
SPAN 6799

Teaching of Literature

In this course, students will address a number of the Latin American readings on the Advanced Placement Literature reading list, from both an analytical and a pedagogical perspective. Our chief goals will be to study existing critical interpretations of the readings, analyze the works meticulously ourselves, and explore various strategies for teaching these works to high school students. Participants in the course will develop and have, ready to be used with their own students, discussion questions, pre- and post-reading activities, and general ideas to make the readings comprehensible and accessible for high school age students. Students will also (and most importantly) gain an essential analytical understanding of each work treated in class. All materials developed throughout the course will be shared with the entire class. This course can be taken as credit for pedagogy or literature, depending on the student’s choice of final project. (1 unit)
This course is cross-listed with Literature

Required texts: 1) Antonio Sobejano-Morán, Introducción a la literatura latinoamericana (Newburyport, MA: Focus Publishing, 2005); 2) Albertina Saravia, Popol Vuh: Antiguas historias de los indios quichés de Guatemala, (México: Editorial Porrúa, 1975).
Spanish (& Portuguese UG)
Language School
Requirements Fulfilled:

Sections in Summer 2007, LS 6 Week Session

Summer 2007, LS 6 Week Session

SPAN6799A-L07 Lecture (Invernizzi)