
RUSS 6602

History of Animation

This course examines the history of Russian animation from 1912 to the beginning of the 21st century in the context of the development of Russian cinema. Students will watch and analyze various animated films, from the first works of Vladislav Starevich to the films of Andrei Khrzhanovsky, Iurii Norstein, and Aleksandr Petrov, who won an Oscar for his work. We will discuss various forms of animation, and we will analyze the work of artists and animation filmmakers in the context of changes in the production structure: the emergence and collapse of state film studios. There will be required film showings outside class meetings. Students will write one research paper.
Language School
Requirements Fulfilled:
Civ Cul & Soc

Sections in Summer 2008, LS 6 Week Session

Summer 2008, LS 6 Week Session

RUSS6602A-L08 Lecture (Aksenova)