 0201 or equivalent) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. drill LNG

RUSS 0311 Russian Culture and Civilization I (Fall 2021)

This course offers a bilingual approach to the study of Russian culture from its origins to the mid-nineteenth century. Works of literature, art, and music will be examined in their historical context. Particular emphasis will be devoted to the improvement of oral and written skills. (RUSS 0202 or equivalent) (formerly RUSS 0411) 3 hrs. lect EUR, LIT, LNG (T. Smorodinska)

RUSS 0312 Russian Culture and Civilization II (Spring 2022)

This course is a continuation of RUSS 0311 but may be taken independently with the approval of the instructor. It offers a bilingual approach to the study of Russian culture from the second half of the nineteenth century to the present. Works of literature, art, and music will be examined in their historical and political context. Particular attention will be devoted to the improvement of oral and written skills. (RUSS 0202 or by permission) 3 hrs. lect. EUR, LIT, LNG

RUSS 0410 Advanced Russian (in Russian) (Spring 2022)

Most of the course will focus on current events and developments in social, political, and cultural life in contemporary Russia. Readings will include a variety of authentic materials to further develop students’ ability to read, analyze and discuss complex issues and advance proficiency in reading, writing and oral comprehension. It is designed for students who have already spent a semester or more studying and living in Russia, or who have attained a high level of Russian language proficiency. 3 hrs. lect. EUR, LNG

RUSS 0500 Advanced Studies in Language and Literature (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Supervised individual study for highly qualified students. (Approval required)

RUSS 0700 Senior Independent Study (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval required) (Fall 2021: K. Moss, T. Portice, M. Walker; Spring 2022: T. Portice, M. Walker, T. Smorodinska)

RUSS 0704 Senior Seminar (in Russian) (Fall 2021)

This seminar topic changes every year. Recent seminar titles have included Research, Recast, Relay, The History of Russian Poetry, and Russian Drama. This course will provide students with the skills to identify and utilize Russian sources, provide professional quality written summaries and analyses, make oral presentations in Russian, and produce a substantial written assignment and project. (Senior Majors) 3 hrs. sem. (T. Smorodinska)
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Department of Sociology

Required for the Major: A minimum of 10 courses will constitute the major. All Sociology majors will complete SOCI 0105, SOCI 0301, SOCI 0305, and a 400-level seminar. In addition, majors will take six electives, with at least two at the 300-level. At least eight of these courses (and all of the core courses listed) must be fall and spring courses taught at Middlebury (e.g., not winter term courses or transfer credits).

Required for a Joint Major: A joint major consists of seven courses: SOCI 0105, SOCI 0301, SOCI 0305, a 400-level senior seminar in Sociology, and three electives. No more than one elective may be taken outside of the regular fall and spring semesters at Middlebury (e.g., as a winter term course or transfer credit). Any departures from this program must be approved by the department chair.

Required for a Minor: The minor consists of five courses: SOCI 0105 and four electives. All courses must be taken at Middlebury (e.g., no transfer credits or internships), with no more than one winter term course.

Optional Senior Project in Sociology: To be eligible for departmental honors, students must complete an independent research project of at least one semester. This typically consists of either a one-semester senior project (SOCI 0700, one credit, usually 25-40 pages) or a two-semester senior project (SOCI 0710, two credits, usually 60-100 pages). Students who wish to work on a project for more than one semester must present their progress for review by two professors who will decide whether the project qualifies for extended study. A one-semester project can be either in the fall or spring semesters; a two-semester project is usually in the fall and winter semesters or in the winter and spring semesters. Variation from these patterns is possible by permission from the department. Senior project requirements for joint majors and other special circumstances will be approved in consultation with both departments.

A SOCI 0700 project requires a project advisor. If the advisor thinks that the project may deserve an A- or A, a second reader must evaluate the project. A SOCI 0710 project requires a committee including the project advisor and a second reader from within the Sociology department. It may also include an optional, third reader from another part of the College or the local community. Upon completion of the SOCI 0710 project, there will be an oral defense.

Departmental Honors: Students who earn an A- or higher on a 0700 or 0710 project and average an A- or higher in all Sociology courses receive departmental honors.

Current majors and minors who declared under the present system would continue to operate under this system. They would, however, have the option of choosing to shift to the new set of requirements and degrees if their current situation allows for it. Once the new departments are formed, all future majors and minors would operate under the new sets of requirements.

Joint Major in Anthropology and Sociology: The joint major in Anthropology and Sociology consists of twelve classes. The core courses are ANTH 103, SOCI 105, SOCI 301 or ANTH 302 or ANTH 396, and SOC 305 or ANTH 306. Students must also take one 400-level SOCI course, one 400-level ANTH course, and six electives. A 700-level course in ANTH or SOCI can replace one of the 400-level courses.

SOAN Requirements (applies only to SOAN majors who declared prior to Fall 2019

Required for the Major in Sociology/Anthropology: A minimum of 10 courses will constitute the major; at least eight of these courses (and all the core courses listed in the tracks below) must be fall and spring courses taught at Middlebury (e.g., not winter term courses or transfer credits).  No more than two electives may be introductory 0100-level courses.

There are three tracks within the department a student may choose from:

Track 1: Sociology/Anthropology consists of SOAN 0103, SOAN 0105, SOAN 0301 or SOAN 0302, and SOAN 0305 or SOAN 0306. Students must also take a 0400-level seminar. In addition, each sociology/anthropology track major will take five electives in the department, of which at least one must be at the 0300-level. 

Track 2: Anthropology consists of SOAN 0103, either SOAN 0301 or 0302, SOAN 0306, a 300-level anthropology class, and a 0400-level anthropology seminar. In addition, anthropology track majors will take five electives, of which at least four must be anthropology, and of which at least one must be in archaeology or linguistic anthropology.

Track 3: Sociology consists of SOAN 0105, either SOAN 0301 or 0302, SOAN 0305, and a 0400-level sociology seminar. In addition, sociology track majors will take six electives, of which at least five must be sociology, and of which at least one must be a sociology course at the 300-level.

Joint Majors in Sociology/Anthropology
Joint majors can pursue a combined Sociology/Anthropology track, or they may specialize in the disciplines of Sociology or Anthropology. No more than one elective may be taken outside of the regular fall and spring semesters at Middlebury (e.g., as a winter term course or transfer credit). Any departures from this program must be approved by the department chair.

Joint track 1: Sociology/Anthropology
 consists of seven courses: SOAN 0103, SOAN 0105, SOAN 0301 or SOAN 0302, SOAN 0305 or SOAN 0306, a 400-level senior seminar, and two electives.

Joint track 2: Anthropology consists of seven courses: SOAN 0103, SOAN 0301 or SOAN 0302, SOAN 0306, a 400-level senior seminar in Anthropology, and three electives, of which at least two must be in Anthropology.

Joint track 3: Sociology consists of seven courses: SOAN 0105, SOAN 0301 or SOAN 0302, SOAN 0305, a 400-level senior seminar in Sociology, and three electives, of which at least two must be in Sociology.

Anthropology Minor: SOAN 0103 and four elective courses in SOAN, no more than one of which can be at the 0100-level and no more than one of which can be a sociology course. No courses may be taken outside of the regular fall and spring semesters at Middlebury (e.g., no winter term courses or transfer credits).

Sociology Minor: SOAN 0105 and four elective courses in SOAN, no more than one of which can be at the 0100-level and no more than one of which can be an anthropology course. No courses may be taken outside of the regular fall and spring semesters at Middlebury (e.g., no winter term courses or transfer credits).

Optional Senior Project in Sociology/Anthropology:  To be eligible for departmental honors, students must complete an independent research project of at least one semester. This typically consists of either a one-semester senior project (SOAN 0700, one credit, usually 25-40 pages) or a two-semester senior project (SOAN 0710, two credits, usually 60-100 pages).  Students who wish to work on a project for more than one semester must present their progress for review by two professors who will decide whether the project qualifies for extended study. A one-semester project can be either in the fall or spring semesters; a two-semester project is usually in the fall and winter semesters or in the winter and spring semesters. Variation from these patterns is possible by permission from the department. Senior project requirements for joint majors and other special circumstances will be approved in consultation with both departments.  

A SOAN 0700 project requires a project advisor. If the advisor thinks that the project may deserve an A- or A, a second reader must evaluate the project. A SOAN 0710 project requires a committee including the project advisor and a second reader from within the Sociology/Anthropology department.  It may also include an optional, third reader from another part of the College or the local community.  Upon completion of the SOAN 0710 project, there will be an oral defense. 

Departmental Honors: Students who earn an A- or higher on a 0700 or 0710 project and average an A- or higher in all Sociology/Anthropology courses receive departmental honors.

SOCI 0105 Society and the Individual (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course examines the ideas and enduring contributions of the giants of modern social theory, including Karl Marx, Max Weber, Emile Durkheim, and Sigmund Freud. Readings will include selections from original works, as well as contemporary essays. Key issues will include the nature of modernity, the direction of social change, and the role of human agency in constructing the "good society." This course serves as a general introduction to sociology. (formerly SOAN 0105) 3 hrs. lect. SOC (Fall 2021: M. Owens, M. Bhave)

SOCI 0191 Gender and the Body (Fall 2021)

What is your gender and how do you know? In order to answer this question, we need to consider how gender is known through biology, psychology, consumer capitalism, and our everyday embodiment. We will also look at how the meaning and performance of gender have changed over time from Classical Greece to Victorian England to the contemporary U.S. Throughout, we will consider how gender does not operate along, but is always entangled with, race, class, sexuality, nationality, and ability. (formerly SOAN 0191) 3 hrs. lect. CMP, SOC (L. Essig)
Cross-listed as: GSFS 0191 *

SOCI 0212 The Family in Contemporary Society (Spring 2022)

This course will investigate the social, economic, and political forces that have brought about changes in family life in the beginning of the 21st century. We will begin by looking at various attempts to define "the family," and we will then explore a range of topics, including the webs of family relationships (e.g., mothering, fathering, kin networks), labor and family intersections (e.g., mediating between work and family; the household division of labor), gay and lesbian family life, and domestic violence. Although the focus will be on contemporary United States, we will also examine some cross-cultural and historical material. 3 hrs. lect. AMR, CMP, NOR, SOC

SOCI 0218 Sociology of Sport (Spring 2022)

In this course we will explore sport-related issues and sport-society issues from a sociological perspective. Through lectures, films, class discussions, and student presentations we will examine the roles of sport within contemporary social systems, and ways in which sport reflects and enhances individual, collective, and national agendas and identities. We will also critically analyze various topics, including violence, cheating, and technology while focusing on “mega sporting events,” the media, and eSport. Additionally, by using sport as a lens to examine class, gender, and race we will illuminate the manners in which sport is entangled in socio-cultural, political, and economic forces. (formerly SOAN 0218) 3 hrs. lect. SOC

SOCI 0234 State and Society in Contemporary Israel (Spring 2022)

In this course we will examine Israeli society and politics in a period of rapid and profound transformation. We will begin with an introductory unit on Zionism, Palestinian nationalism, and the history of the state. Subsequent units will examine the social, cultural, and political characteristics of Israel’s main population sectors and religious groupings. The final units will examine ongoing political struggles, including struggles over the role of religion in public life; civil rights and democracy; and West Bank settlements and the Palestinian-Israeli peace process. Most readings assignments will be social scientific in nature but will also include journalism and literature. (formerly SOAN 0234) 3 hrs. lect. AAL, MDE, SOC
Cross-listed as: HEBM 0234 *

SOCI 0238 Visual Sociology (Spring 2022)

We live in a visual world. To understand society and culture, we must understand the images we produce and consume. This course provides a sociological lens to study how we use and are used by images. We will study key theories that frame how visual contents (such as photographs, films, and videos) are shared, viewed, and interpreted by various audiences. Using images as our starting point, we will analyze the messages and imagery in visual texts to extract their social meanings. We will engage three sides of visual sociology: images as cultural artifacts, picture making as data collection, and displaying research visually. (Sociology) (Juniors and Seniors by permission only) 3 hrs. lect. SOC

SOCI 0240 Inequality and the American Dream (Fall 2021)

In this course we will explore sociological attempts to explain who “gets ahead” in the contemporary United States. We will discuss two distinct issues that are often conflated in public discussions: economic inequality and social mobility. We will consider the conceptual and empirical associations between these measures, how each has changed over time, how the United States compares to other countries, and how different social environments (such as colleges, neighborhoods, and families) influence life chances within and across generations. We will also examine the challenges of producing research about these topics, focusing on both theoretical and methodological issues. (formerly SOAN 0240) 3 hrs. lect./disc. AMR, NOR, SOC (M. Lawrence)

SOCI 0261 Globalizing Gender (Fall 2021)

In this course we will explore gender and the process of gendering as a complex and evolving global phenomenon of the 21st century. The readings will focus on the politics and experience of gender and sexualities in various parts of the world, including India, Pakistan, Muslim minorities in South Asia, and among diasporic communities in Europe and the United States. Through lectures and small group discussions, we will critique and analyze themes including third gender, masculinity, changing practices of marriage, the politics of sexuality, and the impact of the women’s movement, and gay rights movement on existing understanding of gendered traditions. (National/Transnational Feminisms) (formerly SOAN 0261) 3 hrs. lect./disc. CMP, SOC (H. Gupta)
Cross-listed as: GSFS 0261 *

SOCI 0265 Genders and Sexualities in the US (Spring 2022)

In this course we will explore and examine how genders and sexualities are constructed and the implications that such constructions have on individuals and societies. We will examine the theories, concepts, practices, and beliefs about sex, gender, sexuality, and sexual identity and explore how these concepts are different between different groups and how they have changed over time, specifically using an intersectional lens. Students will be encouraged to discuss intricacies of their own sexual and gender identities and how these statuses may impact their social status and their relationships with others and the larger society. 3 hrs. lect. SOC
Cross-listed as: GSFS 0265

SOCI 0288 Deviance and Social Control (Fall 2021)

This course will introduce students to sociological perspectives on the nature, causes and control of deviant behavior and populations. We will consider, historically and theoretically, the construction of deviance, the social purpose it serves, and the societal response deviance engenders. We will pay special attention to the ways in which the deviant body is constructed and managed through a variety of frameworks – including medical, punitive and therapeutic - and reflect critically on the social and political ramifications of the categorizations “deviant” and “normal”. (formerly SOAN 0288) 3 hrs. lect./disc. AMR, NOR, SOC (R. Tiger)

SOCI 0301 The Logic of Sociological Inquiry (Spring 2022)

In this course students will be introduced to the basic tools of sociological research including problem formulation, strategies of design and data collection, and analysis and presentation of results. This class will help students formulate a research question and develop a research strategy to best explore that question. Those strategies may include interviews, structured observation, participant observation, content analysis, and surveys. This class, strongly recommended for juniors, will culminate in the submission of a senior project proposal. (SOAN 0105 or SOCI 0105) (formerly SOAN 03010) 3 hrs. lect./disc. CW, SOC

SOCI 0305 Social Theory (Fall 2021)

This course provides an overview of major lines of development in 20th century social theory relevant to the field of sociology, focusing on how various theorists have grappled with the basic issues that have dominated 20th century social thought. Particular attention will be given to the questions arising from the conceptual distinctions between structure and action, on the one hand, and identity and culture, on the other. How is social order possible? How autonomous are human agents? How do we explain the persistence of observed patterns of human interaction and social practice? How do we analyze relations between the world of everyday life and the large-scale development of social systems? How does social change take place? (formerly SOAN 0305) 3 hrs. lect. SOC (M. Owens)

SOCI 0313 White People (Fall 2021)

White people did not just appear out of nowhere. Instead, they are the result of a long history of structural and everyday racism that was always intertwined with class, sex, sexuality, and nation. We will explore how whiteness became a foundational category for citizenship in the US, especially after the Civil War when the Color Line was drawn through the legal, cultural, and spatial practices of Jim Crow. We will consider how "new immigrants" and even white "trash" became white primarily through the exclusion of Black Americans. Finally, we will look at the formation of whiteness today as a site of privilege, aggrieved entitlement, and violence. 3 hrs. sem. AMR, NOR, SOC (L. Essig)
Cross-listed as: GSFS 0313 *

SOCI 0338 The Long Civil Rights Movement (Spring 2022)

The Civil Rights Movement is one of the most significant political forces in American history, but too often we reduce it to its heyday in the 1950s and 60s. In this course we engage a much longer, more varied history of African American freedom struggles, from protests against segregated trains in the late 19th century to today’s #BlackLivesMatter. We use social movement theory to explore these cases, and use the cases to develop new theories of politics and social structure, paying close attention to the roles of organizations, resources, leadership, recruitment, commitment, values, ideology, culture, gender, and counter-movements. 3 hrs. lect. AMR, NOR, SOC

SOCI 0356 The Continuing Significance of Race in the United States (Fall 2021)

This course will introduce students to theories of race and racism in the United States, how racial categories are formed and maintained in a variety of social arenas, and how race and racism influence social systems. In order to demonstrate the prevalence of race and racism in the U.S., the course will be a “topics” course in that each week, we will explore a different topic (such as education, crime, gender) and examine how they are influenced by race and racism. In addition, the course will compare and contrast the experiences of different racial and ethnic groups in the United States and examine how these different experiences influences the way they are seen, how they see themselves, and how they interact with other groups. Upon completion of the course, students will have a better understanding of the historic and contemporary significance of race and how race influences our everyday interactions in multiple different social arenas. (formerly SOAN 0356) 3 hrs. lect. AMR, CMP, NOR, SOC (C. Han)

SOCI 0376 Politics of Identity (Fall 2021)

In this course we will introduce students to social diversity in the U.S. as it is reflected in four master identities: class, gender, race, and sexuality. We will examine what these identities mean for group membership, how group membership is attained or ascribed and maintained. Using both historical and contemporary materials, we will explore how identities have developed over time and how they have been challenged. In addition, we will examine how multiple identities intersect and the implications of these intersections have on individual identities. 3 hrs. lect./disc. AMR, NOR, SOC (C. Han)
Cross-listed as: GSFS 0376

SOCI 0385 Social Statistics (Fall 2021)

In this course we will learn the practical tools social sociologists and other scientists use to analyze data quantitatively. Topics will emphasize applications with statistical software and data from the General Social Survey and other datasets. We will explore methods to describe statistics about samples, apply the principles of probability to make predictions about populations, and estimate the significance of those predictions through inference and hypothesis testing. We will conclude with an introduction to linear regression. (Open only to majors or by Instructor Approval) (formerly SOAN 0385) 3 hrs. lect./disc. DED, SOC (M. Lawrence)

SOCI 0464 Documentary Sociology (Fall 2021)

In this course we will consider how documentaries can bring the “sociological imagination” to life by using video and audio to link individual troubles with social issues and personal biography with historical context. Through readings and viewings, we will spend the first third of the class discussing the potential of the short documentary form to illustrate sociological concepts. Students will develop a proposal for their own short video documentary that they will then work on throughout the semester. Students must be willing to spend significant time outside of class on their documentary and to provide constructive feedback on each other’s developing projects in class. No prior experience or coursework in video or audio production is required. (SOCI 0105; open to SOCI majors or by instructor approval) (formerly SOCI 0364). 3 hrs. sem. SOC (R. Tiger)

SOCI 0500 Advanced Individual Study (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Prior to registering for SOCI 0500, a student must enlist the support of a faculty advisor from the Department of Sociology. (Open to Majors only) (Approval Required)

SOCI 0700 One-Semester Senior Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Under the guidance of a faculty member, a student will carry out an independent, one-semester research project, often based on original data. The student must also participate in a senior seminar that begins the first week of fall semester and meets as necessary during the rest of the year. The final product must be presented in a written report of 25-40 pages, due the last day of classes.

SOCI 0710 Multi-Semester Senior Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Under the guidance of a faculty member, a senior will carry out an independent multi-semester research project, often based on original data. The student must also participate in a senior seminar that begins the first week of fall semester and meets as necessary during the rest of the year. The final product must be presented in a written report of 60-100 pages, due either at the end of the Winter Term or the Friday after spring break.
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Department of Sociology/Anthropology

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Spanish and Portuguese

Please see Luso Hispanic Studies for course listing.
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South Asian Studies Minor

Professor: Cynthia Packert; Ian Barrow (history); Sujata Moorti (gender, sexuality, and feminist studies); William Waldron (religion); Associate Professor: Yumna Siddiqi (English and American Studies); Other affiliated faculty: Febe Armanios (history), Jeffrey Lunstead (diplomat in residence, international and global studies); Ellen Oxfeld (sociology and anthropology)


This program offers a minor in South Asian Studies to students who complete the following requirements:

Students who plan to minor in South Asian Studies must take five courses on South Asia (as determined by the director of the South Asian Studies minor, in consultation with the South Asian Studies faculty), three of which must be taken at Middlebury.

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Program in Studio Art

Required for the Major (12 courses): ART 0157, or ART 0159, or another introductory level drawing course; HARC 0100 or HARC 0102 (or an approved substitute in the history of art practice); five studio art courses, three of which must be at the 0300 level or higher;* four additional courses in either studio art practice or any cross-disciplinary electives chosen in consultation with your advisors from the elective categories below; and ART 0700 is also required.
* The 0300 level classes integrate to give students well-rounded experience in major approaches to the practice of visual art. Classes in sculpture, photography, printmaking and painting focus on unique properties of each medium, yet highlight technical and expressive connections with each other and other areas of the curriculum (see elective categories). Instruction is highly individualized in order to help students develop their own artistic voice.
Joint Major Requirements (8 courses): ART 0157, or ART 0159, or another introductory level drawing course; HARC 0100 or HARC 0102 (or an approved substitute in the history of art-practice); four electives in studio art, three of which must be at the 0300 level or higher; one additional elective chosen in consultation with your advisors from the elective categories below; and ART 0700.      
Minors in Studio Art (6 courses)
: ART 0157, ART 0159, or another introductory level drawing course; HARC 0100 or HARC 0102 (or an approved substitute in the history of art practice); four studio art courses, three of which must be at the 0300 level or higher. Minors are eligible to apply to enroll in ART 0700.

Elective Categories for Studio Art Major:
History of Visual Art Practice:Any history course in the history of human visual culture.  For examples, please refer to the course descriptions of AMST 0225, FMMC 0267, HARC 0204, IGST 0420, and PHIL 0233.

Visual Imaging: Any course that seeks to understand and process knowledge through cognitive visual imaging.  For examples, please refer to the course descriptions of CSCI 0461, DANC 0361, GEOG 0325, GEOL 0211, and PHYS 0221.

Metaphorical Thinking: Any course that teaches how to process knowledge through mapping experience between two realms, linguistic or non-linguistic. For examples, please refer to the course descriptions of CRWR 0170, ENVS/DANC 0277, FMMC 0106, MATH 0121, PHYS 0101, PHYS 0201, THEA 0218, and SPAN 0320.

Creative Practice: Any creative practicum course. For examples, please refer to the course descriptions of DANC 0160, FMMC 0348, HARC 0330, and MUSC 0221.

Honors: Categories of honors are based upon cumulative departmental averages as follows: honors, 3.7; high honors, 3.8; highest honors, 3.9 or higher.
Teacher Training: Students interested in teacher training in art should consult with the chairs of the education studies program and the studio art program.    
Study Abroad
: Many students in Studio Art wish to pursue visual art-practice in depth during junior year away from Middlebury. The Program has long experience with many institutions abroad (as well in the U.S.) that offer excellent studio art programs. Students should consult with their advisors to develop a plan for which schools and programs of study are most suitable for their goals.

ART 0156 Drawing: Unlearning What You See (Fall 2021)

Drawing is an intuitive act of expression. It serves many purposes: observation, emotional reflection, and creating altered realities beyond the written word. In this course we will learn foundational drawing techniques utilizing different approaches and materials including dry and wet media and basic sculptural principles to understand volume depicting space and figures. We address composition, scale, contour delineation, and tonal values. Developing a personal style will be paramount. Topics relating to drawing in the context of history and issues around who gets represented and how will be discussed. Readings and short lectures will inform these discussions. No prior drawing experience is expected. (Not open to students who have taken ART 0157 or ART 0159) 6 hrs lct. ART (E. Puerta)
Cross-listed as: ART 0159 *

ART 0159 Studio Art I: Drawing (Fall 2021)

We will cover various approaches and experimentation with mark making and materials. Dry and wet media will be used as well as basic sculptural techniques to get a better understanding of the volumetric qualities of depicting space and figures. Students will learn how to render composition, scale, negative/positive space, contour lines, tonal values, line quality, and personal style. Class includes individual and group critiques, and when possible, field trips. Topics relating to representation such as who gets represented and how, will be discussed. Readings and short lectures will inform these discussions and there will be short writing assignments that will allow further exploration. No prior drawing experience is expected. 6 hrs. lect./lab ART (H. Klein)
Cross-listed as: ART 0156

ART 0174 Spacing (Fall 2021)

In this course we will investigate physical structures encountered daily. Buildings, parks, and infrastructure constitute this built environment, reflecting their societies. But what could abolitionist architecture look like, or how might public space in the U.S. create new social relations? Through lenses of race, class, and gender we will build critical vocabularies around the practice of making space. We will focus on the historical and contemporary embodiment of power, race, and culture of the U.S. through the built environment. This studio class will then present a series of projects addressing basic three-dimensional construction and model making techniques. We will engage historical and contemporary artworks, urban planning, architecture, and poetry from perspectives of resistance to dominant modes of constructing space. AMR, ART, SOC (M. Schrader)

ART 0195 CMD+Z: Infinite Possibilities of The Digital Studio (Fall 2021)

In this foundation design course, we will explore various aspects of design including 2D composition, color theory, image editing, and typography using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and HTML/CSS. Assignments will frame design within social practice by focusing on issues relevant to our campus community and the world today. Students will develop creative visual problem-solving and image-making skills that they can apply across many disciplines, learning to communicate and present their ideas effectively. Students will produce two substantial screen-based and print projects over the course of the semester. 6 hrs. lect./lab ART (P. Streblow)

ART 0303 Painting the Figure in Oil (Spring 2022)

In this course we will learn the how to paint images of human beings. The class will begin with an overview of artistic anatomy and resulting patterns of movement. This initial portion of the semester will focus on color theory and refreshing understanding foundations of describing form. Using this knowledge we will then paint in oil by directly observing the live model outdoors. Part of this class will focus on painting portrait images. Studio work will be accompanied by regular image-lectures of the pan-global history of depicting the human form. ART

ART 0315 Scratching the Surface (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this course we will explore studio instruction in traditional and contemporary methods of intaglio printmaking with a critical emphasis on different methods of working directly on the plate. The general term intaglio (from the Italian intagliare, which means to engrave, carve, or cut) covers a multitude of processes. The incised line in the plate holds the ink while the surface is wiped clean. Only the line prints when paper is placed on the plate and both are run through the etching press. The course is augmented by slide lectures to provide the students with a thorough background in the intaglio medium as well as other drawing based mediums. Depending on resources, students may have the opportunity to be a part of an intensive, collaborative print project to produce an edition of prints with a professional artist. (ART 0157, ART 0158, ART 0159 or by approval) 6 hrs. lect./lab ART (Fall 2021) (Fall 2021: H. Klein)

ART 0318 Silkscreen Printmaking (Spring 2022)

In this course students will explore the silkscreen medium with guided studio instruction. This will include paper stencil method, film stencil method, photographic stencil method, and multicolor printing. Concentration will be on drawing. Towards the end of the semester, students will learn to use basic computer-aided imagery. Students will explore the roll of silkscreen printing in contemporary art as well as its use in popular culture. Depending on resources, students may have the opportunity to be part of an intensive collaborative print project to produce an edition of prints with a professional artist. (ART 0157, ART 0158, ART 0159 or by approval) 6 hrs. lect./lab ART

ART 0348 Oil Painting Outdoors - Visually Interpreting The Landscape Around Us (Fall 2021)

In this outdoor lab we will create paintings directly from the fall landscape of Middlebury. Using oil paint we will learn how to set up a palette, deploy color theory in picture-making, and apply spatial principles in composing our paintings. Oil on canvas will be our gateway to understanding the natural world, our built environment, and transitory phenomena of weather and light. A portion of the class will address how to incorporate humans and animals into our images. Lecture and readings will address historical and philosophical ideas of landscape in culture. (one intro drawing course). 6 hrs. lect. ART (J. Butler)

ART 0371 Sculpture I (Fall 2021)

In this sculpture class we will foreground “process” in the creation of form. We will address a variety of traditional tool and material relationships as well as inventing new and unusual processes with unconventional materials and tools. Parallel to studio-based experimentation we will engage in a weekly practice of critique learning how to process the visual with language. The class will be organized around a series of existing artworks, texts and films that will serve as models to help guide our collective inquiry. (At least one 100 level drawing or digital studio course) 6 hrs. lect/lab ART (M. Schrader)

ART 0380 Photography Now (Fall 2021)

In this color digital photography course students will sharpen their points of view within the framework of a contemporary photographic practice. Students will learn how to shoot digitally, scan, develop lighting strategies, make large format prints and edit their images into a cohesive body of work. Readings and class discussions will be based on how the photographic image functions in our current culture. Students must have access to 15MP (or bigger) digital SLR camera with manual controls of focus, aperture, and shutter. 3 hrs. lect. ART (P. Streblow)

ART 0500 Special Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Supervised independent work with a special project proposed by a student or a collaboration between a student and a faculty member on a special project. Admission by permission of a faculty member. 3 hrs. lect.

ART 0700 Advanced Studio I (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course is designed for dedicated students who have taken full advantage of the many different modes of creation offered by the Program in Studio Art. Demonstrated visual literacy is essential before entering this course where you will begin developing an individual voice and practice as a young artist.
Designed to help develop a cohesive body of work with a personal point of view, this course provides the basic tools needed to express artistic intentions visually, verbally, and in writing. Weekly group critiques, class discussions about contemporary art theory/art criticism, and regular one-on-one studio visits with the Studio Art faculty and visiting artists provide a broader context for your artwork. This class culminates with a public exhibition curated and promoted by the class as a whole.
In addition, students are guided in the creation of a professional portfolio, including extensive documentation of the artwork produced and multiple versions of an artist statement, both suitable for submission to artist internships, residencies, or graduate schools.
Graduating seniors enrolled in ART 700 will curate, mount and promote a solo thesis exhibition. They will also create and submit a digital portfolio to be archived by the Program in Studio Art.
Interested students should contact the professor a minimum of one (1) week prior to online registration. Provide a transcript of all completed Studio Art courses, images of work created, and a brief, 1-2 page description of the media you intend to use and the subject matter you wish to further investigate. Students are expected to have completed two Studio Art classes in the medium they wish to explore before applying for ART 700. Approval required. 4 hrs sem./lab.
(E. Puerta)

ART 0701 Advanced Studio II (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Approval required. 4 hrs sem./lab (E. Puerta)

ART 0702 Advanced Studio III (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Approval required. 4 hrs sem./lab (E. Puerta)
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Program in Theatre

Students matriculating Fall 2017 or later must follow these requirements. Student who matriculated prior to Fall 2017 have the option to follow these requirements or the old requirements.

Requirements for the Major: Students must complete a combination of eleven courses (eight core courses and three additional courses -  see Senior Work requirements http://www.middlebury.edu/academics/thea/work, in consultation with the advisor, in preparation for Senior 700 work) and a Crew Requirement (defined below).

Core Courses for the double or full major:

An introductory course: ARDV 0116 The Creative Process or THEA 0101 Visual Creativity for the Stage

A design course: THEA 0111 Scenic Design I: Beginning, THEA 0113 Lighting Design I: Beginning, or THEA 0205 Costume Design I: Beginning (or THEA 0101 Visual Creativity for the Stage, for students whose introductory course is ARDV 0116)

THEA 0102 Acting I 

THEA 0208 Theatre History 

THEA 0214 Directing I: Beginning 

A THEA dramatic literature course

THEA 0406 Twentieth/Twenty-First Century Performance Aesthetics 

THEA 0700 Senior Independent Project

Joint Majors: Students must complete a combination of nine courses (seven core courses and two additional courses – see Senior Work requirements http://www.middlebury.edu/academics/thea/work)) and a Crew Requirement (defined below).     *Students wishing to undertake a joint major in ENAM and Theatre should be advised that senior work will normally consist of two full-credit classes, ENAM 0708 and THEA 0708.  We strongly recommend that these classes betaken in the same semester, with the understanding that a central goal of the joint major is the thorough integration of both aspects of the joint major. A single-credit, single-semester joint project remains an option for those who wish to pursue a joint thesis that does not include a practical component such as acting or directing.

Core Courses for the Joint Major:

  • An introductory course: ARDV 0116 The Creative Process or THEA 0101 Visual Creativity for the Stage
  • A design course: THEA 0111 Scenic Design I: Beginning, THEA 0113 Lighting Design I: Beginning, or THEA 0205 Costume Design I: Beginning (or THEA 0101 Visual Creativity for the Stage, for students whose introductory course is ARDV 0116)
  • THEA 0102 Acting I
  • THEA 0208 Theatre History
  • THEA 0406 Twentieth/Twenty-First Century Performance Aesthetics
  • THEA 0214 Directing I
  • THEA 0700 Senior Independent Project

Only one Production Studio in acting course may be counted in fulfillment of the joint major.

Senior Independent Project: Students may pursue independent senior projects in acting, directing, design (set, light, or costume), playwriting, literature, applied theatre, devised theatre or an intradisciplinary project (Single or Full major only)  All senior projects will include both experiential and analytical work. Intermediate Independent Projects (THEA 0500) are not required but may be proposed in all disciplines except acting. Please visit Senior work for a guide to Senior Work Course Requirements.

Crew Requirement (required for any theatre major or minor): This may be fulfilled by Assistant Directing, Stage Managing or Assistant Stage Managing (AD/SM/ASM)  a Faculty Show.  For those who have not AD/SM/ASM, the Crew Requirement  should be completed by the end of the 5th semester and will normally be satisfied by undertaking a running crew assignment (lights, sound, wardrobe) on a for-credit production. This requirement may also be fulfilled by completing THEA 0119 Fall Production Studio: Design or THEA 0129 Spring Production Studio: Design.

Theatre Minor: Students must complete a combination of six courses (four core courses and two Theatre electives) and a crew requirement.


  • ARDV 0116 The Creative Process or THEA 0101 Visual Creativity for the Stage
  • THEA 0102 Acting I
  • THEA 0208 Theatre History
  • THEA literature course

Theatre electives: only one Production Studio course may be counted as an elective.

Crew Requirement: (same as above)

Please note: These requirements apply to any student declaring a Theatre Minor starting fall 2014.

Honors: Honors, high honors, or highest honors are awarded to graduating seniors in the Theatre Program based upon their grade point average of 3.8 or better in theatre courses, and overall distinction in the department. Joint majors are only eligible for honors.

Old Requirements
Requirements for the Major: Students must complete a combination of twelve courses (eight core courses and four Theatre electives) and a Crew Requirement (defined below).

Core Courses

ARDV 0116 The Creative Process

THEA 0101 Visual Creativity for the Stage or THEA 0111 Scenic Design I: Beginning or THEA 0113 Lighting Design I: Beginning or THEA 0205 Costume Design I: Beginning 

THEA 0102 Acting I 

THEA 0208 Theatre History 

THEA 0214 Directing I: Beginning 

A THEA dramatic literature course

THEA 0406 Twentieth/Twenty-First Century Performance Aesthetics 

THEA 0700 Senior Independent Project

Joint Majors: Students must complete a combination of eight courses (six core courses and two Theatre electives) and a Crew Requirement (defined below). Joint majors who choose to do their Senior Independent Project in acting or directing may be required to complete an additional course.
     *Students wishing to undertake a joint major in ENAM and Theatre should be advised that senior work will normally consist of two full-credit classes, ENAM 0708 and THEA 0708.  We strongly recommend that these classes be taken in the same semester, with the understanding that a central goal of the joint major is the thorough integration of both aspects of the joint major. A single-credit, single-semester joint project remains an option for those who wish to pursue a joint thesis that does not include a practical component such as acting or directing.

Core Courses

  • ARDV 0116 The Creative Process
  • THEA 0101Visual Creativity for the Stage or THEA 0111 Scenic Design I: Beginning or THEA 0113 Lighting Design I: Beginning or THEA 0205 Costume Design I: Beginning
  • THEA 0102 Acting I
  • THEA 0208 Theatre History
  • THEA 0406 Twentieth/Twenty-First Century Performance Aesthetics
  • THEA 0700 Senior Independent Project

Only one Production Studio course may be counted in fulfillment of the joint major.

Senior Independent Project: Students may pursue independent senior projects in acting, directing, design (set, light, or costume), playwriting, literature, applied theatre, or by combining two or more of the above disciplines. All senior projects will include both experiential and analytical work. Intermediate Independent Projects (THEA 0500) are not required but may be proposed in all disciplines except acting. Please visit Senior work for a guide to Senior Work Course Requirements.

Crew Requirement: The Crew Requirement must be completed by the end of the 5th semester and will normally be satisfied by undertaking a running crew assignment (lights, sound, wardrobe) on a for-credit production. This requirement may also be fulfilled by stage managing or assistant directing a faculty show, or by completing THEA 0119 Fall Production Studio: Design or THEA 0129 Spring Production Studio: Design.

Theatre Minor: Students must complete a combination of six courses (four core courses and two Theatre electives) and a crew requirement.

Core Courses:

  • ARDV 0116 The Creative Process or THEA 0101 Visual Creativity for the Stage
  • THEA 0102 Acting I
  • THEA 0208 Theatre History
  • THEA literature course

Theatre electives: only one Production Studio course may be counted as an elective.

Crew Requirement: The Crew Requirement must be completed by the end of the 5th semester and will normally be satisfied by undertaking a running crew assignment (lights, sound, wardrobe) on a for-credit production. This requirement may also be fulfilled by stage managing a faculty show, or by completing THEA 0119 Fall Production Studio: Designer THEA 0129 Spring Production Studio: Design.

Please note: These requirements apply to any student declaring a Theatre Minor starting fall 2014.

ARDV 0116 The Creative Process (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In this course, students will have the opportunity to dig deeply into their own creativity and explore the processes by which ideas emerge and are given shape in the arts. The experiential nature of this course integrates cognition and action, mind and body. Students will engage a range of modes of discovering, knowing, and communicating, which are designed to push them beyond their present state of awareness and level of confidence in their creative power. Practical work will be closely accompanied by readings and journaling, culminating with the creation and performance of a short project. (First- and second-year students only; Not open to students who have taken FYSE 1364) 3 hrs. lect. ART (Fall 2021: K. Borni)

THEA 0101 Visual Creativity for Stage (Fall 2021)

Students will develop an understanding of color, line, form, shape, texture, and balance as they apply to historical and current theatrical literature. Projects in figure drawing, charcoal and chalk, watercolor painting, and model making are intended to stretch the student's research ability, artistic imagination, critical-analysis, and presentation skills. The class is designed for all students interested in the visual and the performing arts and serves as an introduction to set, costume, and light design. 25 hours of production lab work will be assigned in class. 3 hrs. lect. ART (M. Evancho)

THEA 0102 Acting I: Beginning Acting (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Rigorous physical and psychophysical exercises attempt to break through the cultural and psychological barriers that inhibit an open responsiveness to impulses, to the environment, and to others. Attempt is made to free personal response within improvised scenes and, eventually, within the narrative structure of a naturalistic scene. Attention is given to various theories of acting technique. Students are expected to audition for departmental shows. (First- and second-year students only) 3 hrs. lect./individual labs ART (Fall 2021: G. Boddie)

THEA 0111 Scenic Design I: Beginning (Fall 2021)

Exploration and development of basic set design skills for theatre and dance. Class projects will introduce the student to sketching, sculpting, script analysis, and presentation skills. The design projects will challenge the student's imagination and creativity through historical and current theatrical literature, the study of artistic movements in theatre, concept development, and research. In addition, students will work on productions in order to understand better how theory relates to practice. 25 hours of production lab work will be assigned in class. 3 hrs. lect. ART (M. Evancho)

THEA 0113 Lighting Design I: Beginning (Spring 2022)

This course examines historical and present lighting theories, theatrical artistic movements, and theatrical literature, leading to the planning and conceptual development of the lighting plot. Class projects will also introduce the student to sketching, painting, sculpture, script analysis, and presentation skills. In addition, students will work on productions in order to understand better how theory relates to practice. 25 hours of production lab work will be assigned in class/3 hrs. lect. ART

THEA 0119 Fall Production Studio: Design (Fall 2021)

In preparing a fully produced theatrical production for the stage, students will participate in and be exposed to professional production practices in all areas of theatrical design, including sets, costumes, props, lights, and sound. Students will be involved in planning, building, painting, constructing, and running and striking of shows. More advanced students may speak to the professors about taking on special projects, but those with little or no experience backstage are very much encouraged to participate. 8 hrs. lab ART (M. Evancho, M. Veikley)

THEA 0129 Spring Production Studio: Design (Spring 2022)

In preparing two fully produced theatrical productions for the stage, students will participate in and be exposed to professional production practices in all areas of theatrical design, including sets, costumes, props, lights, and sound. Students will be involved in planning, building, painting, constructing, and running and striking of shows. More advanced students may speak to the professors about taking on special projects, but those with little or no experience backstage are very much encouraged to participate. 8 hrs. lab ART

THEA 0202 Acting II: Voice for the Actor (Fall 2021)

Using the Linklater technique for the voice, students will study the physiological foundations of voice and alignment. By means of interrelated physical and vocal exercises, students will discover ways of changing patterns that restrict a full range of physical and vocal expressiveness. Students will study and present passages from Shakespeare to explore ways in which their new physical and vocal skills may be used to express a greater range of intellectual and emotional understanding. (THEA 0102 and ARDV 0116; Approval required) 4 hrs. lect. (A. Draper)

THEA 0205 Costume Design I: Beginning (Fall 2021)

In this introductory course we will explore the art and practice of costume design for theatre. Special emphasis will be placed on communicating ideas through the visual language. Students will develop their thinking through script analysis, creative impulse, concept development, historical research, figure drawing, fabrication, and presentation. Though we will explore the specific medium of clothing, students learn concepts that are applicable to fields beyond theatrical design by developing visual sensibility and conceiving ideas through three-dimensional space. No prior drawing experience is assumed or expected. 4 hrs. lect. ART (M. Veikley)

THEA 0208 Theatre History (Fall 2021)

Using the dramatic text as the primary focus, this course will chart the progression of theatre from its ritualistic origins to the advent of modern drama. This survey will include an overview of theatrical architecture, the evolution of design and acting styles, and the introduction of the director. Since theatre does not exist in a void, a consideration of the social, cultural, political, and scientific milieu of each era studied will be included in the course. 2 1/2 hrs. lect./discussion & 1 screening per week ART, CMP, EUR, HIS (C. Medeiros)

THEA 0210 Fall Production Studio: Acting (Fall 2021)

The cast works as part of a company interpreting, rehearsing, and performing a play. Those receiving credit can expect to rehearse four to six nights a week. Appropriate written work is required. Participation in the course is determined by auditions held the previous term. (Approval required) 3 hrs. lect. ART (C. Medeiros, O. Sanchez Saltveit)

THEA 0214 Directing I: Beginning (Spring 2022)

As a group, students will analyze one or two plays to discover the process involved in preparing a script for production. Attention will be given to production and design concepts, textual values, auditions, rehearsals, and the structuring of a performance in time and space. Students will also cast and direct one or more scenes to be worked on and performed in class. The practical work is combined with written analysis. (Approval required; ARDV 0116, THEA 0102) 4 hrs. lect.

THEA 0218 Playwriting I: Beginning (Spring 2022)

The purpose of the course is to gain a theoretical and practical understanding of writing for the stage. Students will read, watch, and analyze published plays, as well as work by their peers, but the focus throughout will remain on the writing and development of original work. (Formerly THEA/ENAM 0218) ART, CW
Cross-listed as: CRWR 0218

THEA 0220 Spring Production Studio: Acting (Spring 2022)

The cast works as part of a company, interpreting, rehearsing, and performing a play. Those receiving credit can expect to rehearse four to six nights a week. Appropriate written work is required. Participation in the course is determined by auditions held during the term prior to the performance. (Approval required) 3 hrs. lect. ART

THEA 0221 Scenic Design II: Advanced (Spring 2022)

This upper level course is designed for students interested in an extension of Scenic Design I. The design projects will challenge the student's imagination and creativity through historical and current theatrical literature, the study of artistic movements in theatre, concept development, and research. Students will work to develop their theoretical designs into fully realized productions - from theory into practice. (THEA 0111 or by approval from the instructor)

THEA 0246 Contemporary Native American Playwrights (Fall 2021)

In this course we will study plays and productions by contemporary Native American, First Nations, and Canadian Métis playwrights such as Mary Katherine Nagle, Larissa Fasthorse, Drew Hayden Taylor, and Monique Mojica. We will engage with scripts that reflect Indigenous resistance to settler colonialism, challenge harmful stereotypes, reclaim cultures, traditions, and languages, and celebrate survivance. Conversations with guest artists will enhance readings of critical theory and history that situate theatre as a tool for healing, transformation, sovereignty, and the future of Indigeneity. 3 hrs. lect. AMR, ART, LIT, NOR (O. Sanchez Saltveit)

THEA 0302 Acting III: Scene and Monologue Study (Spring 2022)

Designed primarily for majors who have had experience on stage or have otherwise demonstrated a serious interest in performance. The skills introduced in Acting I and Acting II are given intensive application to different kinds of dramatic texts, primarily realistic in nature. Attention will be given to expanding the performer's range of emotional and intellectual expressiveness. (Approval required) 4 hrs. lect.

THEA 0318 Playwriting II: Advanced (Fall 2021)

For students with experience writing short scripts or stories, this workshop will provide a support structure in which to write a full-length stage play. We will begin with extended free and guided writing exercises intended to help students write spontaneously and with commitment. Class discussions will explore scene construction, story structure, and the development of character arc. (ENAM 0170 or THEA/CRWR 0218 or FMMC/CRWR 0218; by approval) 2 1/2 hrs. lect./individual labs ART, CW (D. Yeaton)
Cross-listed as: CRWR 0318

THEA 0406 Twentieth/Twenty-first Century Performance Aesthetics (Fall 2021)

This course is an intensive exploration of the evolution of the theory and practice of theatrical experimentation in the 20th and 21st centuries. The Modernist movement irrevocably altered the artist’s relationship to the social, and political order. The ramifications of this change will be addressed throughout the course, with particular emphasis on Brecht, Artaud, and Grotowski. Students will write papers and give presentations on the work of such contemporary artists as Peter Brook, DV8, Robert Wilson, Ariane Mnouchkine, Complicite and Jerzy Grotowski. (Approval required; ARDV 0116 and THEA 0208) 3 hrs. lect./1 hr. disc. ART (A. Draper)

THEA 0500 Intermediate Independent Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In consultation with their advisors, theatre majors in design may propose a THEA 0500 Intermediate Independent Project. Preliminary proposal forms approved by the student's advisor will be submitted to the program by March 1st of the preceding academic year for those wanting credit in the fall or winter terms and by October 1st for those wanting credit in the spring term. Projects will conform to the guidelines that are available in the theatre office. Students are required to attend a weekly THEA 0500/0700 seminar.

THEA 0505 Intermediate Independent Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required) (C. Medeiros, A. Draper, M. Evancho, M. Veikley, D. Yeaton, M. Biancosino, O. Sanchez Saltveit)

THEA 0700 Senior Independent Project (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Senior work is required. In consultation with their advisors, theatre majors may propose a THEA 0700 Independent Project. Preliminary proposal forms approved by the student's advisor will be submitted to the program by March 1st of the preceding academic year for those wanting credit in the fall or winter terms and by October 1st for those wanting credit in the spring term. Projects will conform to the guidelines that are available in the theatre office. Students are required to attend a weekly THEA 0500/0700 seminar.

THEA 0708 Senior Work: Joint Majors in Theatre and English & American Literatures (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Approval required.
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Writing and Rhetoric Program

College Writing Requirement

Because Middlebury College values writing, all students are required to take two writing intensive courses. The first writing intensive course is the First Year Seminar, taught by faculty across the disciplines. The second writing intensive course is generally taken by the end of a student's sophomore year or as advised by their major area of study. This course is designated by a "CW."  

The second-level CW course features in-class discussion of writing and attention to revision. College writing courses are limited in size and faculty are asked to provide written responses to drafts and to meet individually with students to discuss their work. Peer review, or writing workshop, is also recommended for college writing courses.

Expectations for writing in the second-level CW course vary from department to department and class to class. Some classes require twenty pages of polished prose. Other courses might not think in terms of page numbers. Such courses include, but are not limited to, those that teach digital writing or writing with charts and graphs, or those that highlight short writing forms.

In CW classes instructors are encouraged to assign informal writing as well as formal writing. Informal writing, often known as "writing to learn," might be graded or ungraded and might include journals, field notes, informal responses to readings, online discussions, and in-class writing. Informal writing can build student confidence and generate class discussion as well as be developed into formal writing projects. 

Formal writing assignments are often graded, but other faculty prefer the effects of "ungrading" until the end of the semester. Either way, faculty are encouraged to provide ample qualitative feedback on formal work. Formal writing projects can include critical and/or creative writing. Genres for formal projects include: argumentative essays, research papers, critical narratives, literature reviews, case studies, op-eds, blogs, digital stories, videos, podcasts, short fiction or poems based on theory or research, etc.

In some departments, college writing classes are highly disciplinary and are only open to students majoring in the department or program. In other departments the CW class is open to students across the college, and course content may vary widely.

Faculty seeking approval of their CW class should contact Catharine Wright, Director of the Writing and Rhetoric Program. In addition, faculty may contact any member of the Writing and Rhetoric Program to discuss their goals for their CW class and to obtain feedback on writing assignments, syllabus design, the peer review process,  responding to student writing, and evaluating work.

Members of the Writing and Rhetoric Program are also available to visit classes to talk with you and your students about writing.

WRPR 0100 Writing and Power (Fall 2021)

Power: who has it, who doesn’t, and what does it have to do with your writing? This course both instructs students in how to access power in academic contexts and to critique power structures. We’ll learn how power connects to literacy, and how it's shaped through rhetorical contexts. Students will explore their own power as writers and thinkers while engaging in meaningful personal, reflective and argumentative writing. The professor will work with each student extensively on their writing process and development, and we'll create a writing community. This course bears elective credit but does not fulfill the college writing requirement. 3 hrs. lect/disc (G. Giaimo)

WRPR 0101 A Writing in Academic Contexts II (Spring 2022)

Students in this class will continue building upon their identities as writers and thinkers, while engaging a complex, interdisciplinary theme, within a diverse and supportive classroom community. Class activities and assignments will focus on building rhetorical awareness, analyzing texts from a variety of sources, and conducting library research. Students will explore their voices and perspectives in class discussion and throughout all phases of the writing process, including planning, peer review, and revision. Each student will meet frequently with the instructor, and will have opportunities for growth in oral communication as well. This course does not fulfill the college writing requirement. 3 hrs. lect./disc.

WRPR 0102 English Language in Global Context (Spring 2022)

In this course we will discuss and write about the dominance of English in the global landscape. Course readings and films offer an interdisciplinary approach to the topic. We will begin the course with a geographic and historical overview of World Englishes and then will examine the impact of English language dominance on individuals and societies, emphasizing themes such as migration, globalization, education, and identity. Throughout the course, we will explore the relevance of these issues to educators, linguists, and policy-makers around the world. CMP, SOC
Cross-listed as: EDST 0102

WRPR 0172 Writing Gender and Sexuality (Spring 2022)

In this course we will read, discuss, and write creative works that explore issues of gender and sexuality. Readings will include stories, poems, and essays by James Baldwin, Ana Castillo, Peggy Munson, Eli Claire, Alice Walker, Michelle Tea, Alison Bechdel, and others. The course will include writing workshops with peers and individual meetings with the instructor. Every student will revise a range of pieces across genres and produce a final portfolio. We will do some contemplative work and will engage with choreographer to explore movement in conversation with writing, gender, and sex. 3 hrs. lect. ART
Cross-listed as: GSFS 0172 *

WRPR 0203 Media, Sports, & Identity (Fall 2021)

In this course we will examine the relationship between media, sports, and the formulation of one’s identity. We will examine issues pertaining to gender identification, violence, and hero worship. Reading critical essays on the subject, studying media coverage of sporting events, and writing short analytical essays will enable us to determine key elements concerning how sports are contextualized in American culture. Student essays will form the basis of a more in-depth inquiry that each student will then present, using media, at the end of the course. (Not open to students who have taken WRPR 1002) AMR, CW, NOR, SOC (H. Vila)
Cross-listed as: AMST 0203

WRPR 0206 Narratives in News Media (Spring 2022)

In this course we will consider questions such as: What linguistic strategies do the news media use to craft compelling stories? What are the dominant narratives at play about national and global social issues, and how are some journalists working to counter those narratives? We will employ Critical Discourse Analysis as a central framework, reading theoretical and empirical work by linguists such as Teun van Dijk, as well as from sociologists and political scientists. We will engage with “On the Media” and other podcasts, TED talks, documentaries such as Outfoxed (2004), and online magazines. Students will write for a variety of audiences. 3 hrs. lect./disc. CW, SOC
Cross-listed as: LNGT 0206

WRPR 0210 Social Class and the Environment (Fall 2021)

In this course we will explore the consequence of growth, technological development, and the evolution of ecological sacrifice zones. Texts will serve as the theoretical framework for in-the-field investigations, classroom work, and real-world experience. The Struggle for Environmental Justice outlines resistance models; Shadow Cities provides lessons from the squatters movement; Ben Hewitt's The Town that Food Saved describes economy of scale solutions, and David Owen's The Conundrum challenges environmentalism. Texts will guide discussions, serve as lenses for in-the-field investigations, and the basis for writing. We will also travel to Hardwick and Putney, Vermont, to explore new economic-environmental models. (Not open to students who have taken ENVS/WRPR 1014) AMR, CW, NOR, SOC (H. Vila)
Cross-listed as: ENVS 0210

WRPR 0212 Issues and Methods in Tutoring Writing: A Practicum Course (Spring 2022)

This course will prepare students to work with writers from diverse backgrounds and disciplines and to develop their own writing practices and habits. We will learn about composition theory and writing pedagogy, tutoring strategies, and current topics in writing center studies, such as linguistic justice, anti-racism, wellness and care, and inclusion. After completing ethics training, we will conduct ethnographic research using the Middlebury Writing Center as our research site. Upon successful completion of the course, students will be invited to work as paid tutors in the Writing Center. In addition to Writing Center activities, students will complete a semester-long research project that positively impacts the Middlebury Writing Center. 3 hrs. lect. CW, SOC

WRPR 0288 Writing Race and Class (Fall 2021)

In this course we will take a literary and intersectional approach to topics of race and class. Readings include stories, essays, poems and videos by writers such as James Baldwin, Audre Lorde, Gloria Anzaldúa and Kelly Tsai. Students will respond to critical and creative writing prompts, conduct fieldwork, and design two writing projects of their own. The class format will include conversations with guest writers, writing workshops, contemplative activities, and individual conferences with the instructor. Students will preferably have prior experience in discussing issues of race and class, although introductory theories will be made available to provide frameworks for discussion. CW, LIT, SOC (C. Wright)
Cross-listed as: GSFS 0288

WRPR 0334 Writing and Experience: Exploring Self in Society (Spring 2022)

The reading and online writing for this course will focus on what it means to construct a sense of self in relation to the larger social world of family and friends, education, media, work, and community. Readings will include nonfiction and fiction works by authors such as Maya Angelou, James Baldwin, Andre Dubus, Tim O'Brien, Flannery O'Connor, Amy Tan, Tobias Wolff, and Alice Walker. Students will explore the craft of storytelling and the multiple ways in which one can employ the tools of fiction in crafting creative nonfiction and fiction narratives for a new online magazine on American popular culture. This magazine will have been created by students in Writing on Contemporary Issues. Narratives about self and society will therefore lean towards aspects of American popular culture. 3 hrs sem. AMR, CW, LIT, NOR, SOC

WRPR 0500 Special Project: Literature (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

(Approval Required)